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Is America really that bad?

Is America really that bad?

Quote: (01-05-2014 10:44 PM)Pokerbaby Wrote:  

5) The food sucks too. You wouldn't think so because there are so many fat Canadians (and Americans). The irony of this world is that the better the food the fitter the people. Can't explain why.

The better quality the food the less it takes to make someone content, I'd guess.

Is America really that bad?

Quote: (01-05-2014 08:13 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

My major gripe is the business-first "live to work" culture. I prefer "work to live". And too many people define themselves by their occupation and how much money they make. I went to a mariachi bar with some friends in Mexico City and got in a conversation with a very friendly guy next to our table. He asked what I do and I told him, and I asked what he did and he says that he's a shoe shiner, but he said it with a level of dignity. In America a shoe shiner would be disrespected and nobody would want to admit to being one.

Reminds me of a story I told a friend when discussing the opportunities in the US. A while back, I was out at a mid-range restaurant with some friends. As I'm leaving and walking past the other tables, who do I see but my cleaning lady with her family. In very few countries would you find both the cleaning lady and the person who hires them eating at the same place. Either class or financial reasons would prevent it.

Is America really that bad?

I feel like my answer to this question is getting more complex as I get older, mostly because when you're young and frustrated because you haven't tasted success yet, it can color your perception of a lot of things. Once you've reached a certain level of financial success in the U.S., you're life does start to become extremely easy and comfortable very quick. So if you're above a certain income bracket, there's little room for serious complaints.

As others have noted, the main problems are cultural.

1. The USA does not have a legitimate culture based on a shared past and traditions in the sense that Europe and Asia do. Unless you count something like football on the weekends or getting drunk on the 4th of July, there isn't much to bring people together.

2. The excessive emphasis on work and competition. This was already pointed out, but the Puritan work ethic that is integrated into the fabric of American culture is dysfunctional. Puritans were really out there in their religious zealotry and their life priorities were pretty screwed up because of it. Now everyone has been expected to work unrealistic amounts because of their bad traditions.

The combinations of points 1 and 2 above make it really feel like a place where everyone is just running around working a lot and trying to outdo each other. This explains why it's such a bad place for making friendships and starting families, but great for making money.

Is America really that bad?

Speakeasy summed it up very well, I haven't travelled much in the States but I will likely spend more time there in the next couple of years to be close to my ageing parents who spend the winters near Tampa in E-mech territory. I'll probably just rent a place down there for a few months to see if I like it and may eventually buy a condo there, here's what I like about the States and Tampa in particular:

Weather: The same reason my parents go there, the weather is pretty nice for a Canadian from November until April, I probably wouldn't like it during the rest of the year, too hot.

Food: Yes there's shit food but its easy to eat healthy, especially if you buy and cook your own food, groceries are a lot cheaper down there than in Canada. Also, the servings in restaurants are massive, which contributes to the obesity problem, but I always save some and take the rest home to eat. A $10-12 meal in many Tampa restaurants could easily cost $20 in Canada.

Booze: A lot cheaper, I can get a dozen Coronas in Tampa for $12 while in Canada I pay about $25-30, same with wine and liquor. Bars have really good drink specials as well.

Vehicles: Also cheaper, you can pick up a pretty nice ride in Florida for $20-30K. I can also drive it back to Canada if I want, something I couldn't do if I was to set up shop in Colombia. The streets and highways are well maintained in Florida, I love driving there, couldn't imagine driving in South America.

Flights: Flying to the Caribbean or South America is quick and relatively cheap from Florida (especially Miami), if I set up shop in Tampa I would probably take 2-3 trips each winter.

Gym prices: Monthly costs at nice gyms in Colombia are pretty crazy, Body Tech in Bogota charges $150/month, I"m pretty sure a gym pass at a decent place in the USA is about a third of that, maybe less.

Pro sports: Tampa has super cheap hockey tickets, I would probably just buy season tickets anyway but tickets to a game that would cost $150-200 in Edmonton go for $40-80 down there.

Work: Not sure I would work down there or not but its an option, the company I usually work for in Canada has offices all over Florida.

