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Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (10-22-2013 11:33 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Only hookers go to bars in BKK, so I'm not surprised you only found hookers. Where in BKK did you go to find legitimate Thai girls who have money and educations?

When I go I only go for a weekend to party with friends and frankly I don't go looking for women there (as previously stated twice Thai / Asians don't do it for me).

I like the food, resorts, activities, and nightlife in Thailand not the Thai women. The large amounts of Russian women can be fun at times though...

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (10-22-2013 11:25 AM)gringo newf Wrote:  

I'm so one sided with my preferences (I know they are more extreme than most) but if a girl doesn't have an ass and a western type of face I ain't interested at all which basically no Asian woman has.

Gringo Newf:

If you are so one-sided in your preferences, as you admit, then why did you NOT say some words to that effect in your first post, rather asserting that you have some objectivity and then to make various denigrations of guys whose preferences may vary from yours, including guys who may have preferences for Asian women?

Each of us has a right to our personal preferences... that's for sure, but you likely are gonna mislead guys when you post as if your preference is some kind of universal value that all guys should share.

Quote: (10-22-2013 10:36 AM)gringo newf Wrote:  

Usually guys that rave about SEA have never been to South America or are these weak insecure types who want women they can control like slaves (its just not sex they are into). Bottom line forget SEA / Asia and concentrate on South America!

Above is an example of you unnecessarily denigrating guys for their preferences, and suggesting that you carry some kind of authority based on supposedly that you have been and seen representative areas of both areas.

The reasons for guys having preferences for either area (SEA or S. America) can be much more varied than you are describing.

Also, I agree with Rio that once you have made fairly strong assertions, you need to provide various explanations, based on experience about why you have come to such conclusions. And, also describe various known limitations in your experiences that inform or fail to inform your conclusions - b/c even based on your backtracking in your second and third posts, I have little confidence that your conclusions are very well backed up by any kind of breadth of experiences and authority that your first post implies.

Edit: Also, I just looked at your profile, and I see that you claim to be rolling with $10,000 plus per month, and if that is the case, then you are also going to have a different set of experiences from a large number of guys on this forum weighing advantages and disadvantages of SEA vs S. America. A large number of guys on this forum are rolling with $3,000 or less per month to these areas, which is going to inform their experiences or expectations of experiences differently from yours.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (10-22-2013 12:06 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2013 11:25 AM)gringo newf Wrote:  

I'm so one sided with my preferences (I know they are more extreme than most) but if a girl doesn't have an ass and a western type of face I ain't interested at all which basically no Asian woman has.

Gringo Newf:

If you are so one-sided in your preferences, as you admit, then why did you NOT say some words to that effect in your first post, rather asserting that you have some objectivity and then to make various denigrations of guys whose preferences may vary from yours, including guys who may have preferences for Asian women?

Each of us has a right to our personal preferences... that's for sure, but you likely are gonna mislead guys when you post as if your preference is some kind of universal value that all guys should share.

Quote: (10-22-2013 10:36 AM)gringo newf Wrote:  

Usually guys that rave about SEA have never been to South America or are these weak insecure types who want women they can control like slaves (its just not sex they are into). Bottom line forget SEA / Asia and concentrate on South America!

Above is an example of you unnecessarily denigrating guys for their preferences, and suggesting that you carry some kind of authority based on supposedly that you have been and seen representative areas of both areas.

The reasons for guys having preferences for either area (SEA or S. America) can be much more varied than you are describing.

Also, I agree with Rio that once you have made fairly strong assertions, you need to provide various explanations, based on experience about why you have come to such conclusions. And, also describe various known limitations in your experiences that inform or fail to inform your conclusions - b/c even based on your backtracking in your second and third posts, I have little confidence that your conclusions are very well backed up by any kind of breadth of experiences and authority that your first post implies.

Edit: Also, I just looked at your profile, and I see that you claim to be rolling with $10,000 plus per month, and if that is the case, then you are also going to have a different set of experiences from a large number of guys on this forum weighing advantages and disadvantages of SEA vs S. America. A large number of guys on this forum are rolling with $3,000 or less per month to these areas, which is going to inform their experiences or expectations of experiences differently from yours.

