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Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

What do u mean by social groups cliquish ?
By Latin countries is that only European Latin?

By good welcome, do u mean by men or women or both?

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

You'll be fine in Poland, Romania and Ukraine. Poland is more developed than the other two countries. More (young) people in Poland and Romania speak English than in Ukraine while Poland probably has more variety in terms of girls' look. In Romania most girls are brunette while in Poland you will see many blondes.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

To OP, I think you mentioned that you're fairly new to this forum. You'll find that there are countless threads all praising Ukraine, Poland, and other areas of Eastern Europe. I've yet to see one praising Spain as a poosy paradise. South America, tons of threads, especially for Columbia but not Spain.

My vote for anywhere in eastern Europe. THERE ARE SOME HOT ASS SWEET GIRLS THERE. fuck that culture Shit, education. Getting laid by dime pieces will fuck your whole reality up and will give you a new perspective.

As for Spain, no offense to the Spanish brothers here, but they conquered Mexico, Philippines, to name a few, and look how fucked up their economies are. Meanwhile many places that were taken over by UK, Japan are doing very well such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, south Korea, so I think that says something about the invading culture. In both Mexico and Philippines, white is considered more attractive, is that possibly due to Spanish influence? Just saying....

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-17-2015 06:15 PM)Dantes Wrote:  

I am not Asian. From my observation based on time spent in Europe:


Hey thanks for the answer, would you mind elaborating? Would love to hear more.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-18-2015 08:01 AM)monsquid Wrote:  

Avoid Spain. Recommend Germany in Berlin or other major cities.

I'm Asian myself and I have traveled extensively in Spain, and also Argentina and Uruguay.

I grew up in Central Asia and moved to US when I was younger to a DC suburb. Despite all the bad rap that DC gets it's a very multicultural and accepting place. After college graduation I went on a month long trip with my two best friends (white and Filipino) to Spain. Our main goal was to be there for Ibiza music season opening.

We visited Barcelona, Valencia, Ibiza, Madrid, Seville, and various other small towns. We hung out with hostel travelers and local yokels. Had a lot of fun but I also experienced straight up racism and discrimination. The "ching chong" thing was always prevalent, especially in the south as a previous poster mentioned and didn't really bother me. What happened at a club in Madrid took me for a shock.

There are some really shitty touristy clubs in Madrid but also some great ones where locals go. That's where we were headed after talking to local guys and expats. We loved good EDM as well as game, so when quality club with good music and local girls was recommended we were like "heck yeah!"

As we stepped up to the club there was a decent sized line with some nice looking girls in line. Seemed like a good mix of girls and guys and everyone looked good. Also didn't see any foreigners, especially USA/UK/AUS bros. (They're great fun but can be tiring as well). When it was my turn to present my id and get in the bouncer let my white buddy go ahead and then put his hand on my chest and pushed me back. I wasn't falling or anything but definitely a shove, not just a "stand back" signal. Then he called over another bouncer and started talking about me right in front of me. Calling me all kinds of names and saying stuff like "can't let this chino in" etc... Everyone who was waiting in line was gawking me and I felt like my dignity was stripped away from me. I started walking back to the train station when my buddy realized what was going on and he came back with me. At the hostel I sulked in my room and drank myself to sleep. Not a good plan but my mood was soured.

That was the worst experience, mostly I experienced staring, gawking, and people making fun of us. At a bull fight in Madrid bunch of older men called my Filipino friend a monkey and wanted to buy him alcohol. It was very childish ignorant harassment but it still hurt.

In clubs I actually had a lot of Spanish girls talking to me and taking pictures with me etc... but I felt more like a clown than someone they were romantically interested in.

I also had an asian friend studying in Barcelona while living with his fiancee of same culture. He said that when took dance class lessons with his girl when it came time to swap partners in class all the Spanish women refused to dance with him. But the Spanish men apparently had no problem dancing with his fiancee. lol. But yeah he did not like living in Barcelona.

Ibiza was better but the mega clubs are a complete ripoff. The DJ sets are amazing but the place is so crowded with annoying British teens on their "lose my virginity" trips it spoils it. The bars were more enjoyable and we made local connection with a cool Brit who gave us hookups and invited us to his apartment for parties. He was a good looking guy with money (mostly from his dad) but he said that he had never gotten laid from just club game in Ibiza and thought it was a waste of money even though his job was to sell tickets to these places.

