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Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

I plan to spend about a month somewhere in the world (Medellin?) around December. If I like the place, I may go back soon after for a longer term.

Ideally, I'll find 2-3 high quality girls (7+) for short term relationships, then rotate them out when I get bored.

What I like:
  • I don't like prostitutes, even if I can get a freebie.
  • I like round ass, but not fat
  • I prefer younger girls (18-25) with low mileage and I'm willing to work a little longer/harder if I have to for these girls.
About me:
  • I speak Spanish well
  • I'm the average white guy
  • I'm average height
  • I have a thin build, but I'm trying to add muscle before the trip
  • I'm 35, but pass for 30
  • I have a budget of 5k to 6k per month
  • Beta game, but can be aggressive when needed.
I'm leaning toward South America because I speak Spanish and I love round ass, but for some reason the Philippines and Thailand is intriguing me; mostly because it sounds like it's easier to get girls in SEA than South America.

I've never really liked Asian girls due to the ass issue, but I'm currently dating an asian girl with the most amazing lower body (waist and ass) I've ever seen. This girl has really turned me on to Asian girls, assuming I can find more like her (maybe 10% of the girls in SEA?).

Any advice on the best location is appreciated!

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (08-06-2013 01:40 PM)newgame Wrote:  

I'm leaning toward South America because I speak Spanish and I love round ass, but for some reason the Philippines and Thailand is intriguing me; mostly because it sounds like it's easier to get girls in SEA than South America.

I've never really liked Asian girls due to the ass issue, but I'm currently dating a Korean girl with the most amazing lower body (waist and ass) I've ever seen. This girl has really turned me on to Asian girls, assuming I can find more like her (maybe 10% of the girls in SEA?).

Any advice on the best location is appreciated!

After reading many threads on here I can say: SEA.

Some girls have round asses (pinays), but not bubble butts. You need some experience to be somewhat successful in colombia, mostly in terms of dealing with the numbers game and rejection. SEA is better as you can "up" your game and thicken your skin before heading to Colombia.

White god factor plays a more important role in SEA. In Colombia, you will just be another white guy among many. Sure, there are white guys in SEA too but the overall population is larger. BKK or Manila is a jungle compared to bogota or medellin.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?


SEA is better as you can "up" your game and thicken your skin before heading to Colombia.

White god factor plays a more important role in SEA. In Colombia, you will just be another white guy among many. Sure, there are white guys in SEA too but the overall population is larger. BKK or Manila is a jungle compared to bogota or medellin.

Yes, that's what I've surmised from reading through several threads. The main things that have me leaning toward South America is that I speak Spanish and that Latinas (in the US) seem to like me. However, with no Spanish skills I probably would just go to SEA.

Your suggestion to start in SEA is what I've been contemplating. From what I've read in other threads it seems that people go to SEA for the quantity, but I'm more concerned about rotating a few quality girls than notch count.

If it's easier to consistently land non-pro 7's and 8's in SEA, then that sounds like my spot.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

I have been to Colombia.

There's no real reason to go to SEA to "up your skills" before coming to Colombia.

I've known plenty of people who went to Colombia from the U.S.

If your goal is to get laid you'll get laid. If your goal is to get a girlfriend you can find that too. All depends on what you want and how you look for it.

Bar skanks are bar skanks in Colombia just like here. Meeting a "good girl" can take more time but if you're willing to do it they certainly exist in Colombia and can be very sweet and wonderful.

Girls can be flakey because they're poor, they don't have a car, public transport can take over an hour, etc. Everyone in Colombia is flakey and late, it's not just girls, it's everyone. You are not going to overcome an entire culture of lateness on your own, so just accept it. If you say you're going to meet someone at 8, really that means you're going to start getting ready to leave your house a good deal after 8. You'll probably meet more like 10 or 11. Just understand that and set dates for before you actually want to meet up and it'll be fine.

Logistics is very important, especially considering the types of girls you want and the types of girls in the area you live.

