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Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Quote: (01-03-2014 12:08 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

I feel like I'm arguing with someone who says the moon is made out of cheese when you continue to deny the massive influence of organized, pro-Israel Jewish groups in the United States. It is, quite simply, a fact that is plain to see for anyone with their eyes open (apparently not you). You continue to muddy the waters (your favorite debating tactic by a mile) talking about intra-Israeli politics, something I never mentioned. I explicitly stated that the vast majority of influential American Jews are Zionists, a fact you cannot refute because it is clearly true. Go ahead and keep talking about your friend in Tel Aviv, though.

And yes, I'm sorry to say but you are a racist. You are obviously heavily anti-white in your thinking, going so far as to earlier admit you wouldn't mind seeing the British people slowly genocided due to the "crimes" their ancestors committed during colonial times. And my thinking - which is simply a desire to preserve and protect existing racial and cultural groups, including the ones to which I do not belong - could only be considered "extreme" in today's multicultural, leftist insane asylum. It used to be called, "common sense". You call me a racist, yet I'm the one who's actually advocating to preserve the diversity of the world. You're the one turning a blind eye while certain racial groups are demographically disappearing in their own homelands.

And yes again, your type of thinking is on the way out. The left-wing, cosmopolitan multiculturalism you spout is a bankrupt philosophy. Look what it's done for the Western world over the past few decades. Socially, economically, morally and culturally we're a complete wreck. Social cohesion and trust are at all-time lows. Multiculturalism simply does not work. More and more, people are beginning to wake up to this fact, and realize that leftists like yourself have sold them a bill of goods.

Finally, this is not a "democratic" game forum. In fact, if you haven't noticed, most people here are pretty critical of leftists in general. The manosphere leans noticeably to the right. And the idea that most people here don't agree with my ideas is utterly laughable considering I probably have the highest ratio of likes to posts on the entire forum (go ahead, click my name). What you meant to say is that YOU don't agree with me, which is not surprising, since you are a blatant anti-white racist who cheers the demographic decline of whites in the West. You spout this anti-white nonsense in every race thread on the forum, and I'm simply one of the only posters in a position to call you out on it. Frankly, I bet most people here are tired of reading this shit from you, but don't want to risk getting banned for mixing it up with a senior member.

In fact, HC, if you really think I'm the one who is completely out of touch with the rest of the forum (as opposed to yourself), we could put it to the test. I would gladly submit to a vote/poll where the RVF can decide which of us they would rather have around and whose posts they find more valuable. Loser leaves town with a big fat ban. We'll see if your data sheets, anti-white racism and Obama cheerleading are more appreciated than my commentary and analysis. Are you in? Just say the word.

If you decline this public challenge, in addition to being a display of cowardice, it will be a tacit admission that you admit your thinking is more out of touch with the forum than mine. If you accept and I win, you will be banned and cast off to the NaughtyNomad forum with the rest of the exiles. If you accept and you win, I will be banned and cast into the wilderness myself. Since we are so diametrically at odds and cannot be reconciled, let the forum decide which of us they prefer.

Now you're just plain trolling. Keep moving the goal posts because you're factually bankrupt. The fact is that the majority of Jewish Americans have never been to Israel and do not have Israeli citizenship. Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman and Tom Friedman are not Joe Schmo from Brooklyn. These are widely influential Jewish-Americans who write and criticize many Israeli policies. You cite a bogus source that doesn't even support the point you were trying to make and then I shut it down with a better source. First it's majority of Jews are "strongly pro-Israel" then you talk about wealthy Jews (moving goal posts). How many of your points do I have to keep shutting down with facts? Instead of simply posting rhetorical flatulence, why not actually become more well-traveled and better educated and then make an argument about a topic that you are not even qualified to speak about with any credibility. Go to Israel like me if you're interested in learning about it instead of googling for articles in a desperate attempt to support your bogus white nationalism that the American people have no interest in supporting.

