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Shenzhen Data Sheet

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Quote: (06-26-2015 11:55 AM)Global Entry Wrote:  

Holding hands momentarily and doing things of a more gentle nature, like comparing hand sizes, or other excuses for kino, are to me a much better way to go.

That's the sort of stuff I use, I was just using GLL to make a point about physical compliance tests being the best screen.

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Quote: (06-26-2015 12:04 PM)Menace Wrote:  

Having had what I would consider a fair amount of experience with FOB Chinese girls without the use of any alcohol, my suggestion is to limit the PDA to hand holding initially. Most important thing is get them to your place. Escalate in private. Do not assume they are not interested; make your moves there. This has always worked for me.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.

If there's one thing to know about seducing Chinese women, this would be it.

I don't worry at all with Chinese women if they show no signs of sexual interest on a first (or a second or third date). She's not going to initiate physical touch herself and she's very likely to respond enthusiastic to your kino in public (although there's a good chance she let it continue and pretend to not notice).

If you want to ramp up your escalation, run Tuth's first date bang recipe.

Setting The Scene

I live a fifteen minute walk from the premiere nightlife neighbourhood. My choice to live where I do is no accident. San Li Tun is full of Western restaurants, so if I can't get a girl to my place for Date #1 (and usually she will want to meet somewhere public for that all important first date with a dangerous and sexy foreigner), I'll take her to dinner somewhere in this neighbourhood.

I'll eliminate the possibility of her wanting to meet somewhere convenient to her by framing the date around wanting to show her my favourite Thai restaurant or that I go to the same discount night at QMex every Thursday and she's welcome to show up and join me.

Sometimes logistics are a cockblock (she needs to be home by ten because she works the next day -- perfectly legitimate reason not to go home with you, she is probably very willing to visit at a more convenient time.

However, if doesn't need to be home till eleven or later, I'll promote a venue change with the following words:

"It's still pretty early. My place is nearby, we can watch a movie or something. Or, if you prefer it's a good evening to enjoy a walk together."

The girl will always opt for a walk, after which I will take her on a slightly circuitous loop that ends right by my apartment.

I'll then say this:

"This is where I live. Let's go upstairs for a few minutes and I can show you pictures of my family."

She will always agree.


It's not a given that a girl will be up for a romp in the sack on the first date, but generally, unless your dealing with a rare girl who has all male friends, the girl won't be at your place unless she's open to getting intimate....five months in the future.

She is not usually planning to have sex with you.

However, she will not be surprised by you initiating physical contact.

It will go one of two ways with Chinese girls:

The First Way: You'll kiss her once and she'll get super horny and be rubbing up on you. At this point, simply pick her up, carry her to your bed and go to town on her 35kg body. She's literally beg you to fuck her if you try to build the foreplay too slowly.

The Second Way: You'll get LMR (last minute resistance) and ASD (anti-slut defence) for hours and hours.

She'll say things like, "This isn't my plan" and "this is not correct!"

This means that she totally wants to have sex with you, but she feels bad about wanting in on the first date.

At this point, simply carry her to your bed and adopt a "one-step back, two-steps forward" approach. She'll thank you later.

Escalation Related Notes

Unless she's really into you and wants to drop a hit by initiating hand-holding with you in your living room, she's probably not respond to any kino escalation short of kissing her somewhere on her face.

She'll just pretend that it isn't happening, but this is a green light. If she didn't like it, she would definitely make her discomfort known by sitting further away, trying to leave or giving you a "Let's Just Be Friends" speech in broken English (or in Chinese, if you happen to be awesome). I am not awesome and have never received the "LJBF" speech in any language except English.

If you're a weak-eyed pussy like me, just get mildly handsey while try to work up the courage to go for the make out.

If we don't just end up talking naturally or if she's sitting to far away from me, I'll show her pictures of my family on my laptop, which will force her to come sit next to me. I will then put a hand on her back with increased frequency until I just leave it resting there.

If we end up watching a movie, because she's already seen my family pictures and we don't seem to have a lot to talk about, put my arm around her back, grab her shoulder and pull her in so that she is leaning gently against me. If she doesn't resist, she's open to continued escalation.

I'll play with her hair for a while as I slowly work up the courage to try to kiss her.

IMPORTANT: By this point in the evening I've already made a point of casually bringing up her dating history and asking about her first kiss. If she got her first kiss at a younger age than I did, I will have already teased her about this. If she got her first kiss at a later age than I did, I will have already teased her about this as well.

If she has had a boyfriend before (and she almost always has), I'll ask if he was a good kisser.

I'll have some fun with it by making statements like this:

I'm a really good kisser, because I love cuddling and kissing, but I'm absolutely terrible at sex, because I'm lazy and just want to lie on my back and let the girl do all the work. I'm a taker, not a giver.

I'll also playfully compose a list of the reasons why the two of us should never date or marry. They love it when I do this. I'll through in lots of references to why we would be terrible at kissing together and why the sex between us would be terrible. I've never had a girl (who wasn't a virgin) get uncomfortable about this, because I'm only talking about us not have sex and not dating.

Of course, I will say all of this in a playful context, so the girl doesn't take me serious, but it allows me to bring up kissing, sex and dating already when we are out for dinner (or having a drink if we meet up too late for dinner (8PM or later).

This means that I have the option, to re-bringing up the topic of kissing in her bedroom, albeit in a playful fashion.

Like all women, you can't just ask a Chinese girl "Do you want me to kiss you?" She will say no.

Instead, once I have her sitting right next to me and she hasn't responded badly (or at all) to me putting my arm around her lower back, stroking her back, playing with her hair or holding her hand, then I'll her, "Do you feel shy now? Are you a shy girl?"

It doesn't matter what her answer is.

My next move is to kiss her left cheek (since I always put her on my left side on the couch).

Then I ask her, "Do you feel shy now?"

It doesn't matter what her answer is.

I then kiss her forehead and ask, "Do you feel shy now?"

It doesn't matter what her answer is.