But Colombia is going to win hands-down against Asia if you're interested in ass. Also, Colombia has much more diverse girls. Black, white, indigenous, even some Arab and any mix of all those you can imagine.

I would personally recommend Cali to you if you really like Ass. Warm environment that isn't too hot and muggy, good food, great music, and the hottest chicks of all races I saw in Colombia.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (08-06-2013 04:20 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

I have been to Colombia.

There's no real reason to go to SEA to "up your skills" before coming to Colombia.

My thoughts exactly. Dere be hoes everywhere.

On top of that, while I'm bullish on Asia, I don't know if it's really a place to up your game, per se. For one thing, game is a lot different here - what works well won't always apply back home or in other destinations. You will gain some confidence and learn some lessons in frame control from spending a lot of time with women but you will not necessarily improve in other areas.

Actually, having an easier time getting laid abroad can deteriorate your game too. You kind of become spoiled and don't really want to put out much effort for women anymore. This can work in your favor in some ways, but only if you know how to work that kind of attitude, so it takes some time to turn it into an edge. I mean, this is kind of just opinion. I think it is possible to transfer game skills from here to America, for instance, but I think it takes a solid history of success in both places to analyze and relate the experiences correctly, if that makes sense. So if you didn't have much success with women before coming you may not see much change when you go back.

If you want to get a lot of pussy, yeah, you can do that here. Or if you have a thing for Asian girls, which you don't (though you'll very likely develop one if you come here).

Another thing to think about is that if you want the real quality in Asia, you'll often need more game rather than less, believe it or not. Guys with zero game are not banging all that much quality ass here. Sounds like your best bet for that is the Philippines though.

Also, keep in mind is that if you go to Asia first, it may be a long time before you ever make it to South America. Argentina was always the place of my dreams - for as long as I can remember. I was initially planning to get on a boat and make my way that direction, but it turned out it was the wrong season to be doing that, so I bought a plane ticket to Asia with the plan to get on a boat here after a few months.

It never happened and now South America, while still on my list, is a very low priority for me. There's just so much to see here and the place really changes you. So if you really think South America is the place for you it might be a good idea to go see it first. Wherever you go is very likely to draw you in and fire your imagination for a long time.

At least, that was my experience anyways.

By the way, I love a tidy little Asian ass and have never been into big butts. They get a lot of flak for having no bootie, but man, the shape...So fit and firm. And when a girl does have a little more shape It often takes seeing her naked to really appreciate it in its full glory, but nothing like seeing an Asian ass work its magic when she's straddling you rodeo style.

[Image: sex-position-Reverse-Cowgirl_0.jpg]

Some of the Filipinas got that Spanish blood so you can probably find the shapes there that you like too.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Either one you cant go wrong and with your time and budget you will have a blast....Just keep in mind Colombia nightlife usually only gets going towards the weekends....a city like Bangkok is 24/7....

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (08-06-2013 02:13 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Quote: (08-06-2013 01:40 PM)newgame Wrote:  

I'm leaning toward South America because I speak Spanish and I love round ass, but for some reason the Philippines and Thailand is intriguing me; mostly because it sounds like it's easier to get girls in SEA than South America.

I've never really liked Asian girls due to the ass issue, but I'm currently dating a Korean girl with the most amazing lower body (waist and ass) I've ever seen. This girl has really turned me on to Asian girls, assuming I can find more like her (maybe 10% of the girls in SEA?).

Any advice on the best location is appreciated!

After reading many threads on here I can say: SEA.

Some girls have round asses (pinays), but not bubble butts. You need some experience to be somewhat successful in colombia, mostly in terms of dealing with the numbers game and rejection. SEA is better as you can "up" your game and thicken your skin before heading to Colombia.

White god factor plays a more important role in SEA. In Colombia, you will just be another white guy among many. Sure, there are white guys in SEA too but the overall population is larger. BKK or Manila is a jungle compared to bogota or medellin.

