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Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Less than a year ago this woman lost her son when her estranged husband murdered him and then committed suicide by cop.

Since then she has become the darling of the leftist/feminist media here. Just weeks after the death of her son she was dolling herself up for the TV cameras and giving interviews. In most of her appearances she has a huge smile on her face, she does not look like a woman who has just lost her only son. She has been given awards left right and center and just today she just got awarded "Australian of the year".

[Image: 5849342-3x4-340x453.jpg] Victorian of the year.

[Image: 247579-73c87c18-812c-11e4-b46f-9c83699de370.jpg] Pride of Australia Courage medal and loving the limelight. Does this look like a woman who has lost her only child just months ago?

[Image: r0_0_5856_4399_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg] My son is dead but I'm getting so much attention!

[Image: safe_image.php?d=AQAruaUix1Y6Pd2d&w=470&...700&sh=366] My dead son? This is about me me me!

Here's our girl getting emotional in front of the cameras and blaming the patriarchy.

[Image: 6045318-3x2-940x627.jpg] Minutes later that big smile is back again!

What's most disturbing is that Rosie Batty is clearly being used by behind the scenes activists to push an anti-male feminist agenda and funnel money into their organizations. It's just like the White Ribbon campaign. She's talking about how men need to change their attitudes and how people must call out "sexism" when they see it.

How about women don't destroy their marriages and drive their husbands so insane they are willing to kill and be killed? The murder itself was obviously triggered (to use a SJW term) by Rosie's decision to deny her ex husband access to their son. The murder, while abhorrent, can be understood in this context. She was using the law to deny him his son, so he used violence to thwart her. If he couldn't have his son, nobody would. In any case if the husband was mentally ill isn't he a victim too?

Of course no media gushing like this happened when a woman killed eight (count em) eight! of her kids in Queensland just a few months ago. No national soul-searching about the causes of female violence against children. The woman who killed her eight kids was given a pass by the media, she was just insane and it was a terrible tragedy. End of story. The five different men who fathered her children were not given the Rosie Batty treatment by our media.

But what exactly is Rosie Batty using her new celebrity to campaign for? Murder has always been illegal. Violence is already illegal. It's clear, she is being used by the feminist establishment as a poster girl to push their anti-male narrative of emasculating, humiliating and removing authority and power from men. Rosie Batty is receiving money and fame for being a professional "victim" when at the end of the day it is her child and her ex husband who are dead.

[Image: 306070-7f8a103a-a45d-11e4-a11e-9d15a37a8504.jpg]Social Justice warriors are exploiting the death of this boy to extort money from the Australian taxpayer.

It's very difficult to find a succinct article that simply covers all the facts in this case in the gigantic pile of emotional diarrhea this story has generated. This is the best I could find:

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

This article brings up an interesting point to me: this is one of the first times I heard of the father being responsible for the murder of the offspring. Whenever this kind of shit comes up in the news, it's usually the mother (as you mentioned with the woman who drowned her kids a few years back). And it doesn't come up much because this is probably the last thing we would ever do from a biological perspective.

From the article:


As she attempted to get on with the rest of her life, she began a dual existence of grief and glory. Fame found her at the most terrible time.

This is rather disturbing, but not all together surprising. I haven't seen a single picture of her where she looks like a victim of tragedy. Always smiling and in front of the camera. This event gave her a license for her narcissism.

I imagine the left in Australia (and soon to be Europe and America) will further exploit this opportunity to talk about "father murder culture" and how the patriarchy is responsible for dead kids.

Meanwhile, any time this pops up where the mother is the perpetrator, it will be broadcast on the local news once, and then promptly swept under the rug.

The times we live in. [Image: undecided.gif]

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

I've been getting progressively sick and tired of hearing about ,,Rosie Batty this, Rosie Batty that" etc etc in the media. I am also reminded of a line in the song ,,Your Generation" by the Sydney White Power rock band Southern Storm:

Quote:Southern Storm Wrote:

Shut your face, you feminist bitch

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Quote: (01-25-2015 08:06 AM)fokker Wrote:  

I've been getting progressively sick and tired of hearing about ,,Rosie Batty this, Rosie Batty that" etc etc in the media.

