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Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

I've seen some people saying they'll lie about their ethnicity. I imagine they'll just say they're ethnically closer to girls they're trying to bang.

I haven't done this, and I usually like to fuck with girls not of my own ethnicity. I've never found me being a different ethnicity to be a problem, and probably in some cases it's an advantage.

My ethnicity is actually complicated and strange, mixed up between a lot of things, but I'm not hispanic and never tell hispanic girls I am, or anything like that.

I do live in NY, where interracial relationships seem totally fine by just about everyone. In other parts of the country is it actually necessary to tell girls you're half her ethnicity to get in her pants?

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

I'm Indian but I tell people I'm half black b/c white girls dig the darkness.

But seriously, lying about your ethnicity is dumb as shit. Do you really hate yourself that much you try to pass yourself off as something else?

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Quote: (08-15-2013 12:59 AM)Clash1e Wrote:  

I'm Indian but I tell people I'm half black b/c white girls dig the darkness.

But seriously, lying about your ethnicity is dumb as shit. Do you really hate yourself that much you try to pass yourself off as something else?

From all my travels around the US I have never heard of someone getting the bang b/c they're half the ethnicity of the girl.

Yeah but you just admitted you lie about it, unless you were being facetious.

I suppose you were joking but you'd be smart to lie. It's obvious Indian guys have a bad rep, so it's perfectly rational to bullshit about it. Say you're Hispanic or whatever.

I see nothing wrong with lying to chicks about your ethnic background. It's funny, but all that matter is if it gets you more ass. The bottom line is this - some ethnic groups and races have positive sexual stereotypes and others have negative ones.

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Quote: (08-15-2013 12:59 AM)Clash1e Wrote:  

I'm Indian but I tell people I'm half black b/c white girls dig the darkness.

But seriously, lying about your ethnicity is dumb as shit. Do you really hate yourself that much you try to pass yourself off as something else?

From all my travels around the US I have never heard of someone getting the bang b/c they're half the ethnicity of the girl.

You just said you said you're half black but that you also think lying about your ethnicity is dumb as shit. Which is it?

I'm Asian but 3/4 Korean so I've found that girls find it irresistable trying to guess what the other 1/4 is. That usually then escalates into other things - usually asinine discussions about particular countries' food and culture - but it does help with the kino.

That being said, I don't really lie about it, just keep it mysterious.

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Lol I'm not actually indian.

But yeah if lying helps you get laid more power to you. Lying about something like this just seems so absurd to me that it never really entered my head prior to reading this thread.

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Quote: (08-15-2013 01:10 AM)Clash1e Wrote:  

Lol I'm not actually indian.

But yeah if lying helps you get laid more power to you. Lying about something like this just seems so absurd to me that it never really entered my head prior to reading this thread.

What's your background?

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Why do you wanna know?

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Quote: (08-15-2013 01:15 AM)Clash1e Wrote:  

Why do you wanna know?

Because you're preaching about lying about your ethnicity. If you're of a background which is already favored in the country you're in then it's not exactly a revelation that you'd be in favor of always being candid.

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Im gonna repeat myself here on my thoughts on the matter: " if lying helps you get laid more power to you."

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Quote: (08-15-2013 01:31 AM)Clash1e Wrote:  

Im gonna repeat myself here on my thoughts on the matter: " if lying helps you get laid more power to you."

Ok, cool, you don't want to say. But you do want to lie and say you're Indian when it's convenient. Good way to start your membership on this forum.

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Quote: (08-15-2013 01:34 AM)Therapsid Wrote:  

Quote: (08-15-2013 01:31 AM)Clash1e Wrote:  

Im gonna repeat myself here on my thoughts on the matter: " if lying helps you get laid more power to you."

Ok, cool, you don't want to say. But you do want to lie and say you're Indian when it's convenient. Good way to start your membership on this forum.

You seem to be taking this a bit personally.

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Although Clashie is being a bit trollish, I'm gonna have to agree with him.

Can anyone name a situation where lying about your ethnicity would help you get the bang?

Only case I can think of is that Arab who passed himself off as a Jew in Israel in order to get his Jewish flag.

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Do you lie about your ethnicity?

I tell girls I'm a quarter or half black all the time. I'm a white guy with light hair and green eyes but sometimes they buy it because I have Jay-Z lips.

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Quote: (08-15-2013 12:59 AM)Clash1e Wrote:  

I'm Indian but I tell people I'm half black b/c white girls dig the darkness.

But seriously, lying about your ethnicity is dumb as shit. Do you really hate yourself that much you try to pass yourself off as something else?

I think that most people can see the difference between a black guy and an Indian guy fairly easy. Including girls.

You might shoot yourself in the foot by doing this.

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Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Most people say I look like an Arab which isn't positive when it comes to getting girls. If I really was an Arab I'd like about my ethnicity and say I was Spaniard or Italian.

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Because of the bad reputation Turkish guys have in FSU, I sometimes told girls that I come from Spain or Italy when I used to live in Leningrad or have travelled to Ukraine. Because everytime they asked me where do i come from, they told me I look like Spanish or Italian. We seem as biggest players in FSU which is somewhow true as there are a lot of Turkish guys travelling for sex.

