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Mastering Getting Dumped

Mastering Getting Dumped

Lmao female hamster at work, man's rational mind simply says "K". You're to nice.

The last 2 girls that said they don't think it's a good idea to hangout again....I don't even bother to respond. Yet they won't unfollow me off instagram, still view my snapchat stories, classic hamster logic in motion.

Quote: (03-13-2014 05:51 PM)Abnormal Wrote:  

Quote: (03-12-2014 10:33 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

I read recently that social rejection triggers the same response in the brain as physical pain. No one likes getting blown off or dumped. Unfortunately for us, when it comes to doing the rejection, it's often the females of our species doing it.

Which is why I think we need to brainstorm the opposite of how to meet women...specifically, how to get dumped by them. It occurred to me the problem sometimes isn't so much getting dumped, it's the lack of control over the situation. You feel like you've been owned.

I stumbled upon a way to sidestep this. I tend to date flighty women who I only see once in a while, so it was easy for me to pull the following exchange off and I was thinking some of y'all might find it handy:


Her: I don't think we should see each other anymore.

Me: How were we "seeing each other."

Her: What do you call what we've been doing the last few months?

Me: I don't know. Hanging? Friends with benefits? What did you think it was?

Her (agitated): I thought we said we were going out!

Me: Well, not sure how serious you were, but it's not like we moved in or made plans -- how is that "going out?"

Her (really pissed): You know what your problem is? Blah blah blah (profanity) blah blah (bad word)...

Me (interrupting): I'm not going to listen to you insult me. Call me sometime when you're not insane. Bye.


You don't change the situation, obviously. But what you can change is that bitter aftertaste of having to say words like "WHY? Don't you LIKE me anymore?" Plus, you can always attempt to go back in later using the massive reframe (not that I plan on doing that, just saying).

Good ol' ABUNDANCE mentality with an extra-informative response:
[Image: 1photo.jpg]

[Image: 2image.jpg]

Mastering Getting Dumped

Thank you all for your advice.

I made two mistakes: Being too distant and getting emotionally invested (is there a good thread about feelings and how not to get a little hurt?), good thing is that I'm banging other three girls (however she was my 2nd favourite). I'm a little sad to be honest but I'm going to go cold and hopefully she crawls back, sympathy game is not my style at all and less with this girl, I understand why it could work but I just don't see myself doing it.

Well, next!

Mastering Getting Dumped

Breakups are always bittersweet. It's only human - you shared a friendship and connection and it's always sad to see a friend go. It's easy to get nostalgic about the good times you shared together.

But at the end of the day, you are meant to grow as an individual in relation to all others, and as long as you have the will nothing should stand in the way of you and your path to ultimate self-actualization. So while breakups are kind of sad & bittersweet, let that be the end of the relationship and don't look back even if she wants you back. Ends are there for a reason...keep pushing on to new heights.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (04-08-2014 01:23 PM)monster Wrote:  

Breakups are always bittersweet. It's only human - you shared a friendship and connection and it's always sad to see a friend go. It's easy to get nostalgic about the good times you shared together.

But at the end of the day, you are meant to grow as an individual in relation to all others, and as long as you have the will nothing should stand in the way of you and your path to ultimate self-actualization. So while breakups are kind of sad & bittersweet, let that be the end of the relationship and don't look back even if she wants you back. Ends are there for a reason...keep pushing on to new heights.

There's also the fact at some point in a man's life, that hottie on his arm will be the last time he ever has such a hot girl on his arm.

Men eventually hit the wall, as well. Although we don't go without any female company as we age (a well-aged man will always have pussy), it will suck when the day finally comes and you know you won't be able to have a 18-21 year old hottie doting all over you.

So that last time you breakup with a really hot girl is pretty hard on any man, because it's not just the fact he needs to get a new woman that bothers him... it's the fact he's getting older, and won't be able to pull the same quality he used to.

If you're under the age of 35 and still have hair then you probably have nothing to worry about, but I've even seen guys go bald in their twenties and suddenly it gets a lot harder to get (super) hot pussy again.

