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The Art of Pregame?

The Art of Pregame?

Was thinking about a lot of awkward nights in dive bars a few years back and noticed they ALL had one thing in common. I wrestled in college, and not once had I ever stepped to compete with a cold mind-body state, but it's exactly what I had been doing night after night. Especially for the younger crowd where social value of any kind is paramount, pregaming is a necessity.
The succubi do it all the time. Do each others hair, fantasize about being pedestalized, etc. They break through all cold and awkward shyness before hitting the scene, and so should we.
Besides correcting any faults in your initial appearance, beers with the bros and a few females for practice that you're going to ditch can do wonders for loosening the noose of doubt.
Get Alpha as fuck. Blast some hard beats or whatever makes you feel like a goddam killer and mentally prepare yourself for success. It's a placebo effect, sure, but it's taken from the play book of champions across all fields of competition.
That's the easy part to figure out. What I'd like is a few ideas as to some good rules of thumb to follow, such as making sure it doesn't get lame and yield a bad start, the optimal size and gender ratio of a group, etc.
Anyone with some experience with this, help me plan the perfect Pregame as a template for future endeavors.

The Art of Pregame?

In college me and my buddy used to split a handle of vodka and watch Family Guy and American Dad in my room before going down the blocks to the club. It used to take us maybe an hour or two before we would head out. By that time we were decently drunk and had a few laughs. I think that helps.

The Art of Pregame?

Any kind of pregame is good game. The ones I have found the most success is a couple of close friends and their girlfriends. I had a couple of super frat boy types as good friends in college, and their gf's would shit test all the time. It was great when we were all drinking because they would stir shit up and the dudes wouldn't give a shit. Nothing to lose in messing with them because I had no intention of ever sleeping with them.

I've had great success with any group 5>, all dudes or even ratio. Anything with a few drinks and just taking it easy is what's best for me.

The Art of Pregame?

The best pre-game is no pre-game. You should always be in a gaming mentality. It isn't a switch that you should turn on and off, it should be a part of your personality.

The Art of Pregame?

Game is a muscle, a social-emotional muscle.

If you work out everyday, it's easy to get to the gym and bust out your exercises with motivation. When you take a break, its hard as hell to get in the gym and the first several workouts is tedious and boring and you're thinking the whole time, "damn this is taking forever" while continuously checking the clock.

I've noticed the same thing with game. If I game for just 30-45 minutes on Wed, I'm more warmed up for Thurs, and good-to-go for Fri, then golden on Saturday. If I don't game Wed or Thurs, my Friday's gonna be a tough one and I might not even wanna go out Saturday.

Its a muscle you gotta keep working out and flexing, so that sense you "always" gotta be on.

But that's me getting older now - 30!

In college, you tend to roll more with your friends and get drunk with them and get that vibe goin on. So a lot depends what stage you're at in life. Where are you in life?

The Art of Pregame?

You bring up a good point. Before I got into all this I had no pregame besides a shower. Now I've started adding to it. I spend time listening to music to match my mood, i.e. party music to amp me up a bit or some Sinatra/ oldies to feel more alpha if I get dressed up (I know some think Don Draper, but I go Harvey from suits). My friends all meet me later on so I've gotten used to pregaming solo. I think I'll change this and see if it helps.

Chicago Tribe.

My podcast with H3ltrsk3ltr and Cobra.

Snowplow is uber deep cover as an alpha dark triad player red pill awoken gorilla minded narc cop. -Kaotic

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