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More Madness from Sverige

More Madness from Sverige

Having returned from Stockholm I can say it was heavily patrolled by police, the vibe has changed quite a bit.

Granted I was in a nicer part of the city, but there was a no nonsense vibe to the place.

At the airport, when I entered customs the officer wasn't going to let me in due to the fact I didn't have a ticket to leave. I was fortunate I was walking with a expired Euro passport.

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More Madness from Sverige

Something like this has happened before.

[Image: 1412339892646-2.gif]

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-10-2014 06:48 AM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

Europeans, and Europe, would overreact and turn their own societies into something extremely authoritarian, and throw out many of the good parts of their heritage.

This is it exactly and why I even bother being a part of these discussions.

I can't believe people don't see the historical parallels.

The correct way to handle this would be rolling back society to conservative liberal ideals of most European countries. To Smith and Burke. Don't give people lifetime welfare just for showing up. Don't have this massive public sector which needs victims to stay in power. Man up and take care of your own. 50 years ago, it was considered a great shame to ask the government for welfare, now it is speculated in.

The masses will not want that though. They have been taught to look for someone to take care of them. Once the demographic problem becomes too large, they will simply exchange one set of international socialists with another set of national socialists.

These parties in Europe are largely national-socialists. Their economic policies are well on the left.

How can you fail to see the 20s repeating?

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-10-2014 09:52 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2014 08:26 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2014 05:59 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2014 05:43 AM)Blick Mang Wrote:  

KC4, please don't take this personally, I say this not because I dislike Scandinavia, but because I can hardly tolerate the degree to which your countrymen tuck their tails between their legs.

Society has NO obligation to integrate outsiders into the mainstream culture. Zero. If you immigrate into a new country to improve your situation, it's your own responsibility to learn the language, find a job, and contribute as a productive member. Immigrants are guests. They adapt to us, not the other way around.

As scorpion posted in another thread, Westerns are sharing their massive cultural, technological, and economic wealth with people who had absolutely no hand in generating any of it, and who are completely ungrateful for it. Giving up 7th century religious doctrine and assimilating in the modern world (for example, not killing people who leave the religion) isn't too much to ask in return. That's the trade off - immigrants have a high quality of living, are free from starvation, disease, and war - all we ask is that they live by the rules WE set in place, rules that allowed us to be prosperous in the first place.

My family immigrated to the US from Europe three generations ago. I moved back to Europe on my own. I had to learn the language, to pay taxes, to follow the law and provide all necessary paperwork. I sat for days in waiting rooms at the Ausländeramt, watching Somali families of 16 collect their EU passports, keys to a new apartment, food benefits, etc. while deserving absolutely none of it.

You've handed your country over to a Mongol horde. You've betrayed your ancestry, your families, your history, your language, and your culture. Demographic suicide and cultural capitulation are the only things left that Sweden deserves, and you brought it on yourselves.
Thats what the majority of us has done but its always the extreme you see .
I see everyday on my way to work or school immigrants who have failed to integrate, little girls walking around in niqab, all muslim schools, wannabe little gangsters ganging up and trying to pick fights with some of the natives and me included for having swedish friends
. My parents came here with nothing and they managed to create something. Yet so many refuse to do the same and adapt. As you said we are quests.
The ones with the bad reps here in sweden are the arabs, turks and somalies. Dont you think there is some kind of pattern in other countries with just these people.

From the article:

"Starting next year, the Stockholm Policy Academy will be moved to Södertörns Högskola, where the new curriculum will be “progressive” with more focus on cultural sensitivity, ethical awareness, gender issues and more. The aspiring police officers will achieve “greater understanding of the intercultural perspective.

So apparently the "solution" that the local government thinks is applicable is more pandering to violent people + "progressive cultural sensitivity."

These fools will never learn until the mob is literally at their front door. I can only assume these edicts are coming down from on high from the wealthy politicians and far leftist groups. It's worth noting that mixed into this apparent "solution" is a mention of "gender issues." You have to be kidding me.

Coming from the US I can tell you that is only a road to ruin. It's frightening what these socialist & cultural marxists come up with sometimes instead of tacking the real problem. They are literally the exact sort of people and systems that Orwell, Huxley et al warned up about decades ago.