This thread is the first time I've ever heard of this Rosie Batty woman [Image: confused.gif]

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Quote: (01-25-2015 08:08 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2015 08:06 AM)fokker Wrote:  

I've been getting progressively sick and tired of hearing about ,,Rosie Batty this, Rosie Batty that" etc etc in the media.

This thread is the first time I've ever heard of this Rosie Batty woman [Image: confused.gif]

I've heard a lot about her from various TVs and radios I've (involuntarily) been exposed to.

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Also, it turns out that the top four Australian of the Year awards have been awarded to women:

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Quote: (01-25-2015 08:04 AM)ChrisPitts Wrote:  

This article brings up an interesting point to me: this is one of the first times I heard of the father being responsible for the murder of the offspring. Whenever this kind of shit comes up in the news, it's usually the mother (as you mentioned with the woman who drowned her kids a few years back). And it doesn't come up much because this is probably the last thing we would ever do from a biological perspective.

From the article:


As she attempted to get on with the rest of her life, she began a dual existence of grief and glory. Fame found her at the most terrible time.

This is rather disturbing, but not all together surprising. I haven't seen a single picture of her where she looks like a victim of tragedy. Always smiling and in front of the camera. This event gave her a license for her narcissism.

I imagine the left in Australia (and soon to be Europe and America) will further exploit this opportunity to talk about "father murder culture" and how the patriarchy is responsible for dead kids.

Meanwhile, any time this pops up where the mother is the perpetrator, it will be broadcast on the local news once, and then promptly swept under the rug.

The times we live in. [Image: undecided.gif]

One theme they are pushing is that it's societies fault for giving men the presumption of innocence in cases of domestic violence! The want accusations that come from a woman to be treated as gospel and the man promptly locked away on her slightest whim.

The other line of propaganda they have is that "sexist" attitudes are somehow responsible for men going on violent rampages. If this were the case surely domestic violence would've been much worse in the horribly sexist 1950s?

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

First time I've heard of this woman but I tend to ignore Australians of the year awards.

Take a look, gents. This is the best woman our country has to offer. Does it make any of you want to wife up an Aussie "lady"?

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

This is some serious 1984-level shit right here.

Woman destroys her family, abuses unjust laws, and then gets non-stop press for doing so.

I definitely think the husband was a little bitch, he should have killed his wife not the son.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

She says: "family violence does not discriminate"

Yes, good to start out with an egalitarian comment.

Then says: "At least one woman a week is killed".

It's difficult for feminists to hide their agenda. Forget the males who are victims of 'family violence', feminism is allowed to be selective. It's the standard manifestation of feminism, eg: feminists worrying about 'manspreading', while women in poor countries are getting raped and working for pennies.

Then the next typical feminist request, demanding tougher laws to protect the women. That would be the patriarchy who does that for them, but patriarchy OK when it's helping the feminist agenda.

Terrible, disgusting woman.

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Looks like they weren't lying after all when they told us America was the greatest country in the world. Probably not for much longer, though.

Blair Naso publishes on ROK every Thirsty Thursday. Send him mail, read his articles, and buy his literary anthology.

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

looks like she was wearing flip flops at the ceremony

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Quote: (01-25-2015 11:46 AM)Lizard King Wrote:  

She says: "family violence does not discriminate"

Yes, good to start out with an egalitarian comment.

Then says: "At least one woman a week is killed".

It's difficult for feminists to hide their agenda. Forget the males who are victims of 'family violence', feminism is allowed to be selective. It's the standard manifestation of feminism, eg: feminists worrying about 'manspreading', while women in poor countries are getting raped and working for pennies.

Then the next typical feminist request, demanding tougher laws to protect the women. That would be the patriarchy who does that for them, but patriarchy OK when it's helping the feminist agenda.

Terrible, disgusting woman.

In the U.S., Men are far more likely to be murder victims (76.8%).

But apparently we have a problem of ugly women dressing like sluts, walking through poor, minority neighborhoods and those people say "hello" to them.

So you know, first things first.

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Fuck this worthless bitch whoever she is.

