Quote: (10-01-2010 01:08 PM)playa_with_a_passport Wrote:
Quote: (09-30-2010 09:43 PM)Caramel Communist Wrote:
Quote: (09-30-2010 01:21 PM)InternationalSwagger Wrote:
Quote: (09-30-2010 11:22 AM)Caramel Communist Wrote:
Quote: (09-27-2010 03:34 PM)Will_Michael Wrote:
Just wondering if you have any ideas about adding girls on facebook, for instance i see a cute girl who is a friend of a friend so i add, then she leaves a message saying, 'thanks for the add, do i know you?', or something similar. For the life of me I cannot think of something to say as to why I added her, i'm not about to say 'i saw you and thought you were hot' she must get that 100 times a day. Do you have any lines you have used which are any good, or any advice as to stand out from the creeps who she regularly gets requests from?
Any help is appreciated!
See, ppl even bring their fears online....someone wanna show me the rule that states you can't meet new ppl online? Has anybody been stabbed thru a friend request?
I got like a 100 plus people (all women) who I friended when I used facebook, that I had no prior relationship with, some I have had dinner with..others I have gone and traveled with...some I even broke off...my script is as follows when they ask "do I know you?"
"Actually, we don't know each other. I'm seeking intelligent/interesting conversation with people who have a different background from mine. If you feel comfortable learning/talking 2 new ppl, well than great... if not I totally understand. Either way have a great day..."
Your first name and gay smiley face ![[Image: smile.gif]](https://rooshvforum.network/images/smilies/smile.gif)
75 percent of the time they hit "accept"...
That's a slick replt CC. I normally don't use the Facebook method to initially get at chicks but I will start looking into it when I see something good...What do you say when you normally send a message to a random person or do you simply "add friend request" and wait for a the reply?
I just hit "add friend request"...if they respond "who the hell r u", then I go into my sales pitch...not that you need it becuz your gold member playa
!! Something I started by sitting on a Friday afternoon conference calls, bored 2 death....just wanted to see how many people I could win over....
I am curious to know what your kill rate is. Back to my BlackPlanet days, I literally needed to contact 100 chicks per bang, that was fine and dandy when I had nothing but time in college but once I got my first full time job I gave up on Blackplanet and "spamming for pussy" in general. Caramel, I am more specifically interested in your "scouting" do you only holla at females with open profiles? I NY it appears all the dimes profiles are totally locked down. I just don't see how you can hit up any of these females without appearing extra thirsty and lowering my value.
Lmaoo...spamming for pussy...so true...just trying to plant that trojan..
hmmm let me pull out the FB S.O.P. manual (standard operating procedures)...I haven't used in a while...
*I go thru groups that I have liked for common interest like photography, sports teams, movies, music. This is great because you have a built in excuse to justify why you friended and intro 2 conversation..
*Nightclubs are another great source - When she says "who r u?"..you can roll "remember I said I would hit you up on FB when I got the chance?
You must of been really drunk..LOL!!!
-if the profile is serious or relaxed - it's good, means she's got a job and worried about what others see
-if the profile is goofy or silly - probably a college whore or real immature..
-if the profile is slutty, revealing- probably desperate or looking for a ton of attention (fame whores/prostitutes/escorts/strippers/ex gf that never liked to talk about her job). I usually skip on the ones seeking attention..they got like 1900 male friends out of 2000...
*Effective use
-Brazil, Canada, Japan, most of the world are very comfortable friending strangers. Especially if you mention your visiting, american, looking to learn culture and make friends/meetup...
-I use this for Brazil travels..because Brazil runs on a caste system based on color, I always mention I'm american, college educated, own my own business-maybe toss in a global multinational you worked/consulted with that's recognized in brazil..then I go into I'm visitng on xyz in this city xyz and I would love to meet you for coffee/dinner and discuss tourist spots, history, and maybe help me with portuguese...toss in "I'm scouting for new business opportunities"...they will always ask "why r u coming?" "always say business or relocation"...
-FB behavioral managment-I learned most of this from NBC's Dateline's 2 catch a predator series.....
*always give options-never pressure or hard sell ie: "You wanna talk that's cool, if not no biggie"
*always go thru pictures and like the ones of architecture or city...makes it seem you like culture and not a perv..
*if she changes profile pic always like it
*do not hit her IM immediately, just makes you look shady....
*if you do get her on IM, always be the first to end the conversation..."
*stay neutral on politics and societal issues...she might be a teabagger and you just praised Obama...what do you do what do you do?
*Never post on the wall...behind the scene someone will ask her..who is that? and then she will say I met soso online and then that friend will go into cockblock mode...