So, breakups are ultimately a signal of your own mortality and that always sucks.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Have the mind of a troll whenever this situation arises is what I'll say.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Thought I would add to this thread because I girl I've been seeing about 2 months dumped me. Here's the back story- she's a 26 year old Russian-American here in NYC. Does part time modeling. Met her online and managed to bang on date 3 when I pulled the dinner date move at my place. Anyway, she has a trip to Italy for about a week this week (always a dangerous sign when a chick is doing travel). And she sends me this email yesterday:

"Sorry that it took me a while to get in touch. Rome is great [Image: smile.gif] we've been running around and having a great time. I also wanted to let you know that, although I like you as a person and enjoy spending time with you, I don't really want to continue sleeping with you. I've realized after that I just don't have that kind of attraction to you (hence I was drunk both times that we hooked up). I felt kinda bad about that after and it was difficult for me to tell you in person. You've very sweet and I really didn't want to hurt your feelings. But I don't want to lead you on anymore. Lets meet up sometime for coffee after work so that I can return your key. Thanks for everything [Image: smile.gif] I hope we can remain friends "

I haven't responded and I don't plan to. I think my best bet is to ignore it and just let her hamster spin. Would like to hear forum members take on this email she sent- there's a lot of girl thought in there. Thanks

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (12-13-2014 04:04 PM)savvylurker Wrote:  

Lets meet up sometime for coffee after work so that I can return your key.

There's a lot of double talk in that message. She dissed you pretty hard, but yet she feigns as if she cares about your feelings and actually hopes to remain friends, but she doesn't really care about the two of you being friends, she wants to be absolved of any guilt, and she won't feel like a bad person if you ignore the fact that she dissed the fuck out of you and take it with a smile.

Unless she was paying rent, she should not have had a key to your place.

Huge mistake.

She sensed you were trying to take the relationship outside of the casual tip that she was on, so she hit the eject button before it went any further.

The vacation gave her the opportunity to drop bombs via an e-mail while she was on another part of the planet; that was premeditated.

This is one cold bitch.

Going forward, keep it mackish, when you fuck models, you have to act like you always fuck models, don't give them any impression that you give a fuck about them, they're just pretty bitches you bust nuts with. Models are crazy bitches who live in fear. They know there's always going to be someone younger, someone prettier, and they have a fuckin' shelf-life, every model can't be Gisele, Joan, or Doutzen.

Be an asshole, don't be some guy who's passing out a key to her like tu casa es su casa.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Good advice Jariel. She slept over on a weeknight and I had to go to work early, and my apartment needs a key to lock the door so I let her sleep in and have an extra key.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (12-13-2014 04:42 PM)savvylurker Wrote:  

She slept over on a weeknight and I had to go to work early, and my apartment needs a key to lock the door so I let her sleep in and have an extra key.

After you busted, you should have let her know that you had to leave early for work the next morning, and you wouldn't want to disturb her sleep, so it's best for both of you if she sleeps in her own bed.

Look, we try to give consideration to these bitches, and look at what they do with it?

Her diss is to try to raise her value relative to yours, like oh we only fucked twice and I was drunk both times. Yeah bitch, well you still got fucked.

Don't allow that chick to make you feel bad at all, at the end of the day, you got what you wanted out of it, just make sure to dead the pillow talk and the consideration until a bitch earns them.

Mastering Getting Dumped

I would have done that, but I live very close to her college and she lives very far. Also, she is lying. First time we were drunk. Second time we fucked was 2.5 drinks over 3 hours with some food. Not drunk at all. She knows this. Oh, and she was very wet and came both times.

Mastering Getting Dumped

I would LOVE to get dumped in the traditional way. I've been waiting eight years to do this:

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (12-13-2014 04:47 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Look, we try to give consideration to these bitches, and look at what they do with it?


Mastering Getting Dumped

Damn that Russian had that completely scripted.

"I don't want to lead you on anymore" is full hamster. You aren't leading anyone on sweetie, you just want to think in your head.

