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What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

A very serious question, with a very serious answer.

1 - Build a powered suit of armor.
2 - Fight my way to freedom.
3 - Privatize world peace.

[Image: tumblr_l1iotoYo541qbn8c7.jpg]

If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.

Data Sheet Minneapolis / Data Sheet St. Paul / Data Sheet Northern MN/BWCA / Data Sheet Duluth

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 12:16 PM)dreambig Wrote:  

Refusing food and water doesn't guarantee a quick death either as they could force feed you. However, it would certainly serve as a pain in the arse for your captors which is precisely what I'd want to be.

Actually, it would be a pain in the arse for you.
The Islamists are fond of retribution (as they perceive it) for what the US and its allies do. The orange jumpsuits are a tribute to Guantanamo, and the water boarding they now use is the same.
So, thanks to the "rectal hydration" of detainees by the CIA and others that was recently revealed, we can now expect western hostages and captured soldiers to be force fed with a tube up their butt.

Also, while there is a lot of bullshit in the Homeland tv series, there was one quote from Brody that hit the nail on the head. Brody is a former US soldier who was captured and turned into a Islamist operative after extreme torture...he later redeems himself.
So, Brody and this special forces operative cross into Iran on a mission and get caught. The guy wants to know what they are in for. The guy says to Brody, “you were tortured,tell me what to expect.”
Brody’s answer: “Expect to break.”

I know everyone thinks they are some tough guy. But it comes down to biology. You will break under torture or the threat of it.
And there are things much much worse than reading some bullshit and then getting a quick beheading. So really, all they have to do is fuck with you a bit, and then make it clear that you put on the orange jumpsuit or you get partially disemboweled and have animals eat your intestines while you watch and struggle or something like that.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

If I was captured by these black hood wearing Islamic extremists, I would assume I'm as good as dead, especially when they see that I'm an American and beheading an American or Israeli would be the ultimate prize for these guys.

Since I'm going to die anyway, I might as well just fight back any way that I can. If I'm lucky, they may shoot me and end it right there. That's better than being put in a cage and set on fire. Not only is that the most awful way imaginable to die, I don't want people's last memory of me being a charred, smoking corpse captured in painstaking HD detail.

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

I'd pretend to be Irish

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 12:54 PM)007 Wrote:  

I would tell the terrorists that I know Mikado.

Mikado, can we be friends now?

[Image: highfive.gif]

It won't work since they are at war against the WEST.

I represent a dangerous enemy to them: Muslim, but westernized, black, and red pill.
Therefore I am not of a great use for you.

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Impossible to tell until you are in this situation. With that said, I would rather die resisting than be taken capture. It would also be less painful for your family then for them to endure a drawn out hostage situation in which you die ultimately anyway.

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 01:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

If I was captured by these black hood wearing Islamic extremists, I would assume I'm as good as dead, especially when they see that I'm an American and beheading an American or Israeli would be the ultimate prize for these guys.

Since I'm going to die anyway, I might as well just fight back any way that I can. If I'm lucky, they may shoot me and end it right there. That's better than being put in a cage and set on fire. Not only is that the most awful way imaginable to die, I don't want people's last memory of me being a charred, smoking corpse captured in painstaking HD detail.

Being burned in the cage is no where close to the worst way to die. Sure, it was awful, but if you watch the video, he's on his feet and on fire for a minute or so...actually my guess is that about 30 seconds after the flames reached him he was no longer aware of his surroundings or able to feel pain. There are many ways that someone could make it worse - maybe slowly burn you to death by poking you all over with a red hot iron and also work on you with a knife, taking hours.
And resistance, outside of the movies, is only going to earn you a beating and possibly severe torture.
Honestly, what I would do is perfectly obey to hopefully get them to relax their vigilance. Wait for a possible escape opportunity. And if none appeared, I would do what they said and hope for a quick execution instead of prolonged torture.
Besides which, reading some statement on your execution video means nothing. Anyone with half a brain cell knows those statements are garbage and forced.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

I would try to escape in any way I can!!! I'm not going to let myself get decapitated by a bunch of hadjis all so that they can possibly recruit a few pissed off losers who live in Europe or in Anglo North America (Canada & USA).

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 01:57 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2015 01:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

If I was captured by these black hood wearing Islamic extremists, I would assume I'm as good as dead, especially when they see that I'm an American and beheading an American or Israeli would be the ultimate prize for these guys.