Also, American immigration is not built upon the principle of multiculturalism, but assimilation. I support the latter. I also don't think American culture is influenced by one group, but many groups. New York has a heavy Jewish influence, Italian, African-American, Puerto Rican, etc. If you go to Atlanta, it's totally different. Same thing in Miami, Houston, LA, etc. That's what I support. There would be little fun in traveling if every US city had the same culture.

Canada actually has multiculturalism as its policy, not assimilation.

Also, you've changed the tone of your position. You first supported an endorsement of a law favoring northern European legal immigration (ostensibly above all else) and now you're saying you support all groups who are presently here. That's different. You've been all over the map with your views or haven't expressed them fully.

As for the rest of your nonsense, my posts in this thread - in our back and forth - have garnered more likes than yours. You have longwinded posts here that no one has even bothered to endorse with a "like"." Very telling. I also have more rep points than you if you understand basic arithmetic. You want a popularity contest that you have already lost. Rep points and likes are how members express their support for another member and his posts. If you can't hack it in that system, make your own forum.

I'm not sure if you think I meant Democratic Party or perhaps you don't know what the term democracy means, but this is a democratic forum. People make their arguments and others agree or disagree in kind, but everyone gets to be heard.

The sign of a losing argument is when one resorts to the ad hominem. You've also flat out lied. I don't know of any genocide in Britain, let alone support one. You're only setting yourself up for a ban when you resort to this type of trolling simply because I make superior arguments to yours. Step your game up.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Quote: (01-03-2014 01:52 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

True enough Dude...globalization is the big macro trend. But at the same time, tribalism seems to be growing concurrently with it. It's an interesting phenomenon to see globalization on one hand, but then this very strong resurgence of tribalism on the other hand. All over the world, ethnic and religious groups are acting to assert their identity. Look at the Balkans (Albanians, Slovenians, Bulgars, Macedonians, etc). Look at the Middle East (e.g., Kurds, Armenians, Caucasus peoples, etc.) I am not so sure that the future holds a totally homogeneous flavor to it.

The future might surprise all of us. The dearest thing to a man is his identity and his language. He won't let anyone take that from him, and will fight to the death for it.

Personally, I love the diversity of the world. I don't want to live in a world where everyone's the same, more or less.

While assimilation and mixing of peoples is part of history, it's also a matter of speed and degree. We all change over time, but can we really expect people to just sit still and let a tidal wave of humanity wash over them, and say, "isn't this great?"

All I'm saying is that immigration and assimilation should happen gradually, to allow time for different peoples to melt together. When immigration comes on too fast and too furious, it begins to look a lot like displacement or conquest.

If you look at some of the ancient peoples of the world, like Armenians, Basques, Japanese, Koreans, etc., they all had rituals, traditions, and habits that tended to safeguard their identity. Maybe it was a body of scriptures or a religion (Armenians, Hindus, and Hebrews, for example), maybe it was a specific territory or language (Basques, Koreans), or maybe it was a form of racial identity (e.g., Japanese). Whatever it was, it served a purpose: to preserve the identity of the group.

You're completely right: no group can ever remain unchanged over time, nor should they want to. That would mean stagnation. It's just that I personally think governments should at least try to take steps to preserve the customs, traditions, languages, and institutions of the people they govern.

Tribalism is growing because nationalism is strong and humans have a strong desire to maintain identity and "tradition". That won't stop the inevitable. In many of those countries you quoted, there's a declining birth rate, so all the Tribalism in the world won't save them.

Man will fight to the death for his national identity, and that's what will continue to happen.

It will happen gradually, but I think at an increased rate relative to the past given the insane developments in communication and transit. I'm all for multiculturalism too, these aren't my preferences but at some point you have to pull back, look at the big picture, and look at trends. I promise you that 1000 years from now the political, social, and anthropological landscape will be MUCH different, and there will be some young guys 1000 years from now debating how they must retain their national identity in the United Province of Finlandistan.

My point in even bringing any of this up is not to paint a dystopian future, say fuck it, and throw our hands in the air. It's in our best interest to maintain a well-managed immigration policy. That policy would not include the sentiment of "Keep 'em out!".

