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Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Diablo - 05-25-2011

The vast majority of women are NOT obvious golddiggers. A few, yes, but most women fall into that middle ground where money, or at least the potential for money at a future time, is a deciding factor in who they are attracted to.

I'm just curious to hear everyone's thoughts on this.

I know a guy who is in his 40's, definitely not a "cool" guy, but he has money. big house, a couple of $100k trucks, Lambo, Vette, etc., and he also owns a restaurant that employs hot young women.

There is no doubt in my mind that attractive women (even women in their 30's) wouldn't give this guy the time of day if he didn't have money and status. But he has a little harem of late teen-early 20's girls he "keeps". I don't know how much pu$$y he gets out of the deal, but I would assume that most of these chicks string him along and only dish it out in small doses.

On the other hand, a good friend of mine is in his early-mid 30's, decent looking guy, in shape, works in video production but has "family money". He also has a killer pad, big house on a lake with a pool, ski boat, game room, M3 and crotch rocket in the garage, you name it.

This guy could get pu$$y with or without his money. He has a hot g/f, but whenever they get into a fight he calls up a group of chicks and we all go out.

He doesn't "use" his money to pull chicks per se, but he DEFINITELY benefits from it.

So what are your thoughts on this?

As a man, part of your value has to do with your wealth and status.

If you had unlimited cash, like the kind of money that would never run out, would you play the role? To what extent would you use your wealth to attract women?

Keep in mind that part of the reason you have always lusted after that mansion and Ferrari is because your monkey brain KNOWS that those kinds of things make chicks pay attention.

How far would you go?

Also how much do you think wealth plays in a womans decision to pick a man?

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - sir_seducer - 05-25-2011

the only one difference between game of rich and poor guy is.. rich guy dont have to create attraction..his status symbol (money) is already a plus point for its up to him to take benefit or just get used by a girl.

the poor guy....he has to first make a girl fall in love with him in order to get into her pants.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Excelsior - 05-25-2011

You don't absolutely need it to get laid, especially as a younger guy with game.

But it is extremely useful. If you've got enough sense to avoid getting used and stay in decent shape, status symbols(European sports car, sick pad, "important" white collar job) can do work for you when it comes to attracting women. A guy with this money and those status symbols who has taken the "red pill", stayed in shape into his mid-late 30's, and has at least a basic understanding of game and female nature is tough to beat. These are the "Mr. Bigs" women on TV and in real life fantasize about.

I'd also say that the importance of money gets a bit more prominent as you age. Poor young guys aren't uncommon, but it seems to be tougher for a 40 year old guy to run game at that financial level.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Diablo - 05-25-2011

@sir_seducer: Agreed, The Richer guy has the advantage in that it would appear that he is the catch and the chicks have to fight for his attention.

@Athlone McGinnis: I agree 100% that you don't need money to get laid. However when you have it you can not only bang just the girls in your area but anywhere on the planet.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Diablo - 05-25-2011

First of all money is a tool to have fun. When you have money you automatically have social status. You have season tickets to all the sporting events. You drive a ferrari. You have a nice pad. All these things increase your social value which is one of the most important things in gaming woman. I'd even go far to say having money buys love. I have seen time and time again where girls leave a guy because ran out of money or because he didn't have that much to start off with. Money pays the bills, Love doesn't.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Mr.GM - 05-25-2011

Quote: (05-25-2011 06:27 AM)sir_seducer Wrote:  

the only one difference between game of rich and poor guy is.. rich guy dont have to create attraction..his status symbol (money) is already a plus point for its up to him to take benefit or just get used by a girl.

the poor guy....he has to first make a girl fall in love with him in order to get into her pants.

Sir_seducer nailed it.
The poor guy need to DHV using other stuff in his life where he is successful.He has to work harder.But if you want a girls just to bang and ditch after,a poor guy can definitely deceive the gold digger and bang her.Been there done that

Off course it gets complicated if you want a LTR.But LTR with a gold digger is a big mistake, even for the rich guy.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Excelsior - 05-25-2011

Quote: (05-25-2011 06:42 AM)Diablo Wrote:  

@Athlone McGinnis: I agree 100% that you don't need money to get laid. However when you have it you can not only bang just the girls in your area but anywhere on the planet.

Not disagreeing with you, just adding a counter argument for guys who'll come in and mention their poor musician friend who regularly bangs hotties in order to show that money doesn't matter at all.