On a related but different take I also had very similar experiences in Argentina and Uruguay. Not a friendly place for Asians. In the city in the cultured neighborhoods I felt comfortable as an Asian but generally you always feel like very much the outsider. In Argentina they are very proud to be European descendants and look down anything non white.

These trips were amazing but I just wanted to contextualize their culture and what it was like for me. I did not get a single notch in my Spain or South America trips. Ironically month after I came back to the US from my Spain trip and I went to NYC by myself when unexpected 3 day weekend came up. Stayed at a hostel and ended up sleeping with a Spanish girl working at the hostel. Just goes to show you.

Wow that was really informative man, thanks for sharing your story. Yeah I would hate to study in a place that is so ignorant. I get your point that those places are good, just not as an Asian with such a goal. It sucks being Asian haha, every racial group seems to like to stick together...but I don't like the average Asian girl...

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-18-2015 12:48 PM)The Reactionary Tree Wrote:  

Even though you are considering Europe, Latin America is a place to consider if you are Asian. Here is this Korean-American guy's experience in Colombia:

You have a major exotic factor down there. They dont get many Asians.

Hey I am considering SA actually, but then there are mixed reviews even on this particular thread of if being Asian would be good or bad. But if that guy can do it...

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-18-2015 01:15 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

@C-Man, unless you are very outgoing with little approach anxiety you might want to avoid the Scandinavian/Baltic states & Serbia just because of the fact that everyone is so tall there. While guys who study game would want you to believe that anything is possible, I must say from personal experience that it is extremely disheartening to be in a club where almost half the women are taller than you. I am 5-9" and last year when visiting clubs in Lithuania it was brutally difficult approaching tall model blondes [Image: angry.gif]
I thought my game was tight, dressed sharp and I had plenty of liquid courage built up but to be shot down approach after approach get's depressing fast. Some nights I was literally batting 1 for 20. Perhaps one has to lower their standards overseas...

Hey thanks for the post. Yeah I'm avoiding that, I'm only 5'5 so that would be horrific. I wouldn't even want a taller girl so that's fine. I want a higher chance overseas not lower haha but what a shame.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-18-2015 07:03 PM)dontuan Wrote:  

Quote: (01-18-2015 01:15 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

@C-Man, unless you are very outgoing with little approach anxiety you might want to avoid the Scandinavian/Baltic states & Serbia just because of the fact that everyone is so tall there. While guys who study game would want you to believe that anything is possible, I must say from personal experience that it is extremely disheartening to be in a club where almost half the women are taller than you. I am 5-9" and last year when visiting clubs in Lithuania it was brutally difficult approaching tall model blondes [Image: angry.gif]
I thought my game was tight, dressed sharp and I had plenty of liquid courage built up but to be shot down approach after approach get's depressing fast. Some nights I was literally batting 1 for 20. Perhaps one has to lower their standards overseas...

Perhaps for these particular places it can be tough going. Try Poland for starters then move up to places with hotter girls.

Hey Dontuan did you get my 2nd PM?

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-18-2015 08:47 PM)monsquid Wrote:  

Quote: (01-18-2015 08:15 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

One of the main themes of RVF is you can get turned down first impression wise...but you're also not "rejected" unless someone has known you for 1-2 years. So if you get turned down first impression wise...don't take it so personally.

Thanks for the wisdom here. Yeah it didn't bother me to get rejected by girls but the couple of sour episodes hurt my expectations of the culture itself a lot. I had more than average emotional investment in Spanish culture and history before I went on the trip. I admired and still admire many things about it. I still think it's an amazing culture but just had a couple of bad apples that's all.

Just trying to manage the OP's expectations. Know that ignorant racism is possible in Europe so you're not surprised by it, but still go.

Overall the trip was a blast and I don't define my travels by game alone. There are no guarantees when it comes to the nature of people, especially in foreign culture. Sometimes life surprises you with the best experiences as long as you're putting your balls out there.

Definitely appreciate this dude.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-18-2015 09:03 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2015 04:55 PM)C-Man Wrote:  

I’m in college in the U.S. right now and studied abroad last semester in London. In general, the British women seemed to have something against Americans and/or Asians and I didn’t find them all too attractive mostly due to their attitudes, so it was a lose-lose situation.

