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Stop Taking L's

Stop Taking L's

One of the great facets of this community is the willingness that its members possess to share their stories. I find myself reading mostly about the failures many have in the game versus those who are succeeding because the majority of the stories here are about guys failing; I think that's good, I think that's realistic.

Those who find themselves often on the side of the "L" column usually make the same mistakes that seasoned players have long learned from and moved past, it's what ultimately gets them off the bench and into the game for real.

I've said previously that the modern woman has created a society of players. I believe this to be so. However, I also believe that most guys who call themselves players are not really players, and I don't say that as a diss, because, realistically, we can't all be players, nor do we all really want to be. There are some guys here who legitimately want to be someone's boyfriend, and that's totally cool.

Being a player requires a coldness that most guys just simply don't possess. This is not the post to go through the entire list of actions that revoke one's player card, but let's just say, if you're tolerating a chick's bullshit in any form, e.g. flaking, shit tests, etc., you're not a player.

Players have to be dismissive towards women.

They start their interactions with women by framing themselves as an opportunity that they could potentially earn or lose. When you allow women to play their game and have you on your heels, you're not doing the playing, you're setting yourself up to be played.

It is your job, as a player, to extract what you want from women. In the end, when they tally up the results, they have to have given more to you than they have received from you.

Remember, you're the opportunity.

This anonymous person who messaged a girl on Tumblr, is so far from the shit we're talking about here that he'd need to be given a map to find the map to the find the map of where we are.

[Image: x5bdeh.jpg]

Guys who are taking L's with women think like he does. He thinks it's his job to get on her team, and he'll literally do whatever it takes, even if it were to his own detriment to do so, when in actuality, it's her job to get on his.

Once she does that, if she does that, you have to find a realistic position for her.

The reason many guys fail at doing that work is because they get blinded by shit like "she's hot" and "the sex is great". You have to come from a position of power, a position of strength. A woman's looks and/or sex game should never allow you to empower her to fuck your life up. Guys who are cupcaking with damaged goods, like strippers, young, single mothers, drug addicts, ex's they've broken up with thousands of times, etc. because they look a certain way and/or fuck a certain way are closer to being simps and tricks than they are players.

Maybe the chick is fine, maybe she does suck dick like a champ, and maybe she fucks like no one else on the planet, but if she has other serious flaws and baggage, then all she can ever be on the team is a piece of ass. She can't be girlfriend. She can't move in. She can't be given any connections to your personal life. She can't be invested in in any real way because she's a bad stock that's only going to tank.

You have to start assuming that most women need to be kept at arm's length, hell, with this dating climate we're dealing with, it's not even necessary that most know your real name or other details about your life, I mean, in my experience these have been things that I've been able to tell from the initial moments of my interactions.

As long as you don't control your interactions with women, allow them to put the blinders on you by showing you the best parts of their game, which are usually the superficial and ubiquitous ones that they intentionally use to keep you in a stupor about their fatal flaws, you will continue to take L's.

Do better, be better, and you'll win.

Stop Taking L's

What's an "L"? What is taking an L?
Read most of the post, but couldn't figure out the definition. Or, I might be dense and am not seeing it.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Stop Taking L's


"Believe in your FLYNESS ...
... conquer your shyness"
- Kanye Omari West

Stop Taking L's

All the P's should stop taking L's to win G's and get a lot of M's. Also don't put any D's in your B's unless your e a F. Use C's to block S's and avoid getting hit with A's.

A good P't through keep up the good J!

Stop Taking L's

Think of “Taking An L” as walking away fem a bad investment on the stock market. Alternatively, it would be like not trying to win our money back if you are having a bad night gambling.

Quote: (11-06-2014 04:13 AM)spokepoker Wrote:  

What's an "L"? What is taking an L?
Read most of the post, but couldn't figure out the definition. Or, I might be dense and am not seeing it.

Check out Pimp Game, Picking Up Strippers, The Fun Way!, Weaponized: Add Cold Reading to your arsenal! and Tarot Game.

Game isn’t what I use to get what I want out of women.
Game is what I use to get what I want out of life.

Stop Taking L's

You can't quantify any of this shit. Nor should you try. Being a player is a lifestyle. It's a state of mind.

Team Nachos

Stop Taking L's

Excellent post agree with it all 100%.

