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Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

It seems that lots of people are upset that homosexuality is becoming more accepted in the United States. They seem upset that images of gay people kissing are on TV, hell, even on family tv. I believe someone here even said "kids don't need to see that shit."

The question is, why?

Do you think that watching TV shows with gay people will make you turn gay? Will it make kids grow up gay?

Do you think that our sexuality is so fluid that simply seeing gay people, along with many many straight people on TV, is enough to drive otherwise straight people gay?

I never understood this repulsion to homosexuality.

Is it just an "ick" type reaction, similar to how a girl acts when she sees a spider?

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Already lots of gay threads...

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

I have no problem with gay people, but it annoys me that despite being a small % of the population gays/lesbians and especially trannies are huge parts of shows and its shoved down your throat like real life is a gay bar where 69% of people are gay and you're just a bad person for not acknowledging them.
The media just uses gay people to 'liven' up their shows by portraying them as either flaming and flamboyant or struggling to come to terms with it. They're not portrayed as regular people, but a plot device to get more views.

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Like breathing and sleeping, our sexual preferences are a pretty primal part of our hard-wiring and brain function.

BUT...the extent to which gayness is accepted by a society (in the West gayness is definitely accepted...actually 'celebrated' is a more appropriate term) will have a bearing on how many of them will come out and identify as gay. In China I met one person who identified as gay, in North America EVERYBODY has a gay friend/co-worker/family member.

I think that, in men at least, sexual preferences are pretty much set in stone; you like girls then you're straight, you like guys then you're gay, you like both then you're also gay (though women are a little more fluid - but this could also be a by product of how mainstream homosexuality has become).

Quote: (05-29-2013 10:07 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

I have no problem with gay people, but it annoys me that despite being a small % of the population gays/lesbians and especially trannies are huge parts of shows and its shoved down your throat like real life is a gay bar where 69% of people are gay and you're just a bad person for not acknowledging them.
The media just uses gay people to 'liven' up their shows by portraying them as either flaming and flamboyant or struggling to come to terms with it. They're not portrayed as regular people, but a plot device to get more views.

I'd definitely like to see the whole love affair our cultural establishments and media have with gayness muted by about 1000%...are the gays such an important demographic that even though they make up 3-4% of the population (the most common estimate I could come across on search, though I have heard as high as 7-8% before) that everything needs to be gay friendly? I get that gay men have historically been trendsetters, but come on, I and every one else on this planet is aware that there are gay people out there; they don't need to constantly remind us of this by having them represented heavily in every single medium available.

Pretty much every single gay person I've ever met has been a typical, even-keeled, functional person with just a few small differences in how they walk, talk and act in public. I knew ONE flamer in high school and he was intolerable (but all the girls loved him).

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

73-76 percent of the US population identifies as Christian. Christianity accepts homosexuals/ same sex attraction so long as homosexuals live a life of chastity and ***do not act on their impulses***.

Christians teach their kids that homosexuality is wrong when acted out through sexual impulses. So when daddy teaches one thing, yet society blasts the image of it being normal, daddy is going to appear hypocritical and undermined. Society is deconstructing the family and the honorable position of being a father.

Does that answer your question?

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

"Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay? "

Yes, I do. The same way depictions of heterosexual sex will make people more tempted to have casual sex.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

I think male:female population ratios, access to various chemical lobotomy substances, fatherless households, and the vilification of male sexuality are all increasing incidence of homosexual behavior.

TV, not so much.

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

If you "caught" gay from being exposed to gay shit, then I'm willing to bet a kidney & my left nut that you were already gay.
Fuck it...if you THINK you can "catch" gay, then you probably already are having fantasies of testing your gag-reflex on some tube-steak.

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

The problem with homosexuality being depicted on TV is that it teaches boys that being submissive to another man and behaving in a feminine/histrionic manner is OK.

Kids don't need to see that shit not because being attracted to or having sex with another man is wrong, but because it will make people act like faggots for attention. The goal is not to increase homosexual acceptance, but instead destroy the honor culture of masculinity.

A good example of this happened to me a few years ago; I was at a split-level house rave party, where there was a basement with badass strobe lights, fog machines, and techno, and the upstairs was an open bar packed to the gills with underage highschool sluts trying to get drunk on mixed drinks. It started out with just me, three friends (all dudes), and the host - but as the night went on the ratio steadily got worse and worse until it was 50/50.

The cops showed up and made us shut our music off, but five other dudes and I ended up sitting in the living room playing cards at midnight with four remaining girls. All the guys were sort of flirting with the girls, and the girls were getting tipsy and flirting back. It was high school and relationships happened so fast (a month felt longer back then) that sluts weren't really a thing, it was more like serial monogamy. I thought my chances were not bad, my leadership positions in a few clubs and senior status were not without groupies. I knew everybody at the party at least in passing and was great friends with the host since kindergarten so I thought everything was on lock, just ease back, drink a little, relax, chat with blondie, and hopefully get laid later.