Real estate: Relatively cheap, I could get a nice condo for about $150K in the Tampa area, rents aren't too bad either. My condo in Edmonton, a city I don't really like, is almost double that.

I still have to think about it a lot, I like it down here in Colombia and am also considering setting up shop here and basically doing the reverse of what I just mentioned, go to Florida a couple of times each winter to visit my parents. Obviously both places has its pros and cons but I could have a pretty nice lifestyle in Florida if that's what I decide to do.

Is America really that bad?

The USA is not one country, it's at least 50 countries in a local cultural and environmental sense.

If you don't New York City, you might like Hispanic northern New Mexico, say Espanola.

If you don't like northern New Mexico, you might like Rockland, Maine, Denver Colorado, or Mobile, Alabama.

Chances are you'll find some place you'll like.

Is America really that bad?

Quote: (01-06-2014 01:44 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

The USA is not one country, it's at least 50 countries in a local cultural and environmental sense.

If you don't New York City, you might like Hispanic northern New Mexico, say Espanola.

If you don't like northern New Mexico, you might like Rockland, Maine, Denver Colorado, or Mobile, Alabama.

Chances are you'll find some place you'll like.

Good point. For me, the United States is Miami, Southern California, Las Vegas, New Jersey, and New York City. I really couldn't care less about the rest of it.

Is America really that bad?

I'm not an expert on the subject, but I have spent considerable time over the years in the States. I guess it all depends where you come from. For an American, it's easier to see the flaws in the system, than for somebody who is just visiting. It took me a while to see past the glamour that is so visible in Miami (where I spent most of my time, although I travelled to many places all over the states). It is only recently, that I started to see the annoying things that many guys here on the forum pointed out. Going back from Colombia to Florida, I really felt annoyed by the attitude of people here. Don't get me wrong, I still met some of the nicest people in my life in the USA over the years. Taking away the social problems, I still think that the USA is a great place to live. There are just so many opportunities, that we don't have in Eastern Europe. Starting a business here in Hungary is almost never gonna work out. In most cases the government takes away 60% of your income. The tax burden is among the highest here in Europe, but the average salary is still shit. Political and economical situation is unstable. One of you guys mentioned here mentioned that the smiles and niceness in the states is not really genuine, but I'll take that in a heartbeat over the sad faces of hungarians. Most of the people won't face these problems, same as I won't see the deeper issues in American society as a short term visitor.
Funny thing is that I can buy nice clothes, electronics, fuel, cars cheaper than in Hungary. So all in all, looking from this side of the world, the USA is definitely not a bad place to live in.

Is America really that bad?

Let me put my 2 cents! i am studying in the states (Unc chapel hill) . Women are insanely un feminine wearing shitty niki shorts to class and, not caring about the appearance too much unless it's a date or something. People always care about what others think about them selfs and social pressure is very much real (which i did not notice so much in Europe) . Honestly to me people are pretty boring with some exceptions and , it's very hard to make true friends as Americans seems to have some kind of barrier (keeping people away). In this state bars close at 2 pm and there is not much of a party vibe to them. People talk a lot about how some countries which used to be fun are ruined by western ideals , well news flash it starts in the states. Also girls are not very intelligent , when comparing to Germany , and Holland , and japan , and always talking about stupid worthless shit. People are also always scared of people , and so i find day game to be much more annoying , while pretty fun in other countries. Also Americans are insanely racist for instance Chinese are low class and black people they think commit many crimes also middle eastern's don't get much respect too.

P.s Food is low quality compared to my country Israel or japan for instance(the holy grail of food)

Is America really that bad?

It's remarkable that majority of people who complain the most about the US and how supposedly everything goes downhill there are Americans. But when somebody else criticizes their homecountry they get proud and defensive.

I like the US very much. Americans like to boast about their military, their economy and their political power when they actually should show more pride in the civic culture and the general politeness of their fellow people. When I spend my first few days on US soil in Boston, I was completely overwhelmed by how incredibly friendly and affable people were compared to where I grew up. Passersby would greet me, cashiers chat with me randomly and even business people in a rush would take their time to hold doors open for others. This was especially surprising because Americans that I met before in Europe would always complain to me how rude people in the East Coast are. I never experienced any of this and hospitality and friendliness is something America deserves much more credit for.