I give her one more kiss on the right cheek. This forces me to move my mouth past her mouth, but instead of kissing her mouth, I move onto her cheek, which demonstrates to her that:

*I'm not desperate.
*I'm playful and this is fun.
*I'm not just trying to kiss her as fast as possible.
*That I can come close to her mouth with my mouth and the sky doesn't fall down instantly.

I do all of this, because up to this point the girl will generally have simply ignored my kino and pretended that nothing is going on.

Going through these steps prepares her mentally for what is coming, so that she doesn't end of flinching when I go for the kiss.

If the first kiss is botched, it may embarrass her and she's be resistant to a second attempt.

Don't be surprised if she has a look of surprise or horror on her face when you're going through these steps. Most girls here have only dated a few guys and the most, so they aren't used to having a guy put serious moves on them on the first or second date.

She was not planning to kiss you tonight, because she is a good girl.

That being said, that doesn't mean that she won't change her tune once you go in for the make out.

The make out is obviously the next step. After kissing her right cheek, I'll ask her one more time, "Do you feel shy now? Are you a shy girl?"

It doesn't matter what her answer is.

I'll then go in the make out. I'll start off with a short closed mouth kiss, but they are usually cool with escalation to full on French kissing.

Some girls don't want to kiss too much, but then I just start working on their necks, which they love and are cool with. It's less awkward then kissing a guy for the first time and allows them to engage in more non-activity. This permits them to enjoy sexual feelings and stimulation, without feeling like a bad girl for participating in further escalation.

It makes it easier for her to say, "I cannot believing we had the sex tonight" later on.

Lately, a move I've been going to has been to wait until the non-kissing escalation steps are completed and then just pick the girl up and stick her on my lap. She'll find this weird and I'll then lay her down on the couch, lay down beside her and go through the kissing steps, as described above.

Once the make out begins, I've never had a girl react when I grab her ass. She'll just pretend that I'm not doing it, but these usually seem to enjoy it.

If you go for the boobs or vaginal region, anticipate some immediate ASD and LMR. If there is no such resistance the first time your grab her boobs, she is totally DTF. Immediately pick her up, take her to your bed and fuck her silly.

It's fairly likely, however, that you'll encounter some initial resistance to further escalation past grabbing her ass. That's par for the course, however, and should stop you from picking her up and carrying her to your bed to continue escalation.

Just insist that there isn't enough room on the couch to cuddle and she'll go willingly, even though "she can't have sex on a first date."

Waiting For Your Moment

I had a girl come over a week ago. She didn't want to meet for a drink because she doesn't like noisy bars and I don't care for overpriced coffee shops, so I invited her to my place.

She agreed, but told me via text "that she'd only come over if we didn't do anything."

I told her, "no problem."

She visited for two hours, we had a nice chat and respectfully kept my distance. She was still sizing me up.

She text me friendly (but didn't swamp me with messages) for the next week. She was away for the weekend seeing family, so I told her that I'd cook her a delicious meal when she returned. She agreed.

She came over, I went through the usual steps of giving her a classy value building dinner with wine and then moved her to my sitting area, where I sat a distance away and drank water to "sober up, so that she couldn't take advantage of me."

I'd already made several jokes about her "taking advantage of me if I drank to much" and she'd made a joke about how she had indeed been planning to get me drunk and then take advantage of me. (Green light).

After drinking some water, I told her that I wasn't scared of her any more and told her to come sit next to me on the couch. I started Jurassic Park II and went through the escalation steps for about twenty minutes before finally kissing her.

I banged her an hour later.

The point of this story is to demonstrate that if a girl is stand-offish in the beginning, it's just because she doesn't want to a victim of the famed foreign player she's heard so many stories about.

Give her some space (with situation kino, such as your hand on her back to direct her to a venue or around other pedestrians -- or ask to see her hands and comment on how cute they are), but hold off on heavy escalation, even if you do get her back to your place.

This just means that you need to extend the comfort building stage for a longer period of time (perhaps the whole first date) before transitioning in the seduction phase. Use this time to talk about how you hate one-night stands and are tired of girls just who aren't serious about life.

Talk about how you're trying to build a life in China and briefly list your accomplishments (securing a stable income, finding a reliable apartment and landlord) before mentioning that, even though you have lots of male and female friends already and DO NOT need any more friends, you think it's healthy to have a good woman in your life.

Also, use this extra time during the comfort building stage to screen for girls who are going to waste your time by mentioning that you don't think that men and women can really be friends and that there is always some attraction.

Tell her, "if you were 200kg, I wouldn't be here with you right now." Use this as an opportunity to talk about how fat American women are (definitely exaggerate as much as possible, but be sure to mention Walmart for cultural colour). This will make her laugh and giggle.

Offset this statement by also stating that although you try to date new women regularly, you aren't in a hurry (or more importantly, desperate).

Say, "we might have fun talking tonight and then never talk again. Or, we might enjoy ourselves and want to see more of each other in the future. I meet girls for a first date all the time, but if I'm not seriously interested, I won't waste her time with a second date. I'm looking for someone special, and I'm pretty busy with work, so I don't have time to play game. But if I like a girl, I'll definitely take her out a second time and get to know her more"

This will help convince her that you aren't just some playboy and also remind her that you have no time to be friend with women.

Wait until the vibe changes (even if you need to wait till the second date) and confirm that she is willing by escalating slowly and see if she pretends not to notice. If so, it's a green light and continue your escalation. You'll know if she isn't interested.

If you spend the first date just building comfort, don't worry.

Follow up with a second meeting about 5-7 days later and it's safe to bet that if she see you the second time, she's open to sex with.

DO NOT meet her publicly for the second date. Mention your interest in cooking during your first date and pre-seed about your favourite type of cuisine.

Screening For Time Wasters

For the second date, invite her to your place for dinner. You create plausible deniability for her and you get her where you want her...a private, seduction friendly location where you won't be disturbed.

If she balks at coming back to your place for dinner for the second date, then never speak to her again.

If she's at your place and acts weird and bitchy about even the most mild of escalation efforts and insists that she just wants to be friends, continue to escalate until she leaves and then you can have a peaceful evening to yourself. There's even a small chance that you might bang her.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Shenzhen Data Sheet

China online text/game - any data on openers in English?

