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Plight of the Russian woman

Plight of the Russian woman

Prosal, is this you?

Seriously, I'd love (maybe too strong of a word) to be your shadow. You seem to have quite the life.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-13-2013 05:59 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Prosal, is this you?

Seriously, I'd love (maybe too strong of a word) to be your shadow. You seem to have quite the life.

I agree and am jealous....however the biggest question to me is how all these master players can travel to these countries for such long periods of time, wine and dine their chicks, sightsee and not run out of money, especially when they talk large Russian cities which are bloody expensive. I don't want to brag but I have a near six figure job, travel for short periods of time (usually under 2 weeks due to work commitments) and even that puts a big dent in my wallet where it takes months to re-cover financially and emotionally [Image: confused.gif] (developing short relationships with women but then having to break them as I always have to leave the country against my wishes due to job commitments).

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-13-2013 05:06 PM)Prosal Wrote:  

for the five weeks I stayed in Rio this year.

Sorry for the incoherence. In French 'this' and 'that' are the same word. I haven't been in Rio this year. I meaned "for the five weeks I've spent in Rio that year". Beyond one bottle of wine and a few rums, my english becomes lame.

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-13-2013 07:12 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2013 05:59 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Prosal, is this you?

Seriously, I'd love (maybe too strong of a word) to be your shadow. You seem to have quite the life.

I agree and am jealous....however the biggest question to me is how all these master players can travel to these countries for such long periods of time, wine and dine their chicks, sightsee and not run out of money, especially when they talk large Russian cities which are bloody expensive. I don't want to brag but I have a near six figure job, travel for short periods of time (usually under 2 weeks due to work commitments) and even that puts a big dent in my wallet where it takes months to re-cover financially and emotionally [Image: confused.gif] (developing short relationships with women but then having to break them as I always have to leave the country against my wishes due to job commitments).

Agreed. Being a player is hard on a man's wallet, but being an international playboy is insane once you count the plane tickets, lodging in nice locations, cabs, food + alcohol, cell phone, dates, sightseeing etc. Anyone who can pull it off has my respect.

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-13-2013 07:12 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

... it takes months to re-cover financially and emotionally [Image: confused.gif] (developing short relationships with women but then having to break them as I always have to leave the country against my wishes due to job commitments).

The great hitherto unspoken point, the emotional toll that traveling-player lifestyle puts on you at times. I know it's not Alpha to admit it and we like to make out that we are totally immune to emotions but if you love women and the company of attractive ( physical and emotional attractiveness ) then it can take a while to re-adjust when you return home. I've met so many women abroad that I'd have liked to have hung out with a lot longer but it wasn't possible due to time constraints and logistics. It can take me a month to get over a trip fully and re-adjust to life back home.

I have no idea how I will be when I fly home from Nice tomorrow morning. I've had such an immense time this last six weeks, met some great women, done some awesome things, had a real adventure that going back to the mundanity of my UK life and being surrounded by such uninspiring people again who don't travel and can't comprehend the lifestyle we all try to lead will be a downer. The only way around it for me is to immediately start planning the next trip so I have something to aim at.

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-14-2013 02:08 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2013 07:12 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

... it takes months to re-cover financially and emotionally [Image: confused.gif] (developing short relationships with women but then having to break them as I always have to leave the country against my wishes due to job commitments).

The great hitherto unspoken point, the emotional toll that traveling-player lifestyle puts on you at times. I know it's not Alpha to admit it and we like to make out that we are totally immune to emotions but if you love women and the company of attractive ( physical and emotional attractiveness ) then it can take a while to re-adjust when you return home. I've met so many women abroad that I'd have liked to have hung out with a lot longer but it wasn't possible due to time constraints and logistics. It can take me a month to get over a trip fully and re-adjust to life back home.

I have no idea how I will be when I fly home from Nice tomorrow morning. I've had such an immense time this last six weeks, met some great women, done some awesome things, had a real adventure that going back to the mundanity of my UK life and being surrounded by such uninspiring people again who don't travel and can't comprehend the lifestyle we all try to lead will be a downer. The only way around it for me is to immediately start planning the next trip so I have something to aim at.