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Illegal immigrant gets California law license

I don't get how multiculturalism is a failure when the economy of the U.S. boomed in the 80's, 90's, and early 00's despite the massive influx of immigrants, lots of them from 3rd world countries. Funny thing is that a lot of those 3rd world immigrants (Africans, Pakistanis, Indians, etc) are actually educated than the average American and their crime rate is actually lower than their American racial counterparts.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Come on guys, we like having both of you around. I slightly favor Scorpion's point of view here, but there's really no need for conflict. You two are not going to convince each other, and any convincing of onlookers has already been done and done a long time ago.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

I don't feel comfortable with all this conflict.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Quote: (01-03-2014 03:05 AM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

[quote] (01-03-2014 01:26 AM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

(01-03-2014, 05:55 AM)scorpion Wrote:  What is French? What is Italian? There are no such things. These are very recent terms to refer to people but without a historical reference point most people just don't get that.

You don't really mean this, do you?

Mean what? That there's no such thing as French or Italian?

France in its current boundaries has only existed since 1947. How far back do you want to go? From when Greeks immigrated and established colonies? Is that French? How about the Celts, are they French? Or how about the Roman Empire? I know a Corsican girl and according to her many Corsicans don't identify with France. Oh but they speak French you say. They also speak French in Tahiti and Martinique, is that part of France too?

I can tell you from traveling through Italy that Italians from region to region don't identify with each other. There are several Romance-based dialects in Piedmont that is not Italian. I've heard Napolitano pizza makers speak a dialect that is barely Italian. You can go as far back as the Byzantine empire, or Ottoman, or fast foward to the Napoleanic wars. "Italy" is nothing more than a messy organization of city-states that didn't exist until recently.

Again, more self-organizing. Those clinging onto their tribal identity will be swallowed up. Dialects die out every decade. It's happening right now in Maylasian, Mexican, Indian, and Amazonian cultures. In Oaxaca the younger generations aren't learning Zapotec like their parents and grandparents. There are something like 40 romance languages spoken in Western Europe that are dying out, so that you'll have the more homogenized Spanish, French, and Italian replacing them. 3 languages replace 40.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Quote: (01-03-2014 03:36 AM)Agastya Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2014 01:43 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

How is humanity best served by mixing all the races of the Earth into a single, mongrelized race? You realize you are advocating for genocide, right? It sounds all Kumbaya, but you're basically saying that you don't want black people, Asian people, Whites, Mestizos, etc.. to exist anymore. You just want a single shade of brown. Personally, I find that horrifying. I want black people, Asians, whites and all other races to continue to exist as unique groups. I want a diversity of races and cultures across the globe. What the hell is the point of traveling, otherwise? How could you honestly support a global racial monoculture? It's positively dystopian.

I think we should realize that a completely monoracial world is fairly unlikely. Yeah, it might happen at some point in the extremely distant future, but there were always be groups of people made unique by either physical or cultural characteristics.

Hell, most of the groups that we label "races" are the product of intense mixing. Filipinos are a mix of Negrito(the original inhabitants of Asia, the first migrants out of Africa), a variety of Asian ethnicites, some Indian and Arab(due to trade), and Spanish. Mexicans are the mixed result of several Nahua and Mayan tribes, African slaves, Spanish and French colonists, and possibly Lebanese/Arab immigrants. Arabs themselves are the result of years of intermarriage and wartime rape between the Ancient Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Hittites, etc. African Americans are a mix of thousands of West African tribes, several European ethnicities, and many Native American tribes. And many members of "nonwhite" populations like the Polish and the Russians likely have heritage from the non-white Huns, Mongols, Kazakhs, and Tartars who constantly invaded their lands.

