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Where are the good women

Where are the good women

Quote: (06-30-2014 12:02 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

She can just sit next to you without talking, looking at her phone or doing anything else completely at peace with herself. She is so calm, she makes me nervous.

Biggest quality mark which can be an indicator of good girl. I mean where can we find a girl who is not cont. busy in her phone all the time..indicates that she is not a 24 x 7 attention whore.

Where are the good women

Quote: (06-07-2014 04:45 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

When I was about 32 I decided to stop seeking cheap sluts and look for a wife.

A rabbi friend of mine actually said this "You keep looking for the wrong kind of women, dummy. Look for the right woman for a change. Write an essay about what kind of woman you want for a wife." He was a smart dude. So I did it.

I wrote..."Family first. Wants to be a mother. Parents married. Prim and proper on the outside, but in the bedroom she belongs to me utterly." Etc.

Found her a month later. Married 20 years. She bore and raised 2 kids for me, hard hard work.

But these kind of women are more rare than ever. Fortunately this is America and we have 150 million women. That's a big population to choose from. Ultimately there's a lot of good ones out there, even if they are only 5% of the total population, that's still a lot of potential gals.

But how to find the non-fat, non-crazy ones?

Well, it's a challenge.

Where did you meet her? Was it the result of active looking by you or did an opportunity present itself and you made it happen? (ie not actively looking, you were jut focussed on living an awesome life)?

Where are the good women

I arrived at the yoga class late but there was no instructor there. Where was the instructor? No one seem to know. I waited for about 15 mins then decided to leave. As I began walking towards the door of the room I see a girl striding purposely through the gym. She immediately got my attention. I stopped to watch her. She was in really great shape with short hair. I wonder where she was going because whatever machine she was going to I was going to be working out right next to her. But she continued down the aisle heading straight to the door of the room. I thought oh, maybe she is a new student. Which would be perfect. I could just talk to her then about the missing instructor. She entered the room and went to the front of the class – she was the substitute instructor. Like an army drill surgeon she immediately got into directing the class. She was serious and purposeful but absolutely stunning too. She had this glowing tan skin without a single imperfection. (I love beautiful skin.) She was like a big cat, thin, supple, and graceful and I wanted her in bad way. I can’t remember wanting a woman as much all of this year. It is difficult to describe all of the little things I notice in a woman but I can very quickly assess the value of a woman and this girl was definitely a HVT (High Value Target). I liked everything about her. There was nothing I could detect that I could consider to even remotely be a red flag. This was one confident woman comfortable in her own skin and what a wonderful skin it was.

I decided within about 30 seconds of watching her that I was going to get her. (Set a strong intention.) It was a very conscious and deliberate decision I made then and there and it is a very important step for me. As we went through the poses I kept looking directly at her. I wanted her to know without any doubt what my intentions where. I was conveying sexual intent in a very blatant manner. She knew this and avoid eye contact – looking over my head. The class lasted one hour so there was one hour of laser focused sexualize eye contact on my part. After the class I walked over to her and told she was good but difficult. We had a little conversation about yoga in general and after a few minutes I hit her with my first DHV (Demonstration High Value). I ask her if she knew this other yoga studio and the owner, this attractive girl. She said yes. I then told her I use to go there etc. I then told her enough about the owner of the studio to let her know I had some sort of relationship with her in the past. Now it is important to understand that this girl is just as attractive as her, maybe more so, in some ways. By doing this I was indirectly telling her that since I was already vetted by someone you look up to then I am certainly good enough for you – social proof. (This was a key element and one that many guys simply won’t have at their disposal. While it is very powerful, I don’t particular need it in my case as I will explain at the end.)