The women I also found WAY better than a lot of you guys make them out to be. Their main problem is: they are fatter than females in other countries. that being said, there are still more than enough decent and slim women around. In most major European cities you can nowadays find many different nationalities and ethnicities but not nearly to the same extent as in Boston, Philadelphia, DC or NYC. When I feel like talking to Latinas, Blacks or Asians I have much easier time finding them in any major US city than in Germany, Poland or Denmark.

Apart from that, American women treated me much better and with more curiosity than German women. I studied in the US in my pre-game days, so I could translate these IOIs into only two bangs. But even back then, I realized how much better I could potentially become with women. I also liked the fact, that American women are much warmer and smile more often than females in the culture I grew up in. In the US, I could smile to any random broad on the street and in 80% of the cases she would smile back. In Germany, girls wouldn't even notice that and, if so, would only react confusedly. Of course, Americans are not perfect. I find them at average more flimsy, phoney, uneducated and unreliable than, say, Polish or German women. Their uptalk is super-annoying. But in general, if they like you they are fun to be around with and much more spontaneous than the girls I'm used to.

Bottom line: American forum members don't realize to know how good they have it. Despite all its shortcomings which prevent me from wanting to move across the pond for good, the US is still one of the best and easiest countries to get laid in, especially if you are a man who appreciates ethnic diversity in women.


Is America really that bad?

I got my American citizenship when I turned 18 so I think I'm speaking fairly objectively when I say that America is a great place. I laugh whenever I see complaints about it. The bottom line is this. People wouldn't be risking their lives jumping on rafts or paying $10,000 for sham marriages to go there if it sucked. I know that I will NEVER go back to the Bahamas to live. People are more critical on where they're from because it's what they know. When we travel to different places I believe we tend to romanticize the experience because it's something new and fresh.

I always see/hear people talk about how Americans don't "travel". No, they do travel, just not overseas. But from a geographic stand point what could you want that America doesn't offer? Why would the average American need a passport? If you want beaches with warm clear water, you can go to Florida. If you want to ski/snowboard champagne powder, you can go to Colorado. You don't even need to get on a plane. I don't know how many countries can offer that kind of flexibility. People also say "oh but America has no culture". Hmm, could it be that way because it's only been in existence for a couple hundred years? How long has Spain been a country, since the 15th century? America is still a baby compared to most European countries.

The girls are dumb. I feel like because the stereotype is that American women are dumb that's what people believe without even stepping foot in the country. As a result when travelers do come they're expecting and looking to spot dumb women. Yall know what though? It's easier to pay attention to an uneducated slob because smart people don't go around showing their ass. There are smart women everywhere in America, you just probably won't find them pussy popping at the club. But most of us don't want a smart woman anyway. It's harder to philander and lie to a smart woman. It's harder to control a smart woman.
The girls are slutty. It's surprising to me that with a strong emphasis, in my opinion, of this forum being easy sex that so many people would have a problem with easy women. To me it only seems natural that they go hand in hand. I've yet to see McQueen complain about about too many sluts and I won't either.
Fat chicks. I'm probably gonna catch hell for this but I honestly believe that the complaints about the quality of women in America is a crutch for not getting results. America has plenty of good looking women. But the catch is that they're not accessible to EVERY guy. It's hard to be an average man but get above average tail in America. That's a harsh reality but I get it because pussy is a resource. The highest paying jobs don't just go to anybody. Why would the highest quality trim?

Standard of Living
America is super cheap. Technically I was living below the poverty line but I had damn near everything I wanted. In college I had my own apartment with cable and internet for $550 a month. I may not have had fish tanks with sharks and white tiger pelts draped on my furniture but I never had a girl complain about it. I worked just enough to pay my bills. Other than that I could just hang out with my friends doing whatever I wanted.
Customer service is very good in America. I know that when I get to a restaurant I'm gonna be greeted with a smile within 5 minutes of arrival, my beverage glass will never be empty, and if one thing is off about my meal it gets fixed. If for any reason I'm not satisfied with my experience I just talk to the manager and that meal is free, possibly even the next one.

