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Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

He's at it again. Listen to his interview with Jordan Harbinger at 11:00 and forward.

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Quote: (10-10-2014 08:33 AM)Swedreams Wrote:  

He's at it again. Listen to his interview with Jordan Harbinger at 11:00 and forward.

Always wondered what the internet has-beens do when they fade from popularity. Sad to listen to a grown man grasp at straws like that.

I really have to wonder how many people listen to their stupid podcast. Nothing they said was terribly funny; i don't think Roosh 'freaked out' by responding to frat boy's lies.

Lots of projection coming from Tucker in that podcast...and no, I'm not gonna "laugh my ass off at this," as he insists.

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Tucker Max saying that Roosh lied even while he says there is a disclaimer that he did not sleep with the women pictured? I guess he should have had his girls sign disclosure agreements and get their faces plastered on the internet? Even if a girl signs it she will regret doing so in the future. Or how many girls go around saying proud that they fucked Charlie Sheen and want their pics on net for their future husband and children to see? This is just common sense regarding our sexual mating patterns.

Jeez - Roosh's minions write against Tucker Max. I guess he meant Danger & Play - we are not minions who agree on all points here.

Actually the whole podcast is about convincing men to never ever take a look at most manosphere sites - not only PUAs. Of course he and his bloody guest accuses all professional PUAs to be scam-artists. Could not stand listening to that crap for longer.

So this is how it goes - they don't really have to ban Manosphere and Game sites in the future - they co-opt some bigger names and finance it - meanwhile twisting the message to feminism light. I think that this is how it will go. So far Tucker Max is not even getting the financial backing - so apart from laughing about Game and disseminating lies he is not doing much else.

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

I listened to this.

Such utter nonsense.

It's amazing and pathetic that a person who spend his entire life glorifying drunken frat-boy bullshit now considers himself some sort of reformed self-improvement guru, and sees fit to pass judgment on others.

His delivery is feminine, the tone is defensive and hysterical, and the criticism is carping and mendacious. If you read between the lines of his whiny little outburst, you can see it for what it is: a little bitch throwing a hissy fit because someone called him out on his false statements.

All he does is what women do: come back with personal insults, more lies, more bullshit, and deflections of the issues.

"Art of Manliness" a major manosphere site? Are you fucking kidding me?

This person is of no consequence, and has not been relevant for years. He squandered his opportunity to say something meaningful, preferring to dance to the tune that the media set for him. He's a caricature, a man of wood and straw.

Real men do not behave the way he has behaved in his life.

He is not an original thinker, nor a person who has anything useful to offer.

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

[Image: harbinger.jpg]

This rat faced fucker is talking shit?

They staged and scripted that entire conversation and brought up the same old tired shit about Roosh. They talk like that Ukraine TV show thing happened last week. Is that all he got? They even claim Roosh is stalking them. Then he called the entire Manosphere clowns. He also acknowledged that our negative reviews and posting about him on itunes and other spaces. That's a way of admitting defeat in a way. I am glad it worked. I left a juicy one on his itunes page. Looks like we got his attention from last time.

This is the next stage of Whiteknighting I think. Siding with females was not good enough. Now they want to try and re-invent or steal our movement, our art, our crafts, and worst of all our hard work. After doing that they want to sanitize everything we have done and make it blue pill. He dismissed Bang and PUA sites as being against his beliefs and called it stuff to trick hoes into sleeping with you. This is not some inter-Manosphere fight. This is a Feminist faggot white knight trying to push us out as the mainstream source of masculinity on the internet and society, using Feminist doctrine. I would not be shocked if that rat faced fucker and Tucker are allied with our female enemies and we just don't know it. Just like how women like Christina Sommers bitchslaps feminists, could they be trying to attack us with our own as well?

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

^ Wasn't it Tucker Max who wrote something once about getting sucked off by a tranny and going out with gay friends?