Radio silence. Change your locks (your choice. You got your nut, carry on.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (12-13-2014 04:04 PM)savvylurker Wrote:  

Thought I would add to this thread because I girl I've been seeing about 2 months dumped me. Here's the back story- she's a 26 year old Russian-American here in NYC. Does part time modeling. Met her online and managed to bang on date 3 when I pulled the dinner date move at my place.

How is it you've been seeing her for 2 months, but you only fucked twice? Even if it took you 3 dates to smash, seems like the timeline is slightly off.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (12-13-2014 05:02 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

I would LOVE to get dumped in the traditional way. I've been waiting eight years to do this:

No joke, I've had some relationships end just like this. Usually I just shrug and tell her to take it easy, they're doing me a favor by ending it things nice and clean.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Mastering Getting Dumped

How is it you've been seeing her for 2 months, but you only fucked twice? Even if it took you 3 dates to smash, seems like the timeline is slightly off.

No it's right. There was a two week gap between date 1 and 2. And then about 10 days between date 2 and 3. After the bang on date 3 she came over to my place a week later but we didn't bang because she was on her period. We banged again over a week after that (not drunk this time.) And I haven't seen her in over a week.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (12-13-2014 06:06 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Damn that Russian had that completely scripted.

"I don't want to lead you on anymore" is full hamster. You aren't leading anyone on sweetie, you just want to think in your head.

Radio silence. Change your locks (your choice. You got your nut, carry on.

"Don't want to lead you on anymore." Well I already shot a load on her face so it was a strange sort of leading on she was doing. [Image: smile.gif]

Mastering Getting Dumped

Got blown off in a club in USA 2 years ago, I still remember this as if it was yesterday. I was chatting with a girl in the club,

Me: "So I'm Alex by the way. What's your name?"
Her: "Emm... Elizabeth".
Me: "Are you sure?"
Her: "Huh? You don't even beleive that? If I had ID I would show you that I don't fucking lie! Ah, never mind, I don't waste time with you".

I turn around, tap on the bouncer's shoulder, whisper "underage" and point at the girl. He proceeds to see the girl.

Bouncer: "May I see your ID please?"
Her: "Well... emmm.. I forgot it at home."
Bouncer: "Please follow me to the exit."

Her friends were getting hysteric but I was laughing so hard that it made my night even if I didn't pull anybody.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (12-13-2014 04:04 PM)savvylurker Wrote:  

Thought I would add to this thread because I girl I've been seeing about 2 months dumped me. Here's the back story- she's a 26 year old Russian-American here in NYC. Does part time modeling. Met her online and managed to bang on date 3 when I pulled the dinner date move at my place. Anyway, she has a trip to Italy for about a week this week (always a dangerous sign when a chick is doing travel). And she sends me this email yesterday:

"Sorry that it took me a while to get in touch. Rome is great [Image: smile.gif] we've been running around and having a great time. I also wanted to let you know that, although I like you as a person and enjoy spending time with you, I don't really want to continue sleeping with you. I've realized after that I just don't have that kind of attraction to you (hence I was drunk both times that we hooked up). I felt kinda bad about that after and it was difficult for me to tell you in person. You've very sweet and I really didn't want to hurt your feelings. But I don't want to lead you on anymore. Lets meet up sometime for coffee after work so that I can return your key. Thanks for everything [Image: smile.gif] I hope we can remain friends "

I haven't responded and I don't plan to. I think my best bet is to ignore it and just let her hamster spin. Would like to hear forum members take on this email she sent- there's a lot of girl thought in there. Thanks

Listen bro, as much of cunt as she, atleast she told you somewhat straight up where she stands. Atleast she admitted to not wanting to lead you on anymore.

From a recent breakup that literally came out of fucking no where (looking back now I should have seen it coming), Iv realized women have a tough time telling men off, instead they lead them on and on until they come up with some bullshit excuse as to why its not working or how this is a " big misunderstanding".

You dodged a bullet and saved yourself from alot more emotional pain had you have invested longer with her. Id much rather a girl tell me off like that then lead me on months down the road only to get stomped on by the hypergamy boot.

Your best move is radio silence without a doubt. When she tries to initiate to come give back your key act like you are too busy and tell her to drop it in the mailbox.