Blah blah blah chillax there buddy. I can be sarcastic sort at times so don't get your knickers in a knot. I meant no offense. [Image: angel.gif]

My experiences are based having travelled in about 50 countries and having lived on 5 continents. Anyhow, I'll admit some guys are into the Asian thing but having known many guys that have been to both areas I've yet to meet one that claimed the women are better in SEA over SA.

Have you or Rionomad been to both areas extensively??? Doesn't look like it from your profiles. Perhaps your emotional responses are based on the fact you've seen one (ie. SEA) and not the other...

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

The girls in Rio may very well be hotter.

Lets see some photos of these girls you are fucking.

I've got about half a dozen photos of girls I've fucked on here.

You talk a big game, lets see the goods.

Please don't tell me you are just another guy who comes on here running his mouth from behind the comfort of his keyboard, but is unable to back it up?

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (10-22-2013 12:29 PM)gringo newf Wrote:  

Blah blah blah chillax there buddy. I can be sarcastic sort at times so don't get your knickers in a knot. I meant no offense. [Image: angel.gif]

I thought about my comments before I made them.

And, now you are saying that your comments were meant to be sarcastic, and you did not really mean them?

Quote: (10-22-2013 12:29 PM)gringo newf Wrote:  

My experiences are based having travelled in about 50 countries and having lived on 5 continents.

For some reason your claimed wide breadth of travel is NOT inspiring confidence in me; however, there may be a few guys on reading this thread who are impressed by such claims.

Quote: (10-22-2013 12:29 PM)gringo newf Wrote:  

Anyhow, I'll admit some guys are into the Asian thing but having known many guys that have been to both areas I've yet to meet one that claimed the women are better in SEA over SA.

You admit some guys are into "the Asian thing," but you have done a survey of all of your friends over the years... yes.. this is not inspiring confidence. Especially, based on what you have already posted here in your earlier posts, I gather that you may NOT have even been listening to what these guys you are surveying have to say b/c you have your own preference that you were likely hearing. Another possibility is that all your friends are just like you. Do you have any better sources, besides, you and your friends believe this so it must be true?

Quote: (10-22-2013 12:29 PM)gringo newf Wrote:  

Have you or Rionomad been to both areas extensively??? Doesn't look like it from your profiles.

It is irrelevant whether Rio and/or I have traveled or not. You are the one making the various claims about an objective difference that you have NOT substantiated to hardly any degree, except to say that you and some of your friends believe this to be the case.

All I am saying that there is no problem with those kinds of assertions based on personal preferences, so long as you do NOT make them out to be universal values and appeals to some kind of objective Authority.

Quote: (10-22-2013 12:29 PM)gringo newf Wrote:  

Perhaps your emotional responses are based on the fact you've seen one (ie. SEA) and not the other...

Again, I have thought through my comments, and your comments back to me have only made accusations toward me, which causes me to conclude that you have not quite thought through your response. Accordingly, you have not attempted to provide a basis for your knowledge and not got at the root of the problem, which so far has been your failure/refusal to provide a basis for your knowledge, and instead you go on the attack about irrelevant points (the basis of any knowledge that Rio or I may or may not have).

There is still time for you to provide a basis for your conclusions (besides bare assertions) and to provide some detail about how you arrived at your conclusions (besides just that me and my friends believe this to be true), and possibly, if you made some reasoned response based on specific personal experiences, then that may be helpful to RVF members?

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

It looks like my thread got overtaken by a few arguments. Here's my long overdue update.

I had to delay my trip due to unforeseen family issues, but now that those are all taken care of I'm getting ready for the trip in the next 3-4 weeks.

I've decided on Colombia with the plan to visit Bogota, Cali, and Medellin for about a week each before deciding where I want to stay. I will be in the country for 2-3 months in total.

I'm wondering with college being out for basically the whole time I'm there if that should influence my choice. I realize that many of the college girls will be visiting the coast for their vacation, but the beach isn't my scene. Will Colombian girls be more likely to visit Bogota, Cali, or Medellin for vacation trips? Do cities like Medellin get overwhelmed with foreign tourists during these months?