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Quote: (06-27-2015 08:58 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2015 12:04 PM)Menace Wrote:  

Having had what I would consider a fair amount of experience with FOB Chinese girls without the use of any alcohol, my suggestion is to limit the PDA to hand holding initially. Most important thing is get them to your place. Escalate in private. Do not assume they are not interested; make your moves there. This has always worked for me.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.

If there's one thing to know about seducing Chinese women, this would be it.

I don't worry at all with Chinese women if they show no signs of sexual interest on a first (or a second or third date). She's not going to initiate physical touch herself and she's very likely to respond enthusiastic to your kino in public (although there's a good chance she let it continue and pretend to not notice).

If you want to ramp up your escalation, run Tuth's first date bang recipe.

Setting The Scene

I live a fifteen minute walk from the premiere nightlife neighbourhood. My choice to live where I do is no accident. San Li Tun is full of Western restaurants, so if I can't get a girl to my place for Date #1 (and usually she will want to meet somewhere public for that all important first date with a dangerous and sexy foreigner), I'll take her to dinner somewhere in this neighbourhood.

I'll eliminate the possibility of her wanting to meet somewhere convenient to her by framing the date around wanting to show her my favourite Thai restaurant or that I go to the same discount night at QMex every Thursday and she's welcome to show up and join me.

Sometimes logistics are a cockblock (she needs to be home by ten because she works the next day -- perfectly legitimate reason not to go home with you, she is probably very willing to visit at a more convenient time.

However, if doesn't need to be home till eleven or later, I'll promote a venue change with the following words:

"It's still pretty early. My place is nearby, we can watch a movie or something. Or, if you prefer it's a good evening to enjoy a walk together."

The girl will always opt for a walk, after which I will take her on a slightly circuitous loop that ends right by my apartment.

I'll then say this:

"This is where I live. Let's go upstairs for a few minutes and I can show you pictures of my family."

She will always agree.


It's not a given that a girl will be up for a romp in the sack on the first date, but generally, unless your dealing with a rare girl who has all male friends, the girl won't be at your place unless she's open to getting intimate....five months in the future.

She is not usually planning to have sex with you.

However, she will not be surprised by you initiating physical contact.

It will go one of two ways with Chinese girls:

The First Way: You'll kiss her once and she'll get super horny and be rubbing up on you. At this point, simply pick her up, carry her to your bed and go to town on her 35kg body. She's literally beg you to fuck her if you try to build the foreplay too slowly.

The Second Way: You'll get LMR (last minute resistance) and ASD (anti-slut defence) for hours and hours.

She'll say things like, "This isn't my plan" and "this is not correct!"

This means that she totally wants to have sex with you, but she feels bad about wanting in on the first date.

At this point, simply carry her to your bed and adopt a "one-step back, two-steps forward" approach. She'll thank you later.

Escalation Related Notes

Unless she's really into you and wants to drop a hit by initiating hand-holding with you in your living room, she's probably not respond to any kino escalation short of kissing her somewhere on her face.

She'll just pretend that it isn't happening, but this is a green light. If she didn't like it, she would definitely make her discomfort known by sitting further away, trying to leave or giving you a "Let's Just Be Friends" speech in broken English (or in Chinese, if you happen to be awesome). I am not awesome and have never received the "LJBF" speech in any language except English.

If you're a weak-eyed pussy like me, just get mildly handsey while try to work up the courage to go for the make out.

If we don't just end up talking naturally or if she's sitting to far away from me, I'll show her pictures of my family on my laptop, which will force her to come sit next to me. I will then put a hand on her back with increased frequency until I just leave it resting there.

If we end up watching a movie, because she's already seen my family pictures and we don't seem to have a lot to talk about, put my arm around her back, grab her shoulder and pull her in so that she is leaning gently against me. If she doesn't resist, she's open to continued escalation.

I'll play with her hair for a while as I slowly work up the courage to try to kiss her.

IMPORTANT: By this point in the evening I've already made a point of casually bringing up her dating history and asking about her first kiss. If she got her first kiss at a younger age than I did, I will have already teased her about this. If she got her first kiss at a later age than I did, I will have already teased her about this as well.

If she has had a boyfriend before (and she almost always has), I'll ask if he was a good kisser.

I'll have some fun with it by making statements like this:

I'm a really good kisser, because I love cuddling and kissing, but I'm absolutely terrible at sex, because I'm lazy and just want to lie on my back and let the girl do all the work. I'm a taker, not a giver.

I'll also playfully compose a list of the reasons why the two of us should never date or marry. They love it when I do this. I'll through in lots of references to why we would be terrible at kissing together and why the sex between us would be terrible. I've never had a girl (who wasn't a virgin) get uncomfortable about this, because I'm only talking about us not have sex and not dating.

Of course, I will say all of this in a playful context, so the girl doesn't take me serious, but it allows me to bring up kissing, sex and dating already when we are out for dinner (or having a drink if we meet up too late for dinner (8PM or later).

This means that I have the option, to re-bringing up the topic of kissing in her bedroom, albeit in a playful fashion.

Like all women, you can't just ask a Chinese girl "Do you want me to kiss you?" She will say no.

Instead, once I have her sitting right next to me and she hasn't responded badly (or at all) to me putting my arm around her lower back, stroking her back, playing with her hair or holding her hand, then I'll her, "Do you feel shy now? Are you a shy girl?"

It doesn't matter what her answer is.

My next move is to kiss her left cheek (since I always put her on my left side on the couch).

Then I ask her, "Do you feel shy now?"

It doesn't matter what her answer is.

I then kiss her forehead and ask, "Do you feel shy now?"

It doesn't matter what her answer is.

I give her one more kiss on the right cheek. This forces me to move my mouth past her mouth, but instead of kissing her mouth, I move onto her cheek, which demonstrates to her that:

*I'm not desperate.
*I'm playful and this is fun.
*I'm not just trying to kiss her as fast as possible.
*That I can come close to her mouth with my mouth and the sky doesn't fall down instantly.

I do all of this, because up to this point the girl will generally have simply ignored my kino and pretended that nothing is going on.