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Who is this Tucker Max faggot? His voice and way of speaking is extremely effeminate, which is warning sign no. 1. I could get over that, but when you listen to what he's saying, you find he actually isn't saying anything. He's spewing forth ad hominem attacks against Roosh, inferring that he lives with his grandmother in section 8 housing, and then proceeds to compare the rest of us to psychopaths and rapists. I did not hear one valid argument raised in the 10 minutes after he mentioned Roosh.

What do these fags believe about seduction anyway? "Buy the girl lotsa nice things and tell her how wonderful and priceless she is"?

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Quote: (10-10-2014 10:32 AM)berserk Wrote:  

^ Wasn't it Tucker Max who wrote something once about getting sucked off by a tranny and going out with gay friends?

Seriously? Yuck. Yeah that's the kind of shit that reminds me of false flag like attacks. These guys are not just blue pill but if they are using Feminist shaming language and fraternizing with gays, there is just no way that all this could just be about plagiarizing, back and forth spats, and common everyday shit talking. It could be that they are just blue pill whitekinights trying to take whiteknighting to the next level, but this is looking more like another kind of incel trash (like PUAHate 2.0) with all the mental sicknesses included, trying to fight everyone else in the Manosphere without having the heavy loser vibe the PUAHate guys had. We should not ignore them for sure, but what else can we do about them? It's easy to think that their lack of real content will keep them down, but if they pick up the right "sponsorship" that could change somehow.

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TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

I heard when Tucker Max was at Duke Law, he got drunk at some company function while on his summer associate position (between second and third year of law school). They rescinded his job offer, after which his chances at a law job at a top firm were pretty much shot.

So, he briefly but adeptly reinvented himself with his frat boy book and a court case about his allegations (which turned out to be true) about Miss Vermont denying her slutting around.

He could have run with this but didn't know where to go except with a mediocre follow up book and a terrible movie which probably lost money. Now instead of joining the manosphere he offers feminist light. Between him and the male feminist interviewing him I don't know who's more irrelevant.

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

The sad truth is that Tucker Max is even worse than some Mainstream outlets. I have read articles both by female journalists in the US as well as in Eastern Europe, where the journalist chick visited some PUA seminars. In most of those articles I read the same phrases: "Shit - this stuff could work!"

Now if liberal-minded female journalists admit that Game taught at decent PUA bootcamps could work on them and their girlfriends, then where does this leave Tucker Max?

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Quote: (10-10-2014 10:33 AM)Krusyos Wrote:  

Who is this Tucker Max faggot? His voice and way of speaking is extremely effeminate, which is warning sign no. 1. I could get over that, but when you listen to what he's saying, you find he actually isn't saying anything. He's spewing forth ad hominem attacks against Roosh, inferring that he lives with his grandmother in section 8 housing, and then proceeds to compare the rest of us to psychopaths and rapists. I did not hear one valid argument raised in the 10 minutes after he mentioned Roosh.

What do these fags believe about seduction anyway? "Buy the girl lotsa nice things and tell her how wonderful and priceless she is"?


Blue Pill men, women, and Feminists have written books, done videos, etc. for years on the art of seduction and most of it is unreadable hogwash. The best books have always been the Dark Triad-ish like ones because those are the ones that fucking work. Their popularity while relatively large, is still hush hush in the mainstream media or just called old-fashioned stuff from 1970s etc..

The even deeper side of seduction comes in from advanced psychology and advanced social engineering. Stuff like Typewatching with MBTI and exploiting personality type weaknesses and strengths of women. The CIA even spends millions on psychological and personality type profile building. The average american has no idea that someone can know all of your strengths and weaknesses in 5-10 mins of questioning. Losers that never study wide arrays of subjects, like Tucker and ratface, have no idea how to properly advise another man on seducing women. Tucker's ugly and manly wife is proof of that. Only a truly lazy and unlucky man would stop at Tucker's site and stay there. Same goes for men who buy and read seduction books from blue pill men and women.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

[Image: 372282]

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Dude's hamster is running faster than any woman that's ever existed.