Never experienced that before. They seem to be happy to speak to Americans. I however don't find them attractive due to bad hygiene and obesity primarily....didn't notice personality issues due to the layers of fat disguising what was on the inside.

Quote: (01-11-2015 04:55 PM)C-Man Wrote:  

In America for example, the white girls I hook up with are at first are hesitant about approaching me or whatever because they don’t meet a lot of Asians and because I don’t fit the typical tall white guy stereotype found at my school (Their words not mine).

And why are you offended by this? That's a win in my books. Good job.

Quote: (01-11-2015 04:55 PM)C-Man Wrote:  

I’ve heard that outside of the U.S, Australia and the UK, an Asian dude’s chances increase exponentially with girls. I don’t fit the tall white guy mold which seems to be a requirement in some of these countries.

UK chicks are pretty open IMO...once again just couldn't overcome the fat aspect of things....

Quote: (01-11-2015 04:55 PM)C-Man Wrote:  

Some of the more developed countries that I am considering are Spain, Italy, France, Bosnia, Croatia, etc. I speak Italian and Spanish conversationally so perhaps Spain/Italy would be a better place, but I don’t know, and was hoping you guys had some experience to share. I am also considering Eastern Europe because I want to actually integrate myself into the local culture and believe that it would be harder in a major city.

If you have the time & this luxury, I would focus on Spanish only classes before moving to Spain. PM me for details. It will only accelerate your development. Spanish btw will also help you in EE because many of the people (esp gals) will study that language as their 3rd language now after English.

Quote: (01-11-2015 04:55 PM)C-Man Wrote:  

In terms of which cities, I have not decided obviously but basically the big cities, Barcelona/Madrid, Rome/Urbino, Paris, Belgrade, Slovenia, etc.
Sorry if I put too little or too much information, it’s my first post and if you need any more info I’ll get on it right away. The first time I studied abroad, I had a lot less bar/club game and so that screwed me over, I fucked up my first time around going to England, and can’t afford a second fuck up.

Never been to France, Italy, or Slovenia but will chime in on the other three cities.

Madrid - Love the vibe of the women. Lot of talent from Latin America (even Brazil) and other transplants from within Spain come here for professional reasons or schooling. Easy lays are likely out of the question...but winter fashion sense & grasp of Spanish will help exponentially. Not easy but my attraction to Spanish women & local culture has me sold on the process of everything that I'm willing to up with....just need an excuse to live here long-term though I do not have one yet. The cheap flights to other Euro cities & abundance of continental tourist chicks here do not hurt matters as well.

Barcelona - I would avoid this place for study abroad. If you're looking to spend time in a place for the sake of learning a language, this is not the locale because people are reluctant to respond in Spanish insisting on Catalan. It's also more expensive & found the quality of tourists to be much lower as well. Sure there are some high quality tourist chicks flowing in & out...but for personal development reasons, there are better places to be.

Belgrade - Very friendly people overall. Tough as nails women though. I can't remember the thread but somebody mentioned that even the best local Serbian players with the looks & $$$ do not get one night stands here; all of their player-related lays come from some form of social circle harem. I'd believe that based on my visit in 2010. If you can get in on that..mad props to ya. I think Poland would be a better bang for buck than Serbia.

Thanks for the post. I'm not offended by people here not really approaching me, I just would prefer to live for once in a place where I am at the baseline, average. I succeed, but I have to work uphill and a lot harder than others because they fit the typical mold while I have had to develop crazy game and personality. So then with the game that I now have, I could do more in a place where I am regarded as average or above average just for being Asian. Thanks for commenting about the cities. Picking up girls for just a night isn't my goal actually, I prefer casual dating if that makes any sense, and plus I want an exotic girlfriend while abroad.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-18-2015 10:32 PM)LEMONed IScream Wrote:  

Go to countries where K Pop has a big fanbase.

I am serious. Just try [Image: wink.gif]

And what would those be?

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-23-2015 05:39 AM)fucksong Wrote:  

To OP, I think you mentioned that you're fairly new to this forum. You'll find that there are countless threads all praising Ukraine, Poland, and other areas of Eastern Europe. I've yet to see one praising Spain as a poosy paradise. South America, tons of threads, especially for Columbia but not Spain.