Going through these steps prepares her mentally for what is coming, so that she doesn't end of flinching when I go for the kiss.

If the first kiss is botched, it may embarrass her and she's be resistant to a second attempt.

Don't be surprised if she has a look of surprise or horror on her face when you're going through these steps. Most girls here have only dated a few guys and the most, so they aren't used to having a guy put serious moves on them on the first or second date.

She was not planning to kiss you tonight, because she is a good girl.

That being said, that doesn't mean that she won't change her tune once you go in for the make out.

The make out is obviously the next step. After kissing her right cheek, I'll ask her one more time, "Do you feel shy now? Are you a shy girl?"

It doesn't matter what her answer is.

I'll then go in the make out. I'll start off with a short closed mouth kiss, but they are usually cool with escalation to full on French kissing.

Some girls don't want to kiss too much, but then I just start working on their necks, which they love and are cool with. It's less awkward then kissing a guy for the first time and allows them to engage in more non-activity. This permits them to enjoy sexual feelings and stimulation, without feeling like a bad girl for participating in further escalation.

It makes it easier for her to say, "I cannot believing we had the sex tonight" later on.

Lately, a move I've been going to has been to wait until the non-kissing escalation steps are completed and then just pick the girl up and stick her on my lap. She'll find this weird and I'll then lay her down on the couch, lay down beside her and go through the kissing steps, as described above.

Once the make out begins, I've never had a girl react when I grab her ass. She'll just pretend that I'm not doing it, but these usually seem to enjoy it.

If you go for the boobs or vaginal region, anticipate some immediate ASD and LMR. If there is no such resistance the first time your grab her boobs, she is totally DTF. Immediately pick her up, take her to your bed and fuck her silly.

It's fairly likely, however, that you'll encounter some initial resistance to further escalation past grabbing her ass. That's par for the course, however, and should stop you from picking her up and carrying her to your bed to continue escalation.

Just insist that there isn't enough room on the couch to cuddle and she'll go willingly, even though "she can't have sex on a first date."

Waiting For Your Moment

I had a girl come over a week ago. She didn't want to meet for a drink because she doesn't like noisy bars and I don't care for overpriced coffee shops, so I invited her to my place.

She agreed, but told me via text "that she'd only come over if we didn't do anything."

I told her, "no problem."

She visited for two hours, we had a nice chat and respectfully kept my distance. She was still sizing me up.

She text me friendly (but didn't swamp me with messages) for the next week. She was away for the weekend seeing family, so I told her that I'd cook her a delicious meal when she returned. She agreed.

She came over, I went through the usual steps of giving her a classy value building dinner with wine and then moved her to my sitting area, where I sat a distance away and drank water to "sober up, so that she couldn't take advantage of me."

I'd already made several jokes about her "taking advantage of me if I drank to much" and she'd made a joke about how she had indeed been planning to get me drunk and then take advantage of me. (Green light).

After drinking some water, I told her that I wasn't scared of her any more and told her to come sit next to me on the couch. I started Jurassic Park II and went through the escalation steps for about twenty minutes before finally kissing her.

I banged her an hour later.

The point of this story is to demonstrate that if a girl is stand-offish in the beginning, it's just because she doesn't want to a victim of the famed foreign player she's heard so many stories about.

Give her some space (with situation kino, such as your hand on her back to direct her to a venue or around other pedestrians -- or ask to see her hands and comment on how cute they are), but hold off on heavy escalation, even if you do get her back to your place.

This just means that you need to extend the comfort building stage for a longer period of time (perhaps the whole first date) before transitioning in the seduction phase. Use this time to talk about how you hate one-night stands and are tired of girls just who aren't serious about life.

Talk about how you're trying to build a life in China and briefly list your accomplishments (securing a stable income, finding a reliable apartment and landlord) before mentioning that, even though you have lots of male and female friends already and DO NOT need any more friends, you think it's healthy to have a good woman in your life.

Also, use this extra time during the comfort building stage to screen for girls who are going to waste your time by mentioning that you don't think that men and women can really be friends and that there is always some attraction.

Tell her, "if you were 200kg, I wouldn't be here with you right now." Use this as an opportunity to talk about how fat American women are (definitely exaggerate as much as possible, but be sure to mention Walmart for cultural colour). This will make her laugh and giggle.

Offset this statement by also stating that although you try to date new women regularly, you aren't in a hurry (or more importantly, desperate).

Say, "we might have fun talking tonight and then never talk again. Or, we might enjoy ourselves and want to see more of each other in the future. I meet girls for a first date all the time, but if I'm not seriously interested, I won't waste her time with a second date. I'm looking for someone special, and I'm pretty busy with work, so I don't have time to play game. But if I like a girl, I'll definitely take her out a second time and get to know her more"

This will help convince her that you aren't just some playboy and also remind her that you have no time to be friend with women.

Wait until the vibe changes (even if you need to wait till the second date) and confirm that she is willing by escalating slowly and see if she pretends not to notice. If so, it's a green light and continue your escalation. You'll know if she isn't interested.

If you spend the first date just building comfort, don't worry.

Follow up with a second meeting about 5-7 days later and it's safe to bet that if she see you the second time, she's open to sex with.

DO NOT meet her publicly for the second date. Mention your interest in cooking during your first date and pre-seed about your favourite type of cuisine.

Screening For Time Wasters

For the second date, invite her to your place for dinner. You create plausible deniability for her and you get her where you want her...a private, seduction friendly location where you won't be disturbed.

If she balks at coming back to your place for dinner for the second date, then never speak to her again.

If she's at your place and acts weird and bitchy about even the most mild of escalation efforts and insists that she just wants to be friends, continue to escalate until she leaves and then you can have a peaceful evening to yourself. There's even a small chance that you might bang her.

Co-signed and repped.

Menace Wrote:
An experience is in her head and no guy can ever jizz on it.
Vaun Wrote:
Goldmund Wrote:
This was used a lot when I was young and really into the underground scene. I would invite girls to come back to listen to Fugazi records.
This is the first time in recorded history that Fugazi was used to remove panties.