Yes, you can get laid without it, but the value of a bankroll is impossible to rationally underestimate. It just makes life and game immeasurably easier by opening doors you may not have even known were there, and allowing you to work less while you're at it.

So to answer the question in the thread title: extremely important.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - thegmanifesto - 05-25-2011

Here is the deal:

If you want a long career in this Game, you need to have dough. Or at minimum, be a great actor that pretends to have the appearance of dough. (To do this, you are going to have a minimum of dough anyway and Oscar worthy acting abilities).

Take it from a former young zero dough mad girl swooper.

Sure, there are tons of guys out there that are broke and swoop fly girls.

The thing is, they don't last in this Game. Their careers are short like leprechauns.

In the end, those guys are a blip on the screen, insignificant, flash in the pans.

The guys with distance, always have CASH.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Screwston - 05-25-2011

You can get away with not having much money while you're young but you need to get your shit together as you get older if you plan on banging girls your age.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Vicious - 05-25-2011

G pretty much hit the nail on the head. Which is the same reason I'm amazed about how Roosh can sustain his lifestyle. I'd jump ship to Brazil, Bulgaria or SE Asia in a heartbeat if I knew it wouldn't ruin my finances (and I'm an educated, gainfully employed professional).

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Screwston - 05-25-2011

What about guys who have money but dress like regular guys and don't ever bring it up? Not everyone that has bread is trying to broadcast it.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Diablo - 05-25-2011

those guys also get lots of play but you have to project something about yourself.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - UrbanNerd - 05-25-2011

Quote: (05-25-2011 11:33 AM)houston Wrote:  

What about guys who have money but dress like regular guys and don't ever bring it up? Not everyone that has bread is trying to broadcast it.

Women will pick up on it anyway without you having to broadcast it. Mentioning travel (especially international) helps. A chick knows that a guy is doing pretty decent if he is visiting 2 or 3 places a year. She can add that up.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Luckystar - 05-25-2011

Quote: (05-25-2011 09:27 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

If you want a long career in this Game, you need to have dough. Or at minimum, be a great actor that pretends to have the appearance of dough. (To do this, you are going to have a minimum of dough anyway and Oscar worthy acting abilities).

Completely agree with this. Sell the dream or sell the illusion. Both work.

My game thrives on being a chameleon (not that I don't have some paper to throw around). My god given talent is acting. Realized this a little late in life, but have been reaping the rewards forever.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Mr.GM - 05-25-2011

Quote: (05-25-2011 10:51 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

G pretty much hit the nail on the head. Which is the same reason I'm amazed about how Roosh can sustain his lifestyle. I'd jump ship to Brazil, Bulgaria or SE Asia in a heartbeat if I knew it wouldn't ruin my finances (and I'm an educated, gainfully employed professional).

I find that its really hard to leave the corporate rat race life style and at the same time have enough dough to travel , go out , meet fly girls etc..But I'll try my best to make it ... can't take the 9-6 life style anymore...can't wait to hit the road...

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Kish - 05-25-2011

Quote: (05-25-2011 01:28 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (05-25-2011 11:33 AM)houston Wrote:  

What about guys who have money but dress like regular guys and don't ever bring it up? Not everyone that has bread is trying to broadcast it.

Women will pick up on it anyway without you having to broadcast it. Mentioning travel (especially international) helps. A chick knows that a guy is doing pretty decent if he is visiting 2 or 3 places a year. She can add that up.

Yup. And NEVER say you're in school or just graduated. Women translate that into "this guy is BROKE". And it doesn't matter if it' some profession like Law or Medicine that will pay down the line. These women want the money NOW.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Giovonny - 05-25-2011

Having money makes things easier. Being good looking makes things easier. Having Game makes things easier.

1 out of 3 is ok

2 out of 3 is better

3 out of 3 is best!

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - el mechanico - 05-25-2011

Quote: (05-25-2011 09:27 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Here is the deal:

If you want a long career in this Game, you need to have dough. Or at minimum, be a great actor that pretends to have the appearance of dough. (To do this, you are going to have a minimum of dough anyway and Oscar worthy acting abilities).

Take it from a former young zero dough mad girl swooper.

Sure, there are tons of guys out there that are broke and swoop fly girls.

The thing is, they don't last in this Game. Their careers are short like leprechauns.

In the end, those guys are a blip on the screen, insignificant, flash in the pans.

