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Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

1. Affordability

Belgrade is one of the most affordable cities in an already amazingly cheap region. While some locals scoff as you say this remember most of them have never had their monthly cost of living reach near $1000 USD. For westerners this place is easy on the wallet. Not only that, but you get more bang for your buck than other places. For example, in Nicaragua I also lived for the same $1500 but what I got was similar to a small, cramped, smelly apartment with about 0 chance of sleeping comfortably. In my experience Eastern Europe gives you many of the comforts of home without the insane American prices.

2. Quality and Abundance of Women

Belgrade is home to the hottest women in the world end of story. I know all of you are jumping up and down screaming and whining about how I have no idea about the girls in such-and-such place. My response is universal. Go to Belgrade. Every well traveled man I have ever met came to Belgrade and was in a constant state of “wow”. Yes that good. Don’t take my word for it just ask NaughtyNomad. While he did name Serbia second behind Ukraine in terms of looks, everyone knows Ukraine is hard to game. Which bringing me to my next point-

3. Openness

While for some reason it seems hard at first, Belgrade is great for meeting women because they want to meet you and pretty much everyone speaks English. I say this with confidence because I have been here for six months and in that time I have never met a girl who I wanted to talk to but couldn't because of language barriers. I have had problems communicating with relatives who live here, the waiter in my favorite restaurant, and the lady who cleans my apartment- but never a romantic interest.

The girls are interested to know what brought you to Serbia, what your opinion of their country is and are mostly smiles and helpfulness. I ask things like “where are your favorite places to drink?” “Where can I get homemade Serbian food?” and “Why don’t you give me your Facebook and we’ll hang out sometime.” I have been turned down maybe twice for a Facebook or number out of somewhere between 175 - 250 numbers or FB’s I’ve asked for.

4. Nightlife

The nightlife in Belgrade jumps. It only has one problem. The venues are mostly the typical table/ bottle service type of place. The logistics of many clubs are not in your favor. That being said, there are many places to go that don’t have these issues. Also, even the places that do have this problem are not by any means impossible. If you put the approaches in then you WILL have numbers at the end of the night or I will personally do your math homework for a week.

There are so many venues it is hard to count or keep up but without turning this into a nightlife guide I can tell you 7 days a week there are many places parting until 6 am. Everything to floating clubs on the river to little backdoor word of mouth type of underground spots. People here party hard and the drinks are cheap.

5. Food

The food here is heavy and meaty so be careful if you don’t want to pack on the pounds. For comparison, the food can be like eating thanksgiving meals everyday. I love the food here but also hate it because I no longer have a 6 pack but instead a small gut.

6. Centrally Located

Belgrade is a great hub for travel. Italy, Greece, Croatia, Romania, are all close but flights to places like Spain or Sweden can be found for less than 100 euros as can be expected in many parts of Europe. Bus tickets are even cheaper and I have met some close friends and attractive women on these bus rides.

7. Less Competition

For me, I find the men in Serbia to be cool guys. They are mostly in shape, decent looking, and Alpha. But I find with my Alpha behavior and my foreigner status I am still miles ahead. I attribute this to good game and general confidence. The guys here have little game but they are confident and have Alpha tendencies learned from being raised by strong male role models. If you take a step back and take a moment to TRY and connect with them they will turn into bros and wingmen. The ones who don’t will remain polite but standoffish (and rightfully so) because they know they will have to watch you get number after number while they wallow in their own limiting beliefs and excused.

That's about it for now. If there are any questions feel free to ask.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Agree with everything, aside from Belgrade being easier to game than Ukraine. At least in clubs, I found it more difficult. But great info, and great motivation for me to head back there this summer. +1

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Quote: (01-03-2015 10:14 AM)BallsDeep Wrote:  

Agree with everything, aside from Belgrade being easier to game than Ukraine. At least in clubs, I found it more difficult. But great info, and great motivation for me to head back there this summer. +1

To me it is largely venue dependent. If I go to a Splav (Floating Club) then yes it can be hard. As far as openness and language problems Serbians seem much more open than Ukrainians. Thanks for the +1.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Seriously considering going to Belgrade for a few weeks in mid-May. I have my half brother there who is willing to show me around both Belgrade and Novi Sad- he's 30 but is still going strong with the player lifestyle. According to him Belgrade is awesome but Novi Sad is even better. And yes, Serbian girls are apparently exactly as hot as you can expect. Granted, I look like every other local (since I'm Serbian by ethnicity) and my Serbian is broken at best, but I figure the novelty of being Serb-born but foreign-raised should at least get some interest.



Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Quote: (01-03-2015 11:11 AM)Natural Nomad Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2015 10:14 AM)BallsDeep Wrote:  

Agree with everything, aside from Belgrade being easier to game than Ukraine. At least in clubs, I found it more difficult. But great info, and great motivation for me to head back there this summer. +1

To me it is largely venue dependent. If I go to a Splav (Floating Club) then yes it can be hard. As far as openness and language problems Serbians seem much more open than Ukrainians. Thanks for the +1.

1. what is your impression of how Turkish, Latino or swarthier and darker looking guys, do with Belgrade girls?
2 what about age differences: do you see many 35+ guys with early 20s girls like in Ukraine or Russia?
3. Any luck with internet game?
4. It seems getting a lot numbers is not a problem, but what has been your average amount of dates to get the bang?
5. How about flaking and turning those numbers into dates?
6. Is there still a decent amount of Russian speaking chicks in Belgrade?

Thanks for the info and you have made some solid arguments. Hopefully your thoughts on these 6 questions can gives us even further insights.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

I spent about 2 weeks in Belgrade last year and while I enjoyed my time there I wasn't overly impressed with the woman compared to any other EE country I have been to.

What are your go to venues in Belgrade? I was there in the spring before the splav's were open and went to some of the clubs - Plastic, Stefan Braun, and a few others, but wasn't over impressed with either. That all being said, its harder when you are visiting vs when you actually live there.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

@Natural Nomad,

"7. Less Competition

For me, I find the men in Serbia to be cool guys. They are mostly in shape, decent looking, and Alpha. "

On the contrary just about every post i have read on Belgrade, Serbia on these threads has commented that Serbian guys are some of the strongest competitors out there, not necessarily because of game but because they tend to keep a very tight grip on the girls in their social circles, almost how the Turkish guys do as per Rooshs' recent posts. Also, if one is a smallish guy (say under 5-10 and with thin frame) it will be very difficult to run night-game there since Serbian guys are literally head and shoulders taller than most other nationalities.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Quote: (01-03-2015 11:17 AM)HighSpeed_LowDrag Wrote:  

Seriously considering going to Belgrade for a few weeks in mid-May. I have my half brother there who is willing to show me around both Belgrade and Novi Sad- he's 30 but is still going strong with the player lifestyle. According to him Belgrade is awesome but Novi Sad is even better. And yes, Serbian girls are apparently exactly as hot as you can expect. Granted, I look like every other local (since I'm Serbian by ethnicity) and my Serbian is broken at best, but I figure the novelty of being Serb-born but foreign-raised should at least get some interest.


Yes you are right. My mother is Serbian and I find that I have the best of both worlds. A girl once told me "It's cool because you look like one of us but talk like a foreigner"

I thought about this and it seems like that novelty combined with a familiar look helps me a lot. While everyone will tell you that blonde hair blue eyes are the best I'd say they are wrong. While that look is good for tinder and approaches, it is not great for sealing the deal with high value 8-9 or "good girls" and this is why...

When Serbian women think about fucking you you can always tell because instead of asking "Where do you live?" they ask "How long are you here (in Serbia) for?" It seems their mind is programmed for dating rather than fucking.

Now don't mistake that explanation for a something it's not. All the same rules apply with these women. I had a girl here tonight who knows I am a player and she still fucked me so it's not like they have to be your girlfriend to sleep with them. This same girl really didn't have interest until she found out I was staying for a year.

Through field testing and a close look at reactions and asking for feedback I am confident that while it is not absolutely necessary, it is better to say you are staying for a longer period of time than not.

Besides it can't hurt because the girls here will never lose attraction for you based on a long stay but some will if they find out you are only here for a week. All to gain and nothing to lose kind of situation.

And yes. I don't always try to speak Serbian but when I do the girls love it.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Serbia, definitely a good choice I'd say.
I've heard lots of good stuff about it as well as about Croatia.
These two countries are the best in quality in the Balkans I'd say.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Quote: (01-03-2015 01:07 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2015 11:11 AM)Natural Nomad Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2015 10:14 AM)BallsDeep Wrote:  

Agree with everything, aside from Belgrade being easier to game than Ukraine. At least in clubs, I found it more difficult. But great info, and great motivation for me to head back there this summer. +1

To me it is largely venue dependent. If I go to a Splav (Floating Club) then yes it can be hard. As far as openness and language problems Serbians seem much more open than Ukrainians. Thanks for the +1.

1. what is your impression of how Turkish, Latino or swarthier and darker looking guys, do with Belgrade girls?
2 what about age differences: do you see many 35+ guys with early 20s girls like in Ukraine or Russia?
3. Any luck with internet game?
4. It seems getting a lot numbers is not a problem, but what has been your average amount of dates to get the bang?
5. How about flaking and turning those numbers into dates?
6. Is there still a decent amount of Russian speaking chicks in Belgrade?