Out of nowhere the only guy I didn't know well, a faggy-looking hispanic dipshit with an emo haircut and a lip piercing started visibly brooding at the table in front of everybody, leaning forward and staring at his knees. "Hey man, you OK?" - No response. He hadn't been drinking because of his depression meds so we all figured he was just being a bitch. After ten minutes of ignoring everybody he starts theatrically crying out of nowhere, completely destroys the vibe of the party, and starts bawling about how his daddy didn't love him or his mommy didn't pay him enough attention as a kid, or Larry didn't return his text from twenty seconds earlier and all of a sudden all four girls were on his nuts telling him everything was going to be OK, he has to stay strong, just let it all out, Larry will text him back. Fuck.

It didn't matter that I had no game and was not doing a great job with blondie, that fucker flagrantly dishonored man code and ruined all of our chances. He literally pulled a bitch move for attention. The worst part was that I learned that this guy was gayer than Elton John, so he nuked our chances for no reason and absolutely nobody got laid. He cockblocked everybody to get reassured by bitches he didn't even want to have sex with.
Every now and then I wish me and my friends pummelled the shit out of him instead of just driving home pissed off.

End rant, hell it's been four years and I'm still mad about this.

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

I think the widespread homosexual behavior in ancient Greece and Rome is proof that it's fluid. Modern American prisons are another example. Sure, you may have an inborn preference, but that can be overridden.

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

I was in the navy and im pretty sure im gayer coming out than i was coming in no pun intended.

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Quote: (05-30-2013 12:29 AM)Mon Wrote:  

If you "caught" gay from being exposed to gay shit, then I'm willing to bet a kidney & my left nut that you were already gay.
Fuck it...if you THINK you can "catch" gay, then you probably already are having fantasies of testing your gag-reflex on some tube-steak.

[Image: troll.gif]

Do you really think children cannot have their sexual preferences conditioned?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Quote: (05-29-2013 10:54 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

Like breathing and sleeping, our sexual preferences are a pretty primal part of our hard-wiring and brain function.

I thought that too, until I read something the other day which I then posted in the Forum Lounge:

Quote: (05-29-2013 04:12 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

Interesting study saying Homosexuality isn't genetic and is caused by events during life:

However, how does it explain what causes it in animals?

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

I'm the only guy in my family (3 older sisters) but does that make me more feminine than most guys who were in a family of pure guys? Probably haha, but if I had 3 older brothers and they were all gay I DOUBT that it would change my views or skew them into homosexual tendencies.

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

I believe that real homosexuals are rare but born that way and have no choice in the matter, but I also believe that bisexuality in men is situational and can be influenced by culture (as in the case of Ancient Greece) or due to scarcity of females (such as in prisons).

The homosexual relationships of Helenistic Greece were either pederast mentor relationships between boys and men, or secretive ones between peers. To the Greeks, being a bottom in a gay relationship was something to be associated with childishness or femininity. Something you should put behind you when you became a man. You also see this same sort of pederast relationship between men and boys in many Arab cultures.

I also think that most females have the potential for bisexual behavior because attraction between women is primarily mental, as we know here.

This may all come from evolved responses to social pressures in a tribal society. In those tribes where only the established alphas get to breed with women, upcoming alphas and betas have to resort to fucking each other to release sexual frustration. Women on the other hand may have more bisexual tendencies among an alpha's harem, bringing them closer together and releasing their own sexual needs when they can't all fuck their man. Of course, there are the schemer males who would try to screw the leader's women on the side, but that's a risky play.

Gay men and lesbians in this scenario would probably be rather rare, but science is finding a lot of evidence that they are wired that way genetically and may have served an evolutionary purpose as nannies to breeding family members.

Of course this all may just be bullshit and post hoc reasoning. There's really no way to test it for sure, but all we have is the evidence that surrounds us in the modern world.

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Maybe slightly, but just visual experience should be a tiny factor compared to actual environment (say, prison or monastery) or previous experiences with girls (i.e. if girls are easy and pleasant or nasty and produce men who haven't been laid for 20 years).

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Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Of course not.

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Samseau and Teedub are the only ones who got it.

There is a reason why gay propaganda is prohibited in Russia.

Children are vulnerable to suggestions, hammer it into their heads that this is the cool thing to do/be (like schools and media currently do) and you can fully expect kids to emulate said behaviors.