As far as I'm concerned, these guys should be "Australians of the Year" EVERY SINGLE F'ING YEAR UNTIL IT'S ALL OVER:

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

ugh, Australia had it all... but then it downed the blue pill hard.
Poor Howard

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Quote: (01-25-2015 08:06 AM)fokker Wrote:  

I've been getting progressively sick and tired of hearing about ,,Rosie Batty this, Rosie Batty that" etc etc in the media.

First I've heard of her too. Mind you, the sort of media that she would've done the rounds on tend to be of the more populist, Right-leaning variety. She was splashed all over today's Herald Sun (which I avoid on principle).
She's barely rated a mention on the largely Left-leaning broadsheets (which tend to be a bit on the high-brow side).

It's interesting, on that note, how the media right wing in Australia has been a convenient vehicle for the feminist agenda. The former has a tradition for sticking up for the little man (in this case the little woman) in its wooing of the great unwashed. Child victims of crime -- especially at the hands of arsehole fathers -- really tug at the sentiments of the "broad church" as a result. Note the tabloid fascination with crime -- in keeping with Orwell's postulation that crime, sport and astrology are the staple digests of the proles -- playing on the generally conservative heartstrings that support toughness on crime.
From here, it's easy to see how feminism can subvert this into a father-blaming mentality. I think that Anglo culture, deep down, oozes white-knight-ism: such concepts as "the fairer sex" and "white ladies" are quaint medieval holdovers in a society that is Puritan at its core. Note that while codes of chivalry existed in Continental Europe and Asia, there isn't for the most part such a pedestalisation of women. Observe the photos: for all of Tony Abbott's supposed misogyny, he's all too happy to jump on the Rosie Battie bandwagon -- as with his endorsement of other fem causes such as White and Pink Ribbon Days.

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Just an awful story and circumstance all around. It's really easy to see the level of spin and social manipulation going on with stories like this.

Blair's take is here on ROK:

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Quote: (01-26-2015 01:20 AM)Black Knight Wrote:  

Just an awful story and circumstance all around. It's really easy to see the level of spin and social manipulation going on with stories like this.

Blair's take is here on ROK:
Great article, but I don't believe the father was mentally ill in the strict sense of the word.

Under great stress, perhaps. Which can appear very similar to mental illness.

As a loving and caring father, his world revolved around his son. I am guessing that he endured considerable mental anguish, because of this foul woman stopping him be in his son's life. He was pushed beyond the limit.

I am not excusing his agency in the murder of his son, but what he did is a consequence of female-biased family law, and one woman's cruel vendetta to retain power over a man who had left her life.

The father being frozen out, pushed too far, then going to terribly drastic measures to stop the continuous torment, is a theme I have seen many, many times in the news. I have been a non-resident parent myself, and can appreciate the anguish it can cause when the resident parent is an absolute bitch from hell.

edit: have read the article fully, and accept that it is likely the guy had some mental problems.

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Quote: (01-26-2015 02:44 AM)Lizard King Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2015 01:20 AM)Black Knight Wrote:  

Just an awful story and circumstance all around. It's really easy to see the level of spin and social manipulation going on with stories like this.

Blair's take is here on ROK:
Great article, but I don't believe the father was mentally ill in the strict sense of the word.

Under great stress, perhaps. Which can appear very similar to mental illness.

As a loving and caring father, his world revolved around his son. I am guessing that he endured considerable mental anguish, because of this foul woman stopping him be in his son's life. He was pushed beyond the limit.

I am not excusing his agency in the murder of his son, but what he did is a consequence of female-biased family law, and one woman's cruel vendetta to retain power over a man who had left her life.

The father being frozen out, pushed too far, then going to terribly drastic measures to stop the continuous torment, is a theme I have seen many, many times in the news. I have been a non-resident parent myself, and can appreciate the anguish it can cause when the resident parent is an absolute bitch from hell.

edit: have read the article fully, and accept that it is likely the guy had some mental problems.

No, no, no and no again. There is absolutely no circumstance where we can make excuses for a man who kills his offspring. Even in the world of unjust courts and entitled women who are legally allowed to take everything away from you, including your own children, we can never make the same excuses that woman are permitted to make.