My only big complaint about America is the race issue. In the 4 countries I lived in (not just visited) it's the only place where a woman has said to my face that she won't date me because of the color of my skin. Ohh no, BP just mentioned race! However, I've heard that statement from minority women as well, including *gasp* black women. In America everyone's identity is always linked to their race. You can't just be John Smith from Zanesville. If you're a black guy and you're bad at basketball people ask what's wrong with you. If you're a white guy, like rap music, and own a pair of baggy jeans you're derided and labeled a wigger. I've had a different experience so far in Australia. In America I feel like I'm black first and foremost, then a man. Here I feel like I'm just a man who's ancestors happened to originate from west Africa. It's a nice change of pace.

I haven't lived in America for going on the past 3 years but I miss it all the time. It helped make me the man I am today and I'm happy with who I see in the mirror. Europe is next on my list of places to live and maybe it'll change my mind but for right now I can proudly say that America is my home.

Is America really that bad?

Quote: (01-06-2014 10:16 AM)BahamaPapa Wrote:  

I got my American citizenship when I turned 18 so I think I'm speaking fairly objectively when I say that America is a great place. I laugh whenever I see complaints about it. The bottom line is this. People wouldn't be risking their lives jumping on rafts or paying $10,000 for sham marriages to go there if it sucked. I know that I will NEVER go back to the Bahamas to live. People are more critical on where they're from because it's what they know. When we travel to different places I believe we tend to romanticize the experience because it's something new and fresh.

Your opinion is perfectly valid but it's not objective, it's subjective to your experiences and you. I work with a lot of 1st and 2nd generation immigrants from poorer countries and their impressions are as varied as anyone's: some of them really enjoy it here, some are trying to keep one foot in the old country, some are planning to return home completely...and each of them have good reasons for those views. Laughing at anyone who has criticisms misses the point, each person's assessment is always going to be different based on what they know, that's just how it is.

By the way people risk their lives to get to China too...but that doesn't tell the whole story does it?


I always see/hear people talk about how Americans don't "travel". No, they do travel, just not overseas. But from a geographic stand point what could you want that America doesn't offer? Why would the average American need a passport? If you want beaches with warm clear water, you can go to Florida. If you want to ski/snowboard champagne powder, you can go to Colorado. You don't even need to get on a plane. I don't know how many countries can offer that kind of flexibility. People also say "oh but America has no culture". Hmm, could it be that way because it's only been in existence for a couple hundred years? How long has Spain been a country, since the 15th century? America is still a baby compared to most European countries.

It's true we have exceptional geographic diversity...however, the "we're a baby" argument doesn't fly when you consider that every country in the Americas is more or less as young as we are and yet the US doesn't see nearly the cultural variation that you see in the rest of the new world. You can even do a fair comparison with younger parts of Europe: one street in St. Petersburg (built from scratch starting in 1703, decades after the American colonies were first settled) has as much if not more cultural/architectural value as you'll find in a dozen US cities put together. Other countries not only preserved their cities but took great pains to rebuild them after they were flattened by bombing...American cities were reduced to sorry shells surrounded by cookie-cutter developments in the 1960s and 70s just because it was good business (note that I'll be the first one to say that this country once had a vast collection of exciting, dynamic cities...but the suburban obsession put paid to that). Ironically the one boast of the American city, the skyscraper, has been lately overtaken by the gulf states and their oil money towers. In spite of all that the US does have great cultural offerings: our music and performing arts are top-notch if you know where to look and in the big cities you can find tons of activities to get involved in (to say the least)...but the aforementioned cultural shortcomings remain glaring.

Lastly, we have a great deal of diversity but the main of the country is pretty standardized. A mall in Cali and a mall in Mass could be switched tonight and few would notice a big difference tomorrow. Contrary to what you say, that's not because of youth it's mostly because of relatively recent post-industrial developments.

The rest of your post I don't disagree with and you make good points. I think it's dope you're getting a lot out of life in the US and that you enjoy it (I do too), it's just the idea that the US "has it all" that I don't really buy.

Is America really that bad?


Starting a business here in Hungary is almost never gonna work out. In most cases the government takes away 60% of your income...