I hear that man. I'm suffering from a bit of post-trip blues myself. When you are away, life is vivid, you are meeting people, doing things, dancing with girls who speak a language you can't, everything is fresh and exciting as well as challenging. Even rapping with the funny cab driver can be a memorable experience. Then you get back home and it's the same old shit and I feel like I don't know what to do with myself and feel uninspired. All I can think about right now is going somewhere else.

Plight of the Russian woman

Seems alot of the plAyers are not rich. They have jobs that they can do anywhere. Revenge of the nerds. A lot of guys in tech doing web design or programming live the life style. Met a bunch of them. They may only make half of what they did stateside but they able to live cheaply. Fsu is actually very very cheap if yOu stay long term. Often opportunities open up. A lot of accountants get jobs overseas. Like I said revenge of the nerds lol. But if you rent long term or own it is dirt cheap. I think my yearly expenses on my flat is 1000 bucks. The most expensive thing is probably being used by women. Seen most guys fall into that.
Other ways to live overseas:
Take job you can retire young. Met many retired military living it up. Technically I could go full time...so cops and fireman good route.
sAve, save save. Save a million ,invest it and live off 4% of net worth. The money last forever. Read investment books.

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-14-2013 06:27 AM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

Take job you can retire young.

Ha! You may be starting a new argument on that. The young-uns think our age is old so they need to live it up before they fall apart like we supposedly do. heh

It's all about the cashflow.

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-14-2013 02:08 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2013 07:12 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

... it takes months to re-cover financially and emotionally [Image: confused.gif] (developing short relationships with women but then having to break them as I always have to leave the country against my wishes due to job commitments).

The great hitherto unspoken point, the emotional toll that traveling-player lifestyle puts on you at times. I know it's not Alpha to admit it and we like to make out that we are totally immune to emotions but if you love women and the company of attractive ( physical and emotional attractiveness ) then it can take a while to re-adjust when you return home. I've met so many women abroad that I'd have liked to have hung out with a lot longer but it wasn't possible due to time constraints and logistics. It can take me a month to get over a trip fully and re-adjust to life back home.

I have no idea how I will be when I fly home from Nice tomorrow morning. I've had such an immense time this last six weeks, met some great women, done some awesome things, had a real adventure that going back to the mundanity of my UK life and being surrounded by such uninspiring people again who don't travel and can't comprehend the lifestyle we all try to lead will be a downer. The only way around it for me is to immediately start planning the next trip so I have something to aim at.

And another player I am jealous of speaks...Sounds like you had a blast Vorkuta!

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

Great RVF Comments | Where Evil Resides | How to upload, etc. | New Members Read This 1 | New Members Read This 2

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-14-2013 02:08 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2013 07:12 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

... it takes months to re-cover financially and emotionally [Image: confused.gif] (developing short relationships with women but then having to break them as I always have to leave the country against my wishes due to job commitments).

The great hitherto unspoken point, the emotional toll that traveling-player lifestyle puts on you at times. I know it's not Alpha to admit it and we like to make out that we are totally immune to emotions but if you love women and the company of attractive ( physical and emotional attractiveness ) then it can take a while to re-adjust when you return home. I've met so many women abroad that I'd have liked to have hung out with a lot longer but it wasn't possible due to time constraints and logistics. It can take me a month to get over a trip fully and re-adjust to life back home.

I have no idea how I will be when I fly home from Nice tomorrow morning. I've had such an immense time this last six weeks, met some great women, done some awesome things, had a real adventure that going back to the mundanity of my UK life and being surrounded by such uninspiring people again who don't travel and can't comprehend the lifestyle we all try to lead will be a downer. The only way around it for me is to immediately start planning the next trip so I have something to aim at.

The Plight of the International Playboy.

Needs a whole new thread...