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Had another frustrating night with a Chinese girl:

I met her for coffee in Luohu a few weeks ago. We met up tonight. I invited her out to grab food with me and then chill in my apartment. (my apartment is within spitting distance of a billion places to eat) We eat food and go for a walk before setting off my apartment. I made sure the route we walked took us back to my apartment and told her to come up for a minute.

We sit on the couch and talk.

I thought I had it in the bag because during the walk I had some funny teasing going on and she was touching me frequently. on my arms and stuff.

I go for the kiss and she does the turn away and "we're just friends..."

I'm confused because she came to my place which is 45 minutes from where she lives. What in the motherfuck?

After the kiss attempt she starts texting furiously and I tell her I have to get ready for bed and kick her out.

I'm going to go to the bar and have a drink. Fuck this noise.

I was talking with Jetlagged and he suggests that I frame my "hanging out" as more of a date. Unfortunately, in the USA if you say "date" the girls run for the hills, but it seems like chinese girls actually go on dates or something? Perhaps I'm missing something here. It was just so confusing.

Aside for spergish chinese girl trolls I've been having a fun time in china. I've made a small group of friends I see. Two Russia guys and an American guy. They all say they're quite impressed with how quickly I got around the city and made friends. They told me that their first month in the city was spent hanging in their apartments bored.

The girl who works the register at the coffeeshop in my neighborhood was teaching me some chinese today. She taught me "I live alone" and "my phone doesn't work." haha. Silly shit, but still language is language. I think she might be a solid language learning partner because I can just walk into the shop in the morning before work and talk to her.

I may have found a side hustle in China, so I'm pleased with the possibility of some extra kuai every month.

So I am happy about that stuff at least. Now to figure out how to bang these chinese girls.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Shenzhen Data Sheet

So, I have survived china for exactly one month. Strangely, though, I feel a little melancholy today. Just a lot going on recently. I need to get back into the gym ASAP. My mood is dipping.

So I had a date scheduled for today and that went a little whacky. Could have been much worse.

I invited a girl out yesterday, but she asked me if I could do today instead. She seemed pretty cute from her pictures and was willing to come 30 minutes out of her way to visit me, so I agreed.

I met her at the metro and we walk around my neighborhood talking. She's pretty loquacious and her english isn't half bad. I have to speak a little more slowly than usual with her, but she could understand most of what I tried to communicate, as long as I wasn't being too wordy.

She asks me some pretty funny questions:

Her: Hey, you are a--how do you say--mixed blood?

me: how did you know?

Her: you don't look that black!

That shit made me chuckle. This is the second time a chinese person has questioned my bloodline. Funny shit.

we banter back and forth. She asks what I do. I study kung-fu is my stock answer with the chicks in china. It always gets them laughing.

I grab her hand and she obliges and we walk down the street. The handholding thing seems to be big in china for whatever reason.

The path we walk ends at the coffeeshop near my apartment. At this point, I'm thinking this is going pretty well. She begins to ask me things like, "why are you on tantan" and "how many girlfriends have you had" and other questions that a curious chick is bound to ask. I skirt the questions playfully and keep the banter going.

The kino is light and playful with her asking for hi-fives and other things.

She remarks that I am muscular and that she likes muscular men.

......But then it all goes downhill.

I casually ask, "when is your birthday?"

It gets pretty eerie because we have the same birthday! what the fuck. What are the odds in a city of 15 million?

She asks me how old I am. I tell her my age and ask her her own: "I am 17"

[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

She had he age on tantan listed at 18 and she looks like she could be about 20. She 5'7 with a body that is unusual for a Chinese woman:

from the best province for women in my opinion? Hunan? check
Pretty face? Check
Nice rack? Check
Nice ass? check.

Lord, why do you taunt me so!

[Image: fuckthat.gif]

I decided to call it quits there. We finished our coffees and I walked her back to the metro and saw her off. I didn't make a big deal about it or anything and kept her laughing and having fun til the end. The last thing I want is for her dad to find out she met up with some foreigner and come looking for blood.

I wasn't even mad, really. Sure, she could have fucked me over, but no harm no foul. I'm out some pocket change for coffee, but it could be much worse.

What I learned from this:

1. Physical escalation must be subtle and girls are more receptive than I think they are.

2. Keep it playful and fun.

3. Compliments go far in china, like suits said girls really light up when you say their english is decent or that they're tall. Chinese girls have an obsession with being tall for some reason.

4. Always confirm on age with the young ones from online.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Shenzhen Data Sheet


She asks me how old I am. I tell her my age and ask her her own: "I am 17"

She had he age on tantan listed at 18 and she looks like she could be about 20.

Can I ask why you didn't go for it?

17 is fine in China by my understanding, and from your description she looked older so there'd be no problem there.

Just Curious.

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Old habits die hard. I really just find it weird and not worth it. Sure, it may be legal, but something about it strikes me as wrong and sort of predatory.

Don't get me wrong: She's not a moron. She knew she was meeting up with an older foreigner she flirted with online and knew what the likely conclusion would be, but I don't feel comfortable smashing a 17 year old girl. Something about it strikes me as wrong.


Edit: Let me put it this way. In the time it took me to type this post I matched with another 18 year old. No rest for the wicked; in a city with 15 million people there will always be women.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Fortis, sounds like you enjoyed being with each other. At least keep in contact and go out with her again. You might find yourself changing your mind down the road.

As Yoda said, "You must unlearn what you have learned".

Shenzhen Data Sheet

I haven't posted in here in a while. I had an experience that gave me pause for a bit. I was in my favorite bar watching my friends play a set when I look up at the Billiards table and see a really tall black american guy. I rarely meet other black americans here so I stroll up ready to just say what's up and he introduces himself. Turns out he's a pretty cool dude from OHio. Immediately he asks me, "so how do you like it here." we shoot the shit for a while and then he asks, "how do you like the women here?"

I decide to take the bait and I let drop that I've managed a chinese flag while I'm here. He seems really impressed by this. He's been in China for 6 months in a city of 3 million somewhere up north and hasn't been able tag a single chick! I'm shocked by this because he's really tall and looks like Obama. He's gotta be breaking 6'5 pretty easily. Looks to be in reasonable shape, fair-skinned, well-spoken, speaks passable mandarin and is pretty cool. He was rolling with this white brunette who appeared to his friend, boss or coworker. I really couldn't pin down the vibe between them.