And that's how I always catch a Hungarian! I have a small side-business and work full time with a german-level salary (0 years of experience with just a BsC and in Budapest, from a globally unknown university). Everybody here has so many opportunities and there so much potential but the fucking negativity has everybody's heads stuck in the 90's, while there are mountains of possibilities to get something working. People get easy education but all they do is lazy away drinking Arany Facan. People have access to any advantage in the EU but they still limit themselves like if Kádár János was still prime minister and you had to ask Moscow for a glass of water. People get a solid and stable democracy and they decide to put lazy old-world idiots in power. The day Hungary gets their head out of their ass we'll see some magic, and that will happen when all the old-world people with small mentality there decides to retire or stop breathing and let the young bright people I've met (all of them younger than late 30s) rise up and fulfill all that potential.

Is America really that bad?

The biggest danger here is following the proverbial herd. Follow advice of your average to below-average peers and you'll wind-up with, at worst, heavy personal debt, or, at best, recurring expenses that trap you into an indentured servitude. It's tricky. You appear to be doing alright in the eyes of and are reinforced by the "average." Your ego's invested and you're telling yourself lies that you're doing the right thing.

The initial opportunity comes when you have the red pill paradigm shift. Whether that paradigm shift comes through good real-life influences or good virtual influences (RooshV, Danger and Play, Wall Street Playboys, etc.) doesn't matter... the first step is to change your perspective.

The dope thing about this country is that real opportunity exists once you have the paradigm shift and once you drop the false ego. Then it's work - hard work, smart work - and tuning out the perverse cultural voices imploring you return to the herd. Of course the work isn't easy, but the opportunity is everywhere. In that sense America is great: You can create your own vision and have good opportunities to make said vision a reality.

Is America really that bad?

Quote: (01-06-2014 01:22 PM)Volk Wrote:  


Starting a business here in Hungary is almost never gonna work out. In most cases the government takes away 60% of your income...

And that's how I always catch a Hungarian! I have a small side-business and work full time with a german-level salary (0 years of experience with just a BsC and in Budapest, from a globally unknown university). Everybody here has so many opportunities and there so much potential but the fucking negativity has everybody's heads stuck in the 90's, while there are mountains of possibilities to get something working. People get easy education but all they do is lazy away drinking Arany Facan. People have access to any advantage in the EU but they still limit themselves like if Kádár János was still prime minister and you had to ask Moscow for a glass of water. People get a solid and stable democracy and they decide to put lazy old-world idiots in power. The day Hungary gets their head out of their ass we'll see some magic, and that will happen when all the old-world people with small mentality there decides to retire or stop breathing and let the young bright people I've met (all of them younger than late 30s) rise up and fulfill all that potential.

Hey Volk, you made some good remarks, but on some things I have to disagree with you. I don't want to derail this thread, so we could keep on with the conversation over a beer, if you are in Budapest.

Is America really that bad?

Quote: (01-06-2014 12:21 PM)Saga Wrote:  

Quote: (01-06-2014 10:16 AM)BahamaPapa Wrote:  

I got my American citizenship when I turned 18 so I think I'm speaking fairly objectively when I say that America is a great place. I laugh whenever I see complaints about it. The bottom line is this. People wouldn't be risking their lives jumping on rafts or paying $10,000 for sham marriages to go there if it sucked. I know that I will NEVER go back to the Bahamas to live. People are more critical on where they're from because it's what they know. When we travel to different places I believe we tend to romanticize the experience because it's something new and fresh.

Your opinion is perfectly valid but it's not objective, it's subjective to your experiences and you. I work with a lot of 1st and 2nd generation immigrants from poorer countries and their impressions are as varied as anyone's: some of them really enjoy it here, some are trying to keep one foot in the old country, some are planning to return home completely...and each of them have good reasons for those views. Laughing at anyone who has criticisms misses the point, each person's assessment is always going to be different based on what they know, that's just how it is.

By the way people risk their lives to get to China too...but that doesn't tell the whole story does it?