One point that we can gather from this is that race really is something of a social construct(I hate that word, but in this case it's true). Of course some populations are more homogenous and isolated than others--Werringi the full-blooded Aborigine would be less mixed than Farid the Pakistani--but the idea that there are concrete races, that there is such a thing as a "black race" and an "Asian race" and a "white race" at all is somewhat ridiculous. This is why I dislike all the hysteria about "racial preservation". I'm a Tamil Brahmin, originating from India, and I have no doubt that my ancestors from a few hundred years ago looked fairly different from me.

What does matter, however, is the preservation of culture. Despite the fact that my ancestors were probably of diverse origins--some were indigenous tribespeople, others were ethnic Tamils, others came from other parts of India, a few may have come from Iran or Arabia--they still upheld a culture and tradition that has changed little in the past thousand years. That is what is important. I don't care if my descendants have green skin and pink eyes. The genetics will be shuffled and reshuffled, as they always have been. What matters is that they preserve my culture--both of them, the Brahminical and the American--in some fashion.

TLDR: Race is nebulous and everchanging. Culture and tradition also change over time, but they tend to last longer, and, at least in my opinion, should be valued over racial integrity, a concept that doesn't really hold water in the first place.

Let's not also forget that Europeans are themselves a mongrelized race. The ancient homo sapiens of Europe bred with Neanderthals, and they weren't even the same species. Indeed what we call races are in a constant state of flux.

I also wish Scorpion would stop calling non-white immigration to Europe "genocide". That is such hyperbole it's ridiculous. I see white nationalists do that all the time in order to stir people up emotionally. While you can have legitimate reasons for opposing immigration, a genocide it is not. Genocide is a systematic program of eradication of an ethnic group. It typically involves killing members of a target group and stopping them from breeding. If tomorrow ten million Pakistanis moved to England, you haven't destroyed the whites there, the same 70 million or so whites are still there, rather they became a smaller part of the population. I can totally understand the position of someone who wants England to remain majority native British. It's their original homeland after all,at the same time I don't think it's necessary for any country to be 99.9% ethnically pure either in order to survive.

Whites aren't declining in number because of immigration, it's mainly because they reproduce under replacement level. That's the number one reason by far. In fact that phenomenon happens anywhere that affluence and feminism take hold, including Japan.

Scorpion, if this is of major concern to you, then you should not be on game forums. You should settle down with a Caucasian woman tomorrow and have 5 kids. After all, that is the only tangible thing you can actually do about it.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

I understand that people sometimes have to take drastic action to get themselves away from their current negatives surroundings. I've done this to a certain degree at several points in my life.

A good example of this would be Ukrainian people risking violence and death to fight for an end to 20 years of stagnant economic growth.

A bad example would be people who decide to waltz into the US illegally and harm others through their selfish actions.

the peer review system
put both
Socrates and Jesus
to death

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Quote: (01-03-2014 12:20 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Now you're just plain trolling. Keep moving the goal posts because you're factually bankrupt. The fact is that the majority of Jewish Americans have never been to Israel and do not have Israeli citizenship. Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman and Tom Friedman are not Joe Schmo from Brooklyn. These are widely influential Jewish-Americans who write and criticize many Israeli policies. You cite a bogus source that doesn't even support the point you were trying to make and then I shut it down with a better source. First it's majority of Jews are "strongly pro-Israel" then you talk about wealthy Jews (moving goal posts). How many of your points do I have to keep shutting down with facts? Instead of simply posting rhetorical flatulence, why not actually become more well-traveled and better educated and then make an argument about a topic that you are not even qualified to speak about with any credibility. Go to Israel like me if you're interested in learning about it instead of googling for articles in a desperate attempt to support your bogus white nationalism that the American people have no interest in supporting.

Also, American immigration is not built upon the principle of multiculturalism, but assimilation. I support the latter. I also don't think American culture is influenced by one group, but many groups. New York has a heavy Jewish influence, African-American, Latin, etc. If you go to Atlanta, it's totally different. Same thing in Miami, Houston, LA, etc. That's what I support.

Canada actually has multiculturalism as its policy, not assimilation.

Also, you've changed your the tone of your position. You first supported an endorsement of a law favoring northern European legal immigration (ostensibly above all else) and now you're saying you support all groups who are presently here. That's different. You've been all over the map with your views.