And to be honest I'd say I'm one of those guys who sometimes will "bend the rules" on occasion for one of the reasons you mentioned above. I'm getting better at it (much better actually) but every once in awhile I slip. Happens I guess. For most guys it takes a lot of experience to finally get over the "wow she's hot" first reaction and the following stupidity that 95% of men instinctively carry out.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Stop Taking L's

So if a girl fails a guy or disappoints him, he should just move on?

Stop Taking L's

Quote: (11-06-2014 10:33 AM)Helmutnl Wrote:  

So if a girl fails a guy or disappoints him, he should just move on?

We're all human, we make mistakes, but if you read through some of the threads we have here, it's easy to see that a lot of guys are just dealing with straight bullshit from women.

I think early on in the interaction, since a relationship hasn't been established and she has yet to earn any capital for error with you, any bullshit should mean the game is over.

If she was really interested in making something work with you, she'll re-engage you and work for another shot. You'll have to decide if she's sincere and whether you should move forward. I would only advise going that route if she has actually worked for another chance.

If a relationship has been established, then I think you have to establish that after certain lines are crossed, she's off the team or at least relegated to a lesser role.

Stop Taking L's

Quote: (11-06-2014 04:10 AM)jariel Wrote:  

Being a player requires a coldness that most guys just simply don't possess. This is not the post to go through the entire list of actions that revoke one's player card, but let's just say, if you're tolerating a chick's bullshit in any form, e.g. flaking, shit tests, etc., you're not a player.

Great point that is rarely if ever talked about. Most people just aren't cut out for this shit. And not for lack of physical attributes, it takes mental fortitude first and foremost. You almost have to be sociopath at times.

But let some people in the PUA industry tell it, we all can be super pimps with vast harems.

Stop Taking L's

Quote: (11-06-2014 04:10 AM)jariel Wrote:  

The reason many guys fail at doing that work is because they get blinded by shit like "she's hot" and "the sex is great". You have to come from a position of power, a position of strength. A woman's looks and/or sex game should never allow you to empower her to fuck your life up. Guys who are cupcaking with damaged goods, like strippers, young, single mothers, drug addicts, ex's they've broken up with thousands of times, etc. because they look a certain way and/or fuck a certain way are closer to being simps and tricks than they are players.

Maybe the chick is fine, maybe she does suck dick like a champ, and maybe she fucks like no one else on the planet, but if she has other serious flaws and baggage, then all she can ever be on the team is a piece of ass. She can't be girlfriend. She can't move in. She can't be given any connections to your personal life. She can't be invested in in any real way because she's a bad stock that's only going to tank.

Good post, especially the part that I quoted is golden. I like your analogy of how you compare women to stocks, I never really thought about it like that, but it makes sense, if I'm conservative financially in my investments, I would be hesitant to invest in an unstable stock.

But when it comes to women, I have been guilty of investing in "unstable" women, which doesn't make sense from an investors standpoint. It's like a stock that looks real good and has a lot of potential upside, but in reality has just as much or more potential downside, the kind of downside that if it crashes can ruin everything and ruin your well-being and stability.

A problem I have with "damaged goods" is that as a person I'm too trusting and forgiving, I genuinely want to believe that these women have changed, but in reality I'm being foolish and putting myself in a compromising situation.

Here is a question, do you automatically dismiss a woman with a "checkered past", and if you give her a chance, what factors do you look at to consider whether she's definitely changed? Is the old idiom, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks", ring absolutely true with women? From my experience it does, all the "yeah I went through a phase in my early 20's, when I did a lot of coke, but now I'm over it, and don't touch the stuff", is all just a crock of bullshit.

There are a lot of things I need to work on, but especially I need to acknowledge the red flags and realize when a woman is disqualified from being worthy of a relationship with me. Jariel is right, women will run their "game" on you, by being super sweet to you, professing their love, proclaiming they have changed, etc., just because the words come out of their mouth doesn't mean that it's true.

I need to have to mental and emotional strength, to keep these women at arms length, but it can be difficult for me when the sex is the good and frequent.

A couple things I realized about myself is that once I "let a woman in", and she gets inside my head and heart, all logic and reason are tossed out the window. What I need to work on is being more of a stone cold player, at least in the sense of operating by my logical mind, and not allowing them to get that close to me, close enough to get in my head and heart.