"...it's the quiet cool...it's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-13-2013 07:12 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2013 05:59 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Prosal, is this you?

Seriously, I'd love (maybe too strong of a word) to be your shadow. You seem to have quite the life.

I agree and am jealous....however the biggest question to me is how all these master players can travel to these countries for such long periods of time, wine and dine their chicks, sightsee and not run out of money, especially when they talk large Russian cities which are bloody expensive. I don't want to brag but I have a near six figure job, travel for short periods of time (usually under 2 weeks due to work commitments) and even that puts a big dent in my wallet where it takes months to re-cover financially and emotionally [Image: confused.gif] (developing short relationships with women but then having to break them as I always have to leave the country against my wishes due to job commitments).

They usually inherit property or buy and sell property in eastern Europe.

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-14-2013 04:40 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

buy and sell property in eastern Europe.

The era when you could make money by buying and selling properties in EE are gone IMO, unless you find a "pre-bubble" market, as in Belarus where prices (currently, some 1 000 €/square meter for prime real estate in Minsk) will certainly skyrocket after the fall of Lukashenko's government..

The "post-bubble" markets (Riga, Vilnius, ect), where prices have dropped of 30 or 40% since the 2008 bubble, are interesting nonetheless. In Latvia a residence permit is even offered to purchasers of real estate with a price tag above the 150k € mark.

As a side note, I've seen the real estate prices in Romania being x 10 in ten years, to reach 5000 €/square meter nowadays for the best apartments in Bucarest. I also remember the era, not so long ago (2005) when top (by moldovian standarts) real estate in Chisinau was about 300 € per square meter - now prime new apartments cost up to 4000 € per square meter in the center.

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-15-2013 04:30 AM)Prosal Wrote:  

Hello, I'm Prosal and I just dropped a HUGE major gang of science all over this thread... Props, Brutha. +1

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-15-2013 04:30 AM)Prosal Wrote:  

Quote: (06-14-2013 04:40 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

buy and sell property in eastern Europe.

The era when you could make money by buying and selling properties in EE are gone IMO, unless you find a "pre-bubble" market, as in Belarus where prices (currently, some 1 000 €/square meter for prime real estate in Minsk) will certainly skyrocket after the fall of Lukashenko's government..

The "post-bubble" markets (Riga, Vilnius, ect), where prices have dropped of 30 or 40% since the 2008 bubble, are interesting nonetheless. In Latvia a residence permit is even offered to purchasers of real estate with a price tag above the 150k € mark.

As a side note, I've seen the real estate prices in Romania being x 10 in ten years, to reach 5000 €/square meter nowadays for the best apartments in Bucarest. I also remember the era, not so long ago (2005) when top (by moldovian standarts) real estate in Chisinau was about 300 € per square meter - now prime new apartments cost up to 4000 € per square meter in the center.

I have always felt Minsk was overpriced considering rents and wages there. I don't know the latest but when I investigated back in 2006 to 2008 prices were rising stupidly and were more expensive than many EE capitols. It made little sense and with no foreign mortgages I decided against. The other issue that stopped me buying there was only being able to visit 3 months of the year. Foreigners ( except Russians ) also have a problem buying there but I had a reliable way around that. I'm waiting for Lukashenko to fall ( or relax his policies ) and the market to open up so as to take advantage and make Minsk my semi permanent home ( I'll post more on that over the coming months ).

The most undervalued market right now in my opinion is Berlin and Budapest. You can get apartments in either city for under 50K Euro quite easily ( especially Budapest ). If Hungary was a Slavic speaking country I'd have bought there a few years back. You can buy new build studio apartments today for 30K Euro's in quite good areas ( not District V obviously ) of Budapest. Great city but I don't have the energy or inclination to deal with the language etc. and with Orban in charge who knows what will happen over there?

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-15-2013 06:48 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (06-15-2013 04:30 AM)Prosal Wrote:  

Quote: (06-14-2013 04:40 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

buy and sell property in eastern Europe.

