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Facebook Girls

Facebook Girls

Nah when I bang this blonde 9 Im gaming Im gonna post pics... actually Im gaming two 9´s but one got a boyfriend, but I saw her the other day IRL and she waved to me.. didnt even knwo who she was..until she had left me a msg later.. hmm [Image: biggrin.gif]

I thought my international swagger had made beautifull women wave to me.. damn ..[Image: biggrin.gif]

Facebook Girls

Lucky you Quasi because it has never happened to me to see a hot 9 blonde to send me any msg on FB or adding me as a friend.
What kind of profile pics do you have lol
Is your profile opened to the public?

Facebook Girls

Quasi is like the Internet Game Master. He can import and e-mail 200 girls in less than 5 minutes on Facebook, Myspace, plentyoffish in a single shot....

[Image: smile.gif]

Facebook Girls

Hahaha, yes and Im really russian too! .. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Facebook Girls

Well the first I started msg after the party for medicine student asking if she was one I talked too, obviously she wasnt but got the conversation going nicely.

The other I poked, long time ago and she added me, dont know if Im gonna bang either. But the IOI from waving IRL, accidently stumbled upon the medicine one in the cantina having coffee with my best friend and she was Im sitting there wondering WTF is the beauty and she starts waving.. and Im like WTF.. later she writes a msg on FB to me, so its a pretty clear IOI even though she got a BF, so might take her dancing..

and the other is really also looking for something contacting me on chat, so we will see..

Both are clearly top notch babes in my view, will post some pics if I get the bangs.

Not an open profile, just me as I am, fit... well educated, ..

Facebook Girls

You are Russian.. so you must be involved in foreign exchange, just taking a bet there.

Facebook Girls


Lmaoo...spamming for true...just trying to plant that trojan..

hmmm let me pull out the FB S.O.P. manual (standard operating procedures)...I haven't used in a while...

*I go thru groups that I have liked for common interest like photography, sports teams, movies, music. This is great because you have a built in excuse to justify why you friended and intro 2 conversation..

*Nightclubs are another great source - When she says "who r u?" can roll "remember I said I would hit you up on FB when I got the chance?
You must of been really drunk..LOL!!!

-if the profile is serious or relaxed - it's good, means she's got a job and worried about what others see
-if the profile is goofy or silly - probably a college whore or real immature..
-if the profile is slutty, revealing- probably desperate or looking for a ton of attention (fame whores/prostitutes/escorts/strippers/ex gf that never liked to talk about her job). I usually skip on the ones seeking attention..they got like 1900 male friends out of 2000...

*Effective use
-Brazil, Canada, Japan, most of the world are very comfortable friending strangers. Especially if you mention your visiting, american, looking to learn culture and make friends/meetup...

-I use this for Brazil travels..because Brazil runs on a caste system based on color, I always mention I'm american, college educated, own my own business-maybe toss in a global multinational you worked/consulted with that's recognized in brazil..then I go into I'm visitng on xyz in this city xyz and I would love to meet you for coffee/dinner and discuss tourist spots, history, and maybe help me with portuguese...toss in "I'm scouting for new business opportunities"...they will always ask "why r u coming?" "always say business or relocation"...

-FB behavioral managment-I learned most of this from NBC's Dateline's 2 catch a predator series.....
*always give options-never pressure or hard sell ie: "You wanna talk that's cool, if not no biggie"
*always go thru pictures and like the ones of architecture or city...makes it seem you like culture and not a perv..
*if she changes profile pic always like it
*do not hit her IM immediately, just makes you look shady....
*if you do get her on IM, always be the first to end the conversation..."
*stay neutral on politics and societal issues...she might be a teabagger and you just praised Obama...what do you do what do you do?
*Never post on the wall...behind the scene someone will ask her..who is that? and then she will say I met soso online and then that friend will go into cockblock mode...

thanks for the tips, it all makes sense now. FB has been an Achilles heel of mines for a long time now.

Facebook Girls

Nah L`Étranger Im danish, its because Im call MM Italian and he showed me this hillarious russian dude that have made a software program for adding hundreds of girls online and auto mailing them.. really funny shit..

