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Plight of the Russian woman - Printable Version

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Plight of the Russian woman - speakeasy - 06-13-2013

While I don't want to say Russia is necessarily a great place to be a man due to the harsh conditions of life in Russia and low life-expectancy for men, when it comes to women these guys have no idea how spoiled they are. It sounds like the women there are great and just want supportive and non-abusive spouses. I don't get the impression they ask for much more than that. Nothing like what we have to put up with in the West. If these guys had to make do over here they'd commit suicide.


The dating prospects are so grim, in fact, that Shpakova and many other Russian women of her generation are consciously deciding to stay single. Moscow alone boasts more than 3 million single women between the ages of 25 and 50, out of a population of 11.1 million (that’s three times the number of single Muscovite men). In Russia as a whole, there are 11 million more women than men, due in part to a century of bloody revolutions, gulags, and wars that drained the country’s male population. Add to that the fact that male life expectancy is particularly grim in Russia—on average, 59 years, as opposed to a woman’s 73 years, the largest gap of any country in the world—and you’ve got a serious demographic imbalance.

Still, the numbers of single men and women in Russia are roughly equal: 17.6 million single ladies to 17.2 million single lads. “That means that Russian women simply have no interest in marrying Russian men,” says Irina Zhuravleva, the head of Russia’s census department at the Federal Statistics Service. A single woman herself, Zhuravleva says she “never had any interest in marrying a drunk, to later suffer the pain of divorce and splitting [of] real estate.”


Just recently, Russian women have begun to circumvent this traditional system by forming female networking events. At StartUp Women, a recent conference held in Moscow, hundreds of glamorous female entrepreneurs discussed how to take over consumer markets through online social networks. Most of these women admitted to being disillusioned by the way their career paths were blocked by male colleagues. In another part of the city, a group called Straight ‘A’ Students—a movement of politically active, mostly divorced mothers—brainstormed what a Russian brand of feminism might look like. “I spoke to Putin about our female movement,” founder Olga Kryshtanovskaya said. “He disliked the idea.”

[Image: lol.gif]


It’s unsurprising, then, that Russia is home to the world’s second-highest divorce rate—after Belarus—with 65 percent of marriages ending in a split. And while many Russian women still hold out hopes of finding a Prince Charming, they are also coming to terms with the weight of the demographic and cultural factors working against them. Some women, like Shpakova, have decided to date only non-Russian men. Others have resigned themselves to a life of singledom, rather than wrestle their boyfriends into the role of a modern, supportive partner. “Most [Russian men] have no clue how to communicate,” says 40-year-old Maria Shubina, a leading researcher at the Boris Yeltsin Foundation in Moscow. “Their parents had no tradition of sitting down and talking things over, either.” After watching several relationships with Russian boyfriends fall apart, Shubina realized that she needed to redefine her idea of happily ever after. “As a teen, I always thought I would be married by my early 20s” she says. “With age 40 approaching, I am ready to give up looking for the love of my life.”

In the case of Russian guys it sounds like these dudes DO need to man up and put down the vodka. They have decent women but are so drunk on their demographic privilege that they may force their women into abandoning them or turning to feminism.

Plight of the Russian woman - K-man - 06-13-2013

If you were an average russian dude you would have to struggle to get a good job, buy an apartment, a car, and make a decent living. If you were to try and start your own business, you would likely get crushed under the boot of Putin and his red tape. Then maybe you would take up drinking, too.
So don't envy them.

As for the women, Roosh has written at length how women are just women. They are molded by their environment, like water takes the shape of the vessel it is put in. But it's just the same plain old water.
So what if you went to Russia and got a decent girlfriend - will you take her with you to the US and watch her get spoiled by her new "well-wishing" girlfriends? Or will you move there and join the poor alcoholic Russian dudes in their struggle with life?

Plight of the Russian woman - cafedelmar - 06-13-2013

Spoiled is not the term I would use. In Eastern Europe we have a lot more women who behave like women should. And Moscow is not a great reference either, with the city being so loaded with money (imagine a 20 year old bimbo driving a pink, yes, pink Bentley to her university) attitudes are sky-rocketing and gold diggers are popping up like mushrooms after rain. Want to find yourself a decent gal (meaning for long term), don't go to big cities. Topic of "spoiled by American women" always reminds me of Eddie Murphy's skit "RAW" [Image: wink.gif]

Plight of the Russian woman - Alexander - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 01:45 AM)cafedelmar Wrote:  

Spoiled is not the term I would use. In Eastern Europe we have a lot more women who behave like women should. And Moscow is not a great reference either, with the city being so loaded with money (imagine a 20 year old bimbo driving a pink, yes, pink Bentley to her university) attitudes are sky-rocketing and gold diggers are popping up like mushrooms after rain. Want to find yourself a decent gal (meaning for long term), don't go to big cities. Topic of "spoiled by American women" always reminds me of Eddie Murphy's skit "RAW" [Image: wink.gif]

With all those single women, Moscow seems like a good place for Milf hunters(25+).