I understand where you're coming from but don't agree with this, how much time have you spent in Thailand and Colombia? In the Philippines, your value is the highest as a foreigner but in Thailand it can be quite low, especially in the higher end clubs in places such as RCA in BKK, many middle and upper class Thai women wouldn't be caught dead with a white dude, this has been mentioned many times on this forum. I didn't do that great with women in Thailand and most of the ones I boned were skanks that I shored, whereas in Bogota I had no problem meeting middle class uni students and pretty much every time I went out in Zona Rosa I was meeting quality women.

Also, I think Bogota is pretty damn big at almost 7.5 million compared to BKK at 8 million and Manila at 11 million (all from Wikipedia), you will see WAY more white people in BKK, probably equal amounts in Bogota and Manila but I wouldn't say that you'd be "just another white guy" in Bogota. I didn't have too many issues meeting girls in Colombia and a lot of them, especially the educated ones in Bogota were eager to talk with me and it was easy to get their numbers and set up dates, in Bogota and Cali, I will agree that in Medellin, the gringo's rep isn't what it is elsewhere, but not nearly as bad as in Thailand.

I spent a few months in Colombia, the Philippines and Thailand over the past couple of years so I'll add my 2 cents, out of the three I'd recommend Thailand last if it was any month of the year other than December. Since that's when you're planning to travel, the Philippines and Colombia may not be your best bets since the cities may be quiet during the Xmas holidays. I spent last winter in SEA and purposely went to Thailand before the Philippines to avoid Xmas, I was in Cebu during Easter and the night clubs were dead as most of the girls went home to their provinces for the holiday. I arrived in Bogota on January 4th of 2012 and the city was a bit quiet until mid-January because a lot of the people who frequent the higher end bars (the ones you'd want to go to) were vacationing on the Caribbean coast.

If you were going to travel during another month, and since your main concern on the trip is women, I'd pick Colombia, Philippines then Thailand last, here's my break down:

Most attractive women:
#1) Colombia
#2) Thailand
#3) Philippines

You're like me, more into Latina women than Asians and seem to have some experience around Latino culture, after 7 months in Asia, I didn't really get the yellow fever. I preferred Filipina women over Thai because they spoke English way better, the language barrier was a big problem for me and it took me awhile to get used to the culture in Thailand.

Easiest women
#1) Philippines
#2) Colombia
#3) Thailand

This is fairly well known on this forum, the Philippines is probably the easiest place to get laid in the world, most guys would think that Thailand would be easier than Colombia and for many that is probably true, but since you stress that you're not into shoring skanks, you'll be going after middle to upper class Thai women and I still think that this is harder to do in Thailand than Colombia, provided you speak Spanish, which you do.

Best women to date
#1) Colombian
#2) Philippines
#3) Thailand

Colombian women beat Asians by a wide margin for me as I had a great time dating them, two things are guaranteed to happen on a date with a Colombiana, you will practice your Spanish and she will agree to go dancing with you somewhere, which usually turns out to be a good time. I had some pretty boring dates in Asia, especially Thailand because of the language barrier and in the Philippines I found them to be quite shy and sometimes pretty boring as well.

#1) Thailand
#2) Philippines
#3) Colombia

Each country can be considered a third world shit hole but Thailand is the least ghetto and by far the safest, in Bangkok you can stumble around drunk on Sukhumvit or Koah san Road, get in a taxi at 3am and have no worries, I wouldn't recommend that in Manila and especially not in Bogota. With the proper precautions, you can be safe in Colombia but I always had my guard up there, its not the place to fuck around.

Things to do other than chase women:
#1) Thailand
#2) Colombia
#3) Philippines

Thailand kicks ass at for having a ton of things to do especially out door activities and healthy, fitness related stuff to do, they make it really easy. You can do most of the same stuff in the Philippines and Colombia (fishing, hiking, diving, martial arts, etc) but they lack the infrastructure and organization of Thailand, especially Colombia which has only began to see lots of tourists in recent years.