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

No. There's not much of a vacation culture to Colombia. Cartehenga might get a burst of Argentinian tourists, but Americans don't really flood to Colombia.

Biggest tip I can give you: Get a CENTRAL LOCATION. And a 3 month subscription to Colombia Cupid. The location is important not necessarily for pulling, but for negating flakes. Girls will flake and be 2 hours late and whatnot all the time. If you have to go out of your area and wait for a girl somewhere to meetup, you'll get pretty ticked. So, get a central location so you can just wait at home. They text you saying "voy estar 45 minutos tarde" (I'm going to be 45 minutes late), well, you can just chill and watch Game of Thrones.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

In colombia the girls who are on the coast for vacation either have a boyfriend or a sponsor. So they aren't going to give you the time of day. As for the ones with a bit of money their social circle will be next to impossible to crack. It can be done, just try to befriend an dudes in the group to introduce you. Say it's your birthday or you are celebrating something and invite any member of the group for a shot. Again, as mentioned before, speaking Spanish will help!

SEA have never been. However from the dudes I met, many have wives 20-30 years their junior. Now this was a different category if dudes, but it goes to show that if these average blokes can marry pretty girls with such an age gap well, imagine if you are in your prime, you will meet many more girls in SEA than in a colombia.

As for nightlife Colombian bars, much of the floor space is occupied by tables. It's not like in n.america where you have a few VIP booths on the side etc., and the majority of the floor space is standing which allows you to mingle and approach. I haven't been to any bars in SEA but check out any youtube videos or pics to see if night game will allow you to mingle and meet more women.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (05-11-2014 10:46 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

In colombia the girls who are on the coast for vacation either have a boyfriend or a sponsor. So they aren't going to give you the time of day. As for the ones with a bit of money their social circle will be next to impossible to crack. It can be done, just try to befriend an dudes in the group to introduce you. Say it's your birthday or you are celebrating something and invite any member of the group for a shot. Again, as mentioned before, speaking Spanish will help!

Huge generalization. There are tons of girls from different places all over the world at the coast. Some have boyfriends, some don't.

But yeah, speaking Spanish is MANDATORY if you want to have any success in South America.

Quote: (05-11-2014 10:46 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

As for nightlife Colombian bars, much of the floor space is occupied by tables. It's not like in n.america where you have a few VIP booths on the side etc., and the majority of the floor space is standing which allows you to mingle and approach. I haven't been to any bars in SEA but check out any youtube videos or pics to see if night game will allow you to mingle and meet more women.

Generally true. But there are definitely clubs where this isn't the case. I don't know Bogota enough to give a recommendation, but Babylon on Thursday in Medellin is packed. Talking to girls is just like in the west - everyone's standing, you can just turn and start a conversations.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Babylon you will get a lot of young girls and the hostel crowd girls. But the only part is western like is along the narrow and it ain't always packed w girls. Paying a steep cover (for colombian standards) the bang for your buck ain't there IMHO.

I have been living in medellin since July. It's not a cake walk.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (05-11-2014 09:55 PM)tomtud Wrote:  

Babylon you will get a lot of young girls and the hostel crowd girls. But the only part is western like is along the narrow and it ain't always packed w girls. Paying a steep cover (for colombian standards) the bang for your buck ain't there IMHO.

I have been living in medellin since July. It's not a cake walk.

Absolutely agree. Medellin is touugggh.

I went to Babylon 3-4 times when I was there, as long as it's Thursday it was pretty packed. Anyway - Sounds like we're saying the same thing. Colombia, and Medellin in particular, is not easy.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (05-11-2014 09:55 PM)tomtud Wrote:  

Babylon you will get a lot of young girls and the hostel crowd girls. But the only part is western like is along the narrow and it ain't always packed w girls. Paying a steep cover (for colombian standards) the bang for your buck ain't there IMHO.