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

I got some juicy dirt to share about this when I get home later.

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

It's not surprising at all. This guy's 5 minutes of fame are gone and now he's trying to pull a "Marc Maron" (Trying to resurrect his 'career' by making interview podcasts) and he wants to grab attention and listeners by railing against a polarizing figure such as Roosh. Trucker Faux is desperate and that's it.

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Quote: (10-10-2014 11:03 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I got some juicy dirt to share about this when I get home later.

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

"When in chaos, speak truth." - Jordan Peterson

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

These two dudes come off as a couple lispy-voiced white knights, calling dudes who try to pick up chicks "rapists," "losers," and "sociopaths."

It's straight-up astounding that these clowns are contorting themselves to try to re-brand Tucker Max as being "manosphere" suddenly, while talking out of the other side of their mouths and calling dudes with game "creepy"--a decidedly anti-male, anti-manosphere belief.

And, let's not neglect their effort to claim this "Jordan Harbinger" is a major player in the manosphere.

[Image: what-you-talkin-bout-willis-o.gif]

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

I always thought the guy was a massive douche, clearly insecure too. Forney wrote about this once, although I've seen it mentioned other places too. It's a little late to be rebranding himself, but I'm sure he'll figure that out. It's rough to have your audience grow up faster than you.

This photo is funny.

[Image: tucker-max-fake-height.jpg]

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Quote: (10-10-2014 10:57 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2014 10:33 AM)Krusyos Wrote:  

Who is this Tucker Max faggot? His voice and way of speaking is extremely effeminate, which is warning sign no. 1. I could get over that, but when you listen to what he's saying, you find he actually isn't saying anything. He's spewing forth ad hominem attacks against Roosh, inferring that he lives with his grandmother in section 8 housing, and then proceeds to compare the rest of us to psychopaths and rapists. I did not hear one valid argument raised in the 10 minutes after he mentioned Roosh.

What do these fags believe about seduction anyway? "Buy the girl lotsa nice things and tell her how wonderful and priceless she is"?


Blue Pill men, women, and Feminists have written books, done videos, etc. for years on the art of seduction and most of it is unreadable hogwash. The best books have always been the Dark Triad-ish like ones because those are the ones that fucking work. Their popularity while relatively large, is still hush hush in the mainstream media or just called old-fashioned stuff from 1970s etc..

The even deeper side of seduction comes in from advanced psychology and advanced social engineering. Stuff like Typewatching with MBTI and exploiting personality type weaknesses and strengths of women. The CIA even spends millions on psychological and personality type profile building. The average american has no idea that someone can know all of your strengths and weaknesses in 5-10 mins of questioning. Losers that never study wide arrays of subjects, like Tucker and ratface, have no idea how to properly advise another man on seducing women. Tucker's ugly and manly wife is proof of that. Only a truly lazy and unlucky man would stop at Tucker's site and stay there. Same goes for men who buy and read seduction books from blue pill men and women.

What also makes his "site" laughably ridiculous is this little clause in the "About" section:


We believe that by assembling and explaining the latest scientific research, and combining it with decades of real world experience–while providing a non-judgmental, agenda-free place to learn it–we can teach men everything they need to be successful with women..

1) I would love to see the "scientific research" he says proves his beta method. As far as I know, every VALID scientific study (ie peer reviewed, blind, etc.) does nothing but give credence to the wisdom of the "misogynistic shitlords" on ROK and RVF. Hell, you don't even have to look at science-- simple experiential evidence shows that we are correct. My friend is an ugly ass, 5'5" Asian kid in America who absolutely SLAYS because his frame is so fucking strong and he implements game techniques. Fucker... excuse me, Tucker's so-called "real-world experience" is a joke as well. He's a ripped, handsome white-god looking fraternity boy who knows how to exude confidence. Of course he's gonna do well with college sluts.