Anyways the one that added me is coming over tonight.. for some light dinner, drinks and a few salsa moves.. Think Im gonna nail her. This friday I was at the David Guetta world Copenhagen and this chick that added me from "are you interested" I had a fuck date was behind me in the que and she WASNT pretty(Denmark is too fucking small sometimes!).. plus I got another chick a really foxy one with me, so I was like FUCK PLAY IT cool, she recognized me but I just basicly gave her my male bitch shield and quickly moved on.. luckily neither of the girls seemed to get the situation fully.. and I got a pissed of sms from the ugly unbangable chick that I could forget the date today, which I ignored and quickly deleted her on FB... then the blonde hotty had written she would come sunday for dinner on FB saturday morning, so everything is clicking in my life these days

Facebook Girls

Quote: (10-02-2010 02:24 PM)Caramel Communist Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2010 01:08 PM)playa_with_a_passport Wrote:  

Quote: (09-30-2010 09:43 PM)Caramel Communist Wrote:  

Quote: (09-30-2010 01:21 PM)InternationalSwagger Wrote:  

Quote: (09-30-2010 11:22 AM)Caramel Communist Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2010 03:34 PM)Will_Michael Wrote:  

Just wondering if you have any ideas about adding girls on facebook, for instance i see a cute girl who is a friend of a friend so i add, then she leaves a message saying, 'thanks for the add, do i know you?', or something similar. For the life of me I cannot think of something to say as to why I added her, i'm not about to say 'i saw you and thought you were hot' she must get that 100 times a day. Do you have any lines you have used which are any good, or any advice as to stand out from the creeps who she regularly gets requests from?

Any help is appreciated!

See, ppl even bring their fears online....someone wanna show me the rule that states you can't meet new ppl online? Has anybody been stabbed thru a friend request?

I got like a 100 plus people (all women) who I friended when I used facebook, that I had no prior relationship with, some I have had dinner with..others I have gone and traveled with...some I even broke script is as follows when they ask "do I know you?"

"Actually, we don't know each other. I'm seeking intelligent/interesting conversation with people who have a different background from mine. If you feel comfortable learning/talking 2 new ppl, well than great... if not I totally understand. Either way have a great day..."

Your first name and gay smiley face [Image: smile.gif]

75 percent of the time they hit "accept"...

That's a slick replt CC. I normally don't use the Facebook method to initially get at chicks but I will start looking into it when I see something good...What do you say when you normally send a message to a random person or do you simply "add friend request" and wait for a the reply?

I just hit "add friend request"...if they respond "who the hell r u", then I go into my sales pitch...not that you need it becuz your gold member playa [Image: smile.gif] !! Something I started by sitting on a Friday afternoon conference calls, bored 2 death....just wanted to see how many people I could win over....

I am curious to know what your kill rate is. Back to my BlackPlanet days, I literally needed to contact 100 chicks per bang, that was fine and dandy when I had nothing but time in college but once I got my first full time job I gave up on Blackplanet and "spamming for pussy" in general. Caramel, I am more specifically interested in your "scouting" do you only holla at females with open profiles? I NY it appears all the dimes profiles are totally locked down. I just don't see how you can hit up any of these females without appearing extra thirsty and lowering my value.

Lmaoo...spamming for true...just trying to plant that trojan..

hmmm let me pull out the FB S.O.P. manual (standard operating procedures)...I haven't used in a while...

*I go thru groups that I have liked for common interest like photography, sports teams, movies, music. This is great because you have a built in excuse to justify why you friended and intro 2 conversation..

*Nightclubs are another great source - When she says "who r u?" can roll "remember I said I would hit you up on FB when I got the chance?
You must of been really drunk..LOL!!!

-if the profile is serious or relaxed - it's good, means she's got a job and worried about what others see
-if the profile is goofy or silly - probably a college whore or real immature..
-if the profile is slutty, revealing- probably desperate or looking for a ton of attention (fame whores/prostitutes/escorts/strippers/ex gf that never liked to talk about her job). I usually skip on the ones seeking attention..they got like 1900 male friends out of 2000...