I have been living in medellin since July. It's not a cake walk.

tomtud, here's one place that paid off for me in Medellin where virtually no gringos go (daygame spot): the Mayorista market, go early, like between 9 am and 1 pm, take the Metro to the Ayura station, turn left at the top of the stairs, and just walk straight for about 5 minutes, it will be on your left. It's a massive farmer's market with about 4 major supermarkets within. So you can shop really cheap for your groceries, and there are probably 50-80 salesgirls peddling Nestle or Aquafresh or whatever in the supermarket aisles, plus the cashiers, stall girls, etc, just tons of girls working there. It's also the cheapest place for everything from liquor to disposable cups to veggies, as far as I could find in Medellin, just walk around all the little stores and look, and of course there are taxis if you get loaded down with groceries. It's kind of a sketchy whore area at night but is perfectly safe during daylight hours. It opens super early, like 5 am or something, so a lot of places start shutting down immediately after lunch. Just don't get this confused with the Minorista market near parque berrio, which is probably somewhere you shouldn't walk around even during the day.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

As it isn't the easiest place to make local friends in medellin, I visited the gentlemans bars whenever in feel bored in medellin. I've found a disproportionate number of girls are from bello. Then as corroncho said the area in mayorista us by Fahrenheit disco which is an after hours bar till 6am. Well, I wanted ti check out this mayorista place at night. Talked to 3 girls, they want something like 30 mil ($15) for a fling, didn't partake but they were all from bello. Mayorista is a strip with a bunch of hotels and a few bars. Not that dangerous but not that safe either. Don't go there hammered. This has led me to the conclusion and as a dude who scored a lot of girls has told me that Bello is the place to go. The talent is there, the whoreness if you will is there, it's perfect. Go to niquia station to the mall during the day. You will see.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (05-12-2014 06:19 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

As it isn't the easiest place to make local friends in medellin, I visited the gentlemans bars whenever in feel bored in medellin. I've found a disproportionate number of girls are from bello. Then as corroncho said the area in mayorista us by Fahrenheit disco which is an after hours bar till 6am. Well, I wanted ti check out this mayorista place at night. Talked to 3 girls, they want something like 30 mil ($15) for a fling, didn't partake but they were all from bello. Mayorista is a strip with a bunch of hotels and a few bars. Not that dangerous but not that safe either. Don't go there hammered. This has led me to the conclusion and as a dude who scored a lot of girls has told me that Bello is the place to go. The talent is there, the whoreness if you will is there, it's perfect. Go to niquia station to the mall during the day. You will see.

That's what I like to see, boldly stepping outside of the drawn borders to game! Colombia is the wild west, a place for adventurers- everyone will tell you that the north side of Medellin is a gang war, but most of that city is cool to visit during the day. I'm not saying wander around aimlessly, but with a destination in mind like tomtud is saying. I went past Bello, up to the highest part of Niquia once to bang a 22 y/o Paisa while her dad was at work, it was so far up the mountain that the road literally stopped just past her apartment complex, like ended off the side of the mountain. And the area wasn't that bad, little parks, beautiful views, I mean I didn't stay after dark- I barely stayed through lunchtime- but during the day little kids were out playing in the street, just a neighborhood where people live. Medellin is a gold mine, but like all mines you have to explore its deeper recesses for the real payoff.

In fact, some of you might like this story, it's a good example of how not giving a fuck will get you laid sometimes. I lived in Medellin for over a year, and by the end I was spoiled as hell. I was daygaming with regular success, I was flying Cupid girls in from around the country to bang (vivacolombia air makes this affordable), basically I just gamed everywhere except Babylon, Blue and the rest of Upper Poblado. So one night I was chatting up this girl who lived in Niquia and convinced her to go out. But when the time came to go out I was feeling kind of tired so I was like, why don't you just come by the apartment and let's screw, I'll take a nap and then we'll go out. She got pretty offended, we didn't really even know each other and I was obviously breaking all the rules of civilized behavior here. She said no, of course she wasn't just going to come over and screw, she wasn't a whore (I don't think they even have a word for slut in Colombia, so they all say whore) so I was like, nah forget it then, I'm just gonna sleep. Oh MAN was she pissed, 'I got all dressed up to go out and now you're standing me up?' she yelled and called me a baboso and some other shit before hanging up on me, so I went to bed, this was at maybe 10 pm.