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Quote: (01-26-2015 12:08 PM)Horus Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2015 02:44 AM)Lizard King Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2015 01:20 AM)Black Knight Wrote:  

Just an awful story and circumstance all around. It's really easy to see the level of spin and social manipulation going on with stories like this.

Blair's take is here on ROK:
Great article, but I don't believe the father was mentally ill in the strict sense of the word.

Under great stress, perhaps. Which can appear very similar to mental illness.

As a loving and caring father, his world revolved around his son. I am guessing that he endured considerable mental anguish, because of this foul woman stopping him be in his son's life. He was pushed beyond the limit.

I am not excusing his agency in the murder of his son, but what he did is a consequence of female-biased family law, and one woman's cruel vendetta to retain power over a man who had left her life.

The father being frozen out, pushed too far, then going to terribly drastic measures to stop the continuous torment, is a theme I have seen many, many times in the news. I have been a non-resident parent myself, and can appreciate the anguish it can cause when the resident parent is an absolute bitch from hell.

edit: have read the article fully, and accept that it is likely the guy had some mental problems.

No, no, no and no again. There is absolutely no circumstance where we can make excuses for a man who kills his offspring. Even in the world of unjust courts and entitled women who are legally allowed to take everything away from you, including your own children, we can never make the same excuses that woman are permitted to make.

Why permit women to make those excuses in the first place?

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

My first instict would be to say, that this farse of a woman and her image would go down in flames if just a few people would speak up when someone is talking about her or even when SHE is man-hating, I mean talking. Otherwise the spiral of silence* is in full effect.

But sadly most of us know about Anita Sareksian** and her 150 THOUSAND $ kickstarter campain, that almost 3 years later has not served "the goods". Now she talks about pseudo-harrasement and micro-agressions, she got just in the last year, 400K $ more.

So people discrediting her, apperently, does not stop this, outright. But this critique of CON-ARTISTS like this does not swade people that are on either side, but it does help "swing voters".

Just making sure the crowd, community, social cirle know that there ARE other oppinions is enought for those who still think, to motivate them to research for themselves.

*The spiral of silence - because most people are angry with X but say nothing, and one or two who favor X talk, everyone thinks the general consensus is that X is good, and thus they conform to the group. And they beging thinking or saying X is good to prove to the group that they belong.

**A woman who pretends to be harrased more because she is a woman, and not because she utters complete bullshit. People have proven that she or someone that favors her, have fabricated SOME of the harrasement. The % of the rest is unknown in origin : be it genuin or even more fabrication

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"


Sorry if it wasn't clear.

Yes, no excuse ever. This guy is not in the category I was referring to. The distinction I was trying to make was that even mild mannered people with no criminal tendencies have been pushed to do things like this. Not saying I would, ever, but it happens.

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

[Image: 266375_original.jpg]

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Australia has dark days ahead

Professional victim of the patriarchy awarded "Australian of the year"

Quote: (01-26-2015 11:55 PM)GeroMeroHero Wrote:  

Australia has dark days ahead

I'm reminded intensely of Orwell and duckspeak:


...Winston turned a little sideways in his chair to drink his mug of coffee. At the table on his left the man with the strident voice was still talking remorselessly away....He held some important post in the FICTION DEPARTMENT....It was just a noise, a quack-quack-quacking....Every word of it was pure orthodoxy, pure Ingsoc....Winston had a curious feeling that this was not a real human being but some kind of dummy. It was not the man's brain that was speaking, it was his larynx. The stuff that was coming out of him consisted of words, but it was not speech in the true sense: it was noise uttered in unconsciousness, like the quacking of a duck.

Syme had fallen silent for a moment, and with the handle of his spoon was tracing patterns in the puddle of stew. The voice from the other table quacked rapidly on, easily audible in spite of the surrounding din.

"There is a word in Newspeak" said Syme, "I don't know whether you know it: duckspeak, to quack like a duck. It is one of those interesting words that have two contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it is abuse: applied to someone you agree with, it is praise.

Quote: (02-26-2015 01:57 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  
They were given immense wealth, great authority, and strong clans at their backs.


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