Best cities:
#1) Colombia
#2) Thailand
#3) Philippines

The best part about Colombia is that you have three pretty good sized cities; Bogota, Medellin and Cali and a few others that are decent sized (Barranquilla, Cartagena, Pereira, Bucaramanga, Manizales, etc), I've been to all of them except the last three and I enjoyed them all, you could easily stay a month in any of the first three. Now compare that to Thailand, Bangkok is an amazing city and will definitely return but I found Chiang Mai too boring (shitty night life), Pattaya a greasy sex tourist filled shit hole and Phuket to be so-so (also lots of hookers and foreigners). Basically every city in the Philippines is a shit hole, that is a place where the best spots are small towns although there's some nice parts of Manila (Fort Bonifacio, Makati, etc), probably 90% of that city is a dump.

#1) Thailand
#2) Colombia
#3) Philippines

I don't think that this one is even up for debate, how many Colombian or Filipino restaurants are in your home town, how many Thai restaurants?

Honestly I liked each country for different reasons and I traveled to each to scope them out as potential places to live for a few months out of the year and I'm still on the fence about where I'll return to but I'm leaning towards Colombia this winter for a few more months. If you decide on Colombia, keep me posted as I'll probably be down there in December.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

I'd say's a lot easier to get to if you want to go back and plus, if you already speak Spanish and are from the USA, then I don't know why you wouldn't fare well there. Are there a lot of white guys there, yes, but how many of them actually speak decent Spanish? You have an in and with the budget you quoted, can go a long way.

Colombia also has more variety in terms of looks... some with more indigenous ancestry could even pass for Asian.

I think your best bet is Colombia...

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (08-06-2013 07:47 PM)scotian Wrote:  

I understand where you're coming from but don't agree with this, how much time have you spent in Thailand and Colombia? In the Philippines, your value is the highest as a foreigner but in Thailand it can be quite low, especially in the higher end clubs in places such as RCA in BKK, many middle and upper class Thai women wouldn't be caught dead with a white dude, this has been mentioned many times on this forum. I didn't do that great with women in Thailand and most of the ones I boned were skanks that I shored, whereas in Bogota I had no problem meeting middle class uni students and pretty much every time I went out in Zona Rosa I was meeting quality women.

Also, I think Bogota is pretty damn big at almost 7.5 million compared to BKK at 8 million and Manila at 11 million (all from Wikipedia), you will see WAY more white people in BKK, probably equal amounts in Bogota and Manila but I wouldn't say that you'd be "just another white guy" in Bogota. I didn't have too many issues meeting girls in Colombia and a lot of them, especially the educated ones in Bogota were eager to talk with me and it was easy to get their numbers and set up dates, in Bogota and Cali, I will agree that in Medellin, the gringo's rep isn't what it is elsewhere, but not nearly as bad as in Thailand.

I spent a few months in Colombia, the Philippines and Thailand over the past couple of years so I'll add my 2 cents, out of the three I'd recommend Thailand last if it was any month of the year other than December. Since that's when you're planning to travel, the Philippines and Colombia may not be your best bets since the cities may be quiet during the Xmas holidays. I spent last winter in SEA and purposely went to Thailand before the Philippines to avoid Xmas, I was in Cebu during Easter and the night clubs were dead as most of the girls went home to their provinces for the holiday. I arrived in Bogota on January 4th of 2012 and the city was a bit quiet until mid-January because a lot of the people who frequent the higher end bars (the ones you'd want to go to) were vacationing on the Caribbean coast.

If you were going to travel during another month, and since your main concern on the trip is women, I'd pick Colombia, Philippines then Thailand last, here's my break down:

Most attractive women:
#1) Colombia
#2) Thailand
#3) Philippines

You're like me, more into Latina women than Asians and seem to have some experience around Latino culture, after 7 months in Asia, I didn't really get the yellow fever. I preferred Filipina women over Thai because they spoke English way better, the language barrier was a big problem for me and it took me awhile to get used to the culture in Thailand.

Easiest women
#1) Philippines
#2) Colombia
#3) Thailand

This is fairly well known on this forum, the Philippines is probably the easiest place to get laid in the world, most guys would think that Thailand would be easier than Colombia and for many that is probably true, but since you stress that you're not into shoring skanks, you'll be going after middle to upper class Thai women and I still think that this is harder to do in Thailand than Colombia, provided you speak Spanish, which you do.