Sort of scary that he hasn't been able to tag anything yet. We exchanged wechat info. I feel compelled to help him out for some reason. Not that I'm just rolling in pussy in china, but I just can't quite understand how he hasn't tagged anything yet despite speaking the language. My biggest cockblock is that I don't speak the language (yet). I really think I could have gotten another notch or two last month.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Quote: (07-10-2015 08:53 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Sort of scary that he hasn't been able to tag anything yet.

Not that shocking. Guys who have seen me in action here in China might be surprised by this, but when I came back last year April, it took me nearly three months to get my first 2014 China bang.

My logistics sucked, I was busy with work and I hadn't tried online dating. With the right setup, you can do serious damage, but if you don't have all your ducks in a row, it can really slow down your progress.

As I've said before, a common move is to simply walk a girl to my place after dinner. I just tell her that we are going to enjoy a walk together and she follows me. But getting her into a taxi if I lived further away could be a huge hurdle. I'd probably loose 1/3 of my bangs if I had to do this, because some of those girls just disappear after the first date.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Damn, really? that sounds fucking awful. Not to say that I'm doing any better. I have my own hurdles to cross but for a good looking guy to live in a new country and not be able to hit for 6 months is pretty damn scary in my book.

Not sure how things will pan out this year. I'm getting the impression that I'm beginning to acclimate, but I am also getting the feeling that I will have to get creative if I'm going to do well in China. I hadn't quite accounted for the fact that I'm dealing with a pretty different culture. I have a date lined up for later in the week, but I'm not really sure where it's going to go. It's a day two with a movie at my spot. I'm just finding myself annoyed with the fact that girls will come to your place and literally think nothing's up. My vibe must be seriously off or I am just not in tune with this country.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Quote: (07-11-2015 08:57 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

I'm just finding myself annoyed with the fact that girls will come to your place and literally think nothing's up. My vibe must be seriously off or I am just not in tune with this country.

How much are you sexualizing the conversation early in the exchange?

I don't do this any more while texting, because it's too easy to confuse these girls, but in person, where they can read my facial expressions and know that I am joking, I use this all the time.

*If they mention being able to cook a certain type of food (Chinese, Mexican, Italian, doesn't matter), I will say, "You can cook Mexican food? Let's get married next week!"

They know I'm screwing around, but Chinese girls love this type of humour and not only does it make them giggle, but it also makes them think about marriage/dating/sex.

*I list all the reasons why we can't date each other and why we should just give up. Of course, my tone makes it clear that I'm just kidding around, but once again it makes them think about dating.

Example: "You don't like eating hamburgers? Oh, we can never date. Because I'm American, so I eat hamburgers every breakfast, lunch and dinner."

*On pretty much every first date, I ask about her boobs and whether they are real or not. This doesn't seem to ever bother them. They talk about it like it's the most natural thing in the world. A common question they makes them laugh, "Did you go to Korean recently?"

I'm the King of Beijing!

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Hahaha, That's brilliant, man! Adding that Boob and burger thing to the Chinese game repetoire asap.

On the first date I did do little jabs at the girl like, "Dress up in a miniskirt for the first date." I said this to her over text. Also she was flirting a fair bit with me the entire time, sort of like the girl I went on a date with before that. I did get a sexual vibe from her, so I will go in with the right mindset.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Another weird ass day two. I feel like I'm doing something fundamentally wrong on these dates:

I meet her at the metro station and we go to get some food. She pays. Hell yeah! We talk a fair bit, but her english is limited. One thing I noted was that the conversation was rather banal. I got her to laugh here and there, but it wasn't like it would be with an American girl. I'm pretty funny, but the language barrier is really making it hard to show that side of myself, which is unfortunate, because I think my sense of humor is my most potent gaming tool.

We get to the steps of my building and she wants to take a picture of the building with me in it. it set off some alarms in my head. I don't like chicks having pictures of me or really any information about me that they can use to track me. Something about it just brings out my paranoid new jerseyan spirit. I decide to soldier on through it.

Anyway, we get back to my place and I queue up my vpn and netflix. We start walking transformers, but she has this silly labrador retriever look on her face. The face that any teacher recognizes quite well: she has no fucking clue what is going on. She's also texting a fair bit. It was really kinda weird I should have figured she wouldn't know.

I switch to a scary movie this time because she let drop before that she likes horror. I play World war z. She cuddles up next to me and lays her head on my shoulder.

The vpn goes a little whacky, but i'm able to get it started again. She doesn't mind me touching her at all. She has super sexy legs with short-shorts on and her skin is silky smooth. This throws my arousal levels off the charts. But I am patient and I don't try to be super aggressive like I would if I had an american girl at my place watching a movie.

She doesn't mind me touching her hair which is usually a go-sign for me to make out. I go for the kiss, she sort of lets it happen. It's hard to explain, she didn't move her head or anything, but she didn't actually try to kiss me back or anything.

She then, in the middle of the movie is like, "can we go to the cinema."


There is no way in hell i'm taking her to the movies after we've already hit up my apartment. I feel like I'm dealing with a total sperg at this point. I tell her no and that she can leave if she wants. I'm really just baffled. I'm not angry or anything, but it was quite strange to have a chick say that in the middle of the movie.

She eventually leaves.

Now, after this date I'm batting 25% at 1 and a half months in china. I"m not complaining but I feel like i'm committing some real errors or something because these girls are showing up to my place, taking off their shoes and allowing me to get physical with them, but they get skeeved out on the kiss. Should I just not try to kiss chinese girls and just esclaate their clothes off? Or should I go slower.

I asked a few guys about what I could be doing wrong and one of them told me that the girls like me but they don't trust me because i'm too agressive. If what I"m doing is aggressive then what the hell do chinese guys do? I feel like my game is actually too passive?

this one friend has been in china for several years and reccomends that for the day two I take the girl to do 1-2 fun things, then bounce to my place. He says that usually gets them feeling like you're serious about them.