The era when you could make money by buying and selling properties in EE are gone IMO, unless you find a "pre-bubble" market, as in Belarus where prices (currently, some 1 000 €/square meter for prime real estate in Minsk) will certainly skyrocket after the fall of Lukashenko's government..

The "post-bubble" markets (Riga, Vilnius, ect), where prices have dropped of 30 or 40% since the 2008 bubble, are interesting nonetheless. In Latvia a residence permit is even offered to purchasers of real estate with a price tag above the 150k € mark.

As a side note, I've seen the real estate prices in Romania being x 10 in ten years, to reach 5000 €/square meter nowadays for the best apartments in Bucarest. I also remember the era, not so long ago (2005) when top (by moldovian standarts) real estate in Chisinau was about 300 € per square meter - now prime new apartments cost up to 4000 € per square meter in the center.

I have always felt Minsk was overpriced considering rents and wages there. I don't know the latest but when I investigated back in 2006 to 2008 prices were rising stupidly and were more expensive than many EE capitols. It made little sense and with no foreign mortgages I decided against. The other issue that stopped me buying there was only being able to visit 3 months of the year. Foreigners ( except Russians ) also have a problem buying there but I had a reliable way around that. I'm waiting for Lukashenko to fall ( or relax his policies ) and the market to open up so as to take advantage and make Minsk my semi permanent home ( I'll post more on that over the coming months ).

The most undervalued market right now in my opinion is Berlin and Budapest. You can get apartments in either city for under 50K Euro quite easily ( especially Budapest ). If Hungary was a Slavic speaking country I'd have bought there a few years back. You can buy new build studio apartments today for 30K Euro's in quite good areas ( not District V obviously ) of Budapest. Great city but I don't have the energy or inclination to deal with the language etc. and with Orban in charge who knows what will happen over there?

It's really interesting that you can effectively buy some form of EU citizenship in the post bubble economies like Latvia. I know you can do the same thing in Spain and get a permanent resident visa if you buy property worth Euro 250K+ too. Bulgaria is similar (or you can just flat out invest $500k in Bulgarian sovereign bonds and get a passport and instant EU citizenship). So many options right now.

The problem I have with all this is that the PIIGS countries and even France are in serious issues with their finances, and the repercussions have yet to be felt. It will impact things across the board eventually - from healthcare to jobs to taxes to who qualifies for actual residency. I have a sneaking suspicion that the ones who will be asked to pony up more and more taxes first will be the property owners, especially foreign property owners. Sure everyone would rather live in a nicer climate like southern France or Spain, but you might not be able to afford the taxes or services there after awhile, and cheaper alternatives like Latvia or Bulgaria might end up being better (not to mention the women). And in Spain youth unemployment is massive, something like 50%, so it's not a rosy picture for the economy...can't imagine France or Italy are that much better. All those countries are literally pushing out the free enterprise entrepreneurs too with the incremental taxes and inability for employers to fire poor employees.

Check this out about big money people dumping Paris property due to increasingly high taxes:


The comment re Berlin being a great value is pretty dead on. I've been looking to buy property all over Europe for years now and Berlin has struck me as a place that adds real value. The climate isn't al that great, but it's Germany and you'll get top notch construction and a base for Poland or EE which is right next door. That said, Berlin is a pretty liberal place in terms of economics and my southern German friends are always complaining about it and how they have to support that part of Germany. So even there you could get taxed back into the Stone Age I guess.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Plight of the Russian woman

Interesting topic.

I have been looking for the 'next place' to invest for a long time. Here is a curve ball for you guys: Transdniester.

You can buy apartments there for $15,000 ( prices start under $10,000 for really shit ones ) in the capitol Tiraspol. You'd have to spend another $3000 to get it up to scratch and fully re-monted. Tiraspol is a backwater but IF they ever get independance ( unlikely ) or some kind of settlement to the dispute ( I'd say things are moving in that direction ) then prices will rise.

