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How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

[Image: 2eevfix.gif]

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

LMAO epic gif ^^^^^ Gonna miss YBD :/

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

we need to get him on here! we endorse such behavior! lol

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

anyone ever see/use that xprofiles website? I don't know jack shit about it but I was another site that requires you to pay to message people so a chick messaged me saying you look like my ex, he was an ass but he was fucking hot and I think we should im, this site doesn't have it, find me on xprofiles here's my username and we can im on there or exchange info and im somewhere else. I type in xprofiles didn't look at her page or anything but it looks fake as hell bunch of hot chicks putting up naked pics, don't know if she was just fishing to get people to sign up or what but I didn't bother, just saw the pics on the main page and thought shady, thought i'd see if anyone had any experience with it.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (06-01-2011 06:26 PM)mikeymike Wrote:  

anyone ever see/use that xprofiles website? I don't know jack shit about it but I was another site that requires you to pay to message people so a chick messaged me saying you look like my ex, he was an ass but he was fucking hot and I think we should im, this site doesn't have it, find me on xprofiles here's my username and we can im on there or exchange info and im somewhere else. I type in xprofiles didn't look at her page or anything but it looks fake as hell bunch of hot chicks putting up naked pics, don't know if she was just fishing to get people to sign up or what but I didn't bother, just saw the pics on the main page and thought shady, thought i'd see if anyone had any experience with it.

googled it and dug a little bit, scam site, all but the girl who thought I was hot of course lol

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

I finally started getting more phone numbers from POF. Everyone needs to be persistent. I've noticed I get better results (an actual reply) when I start up a convo from a topic on her page instead of the lines that got some people busted here lol. Never Gymless has some good ones if you're feeling lucky. I go on for about 15 min a day and try to hit up at least 10 girls. Thanks to everyone who gave some good tips in here. I was about to delete my page before I got into the groove and figured out how to e-game. Try to get her to laugh or feel comfortable as quick as possible with the messages then get the number. I stop talking to them if they're not willing to give me the cell.

I was about to hit up a cute slut today when I saw she has HIV! At least she was honest on her page

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

The key to getting a lot of these girls to respond is to contact them soon after they join the site. There are literally hundreds of new faces daily in major metropolitan areas. I would say roughly 75% of my actual dates come from girls who recently joined. 4 out of 5 tell me I am the first guy they've met online and gone on a date with.

There are a lot of profiles out there that have been around for a while. These girls a) know the game better, b) usually aren't as serious about finding someone, and c) haven't been bombarded by 100's of emails from betas yet.

There are also a lot of dead/inactive profiles too. Girls are most active online when they're unhappy in a relationship or just got out of one (common sense). Those are your best shots at hooking a girl on the rebound.

I'll be covering all of these topics in greater detail in my online dating book (release date TBD). It will probably be finished between Q4 '11 and the first half of 2012 and under 75 pages.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

So I noticed something tonight. I've been rolling out messages on POF over the last few days and doing REALLY badly. Very few responses, most don't get to a date. I did some profile clean up and added a couple pics and realized that my one shirtless short was gone, for whatever reason I remember taking it down. No pic = no responses or bland responses, I just added it back tonight and sent out about 12 messages, so I'm curious to see if there's a noticeable difference (I think there will be)

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

I've been doing decent with 2 cell phone restroom pictures. I really need to add more even if its some fake photoshoot shit.

What do y'all say to get the number when y'all feel the girl is comfortable through messages? I've been going back and forth with a nice 8 for a few days. She's joining the military and my dumbass boy told me to mess with her and say I was in the army. Now, this hoe thinks I was in the army for 4 yrs. I didn't think she would believe me since I look so young.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

I've been doing decent with 2 cell phone restroom pictures. I really need to add more even if its some fake photoshoot shit.

What do y'all say to get the number when y'all feel the girl is comfortable through messages? I've been going back and forth with a nice 8 for a few days. She's joining the military and my dumbass boy told me to mess with her and say I was in the army. Now, this hoe thinks I was in the army for 4 yrs. I didn't think she would believe me since I look so young.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

houston, i feel like you need to post pictures that illustrate how little you need to be on POF. i feel like saying it in your profile would come across as 'try hard'. pictures of you out at bars at night with a good looking mix of guys/girls would be perfect.

look at this site:

if you knew someone like this, or could track down who does this in your town, you could get free quality pics/action shots.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

you want to present higher value.

pics of you in exotic locations, pics of you doing wicked fun activites, pics of you with hot women ect.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Alright so I've got a question for those who do well on POF.

I see these really attractive Brazilian "exchange" students on POF all the time, and the story is usually the same, and I've tried ever line I can think of to get a response and I've never gotten any kind of response.

Anyone been able to crack one of these?

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (06-16-2011 06:36 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Alright so I've got a question for those who do well on POF.

I see these really attractive Brazilian "exchange" students on POF all the time, and the story is usually the same, and I've tried ever line I can think of to get a response and I've never gotten any kind of response.

Anyone been able to crack one of these?

I have an unusually high response rate from foreign girls (I now target them). Your profile needs to be distinguishably different from other American men and you need to creatively flaunt international travel experience somewhere in your profile. This is how you DHV with these girls.

When messaging, something funny usually gets their attention. My copy/pastas get them to view my profile, which sells itself.