I ended the conversation and she said she would see me next Wednesday, the next class. Also when I was talking to her I broke intimate distance meaning I was talking about one foot from her while looking at her directly in her eyes. This was my way of starting to establish dominance. I was standing like I was about to kick her ass, a very aggressive stance. And she didn’t back down. The next class I saw her walking to the door of the class and timed my approach so we would arrive at the door at the same time – girls love these types of “coincidences”. I opened the door for her but what I was really looking for was her reaction the moment she noticed me. Her face lite up into a big smile. It was what I was hoping to see. The first three seconds a woman sees and her reaction is the most truest test of her attraction to you because it’s a reaction. She does not have time to think or to fake anything. Again, throughout the class, I was laser focusing on her. This time after the class I walked with her to the front of the gym. I asked her what other classes she had and she had classes in the morning. I told her I couldn’t make it then and was thinking how to ask her out when she saved me the trouble. She invited me to some event she has hold on the Summer solstice. She wrote down the information and her email address. Finally as I was walking away she called me back and asked my name – another small IOI but it was unnecessary in this case.

I went to the event and it was a huge test. This was her home ground and her people. If you are not into the whole yoga scene this is a big day for them – lots of dancing and fertility rituals. I didn’t know anyone there and was completely out of place – as I am usually at these kind of things. But the moment she saw me she came over and gave me a tight hug and her face had a big smile on it. I was in. In that moment in front of all of her friends I knew the battle was 50% over. Still, it was a struggle. There were a few orbiter there and they were giving me nasty looks. Everyone was curious about who this guy was. Especially since she was the alpha female of the group and the leader of the whole thing. It took a lot strength to hold my frame and not give into hers and all the crazy shit going on. I basically held back and acted cool while participating in some of the events. Yes, I chanted with the fat lady while directing energy into the middle of the circle while drums beat out a hypnotic rhythm. I shared the love. I didn’t let anything faze me and would interact with her now and then. She wanted to see how I would fit into her world, girls do this all the time. And it’s a good sign. It means they are “considering” dating you and want their friends approval and to see how you are going to mesh with their world. It’s hard to say exactly how I knew this but after a few hours I felt I had passed the test and decided to leave. I can only handle this stuff for so long. The confirmation came when I told her I was leaving and she hugged me in front of everyone. This wasn’t a friendly hug. It is what I call a full body lovers hug where the girl put her arms beneath your arms and pull herself into you. A friendly hug in contrast is when she puts her arm around your neck and leans her top half into you. Even so I continued to hold a very alpha frame. I didn’t really hug her back and actually straighten my back lifted my head higher which made me seem taller and more powerful. Again, it’s hard to describe why but at this exact moment I knew it was over, I had won her. Now it was just a matter of running down the clock and logistics. We have been hanging out ever since and she’s better than I could have hoped for – really great girl in every way. All of my friends are crazy about her. One even threatened to kick my ass if I hurt her in any way. The irony of it, is that she is 100% American. (I know we complain about American women a lot but as I keep reminding myself, it’s really big country.)

But there was something else at play here that I didn’t talk about and it’s very important. One of the reason I was able to get this girl is because I have a history of dating these kinds of girls. When I am around these type of girls I am very much in my element and they can sense this. I am more comfortable around these high value girls than I am around more average girls. I never have to question myself because everything I am about is geared for these girls. And this is a powerful advantage. To put it other way, I have custom designed myself for precisely these type of girls and this makes it much easier for me to get them. Also I don’t have to fake my desire. If anything my desire can never be enough. A high value girl will judge you more on how you react around her and treat than anything else. Also these girls are very intelligent. Trying to “Game” them or BS them won’t work as easily as with your average girl. Even so, it still took a lot of self-confidence and tight game, especially internal game. When I am going after one of these girls I am never more alive. I feel like a tiger in the jungle and operate on pure animal instinct. I don’t question myself and even if I don’t get the girl, it happens, I love this feeling because I am never more alive. When I am in this zone I am very lethal but I can't make myself go into it, it's triggered by the woman.

The key to getting these types of girls are:

1.Pre-selection and social proof. You can prove that you have gotten someone like her before. (Most important)
2.DHV by showing her you can fit into her world and lifestyle and that you also have a cool world yourself.
3.A ton of self-confidence and very tight inner game.
4.You have to really want them and not be afraid to show it – related to No.3 (You really have to let your desire come through.)