If you must meet with her in person, meet her strictly to get the key and go about your day, and do not sit with her over a coffee (plus why would you want to?) acting totally normal like nothing is wrong.

Her moronic claims of being "not attracted to you" are totally irrelevant and dont let it affect your confidence at all.
At the end of the day you got inside a model, so you obviously gamed her and found you attractive enough to bang her, well done. The joke is on her.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (12-13-2014 04:04 PM)savvylurker Wrote:  

Thought I would add to this thread because I girl I've been seeing about 2 months dumped me. Here's the back story- she's a 26 year old Russian-American here in NYC. Does part time modeling. Met her online and managed to bang on date 3 when I pulled the dinner date move at my place. Anyway, she has a trip to Italy for about a week this week (always a dangerous sign when a chick is doing travel). And she sends me this email yesterday:

"Sorry that it took me a while to get in touch. Rome is great [Image: smile.gif] we've been running around and having a great time. I also wanted to let you know that, although I like you as a person and enjoy spending time with you, I don't really want to continue sleeping with you. I've realized after that I just don't have that kind of attraction to you (hence I was drunk both times that we hooked up). I felt kinda bad about that after and it was difficult for me to tell you in person. You've very sweet and I really didn't want to hurt your feelings. But I don't want to lead you on anymore. Lets meet up sometime for coffee after work so that I can return your key. Thanks for everything [Image: smile.gif] I hope we can remain friends "

I haven't responded and I don't plan to. I think my best bet is to ignore it and just let her hamster spin. Would like to hear forum members take on this email she sent- there's a lot of girl thought in there. Thanks

Welcome to the Friendzone.
Population: You.

But see the good thing. She told you straight up what was wrong. She didn't act like a retarded child and say "Well I am a bit busy, maybe next week". She showed respect by not wasting your time. So meet her strictly to return the key, and move on.

Mastering Getting Dumped

No, the chick didn't try to show respect.

She's a working model, she could have easily excused herself from the relationship by simply saying," Hey, I've been thinking about our situation, and right now is a really bad time for me to get involved in a relationship due to my hectic work schedule."

That would have been a way to reject the guy, yet spare his feelings.

Instead, she tells him that she only took his dick twice because she was drunk, implying that she never could have fucked him sober because she didn't really find him attractive.

That's some fucked up shit to say to a person, doesn't matter if it comes from a male or female.

I don't see how either of you guys could find anything in what she did as "respectable".

If it really matters to you to get the key back, then tell her you're currently seeing someone, and you don't want to give her the wrong impression, so it would be best if she mails you back the key or just discreetly leaves it in your mailbox, there's absolutely no reason you should grace that bitch with your presence ever again in life.

Mastering Getting Dumped

No need to add insult to injury and show disrespect. I always try to break up tactfully and quietly to avoid any drama and negative consequences.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (12-14-2014 12:26 PM)jariel Wrote:  

No, the chick didn't try to show respect.

She's a working model, she could have easily excused herself from the relationship by simply saying," Hey, I've been thinking about our situation, and right now is a really bad time for me to get involved in a relationship due to my hectic work schedule."

That would have been a way to reject the guy, yet spare his feelings.

Instead, she tells him that she only took his dick twice because she was drunk, implying that she never could have fucked him sober because she didn't really find him attractive.

That's some fucked up shit to say to a person, doesn't matter if it comes from a male or female.

I don't see how either of you guys could find anything in what she did as "respectable".

If it really matters to you to get the key back, then tell her you're currently seeing someone, and you don't want to give her the wrong impression, so it would be best if she mails you back the key or just discreetly leaves it in your mailbox, there's absolutely no reason you should grace that bitch with your presence ever again in life.

Exactly. There's a lot of condescension in what she wrote. Basically, "You're not worthy of me." Everyone may be thinking I had a lot of LMR to overcome, but it was practically zero LMR both times, with her being extremely into it.

Now that I think about it, I think what she really means is not that I am not physically attractive to her in the way us guys think about it (fit, healthy, athletic, etc.) What she means is that I am not high enough enough status, and hypergamy is telling her she can do better.

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