Since I'm going to die anyway, I might as well just fight back any way that I can. If I'm lucky, they may shoot me and end it right there. That's better than being put in a cage and set on fire. Not only is that the most awful way imaginable to die, I don't want people's last memory of me being a charred, smoking corpse captured in painstaking HD detail.

Being burned in the cage is no where close to the worst way to die. Sure, it was awful, but if you watch the video, he's suffering for a minute or so...actually my guess is that about 30 seconds after the flames reached him he was no longer aware of his surroundings or able to feel pain. There are many ways that someone could make it worse - maybe slowly burn you to death by poking you all over with a red hot iron and also work on you with a knife, taking hours.
And resistance, outside of the movies, is only going to earn you a beating and possibly severe torture.
Honestly, what I would do is perfectly obey to hopefully get them to relax their vigilance. Wait for a possible escape opportunity. And if none appeared, I would do what they said and hope for a quick execution instead of prolonged torture.
Besides which, reading some statement on your execution video means nothing. Anyone with half a brain cell knows those statements are garbage and forced.

10 years ago before all these televised beheadings, I'd have done like you would. Just complied.

Prior to 9/11, if someone hijacked a plane, everyone would sit quietly and do what the hijackers wanted. But now, if hijackers tried to take over a plane, everyone would fight back knowing what these guys are likely to do.

That's how I would feel about being captured by Islamists. Might as well go down fighting knowing what's going to happen to you. Especially since the US government's official policy is to not negotiate with terrorists.

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 02:21 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2015 01:57 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2015 01:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

If I was captured by these black hood wearing Islamic extremists, I would assume I'm as good as dead, especially when they see that I'm an American and beheading an American or Israeli would be the ultimate prize for these guys.

Since I'm going to die anyway, I might as well just fight back any way that I can. If I'm lucky, they may shoot me and end it right there. That's better than being put in a cage and set on fire. Not only is that the most awful way imaginable to die, I don't want people's last memory of me being a charred, smoking corpse captured in painstaking HD detail.

Being burned in the cage is no where close to the worst way to die. Sure, it was awful, but if you watch the video, he's suffering for a minute or so...actually my guess is that about 30 seconds after the flames reached him he was no longer aware of his surroundings or able to feel pain. There are many ways that someone could make it worse - maybe slowly burn you to death by poking you all over with a red hot iron and also work on you with a knife, taking hours.
And resistance, outside of the movies, is only going to earn you a beating and possibly severe torture.
Honestly, what I would do is perfectly obey to hopefully get them to relax their vigilance. Wait for a possible escape opportunity. And if none appeared, I would do what they said and hope for a quick execution instead of prolonged torture.
Besides which, reading some statement on your execution video means nothing. Anyone with half a brain cell knows those statements are garbage and forced.

10 years ago before all these televised beheadings, I'd have done like you would. Just complied.

Prior to 9/11, if someone hijacked a plane, everyone would sit quietly and do what the hijackers wanted. But now, if hijackers tried to take over a plane, everyone would fight back knowing what these guys are likely to do.

That's how I would feel about being captured by Islamists. Might as well go down fighting knowing what's going to happen to you. Especially since the US government's official policy is to not negotiate with terrorists.

I think it's very unrealistic to think you will have a chance to go down fighting when they capture you. Either you are a wounded soldier possibly unconscious or a surprised civilian, likely unarmed. You are likely to be suddenly knocked unconscious or surprised at gunpoint by a half dozen guys pointing AK 47s at you.
I know a war photographer who was kidnapped by Islamists. His fixer betrayed him and set him up. So, he is in a car a few miles outside a city, they come to a check point, and before he knows it, a bunch of men are pointing weapons at his head and yelling. He was restrained and beaten and held for almost 3 months. He eventually got released because he is not American, and his family is wealthy and paid a large ransom.
Also, I wasn't saying just comply. I was saying that once you are their prisoner, there is no sense in making your death any worse than it has to be. Sure, you can hope for an opportunity to escape, but your captors would have to be very stupid for that to be possible. Whatever dipshit that gets put in charge of watching over the western hostages surely faces death himself if anyone manages to escape.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 11:56 AM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Probably die.

I am not combat trained, and a church goer so if I were captured I would comply and die most likely.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 03:17 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2015 11:56 AM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Probably die.

I am not combat trained, and a church goer so if I were captured I would comply and die most likely.

So would most people if they were captured by ISIS, whether they were combat-trained or not. Only so much an unarmed man can do against a well-organized group of assholes with assault rifles.