I always see/hear people talk about how Americans don't "travel". No, they do travel, just not overseas. But from a geographic stand point what could you want that America doesn't offer? Why would the average American need a passport? If you want beaches with warm clear water, you can go to Florida. If you want to ski/snowboard champagne powder, you can go to Colorado. You don't even need to get on a plane. I don't know how many countries can offer that kind of flexibility. People also say "oh but America has no culture". Hmm, could it be that way because it's only been in existence for a couple hundred years? How long has Spain been a country, since the 15th century? America is still a baby compared to most European countries.

It's true we have exceptional geographic diversity...however, the "we're a baby" argument doesn't fly when you consider that every country in the Americas is more or less as young as we are and yet the US doesn't see nearly the cultural variation that you see in the rest of the new world. You can even do a fair comparison with younger parts of Europe: one street in St. Petersburg (built from scratch starting in 1703, decades after the American colonies were first settled) has as much if not more cultural/architectural value as you'll find in a dozen US cities put together. Other countries not only preserved their cities but took great pains to rebuild them after they were flattened by bombing...American cities were reduced to sorry shells surrounded by cookie-cutter developments in the 1960s and 70s just because it was good business (note that I'll be the first one to say that this country once had a vast collection of exciting, dynamic cities...but the suburban obsession put paid to that). Ironically the one boast of the American city, the skyscraper, has been lately overtaken by the gulf states and their oil money towers. In spite of all that the US does have great cultural offerings: our music and performing arts are top-notch if you know where to look and in the big cities you can find tons of activities to get involved in (to say the least)...but the aforementioned cultural shortcomings remain glaring.

Lastly, we have a great deal of diversity but the main of the country is pretty standardized. A mall in Cali and a mall in Mass could be switched tonight and few would notice a big difference tomorrow. Contrary to what you say, that's not because of youth it's mostly because of relatively recent post-industrial developments.

The rest of your post I don't disagree with and you make good points. I think it's dope you're getting a lot out of life in the US and that you enjoy it (I do too), it's just the idea that the US "has it all" that I don't really buy.

Agreed the MAIN CULTURE of America is mass media/hollywood. It is also our biggest export..that is ruining women everywhere.
Also with a 70% fat rate in America that means any guy NOT fat is in the top 30% but American women have been socialized by mass media to only want the top 10% and everyone else is UGLY in their minds. So what you get is a country where every slim and even chubby women is being chased by guys who are better looking than she is. America is the only country where I see women reject guys for shallow superficial reasons where the guys are actually better looking than she is.American culture as seen in movies makes men out to be weak incompetent guys who have the WIN a women. This leads to Americas other biggest problem...competition!
Competition helps us to be productive but Americans are TOO competitive about everything. Guys compete for the biggest homes, biggest cars, for women, for jobs ,etc. Its also why most men are defeated by feminists. Women stick together...while men berate,insult and literally fight each other different views, money,women, etc. Look at our politics will you?
Americans vote based on caring about who can marry whom, who can get an abortion and a load of other silly nonsense things that don't personally effect them. The real issues..taxes, job creation, etc is second place.Reality tv just makes it worst..everyone lives fantasizing about the lives of others.Again this is mass marketing/media brainwashing. Society here is becoming like in the movie "THE RUNNING MAN".
That being said if you already have a GOOD women(most aren't here) and a good job/money America isn't a bad place because you can ignore the NOISE of the masses.
As for the Isreali guy who called Americans racist..that's funny(pot calling kettle black lol). In a dating sense most people marry those who are like themselves but Isreal is I think the only 1st world country that the UN accuses for human right violations every year. In addition to treating Arabs badly. They treat their own Jewish blacks from Ethiopia as second class Jews. Also many Russians complain how they are discriminated against. i know alot of Russian Jews that came to America after living in Israel. Its getting better but they were treated like second class when it came to getting jobs.(there be NO country without USA support btw )
Food is subjective. I like American food better than Asian..BBQ ,meat and potatoes and burgers RULE!. And our Brooklyn Pizza is better than anything in Italy. Brooklyn=best pizza in the world..even considered so by Europeans and foreigners. We also don't eat BUGS so there ! lol

Is America really that bad?

The United States has many bad things and many good things about it. I would say that the society as it currently exists is a bit of a mess. Political correctness and extreme feminism have emasculated a generation of men and led to the destruction of many societal norms.