But let's put profit aside for a minute and allow me to indulge you for a minute: Tiraspol is a cool little city where the women are fucking hot! It's the cheapest place I have ever visited in Europe. Foreigners can stay long term and set up business there. So for not a lot of cash you could have your own apartment and for not a lot more you could set up some little lifestyle business like a beauty salon where you hire a couple of local hot young women to work for you. Let's say for an investment of $5000. You now have an instant life built up with a social circle from your salon's clients and female staff. You are fucking your 18 year old chief beautician obviously. Now there is not much money to be made in Tiraspol so you don't want to be there 12 months of the year in all probability, instead you fly in for month stints 3 or 4 times a year, check on your business,collect the small profit, fuck some women, party. You make contacts with the government and you get a Transdniestrian passport for $1000. You now have a bolt hole in the world where nobody can touch you should you ever do something stupid like have to pay alimony.

Just a thought.

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-17-2013 02:34 PM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Interesting topic.

I have been looking for the 'next place' to invest for a long time. Here is a curve ball for you guys: Transdniester.

You can buy apartments there for $15,000 ( prices start under $10,000 for really shit ones ) in the capitol Tiraspol. You'd have to spend another $3000 to get it up to scratch and fully re-monted. Tiraspol is a backwater but IF they ever get independance ( unlikely ) or some kind of settlement to the dispute ( I'd say things are moving in that direction ) then prices will rise.

But let's put profit aside for a minute and allow me to indulge you for a minute: Tiraspol is a cool little city where the women are fucking hot! It's the cheapest place I have ever visited in Europe. Foreigners can stay long term and set up business there. So for not a lot of cash you could have your own apartment and for not a lot more you could set up some little lifestyle business like a beauty salon where you hire a couple of local hot young women to work for you. Let's say for an investment of $5000. You now have an instant life built up with a social circle from your salon's clients and female staff. You are fucking your 18 year old chief beautician obviously. Now there is not much money to be made in Tiraspol so you don't want to be there 12 months of the year in all probability, instead you fly in for month stints 3 or 4 times a year, check on your business,collect the small profit, fuck some women, party. You make contacts with the government and you get a Transdniestrian passport for $1000. You now have a bolt hole in the world where nobody can touch you should you ever do something stupid like have to pay alimony.

Just a thought.

Wow sounds pretty interesting actually. When you say the women are 'hot' are they like in Moscow basically? (as in 'smoking hot' [Image: smile.gif])

Assume the climate is pretty good - you're also near Odessa and can make your way to Romania and Bulgaria pretty quickly.

I would worry about the corruption and what you really might be able to have title to and actually own. Seems like in a place such as this you really need a local angle. Could really perfect my Russian there too.

Very interesting idea...let's face it there's not going to be too many of these places left in the coming years. I already feel like I have to do extra work here with the Moscow ladies.

What about flights - who flies to this city? On the whole this sounds like it could be something like Minsk was awhile back or Moscow in the 90s.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-15-2013 06:48 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

The most undervalued market right now in my opinion is Berlin and Budapest. You can get apartments in either city for under 50K Euro quite easily ( especially Budapest ). If Hungary was a Slavic speaking country I'd have bought there a few years back. You can buy new build studio apartments today for 30K Euro's in quite good areas ( not District V obviously ) of Budapest. Great city but I don't have the energy or inclination to deal with the language etc. and with Orban in charge who knows what will happen over there?

Funny you would write this. I speak the language and just got the citizenship (hadn't bothered before but did it precisely as a preemptive measure against orban).
I'm thinking of buying a flat there, more as a way of protecting savings from a euro collapse. And also because I could pay it in 4 years and have something decent, whereas in Paris I'd have to go in debt for 20 years for something shitty.

My only problem with buying a flat in budapest is that I'm not sure the value will go up anytime soon. Population is on the decline, economy is not strong. If I need the money later, will I be able to sell it easily? Maybe I should use my cash to start a business instead. There's a reason why prices are so low in budapest, in fact many reasons. Rents are also pretty low there so if you plan on just staying there a few weeks per year you will be better off renting.