Best women to date
#1) Colombian
#2) Philippines
#3) Thailand

Colombian women beat Asians by a wide margin for me as I had a great time dating them, two things are guaranteed to happen on a date with a Colombiana, you will practice your Spanish and she will agree to go dancing with you somewhere, which usually turns out to be a good time. I had some pretty boring dates in Asia, especially Thailand because of the language barrier and in the Philippines I found them to be quite shy and sometimes pretty boring as well.

#1) Thailand
#2) Philippines
#3) Colombia

Each country can be considered a third world shit hole but Thailand is the least ghetto and by far the safest, in Bangkok you can stumble around drunk on Sukhumvit or Koah san Road, get in a taxi at 3am and have no worries, I wouldn't recommend that in Manila and especially not in Bogota. With the proper precautions, you can be safe in Colombia but I always had my guard up there, its not the place to fuck around.

Things to do other than chase women:
#1) Thailand
#2) Colombia
#3) Philippines

Thailand kicks ass at for having a ton of things to do especially out door activities and healthy, fitness related stuff to do, they make it really easy. You can do most of the same stuff in the Philippines and Colombia (fishing, hiking, diving, martial arts, etc) but they lack the infrastructure and organization of Thailand, especially Colombia which has only began to see lots of tourists in recent years.

Best cities:
#1) Colombia
#2) Thailand
#3) Philippines

The best part about Colombia is that you have three pretty good sized cities; Bogota, Medellin and Cali and a few others that are decent sized (Barranquilla, Cartagena, Pereira, Bucaramanga, Manizales, etc), I've been to all of them except the last three and I enjoyed them all, you could easily stay a month in any of the first three. Now compare that to Thailand, Bangkok is an amazing city and will definitely return but I found Chiang Mai too boring (shitty night life), Pattaya a greasy sex tourist filled shit hole and Phuket to be so-so (also lots of hookers and foreigners). Basically every city in the Philippines is a shit hole, that is a place where the best spots are small towns although there's some nice parts of Manila (Fort Bonifacio, Makati, etc), probably 90% of that city is a dump.

#1) Thailand
#2) Colombia
#3) Philippines

I don't think that this one is even up for debate, how many Colombian or Filipino restaurants are in your home town, how many Thai restaurants?

Honestly I liked each country for different reasons and I traveled to each to scope them out as potential places to live for a few months out of the year and I'm still on the fence about where I'll return to but I'm leaning towards Colombia this winter for a few more months. If you decide on Colombia, keep me posted as I'll probably be down there in December.

Great breakdown, Scotian.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

I've been to both.

I came to this thread to recommend Thailand, but then read that you're blond and speak Spanish. I would say it's a matter of your taste. If you prefer Latina look, and the body is important to you, then go to Colombia. Keep in mind that it's more expensive, dangerous and less tourist friendly compared to Thailand. However, girls are much more beautiful and people in general are more genuine.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

I'd second what Scotian said regarding Thailand. Not many white guys are getting 7s and above on a regular basis. You can have all the 6s you want with little effort, but getting the better looking girls is a little more difficult.

However in a city like Korat, you could probably do a lot better. I haven't spent long in Korat, but there was plenty of good looking women, nightlife, and white people were still considered to be a little exotic (unlike BKK where the women are pretty indifferent).

However with your Spanish ability, and lack of Thai language ability, it seems Columbia makes more sense.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Agree mostly with what has been said.

You say you have beta game, which I assume means your game isn't very good. In that case, you will mostly be stuck with low class Isaan girls. THC and I talked the other night about the quality at RCA, and how high it was, but that you definitely need sole solid game. You have to make a lot of approaches there, as girls will not be coming up to you.

To get legit 7's and above in Thailand you will need to hit RCA, or a similar spot, make approaches to a table of all Thai girls circled around each other who are not socializing with anyone outside of their group. If your state is low, or you dont have a solid approach game, it is very difficult.