As for the rest of your nonsense, my posts in this thread - in our back and forth - have garnered more likes than yours. You have longwinded posts here that no one has even bothered to endorse with a "like"." Very telling. I also have more rep points than you if you understand basic arithmetic. You want a popularity contest that you have already lost. Rep points and likes are how members express their support for another member and his posts. If you can't hack it in that system, make your own forum.

I'm not sure if you think I meant Democratic Party or perhaps you don't know what the term democracy means, but this is a democratic forum. People make their arguments and others agree or disagree in kind, but everyone gets to be heard.

The sign of a losing argument is when one resorts to the ad hominem. You've also flat out lied. I don't know of any genocide in Britain, let alone support one. You're only setting yourself up for a ban when you resort to this type of trolling simply because I make superior arguments to yours. Step your game up.

Hencredicle Casanova: 3,365 posts. 1,885 likes received. 78 rep.
scorpion: 1,002 posts. 5,161 likes received. 72 rep.

You have over 3x as many posts as I do with less than half as many likes. I have only 6 less rep than you, with less than 1/3 of your posts and a year less time on the forum. Clearly your opinions are not as well-received as mine. You know this, which is why you ignored my challenge. You are a coward and a racist. This is not an ad hominem, since you have demonstrated both cowardice (in ignoring my challenge) and racism (in claiming justification for white demographic decline).

You're such a dishonest debater (you continually mischaracterize my position and muddy the waters) that it's not even worth engaging you point-by-point anymore. Anyone with sense can clearly see what you're doing.

I reiterate my challenge to face me in a ban poll. I find your leftist ideology and anti-white racism to be an utterly toxic influence on the forum. Put yourself and your ideas up against mine and see who comes out ahead. If you ignore my challenge again then everyone will see you are a flat out coward who is afraid to stand behind his words.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

I love a good argument.

But getting back to the original point of this thread (illegal immigration), the big thing that jumps out at me with America's immigration policy is how clumsy, obsolete, and bureaucratic it is. I've got a couple close friends who are immigration lawyers. I also have dealt with clients who are illegal immigrants.

The system is just so hosed up.

It takes like 7 years to become a citizen. For me, that's way too long. You should have to earn it (people would value it more), but 7 years seems too long. And it's so bureaucratic and cumbersome that it almost encourages people to cheat the system. If I was living in Cuba, I'd be on the first floating inner tube to try to make it to Miami.

My grandparents had it easy by comparison. In those days, pretty much all you had to do was show up, and you got permission to enter. Same for Brazil.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more I am wondering if all this talk about "illegal immigration" is a mirage. Maybe the volume of immigration today is about the same as it always was, but it's just considered "illegal" because we have so many bullshit laws and hoops that people have to jump through. Maybe yesterday's legal immigration has now become today's illegal immigration. Who knows?

As Montaigne said, ultimately, "Que sais-je?"

When all is said and done, the only thing a responsible government can do is try to have an immigration policy that balances the rights of citizens for access to services, with the nation's compelling interest in attracting good people from abroad. Where we draw those lines, is up to good leadership.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license


Mean what? That there's no such thing as French or Italian?

France in its current boundaries has only existed since 1947. How far back do you want to go?

Again, more self-organizing. Those clinging onto their tribal identity will be swallowed up.


You're completely missing the point. No one cares how French the French are or how Italian the Italians are. Both nations have built incredible cultures as well as profound historical narratives. That means something and it's worth preserving. Name one Muslim equivalent of a Voltaire or Descartes. There you go.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Quote: (01-03-2014 01:23 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

I love a good argument.

But getting back to the original point of this thread (illegal immigration), the big thing that jumps out at me with America's immigration policy is how clumsy, obsolete, and bureaucratic it is. I've got a couple close friends who are immigration lawyers. I also have dealt with clients who are illegal immigrants.

The system is just so hosed up.