My question to KC and many others is...why are we supporting and paying taxes to these Orwellian "democracies" anymore given what's going on?? I left, and I know that can't be the solution for everyone, but my G*d it's a nightmare.
I am gonna tell you a funny thing about the cops here. I was talking to my neighbour who was on duty in the city. He's with the k9 unit and he was on call but it turned out too be nothing.
Anyway we are chatting and out of nowhere he tells me its time for me to leave right now because people are staring . i thought at first it was because he was busy and had to leave. He told me leftis would come up to police and abuse them for being racist. I thought it was joke until the dog started sniffing my hand and licking it. Then out of nowhere this dude comes up to him and acuses him of being racist and how he was abusing me just for being a foreigner. I was shocked. I mean how the fuck did that fucker come up with that conclusion. all i did was say hi, shaked his and was about to leave.

I think you should join the police force.

You sound like you understand the psychology of the immigrants better than most native Swedes probably do and you could help take on the leftist scum who want to brand the police as racists.

Not only that, but you'd likely have more latitude in dealing with the bad apples in the immigrant community and leftists than white cops would.

Think of it as a way of giving back to Sweden. Also, the pay and benefits are probably pretty good.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

More Madness from Sverige

This is far more complicated then what we can discuss here. But for simplicity sake look at Sweden over the past 30 years.

They had a good feeling after the Balkan wars. They sent highly trained people over there who did Sweden proud (SAPO) and brought over a lot of children, both for protection sake as well as the orphans. Years on the refugees and orphans of this war are integrated, happy and even if they move back to Bosnia they speak of Sweden with nothing but love and respect.

Swedes are among the most well traveled people in the world. 8 weeks of holiday a year mean that a month in winter is spent somewhere outside of Europe. They go to these places and, like most people who travel, they are treated extremely well. Being so polite, respectful and good looking helps a lot, but the naive mind of the Swede is that all people are good. They have an extremely positive outlook on the world and its people.

Now we have a situation where their open immigration and refugee laws that had enjoyed such success in the 90's are not prepared for this type of refugee. Their is no common respect, even though this mindset is preached by most of the elders, it lands on the ears of wound up and stressed out young men.

The girls are busy integrating. They take English and Swedish classes (free) from day one. They get menial jobs, work hard and begin moving up. They begin following the Swedish fashion, they go out on the town with their new Swedish girlfriends and eventually get a Swedish boyfriend. Meanwhile the guys in their community are becoming even more angry and less employable and more hardline.

So they start burning shit on Swedens National Day. Essential services are sent in to put out their fires, in their neighborhoods. Then one day they burn down a firetruck and begin throwing things at police officers. The fire department refuses to go in without police support, but soon the police are unsure of how to go about this. The men and women in these services know what they have to do. They need to drag these people out of their beds at night and have them disappear. They need to go in there with rubber bullets and gas and arrest and deport as many as they can during the fighting.

But right now their hands are tied. This will not always be the case, and in fact it is changing already. We have just witnessed a failed experiment in Sweden.

More Madness from Sverige

[Image: Meanwhileinsweden.jpg]

More Madness from Sverige

Indeed, there are several countries in Europe that are much better at handling and tackling hardcore multiculturalism than Sweden or Britain for instance.
In Denmark for instance, there is Dansk Folkeparti with Pia Kjærsgaard and Kristian Thulesen Dahl, which got the most votes in the EU elections.
While in Austria there is Freiheitliche Österreichspartei with famous Heinz-Christian Strache leading in the polls.
In Norway there are the Conservatives and the progress Fremskrittspartiet but less outspoken than those in Denmark.
The situation is also similar in France, Italy and Belgium.
In Germany, Sweden and Britain things seem to be the worst I'd say.

More Madness from Sverige

Meanwhile in America:

[Image: Screening_in_DTW_Airport.jpg]

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

More Madness from Sverige

Be careful what you wish for.

Pendulum swings in one direction are always brought back the other way and they are always violent. It just needs certain conditions to get the ball rolling.

More Madness from Sverige

@thewastlander probably because I used to have the same mentality myself together with a tiny drop of IRT. Many of these guys always think the police are against them. But with that there is actually a rise of guys that are starting to see things for what it is. Not really red pill but on the right track.

More Madness from Sverige

It didnt help that I saw a documentary on the South Africans (by which I mean the whites since the only tribe which inhabited the area before the white man were the Zulus whom 95% of the Africans in SA are NOT descended from, little historical nugget) today but ultimately after seeing some Polish guys mock a Swede without mercy for this I do agree that Europeans will fight back.

As someone pointed out, Europe would be trading international socialists for national socialists, you're probably right but Europe's addiction to socialism is harder to kick.
And who knows, they may "remove" antifa which is a 100% positive result.