The guys with distance, always have CASH.
Great post here.
When you have cash it also boosts your confidence level and women can sense that.You don't even have to spend it on them and it still drops the panties.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Moma - 05-25-2011

G summed it up PRECISELY. Life is ABOUT MONEY.

I don't care how suave and smooth you are. Even if you are drop dead gorgeous with a donkey dick that scrapes the pavement when you walk,
if you are broke and live in your mum's basement and use your granny's penny farthing for transport, I bet you 100,000 to 1 that you will not do as well as an average looking cat with fat stacks of cake in the punani department.

All he has to do is to pull up for the date in a half decent bucket, and I don't care if you look like a hybrid of Johnny Depp and Tyson Beckford but your date will be ducking your ass to go on the date with Mr Ordinary. She may fantasise about you while Mr Ordinary is piping her down but he will get first spoils.

I read or heard this somewhere... good looks don't pay the bills. And at the end of the day, especially in this thirsty day and era, 7's, 8's and upwards..sheet even 5's and 4's with an 8 body (buttafaces) have scores of dudes hollaring so they aren't missing out if they don't go home with you for sex. Unless you have an uncanny ability to pique sexual interest from a woman within you.
Unless you are able to convey that sexual uniqueness that she cannot get from the tons of betas willing to pay for her drinks and food.

Now this doesn't mean that you don't have a shot if you are not a baller. However, as men, it is important for us to be realistic and not delusional.
Do you think Lebron James, Dwayne Wade or David Lee sit in their houses wracking their brains how to get top dimes in any city in America?
I bet you they don't. They could go on a date, spend 150 dollars (and yes, I'm being cheap) and bang any non celebrity 8 or 9...GUARANTEED.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Saladin - 05-25-2011

You need cash to travel and create great logistics.
Any centralized location is expensive, thus the need for money.
Girls will not want to take a cab 40 minutes to your place in the suburbs.

I don't need money to attract girls, but I do need it to travel and have great logistics to be able to bang them. Flight tickets don't come cheap and neither do apartment rentals in centralized locations.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Nacirema - 05-25-2011

A younger guy with charisma and no money still gets laid with hot girls who are infatuated with his style. But holding onto a long term relationship is something else.

A guy of any age with good money with no charisma, may get lucky and find himself in a relationship with a hot girl, but he's probably going to be whipped, getting played left and right, his girl is gonna be cheating on him and it's gonna suck.

Of course, leaving out the sorry souls who are broke and have no game (fix that shit), everyone here probably falls somewhere in the middle of that continuum.

We all know it's best to keep taking on challenges, stay sharply dressed, be going new places, keep making and expanding quality friendships, keep developing and expanding useful skills and knowledge (fighting, art, professional skills, cooking, language etc), keep getting with new women and learning from them, and stay in shape.

If a guy is doing these things, he will be very hard to touch. This is game, this is the shit that gets girls sprung on your dick.

These things can be very different for different men.

Dressing well for one guy might mean crazy punk rocker haircuts and leather jackets while dressing sharp for another guy might mean custom suits.

Art for one guy might mean playing the guitar, for another it might mean painting, for another it might mean dancing, for another singing and for another writing.

Going places for one guy might mean pulling girls while exploring his roots in Greece and going places for another guy might be pulling girls while improving his Spanish in Venezuela and going places for another guy might mean pulling girls while seizing financial opportunity China.

Everybody has different interests at different points in their life. The point is for a man to be the best version of himself.

Of course, having money can also fit in with all those other things to make a girl infatuated, if the guy has at least some of these other things going on with him. Money also facilitates a lot of those things like going new places, dressing sharp and developing skills. The thing that is important to remember is that money alone don't mean much to a man if he doesn't have a strong identity.

And once you have an upper level girl sprung on your dick, doing anything and everything to please you while hanging on your every word, having money will also make it much easier to keep things that way indefinitely.

So yea, it's great to be the cool young broke guy who is having flings with hot chicks that have rich boyfriends and having lots of mini relationships.

But ultimately, its best to just stay cool and make yourself the rich guy whose still fucking hot chicks and having lots of mini relationships, but also has a more comfortable lifestyle and an easier time at getting upper level chicks to stick around.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - OGNorCal707 - 05-25-2011

Quote: (05-25-2011 02:52 PM)Nacirema Wrote:  

A younger guy with charisma and no money still gets laid with hot girls who are infatuated with his style. But holding onto a long term relationship is something else.