At like 1:30 in the morning I was awakened by my phone ringing, it's her, and I didn't answer because I figured she was just pissed and wanting to rant but she called like 3 times in a row, so I finally picked up and she asked "do you still want to sleep with me?" So now I'm awake, and she's like, okay, I'm in a cab like 5 minutes from you. She shows up and we just immediately go at it, it took like 45 minutes because I was still coming out of REM sleep but finally came and then she said, "okay, you promised, let's go out." We went out dancing until dawn at some collection of bars right next to the river, she was happy as she could be, like none of my assholery had ever happened. Then after all that, I put her in a cab back to Niquia and head back to my apartment, then she called me 30 minutes later saying that her dad's leaving for work and I should come over.

Colombia is so awesome for women, almost all of my best experiences there were random and unlikely like that. I definitely think the chaotic nature of the country rewards bold and crazy behavior.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Thanks for the tips guys. I guess I'll choose a destination without worrying about summer vacation affecting my opportunities.

I speak Spanish very well and I don't mind splurging on big entry fees or bottles once or twice a week if that's a successful strategy for Colombia. From what I've read, it sounds like day game or online is the most successful though. I guess I'll figure that out when I get there.

I'll update once I hit the ground.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

I'm starting to debate whether or not pipelining is actually worth the effort. I feel like not being in the country has made me lose out on more girls than if I had waited until I arrive.

After about 10 days of pipelining I have several numbers from girls I'd rate as 7/10. However, I'm having difficulty with the 8's and 9's.

I've had a few of the 8s and 9s seem interested, but as soon as they find out I'm not in Colombia they go silent. So, I started telling them I'm in Colombia, with the plan to either get their numbers or chat on skype or facebook until I get there.

However, the hotter girls all seem to pretty quickly ask me if I have whatsapp. I do have whatsapp, but of course the number is not local. If I give them my US number, they go silent. I feel like they have caught on to the fact that guys are pipelining and are making sure I'm actually in Colombia.

I'm curious how you guys deal with this or if you've noticed the same thing?

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (08-07-2013 11:19 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

One should never travel solely for women. That is a recipe for disaster.

Agree 100%

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (08-08-2013 11:26 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2013 10:28 PM)dalbroker Wrote:  

I am 39....been to Medellin, Cali, Bogota, Manila, Cebu and BKK.

I would tear up South America and Eastern Europe......then hit asia
when you are older....thats my plan.

Don't wait too much longer if you want quality girls. People think you can come to Thailand and bang young girls at any age. This is true, but the girls will be low class girls looking for money. Don't wait much past 45, or things will get significantly more difficult for you if you want decent women in their early-mid twenties. At least in Thailand, not sure it's the same elsewhere.

even in Phils the 8+ chicks are often looking for close-to-their-age guys, they may be delusional if they want long-term happiness, if they think the party-all-your-life lifestyle is open to them... in America, yes, it would be, but I see ex-8's --now 6's-- on FC . They're finding out most guys want a cute 22 year old a lot more than they want a formerly beautiful 32 year old..

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (06-02-2014 03:26 AM)newgame Wrote:  

After about 10 days of pipelining I have several numbers from girls I'd rate as 7/10. However, I'm having difficulty with the 8's and 9's.

I've had a few of the 8s and 9s seem interested, but as soon as they find out I'm not in Colombia they go silent. So, I started telling them I'm in Colombia, with the plan to either get their numbers or chat on skype or facebook until I get there.

True 8's and 9's online are going to be difficult no matter what. There are not that many on offer, and they get a huge volume of messages.

It could just as easily be your level of Spanish is not perfect. Or the fact that they're easily distracted by other chats.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

My level of Spanish is most definitely not perfect, but sufficient enough to have meaningful conversations, tell jokes, etc.

I'm sure some girls expect perfect spanish, but in a few of these cases I chat a bit (probably with some slight spanish imperfections) and get the girl laughing and asking questions about me... then she asks me for my whatsapp, which ends the conversation. It's just a little bit odd.

I agree 8/9s are tough online, so it could be any number of factors. I guess I'll keep pipelining and then contrast it with my success when I get a Colombian number that I can use.

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