Also, things I read here show some people actually lack real world experience from what they are talking about. You can't just "own" a flat. There are always costs, like stuff to repair, if not in your flat then in the building and you have to pay. If you don't live in the flat and you are not renting it, you will lose significant amounts of money every year from it. Not to mention hassle and time. If you try to rent it, then you better be near or you will be taken advantage of, and might find the flat in a very bad state. This I say from experience.

Same for owning a business, especially in that part of the world. Thinking for a second that you can leave it on autopilot while you focus on other things and live in a different country seems very naive (but maybe you were not serious).

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-17-2013 03:07 PM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (06-17-2013 02:34 PM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Interesting topic.

I have been looking for the 'next place' to invest for a long time. Here is a curve ball for you guys: Transdniester.

You can buy apartments there for $15,000 ( prices start under $10,000 for really shit ones ) in the capitol Tiraspol. You'd have to spend another $3000 to get it up to scratch and fully re-monted. Tiraspol is a backwater but IF they ever get independance ( unlikely ) or some kind of settlement to the dispute ( I'd say things are moving in that direction ) then prices will rise.

But let's put profit aside for a minute and allow me to indulge you for a minute: Tiraspol is a cool little city where the women are fucking hot! It's the cheapest place I have ever visited in Europe. Foreigners can stay long term and set up business there. So for not a lot of cash you could have your own apartment and for not a lot more you could set up some little lifestyle business like a beauty salon where you hire a couple of local hot young women to work for you. Let's say for an investment of $5000. You now have an instant life built up with a social circle from your salon's clients and female staff. You are fucking your 18 year old chief beautician obviously. Now there is not much money to be made in Tiraspol so you don't want to be there 12 months of the year in all probability, instead you fly in for month stints 3 or 4 times a year, check on your business,collect the small profit, fuck some women, party. You make contacts with the government and you get a Transdniestrian passport for $1000. You now have a bolt hole in the world where nobody can touch you should you ever do something stupid like have to pay alimony.

Just a thought.

Wow sounds pretty interesting actually. When you say the women are 'hot' are they like in Moscow basically? (as in 'smoking hot' [Image: smile.gif])

Assume the climate is pretty good - you're also near Odessa and can make your way to Romania and Bulgaria pretty quickly.

I would worry about the corruption and what you really might be able to have title to and actually own. Seems like in a place such as this you really need a local angle. Could really perfect my Russian there too.

Very interesting idea...let's face it there's not going to be too many of these places left in the coming years. I already feel like I have to do extra work here with the Moscow ladies.

What about flights - who flies to this city? On the whole this sounds like it could be something like Minsk was awhile back or Moscow in the 90s.

Interesting..but for close in price there are cities in Ukraine you can buy cheaply.Ukraine gives more opportunity. My take on Tiraspol is i get hassled every time I enter.

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (06-17-2013 03:07 PM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (06-17-2013 02:34 PM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Interesting topic.

I have been looking for the 'next place' to invest for a long time. Here is a curve ball for you guys: Transdniester.

You can buy apartments there for $15,000 ( prices start under $10,000 for really shit ones ) in the capitol Tiraspol. You'd have to spend another $3000 to get it up to scratch and fully re-monted. Tiraspol is a backwater but IF they ever get independance ( unlikely ) or some kind of settlement to the dispute ( I'd say things are moving in that direction ) then prices will rise.

But let's put profit aside for a minute and allow me to indulge you for a minute: Tiraspol is a cool little city where the women are fucking hot! It's the cheapest place I have ever visited in Europe. Foreigners can stay long term and set up business there. So for not a lot of cash you could have your own apartment and for not a lot more you could set up some little lifestyle business like a beauty salon where you hire a couple of local hot young women to work for you. Let's say for an investment of $5000. You now have an instant life built up with a social circle from your salon's clients and female staff. You are fucking your 18 year old chief beautician obviously. Now there is not much money to be made in Tiraspol so you don't want to be there 12 months of the year in all probability, instead you fly in for month stints 3 or 4 times a year, check on your business,collect the small profit, fuck some women, party. You make contacts with the government and you get a Transdniestrian passport for $1000. You now have a bolt hole in the world where nobody can touch you should you ever do something stupid like have to pay alimony.