Okay, I don't really advocate that even if I think it would have only good consequences. That's SJW tier.

More Madness from Sverige

At some point there will be a big problem here in the UK.

Our nationalist pride and time immemorial fighting spirit is still there, bubbling away in the lower classes, just as it has been for a thousand years.

The ruling classes attempts to neuter the working class men of this country have just put a lid on things, not neutered the pot's contents.

It's gonna be an interesting 20 years or so.

More Madness from Sverige

New swedish democrats politicians have no bullshit attitude:

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

More Madness from Sverige

What are the solutions you propose then, folks?

I have seen so much the same arguments, some relevant, others pure bullshit, that I have no patience to quote myself again.

Now give us your solutions, and THEN we can talk about it and maybe advance.

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-11-2014 05:41 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

New swedish democrats politicians have no bullshit attitude:

Fantastic. Couldn't have delivered that better.
It has to pull no punches, and be delivered directly at the Left. His answer at the end was perfect - instead of playing within the dialogue framework the Leftist attempted to setup, he just called it out as 'you just said a load of jibberish and didn't rebut; I reiterate my points as they were made'.

Quote: (11-11-2014 07:18 AM)mikado Wrote:  

What are the solutions you propose then, folks?

I have seen so much the same arguments, some relevant, others pure bullshit, that I have no patience to quote myself again.

Now give us your solutions, and THEN we can talk about it and maybe advance.

Basically doing the same thing as that guy in the video. It is purely a Left-Right issue, and the Left have been winning for a long time. The Right need to go head-on, without any apologetic tones, and make direct, rational common-sense attacks on them.

The Right is always on it's back foot and defending itself. It needs to attack. A strictly unapologetic appeal to reason, human nature, and self-interest is required.

More Madness from Sverige

Some solutions off the top of my head:

1. Immediate halt to any and all new immigration from Turkey, Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, and other Islamic countries. Immigration isn't the problem, Muslim immigration is the problem.
2. Significant budget reductions for existing integration programs (e.g. free housing), with those funds allocated instead towards national programs that benefit the majority.
3. Require sworn, legal statements from all Muslims that Swedish law will take precendence over Islamic law, and that while they have the right to practice their religion freely, the promotion of alternate legal systems or cultural values contrary to established EU human rights is criminally punishable.
4. Immediate deportation of non-citizens who break existing Swedish laws.
5. Spouses of immigrants may not enter the country through pre-arranged marriages, and family members brought with them (with the exception of those under 18) must prove they can contribute economically.
6. Mandatory language, ethics, and citizenship tests (laws, values) for all immigrants at least once after the age of 18.
7. Ban the niqab, hijab, and any other religious clothing that conceals the face.
8. Muslims may not serve in the military, defense industry, intelligence community, or any other private/public sector entities responsible for territorial integrity.

To be perfectly clear, no one on either the left or right is denying the value of immigration. Immigrants have contributed to every country on earth at one point or another. The issue is that the wrong people (those with cultural and religious values fundamentally contradictory to Western human rights) are allowed in the wrong quantities.

Beyond this, if immigration is a necessary evil, Western governments must make an effort to reach out to immigrants who actually do integrate well. Non-Muslim East Asians, Indians, South Americans, and East Europeans have proven (for the most part) to be assets rather than liabilities.

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-11-2014 07:18 AM)mikado Wrote:  

What are the solutions you propose then, folks?

I have seen so much the same arguments, some relevant, others pure bullshit, that I have no patience to quote myself again.

Now give us your solutions, and THEN we can talk about it and maybe advance.

On what planet are no solutions being proposed? Here, I can think of a few in just 1 minute that I'm sure were repeated a million times before:

1) Put an immediate 100% end to any sort of asylum, poverty or other form of immigration that is based on someone's bad life circumstances or persecution.

2) Require enforceable letters of guarantee from the immigrant's family or friends already in the country, or provide significantly reduced social benefits if no such letter can be presented

3) Require every immigrant who is not there for short-term work or visit to take a basic/intermediate language course and exam after they've spent a full year in the country.
Require another round of slightly tougher tests in language and law areas after some more time, and tough tests for giving citizenship.

4) Committing a serious crime (violent crime like rape, kidnapping, murder or attempted murder) results in you being automatically expelled from the country; if you can't be expelled you get a harsher prison sentence than usual, to keep the locals safe.

5) Zero tolerance for illegal immigration; if you're caught and discovered to have entered unofficially, you automatically get deported.