Plight of the Russian woman - Prosal - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 01:19 AM)K-man Wrote:  

As for the women, Roosh has written at length how women are just women. They are molded by their environment, like water takes the shape of the vessel it is put in. But it's just the same plain old water.

You are right, in many ways everywhere girls are girls, but there's fundamental cultural differences. That's why I personally love russian women. They put more emphasis on certain factors (especially intellectual and emotional) than other cultures do, at least in my experience.

Quote: (06-13-2013 01:19 AM)K-man Wrote:  

Or will you move there and join the poor alcoholic Russian dudes in their struggle with life?

About the "poor alcoholic dudes", let me remind you that MANY people have now a confortable life in Russia now and have access to the best their society has to offer.

Plight of the Russian woman - Prosal - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 01:45 AM)cafedelmar Wrote:  

And Moscow is not a great reference either, with the city being so loaded with money (imagine a 20 year old bimbo driving a pink, yes, pink Bentley to her university) attitudes are sky-rocketing and gold diggers are popping up like mushrooms after rain.

I disagree. As I already said, even in Moscow or Piter it's VERY easy to meet honest girls and women whose primary interest is not money ..... honest girls who prefer romantic quiet cafes to expensive restaurants, don't mind riding the metro, prefer to spend evenings at home fucking a guy they really like to be with instead of going out to glam money-obliterating clubs to show off to their friends, ect.

You are right, there is also many who are obsessed with outrageously expensive clothes, glamourous clubs, riding in style in the back of somebody's Porsche Cayenne, ect, but that is an international phenomenon. It is maybe just more extreme in Russia than in most places, probably due to Russia's history (70 years of privations that followed centuries of serfdom), the spectacular wealth of the "New Russians", and the propensity of russian men to be VERY prodigal with young women.

Also keep in mind that Moscow is SWARMING with 25-35 yo single or divorced successful female professionals with good jobs, a busy cultural and social life, who travel a lot, who make enough money to pay their bill, ect ect, and who feel that the one thing they miss out in life is romance and adventures. And they don't expect the relationship to last forever or to get a financial benefit from it, but just to enjoy the ride.

Plight of the Russian woman - Brodiaga - 06-13-2013

A Russian friend of mine who lives in London meets girls in Moscow and invites them to visit him in London. He seems to be doing ok. The problem is when they visit back to back. Not much time to clean out previous girl's hair from the apartment. I want to try something similar in NY.

Plight of the Russian woman - rudebwoy - 06-13-2013

Russia seems like the final frontier to me.
There is a reason Roosh is learning the language, I can't wait until that adventure begins.
I have a friend who went there for University and stayed for ten years, the stories and pics were incredible. The thing that blew my mind is that he met girl's who were okay with being the mistress.
Just think for one moment what the west would look like with a ratio of 3 to 1, women to men.

Plight of the Russian woman - Menace - 06-13-2013

Despite the supposed swarms of attractive Russian women who want a man, I dare say it is not trivial to hook up with them. Anyway, I'm going there this summer, so I will report back. Prosal, you say it's easy to meet them, how do you do it? Where/when/etc. I realize you have business contacts there, so you have built in social networking plus factors. I may have something of the sort as well, but not sure.

Plight of the Russian woman - speakeasy - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 07:52 AM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

A Russian friend of mine who lives in London meets girls in Moscow and invites them to visit him in London. He seems to be doing ok. The problem is when they visit back to back. Not much time to clean out previous girl's hair from the apartment. I want to try something similar in NY.

I'm tempted to try something like this. I was out with a visiting Russian girl a few nights ago and she was telling me it's damn near impossible for an unmarried Russian women(or any FSU country) to get a travel visa to the USA. She had to employ all kinds of trickery to get hers.

Plight of the Russian woman - Menace - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 09:35 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2013 07:52 AM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

A Russian friend of mine who lives in London meets girls in Moscow and invites them to visit him in London. He seems to be doing ok. The problem is when they visit back to back. Not much time to clean out previous girl's hair from the apartment. I want to try something similar in NY.

I'm tempted to try something like this. I was out with a visiting Russian girl a few nights ago and she was telling me it's damn near impossible for an unmarried Russian women(or any FSU country) to get a travel visa to the USA. She had to employ all kinds of trickery to get hers.

The US won't let in smart and beautiful women, but poor short fat dumb ones? No problem!