However, that's for legit 7s. Tons of girls on ThaiFriendly that many guys will call 7s and 8s, though I would disagree. For sure some legit 7 and 8s on there, but they get a lot of attention.

And BB is right, Thai girls have killer fuckin asses. Not big like Colombians probably, but very very round. They are petite girls, but have some great asses to sink your teeth into. They also have super clean and pretty pussies. Shower 2-3 times a day and use the hose after going to the toilet, so always fresh.

Colombian girls are probably more fun, since Thai culture is pretty conservative. You wont be gridning up on chicks and having wild parties with many Thai girls who are not pros. Not a very sexual culture here, though Thai chicks are very easy to bang. Everything is done in secret as to save face.

Keep us posted on your trip and what you decide.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?


You say you have beta game, which I assume means your game isn't very good. In that case, you will mostly be stuck with low class Isaan girls. THC and I talked the other night about the quality at RCA, and how high it was, but that you definitely need sole solid game. You have to make a lot of approaches there, as girls will not be coming up to you.

To get legit 7's and above in Thailand you will need to hit RCA, or a similar spot, make approaches to a table of all Thai girls circled around each other who are not socializing with anyone outside of their group. If your state is low, or you dont have a solid approach game, it is very difficult.
Yeah, I don't know how well I would do with approaching a whole table as that's not really my strength (especially with a language barrier). I have no problem doing approaches and getting rejected, but in the US I tend to approach pairs of girls or those who have temporarily strayed from the group on the way to the bathroom or bar.


I spent a few months in Colombia, the Philippines and Thailand over the past couple of years so I'll add my 2 cents, out of the three I'd recommend Thailand last if it was any month of the year other than December. Since that's when you're planning to travel, the Philippines and Colombia may not be your best bets since the cities may be quiet during the Xmas holidays. I spent last winter in SEA and purposely went to Thailand before the Philippines to avoid Xmas, I was in Cebu during Easter and the night clubs were dead as most of the girls went home to their provinces for the holiday. I arrived in Bogota on January 4th of 2012 and the city was a bit quiet until mid-January because a lot of the people who frequent the higher end bars (the ones you'd want to go to) were vacationing on the Caribbean coast.
If December is an issue, I can change my dates. I definitely don't want to spend all my time during the down time. I'm guessing it's similar to the US with college getting out in early to mid-December and starting up in mid-January. I was thinking about mid-December, but maybe I'll shoot for early to mid-January.


Honestly I liked each country for different reasons and I traveled to each to scope them out as potential places to live for a few months out of the year and I'm still on the fence about where I'll return to but I'm leaning towards Colombia this winter for a few more months. If you decide on Colombia, keep me posted as I'll probably be down there in December.
Thanks for the breakdown Scotian. Lots of good info. I'll keep you posted. It would be fun to meet up with someone down there.

Based on all the input so far, I'm definitely leaning towards Colombia. Now I have to decide on a city. It sounds like Medellin may not be the best place because there are too many gringos. I'll look into some of the other cities mentioned; I've seen there are plenty of breakdowns in other threads.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Easy choice.

Go to the place you are more interested in excluding the "girl category".

Never been to SEA, but I am sure you will be happy with girls in both places.

One should never travel solely for women. That is a recipe for disaster.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

I agree with everything Scotian said, as somebody who has spent a bit of time in both places (a bit of that time in both places with Scotian actually) I can tell you that his breakdown is perfect. If I were to say which place is better, I wouldn't be able to because they are so different. However, because you have blue eyes, like big asses, and speak spanish well... Colombia is the obvious choice. That being said I think you should still plan a future trip to SEA, but you will do fine in Colombia.

One thing about Medellin that I don't like is that a very high percentage of the girls are fake. By that I mean fake face, fake ass, fake tits. Medellin is supposed to be the plastic surgery capital of the world. That is something that is a big turnoff to me, keep that in mind while choosing a city.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?