All of my family members living around the world migrated under exactly such conditions some 80 to 30 years ago, and they're all fine upstanding citizens of various highly developed countries and not a single one feels slighted or damaged by the process. In fact, they are ashamed of thugs from their home countries now entering their new home indiscriminately and damaging their reputation.

Is this enough of a solution?

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-11-2014 08:24 AM)Blick Mang Wrote:  

Some solutions off the top of my head:
I think that your hate for Islam is confusing your judgement. You are just trying to ostracize Muslims . The focus is on immigration, not on religion. Put the hate aside for some minutes please. You are just trying to conceal your wish to eliminate Islam from Western World, under the pretext of regulating immigration.

1. Immediate halt to any and all new immigration from Turkey, Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, and other Islamic countries. Immigration isn't the problem, Muslim immigration is the problem.
You might as well suppress completely immigration then. Most of immigration is coming from these countries. However should I remind you that these countries also have non-Muslim populations who want to immigrate? You want to deny them right to immigrate because you have an issue with NON RELATED people who just happen to be of the same country ?
Further using religion criterion to deny entry to people is no different than using race card to do so. You are acting exactly like the Nazi regim (hurray Goodwin point! ) who put restrictions on the Jews and other people for religion and race criteria. I am highly doubtful you care that much about all the religious people from the aforementionned countries who emigrated AND behave well in Western World? Because most of the trouble guys are Muslims you equate Muslims with trouble? It is like feminist saying "Manosphere creates troubles. Manosphere are men. So men create troubles".
Again this is your blind hate for Islam which is making you generalize so quickly and focus on the narrative that's suits you much. I have no stats to back this up but I am sure that at least 80% of immigrants are people who never cause troubles, pay taxes, practice their religion with discretion and recognize themselves in the values of the host country. Why do you never talk about these?
And finally: you are equating Africa with Islam. If you carried at least a bit of research you would see that Africa is far from an Islam zone. Further, countries like Centrafrica, with Christians at the top, are beheading and cooking Muslim people, whereas there are countries with a dominant Muslim which have ZERO religion issues, like Senegal or Morocco, and are well known for their hospitality. By your logic all these countries should be equated?

2. Significant budget reductions for existing integration programs (e.g. free housing), with those funds allocated instead towards national programs that benefit the majority.

In essence I agree with that. However this has to be treated more on a case by case basis. Some immigrants really need a small help to get the ball rolling. Of course, those who abuse welfare should be expelled.

3. Require sworn, legal statements from all Muslims that Swedish law will take precendence over Islamic law, and that while they have the right to practice their religion freely, the promotion of alternate legal systems or cultural values contrary to established EU human rights is criminally punishable.
What about the immigrants who are not Muslims? Does it mean they will commit less violence? Further would you make Christian Natives do it too? After all, doesn't God say also in Christianism "Eye for Eye"? You are by doing that just criminalizing the practice of Islam,even if you think the opposite. You are like a SJW saying "you must swear that law that benefit females take precedence over those catering towards men. You can still practice your masculinity freely". Islam says that when you are in the house of your host, respect him. Actually, it considers so much the neighbour that the Prophet tought the neighbour was entitled to a share of the heritage, like the family.
Now because some guys do not respect that ( I add again: mostly located to the middle and southern East , or in direct relation to these locations -like Somalia) you conclude that the entire Islam is violent and is not respectful? Islamic tribunals do not really exist outside the aforementionned zones, or places where terrorism has found its way(Nigeria). Get over your Sharia fear. If you commit a crime in West Africa (except maybe Nigeria) the country law will prevail, not Islamic law.

Your sentence is also ignorant because you consider that you cannot be Muslim and follow a laic country's rules. Again this is mostly a class issue. People middle and high class do not cause trouble. They behave like the locals most of the time. There is no difference with the high and middle class Asians , who I did not hear you complain about. The richest among them especially follow both the local laws, and stick to their traditions. No one bats an eye.
I get that your issue is the low-class immigrants. However throwing everyone under the same bus is not the best solution.

Further, if you forgot that, Islam does indeed have some laws of conduct, however except for radicalized countries like Saudi Arabia or Iran, the majority of the muslim zones in the world DO NOT FOLLOW the leadership of the former countries. You are taking the shortcut that Islam promotes values opposed to human rights. While I could show you bunch of counter examples , it would be off topic. I will just say that you would have to define what Islam is right and what Islam is wrong. I am sure you would be surprised to find the huge differences about Islam in America, West Africa, Maghreb, South Asia, Europe etc. Again equating everything a Muslim person does with Islam is the same as equating MRA with all the manosphere.