Another problem I think I may have which could spurn another thread is sexual addiction. I've had some of the wildest Belladonna porn style sex with women, that it's like crack for me when I find a girl like this, it's like the sexual addiction overrides the logical side of my brain, much like the way a chemical addiction to crack or meth will over-ride a users brain. There's something about sex with a woman without boundaries, when I can do whatever I want to her, or get her to do anything I want to me, that is like a hard drug to me. I get sucked in, and just like a drug addict it eventually ruins my world.

Stop Taking L's

Quote: (11-06-2014 01:45 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Here is a question, do you automatically dismiss a woman with a "checkered past", and if you give her a chance, what factors do you look at to consider whether she's definitely changed?

If she used to be a stripper, what is she doing for work now?
If she used to use a lot of drugs, did she go to rehab? Is she hanging with the same people?

A lot of "change" is usually cosmetic. (and in some cases, actual cosmetics like eyeliner and mascara)

But you're dealing with your own demons though. There's not much to work through issue wise. When you see yourself fucking up, you have to have the strength to get out of the situation, rather than just fell in deeper.

A lot of folks, self included, know what to do in a tight situation...and still do nothing.

Gotta break the cycle.


Stop Taking L's

Good points Jariel. Learning about game is opening my eyes. Yes a player uses logic whilst controlling his emotions. The part about 'boyfriend material' hit home. I recognise I've never exuded the alpha 'bang me whilst you can' vibe. It's been mentioned before here that females do select certain types of men to have sex with ASAP. These men are obviously the opposite of the type of guy who would be content with a 'relationship'.

Stop Taking L's

Good points. I will say you see more L's than W's on here because who wants to see a post...?

I opened this 6 last night. Bullshitted for a little bit, kino'd and was getting enough IOI's that it seemed worth buying her a drink. Didn't make any major mistakes. Escalated. Went back to my place, notched, and decided to kick her out instead of cuddle close.

It happens a lot, just isn't worth mentioning.

Stop Taking L's

Taking this post back to the top because it has particular relevance to my situations right now.

Had a hot, significantly younger, hoodrat THOT grab onto me out of the blue (she literally saw me, walked up to me and whispered in my ear that we were going to have sex--in the middle of the day, in a workplace location), and I let the unexpectedness and surprise of it all flatter me. Before two months had passed from that initial meeting, I got her pregnant. She had an ectopic pregnancy and I dodged a bullet. But did I stop dealing with her?

No. Despite the fact she already has four children, one of whom lives with his father rather than her. Despite the fact she can't stay employed longer than six months. Despite things I came to know about her I'm not even going to post about.

But the sex--it's fantastic. I can honestly say she is one of the most compelling women I've ever fucked.

Nonetheless: she's a total loser, and reading this post again helps snap me back to the cold hard truth.

Stop Taking L's

Quote: (12-08-2017 08:32 PM)Col. Tigh Wrote:  

But the sex--it's fantastic. I can honestly say she is one of the most compelling women I've ever fucked.

Nonetheless: she's a total loser, and reading this post again helps snap me back to the cold hard truth.

Get a vasectomy and fill your boots son.

Stop Taking L's

I've seen some good posts here but, I've seen some that would question whether said user has approached in his life let alone, ever seen a vagina before. I've met some cool guys before at free tour. I've met more weirdos in pickup then anywhere before. One of the core principles of pickup is adding value. There is a lack thereof provided in most forums. I lurked here before signing up. There is a lot of value here otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered.

TS, a lot of blokes cannot get out of their own way. I too can be guilty of this from time to time. I could be more patient with a pull or a pickup but, much prefer to just NEXT SET the situation. Waiting is not in the card for me. Time is of the essence for us all. I've wasted too much time as a beta male provider. I will never go back. I think the 'L' column is shocked up by the gender neutral PC culture which is a promotion for raising the alpha male's children with single mom. Allocating one's resources to THE MILKS GONE BAD and cratered SMV.

Have you ever seen the show HIMYM? In one scene, they rip on "the batting average" of the shows player (who in actuality is a homosexual male; ironic that given role is not indicative of alpha male but feminine cheese nonsense). The dude that gets cucked on the show mocks the player's "batting average." It is as if to say, play it safe, do the right thing, marry some woman even after getting ditched to go to school for a arts degree LOLOLOL Could anything be more liberal and useless?