These are all stuff I talk about in my other threads. It’s like anything in life. The good stuff always cost a lot. You can use really good game to get a bang from one of them, my friend has, but if you want a relationship with them you are going to need a lot more than that. It’s very rare for me to find one of these girls. If I find one a year, I consider myself lucky. Once a guy I was helping asked me: where did your self-confidence come from? I had never thought about this and had to think about it for a while. I finally told him my foundation was built on my first two girlfriends and these girls were considered by everyone who knew them to be of very high value. They validated me in a way and at a very young age (16) that even today their impact is still rippling through my life. It doesn’t matter what a girl say or do to me today. I can always find comfort and solace in that I was once loved by two great women and this is the most powerful component of my game and one I cannot teach or give to anyone. It is the source of my confidence and the source of much of what I know about women. I was loved and taken care of by these women when I had absolutely nothing. When they could have just about any guy around them they choose me. I once asked one of them why and she said she chose me not for what I was but for what I could be. Women choose men not only for who they are but also for who they can be – their potential. Remember this guys, the next time you are not feeling too great about who you are right now. I hope I did not disappoint them…

Where are the good women

Me and Roosh are coming into alignment now [Image: smile.gif] (I am jumping up and down with glee)

As Roosh has found out it is not enough to have sex with these girls to get them. You need more, a lot more. I actually withhold sex.

Where are the good women

I find it funny that everyone here praises highly educated career women from abroad while at the same time demonizing career women from home.

I got news for you, BOTH are EXACTLY the same.

If you are looking for QUALITY women, you need to look much harder, they don't exist in air conditioned offices or drive around in luxury vehicles that their daddies bought for them. They are most likely located in some hot, damp factory or fish market working their ass to the grind as a general labourer. You want a woman that is going to stick by you or a woman that is going to jump at the first sign of trouble. Quality is not handed to someone on a plate, its earned by working hard and trying to stay alive. The 3rd world is the perfect place to meet QUALITY because there is so much abundance of POOR, disadvantaged young women who have been hardened by the contstant abuse and brought down to Earth by the rich who constantly remind them they are the sh1t of the Earth.

THIS is who you want to target for wife material:

Candlestick makers.

If anyone here has ever done a factory job or a job requiring a significant amount of labour they know what the hell I'm talking about. Those jobs suck and if you HAD to do them and had no other option, you'd be greatful for ANYTHING else... you'd also likely have cooking and housekeeping skills since no one was around to take care of you. Women who have to work hard to take care of and provide for family are usually the people who also wear their heart on their sleeve. The best places on earth for those girls, are places where you'll find more cockroaches and rats than people. Dark alley ways, ghettos, blue collar worker districts, 3rd world farms, places where people are treated like slaves, those are places that quality wives hail from.. FOXCONN comes to mind. You will never find one of those girls hanging around a nightclub or bar unless she is a prostitute sold into slavery by her family. These are the women who are struggling to get by, these are the women who put their faith in god and are greatful just to have food on a plate or a roof that doesn't leak (all the time). These are women that are just happy to have some semblance of a family.

As for my wife, her happiest day during the year was her birthday when she recieved not just a bowl of noodles but also AN EGG.
My extended family: My mother in law built me a western style toilet for me out of bricks and mortar she found at a job site, just so I could come and visit rural China. The mother in law is 50+ and still working all day ploughing the fields, my wife gets her work ethic from her mother. After her father died the mother never re-married or had any relationships and continued working to put her two children through school. My wife said that some days the mother would not even return from the fields because she wanted to give my wife the opportunity to go to school. My wife managed to go to school between helping her mother on the community farm and hiking (desk strapped to her back) to school everyday...

That gentleman is what makes a quality woman and if you want to find it, you have to wade through the horrors of the 3rd world to get it.

Where are the good women

"As for my wife, her happiest day during the year was her birthday when she recieved not just a bowl of noodles but also AN EGG."

This is a classic!

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Where are the good women

Truth, her childhood dream was to eat at a KFC. I was there for her first time, both in the bedroom and at the KFC, filled me with glorious purpose! [Image: smile.gif]

When your girl considers the dollar menu at McD's too expensive 'for her', you know you've got a keeper.

Where are the good women

"When your girl considers the dollar menu at McD's too expensive 'for her', you know you've got a keeper."'s just too much.