Based on what you're looking for, it sounds like DR is the place. It's easy, your Spanish will go far, and some of the best asses in the world.

Check out the DR threads.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Scotian is on point. He and 20Nation both speak with authority, based on recent travel experience in both places.

I am mainly posting to make one counterpoint. In my opinion, December is one of the best months to be in Colombia.

It's a festive month from start to finish. Employers pay a yearly bonus around the first half of the month, which means people are happier to go out partying. Nightlife energy kicks up a gear.

A common complaint about Colombia is that girls are always working and studying too hard. They are often unavailable six days a week. If you come in December, they're probably on break from studies and will have more free time.

So the first 20 days of December, enjoy Colombia as normal. After that, focus moves to the Xmas celebration, then New Year celebration. That last part of December requires local connections to have a great time. Without those, you're screwed.

There are possible travel plans to deal with. Medellin and Bogota tend to clear out after the 20th. Families leave the city for a nearby ranch, or they travel to the coast. Cali doesn't change so much, thanks to their festival from the 25th to the 30th of December. The Atlantic coast gets much more active during this time, although it becomes ultra-high season and accommodation prices often triple.

You can enjoy Xmas and New Year in Colombia, but you must have an invite from a family. This is really important especially on the night of the 31st. Many bars don't even open that night.

Since you are kind of relationship oriented, you have a fighting chance of making the kinds of local connections you need to close out December on a huge high.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

^^^^This info is all spot on....I spent December in Bogota and Medellin last year....My Rolo friends love December in Bogota as it clears out....less people & traffic, much more tranquilo....I was in Medellin for the week up to New Years and while it was fun I have had way more fun in Medellin at other times.....

If your gonna hit Colombia at that time hit Cali or the Coast....I plan on checking out of Colombia over December and returning for the Summerland fest in Cartegena Jan 3rd-6th....Tigre is right the coast will be expensive at that time, but my friends that went last year had a blast....

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (08-06-2013 01:40 PM)newgame Wrote:  

I plan to spend about a month somewhere in the world (Medellin?) around December. If I like the place, I may go back soon after for a longer term.

Ideally, I'll find 2-3 high quality girls (7+) for short term relationships, then rotate them out when I get bored.

What I like:
  • I don't like prostitutes, even if I can get a freebie.
  • I like round ass, but not fat
  • I prefer younger girls (18-25) with low mileage and I'm willing to work a little longer/harder if I have to for these girls.
About me:
  • I speak Spanish very well
  • I'm white with blue eyes and brown hair
  • I'm 5'10
  • I have a thin build, but I'm trying to add muscle before the trip
  • I'm 37, but pass for 32
  • I have a budget of 5k to 6k per month
  • Beta game, but can be aggressive when needed.
I'm leaning toward South America because I speak Spanish and I love round ass, but for some reason the Philippines and Thailand is intriguing me; mostly because it sounds like it's easier to get girls in SEA than South America.

I've never really liked Asian girls due to the ass issue, but I'm currently dating a Korean girl with the most amazing lower body (waist and ass) I've ever seen. This girl has really turned me on to Asian girls, assuming I can find more like her (maybe 10% of the girls in SEA?).

Any advice on the best location is appreciated!

I am 39....been to Medellin, Cali, Bogota, Manila, Cebu and BKK.

If I spoke Spanish I would be ALL OVER COLOMBIA.....The main issue
there for me is the language barrier which gets in the way.

Go where you will enjoy the girls more.....Asia is great...but the filipinos
are too nice and will probably bore you....

I would tear up South America and Eastern Europe......then hit asia
when you are older....thats my plan.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (08-08-2013 10:28 PM)dalbroker Wrote:  

I am 39....been to Medellin, Cali, Bogota, Manila, Cebu and BKK.

If I spoke Spanish I would be ALL OVER COLOMBIA.....The main issue
there for me is the language barrier which gets in the way.

Go where you will enjoy the girls more.....Asia is great...but the filipinos
are too nice and will probably bore you....

I would tear up South America and Eastern Europe......then hit asia
when you are older....thats my plan.

