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banging jewish girls

banging jewish girls

This is the article that encouraged me to write this. I will be adding on to this so if you don't see my second post, just hold on! (my way of giving back to the community) I've removed all the political garbage but here is the link if you actually want to read it.

Hundreds gathered at a demonstration in Bat Yam on Monday evening to protest the presence of Arab residents in the suburb south of Tel Aviv, and to warn against what they said was a worrying trend of Arabs “defiling” Jewish girls there and across Israel.

Moshe Ben-Zikri, a community administrator from the Jerusalem neighborhood of Pisgat Ze’ev, who recently waged a campaign against the quarter’s Arab residents, told The Jerusalem Post, “Today, the Arab enemy is taking over all over Israel. They act innocent, they say we’re only here to rent an apartment, and then they take over house by house. Our girls fall victim to their temptation. Not only that, but crime and drugs, all of it comes with the Arabs; none of that stuff takes place in a Jewish area until the Arabs come.”

Ben-Zikri said Arabs posed a special threat to innocent Jewish girls, who were easy prey.

These Arabs, they speak Hebrew, they look just like us and they tempt our women,” he said. “Some guy named Arafat says his name is Ofer, and so on. Our girls don’t know these guys are Arab and they fall victim to them and families are destroyed. They [the Arabs] don’t have to kill people to destroy families.”

A counter-protest was held a few hundred meters away, where several dozen demonstrators chanted such slogans as “Bat Yam: A city for everyone” and “Down with racism.” One protester there held a sign reading, “I love Arabs, ask me how,” while another placard showed a picture of a smiling couple under the words “I married an Arab!”

Game recognized.

[Image: clap2.gif]

banging jewish girls

This is my first "data drop" so if you want me to clarify please let me know.

I am half Arab and half Finish although I look 100% Arab. I was raised Jewish and can speak Hebrew. If you have read what I wrote above you know where this is going.

Most Jewish girls are taught to stick with their own people. As we all know, the more people tell you not to have something, the more you want it. a good majority of Jewish girls are told to stick with Jewish guys. These are the hotties you find in the synagogues. A simple sentence should suffice, if she does speak Hebrew just say you prefer to speak in English.

An easy way to bang Jewish girls is simply to know some Hebrew. In America most Jews can't speak Hebrew. Hebrew is a lot like Arabic so if you don't know Hebrew, use Arabic instead (just put more emphasizes on the sound that sounds like you're about to spit a loogie). Arabic is more in the back of the throat whereas Hebrew uses the roof of the mouth if that makes sense? So make sure you use the roof. The sound should be quick, don't drag it like how the "R" is dragged out in Spanish.

Remember to lie and say that your mom is Jewish, unless of course she actually is/was Jewish. Its not so much as hooking up with a non Jew but hooking up with someone of another race. Why? The Taboo of it all is a turn on for these sex deprived girls. If you're of European descent then its best to not say your Jewish but are interested in the culture. Either way throw some Hebrew you should have her undivided attention (and later her pants!)

Much like their soviet counterparts, Jewish girls have strong family ties. Especially with their grandmothers. One way to get establish a connection is to share a story which indirectly shows you have a strong relationship with your grandmother. Lie if you have to.

Dress to impress as she will most likely attempt to show you off to show other Jewish girls in a "look what I have!" type of way.

Most of these girls are not religious even though they pretend like they are. Plow through the normal BS while also lying about how "religious" your parents are. Also keep in mind that girls who have Rabbis in their families are the most slutty.

Common shit tests involve Jewish stereotypes. Should one arise ignore and move on or pretend to not know wtf she is talking about.

any questions? any elaborations?

banging jewish girls

Haha, I smiled while reading this.

I'm Jewish and have a few points to add:

1) Jewish North American girls are SUPER different from Jewish girls elsewhere, and Jewish Israeli girls are in a separate group altogether. Thus, it's pretty hard to categorize them completely.

2) I've met tons of Israelis backpacking and they always tell me that the best way to get with an Israeli girl is for me to NOT tell them I'm Jewish if I'm looking for a ONS. Apparently they think Australians are super hot as well.

3) North American Jewish girls, for the most part, suck. I find them to be extremely shallow, boyfriend and status obsessed, with limited views on the outside world. That being said, the small minority of interesting, intelligent Jewish girls can be pretty impressive.

EDIT: Make sure to mention NOTHING from the ridiculous thread on here about Jews, Terrorism, and Israel. That will 100% serve to not get you laid. Your best bet is to avoid any middle-east discussion at all.

banging jewish girls

To get with the Israeli ones its best to look ethnic IMO.