Where are the good women

I want to add a condition to my statements on this thread. American women are only good as long you retain a very strong alpha frame. The moment you slip up and drop your frame they will turn on you. It's like being with a tiger in a cage. You can't ever relax in this damn country.

Where are the good women

^^^ hahaha. now there's an analogy that can help a man keep his shit together when dealing with a woman

Where are the good women

Quote: (07-04-2014 11:58 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

I want to add a condition to my statements on this thread. American women are only good as long you retain a very strong alpha frame. The moment you slip up and drop your frame they will turn on you. It's like being with a tiger in a cage. You can't ever relax in this damn country.

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Wonderful insight.

Where are the good women

Quote: (07-04-2014 11:58 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

I want to add a condition to my statements on this thread. American women are only good as long you retain a very strong alpha frame. The moment you slip up and drop your frame they will turn on you. It's like being with a tiger in a cage. You can't ever relax in this damn country.

True, but I dont get why you think its better elsewhere. Im Vietnamese and am now living in France and women are exactly the same. I cant speak for Russia or Eastern Europe. I thought here (France and Vietnam) I could relax a bit but the moment I did girl lost interest faster than a fat chick eating an apple pie. And these girls dont have smart phones. And my game was better than when I was in US.

Asian girls can make awesome housewives, on the condition you provide for her financially. First thing they look for is always your potential for making $.
IF your cool with that, by all means go to 3rd world countries.

Ofc, if you look in the lower rungs of society I agree theres a slightly higher chance of getting a good, loyal old fashioned girl, but even now its getting corrupted. In Vietnam we are dealing with a lot of problems from rural girls coming to the big cities and become spoiled quickly, then do stupid shit and get jailed. Then their poor farmers parents are like "but my daughter would never do that"

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Where are the good women

I guess it doesn't matter where we go anymore. The US has now infected the whole world.

Where are the good women

Good women are nowhere, they are an entelechy which only exists in our minds.

She go crazy, is hamster!

Where are the good women

So, how does a 32-year-old man tap into the social circle of these attractive, exceptional, mid-20s women?

Where are the good women

COUCHSURFING!!! [Image: biggrin.gif]

Where are the good women

Quote: (07-07-2014 01:43 PM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

So, how does a 32-year-old man tap into the social circle of these attractive, exceptional, mid-20s women?

Start digging into one of these scenes:

Dance studios
Yoga studios
Art classes / Art scenes
Charity work

These girls are high value because they are both beautiful and value community and people outside of themselves. They are the opposite of girls that sit around bars trying to get free drinks and smoke cigarettes.

It takes more work and dedication to be apart of these communities so yes they may slip up and slut out like any girl, but generally much less than reality TV, bar/club, couch surfer sluts hahaha.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Where are the good women

Quote: (07-07-2014 08:46 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-07-2014 01:43 PM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

So, how does a 32-year-old man tap into the social circle of these attractive, exceptional, mid-20s women?

Start digging into one of these scenes:

Dance studios
Yoga studios
Art classes / Art scenes
Charity work

These girls are high value because they are both beautiful and value community and people outside of themselves. They are the opposite of girls that sit around bars trying to get free drinks and smoke cigarettes.

It takes more work and dedication to be apart of these communities so yes they may slip up and slut out like any girl, but generally much less than reality TV, bar/club, couch surfer sluts hahaha.

I have to agree to disagree. I do not see why some people think the same feminine girls who do yoga and bake awesome cookies do not go to bars and slut it out. Similarly, the whore you saw in club making out with random guys might be an usually reserved Sociology Honor Student who go to church, play violin, volunteer for animal shelter, just trying to de-stress after writing her thesis (true story)

I think the dangers here in tapping or immersing in the social scene of said "good girls" is that, you risk the danger of seeing her bad side while at the same time get suck into some group drama. Back lash can be quite a headache. And of course, it requires work like travesty said. The irony is that really hot girls are often in very tight-knit social groups which take a lot of breaking in. Whereas more open group have quantity over quality. In either case, you have to establish your status AND maintain it if you want to bang hot ass.