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Quote: (05-30-2013 04:05 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (05-30-2013 12:29 AM)Mon Wrote:  

If you "caught" gay from being exposed to gay shit, then I'm willing to bet a kidney & my left nut that you were already gay.
Fuck it...if you THINK you can "catch" gay, then you probably already are having fantasies of testing your gag-reflex on some tube-steak.

[Image: troll.gif]

Do you really think children cannot have their sexual preferences conditioned?

No, not for most boys and not as far as homosexual preferences, anyway. There may be some small segment of bisexual men whose preferences are malleable, but for most it's almost certainly some combination of genetic and prenatal development conditions that determine innate sexual preferences.

Many social norms can be conditioned. Most males can become aroused for reasons other than female influence (morning wood, silk boxers, etc.) and while aroused, many could probably condition themselves to sodomize other males even if it wasn't the males themselves that caused them to be aroused in the first place. That's homosexual behavior but he would still be a straight man.

But the kind of conditioning I'm talking about would require far more than a few idiotic TV shows with gay characters. Sexual desire is a primal instinct and cannot be casually changed.

A wolf can be conditioned to live with humans. But it will always be a wolf. It'll have instincts that no amount of socialization will change. Similarly, with extreme conditioning you can change sexual behaviors, but short of drugs or similar physiological modification you can't change the primal desires.

I realize I'm begging the question somewhat but virtually all scientific literature I have encountered seems to agree that homosexuality is a biological difference.

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Here's a great reason why homosexuality needs to remain a fringe lifestyle and not embraced by social norms:

It's just bad for public health.

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Quote: (05-30-2013 08:32 AM)Clash1e Wrote:  

Samseau and Teedub are the only ones who got it.

There is a reason why gay propaganda is prohibited in Russia.

Children are vulnerable to suggestions, hammer it into their heads that this is the cool thing to do/be (like schools and media currently do) and you can fully expect kids to emulate said behaviors.

I think biology perhaps plays a part, because homosexuality occurs in hedgehogs, whales, all sorts really. However, all the gay people I know have had some level of difficulty when growing up. Lack of a father figure etc. Some of that difficulty some of them have had may have been a result of being gay as a child or something though, that's why they were outsiders or whatever, but they didn't know why at the time. They just knew they were different perhaps.

I don't know. Like I said, I think biology may play a part, but that study I posted made me question that. I certainly think that the level of gay worship we encourage as a society is unhealthy, as are most of the 'progressive' things we have in the West.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

"Children are vulnerable to suggestions, hammer it into their heads that this is the cool thing to do/be (like schools and media currently do) and you can fully expect kids to emulate said behaviors. "

I think that the current outlook where people keep wanting to support LGBT rights at a younger age at school and in the media does have an effect on some children. Look at that boy on YT that had the twerk video, he hasn't even reached puberty but is "gay". Heck now a days you will see probably one gay kid in a class of 30 at the local school, a lot of it IMO is due to attention because gays get the most female friends.

I don't have a problem with any LGBTs as I think a % of the cases are due to how the brain is hardwired, but I do dislike the constant attention it gets even if really it shouldn't be such an issue, along with the pandering it gets as its the major social "issue" for youth and younger people today.

Personal story time, when I was in the 8th grade, some gay kid tried to get my attention by touching me, I shove him down and told him to gtfo, and was suspended for a "hateful and discriminatory bullying". Fucking stupid, not to mention the other kids thought I was a homophobe from that point on.

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Quote: (05-30-2013 09:11 AM)Emancipator Wrote:  

Personal story time, when I was in the 8th grade, some gay kid tried to get my attention by touching me, I shove him down and told him to gtfo, and was suspended for a "hateful and discriminatory bullying". Fucking stupid, not to mention the other kids thought I was a homophobe from that point on.

Incredible. That would have never happened in the 90's. Fags were always ridiculed.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

The science on this subject confirms what we all instinctively know: male sexuality is fixed by the time you're 15, but female sexuality is more fluid. See link below.

Therefore, to answer your question, exposure to gay characters and the like has no effect on straight guys, but does on women -- as can be seen in the huge rise in bisexuality amongst females since around 1990. This is why feminists and their media lackeys push lesbianism. I hate to sound like a fundie, but for them it is a way to "recruit."

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Quote: (05-30-2013 03:12 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

The science on this subject confirms what we all instinctively know: male sexuality is fixed by the time you're 15, but female sexuality is more fluid. See link below.

Therefore, to answer your question, exposure to gay characters and the like has no effect on straight guys, but does on women -- as can be seen in the huge rise in bisexuality amongst females since around 1990. This is why feminists and their media lackeys push lesbianism. I hate to sound like a fundie, but for them it is a way to "recruit."

So what about kids who are under 15?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

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