Just a thought.

Wow sounds pretty interesting actually. When you say the women are 'hot' are they like in Moscow basically? (as in 'smoking hot' [Image: smile.gif])

Assume the climate is pretty good - you're also near Odessa and can make your way to Romania and Bulgaria pretty quickly.

I would worry about the corruption and what you really might be able to have title to and actually own. Seems like in a place such as this you really need a local angle. Could really perfect my Russian there too.

Very interesting idea...let's face it there's not going to be too many of these places left in the coming years. I already feel like I have to do extra work here with the Moscow ladies.

What about flights - who flies to this city? On the whole this sounds like it could be something like Minsk was awhile back or Moscow in the 90s.

I'll answer your points as best I can:

The women are Slavic and very attractive, but are they up there with Moscow women? They have the potential to be but it's a small place so obviously not as many of them and they are poor so don't have access to the clothes etc. that Muscovite chicks have.

Corruption I have no idea about although I'm sure it's there but I don't think the government would be too interested in a cheap apartment. They have bigger fish to fry. Corruption can be your ally though if you want to bend the rules a little.

Here is a typical apartment for sale in Tiraspol. $12,000:

Nearest airports are Chisinau and Odessa. Both a short bus ride away.

Perfecting your Russian: that is my idea and why I am looking for a location. I have a place at a university in an FSU country but I have been told that private Russian teachers in Tiraspol cost a couple of dollars an hour ( I have not verified ) so I think I might head there instead. I think it would be a good adventure to learn Russian there.

I have been to Transdniester twice for quick visits but I'd like to explore it further. I have to go back to the Cote d'Azur on Sunday for a week to meet a girl but am thinking I might fly down to Moldova the following week for have a fortnight in Transdniester and see what opportunities are there in terms if biz and women and see if I can find a long term Russian teacher who is up to standard.

Plight of the Russian woman

^^^ keep us upadated re: PMR !!!

Plight of the Russian woman

Yes, I am reviving an old thread.

How hard is it for a Russian/Ukranian women to get a visa to the US? I am not seeking to bring anyone over. I am just super curious. I do miss Vorkuta's and Prosal's info. Hope they are doing well.

Quote: (06-13-2013 09:43 AM)Prosal Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2013 09:35 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I'm tempted to try something like this. I was out with a visiting Russian girl a few nights ago and she was telling me it's damn near impossible for an unmarried Russian women(or any FSU country) to get a travel visa to the USA. She had to employ all kinds of trickery to get hers.

Admittedly, it is difficult for a russian girl with a modest job to get an american visa, but not for a girl who have a good job. Most of the russian women I know could easily get (or already have) a visa for USA or UE. I've made a post about it last month.


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Plight of the Russian woman

You mean a visitor visa? A lot depends on her ties in Russia, her job, etc. The US Embassy wants to see that there is a good reason for her to return. It's not super hard I'd say based on my interactions with them.

Plight of the Russian woman

Quote: (10-24-2015 03:21 PM)Menace Wrote:  

The US Embassy wants to see that there is a good reason for her to return.

See, that´s the thing I just don´t get. Why would you want a young, attractive woman to return? On the contrary, girls like that should have less strict immigration requirements. The current system where immigration is based on education and skills obviously leads to an influx of men, as women in most countries are not yet as delusional to think that pursuing a career is more important than being pretty and feminine. This blatant flaw of the current policy needs to be fixed.
A healthy sex ratio (equal, or more women than men) is beneficial as it leads to a more peaceful and balanced society.
Governments should encourage that, instead of sacrificing a healthy social order for a slight increase in GDP.

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