I think theres a pure beauty in cold approaching. You meet a good girl in her slut moment, or a slut in her good girl moment. Does it matter? If she s a total sweatheart to me while just being decent with others, thats all I ever need. Its not like Im marrying her. Conversely, if everyone tell me she s an angel but if she acts bitchy to me, she can go fuck herself. And you stay away from group drama or "what her friends think"

My experience might not be representative, but I would like to share mine. I am an Aikido martial artist and an avid Salsa/Bachata dancer. Together they take about 20 hours/week. I have a good level in both and am very deeply rooted in the aikido scene. There s this Aikido Master who is ugly as fuck but deadly, and he shamelessly hit on and abuse all the young girls at the dojo. He is however very charismatic and at first you think you love this guy. The prettiest girls there have all gone through his stick, which is disgusting given how old and ugly this guy is.

The most beautiful of these girls, she cooks and bakes for the whole dojo, give people free massages after training, always smile like sunshine and the first to dance. She loves wearing dresses and hugging people from behind. Always very welcoming to the newcomers. Stay after hour to help people with techniques they dont understand. Good girl in anyone's book, right?

Wrong. After you get to know her, you realize she has been with that ugly Master for 5 years, in secret. He ignores her so she puts on the social mask to hit on as many guys as possible under her friendly "guise". She makes you confess your feeling then break down in tears "I like you too but Im in a really difficult situation", never mentioning her rel with the master. Go on dates with guys, kiss them and then tell people that "he tries to rape me". Sleeps with 2-3 guys at any given moment, telling each of them you are the only one. A guy almost jumped off the bridge after she pulled some shit on him. Hell, we even form a group called "X's exes". If someone annoys her, she tells the Master to "accidentally" breaks their limbs during training. She is especially friendly to beginner so as to recruit new allies to her side when people talk about her "slut buisness", cause everyone who has been here for a year know and talk about it.

In salsa is the same thing. You always have these couples who dance the best. The guy get to pick any girl and the girl rejoys in rejecting new guys who are not a dance god yet. Sometimes they dance and flirt with different partners to make each other jealous.Then the new guy/girl realize they are just a pawn, get heartbroken and leave the scene.

And all these girls appear at first sight, awesome "good girl". Its very easy to appear like a good, social person if you are seen in the company of those you know, in a social setting that you have mastered. Catch a slut when she is taking her nephew out for a walk in her favorite neighborhood, and you will want to marry her.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Where are the good women

"I have to agree to disagree. I do not see why some people think the same feminine girls who do yoga and bake awesome cookies do not go to bars and slut it out."


Where are the good women

Quote: (07-07-2014 01:43 PM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

So, how does a 32-year-old man tap into the social circle of these attractive, exceptional, mid-20s women?

Banned - and already back. [Image: troll.gif]

- They always word the questions in a way that almost no guy here would do.
- Sometimes they use PUA lingo to such a degree no one would ever do - especially someone who does real approaches. They remind me more of the guys you read about after the first Pick-up-Artist TV series came out. A bunch of geeks going out on the tough LA streets and doing 4-sets and 3-sets in some Game attempts.
- they extoll the virtues of women and focus on the age of the men

"Tap into the social circle" - right - a guy is terribly concerned about the social circle of a 20-year-old (excuse me - exceptional mid 20s, so that the 27 YRO carousel rider feels empowered to get an age-appropriate 32 YRO "gentleman"). Most women if truly interested in one create a new social circle, abandon theirs or they both fit into each other's. Besides - tapping into the social circle seldom had much to do with tapping the ass of one, unless it was part of a dating-test of such a woman.

Where are the good women

Quote: (07-07-2014 08:46 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-07-2014 01:43 PM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

So, how does a 32-year-old man tap into the social circle of these attractive, exceptional, mid-20s women?

Start digging into one of these scenes:

Dance studios
Yoga studios
Art classes / Art scenes
Charity work

These girls are high value because they are both beautiful and value community and people outside of themselves. They are the opposite of girls that sit around bars trying to get free drinks and smoke cigarettes.