*Effective use
-Brazil, Canada, Japan, most of the world are very comfortable friending strangers. Especially if you mention your visiting, american, looking to learn culture and make friends/meetup...

-I use this for Brazil travels..because Brazil runs on a caste system based on color, I always mention I'm american, college educated, own my own business-maybe toss in a global multinational you worked/consulted with that's recognized in brazil..then I go into I'm visitng on xyz in this city xyz and I would love to meet you for coffee/dinner and discuss tourist spots, history, and maybe help me with portuguese...toss in "I'm scouting for new business opportunities"...they will always ask "why r u coming?" "always say business or relocation"...

-FB behavioral managment-I learned most of this from NBC's Dateline's 2 catch a predator series.....
*always give options-never pressure or hard sell ie: "You wanna talk that's cool, if not no biggie"
*always go thru pictures and like the ones of architecture or city...makes it seem you like culture and not a perv..
*if she changes profile pic always like it
*do not hit her IM immediately, just makes you look shady....
*if you do get her on IM, always be the first to end the conversation..."
*stay neutral on politics and societal issues...she might be a teabagger and you just praised Obama...what do you do what do you do?
*Never post on the wall...behind the scene someone will ask her..who is that? and then she will say I met soso online and then that friend will go into cockblock mode...

awesome advice! gonna fiddle around with this over the weekend

anyone know how many friend requests you can send out a day before they shut you down, and how long do they shut you down for??

Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"

Facebook Girls


awesome advice! gonna fiddle around with this over the weekend

anyone know how many friend requests you can send out a day before they shut you down, and how long do they shut you down for??

I think I read in here its 20 a day.

Facebook Girls

I much prefer Facebook to older social networking sites like Myspace or Bebo, but IMHO it's harder for meeting girls because it's harder to search girls from a specific city etc., so your best bet like you say is probably to look for friends of friends.

I've never really done internet game at home ... guess I always thought the odds of a decent return were too low and my time would be better spent approaching girls in a bar where it's easier to show your personality and humour.

I'm heading to Lithuania for 4 days in a few weeks and after reading some advice over on Naughty Nomad's blog I used a site called which is popular in Eastern Europe. I did a quick profile with about 10 photos showing me travelling, socialising and basically painting me as a cool guy in contrast to all the pricks posing with their shirts off. I then send a message to all the hot girls I could find in the cities I'm visiting (Kaunas and Vilnius) basically saying that I like meeting locals when I travel and I wanted to meet up someone who could show me the "real" Lithuania and go out for some drinks and fun. I worded it in a way which didn't disguise my real intentions but didn't make me come across as some desperate horny creep.

The result is that when I go to Lithuania I have 3 girls who DEFINITELY want to meet up with me (a 7 and two 8s) and about 8-10 others who are maybes. Naughty Nomad said on his blog that he has got some action this way in EE and hopefully this will be the case with me. Here's the catch though ... I must have messaged at least 100 girls to get that level of return. The majority didn't reply and perhaps 10-15 replied firmly in the negative. Bear in mind that I'm an "exotic" foreigner and possibly the first British guy they've met who isn't acting like a dick on a stag weekend. If I was to do the same thing online with 100 girls from my own city I might get no positive replies, but I've never tried so can't say for sure.

What I did notice with the 12 or so girls that possibly want to meet up with me in Lithuania is that my approach probably differentiated me from the vast majority of guys who contact them. Some of them have dozens of creepy comments under EVERY photo on their profile - "Beautiful eyes", "Wow I'm in love", "If good looks could kill I'd be dead" and other corny shit like that. Therefore, if you want to add girls on Facebook, my advice would be to differentiate yourself from other guys. If they list interests on their profile, perhaps comment on that and relate it to experiences you've had. Or maybe write some short funny story about how she looks exactly like some girl you saw punching a guy and knocking him out last weekend ... basically ANYTHING apart from "Hey, ur hot, do u hav msn?"