The 'L' column is what government education has pushed. Play nice. Get a good job. Get a education. Follow the beaten path. Man up. Marry the woman who spent her best years skiing down cawk mountain. Running through bad boys, catching STDs and having abortions. Society promos "don't judge her." Anti fat and slut shame. I think moralizing on either side is ridiculous as is the virtue signaling but, this doesn't promote going for the Win. Blow outs, striking out, crashing and burning in set, who cares?

I am going to leave this world one day. I am doing my absolute best in seeking self-knowledge, exploring my consciousness, overcoming my obstacles and fears while seeing reason and evidence. Aim for self actualization. What Hulse refers to "being the strongest version of your-self."

Stop Taking L's

"Man, fuck these bitches" -Lil Wayne

Stop Taking L's

Quote: (12-08-2017 08:32 PM)Col. Tigh Wrote:  

No. Despite the fact she already has four children, one of whom lives with his father rather than her. Despite the fact she can't stay employed longer than six months.

[Image: eaRxlBi.jpg]

I think its been said many times here before but don't stick your dick in crazy.

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

Stop Taking L's

Good stuff nubut it should be named like "game from the position of power not matter how actually powerfull you are".

Thing is, no matter where yo are and what your current social/financial status is you should ALWAYS come from the place of power and authority. Your actual objective staus does not matter. Just frame it as you wish and back it up with your balls if you dont have anything else. You will see the results for sure

Stop Taking L's

Quote: (12-09-2017 06:28 PM)XXL Wrote:  

Good stuff nubut it should be named like "game from the position of power not matter how actually powerfull you are".

Thing is, no matter where yo are and what your current social/financial status is you should ALWAYS come from the place of power and authority. Your actual objective staus does not matter. Just frame it as you wish and back it up with your balls if you dont have anything else. You will see the results for sure

Its easier said then done if born into money, won genetic lottery, has alternative options. Most guys in pickup are shit game, have piss poor genetics, aesthetics, lower testosterone, beta to the point of near(ly) feminine characteristics. If guys focused more on three-approaches a day bare minimum all the while, getting their money and finances handled, they be better off. They could afford pickup products, BCs, travel, and life that would provide more opportuinties.

Stop Taking L's

Quote: (12-08-2017 08:32 PM)Col. Tigh Wrote:  

Taking this post back to the top because it has particular relevance to my situations right now.

Had a hot, significantly younger, hoodrat THOT grab onto me out of the blue (she literally saw me, walked up to me and whispered in my ear that we were going to have sex--in the middle of the day, in a workplace location), and I let the unexpectedness and surprise of it all flatter me. Before two months had passed from that initial meeting, I got her pregnant. She had an ectopic pregnancy and I dodged a bullet. But did I stop dealing with her?

No. Despite the fact she already has four children, one of whom lives with his father rather than her. Despite the fact she can't stay employed longer than six months. Despite things I came to know about her I'm not even going to post about.

But the sex--it's fantastic. I can honestly say she is one of the most compelling women I've ever fucked.

Nonetheless: she's a total loser, and reading this post again helps snap me back to the cold hard truth.

When I say 'cuck,' this is exactly what I mean. Dude who raises alphas kids. Pulling single moms is not game son. its mercy killing. Cratered SMV is the worst. You can get that without game. What are you doing?

Stop Taking L's

Quote: (12-09-2017 08:28 PM)meetjoeblack Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 08:32 PM)Col. Tigh Wrote:  

Taking this post back to the top because it has particular relevance to my situations right now.

Had a hot, significantly younger, hoodrat THOT grab onto me out of the blue (she literally saw me, walked up to me and whispered in my ear that we were going to have sex--in the middle of the day, in a workplace location), and I let the unexpectedness and surprise of it all flatter me. Before two months had passed from that initial meeting, I got her pregnant. She had an ectopic pregnancy and I dodged a bullet. But did I stop dealing with her?

No. Despite the fact she already has four children, one of whom lives with his father rather than her. Despite the fact she can't stay employed longer than six months. Despite things I came to know about her I'm not even going to post about.

But the sex--it's fantastic. I can honestly say she is one of the most compelling women I've ever fucked.

Nonetheless: she's a total loser, and reading this post again helps snap me back to the cold hard truth.

When I say 'cuck,' this is exactly what I mean. Dude who raises alphas kids. Pulling single moms is not game son. its mercy killing. Cratered SMV is the worst. You can get that without game. What are you doing?