We banished the only man that could prevail despite the odds. RIP Little Dark.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

If you are dealing with ISIS you are almost guaranteed fucked/going to die. With other groups your chances of survival or escape are higher but still not something you ever want to end up happening to you.

A great show that shows several people who have gotten kidnapped and survived or escaped is Locked Up Abroad. A great episode is Glen Heggstad's story where he was kidnapped by a rebel group in Colombia. I won't spoil what happens but it was smart.

As for myself, as mentioned above, during any kidnapped they will break you and I know I would break too... probably really easily. There are a bunch of different things you can do to improve your chances. Analyze your situation: can I escape? what if I go along with them? what if I don't? can I befriend one of the captors? can I obtain tools to aid in an escape? can I exploit a weakness in their security?

Just observing the captors you can potentially find weaknesses in their system. For example, perhaps you are being held by a group of about 50 guys and you observe that at 4AM at night all but 3 guys sleep. Obviously it's easier to slip by 3 guys than 50 so if you find a way to break free from your handcuffs or whatever then you leave at 4AM. So then your next step is to think about unlocking/breaking free yourself. So you spend your time figuring out possible ways to do that. It's like a puzzle and the prize is your life.

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

I'd try and sneak some internet access and look for a "Kidnapped by Terrorists Datasheet" on here.

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Probably be tortured to death.

The best tactic you can have in this situation would be to take preventative measures. Be as inconspicuous as possible / don't mark yourself as a potential target. If you were going somewhere where you thought this could be a possibility, then taking some kind of HEAT / SERE / urban survival course might be a good idea, or at the very least read a few books on the subject. There are things that you can carry on your person that may help you during the capture / transport phase, but once you get to the final destination you're pretty much fucked. A steel pen can be used as a weapon, and possibly to conceal items inside.

[Image: 20130814013526-tihk_attachment_collage3.jpg]

[Image: 670px-Undo-a-Cable-Tie%2F-Zip-Tie-Step-2.jpg]

[Image: IMG_5953.JPG]

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

If I believed that death was inevitable, but not immediate, I'd bide my time, acting beta and whipped, then try to kill one or more of my captors. I accept that I might be tortured to death as a result, but I'd do my best to take some with me. The best solution would be to somehow grab a gun, put some rounds into my captors, then be shot down, so I avoid torture.

It would be a shitty situation, and I hopefully will never be there, but I refuse to be passive in order to obtain an easier death.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 03:59 PM)username Wrote:  

As for myself, as mentioned above, during any kidnapped they will break you and I know I would break too... probably really easily. There are a bunch of different things you can do to improve your chances. Analyze your situation: can I escape? what if I go along with them? what if I don't? can I befriend one of the captors? can I obtain tools to aid in an escape? can I exploit a weakness in their security?

Just observing the captors you can potentially find weaknesses in their system. For example, perhaps you are being held by a group of about 50 guys and you observe that at 4AM at night all but 3 guys sleep. Obviously it's easier to slip by 3 guys than 50 so if you find a way to break free from your handcuffs or whatever then you leave at 4AM. So then your next step is to think about unlocking/breaking free yourself. So you spend your time figuring out possible ways to do that. It's like a puzzle and the prize is your life.

You might find this docu-drama fascinating. This prisoner painstakingly planned his escape from prison by probing the weaknesses. One of the best prison escape documentaries I've ever seen.


What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 01:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

If I was captured by these black hood wearing Islamic extremists, I would assume I'm as good as dead, especially when they see that I'm an American and beheading an American or Israeli would be the ultimate prize for these guys.

Since I'm going to die anyway, I might as well just fight back any way that I can. If I'm lucky, they may shoot me and end it right there. That's better than being put in a cage and set on fire. Not only is that the most awful way imaginable to die, I don't want people's last memory of me being a charred, smoking corpse captured in painstaking HD detail.

They would not capture or behead an Israeli.
ISIS and the Mossad are besties. Israel played a leading role in creating and encouraging ISIS. They want weakness and chaos in their enemy's lands.
Ever wonder why ISIS has done just about everything brutal they can come up with to various religions, ethnic groups, citizens of foreign countries, etc....but has yet to even try to hurt a single Jew or declare solidarity with Hamas or anything like that?

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 04:35 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2015 01:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

If I was captured by these black hood wearing Islamic extremists, I would assume I'm as good as dead, especially when they see that I'm an American and beheading an American or Israeli would be the ultimate prize for these guys.