My vote for anywhere in eastern Europe. THERE ARE SOME HOT ASS SWEET GIRLS THERE. fuck that culture Shit, education. Getting laid by dime pieces will fuck your whole reality up and will give you a new perspective.

As for Spain, no offense to the Spanish brothers here, but they conquered Mexico, Philippines, to name a few, and look how fucked up their economies are. Meanwhile many places that were taken over by UK, Japan are doing very well such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, south Korea, so I think that says something about the invading culture. In both Mexico and Philippines, white is considered more attractive, is that possibly due to Spanish influence? Just saying....

Thanks for the post, so seemingly Columbia is the best for SA, and EE for Europe. But yeah definitely, I think EE is the place to go...I love that sweet, feminine personality...

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

This thread helped me decide on Poland as the place as the next stage of my life.
Unfortunately I'll have to find work opportunities for my stay as opposed to studies, still really helpful thread

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Paris or Berlin.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Does anyone have an opinion on Prague? There is a program there as well.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

One simple filter to apply is height: where are the shorter, sweeties?

Check out this detailed chart

It lists height by sex and age group (so you can better match to your targets age range).

DR and Columbia look most promising, feasting with females averaging around 5'1."

In Eastern Europe, maybe Bulgaria (5'4"), and Moldova (5'3.5") stand out.

This might also help you to delete prospective nations for your scarce visiting time, like Slovakia - and the Balkan nations of the Dinaric Alps (ie, Western Balkans), with females looming average at 5"7.5."

Just my 'two cents.' Good hunting for yah, man - go get 'em.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

This may sound counter intuitive, but when I used to travel to Tokyo for work, I often hooked up with white girls (American, Canadian, Australian, Kiwis, English, Danes, Germans, Swedes, Russians). They're interested in Asian culture which usually includes Asian men. As an Asian American you'll stand out from the Japanese guys who tend to be less aggressive and don't have the English skills as you do. It might be worth it to think outside the box.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (03-25-2015 04:12 AM)Pass Wrote:  

This may sound counter intuitive, but when I used to travel to Tokyo for work, I often hooked up with white girls (American, Canadian, Australian, Kiwis, English, Danes, Germans, Swedes, Russians). They're interested in Asian culture which usually includes Asian men. As an Asian American you'll stand out from the Japanese guys who tend to be less aggressive and don't have the English skills as you do. It might be worth it to think outside the box.
I'm a 40 year old Asian-American, 5'9" 175, well-traveled, decent but not great social skills and more cute than handsome. More buff than average but also a little body fat. Above-average style but again nothing special. I'm actually a sweet earnest dude so I get friend zoned a ton here, a lot of first dates from online that don't translate to second/escalation. Decently wealthy but not by bay area standards. My spanish is advanced beginner. The only special skill I have is I can salsa dance really well (not professional but routinely can build attraction via salsa) Also have a full, interesting life that I enjoy living, have my own contracting business + play music enough to actually pay rent now.

Just based on my recent travels, Colombia, Lima and Mexico city were a notable step-up from the Bay Area where i live....I spent a total of 11.5 wks in those cities (3 wks each in Cali, Medellin, Bogota, 1 in Lima, 1.5 in CDMX) last year and a half and ended up with 6 lays in the 5-7 range, and several additional make outs with women ranging from 25-35. Here I don't get those numbers in a year. Met most of my lays online, and some my other dates from salsa.

I actually have only lurked on this site because my game skills are essentially zero, I mostly dance and hope for the best, and say funny/random stuff to keep their interest when possible/try to have a genuine connection when talking at a cafe/bar. I loved dating in Bogota especially. It was tremendous fun being creative with the limited language and making hotties crack up with the ridiculous stuff we'd come up with. Honestly though there was a palpable difference even walking around cities like Cali/Bogota/Medellin in terms of interest was getting. I feel with intermediate spanish and staying in one place longer it could be even better. In bogota in particular i had dates with stylish, educated women in their late 20s-early 30s, even a gorgeous sweet 22 year old who I ran out of time to plan a salsa date for. What worked best for me was vibing with worldly/imaginative conversations with English-speakers on date 1 then escalating with salsa on date 2.