It takes more work and dedication to be apart of these communities so yes they may slip up and slut out like any girl, but generally much less than reality TV, bar/club, couch surfer sluts hahaha.

Thanks for the tips. I was thinking of the same outlets. Salsa dancing, swing dancing, tango... I love music and this could work well for me. I've also taken Spanish language classes, but my knowledge/course levels were pretty advanced, so not many hot young girls in there, go figure, lol. Maybe I could start a 3rd language at beginner level and meet some young hotties. Portuguese? Chinese? I've also been considering investigating various art/cultural groups. Maybe the symphony or opera house crowd?

Churches, heh, been-there-done-that my whole 20s, fogedaboudit. It's not a place to practice game (unless you're rockin' and very discrete about it). Not to mention, I don't think churches are even a good place to find a wife, sad to say. My ex was a church girl, but I met her online. I killed on Eharmony, trouble is that it's mostly 28+ crowd on there. Also had 4-5 dates off of without putting much effort into it, they were 23-25 yo. POF, swing and a miss! How's OKC? Maybe it's time for me to break down and sign up for a yoga class. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Where are the good women

I agree all kinds of girls slut it out in America.

If you want higher quality as in a warmer personality and most likely sluts out less on average some of these communities do have more girls to choose from although many of these girls are more work and the better ones usually settle into serious relationships early and get married by their mid 20s.

99.5% are not marriage material. The question I was answering was more geared toward upping your chance of not having to deal with mega sluts that chain smoke at the bar every weekend, attention whore and cock-ride on a weekly/monthly. This was trying to target semi-sluts which is about the best you can do in America.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Where are the good women

A girl being a slut is the least of my worries. A majority of women in this country has serious psychological and personal problems. If I could find a big slut without any serious psychological or personal problems I would gladly take her.

Where are the good women

Quote: (07-08-2014 05:52 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (07-07-2014 01:43 PM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

So, how does a 32-year-old man tap into the social circle of these attractive, exceptional, mid-20s women?

Banned - and already back. [Image: troll.gif]

- They always word the questions in a way that almost no guy here would do.
- Sometimes they use PUA lingo to such a degree no one would ever do - especially someone who does real approaches. They remind me more of the guys you read about after the first Pick-up-Artist TV series came out. A bunch of geeks going out on the tough LA streets and doing 4-sets and 3-sets in some Game attempts.
- they extoll the virtues of women and focus on the age of the men

"Tap into the social circle" - right - a guy is terribly concerned about the social circle of a 20-year-old (excuse me - exceptional mid 20s, so that the 27 YRO carousel rider feels empowered to get an age-appropriate 32 YRO "gentleman"). Most women if truly interested in one create a new social circle, abandon theirs or they both fit into each other's. Besides - tapping into the social circle seldom had much to do with tapping the ass of one, unless it was part of a dating-test of such a woman.

Your warm welcoming is duly noted!

Where are the good women

Quote: (07-09-2014 10:00 AM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

Quote: (07-08-2014 05:52 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (07-07-2014 01:43 PM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

So, how does a 32-year-old man tap into the social circle of these attractive, exceptional, mid-20s women?

Banned - and already back. [Image: troll.gif]

- They always word the questions in a way that almost no guy here would do.
- Sometimes they use PUA lingo to such a degree no one would ever do - especially someone who does real approaches. They remind me more of the guys you read about after the first Pick-up-Artist TV series came out. A bunch of geeks going out on the tough LA streets and doing 4-sets and 3-sets in some Game attempts.
- they extoll the virtues of women and focus on the age of the men

"Tap into the social circle" - right - a guy is terribly concerned about the social circle of a 20-year-old (excuse me - exceptional mid 20s, so that the 27 YRO carousel rider feels empowered to get an age-appropriate 32 YRO "gentleman"). Most women if truly interested in one create a new social circle, abandon theirs or they both fit into each other's. Besides - tapping into the social circle seldom had much to do with tapping the ass of one, unless it was part of a dating-test of such a woman.

Your warm welcoming is duly noted!

I always stand to be corrected and I am willing to admit, if I am wrong. Most trolls sooner or later betray themselves.

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