Facebook Girls

I just tried this approach for the first time today. I read a couple of you saying you did it before going to other countries or for whatever reason and it working. This is pretty much the most I've ever had to start from scratch. Usually I have friends in the places I'm traveling that are well connected. I had way better connects even in Brazil than I do here in Miami. The 2 good friends I know are both girls, one good looking, one pretty fat. The pretty one for some reason hardly has any friends and is always busy. I don't see her very often, only twice in the 1 1/2 weeks I've been here. The fat one has a boyfriend, who has introduced me to a good number of people, and they are good people, but not really into a lot of the same stuff I'm into, and definitely don't seem good at picking up women. Since I've been super busy in Miami, I haven't been able to meet many people. I've only been here a week and a half but I'm getting antsy. I got laid last night, but it was from meeting a friend of a friend who wasn't even from Miami. I feel like I need to start getting the ball rolling. It seems when I'm busy and don't have time to talk to women is when they are all out, and when I have free time, running on the beach, all I see are fat old women with saggy tits. I sent two girls a friend request, one from Argentina, which I get along with people from Argentina well in general, I've had Argentine girlfriends, friends, and 2 roomates. The other is from Puerto Rico. It looked like she was into a lot of the same stuff I was into (music, movies, tv, etc.). I just typed in Miami Beach into face book to narrow down the search. I'm interested to see if they will accept the requests. Neither of the girls had over 500 friends. I saw a lot of good looking girls, but some of them had 3000 friends or whatever. I figure they are either retards that just add people they have the slightest knowledge of, or they actually have 3000, why the hell would they want to meet me? I didn't send a message with the request. I figure if they accept, they are somewhat open minded to meet a new person. If not, fuck it. I just thought it would work better without the message. What's your guys' take on sending a message with the request vs. not?

Facebook Girls

i sent 10 friend requests without a message on friday and haven't heard back from any of them yet

Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"

Facebook Girls

Quote: (10-17-2010 09:24 PM)Brandon E Wrote:  

I saw a lot of good looking girls, but some of them had 3000 friends or whatever. I figure they are either retards that just add people they have the slightest knowledge of, or they actually have 3000, why the hell would they want to meet me?

Facebook is the modern-day high school version of your locker, its a popularity contest, and the more beautiful the girl, the more she wants to have 10K "friends" to give off the image of being popular and highly sought other words, a cheap way of demonstrating high value to the cyberworld. As most of the chumps will be posting comments as to how beautiful she is in her picture - blah.

Remember one thing about women: they get the same satisfaction of being told they are beautiful as men do by getting a bare-back blow-job. The difference is, men don't get an orgasm by being told they are beautiful, we are much harder to please. =)

I once read a book by a Dr. who studied women arousal genes. She said that a man sees a naked women with a spectacular ass and perky tits and is ready to fuck (I agree). A woman, on the other hand, can see a naked man with six-pack abs, and won't get sexually aroused until he tells her how beautiful she is.

I agree with her theory.

Personally, I don't have time to sit there on Facebook, and build a fantasy world where I am worshipped by 10,000 cyber friends. I'd rather be swooping the girl I am bangin Friday night on the street. I have less than 100 FB friends, and actually know every single one of them.

Lately I have met girls, and the first thing they want to do is have you add them on your facebook. WTF? Whatever happened to old school meet for dinner at my place before having to worship you amongst a sea of cyberchumps?

How do you guys answer "add me to facebook" comment girls make when apporaching them? I personally hate that shit, and tell them I don't have time for gossip on FB, but she can call me on the phone if she wants to know what I'm up to.


Facebook Girls

I experimented with adding random girls on facebook a couple days ago. I sent out a couple requests and the two girls accepted. One of the girls seems interested and she lived in Ireland for a little bit.(I'm in Sao Paulo right now) I just need to finagle a way to meet up with her.