Don't wait too much longer if you want quality girls. People think you can come to Thailand and bang young girls at any age. This is true, but the girls will be low class girls looking for money. Don't wait much past 45, or things will get significantly more difficult for you if you want decent women in their early-mid twenties. At least in Thailand, not sure it's the same elsewhere.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (08-08-2013 01:48 PM)Bolthouse Wrote:  


Based on what you're looking for, it sounds like DR is the place. It's easy, your Spanish will go far, and some of the best asses in the world.

Check out the DR threads.

I'll check out the other threads about DR. I'm not really into the beach because I burn very easily; maybe there are some interesting mountain cities though(?).

How do the women compare to Colombia? I like both light and darker-skinned Latinas. I like black girls too, but they're not on the top of my list. Are the girls easier in DR?

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

I was in your shoes last year, really wanted to go to South America but ended up going to SEA cause I had a friend out there who told me to come check it out. I don't regret it, the Philippines was awesome, everything was cheap, every one was nice, girls were insanely easy. I prefer the look and bodies of Latinas and look forward to headed to South America sometime next year...

I realize this prally doesn't help you with your choice much ha..... I'm sure you should be able to have a great time no matter which country you choose.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

In Bangkok right now, it's pretty good here. The place never stops partying (except for the odd Buddhist holiday).

On the downside, there aren't nearly as many ultra-hot women as there were in China. And when I see a really hot girl here, she's usually a Chinese tourist.

Also generations of mongers have made good Thai women very wary of foreigners. I'm finding it gigantically hard to meet good girls. Chinese girls were easier (literally).

Although actually I have to say I'm becoming converted to the short and darker skinned Issan girls from the North. They're just fantastic company to be with, and that's far better than dating a white legged girl who is completely empty inside.

Also I'll agree that Thai girls have amazing pussies, if what I saw in Soi Cowboy's nude gogo bar is representative of girls here.

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (08-10-2013 01:19 AM)TopPanda Wrote:  

In Bangkok right now, it's pretty good here. The place never stops partying (except for the odd Buddhist holiday).

On the downside, there aren't nearly as many ultra-hot women as there were in China. And when I see a really hot girl here, she's usually a Chinese tourist.

Also generations of mongers have made good Thai women very wary of foreigners. I'm finding it gigantically hard to meet good girls. Chinese girls were easier (literally).

Although actually I have to say I'm becoming converted to the short and darker skinned Issan girls from the North. They're just fantastic company to be with, and that's far better than dating a white legged girl who is completely empty inside.

Also I'll agree that Thai girls have amazing pussies, if what I saw in Soi Cowboy's nude gogo bar is representative of girls here.

Which areas and clubs have you been going to to meet good girls and hot girls in BKK?

How many girls have you met from RCA and Thonglor?

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (08-09-2013 07:23 PM)newgame Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2013 01:48 PM)Bolthouse Wrote:  


Based on what you're looking for, it sounds like DR is the place. It's easy, your Spanish will go far, and some of the best asses in the world.

Check out the DR threads.

I'll check out the other threads about DR. I'm not really into the beach because I burn very easily; maybe there are some interesting mountain cities though(?).

How do the women compare to Colombia? I like both light and darker-skinned Latinas. I like black girls too, but they're not on the top of my list. Are the girls easier in DR?

I realize, NG, that you are tending to narrow in with Colombia, and possibly DR. I've heard quite a bit about Brazil; however, I don't know why people in your circumstance may not also want to consider Venezuela, Ecuador or Peru. For myself I am toying with some of the same ideas of South America versus South East Asia for future travels. Even though i know some Spanish, I am more inclined, at the moment towards SEA, and that has more to do with my appreciation of asian women. However, since I am a salsa dancer, I do have attraction and things in common with latinas.
I guess part of my question to you, newgame, is why you have been focusing on Colombia? And not to throw off the thread, if others are able to chime in about why they pick one South American country over the other b/c I tend to look at many of the same things that others weigh and that is weather, costs, bangability of girls, food and safety.

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