4. Immediate deportation of non-citizens who break existing Swedish laws.
Again it must be a case by case. And deporting everyone who commits a mistake is anticonstitutionnal in every way possible. Everyone deserves a second chance. Those who recidive enough, sure, deport them. Serious cases like murder or homejacking? Go ahead. Getting deported because you stole for the first time a loaf of bread in a supermarket? Fuck no.

5. Spouses of immigrants may not enter the country through pre-arranged marriages, and family members brought with them (with the exception of those under 18) must prove they can contribute economically.
This is already the case. A bit of a study is conducted before giving papers to the spouse. At least it is the case in France. I know people who had to wait years before getting a permanent residency card, being suspected of pre-arranged marriage. Further, who are you to decide who should marry who? This is a private issue. How about the westerners who marry foreign Asian women and have them join them? The former exist on this very forum. Would you have the same severity towards them? Given the tone of your posts, I am sure it wouldn't be the case.
Again, their economical contribution is none of your business. Not giving them welfare if they are not working? Sure. The rest? not your problem.
Anyway, if they have no welfare, this should reduce already the "they come her to take our hard earned money" complaints.Because this is the root of the problem, their "welfare advantadge".
I will also insist on the fact that the welfare goes primarily to the low-class people. Other ones do not get much. I am middle-class and contributed to France's economy with internships, and jobs. If I am fired, I get nothing. I don't get any money from the French government right now. Am I your enemy? I think not (if you exclude my religion from the picture, of course).

6. Mandatory language, ethics, and citizenship tests (laws, values) for all immigrants at least once after the age of 18.
You should do this to natives too then. The amounts of them who
would fail would very likely be astronomical.What would you do to them?

7. Ban the niqab, hijab, and any other religious clothing that conceals the face.
What is the correlation between the hijab and citizenship? Burqa, niqab and the rest are not mandatory in Islam, and are even for some of them from certain traditions(like burqa). Only hijab is mandatory, the rest is just posterious additions. And you can see the face of the woman with a hijab. This is again a misknowledge of Islam from you.
How does the hijab make a woman less of a citizen? Are nuns less of citizens?On the other hand, sure, ban burqa if you wish.
A girl with just a hijab is no different from a nun. Would you ban the nuns' clothes from public space? I am sure not.

8. Muslims may not serve in the military, defense industry, intelligence community, or any other private/public sector entities responsible for territorial integrity.
Again on what basis you are infering that because you are a Muslim, you might side with any enemy country of the same religion? You think that all Muslim soldiers think -Oh they are Muslims, let's not shot them?
Further, an immigrant being promoted to a "sensible" sector in the host country will most of the time even be harsher than the natives. Because he will try to show his professionalism to his coworkers.
And further, I thought this was an immigration thread, not a religion thread?
I suggest you calm down your paranoia. Because this argument is so ridiculous it does not belong to a serious discussion.

To be perfectly clear, no one on either the left or right is denying the value of immigration. Immigrants have contributed to every country on earth at one point or another. The issue is that the wrong people (those with cultural and religious values fundamentally contradictory to Western human rights) are allowed in the wrong quantities.

Lay off the Muslim hate for another religion thread. We are discussing immigration primarily, not Islam.

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-11-2014 07:18 AM)mikado Wrote:  

What are the solutions you propose then, folks?

I have seen so much the same arguments, some relevant, others pure bullshit, that I have no patience to quote myself again.

Now give us your solutions, and THEN we can talk about it and maybe advance.

Solutions? The issue is not in finding the solutions. The issue is having the will to enforce the solutions, brutally and ruthlessly, despite all the screaming and shouting that will naturally be let loose.

Everyone knows what the solutions are. All that is lacking is the iron will to implement them. It needs to be recognized that this is a struggle for national existence, and any mealy-mouthed whimpering is only an expression of defeatism.

1. The army needs to be sent into areas controlled by separatist criminal gangs and criminal scum. Resistance should be smashed with a brutal fist. Terrorists, criminals, and racketeers need to be hit hard. The death penalty needs to be brought back and implemented where needed.

2. Institutions that contribute to the weakening of the national will (leftist groups) should be shut down or prosecuted for treason.

3. Citizenship should be seen as a privilege, not a right. It should be granted only after language and cultural tests have been administered and passed.

4. Immigration quotas need to be established. Nations have the right to define their own identity and culture.

5. Degenerate ideologies need to be removed from the educational curriculum. I define these as feminism and cultural Marxism.