Facebook Girls

Quote: (10-17-2010 09:24 PM)Brandon E Wrote:  

I just tried this approach for the first time today. I read a couple of you saying you did it before going to other countries or for whatever reason and it working. This is pretty much the most I've ever had to start from scratch. Usually I have friends in the places I'm traveling that are well connected. I had way better connects even in Brazil than I do here in Miami. The 2 good friends I know are both girls, one good looking, one pretty fat. The pretty one for some reason hardly has any friends and is always busy. I don't see her very often, only twice in the 1 1/2 weeks I've been here. The fat one has a boyfriend, who has introduced me to a good number of people, and they are good people, but not really into a lot of the same stuff I'm into, and definitely don't seem good at picking up women. Since I've been super busy in Miami, I haven't been able to meet many people. I've only been here a week and a half but I'm getting antsy. I got laid last night, but it was from meeting a friend of a friend who wasn't even from Miami. I feel like I need to start getting the ball rolling. It seems when I'm busy and don't have time to talk to women is when they are all out, and when I have free time, running on the beach, all I see are fat old women with saggy tits. I sent two girls a friend request, one from Argentina, which I get along with people from Argentina well in general, I've had Argentine girlfriends, friends, and 2 roomates. The other is from Puerto Rico. It looked like she was into a lot of the same stuff I was into (music, movies, tv, etc.). I just typed in Miami Beach into face book to narrow down the search. I'm interested to see if they will accept the requests. Neither of the girls had over 500 friends. I saw a lot of good looking girls, but some of them had 3000 friends or whatever. I figure they are either retards that just add people they have the slightest knowledge of, or they actually have 3000, why the hell would they want to meet me? I didn't send a message with the request. I figure if they accept, they are somewhat open minded to meet a new person. If not, fuck it. I just thought it would work better without the message. What's your guys' take on sending a message with the request vs. not?

you can def meet and hangout with girls from facebook. i even banged one with minimal effort. it will help if you are good looking ovcourse.

if a hot girl only has sub 300 friends im hesitant to send at a request because a good looking grl should have atleast 500 friends on FB, and if not she is selective on who she adds, prob solely ppl she KNOWS.

i prob wouldnt send a message with a request. although i havent experimented with it. when a girl sends the do i know you bs i usually have a canned response of did you work at so and so or go to so and so school, you look very familiar. it usually eases their tension and you can proceed to game them ever so slightly till you build enough comfort to actually invite them out for a few drinks at a local spot.

Facebook Girls

Quote: (10-18-2010 09:57 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

How do you guys answer "add me to facebook" comment girls make when apporaching them?

I don't know you well enough.. you could be a stalker.
Girl laughed and never asked again. But went home with me.

Facebook Girls

Quote: (10-22-2010 03:11 PM)LÉtranger Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2010 09:57 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

How do you guys answer "add me to facebook" comment girls make when apporaching them?

I don't know you well enough.. you could be a stalker.
Girl laughed and never asked again. But went home with me.

Excellent answer - I'm gonna borrow it ;-)


Facebook Girls

Hehe I second that, that answer is what game is all about [Image: biggrin.gif]

Facebook Girls

Yeah, neither girl excepted my friend request. This way doesn't seem very optimal. I'm having lots of luck getting numbers out here in person. Got 3 today without much effort. I give up on facebook game after one attempt. It's just much easier in real life. I realized that if I just go out (Since before this post I haven't done much of) I'll get much better results. I'm begining to think Miami is pretty easy, though I don't want to jinx myself and it just be a lucky streak. But compared to where I just came from, I have 20x the options, so it has to be a little easier.

Facebook Girls

Quote: (10-23-2010 04:22 AM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Yeah, neither girl excepted my friend request. This way doesn't seem very optimal. I'm having lots of luck getting numbers out here in person. Got 3 today without much effort. I give up on facebook game after one attempt. It's just much easier in real life. I realized that if I just go out (Since before this post I haven't done much of) I'll get much better results. I'm begining to think Miami is pretty easy, though I don't want to jinx myself and it just be a lucky streak. But compared to where I just came from, I have 20x the options, so it has to be a little easier.