Since I'm going to die anyway, I might as well just fight back any way that I can. If I'm lucky, they may shoot me and end it right there. That's better than being put in a cage and set on fire. Not only is that the most awful way imaginable to die, I don't want people's last memory of me being a charred, smoking corpse captured in painstaking HD detail.

They would not capture or behead an Israeli.
ISIS and the Mossad are besties. Israel played a leading role in creating and encouraging ISIS.
Ever wonder why ISIS has done just about everything brutal they can come up with to various religions, ethnic groups, citizens of foreign countries, etc....but has yet to even try to hurt a single Jew or declare solidarity with Hamas or anything like that?

[Image: XlZyKF2.gif]

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

The TV series "Locked Up Abroad" has a few episodes devoted to situations where tourists or missionaries were kidnapped by terror groups: Colombia, India, Pakistan, Chechnya, and the Philippines. They were very good. Getting kidnapped is no joke, and it takes real tenacity to survive.

If you watch those, you can see for yourself how people responded to the real world situation. This is one of my favorite TV shows ever, and you can find it on Netflix.

I know I keep carping on about this show. But I can't recommend it highly enough. I think the reasons why I like it are:

1. It shows the dark underbelly of travel: the drug mules, the idiots, the set-ups, the scams, all that.

2. The stories are good as redemption stories. They actually make you feel better. Seeing someone go through hell and come out alive and wiser somehow imparts a good feeling on the viewer. At least it does for me, anyway.

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

This is probably the ideal moment for maximum trolling, the internet generation has found their advantage.If you keep laughing and trolling, you'll psych them out because it's not the expected reaction. If they don't kill you it means you're worth a lot, if they do then you weren't worth much to begin with. When they offer food, eat it all and ask for seconds. Ask for poppy seeds/opium and some crack too. Don't worry about torture, in fact emphasize the pain awareness, you'll pass out from it sooner. Once in a while kick over a crate of grenades or charge with a mad flurry. The point is just to be a clown, a parasite and a psychopath. Feelings and expression are a two-way street. If you keep laughing, you can eventually convince your brain that you're happy. Treat this like a flight, you're a passenger they're the flight attendant. Taunt them like the Joker does to Batman.


What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Volando, you decrease quality of the information found here when you post uninformed commentary as truth. Yes they've killed Jews. Stay informed

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

This is something I have given some thought to. I was in a place where it was a real possibility. A couple of the projects I was on had kidnappings, one with fatalities. I had a running joke with the local staff that I wanted to be kidnapped by Shia, not Sunni, because with the Shia you might actually survive. I had some government training on the subject of hostage resilience (not the infamous SERE course, just classroom).

I did a thread on the subject when James Foley was beheaded:

The training said that it was important to establish rapport with your captors, talk to them, discuss your family and non-controversial things like food, not to argue with them about religion or politics. I'd try to use it as a language learning opportunity. What you want to do is reverse-Stockholm syndrome your captors.

Like QC, I am a fan of Locked Up (Banged Up) Abroad. I also sat through talks by James Stockdale and Richard Stratton, Vietnam POWs about resistance and its limits. Stockdale said everyone eventually breaks through torture; what they did in the camps was to rehabilitate their fellow prisoners at their low point and reorient them toward continued resistance.

For awhile I was carrying a Gerber folding knife, the type which can be opened with one hand, clipped to my trousers in the small of my back. My basic plan was to punch the first guy who touched me as hard as I could in the face and then run like hell. Plan B was to hope I would keep the knife because of a bad search and get it free if I was tied up. It's about as good odds as getting captured and hoping for the best. That knife gave me some psychological comfort when I went out. I still have it.

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 01:57 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

There are many ways that someone could make it worse - maybe slowly burn you to death by poking you all over with a red hot iron and also work on you with a knife, taking hours.


New thread idea: What would you do if kidnapped by Volando? [Image: biggrin.gif]

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 01:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

If I was captured by these black hood wearing Islamic extremists, I would assume I'm as good as dead, especially when they see that I'm an American and beheading an American or Israeli would be the ultimate prize for these guys.

Since I'm going to die anyway, I might as well just fight back any way that I can. If I'm lucky, they may shoot me and end it right there. That's better than being put in a cage and set on fire. Not only is that the most awful way imaginable to die, I don't want people's last memory of me being a charred, smoking corpse captured in painstaking HD detail.


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