Thanks for the info and you have made some solid arguments. Hopefully your thoughts on these 6 questions can gives us even further insights.

1. My impression is it doesn't help but is not necessarily bad. In my opinion Serbians are really open and friendly but you need only to look around the city to answer your question. The city is very closed racially. That being said I have seen Spanish, Italian and Middle Eastern guys do well as long as they dress/ talk / act like a westerner.
2. The age gap here is pretty normal although I do see older guys around young women fairly often. They always look decent and dress like they have money.
3. Internet is hit and miss. I have met a few girls on tinder and Badoo but internet dating is lame for them. The girls I have met are embarrassed about it. But like I said its worth swiping on tinder but not worth tons of effort. I have tried and didn't get results. The exception is if you are very good looking or with blonde hair.
4. I go by the 3 date rule. If I move quickly by the 3rd date I'm at my apartment making out and such. Sometimes they don't go for it and I have to get them over to my apartment for a second time to seal the deal. Once you are here for a month you should easily have three girls in your phone who you can call to date/ bang. After about 3 months I had 5 solid girls I dated and banged regularly. They were 9,8,8,7.5,7, but that does not include the "flings".
5. Flaking is minimal. For me, I can only remember 2 girls (both 9's) Just completely flake and not answer my messages after giving me their number. A lot more I tried for dates but it was never a "no" just a lack of effort on my part. Most of my numbers turn into dates although a few were not until weeks later.
6. I don't know I don't speak Russian so I never hear it.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Quote: (01-03-2015 01:26 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

@Natural Nomad,

"7. Less Competition

For me, I find the men in Serbia to be cool guys. They are mostly in shape, decent looking, and Alpha. "

On the contrary just about every post i have read on Belgrade, Serbia on these threads has commented that Serbian guys are some of the strongest competitors out there, not necessarily because of game but because they tend to keep a very tight grip on the girls in their social circles, almost how the Turkish guys do as per Rooshs' recent posts. Also, if one is a smallish guy (say under 5-10 and with thin frame) it will be very difficult to run night-game there since Serbian guys are literally head and shoulders taller than most other nationalities.

They are nothing like Turks in terms of game. Belgrade guys don't bother me at all. Then again I have never felt like that around other men. I mean sure, I was in the military and have been around tough dudes a lot in my life but I am by no means intimidating (I don't think) It seems to me though if you have good body language, speak like a man, and look people in the eyes dudes respect you. For me here sets of dudes blow wide open or they politely ignore you. They don't threaten or get aggressive though. I don't know I don't pay a lot of attention to what others are doing unless I'm asking "How do you know eachother?" Just so I don't hit on some guys wife.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Quote: (01-03-2015 01:25 PM)TheBMan Wrote:  

I spent about 2 weeks in Belgrade last year and while I enjoyed my time there I wasn't overly impressed with the woman compared to any other EE country I have been to.

What are your go to venues in Belgrade? I was there in the spring before the splav's were open and went to some of the clubs - Plastic, Stefan Braun, and a few others, but wasn't over impressed with either. That all being said, its harder when you are visiting vs when you actually live there.

Yea man it took me until now to REALLY figure out what's what in terms of nightlife. While I used to go to those clubs like Stefan Braun, Freestyler, and Plastic you would have to pay me to go there now. I am going to write a nightlife guide and have been playing with the idea of opening a nightlife tour company. Don't judge Belgrade by these places man and next time you come back I'll show you what's up.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Quote: (01-03-2015 08:34 PM)Natural Nomad Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2015 01:25 PM)TheBMan Wrote:  

I spent about 2 weeks in Belgrade last year and while I enjoyed my time there I wasn't overly impressed with the woman compared to any other EE country I have been to.

What are your go to venues in Belgrade? I was there in the spring before the splav's were open and went to some of the clubs - Plastic, Stefan Braun, and a few others, but wasn't over impressed with either. That all being said, its harder when you are visiting vs when you actually live there.

Yea man it took me until now to REALLY figure out what's what in terms of nightlife. While I used to go to those clubs like Stefan Braun, Freestyler, and Plastic you would have to pay me to go there now. I am going to write a nightlife guide and have been playing with the idea of opening a nightlife tour company. Don't judge Belgrade by these places man and next time you come back I'll show you what's up.

Make that one more person who will be eagerly awaiting that nightlife guide.



Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

What's the attitude toward Croats like? I know there's been some bad blood between us Croats and Serbs (Croatian War of Independence)

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

This is exactly what I have suspected in the recent years.
Your report confirms what I keep hearing from guys who's been in Serbia.