Another friend told me that I'm not being playful enough. I can actually agree to that: my sense of humor is largely verbal and I find it sort of silly to act like a clown for women. I have heard from numerous sources that asian women have really childish senses of humor, so I may have to study up on some clown game if I want to bang these women.

Going to re-read some of the data on china and see if there is something I'm missing. At this point, I know it's something I"m doing. I'm getting the rejections at the same points each and everytime. I got the feeling I could have tried to plow through on this one, but it was just so goddamn awkward. I'm not used to this. Funny, I have 1 bang in china, but no true make outs. What in the fuck?

I am still adjusting to a few things about Chinese girls:

I don't have to be as cold to them. I can actually be a little nice.

My friend says he thinks I am treating them too much like I would a western girl and that it is a major turn off for them to be spoken down to by men.

They're really naive about a lot of things. I had a girl once ask me, "why do you enjoy working out. Doing leg work outs makes you shorter." And she was dead serious about it.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Quote: (07-16-2015 07:13 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

Another weird ass day two. I feel like I'm doing something fundamentally wrong on these dates:

She doesn't mind me touching her hair which is usually a go-sign for me to make out. I go for the kiss, she sort of lets it happen. It's hard to explain, she didn't move her head or anything, but she didn't actually try to kiss me back or anything.

What you're dealing with here is a girl who isn't fundamentally again you escalating physically (you haven't been friendzoned), but you've failed to make her 'gina tingle.

Golden rule of seduction anywhere on the globe: A girl will just about always sleep with you if you can isolate her AND turn her on.

But fail to turn her on and she's simple not going to be in the mood.

The difference between Chinese girls and Western girls is that Chinese girls are somewhat practical. If they've calculated that you are dating materially, they'll be open to dating you whether you turn them on or not.

Western girls, on the other hand, will simply eliminate you from the dating pool if you fail to turn them on, a despite your resume and talents, you'll get friendzoned.

These girls aren't rejecting your advances, because they consider you boyfriend material and remain open to that, but they aren't reciprocating, because you've failed to get them wet during your pre-seduction interactions.


I asked a few guys about what I could be doing wrong and one of them told me that the girls like me but they don't trust me because i'm too agressive. If what I"m doing is aggressive then what the hell do chinese guys do? I feel like my game is actually too passive?

This is a possibility. If you move to fast with girls (fail to build comfort) and they'll get scared off, go into extreme Anti-Slut Defense mode and go radio silent. I've made this mistake myself recently by simply escalating too fast when I get a girl back to my place right away. I've had much better luck by just hanging out on the first date, minimizing kino and then escalating much faster on the second date, since by this point I've established some level of trust.

You aren't going to run into that many mega-whores in Shenzhen, so some level of trust will need to be achieved prior to bang.


This one friend has been in china for several years and reccomends that for the day two I take the girl to do 1-2 fun things, then bounce to my place. He says that usually gets them feeling like you're serious about them.

He's absolutely right, although I'd do fun things on date one and then invite her back to your place and cook her dinner for date two. This achieves the same result (he really likes me, he cooked me a delicious dinner), without travelling all over town. Plus you can cook together (they love to help), which is lots of fun for them.

Fun thing one: Cooking together.
Fun thing two: Eating together.
Fun thing three: Watching movie on the couch after dinner.
Fun thing four: Squeeky Chinese made bed.


Another friend told me that I'm not being playful enough. I can actually agree to that: my sense of humor is largely verbal and I find it sort of silly to act like a clown for women. I have heard from numerous sources that asian women have really childish senses of humor, so I may have to study up on some clown game if I want to bang these women.

He's also right. You've gotta clown it up. I will do the most ridiculous things on dates and they love it. Doing imitations of them in a silly high pitched voice (while speaking Chinese) is always a winner, as long as I am cute enough while I'm doing it.

Example: "I'm a Chinese girl and I looooooooooveeeeee shopping sooooooooooooo muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch."

Not sure how well this works if you do it in English.

With these girls (and perhaps women anywhere) it's less about what you say and more about your energy level. If you keep it fun, you'll generally get laid.


I don't have to be as cold to them. I can actually be a little nice.

That's true. But maintain frame when they try to pressure you into boyfriend status. These girls have their own games, they just approach it a little differently.


They're really naive about a lot of things. I had a girl once ask me, "why do you enjoy working out. Doing leg work outs makes you shorter." And she was dead serious about it.

Trust me, you're going to hear them say things even crazy than this. This is the highly advanced culture, after all, that believes in 10 month pregnancies.

Conversation threads.

Don't be afraid to be ridiculous when talking with these girls.

One of my go to conversational threads recently has been to talk about our upcoming marriage.

"When we get married, we are going to fight every day."

"You can cook Mexican food? Let's get married next weekend."

"You have real breasts? When can we get married?"

"I'm very selfish. After we get married, I will make you work every day and I will watch TV."

"You can't cook? If you want to marry me, you need to learn to cook delicious food. I won't marry you if you can't."

I also like to talk about crying a lot.

"If I don't see you every day, I will cry."

"I cry every day because I don't have a girlfriend."

"You are so beautiful, I want to cry."

But most importantly, lots of smiling, high energy. Give her the complete "fun-living" American experience.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Shenzhen Data Sheet

thanks for the breakdown. I will refer to bang for how to sexual things. Also, any tips for non verbally sexually a date? The language barrier is a problem that will persist for the foreseeable future. My flirting is simply lost on some of these girls. Any tips on how to be more sexual without talking?

Time to read a Linux thread haha.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Quote: (07-16-2015 10:40 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

Any tips on how to be more sexual without talking?


What are you wearing to these dates?

I'm the King of Beijing!

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Like any particulars, though? I aside from high fives, hand holding and other basics?

I have decent arms so I wear tight v necks to show off my arms and chest. Shaved head, shaved face, fitted denim jeans, and decent quality shoes.

Too hot to rock Other clothes. Also these chicks are young so showing up to coffee over dressed would be too try hard IMO.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Quote: (07-16-2015 10:59 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

Like any particulars, though? I aside from high fives, hand holding and other basics?