A guy of any age with good money with no charisma, may get lucky and find himself in a relationship with a hot girl, but he's probably going to be whipped, getting played left and right, his girl is gonna be cheating on him and it's gonna suck.

Of course, leaving out the sorry souls who are broke and have no game (fix that shit), everyone here probably falls somewhere in the middle of that continuum.

We all know it's best to keep taking on challenges, stay sharply dressed, be going new places, keep making and expanding quality friendships, keep developing and expanding useful skills and knowledge (fighting, art, professional skills, cooking, language etc), keep getting with new women and learning from them, and stay in shape.

If a guy is doing these things, he will be very hard to touch. This is game, this is the shit that gets girls sprung on your dick.

These things can be very different for different men.

Dressing well for one guy might mean crazy punk rocker haircuts and leather jackets while dressing sharp for another guy might mean custom suits.

Art for one guy might mean playing the guitar, for another it might mean painting, for another it might mean dancing, for another singing and for another writing.

Going places for one guy might mean pulling girls while exploring his roots in Greece and going places for another guy might be pulling girls while improving his Spanish in Venezuela and going places for another guy might mean pulling girls while seizing financial opportunity China.

Everybody has different interests at different points in their life. The point is for a man to be the best version of himself.

Of course, having money can also fit in with all those other things to make a girl infatuated, if the guy has at least some of these other things going on with him. Money also facilitates a lot of those things like going new places, dressing sharp and developing skills. The thing that is important to remember is that money alone don't mean much to a man if he doesn't have a strong identity.

And once you have an upper level girl sprung on your dick, doing anything and everything to please you while hanging on your every word, having money will also make it much easier to keep things that way indefinitely.

So yea, it's great to be the cool young broke guy who is having flings with hot chicks that have rich boyfriends and having lots of mini relationships.

But ultimately, its best to just stay cool and make yourself the rich guy whose still fucking hot chicks and having lots of mini relationships, but also has a more comfortable lifestyle and an easier time at getting upper level chicks to stick around.

[Image: potd.gif]

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Diablo - 05-25-2011

@Moma: This is exactly what happened to me. I had a girlfriend living in a family house and she bolted the moment financial problems started to set in. She got a guy who has his own house and car that can take her to the top class clubs and bars. But she left a man that truly loved her for someone that possibly loves her also and has more money. She swore to me she would never leave me no matter what, swore i was the only guy, swore no one could top me in her eyes. It was all BS. Learned my lesson, it was a hard one.

The entire dynamic is different when you are wealthy.

While guys who believe they have great game have to make an effort to attract women, guys with money dont need to make as big an effort. Women will be more receptive from the word go if they know you are wealthy. Instead of you hunting them out, they hunt you out.

Making 200k a year is good but could never be considered wealthy.When you at that level you will probably have more options. Sit in the 1 million a year plus category and you are going to have a lot of options regardless of what you look like or how AFC you are. Be one of those guys making 5 million and more a year and you are going to have a harem of pornstars if you want it. Sex with various model quality women is going to be pretty much par for the course. If you dont marry them they will tolerate cheating. They cant top you.

Go to a third world country and see the way the women treat you. While they have not had the issues with feminism that western first world countries have had they do like you because of your status. They know a man who can travel is probably a lot more wealthy then the guy she is dating. Yes, there are other factors that appeal to them but that is the primary one. Your status. You end up having a lot of women chasing you. Maybe not 10's since they too have men in third world countries that have them but at least 6's and 7's that would suck your toes and let you **** them up the arse if you stick around a bit. Its a real eye opener.

Sorry, I have seen enough of it in my life. Money talks, bull**** walks. Money and fame are the two biggest aphrodisiacs there are. You have either of those and you are going to **** half the country.

I like so much that on this forum were are realistic and truthful in our post. In other forums people will say stupid stuff.
This is the prime reason men go to third world countries, to take advantage of their class system. We as foreigners are near the middle or top of the totem pole.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - Diablo - 05-25-2011

Could you imagine going to a place like Thailand or Russia with $5m.

Hell try impossible place like india. They are real conservative but you wouldn't leave that place without getting laid by a handful of broads.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money? - oldnemesis - 05-25-2011

Quote: (05-25-2011 06:34 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

I'd also say that the importance of money gets a bit more prominent as you age. Poor young guys aren't uncommon, but it seems to be tougher for a 40 year old guy to run game at that financial level.

It is funny to see that there is consensus at least in something.