There are three countries in the world I've always had a strong attraction for.
Like a spell or a calling. Something from these places keeps pulling me.


So far I have only been in Russia of those three.
Needless to say I absolutley loved it and couldn't get enough.
Spent months and months crisscrossing Russia.

I feel exactly the same for Serbia.
If I my schedule allows it I'll go there in the spring.
I can already tell I will be obsessed by the place.

Natural Nomad. Could you break down the monthly rates for apartments there?

Great report.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Having seen multiple posts extolling the hotness of Serbian women, I just want to provide a contrarian perspective here.

Spent 3 nights in Belgrade in September 2012, was seriously unimpressed by the local talent. Granted, I'm partial for Nordic blondes and only day gamed during my short stay. But as I roamed the pedestrian zone, going from the train station through the main walking street all the way to the park/castle, I hardly saw any cute chicks, neither face nor body nor dressing style catching my eye. Not even at the university did I observe a parade of beauty (trickles maybe)... As I flew to Riga and then onward to Helsinki, I enjoyed a huge sigh of relief [Image: wink.gif]

As always, one needs to see and experience the place for himself. But it would be good to have balanced perspectives and not expect some Heaven on Earth through tinted glasses.

P.S. On a side note, the town is quite run-down in many areas. Even the main walking street sees many a dilapidated facade.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Sounds like Poland with snobby nightlife and better looking competition. I gotta say though, the few Serbian girls that I've met were all quite hot, like slavic girls with a slight mediterranean look.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

OP: can you post some photos of Serbian 8s and 9s for reference?

It could be an option for someone who wishes to transition out of Russia. I'm interested.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Thanks for the data sheet

What is it like during the summer?

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Quote: (01-04-2015 04:45 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

This is exactly what I have suspected in the recent years.
Your report confirms what I keep hearing from guys who's been in Serbia.

There are three countries in the world I've always had a strong attraction for.
Like a spell or a calling. Something from these places keeps pulling me.


So far I have only been in Russia of those three.
Needless to say I absolutely loved it and couldn't get enough.
Spent months and months crisscrossing Russia.

I feel exactly the same for Serbia.
If I my schedule allows it I'll go there in the spring.
I can already tell I will be obsessed by the place.

Natural Nomad. Could you break down the monthly rates for apartments there?

Great report.


My current apartment costs 250 euros furnished with high speed wifi internet cable and all utilities. It is 100 meters from the square which is the very center of the city. This is close to normal price you can expect to pay. 250-350 depending on how "nice" it is.

If you wanted to have a nice modern place with a flat screen TV and new furniture you could get one 20 minutes walking from center for as cheap as 175 euros.

I find it difficult to speculate what "nice" is. For me, if my apartment is clean smells nice, and is not a general shithole I will stay there. If I get a girl back to my apartment it's usually game over.

All prices are based on longer term rentals like 3-12 months. Weekly rentals are more expensive of course.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

^ That's reasonable with a big R.

I have recently been looking for a flat in Manila and there you will only last a week wirh that amount of money.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Quote: (01-04-2015 07:53 AM)DaveR Wrote:  

OP: can you post some photos of Serbian 8s and 9s for reference?

It could be an option for someone who wishes to transition out of Russia. I'm interested.

I have some pictures I'm willing to share but I'm not familiar on how to share images on this forum. Can someone explain this? Obviously I want to share them without linking to their FB profile lol.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Quote: (01-04-2015 07:53 AM)DaveR Wrote:  

OP: can you post some photos of Serbian 8s and 9s for reference?

It could be an option for someone who wishes to transition out of Russia. I'm interested.

For me, this is a 9 first then an 8 and after is gets a little hazy. But yes, in my opinion these girls are ones that I think are in the range.

[Image: attachment.jpg23850]   
[Image: attachment.jpg23851]   
[Image: attachment.jpg23852]   

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

I'm very often in Belgrade. I speak the language fluently. Have to disagree on the competition. Guys are alpha as fuck and in shape therefore competition is fierce. They're cool though, no cockblocking indeed. Only way for me to stand out is clothing, I bring the latest and the best when I go to BG.

Splavs are social circle, wouldn't recommend it for a newb. Except for perhaps Freestyler.

Quote: (11-15-2014 08:53 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
But guys, the fight itself isn't the focus here. How the whole thing was instigated by 1 girl is the big deal.

Why Belgrade is the #1 City in EE

Quote: (01-03-2015 09:03 PM)supak Wrote:  

What's the attitude toward Croats like? I know there's been some bad blood between us Croats and Serbs (Croatian War of Independence)

I don't know enough about that subject to speculate.

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