Plight of the Russian woman - Prosal - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 09:35 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I'm tempted to try something like this. I was out with a visiting Russian girl a few nights ago and she was telling me it's damn near impossible for an unmarried Russian women(or any FSU country) to get a travel visa to the USA. She had to employ all kinds of trickery to get hers.

Admittedly, it is difficult for a russian girl with a modest job to get an american visa, but not for a girl who have a good job. Most of the russian women I know could easily get (or already have) a visa for USA or UE. I've made a post about it last month.

Plight of the Russian woman - Prosal - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 09:16 AM)Menace Wrote:  

Anyway, I'm going there this summer, so I will report back. Prosal, you say it's easy to meet them, how do you do it? Where/when/etc.

IMO, best is to take first a subcribtion on a GOOD "East meets West" dating site. On your profile, write some things about yourself that include an interest in russian culture, it will boost your position. Also convey the message that you are sometimes in Russia (even if it's a lie, but that's what they want to hear). Then when you begin a witty conversation/banter, keep in mind that russian women are very often great conversationalists and are very often very witty and smart .... you also have to enter in Russian women psyche, they are fundamentally different, they are ridiculously passionate, romantic and emotional. Then visit her/meet her within a relatively short time after starting contact, they'll just lose interest if they don't see a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Personally, and even if I have been very very successful on dating sites, I nonetheless prefer gaming when I am on site (I mean when I am in FSU) ...... I think that relationship building on internet with a girl who can't travel is usually bound to lead to huge disappointment if your only goal is just 1-2 dates + 2-3 nights of sex, which isn't fair for the girl.

Plight of the Russian woman - Menace - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 10:21 AM)Prosal Wrote:  

IMO, best is to take first a subcribtion on a GOOD "East meets West" dating site. On your profile, write some things about yourself that include an interest in russian culture, it will boost your position. Also convey the

This part is easy for me because of my background. If you don't want to reveal any names of sites, could you PM me please? What if I speak fluent Russian, would you recommend a Russian-only site?


Personally, and even if I have been very very successful on dating sites, I nonetheless prefer gaming when I am on site (I mean when I am in FSU) ...... I think that relationship building on internet with a girl who can't travel is usually bound to lead to huge disappointment if your only goal is just 1-2 dates + sex, which isn't fair for the girl.

I understand and agree. However, I also have to take into account a) a realistic appraisal of my abilities to meet and close girls in person and b) the (unfortunately) short duration of my stay. I understand about it not being fair to the girl, and it almost goes without saying on this forum, but I can't really be too concerned about fairness with her. I'm not going to marry her no matter what, so better she suffer a little pain in the beginning than a lot of pain at the end.

Plight of the Russian woman - Prosal - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 10:28 AM)Menace Wrote:  

I understand about it not being fair to the girl, and it almost goes without saying on this forum, but I can't really be too concerned about fairness with her.

Well, in fact, you don't have to worry too much. Look at the profiles on dating sites. Not everybody is looking for love and long-term relationships. Casual sex is as common as ever in Russia.As I said, most women don't expect the relationship to last forever, but just to enjoy the ride. I have even had the WOMEN tell me to not take things so seriously was just sex. Most girls know exactly what they are getting into when dating and/or fucking foreigners. But if you are in a second-tier or third-tier city (that are a bit like fishbowls), be careful when you "serial date". Most Russian girls won't REALLY mind if you have other girlfriends particularly if they are in other cities .... but they don't like to be confronted with it on their own turf and they certainly don't enjoy public embarassment. We get to fly away, they have to live with those people.

Anyway all FSU junkies know that it's virtually impossible to stay faithful to one woman there. There is just too much temptation. Most EE/FSU vets and especially expats say the same to me.

That said, even if casual sex sex is common in FSU/EE, I must admit that lot of my girls in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Moldova, ect, were initially interested in something more, but I try to establish early on that only a casual relationship is possible.... most go for it anyway. Makes things easier in the long run. And the number that have regular boyfriends on the side and still fuck me is disturbing. Makes me wonder how common that kind of stuff is. Maybe an advantage being foreign in that aspect, taking the role of their sex toy or "exotic fuck friend" as they put it.

Plight of the Russian woman - Prosal - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 10:45 AM)Prosal Wrote:  

Look at the profiles on dating sites. Not everybody is looking for love and long-term relationships. Casual sex is as common as ever in Russia.As I said, most women don't expect the relationship to last forever, but just to enjoy the ride.

Just to say that even if a Russian woman says on her profile that she is looking for "a serious relationship", it must be taken with agrain of salt.

Plight of the Russian woman - Prosal - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 07:52 AM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

A Russian friend of mine who lives in London meets girls in Moscow and invites them to visit him in London. He seems to be doing ok. The problem is when they visit back to back. Not much time to clean out previous girl's hair from the apartment. I want to try something similar in NY.