6. Religion needs to be seen as a vital tool for the discipline and education of the young, rather than as a bad thing. It needs to be brought back in some capacity. Atheism has contributed to Europe's sickness and malaise.

So that is the solution. They won't do it, because that would take conviction and balls.


More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-11-2014 10:22 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

2. Institutions that contribute to the weakening of the national will (leftist groups) should be shut down or prosecuted for treason.

You want a state where leftist parties are not only banned but imprisoned?

You are off the deep end there bud.

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-11-2014 08:42 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

On what planet are no solutions being proposed? Here, I can think of a few in just 1 minute that I'm sure were repeated a million times before:

1) Put an immediate 100% end to any sort of asylum, poverty or other form of immigration that is based on someone's bad life circumstances or persecution.

Some people really need it. The western world also has a necessity to assist for the extreme cases. Any country actually has that necessity. Because we are humans.
There are abusers, sure. However there are genuine people whose life is endangered ( from war crimes, for example). Think about Saido Berahino, who's gonna make his debuts for England football team, and escaped from Burundi's hell.

2) Require enforceable letters of guarantee from the immigrant's family or friends already in the country, or provide significantly reduced social benefits if no such letter can be presented

Sure, reduce the welfare. However what about those who are loners?

3) Require every immigrant who is not there for short-term work or visit to take a basic/intermediate language course and exam after they've spent a full year in the country.
Require another round of slightly tougher tests in language and law areas after some more time, and tough tests for giving citizenship.
First, would you waste time and money doing it to people who came to western countries for their studies and get a degree?
Secondly, tests are already carried for naturalization. And as I said to Blick Mang, most of the problems against the law are commited by natives anyway, so would you require from them law and citizenship tests too?

4) Committing a serious crime (violent crime like rape, kidnapping, murder or attempted murder) results in you being automatically expelled from the country; if you can't be expelled you get a harsher prison sentence than usual, to keep the locals safe.

5) Zero tolerance for illegal immigration; if you're caught and discovered to have entered unofficially, you automatically get deported.
Case by case basis for me. If proven his life is truly in jeopardy, let him stay a bit. If he just illegally emigrated to get money, yeah deport him.

Is this enough of a solution?

Add those and it's fine.

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-11-2014 10:27 AM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Quote: (11-11-2014 10:22 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

2. Institutions that contribute to the weakening of the national will (leftist groups) should be shut down or prosecuted for treason.

You want a state where leftist parties are not only banned but imprisoned?

You are off the deep end there bud.

This isn't America we're talking about here. Banning political parties has a long tradition in Europe.

America's culture is totally different. There's no need to ban parties because people have a learned indifference here. In Europe it seems the mere existence of parties creates followers. Europeans tend to be naturally more political and if a party exists people will follow it, unlike America. That's why Nazi parties have to be banned or else it would probably grow huge. Likewise many Eastern European countries, after being freed from the USSR, banned communist parties for similar reasons.

Don't apply American political logic to every other country and culture in the world. It doesn't translate well at all. Look at Iraq. How's "democracy" working out for Iraq? America's political culture is extremely unique and was built on massive civil wars (1776, 1860) to get it established. Until some sort of earth shattering event happens in other countries, it's really quite foolish to believe that American values can be transplanted to other cultures.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

More Madness from Sverige


You're not making any sense. You believe people should be taken in for asylum just because the world is a dangerous place? That doesn't solve any problems. If people were interested in helping out the unfortunate around the world, they'd build armies for these people and have them overthrow tyrants. Instead, by taking in asylum immigrants they keep these dictators propped up forever, since there will be fewer unhappy people in these countries to actually oppose the tyrants.

Asylum creates problems in the host country where different immigrants clash with the host culture they cannot understand, and asylum sustains the problems in the parasite country with the corrupt political systems.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

More Madness from Sverige


I do not apply American logic or values to the whole world.

Banning leftist parties in Sweden is still off the deep end.

You believe Sweden should ban leftist parties and jail leftist politicians for treason? That is what Quintus said and that is what I was reacting to.

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-11-2014 11:11 AM)Sonsowey Wrote:  


I do not apply American logic or values to the whole world.

Banning leftist parties in Sweden is still off the deep end.

You believe Sweden should ban leftist parties and jail leftist politicians for treason? That is what Quintus said and that is what I was reacting to.

Some of them, yes, absolutely. The feminist equality parties should be banned, as well as the unlimited immigration ones. Those parties are quite literally viruses killing their society.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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