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Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Hello all first time posting here. I was wondering if anyone has any advice for a guy who is kinda on the short side( I am like 5.3ft-5.4ft).Would game still work for me?

Also I know Game is just a process of trial and error, but just wondering what would be the best thing for me to do?

"You either build or destroy,where you come from?"

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Ultimately you're going to get your best quality in Asia or with Asian women.

So for not develop your social skills and save as much money as you can as fast as you can.

Retire at 35 or so to Asia.

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

I did a quick search for you.

There have been a few discussions that might help.

Welcome to the board.

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Advice for a guy who is not that tall?


Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Quote: (12-01-2013 03:52 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

I did a quick search for you.

There have been a few discussions that might help.

Welcome to the board.

Thank you, I looked through some of the discussions and It seems like I just need to keep working out and get get my own style clothes wise.

"You either build or destroy,where you come from?"

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Quote: (12-01-2013 04:05 PM)horn Wrote:  


Naw I do not think lifts are for me. I feel like if I wore lifts it would mean I am not comfortable in my own skin. I am comfortable with myself as a person. Its just women seem to be really finicky.

"You either build or destroy,where you come from?"

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Abandon limiting beliefs

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Quote: (12-01-2013 04:27 PM)Statsi Wrote:  

Abandon limiting beliefs

Iam trying to man, the red pill is a hard one to swallow

"You either build or destroy,where you come from?"

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Maximize all other controllable areas.

I have short friends who do well. They:

-are funny
-target short women
-are good speakers

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

If you aren't into lifts, at least accept wearing dress boot shoes that have a higher heel will give you at least an inch or so extra.

Have perfect posture, always know you are standing as tall as you can.

As already mentioned start developing a taste for shorter race women (Asians).

Either make a lot of money or become extremely great at an art form women admire. Music, painting, photography etc... enough where you get minor local fame at least. Bartending or doing yoga instruction part-time wouldn't hurt.

Dress extremely well. Always be the sharpest dress guy where you hang out. You will need this to compete. If you don't know suits and other high fashion clothing, start studying up now.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

learn to dress well. dressing well can make you look a lot taller or shorter than you actually are. consult masculine-style if you need help, he's amazing. That's one thing you can do to directly counter being short.
But as other people have said, play to your strengths, get a demographic that works. +1 for Asian women.

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Yea I am not gonna lie my style when it comes to clothes are pretty bad. I will check out that masculine style website.

Also I have a question if I like developed my game really well, could I possibly get women taller than me?

Thank you all for the help.

"You either build or destroy,where you come from?"

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?


Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

yes of course, but you need to believe you can. women can smell that insecurity on you a mile away and it is literally repulsive.
It's very easy to tell you 'of course you can' but that means shit if you don't believe it. I don't know how to change limiting beliefs myself, mark manson says to look for real world examples. if other guys are doing it you sure as hell can armed with RP knowledge.
maybe try dating a girl an inch shorter, then same hieght, then an inch taller... build up progressively?
I'm really not sure though. it's something you should have a think about and assess the best way to tackle this limiting belief.

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Yea I have never had a girlfriend. Iam 19 years old by way going to be 20 soon.

"You either build or destroy,where you come from?"

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

No need to resign your fate to flat assed underfed women of the Far East so early.

You have to be loud. Player I knew about your height would fill up the room with his presence, always the funniest jokes and best stories, was the most stylishly dressed and made the most of what he had by taking care of his skin and keeping a strict gym regimen looks like hes chiseled from rock. He was always in a good mood, never had a bad thing to say about anyone else and was the kind of guy everyone wanted to have around, the life of the party. Pulls quality broads of the same height some a little taller. Didn't have to wear shoes that made him taller or a haircut four inches in the the air like lots of little dudes do.

His attitude reminded of me of this line:

I'm the little motherfucker with the big dick swingin
Nuts still hangin, got hoes singin the blues


Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

If you're smart and live in a Jewish area, go for Jewish women who tend to value brains over brawn. If you're not smart, at least be clever.

If you have decent hair, grow it a bit. People put people in categories and I've noticed "short guy" gets nullified when you're "long-haired guy" instead.

When I was a senior in high school I noticed a sophomore guy who was shorter than me pulling girls left and right. I copied what he did: dressed cooler, had tons of friends, became funny instead of "intense." You might want to look around and do this too. The cool Asian guys have this down pat and I keep seeing ones with taller white women, so they must know something...

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Hmmm alright I shall take this advice to heart. thank you all.

"You either build or destroy,where you come from?"

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

If you are short, you almost have to be buff. Forget lifts, but definitely do not forget to lift.

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Yea I know. Currently I am doing P90x

"You either build or destroy,where you come from?"

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Best advice--stay off internet dating. Women on OKC, POF, etc are obsessed with height--even if they are short. you will even see girls on these sites who have a height requirement. They all seem to want men 3-5 inches taller than themselves--so they can wear high heels is the reason I am told

I think you would have better luck with in person game. Charm them with some witty/playful/sexual banter. Picking up women in person is much easier than online in my experience.

He has often been called the "Last of the Romans"

"We have prostitutes for our pleasure, concubines for our health, and wives to bear us lawful offspring."--Demosthenes (384–322 BC), Red Pill Greek Statesman

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

^ Flavius is so correct about the internet phenomenon, it's not even funny. In fact I sometimes use this tendency to prove to rabid blue-pill individuals that women are just as "shallow" as men when it comes to certain pre-selected physical characteristics. You will be mecilessly screened out on the dating sites. In the end the women can't help it though. The attraction to height is evolutionary AND cultural.

If you are not into lifts, as you say, I would still say you should choose shoes wisely so that they give you at least an inch to an inch and a half extra. These are common in dress shoes and often are invisible to the naked eye (i.e. they don't look like lifts). According to Wikipedia, average height of women in Canada and the US is around 5'4". That extra inch will therefore go a long way.

Everything else you mention seems to suggest you are on the right track.

The red-pill is actually easy to swallow. Losing all your societally ingrained blue-pill habits is somewhat more challenging. Most of us still struggle with many of them, including myself.

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

David spade is like 5'1 and he absolutely killed it with ladies EVEN BEFORE HE WAS FAMOUS.

Read the last 5 words again. He was just a natural with women, always making them laugh and shit. The one area I would suggest you avoid is online dating. Height will be one of the first things a woman looks to narrow the pile down.

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Quote: (12-02-2013 07:00 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

David spade is like 5'1 and he absolutely killed it with ladies EVEN BEFORE HE WAS FAMOUS.

Read the last 5 words again. He was just a natural with women, always making them laugh and shit. The one area I would suggest you avoid is online dating. Height will be one of the first things a woman looks to narrow the pile down.
Lies! He was a virgin until chris farley winged him, he got amog'd all the time.

Where is Houston? Temp ban or something?

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Heres another way of looking at it, I have many tall friends who cant get laid. Maximize other areas of your life and soon height will be of little significance in women's perception of you

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