Being Asian or 40 or in tech really didn't seem like negatives which was so refreshing, some were actively curious. Think about that--3 negatives turned into non-issues. Even better I made several legit friends, men and women, who I will surely see when I return later this year, and I am legit intrigued by so much about that place...seriously thinking about splitting time between here and there. Tbh I'm not at a place where it's important to rack up a ton of lays or anything, but how nice it is to have access to hot women who you actually connect with intellectually and emotionally. Changes the whole landscape of how you picture your life.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (07-22-2018 04:34 PM)aeye Wrote:  

Quote: (03-25-2015 04:12 AM)Pass Wrote:  

This may sound counter intuitive, but when I used to travel to Tokyo for work, I often hooked up with white girls (American, Canadian, Australian, Kiwis, English, Danes, Germans, Swedes, Russians). They're interested in Asian culture which usually includes Asian men. As an Asian American you'll stand out from the Japanese guys who tend to be less aggressive and don't have the English skills as you do. It might be worth it to think outside the box.
I'm a 40 year old Asian-American, 5'9" 175, well-traveled, decent but not great social skills and more cute than handsome. More buff than average but also a little body fat. Above-average style but again nothing special. I'm actually a sweet earnest dude so I get friend zoned a ton here, a lot of first dates from online that don't translate to second/escalation. Decently wealthy but not by bay area standards. My spanish is advanced beginner. The only special skill I have is I can salsa dance really well (not professional but routinely can build attraction via salsa) Also have a full, interesting life that I enjoy living, have my own contracting business + play music enough to actually pay rent now.

Just based on my recent travels, Colombia, Lima and Mexico city were a notable step-up from the Bay Area where i live....I spent a total of 11.5 wks in those cities (3 wks each in Cali, Medellin, Bogota, 1 in Lima, 1.5 in CDMX) last year and a half and ended up with 6 lays in the 5-7 range, and several additional make outs with women ranging from 25-35. Here I don't get those numbers in a year. Met most of my lays online, and some my other dates from salsa.

I actually have only lurked on this site because my game skills are essentially zero, I mostly dance and hope for the best, and say funny/random stuff to keep their interest when possible/try to have a genuine connection when talking at a cafe/bar. I loved dating in Bogota especially. It was tremendous fun being creative with the limited language and making hotties crack up with the ridiculous stuff we'd come up with. Honestly though there was a palpable difference even walking around cities like Cali/Bogota/Medellin in terms of interest was getting. I feel with intermediate spanish and staying in one place longer it could be even better. In bogota in particular i had dates with stylish, educated women in their late 20s-early 30s, even a gorgeous sweet 22 year old who I ran out of time to plan a salsa date for. What worked best for me was vibing with worldly/imaginative conversations with English-speakers on date 1 then escalating with salsa on date 2.

Being Asian or 40 or in tech really didn't seem like negatives which was so refreshing, some were actively curious. Think about that--3 negatives turned into non-issues. Even better I made several legit friends, men and women, who I will surely see when I return later this year, and I am legit intrigued by so much about that place...seriously thinking about splitting time between here and there. Tbh I'm not at a place where it's important to rack up a ton of lays or anything, but how nice it is to have access to hot women who you actually connect with intellectually and emotionally. Changes the whole landscape of how you picture your life.

Anywhere is better than the bay area. [Image: tard.gif]

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

I also vote Poland.

"If you're gonna raise a ruckus, one word of advice: if you're gonna do wrong, buddy, do wrong right."

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Why the OP not want stay in his own country? Less hassle I guess.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Yeah, Poland or Prague seem the best options. But the OP wrote this in 2015 so he might have already gone abraod.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-11-2015 05:36 PM)xadmin Wrote:  

Poland, Romania, Moldova, and the Ukraine

Except that unis in the latter 3 countries are kinda...dogshit

Don't choose a country solely based on your perceived impressions of it as a poosy paradise for your race [Image: rolleyes.gif]

Quote: (01-12-2015 03:49 AM)dontuan Wrote:  

If I were you, I'd avoid places in western Europe where there's tons of diversity and girls would be indifferent to you. Many times these places people are cliquish and you really have to go above and beyond to demonstrate value and build attraction. Even if girls in these places seem to exhibit sluttiness, you'll be in a dogfight to be the winner that gets the spoils. Personally, I just don't find it worth it. I'd put West Europe and Nordic countries in this category.

Just because Paris, London, Berlin, and Barcelona are multikulti central doesn't mean that Copenhagen, Montpellier, second-tier Czech Republic etc. etc. aren't

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