Update: For some reason the Argi girl I sent the first friend request to, her updates would pop up on my news feeds, even though she hadn't accepted my friend request. I forgot all about her and clicked on her profile to see who the hell she was. Then I realized it. I looked at some pics of her and saw she had some pics of her surfing. I hadn't even sent a message before with the friend request, so I sent this message probably 3 or 4 weeks after the friend request (This morning)...

Hey, I just moved to Miami Beach a couple of weeks ago. I'm origionally from Las Vegas, but moved here from Aspen, Colorado. I saw your facebook when doing a search for people to meet in the area. I saw your pictures of you surfing. Are those pictures from here in Miami?!?! I'm really into snowboarding and need to find something like it to fill the void, so I really want to learn to surf!!! I need to find some good surf spots!! Please, let me know where to go!

Her response (Insta-response too. Probably within 15 minutes):

oh my god you are my soul mate! HAHAHAHA if you like surfing, anyone can take to the beaches, I'm interested in getting to know little by little and with no problem ... but it could lead you to understand my fear of talking to strangers all of a sudden I hope to hear from you greetings!

The English is pretty bad, but I'm guessing it says something like, "I want to bang you after we talk a few times on facebook." I plan on asking her to meet up with me at the beach, since it's somewhere in public and a comfotable environment so she isn't sketched out meeting someone off facebook. Not to mention she obviously likes the beach and I think the beach is a great place for a first date, no barriers between you and her, just the open water. I'm gonna try and teach her to skinboard, I think she'd be into it if she likes to surf (There probably won't be surfable waves, I hear we get them maybe 40 days a year). I looked at her pictures I couldn't see before she accepted my request, since she only had a handful displayed to non friends. This girl is hands down a solid 9 in my book. Her body is a straight up 10, no doubt in my mind. Perfect perky tits, nice round ass. Her face is either a 8 or 9, so I'm giving her a 9 all around. She looks 20 but she's 23, young face. Plus she's into surfing? Dope. And even better..... She's into girls too!!!! WTF?!?! I love it. I hope it all works out and she doesn't get sketched out. She sent that this morning. I'm thinking I should give it a couple of days to respond. If I don't look desperate, that's probably a good indication I'm not a creep. I feel like her not knowing great english could be a huge plus too because I can teach her English and she could teach me Spanish. This also helps form a great bond from my past experience, but can also get a bit annoying at times.

PS, I also noticed she wrote this on her status briefly after the message.. "nunuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Mi P...primerooo!!! seraaa¿¿¿????? jajajaja TQM! [Image: wink.gif]"
Doesn't that mean, "My first, could it be?" Maybe I'm overanalyzing, but I was thinking she might mean first American boy or boy in Miami period. I didn't see one picture of her with a guy, only girls in her albums.

Facebook Girls

So I just sent a message to a mutual friend, a real hottie, with an uber bitch shield who turns down every cock sent her away. My buddy, call him Phil, told me to go after her at my own peril.

Me: "So Phil told me I should get in touch with you if I was looking for a new dealer. Hit me up.

Merry christmas."

Her: "a new dealer??? phil told you that????
is this a joke?"

I have no friggin chance, haha!

Facebook Girls


The English is pretty bad, but I'm guessing it says something like, "I want to bang you after we talk a few times on facebook." I plan on asking her to meet up with me at the beach, since it's somewhere in public and a comfotable environment so she isn't sketched out meeting someone off facebook.

Did you ended up meeting her?

Facebook Girls

Quote: (09-27-2010 03:34 PM)Will_Michael Wrote:  

Just wondering if you have any ideas about adding girls on facebook, for instance i see a cute girl who is a friend of a friend so i add, then she leaves a message saying, 'thanks for the add, do i know you?', or something similar. For the life of me I cannot think of something to say as to why I added her, i'm not about to say 'i saw you and thought you were hot' she must get that 100 times a day. Do you have any lines you have used which are any good, or any advice as to stand out from the creeps who she regularly gets requests from?

Any help is appreciated!

so you see a pic like this and you just add for no reason??

Facebook Girls

did you do that mina argentina, boludo? argie girls could be way too strange

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