If you need to, create an alternate male profile to search other guy's profiles and well... for lack of a better phrase, do the opposite. It doesn't matter if it's a little off the wall, that shit works.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

I do okay with other foreign girls, its specifically these Brazilian au pairs that I have no luck with.

Also, I see travel thrown around a lot, I admitedly have little travel experience, whats the consensus on bullshitting till you have a better story? I've thought about including a quip about going to Grand Cayman to dive (which is true I just haven't done it since I was 17)

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

I'm not having much success with OkCupid.. can someone pm me some lines I can use or maybe advice?

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Online dating sites where you have to fill out a profile and blah blah blah,bores the tits off me!

There's a site in the UK that is a bit like Craigslist,and it had a free date section...just put up an ad and picture.
I met and bedded a fair few young Europeans and Asians through that...and just as I was getting into my stride..they stopped the date section!

I can't stand those sign up sites with filling out your profile shit.
As Bart would say "BORING!"

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (07-01-2011 12:11 PM)Pilgrim37 Wrote:  

Online dating sites where you have to fill out a profile and blah blah blah,bores the tits off me!

There's a site in the UK that is a bit like Craigslist,and it had a free date section...just put up an ad and picture.
I met and bedded a fair few young Europeans and Asians through that...and just as I was getting into my stride..they stopped the date section!

I can't stand those sign up sites with filling out your profile shit.
As Bart would say "BORING!"

If you aren't willing to put in the effort or work, don't expect a payout.

Lazy man's game.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (07-01-2011 12:11 PM)Pilgrim37 Wrote:  

Online dating sites where you have to fill out a profile and blah blah blah,bores the tits off me!

There's a site in the UK that is a bit like Craigslist,and it had a free date section...just put up an ad and picture.
I met and bedded a fair few young Europeans and Asians through that...and just as I was getting into my stride..they stopped the date section!

I can't stand those sign up sites with filling out your profile shit.
As Bart would say "BORING!"

Take 15 minutes to come up with one good profile and copy/paste. If you find it boring its most likely because you dont have much to say about yourself, which is either a reflection of your life (as is mine because at 23 I havent done shit) or a reflection of your self image, you see yourself as boring so you've got nothing to say.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

I signed up to OKCupid last week, there is no talent in my city nor any of the other cities nearbye. The standard is terrible. The few girls I did talk to came across as bitchy or needy. I have no intention of continuing with it because I'm all honesty there's next to no girls I'd actually want to meet anyway,

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (07-01-2011 03:57 PM)Gringo Wrote:  

I signed up to OKCupid last week, there is no talent in my city nor any of the other cities nearbye. The standard is terrible. The few girls I did talk to came across as bitchy or needy. I have no intention of continuing with it because I'm all honesty there's next to no girls I'd actually want to meet anyway,

A lot of people talk about OKC having better girls and quality then POF but I dont see it. The response rates seem worse (I blame the match nonesense and to much extra info)

Im losing my taste for online dating, it becomes to consuming and just isnt as fun as just going out.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Okcupid is a strange site and they use different matching algorithms based on a lot of factors.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

So are you saying you continually re-wrote your profile to target individual girls? Seems like a lot of hassle.

One of the things I noticed is that everyone has a really standard / boring profile photo on OKCupid, there's nothing to distinguish people by. I have probably the most original photo on there but my profile needs work, I couldn't be bothered to put time into it so just kept it short.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (07-02-2011 04:03 AM)Gringo Wrote:  

So are you saying you continually re-wrote your profile to target individual girls? Seems like a lot of hassle.

One of the things I noticed is that everyone has a really standard / boring profile photo on OKCupid, there's nothing to distinguish people by. I have probably the most original photo on there but my profile needs work, I couldn't be bothered to put time into it so just kept it short.

Individuals? No. Groups and types yes. A profile that's going to attract say a hippie girl who is 20 is different than one who's going to attract say a grad student who is 25, which is different than one who's going to get a go getter type of chick who is 29.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (07-02-2011 05:00 AM)Neo Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2011 04:03 AM)Gringo Wrote:  

So are you saying you continually re-wrote your profile to target individual girls? Seems like a lot of hassle.

One of the things I noticed is that everyone has a really standard / boring profile photo on OKCupid, there's nothing to distinguish people by. I have probably the most original photo on there but my profile needs work, I couldn't be bothered to put time into it so just kept it short.

Individuals? No. Groups and types yes. A profile that's going to attract say a hippie girl who is 20 is different than one who's going to attract say a grad student who is 25, which is different than one who's going to get a go getter type of chick who is 29.

Neo is doing it right. You want to create a motif that is flexible enough to attract a group of girls even if that means alienating another, otherwise you'll end up with nothing.

Some different motifs include:

"Intelligent, Sophisticated, Well-Traveled Guy"
"Cool and Witty 'I don't take this site seriously' Guy"
"Ridiculously Attractive Guy" (It doesn't really matter what you write with this one)


Once you pick a "motif" or role you are expanding your potential demographic to a certain set of girls who fit different criteria.

Maybe I'll do up a write up on this topic. I've been getting a lot of questions lately on the same subject.

I disagree that there aren't lines or techniques that work well though. I'll be outlining many of them in my book.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

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