However, although the American government's political parts are a mess, it generally operates pretty efficiently and does things relatively well, especially in comparison to some European governments.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

Is America really that bad?

jimukr104 why should we treat our enemies good? also i am aware of the weaknesses of my country but you seem to deny the weaknesses of yours? also you misspelled Israel

Is America really that bad?

Quote: (01-06-2014 10:16 AM)BahamaPapa Wrote:  

My only big complaint about America is the race issue. In the 4 countries I lived in (not just visited) it's the only place where a woman has said to my face that she won't date me because of the color of my skin. Ohh no, BP just mentioned race! However, I've heard that statement from minority women as well, including *gasp* black women. In America everyone's identity is always linked to their race. You can't just be John Smith from Zanesville. If you're a black guy and you're bad at basketball people ask what's wrong with you. If you're a white guy, like rap music, and own a pair of baggy jeans you're derided and labeled a wigger. I've had a different experience so far in Australia. In America I feel like I'm black first and foremost, then a man. Here I feel like I'm just a man who's ancestors happened to originate from west Africa. It's a nice change of pace.

I'll take a stab at this.

In most foreign countries, black skin is a novelty. When I was traveling in Europe and when I lived in the UK it was rare to run into someone who has African descent.

But I do agree, race is a stickler in the US. If it means anything, I won't date indian girls [Image: tard.gif]

Is America really that bad?

Quote: (01-06-2014 02:26 PM)somebeast Wrote:  

jimukr104 why should we treat our enemies good? also i am aware of the weaknesses of my country but you seem to deny the weaknesses of yours? also you misspelled Israel sent

Edit below: Get rid of easy student loans and the tuition would drop like a fly. Easy credit is the problem. Since schools know that students can get unlimited funds they can set high tuition's.Public schools can be a bargain and even better.

Is America really that bad?

USA really takes the cake as far as prohibitively expensive higher education. On the flip side, I can't think of another society that so handsomely rewards the best and the brightest.

As far as women, I really like US cities considered to be 'cosmopolitan,' mostly because a lot of the women are educated and have varied backgrounds. We make a big deal out of American girls hating men due to rampant feminism, but just last Friday I got a drink with a girl who minored in Women's Studies, and these words came out of her mouth, almost verbatim:

"I don't consider myself a feminist, because I think many feminists discredit the problems that men face as well."

n=1, but most girls I know don't hate men. And if they do, they're usually ugly anyway and I forgot who they are.

Education makes a big difference. You may be hard-pressed to find an (a) attractive, (b) educated/interesting woman who (c ) knows how to cook in the US, but then again, I think that's extremely difficult anywhere in the world.

Is America really that bad?

Quote: (01-06-2014 10:16 AM)BahamaPapa Wrote:  

I'm probably gonna catch hell for this but I honestly believe that the complaints about the quality of women in America is a crutch for not getting results. America has plenty of good looking women. But the catch is that they're not accessible to EVERY guy. It's hard to be an average man but get above average tail in America. That's a harsh reality but I get it because pussy is a resource. The highest paying jobs don't just go to anybody. Why would the highest quality trim?

The good news is that the average American man isn’t just one or two points below attractive American women like the average European man is. Just as with the average overweight American girl wearing her pajamas and hoody in public and exuding little to no feminine energy, the average American man too is overweight, wears clothes from Walmart, has a boring life, and has little to no experience approaching girls.

What entitles a man like this to have hot girls throwing themselves at him? Girls act more aloof in the US largely out of fear of the loss of status that comes with spending hours getting dressed and chasing a guy who puts absolutely no effort into the dating game.

I’ve seen so many “average” European guys come to the US with fun sociable personalities, dressed stylishly, and most importantly, flirting relentlessly with hot girls. What do most American chronic masturbators have to say after seeing these guys’ impressive results? “They just like his accent.”

Is America really that bad?

Quote: (01-05-2014 04:49 PM)philly22 Wrote:  

America has a very good infrastructure. And despite some people complaining the police, education and healthcare are all very solid.

Not compared to other first world countries.