I have decent arms so I wear tight v necks to show off my arms and chest. Shaved head, shaved face, fitted denim jeans, and decent quality shoes.

Too hot to rock Other clothes. Also these chicks are young so showing up to coffee over dressed would be too try hard IMO.

My high fives fall into clown game territory. Generally, my most common move is to put my hand on their back to direct them around traffic and obstacles to the first venue and between venues. I've only had one girl reactive negatively to this.

I don't let my hand linger until I start transitioning from building comfort to entering early seduction phases, at which point I'll simply put my arm around her waist while we are walking, provided that I am getting green lights or more important, no red lights.

Generally, I won't make an effort to enter seduction phase until after two venues, at which point I'm either going to transition her to my seduction lair or end the night on a high note.

Clothing wise, sounds like you have it together, but make sure that you have as much wow factor as possible.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Great tips Suits as usual.
What would be wow factor for a Chinese girl? Could you give examples of that?

Thanks man!

Not sure if this little trick can help the Chinese girls feel more comfortable with you while getting more flirty, but it works wonders with Pinay girls:

Ask them if they like singing, even better yet, ask them to sing for you! Make it even more fun, have both of you sing together or taking turns. Loads of laughs, getting the girl to feel very comfortable and relaxed and giving you plenty of opportunities to accelerate kino and escalation.

Works like a charm with Filipina girls, give it a try with Chinese.

Has anyone tried that with Chinese girls? What do the China experts say about this? Kai? Nonpareil? Global? Suits?

Shenzhen Data Sheet

So, I figured I would post about this:

I was at the bar I've been spending a lot of time at. I mis-schedule some time to chill with some local friends and end up just shooting pool against people I can't speak to.

fast forward to 3 hours later. These Chinese dudes roll into the bar. I listen in to their conversation and they're speaking in Perfect British English. I'm playing pool with my Russian buddies and they overhear our shouts of "fuck off bitch" as we play pool and ask me if I speak Russian.

I simply nod and don't really talk to them. I'm a bit mistrustful of other people at this juncture of my trip in China. I'm not proud of that fact, but I don't really get the impression that I should be talking to some people and these guys give me that vibe.

My curiositiy (and a few drinks) gets the best of me and I start chatting with these guys. Just as I suspected, They're british educated cantonese fellows. We have a pretty chill conversation until they drop the bait: Have you fucked any chinese girls? They must have been easy?

I'm drunk, so I take the bait and tell them a bit about my experiences. The scrawniest man I've ever seen starts heckling me: "You're a rapist. you know that? You come to China to just try and rape girls." I look at the 3 men. The other two aren't showing any emotion, but I get a bad vibe. The guy who initially engaged me has a stoic expression. Trouble. I wanted to fuck this little guy up, but I remember the advice of this forum and I recall my better judgement and walk away to my friends on the other end of the bar. I feel a little shame at this point: I shouldn't be talking about fucking the local women with the local men. FUCKING dumb. Truly fucking stupid.

I tell my two russian friends about it and they both agree: keeping a low profile in this part of town is smart.

The British Chinese dudes walk out of the bar and one of them (the scrawny fucker from earlier) walks up to me an says "great meeting you man."

I tell him "get away from me. Now."

The other guys try to come up to me and shake my hand and tell them to fuck off too. Something about the entire situation seemed off. They were offering me their hands on one side and a dagger on the other. Fuck this deceptive bullshit.

Ultimately, I'm more angry with myself than with them for my actions, but I now feel like I have to watch my back at one of my favorite bars because of my loud mouth.

I wrote this post to just say this: careful guys. Not everyone is in your corner. My russian friends confirmed that sometimes chinese guys will pick a fight with a foreigner, kick the shit of out of the illiterate foreigner, tell the police that the foreigner started the fight and cause all sorts of mayhem. I'm glad I was able to walk away from a fight, but a part of me burns at the idea of not wrecking those malnourished fucks. I know my actions were ultimately the superior actions, but my blood still runs hot. Ah well. live and learn.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Sad. Those guys are so jealous they have to force themselves to believe their woman are being raped. To them, "how could any Chinese girl be interested in a foreigner over a local?"

Three against one are poor odds, especially when you are drunk and it may have grown to 10,15,20 to 1 once things got started.

It's hard wanting to assimilate and make friends, but also knowing you must keep your guard up. As time goes on you'll learn when, where and with who you can let it down. This experience was just one more step in that regard.

Shenzhen Data Sheet

I would say as a universal matter, at least for white dudes (i cannot speak from experience otherwise fortis, and maybe after some more time you'll be able to)...

Chinese men (not including Taiwanese, who don't seem to care) do not like u pumping and dumping their women. If you're seriously involved with a woman, married, obviously committed, no issue, and they'll be friendly about it, supportive, even happy. But otherwise, I just wouldn't share the information that you pumped and dumped a regular Chinese girl (Im not talking about massage girls or any of that BS, talking about "nice girls"). This is still a conservative culture, one that remembers and refreshes regularly the rape of Nanjing and other atrocities. The men take that very seriously. However, walk around with a girl who is your girlfriend, they may go so far as treating you as one of them.

You've learned a lesson from it - don't dwell on it. I don't think they wanted to fight, and I'd say Cantonese are the most disliking of foreigners (though time in the UK should have strongly tempered that). It may be something as simple as that one of the guys' liked a girl who got banged by a foreigner.

In any event, steer clear of that kind of conversation. Speak respectfully of the women, or not at all. What you say in China can be less important that what you leave unsaid. Chinese live by that.

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

Shenzhen Data Sheet

Thanks for the words of wisdom. I know I did the right thing at the end by just bailing. What sucks is that one of those guys had actually helped me out earlier in the week when I accidentally broke a Billiards cue. He helped me negotiate the price with the bartenders. One less person who is neutral towards me.

To be fair, I had been drinking for about 4 hours, so my guard was down. Still, no excuses. What we do when our defenses are lower is very telling of our training.

I will definitely be watching my tongue when I'm fucked up. When I'm sober I make it a point to avoid the topic of women with people I don't know.

As another poster once said: "there are men out there who are violently opposed to what we do on this forum...."

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

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