Nice baiting with that "cuck" verbiage, alphanewbie. Did I say I moved this rat into my home, or ever even met her children? Nope on both. Not one red cent passed from me to her. I did buy a second set of pregnancy tests after the initial result, but fortune saw that problem take care of itself. I'm not sure she even knows my legal name, to this day.

In terms of dumb risks taken and lessons learned... May my mistake and bullet dodged be someone else's problem nipped in the bud.

Stop Taking L's

Quote: (12-09-2017 09:26 PM)Col. Tigh Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2017 08:28 PM)meetjoeblack Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 08:32 PM)Col. Tigh Wrote:  

Taking this post back to the top because it has particular relevance to my situations right now.

Had a hot, significantly younger, hoodrat THOT grab onto me out of the blue (she literally saw me, walked up to me and whispered in my ear that we were going to have sex--in the middle of the day, in a workplace location), and I let the unexpectedness and surprise of it all flatter me. Before two months had passed from that initial meeting, I got her pregnant. She had an ectopic pregnancy and I dodged a bullet. But did I stop dealing with her?

No. Despite the fact she already has four children, one of whom lives with his father rather than her. Despite the fact she can't stay employed longer than six months. Despite things I came to know about her I'm not even going to post about.

But the sex--it's fantastic. I can honestly say she is one of the most compelling women I've ever fucked.

Nonetheless: she's a total loser, and reading this post again helps snap me back to the cold hard truth.

When I say 'cuck,' this is exactly what I mean. Dude who raises alphas kids. Pulling single moms is not game son. its mercy killing. Cratered SMV is the worst. You can get that without game. What are you doing?

Nice baiting with that "cuck" verbiage, alphanewbie. Did I say I moved this rat into my home, or ever even met her children? Nope on both. Not one red cent passed from me to her. I did buy a second set of pregnancy tests after the initial result, but fortune saw that problem take care of itself. I'm not sure she even knows my legal name, to this day.

In terms of dumb risks taken and lessons learned... May my mistake and bullet dodged be someone else's problem nipped in the bud.

You sounded like you need someone to actually shake you up before you ruin your life.

Pulling hood rats and single moms or both is not game son.

dude, never date single moms. When this hefer was thin and her shit was not stretched out, she wouldn't have given you the time a day. Never. How much respect does a woman with bastard children have for herself let alone a cuck who raises her children and listens to her problems?

I am a really nice guy. I like dinner dates and flowers but, this is a exclusivity theme well after sexy times and several throaters. Not for single moms.

Leave the troll back under the bridge where you found her.

MJB with love <3

xo xo xo

Stop Taking L's

Sometimes you can't just go outside and get one of the small number of remaining decent girls without working up to it. There's a lot of bravado on the forum about how many chicks I banged and how hot they were etc. but more common is the "dirty" aspect of game. After a long dry spell, you've got to be prepared to fuck a 4, for the sake of your mental health. They don't list that in the "treatments" section for male depression, but ejaculating into the vagina of a human female who is not a complete beast but obviously has flaws (e.g. overweight, single mom etc.) is often very effective. Then with work the 4.5s, 5s, 5.5s, 6s can come along, as long as momentum is maintained. A few weeks ago I declined a decent 6 to come straight to my place because my balls were drained and I was feeling too drained from sex with a 5. I knew I was taking an "L" there but I was wiped out and obviously I've banged 6s before so she was decent but not exactly inspiring.

It all depends on the position you're coming from. Even Krauser who made around 1000 day time approaches before he got a single lay, advises men to use their common sense and stay away from the model looking chicks if you're a beginner and you've never banged a girl from day game or never banged a girl anywhere near as hot. Sometimes there are huge chests of treasure found - you get a week or two that is just unbelieveable, so much luck, the gods are smiling on you - but most of the time it's incremental improvement in quality over time. Sometimes so slow that you don't notice it until you look until a year back. If you want to fuck a single mom fuck a single mom. Some of them are hot and very dirty. Some of the best players I've known will fuck very hot girls that I can't get, that are quite rare in the West, but at the same they are willing to fuck 3s and 4s which in 99% of cases I would decline. These guys just don't give a shit.

But I do believe in incremental improvement, so if you're at the level of regularly banging good quality 7s, it's time to step things up, even if you're uncomfortable with the girls approaching 8.

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