It takes like 7 years to become a citizen. For me, that's way too long. You should have to earn it (people would value it more), but 7 years seems too long. And it's so bureaucratic and cumbersome that it almost encourages people to cheat the system. If I was living in Cuba, I'd be on the first floating inner tube to try to make it to Miami.

Which western county has a quicker path to citizenship? 7 years sounds normal if you compare other countries.

Making something easier so others don't cheat the system is a somewhat dubious thought process.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Quote: (01-03-2014 01:16 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

I reiterate my challenge to face me in a ban poll. I find your leftist ideology and anti-white racism to be an utterly toxic influence on the forum.

It doesn't sound like you are understanding HC's posts if you think they are anti-white. You may be better served re-reading what he wrote without emotion and trying to understand before this line of arguments gets someone banned. Just a thought.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Quote: (01-03-2014 01:16 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Hencredicle Casanova: 3,365 posts. 1,885 likes received. 78 rep.
scorpion: 1,002 posts. 5,161 likes received. 72 rep.

You have over 3x as many posts as I do with less than half as many likes. I have only 6 less rep than you, with less than 1/3 of your posts and a year less time on the forum. Clearly your opinions are not as well-received as mine. You know this, which is why you ignored my challenge. You are a coward and a racist. This is not an ad hominem, since you have demonstrated both cowardice (in ignoring my challenge) and racism (in claiming justification for white demographic decline).

You're such a dishonest debater (you continually mischaracterize my position and muddy the waters) that it's not even worth engaging you point-by-point anymore. Anyone with sense can clearly see what you're doing.

I reiterate my challenge to face me in a ban poll. I find your leftist ideology and anti-white racism to be an utterly toxic influence on the forum. Put yourself and your ideas up against mine and see who comes out ahead. If you ignore my challenge again then everyone will see you are a flat out coward who is afraid to stand behind his words.

That's disingenuous. For one, I've been a forum member for much longer than you. I've been here well before there was even a like system and when the forum was much smaller. Hardly any people repped posts when I first joined. Only data sheets and game had value then.

Second, most of my posts are not even concerning politics. I've only delved into that recently. Vast majority of my rep points and posts comes from travel and game, not my own opinion about cultural issues of the day, which is all you seem to post about (probably because you have no life). I doubt you have many passport stamps, flags, etc.

I'm more than happy to meet you face to face if you want to "man up." That's not a problem. Well it might be. Where do you live again? Bumfuck, USA?

I don't see any reason to accept your insecure challenge beyond making better arguments and getting more likes for them. People actually like my posts and I like to provide insights about things that I know about (giving value). The fact that you suggest something so ludicrous is demonstrable proof of your factual bankruptcy. You have simply failed in making cogent arguments and have become exasperated. You don't have the experience or knowledge to properly inform your claims.

Gets some more passport stamps. Get laid more. Meet more forum members. Maybe then you'll feel better and improve your shitty disposition, white nationalist (i.e. failure).

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Quote: (01-03-2014 12:54 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Let's not also forget that Europeans are themselves a mongrelized race. The ancient homo sapiens of Europe bred with Neanderthals, and they weren't even the same species. Indeed what we call races are in a constant state of flux.

I also wish Scorpion would stop calling non-white immigration to Europe "genocide". That is such hyperbole it's ridiculous. I see white nationalists do that all the time in order to stir people up emotionally. While you can have legitimate reasons for opposing immigration, a genocide it is not. Genocide is a systematic program of eradication of an ethnic group. It typically involves killing members of a target group and stopping them from breeding. If tomorrow ten million Pakistanis moved to England, you haven't destroyed the whites there, the same 70 million or so whites are still there, rather they became a smaller part of the population. I can totally understand the position of someone who wants England to remain majority native British. It's their original homeland after all,at the same time I don't think it's necessary for any country to be 99.9% ethnically pure either in order to survive.

Whites aren't declining in number because of immigration, it's mainly because they reproduce under replacement level. That's the number one reason by far. In fact that phenomenon happens anywhere that affluence and feminism take hold, including Japan.