Education in the U.S. is TERRIBLE. Standards are very low and things like bullying, fighting are way out of hand.

The police are well known to be very heavy handed and do stuff like make sex offenders out of dudes pissing on a tree.

Health care is a mess. People are quite commonly crippled by debt for their health bills, when in so many 1st world countries health care is free.

America looks more and more like a totalitarian state. People I talk to who live there are doing their darndest to get out!

Is America really that bad?

Quote: (01-06-2014 07:48 PM)tiggaling Wrote:  

Education in the U.S. is TERRIBLE. Standards are very low and things like bullying, fighting are way out of hand.

America is a paradoxical country. We hands down have the best universities in the world. Like out of the top 20 colleges, they are all in America except for Oxford and Cambridge. Yet public schools in major cities are problematic. However suburban schools that are majority white are on par with European countries. Hate to bring it up but the education issue in America is largely a race one. Just like with crime.


Health care is a mess. People are quite commonly crippled by debt for their health bills, when in so many 1st world countries health care is free.

I know this all too well. I'm sorting through some difficult shit with insurers and billing right now. I forgot to mention this in my first post but I absolute fucking hate the American health care system. Until you run into a serious problem, you have no idea how fucked up it is. Even if you have private insurance that you pay for as I do, there are still all kinds of cracks and loopholes you can fall through that can bankrupt you. I don't know why the hell we just can't go to single payer healthcare like every other advance nation, it would be so much less complicated.

Is America really that bad?

Quote: (01-06-2014 08:42 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-06-2014 07:48 PM)tiggaling Wrote:  

Education in the U.S. is TERRIBLE. Standards are very low and things like bullying, fighting are way out of hand.

America is a paradoxical country. We hands down have the best universities in the world. Like out of the top 20 colleges, they are all in America except for Oxford and Cambridge. Yet public schools in major cities are problematic. However suburban schools that are majority white are on par with European countries. Hate to bring it up but the education issue in America is largely a race one. Just like with crime.


Health care is a mess. People are quite commonly crippled by debt for their health bills, when in so many 1st world countries health care is free.

I know this all too well. I'm sorting through some difficult shit with insurers and billing right now. I forgot to mention this in my first post but I absolute fucking hate the American health care system. Until you run into a serious problem, you have no idea how fucked up it is. Even if you have private insurance that you pay for as I do, there are still all kinds of cracks and loopholes you can fall through that can bankrupt you. I don't know why the hell we just can't go to single payer healthcare like every other advance nation, it would be so much less complicated.

^ Exactly Speakeasy. The quality of the local public schools is related to the housing prices and income levels of the local community since public schools in most jurisdictions are funded through property taxes. It's a reciprocal relationship - local housing prices reflect the quality of the local schools which is funded by the local property taxes.

America's best (suburban) public schools are pretty decent actually.

If you have kids and want to give them the best public education, move into the best neighborhood you can afford. Often this means the wealthier (whiter) the neighborhood the better the schools, though not always. Some public schools in diverse and generally wealthy metropolitan areas have challenging curriculum in the form of IB/AP courses. But socially those schools can be pretty fucked up as its a clusterfuck of income levels and demographics. Easy for a kid from a well-to-do background to veer off course in those type of settings.

The alternative is to cough up several stacks per child to put them in a proper private school. Some of them have a foolproof record of placing 100% of its graduates in four-year colleges and universities. Many of them have direct pipelines to the Ivy League and other prestigious schools, but at a price...

Is America really that bad?

"America is a paradoxical country. We hands down have the best universities in the world. Like out of the top 20 colleges, they are all in America except for Oxford and Cambridge. Yet public schools in major cities are problematic. However suburban schools that are majority white are on par with European countries. Hate to bring it up but the education issue in America is largely a race one. Just like with crime."

Yes but certain minority children can't sit in their seats and disrupt me on that. I have family members that are the ghetto. The resources and teachers are the same...its the children and way the parents act that are different. Parents actually tell the kids to piss off teachers hoping the teachers will do something that can get them sued! I have an idea try subbing in different will quickly see how a good area and a bad area differs.The school in East NY where my sister in law teachers is so bad that the playground is used for parking cars lol.

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