But yeah, I can't believe I forgot to mention to say you aren't Jewish to the Israeli ones [Image: blush.gif]

banging jewish girls

I banged an Israeli girl by accident. We met when I used to bounce, working the door at a salsa club. She would come every week, and we would chat a while, and she would go dance. One night she stuck around and we hooked up. She was 5 ft 2 in, crazy hips and ass, olive complexion, and thick curly hair. I thought she was Puerto Rican. Shocked the shit out of me that she was from Israel and love Latin music.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

banging jewish girls

I banged a redhead from Israel. She was tatted; Had this huge tree on her back with Yiddish writing by the branches.

banging jewish girls

Quote: (04-21-2014 06:50 PM)vinman Wrote:  

I banged an Israeli girl by accident. We met when I used to bounce, working the door at a salsa club. She would come every week, and we would chat a while, and she would go dance. One night she stuck around and we hooked up. She was 5 ft 2 in, crazy hips and ass, olive complexion, and thick curly hair. I thought she was Puerto Rican. Shocked the shit out of me that she was from Israel and love Latin music.

Yes a lot of Israelitas look like the could be from PR.

banging jewish girls

Quote: (04-21-2014 07:46 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2014 06:50 PM)vinman Wrote:  

I banged an Israeli girl by accident. We met when I used to bounce, working the door at a salsa club. She would come every week, and we would chat a while, and she would go dance. One night she stuck around and we hooked up. She was 5 ft 2 in, crazy hips and ass, olive complexion, and thick curly hair. I thought she was Puerto Rican. Shocked the shit out of me that she was from Israel and love Latin music.

Yes a lot of Israelitas look like the could be from PR.

I think its the hips

banging jewish girls

Quote: (04-21-2014 07:20 PM)L M McCoy Wrote:  

I banged a redhead from Israel. She was tatted; Had this huge tree on her back with Yiddish writing by the branches.

I've seen a few people that I know to be Jewish with tattoos. I thought you couldn't be buried in a Jewish cemetery with tats?

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

banging jewish girls

Quote: (04-21-2014 09:44 PM)vinman Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2014 07:20 PM)L M McCoy Wrote:  

I banged a redhead from Israel. She was tatted; Had this huge tree on her back with Yiddish writing by the branches.

I've seen a few people that I know to be Jewish with tattoos. I thought you couldn't be buried in a Jewish cemetery with tats?

True from a religious standpoint but unlikely to be a barrier at most cemeteries. I know a Jewish guy that got a tattoo that says "never forget" in Hebrew, referencing the Holocaust. Absolute fucking idiot: there's probably nothing more offensive to Holocaust survivors than getting a tattoo like that. Unfortunately he's jacked, so I'll just be passive aggressive and call him out on here. Fuck you Gabe.

banging jewish girls

Well known Israeli hottie on the Salsa Scene

banging jewish girls

Jewish women are my favorite.


banging jewish girls

Jewish women like good dancers [Image: smile.gif]

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

banging jewish girls

Quote: (04-22-2014 07:28 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Jewish women like good dancers [Image: smile.gif]

lol, what type of women don't love good dancers?

banging jewish girls

Quote: (04-22-2014 07:28 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Jewish women like good dancers [Image: smile.gif]

because jewish men have NO rhythm!

banging jewish girls

Ill just leave this here...for poops and laughs

I am the cock carousel

banging jewish girls

Quote: (05-04-2014 07:59 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Ill just leave this here...for poops and laughs

[Image: laugh3.gif]

[Image: attachment.jpg18503]   

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

banging jewish girls

Some of my most freaky lays have been Jewish broads. A lot of them are kinky as hell. Mad ego though. They know they are hot shit. That swagger can be annoying to diffuse sometimes.

banging jewish girls

^ to take the ego away, especially with the american ones; throw down some Hebrew or a "masked" Arabic. It works for me

banging jewish girls

I've recently met a Jewish girl and she told me I look like a skinhead. Didn't try anything but I'm pretty sure she was DTF. Also, you don't have to be Jewish to bang Jew girls unless they are from "respectable" (well known in Jewish circles) family and there's always someone to keep an eye on them.

banging jewish girls

While I acknowledge the upside of a Jew broad (the tits especially, but also full lips), I have noticed that Jewish girls in general are far more likely to be:

1) in therapy
2) on a variety of prescription drugs (sleeping pills, anti-anxiety, anti-depression, etc.)
3) overeducated.

banging jewish girls

I recently got my American flag, Jewish-American girl, 20 something. Easiest lay ever.

"Fart, and if you must, fart often. But always fart without apology. Fart for freedom, fart for liberty, and fart proudly" (Ben Franklin)

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