I think, for the most part, the majority of people reproduce within their own race. I can't see why immigration would effect that in any way.

I do see out of control immigration changing culture. You can see it in other countries with large muslim immigration that have tried to change the laws and culture instead of assimilating.

This is more harmful, imo.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Thedude3737 has been posting solid gold on this thread.

As mixed race guy, my feelings on this are mixed.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

[Image: 44536258.jpg]

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

I've found in life, as a white guy, in general to just not say anything about anything, cause it can always be turned against us.

Them:Hey Ali, what do you think about that Carlos Mencia skit?
Me: *Runs*

Them: Ali, did you watch the news on Israel?
Me: Covers eyes and screams.

Them: Ali, what's your favorite color?
Me: Falls in floor and pees pants.

Them: Hey Ali, go find a rigger.
Me: Stabs self and jumps overboard.

Trust me guys, its just better this way. No matter what we're guilty, but it just gives a little less ammunition to others.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Quote: (01-03-2014 01:36 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

That's disingenuous. For one, I've been a forum member for much longer than you. Second, most of my posts are not even concerning politics. I've only delved into that recently. Vast majority of my rep points and posts comes from travel and game, not my own opinion about cultural issues of the day, which is all you seem to post about (probably because you have no life). I doubt you have many passport stamps, flags, etc.

I'm more than happy to meet you face to face if you want to "man up." That's not a problem. Well it might be. Where do you live again? Bumfuck, USA?

I don't see any reason to accept your insecure challenge beyond making better arguments and getting more likes for them. The fact that you suggest something that ludicrous is demonstrable proof of your factual bankruptcy. You have simply failed in making cogent arguments and have become exasperated.

Gets some more passport stamps. Get laid more. Meet more forum members. Maybe then you'll feel better and improve your shitty disposition, white nationalist (i.e. failure).

You are completely nonsensical. How is saying you've been a forum member longer than I have a refutation? I said as much in my last post. It's also an argument in my favor - despite being here longer than I have and having 3x as many posts, you have received only a fraction as many likes as me. That probably has something to do with your leftist politics, arrogance and anti-white racism.

And are you really challenging me to a fist fight based on a forum argument? And you're calling me exasperated? [Image: lol.gif]

Clearly you have no interest in putting your account on the line. Very well. Let the forum note that HC is a coward and has twice refused my request to face me in a ban poll. He is unwilling to stand behind his ideas and would rather jump into race threads and spout anti-white, leftist nonsense while hiding behind his rep points.

Hey, at least he has a passport full of stamps though.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

I think its still important and ethical to give thought to low/lower skilled peoples jobs and how immigration affects them rather than turn a blind eye because it doesn't affect you or even benefits you.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Quote: (01-03-2014 01:54 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2014 01:36 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

That's disingenuous. For one, I've been a forum member for much longer than you. Second, most of my posts are not even concerning politics. I've only delved into that recently. Vast majority of my rep points and posts comes from travel and game, not my own opinion about cultural issues of the day, which is all you seem to post about (probably because you have no life). I doubt you have many passport stamps, flags, etc.

I'm more than happy to meet you face to face if you want to "man up." That's not a problem. Well it might be. Where do you live again? Bumfuck, USA?

I don't see any reason to accept your insecure challenge beyond making better arguments and getting more likes for them. The fact that you suggest something that ludicrous is demonstrable proof of your factual bankruptcy. You have simply failed in making cogent arguments and have become exasperated.

Gets some more passport stamps. Get laid more. Meet more forum members. Maybe then you'll feel better and improve your shitty disposition, white nationalist (i.e. failure).

You are completely nonsensical. How is saying you've been a forum member longer than I have a refutation? I said as much in my last post. It's also an argument in my favor - despite being here longer than I have and having 3x as many posts, you have received only a fraction as many likes as me. That probably has something to do with your leftist politics, arrogance and anti-white racism.