2) Manosphere and "non-judgmental" are incompatible. The very reason we have a manosphere, is because we are judging that something is wrong with modern men. When someone comes onto a manosphere website, we aren't doing our job as his fellow man by saying "everything's cool with you, man. You're fine just the way you are." No, dammit! We say that if he wants to slay pussy, make money, and become a better man, he is NOT good enough right now. You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. We're telling you that you need to make some fundamental changes to who you are right now if you want to become a real man. And we're here to help you along the way. One of the most fundamental abilities of manhood is being able to maintain good judgement, and evaluate the judgement of other men on yourself. If there is not a level of judging, the site's nothing but a bunch of beta bitch boys sitting in a circle and jerking each other off.

3) "Agenda-free." Give me a break. You wouldn't be creating a website if you didn't have an agenda (to sell books and make money). You just figure the best way to accomplish your agenda is by conforming to pop relationship advice and trying to cleanse the manosphere of "sexism."

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Quote: (10-10-2014 10:57 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

The CIA even spends millions on psychological and personality type profile building. The average american has no idea that someone can know all of your strengths and weaknesses in 5-10 mins of questioning.

I'm sure whatever it is the CIA is trying to do, it's being done the wrong way - governments generally can't find their asses with both hands and a five year budget. But there are some techniques that work which agencies do use with some effectiveness - do a search for kinesic interviewing to see what I mean. Cops use this all the time, but it takes training and preferably a session where you have the individual isolated.

There are a few mentions of Ross Jeffries on this forum also - his work in NLP is legendary and effective, but again, his technique takes time and lots of practice to work.

I don't see anything innovative coming from the likes of Tucker Max - he can't even attention whore effectively.

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Quote: (10-10-2014 11:03 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I got some juicy dirt to share about this when I get home later.

[Image: spongebob.gif]

"You either build or destroy,where you come from?"

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Quote: (10-10-2014 10:57 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2014 10:33 AM)Krusyos Wrote:  

Who is this Tucker Max faggot? His voice and way of speaking is extremely effeminate, which is warning sign no. 1. I could get over that, but when you listen to what he's saying, you find he actually isn't saying anything. He's spewing forth ad hominem attacks against Roosh, inferring that he lives with his grandmother in section 8 housing, and then proceeds to compare the rest of us to psychopaths and rapists. I did not hear one valid argument raised in the 10 minutes after he mentioned Roosh.

What do these fags believe about seduction anyway? "Buy the girl lotsa nice things and tell her how wonderful and priceless she is"?

The even deeper side of seduction comes in from advanced psychology and advanced social engineering. Stuff like Typewatching with MBTI and exploiting personality type weaknesses and strengths of women. The CIA even spends millions on psychological and personality type profile building. The average american has no idea that someone can know all of your strengths and weaknesses in 5-10 mins of questioning.

You have a link or a book where I can read more about this?

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Quote: (10-10-2014 11:03 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I got some juicy dirt to share about this when I get home later.

[Image: Mr-Burns-Saying-Excellent.gif]

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

Quote: (10-10-2014 11:16 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

These two dudes come off as a couple lispy-voiced white knights, calling dudes who try to pick up chicks "rapists," "losers," and "sociopaths."

[Image: faggots1.jpg]

Take care of those titties for me.

Tucker Max talking shit about Roosh (again)

So, how much web traffic Tucker Max got from someone linking to it on RooshV?


he wants to grab attention and listeners by railing against a polarizing figure such as Roosh. Trucker Faux is desperate and that's it.

Volk nailed it.


You just figure the best way to accomplish your agenda is by conforming to pop relationship advice and trying to cleanse the manosphere of "sexism."

Nope, why would he want to "cleanse" anything? he just wants to bag the "beta guys that want to be validated" market. Which if you think about it, is way larger than the "alpha manosphere manly guys" market.

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