Russian women love Paris above all (there is a russian saying that says "Uvidet Parizh i umeret" - "To see Paris and die" ... russians are suckers for french culture), but some enjoy London too.

I'm a fan of Gregori Leps BTW (who sings on the first video with Timati).

Plight of the Russian woman - Prosal - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 11:34 AM)Prosal Wrote:  

I'm a fan of Gregori Leps BTW (who sings on the first video with Timati).

BTW, being aware of THEIR culture wins you points and boosts your position.

And, when you are with a thirsty girl ) :

Plight of the Russian woman - WEDO - 06-13-2013

Must be more to it than that.

I personally know two Russian guys living in Colombia that swear they hate Russian women.

One of them is young and poor and he married a Colombian chick (whose sister I was dating) and they have a child. Originally came to Colombia on a work contract and never went back when his visa expired.

The other one is 40 or so... loaded...bought my apartment (in Cali) cash....and is in great shape...must workout everyday.

Personally I think Russian women are very attractive.....but I bang highly attractive chicks in Colombia everyday.

I think there should be a very private password protected part of the forum where only vetted members can see the photos so the more timid members about posting photos could show us what they are banging.

When I get my new apartment setup in Cali or Medellin (I haven't decided yet)....I'm thinking of renting some rooms out to Roosh forum members....any guy that can bang a chick that is hotter than than the one I banged will get a free night on me.
If we had a private photo forum we could let the forum decide who won. jajaja

Plight of the Russian woman - speakeasy - 06-13-2013

^^^ I haven't made it to Colombia yet but it's very high on my priority list. If you're pulling that heavy there in Medellin I'd love to see see you break out some data on your game and logistics for Colombia.

Plight of the Russian woman - Ben Akiba - 06-13-2013

Do any of you who bang real hotties everyday ever get to make them preggers? Isn't there an extra urge to mix genes with the beautiful?

Plight of the Russian woman - Prosal - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 12:20 PM)WEDO Wrote:  

but I bang highly attractive chicks in Colombia everyday.

Attractiveness isn't the only thing in a woman (and honestly Colombia can't be compared to Russia when it comes to female attractiveness). Russian women are the greatest women on the planet.They are beautiful, charming, classy, feminine to the max, learned, intelligent, cultured, passionate, emotionally generous, challenging, witty, indulgent with their man, fun loving, spontaneous, wild, unpredictable ...... ladies on the street and freaks in the bed. Besides, they are pretty easy... relatively speaking. Also they are very emotional people. Very emotional... much more so than Americans or most Europeans, who look at life in a logical fashion. Russians (not only women) tend to follow their almost childishly naive instinct. These emotions, combined with their belief in fate and tragedy make the women wonderful lovers... and quite easy to convince to follow the passion of the moment.

I love this quote of Dostoievski about Aglae Epantchine ("The Idiot"), that IMO sums well what is a Russian girl:

"..She is a person so determined and so unpredictable that it is impossible to describe her. All the generosities, all the most brilliant qualities of the heart and the soul, she owns them, but at the same time she is capricious, ironic and mocker - in one word, a true character of little demon ...."

Plight of the Russian woman - Arado - 06-13-2013

It's no longer the 1990's - many of these woman have travelled to Italy and Turkey, Europe, etc. They know the value of their beauty, and Moscow/St. Pete have plenty of money and foreigners. For white guys, it's not a layup.

All this talk about the ratios is not true - for the under 30 crowd, it's almost equal. And for the over 30 crowd, the women get haggard - this is the worst place to be a MILF hunter.

Plus Western game doesn't work here.

Anyway, the talent is here, but it's not that much higher than Poland, where everything is less hassle, Western game works, and people are nicer.

Just some words of caution.

Plight of the Russian woman - Ben Akiba - 06-13-2013

Quote: (06-13-2013 12:40 PM)Prosal Wrote:  

Russian women are the greatest women on the planet.They are beautiful, charming, classy, feminine to the max, learned, intelligent, cultured, passionate, emotionally generous, challenging, witty, indulgent with their man, fun loving, spontaneous, wild, unpredictable ...... ladies on the street and freaks in the bed. Besides, they are pretty easy... relatively speaking. Also they are very emotional people. Very emotional...

Emotion-wise they can't compare to latinas. And as for sex, they are nowhere near latinas either. Latinas bang the best.

Plight of the Russian woman - presidentcarter - 06-13-2013

I still plan on moving to Russia in August but am tempering my expectations. I know it's not the 90s anymore and I know it won't be the easy fuckfest that English Teacher X experienced. Hopefully there is still a crop of decent girls looking for a foreigner and not a sponsor.