And are you really challenging me to a fist fight based on a forum argument? And you're calling me exasperated? [Image: lol.gif]

Clearly you have no interest in putting your account on the line. Very well. Let the forum note that HC is a coward and has twice refused my request to face me in a ban poll. He is unwilling to stand behind his ideas and would rather jump into race threads and spout anti-white, leftist nonsense while hiding behind his rep points.

Hey, at least he has a passport full of stamps though.

My length of time is a refutation in that I was here before a like system was created. There was simply no way to garner likes for most of my time on the forum.

Either way that's a red herring, as the facts show I have dismantled your arguments with superior support.

I don't think you realize that your clamoring for a ban poll - something no one on the forum has ever suggested or endorsed, thus having zero credibility - is the highest compliment to my superior argumentation. Thank you. You can ignore the fact that there is a system that already exists where members can express their support for a poster's arguments. In that system, I have garnered more likes than you in this thread for the posts where we directly addressed each other.

Sorry you find yourself an outcast in Roosh's forum (another sign of the depths of your extreme views). Perhaps you should make your own forum. Good luck getting that off the ground.

I take care of things in real life so be an internet thug all you want while having no real world cred. Doesn't reflect well on you.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Quote: (01-03-2014 01:56 PM)Marlfox Wrote:  

I think its still important and ethical to give thought to low/lower skilled peoples jobs and how immigration affects them rather than turn a blind eye because it doesn't affect you or even benefits you.

If people were willing to work those jobs at those wages there wouldn't be an illegal problem.

Of course they won't when they can get on welfare and get around 36k a year in money and benefits.

Most people don't want to pay higher prices on products to support more pay for workers. That is really what it comes down too. In the end, the expenses of producing a product or service is pushed to the consumers.

Those people who purchase have already voted with their money.

They are telling you they don't care.

Illegal immigrant gets California law license


Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Quote: (01-03-2014 02:03 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

My length of time is a refutation in that I was here before a like system was created. There was simply no way to garner likes for most of my time on the forum.

Either way that's a red herring, as the facts show I have dismantled your arguments with superior support.

I don't think you realize that your clamoring for a ban poll - something no one on the forum has ever suggested or endorsed, thus having zero credibility - is the highest compliment to my superior argumentation. Thank you. You can ignore the fact that there is a system that already exists where members can express their support for a poster's arguments. In that system, I have garnered more likes than you in this thread for the posts where we directly addressed each other.

Sorry you find yourself an outcast in Roosh's forum (another sign of the depths of your extreme views). Perhaps you should make your own forum. Good luck getting that off the ground.

I take care of things in real life so be an internet thug all you want while having no real world cred. Doesn't reflect well on you.


"The day that HC backed down." [Image: lol.gif]

Anyway this is becoming pretty stupid. If we ever cross paths in real life we can duke it out or buy each other drinks, either way is fine by me. We should probably stop shitting up the forum with any more of this back and forth, though. I think getting into internet arguments is a huge fucking waste of time and I'm annoyed with myself that you've drawn me in this far. I'm not going to place you on ignore, but I'm going to make an effort to stop responding to your posts. Go ahead and have the last word if you'd like.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Illegal immigrant gets California law license

Probably not my place to say, but I think your argument (HC and scorpion) isn't going anywhere. Your'e both too well involved (and respected) in the forums to be likely to be banned or force the other out. You've both said things here that I agree with and in the past.

People on this forum can have far more in common with each other than they might do with people who look,talk, or live as they do.

@scorpion: With big differences in geography, nationality and orthodoxy I don't think Jewish people are in as great a collusion as they might seem and they deserve not to be painted with such a broad stroke.

Getting into threats over the internet cant have any serious repercussions so its a waste of time.

@hencridible casanova: I don't see why the policies of my ancestors have to dictate my own or any other Europeans. Same as they don't have to be for any other nationality.

You can't take a moral high ground about colonialism. Whatever your nationality/heritage we can find some unpleasantness involving the treatment of other peoples. Same with anyone else on Earth.

To be honest I don't think that my interpretation was what you intended, but it just seems that way from the way you wrote your posts.

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