Not everytime it helps though. Once I met two very hot chicks in a bar, told them I come from Italy and here for a long term. They are both into me but suddenly another girl that I met through couchsurfing shows up at the bar and gives me a hug and she joins us. Everything go well, bottoms up for another round of shots and in the middle of convo, one of girls asks to the new girl "all the guys coming from Italy are that much cool?". Of course, she says "Who, he's from Turkey?" After a great silence, I leave for my friends and the girl from couchsurfing leaves them as well. Then I kept talking, dancing with her like nothing happened and she didn't care at all. It was a really bad experience though, I could have banged one of these chicks at the bar.

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Quote: (08-15-2013 03:16 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Quote: (08-15-2013 12:59 AM)Clash1e Wrote:  

I'm Indian but I tell people I'm half black b/c white girls dig the darkness.

But seriously, lying about your ethnicity is dumb as shit. Do you really hate yourself that much you try to pass yourself off as something else?

I think that most people can see the difference between a black guy and an Indian guy fairly easy. Including girls.

You might shoot yourself in the foot by doing this.

He said half black/half white. You'd be surprised I've known many half Indian/half white guys who have quite unique faces and can pretty much claim they are from anywhere and do so to great effect. I don't blame them either, being from India really does have a bad rep and put a stain on your whole image from what I've observed

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

I did when I was in the Philippines. Im a white murican and girls would ask me where I was from and I would say "Here, Im Filipno!" and they would giggle and I would bang the shit out of them..... It was pretty much that easy

Bruising cervix since 96
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Do you lie about your ethnicity?

i'm indian but i have a light skin complexion, so i can easily pass as arab/persian. some people have mistaken me for turkish, armenian, hispanic, even sicilian lol, while to other people, i look clearly indian.

in my experience it doesn't really matter. the girl will either like you or not based on what she sees and hears early on. by the time any talk of ethnicity comes up this decision and her perceptions will have already been formed and the details you convey about yourself won't make a difference. perhaps it does make a difference elsewhere, but not in the NA metropolis of toronto, where i live.

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

upon reflecting, maybe my post can be written another way.

i am a brown man, and an ambiguous one at that, though never a white guy. where i live, a white girl target will either be open to the idea of hooking up with a brown dude or she will be whites guys only. indian vs. middle eastern vs. central asian, etc. aren't all that different, really, in this sense. she'll either give a green light to the face/complexion she sees or she won't; she'll either be okay with/find physically attractive brown immigrants types or she won't.

though perhaps in continental europe, cultural stereotypes not fixed to "is he hot or not?" prevail in girls' minds and thus, turkish = sex tourist creep, indian = mystic yogi/provider, latin = fiery lover, etc., such that these inter-brown differences do matter and can turn an interaction around.

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Quote: (08-15-2013 02:12 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Although Clashie is being a bit trollish, I'm gonna have to agree with him.

Can anyone name a situation where lying about your ethnicity would help you get the bang?

Only case I can think of is that Arab who passed himself off as a Jew in Israel in order to get his Jewish flag.

My country has a bit of a bad rep at times particularly in Toronto, Canada so I would obscure those details in order to get lizards.



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Do you lie about your ethnicity?

I tell girls I'm Albino Hatian.

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

I'm black from the waist down [Image: wink.gif]

Team Nachos

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

I'm a european mutt so I basically just say I'm half Swiss half polish. In reality im 1/4 polish 1/4 Swiss 1/8 Russian 1/8 Italian and 2 more 1/8s I can't remember right now . Basically it's too big a list to name when someone asks so I just cut some out haha

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

I am of Indian descent as well, but I have spent a lifetime thinking that's a negative when it comes to pulling decent tail, which is white girls if you live in the Free World (sarcasm on max). It helps if you are not below average height or have the stereotypical Indian body/face. On the other hand, the Caribbean Indians (Guyana, Trinidad,etc.) are definitely swag, and for some strange reason, their women are rocking in many a case. Personally, if I hadn't seen it, I would never have believed a woman of Indian ancestry could be hot, but some, very few mind you, are.

If I had to lie, I would say I am from the Carib. If you don't have the accent, most people will know anyway you are more like Kumar, and perhaps offer you some doobie. I think some people, like countries and religions, are more socially astute. Seeming a certain way doesn't actually mean you are that way. People tend to believe first that which reinforces their deep seated views and biases. However, if you are willing to present a coherent, consistent alternative picture, people will come around unless they are too invested in the former story.

For instance, I expect Spaniards will likely see the Arab Spring as the legitimate aspirations of Arab and Muslim people for politically progressive government and better administration, despite centuries of colonial oppression and interference. That is the logical response. However, good luck selling that to hardcore Zionists in Texas. To come around to the version would be to allow non-whites are as human and civilized. Not happening, not really, not even if they say that to your face. Bald faced lying is acceptable from the rich and powerful in all civilized and free societies, the Coalition of the Fibbing. And that is the example they set.

You can't please everyone and lying about yourself may hurt your self esteem, lessening your chances with women who might actually like you in spite of your savage and heathen origins. Do you really want to spend time with someone who considers you less of a person from the get-go? I know it is difficult in most Western English speaking countries because the women are pretty ignorant (as are the men), but being slightly more selective is better than lying outright. If you don't value yourself enough and think people are just pieces of meat to be manipulated into having sex, don't despair when people see you as just that.

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