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Beta and White Knight Thread

Beta and White Knight Thread

Betas standing around the only hot girl at the club like:

[Image: QuQZooR.gif]

Beta and White Knight Thread

Apparently there is one particular subreddit about a boy being obsessed about a girl...

[Image: vZWLIA5.gif]

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (05-01-2017 09:55 AM)loremipsum Wrote:  

Apparently there is one particular subreddit about a boy being obsessed about a girl...

[Image: vZWLIA5.gif]

Some of his comments, guy is pure train wreck.


That's only half right. I am desperate for love, but I won't have a relationship with any woman. I could set up a dating profile right now, or perhaps I can just ask out my classmates, I am an awkward werido but I think they'd be proud to have a tall and masculine guy to be their boyfriend. Right, I am tall, I am masculine. I should be dating women. I really should.


I have been watching gay stuff again. I had to do it. I was very very depressed and I nearly wanted to cry again. I watched and I started feeling better, I can't let myself be unhappy again. I should just start doing my homework. Work can distract me from thinking, but I have no idea how to start writing the 2000 word essay

I am sorry I have no idea what I am rambling on about. I wanted to write a post to ask how to distract myself from depressing thoughts. But people will call me drama whore again so I used my own ways to deal with it. What I did made me a little happier but it doesn't last. I will try doing my homework to distract myself.


Will she be with me? Will she even say anything to me? She has her own life, she is not my therapist. Could I pay her to ask her to talk to me for a while? So ridiculous right? But I cannot do this by myself. I can't even do my homework. I am just so broken. If she was willing to say something to me, maybe I'd get better. But she wouldn't talk to me. She is a person that I can only meet in my dreams.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Basically he is a gay transgender asian with bipolar who stalks and writes daily about this girl who he has a crush on, because that girl once said Hi to him and this way he can feel straight and get parents approval.

Oh, and the girl has herself said that the guy is creepy and shouldnt approach her but this guy hamsters it so that she discreetly loves him. You cant make this up.

Beta and White Knight Thread

I recently figured out the formula for avoiding all of this desperation nonsense :

Be in control of your sex drive
Go somewhere where you'll have an abundance of female validation
Be in control of your instinct to protect and provide for females

Years ago a girl broke up with me and I cried for lord knows how long (day after day - it embarrassed my friends and even I was annoyed by it). It was so painful. Looking back, I know that it was more to do with feeling like I didn't have options, than the girl herself. The girl had more red flags than China but she was all I had in terms of female validation. And I was really hurt. That's how bad the effect of not having options is.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (05-01-2017 10:06 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Some of his comments, guy is pure train wreck.[/b]


That's only half right. I am desperate for love, but I won't have a relationship with any woman. I could set up a dating profile right now, or perhaps I can just ask out my classmates, I am an awkward werido but I think they'd be proud to have a tall and masculine guy to be their boyfriend. Right, I am tall, I am masculine. I should be dating women. I really should.


I have been watching gay stuff again. I had to do it. I was very very depressed and I nearly wanted to cry again. I watched and I started feeling better, I can't let myself be unhappy again. I should just start doing my homework. Work can distract me from thinking, but I have no idea how to start writing the 2000 word essay

I am sorry I have no idea what I am rambling on about. I wanted to write a post to ask how to distract myself from depressing thoughts. But people will call me drama whore again so I used my own ways to deal with it. What I did made me a little happier but it doesn't last. I will try doing my homework to distract myself.


Will she be with me? Will she even say anything to me? She has her own life, she is not my therapist. Could I pay her to ask her to talk to me for a while? So ridiculous right? But I cannot do this by myself. I can't even do my homework. I am just so broken. If she was willing to say something to me, maybe I'd get better. But she wouldn't talk to me. She is a person that I can only meet in my dreams.

I thought I was going through a rough patch (non-girl related), but shit....this made me feel a bit better about my outlook on life.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (04-28-2017 08:35 PM)YoungBlade Wrote:  

At first I was filled with pity and terror; pity for the fathers of these failed men, and terror that my own sons might turn out like that.

Then I remembered that I'm awesome, my wife is going to be awesome, and our kids are going to be awesome thanks to their awesome parents. And as for the fathers of these boys, well - the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (04-20-2017 12:56 AM)Transsimian Wrote:  

I've been making good progress, I think? I want to share it with you.
I was at a coffee shop the other day, and the girl next to me is reading Jacques Ranciere. He's a philosopher who's affiliated with other philosophers I like, but I don't know enough about him that I would be able to uphold a decent conversation about him. And she is busy. I mean, really busy. She is underlining and highlighting the bejeezus out of this book. Her eyes are moving line to line like she was prepared for a snake to jump out at her. Homegirl is on a mission. No doubt she's very smart, and very committed to learning about Ranciere has to say. She's most likely in college or grad school I imagine.

So what do I do? What am I proud of?

I decide not to talk to her. Why? Because she's busy. That was a really hard thing for me to do, because I have a long history of attempting to get a girl's attention based on mutual interests, and hoping that it somehow turns into an opportunity for sex or dating. I've been doing this uncomfortable charade since middle school, where I was lonely and desperate to be seen with people that I grasped at straws in conversations with people, and the result were predictable. The conversations were never good, and they never wanted me around because I wasn't even relevant to what they wanted or needed in life. Homegirl was busy analyzing the crap out of this thinker. I figured she wouldn't want a lukewarm conversation about other thinkers, or have a lukewarm conversation about how she looked like she was having fun analyzing the crap out of this thinker. Just let her be.

I don't know, did I do good?

Found on Reddit

Highlighting mine.

Here's some responses from people in that thread, mostly from women:


Woman here - I simply like that you respected her enough to think about what her feelings would be. Empathy is really attractive [Image: smile.gif]

Translation: Empathy is men I already find attractive. Which isn't you.


Sounds like you did the right thing. And if you see this girl in the coffee shop again, maybe in line, you can talk to her and mention how you saw her reading before... could be the best of both worlds!



You did good. If you'd struck up a conversation she'd have been distracted the whole time she was studying.
No one, male or female, wants to be interrupted when they're in the zone.

Translation: Since you're posting this and obviously an awkward dork, you totally did the right thing by staying in your incel lane and not disturbing her which is tantamount to sexual harassment. Also rape.


fistbump you did good. Somebody that focussed doesnt need interruptions from anybody, regardless of gender dynamics. Also, A+ introspection sir!

Translation: Good job on knowing your limitations! In your case, limiting yourself to only observing an attractive female and keeping your distance! Good boy!


Wanna chime in that you did the right thing, for the right reasons (i would had ripped you to shreds in her place)

I have no doubt this woman leads a happy and fulfilling life, is under 120 lbs, and totally doesn't have tattoos / piercings and is sporting her natural hair color.


lol, honestly I think so. One, it's a big maturation of a social model that makes sure to put women's respect at the top.
Two, it eventually gets rid of a lot of noise in your head. Some day it'll be a similar situation but there will be a damn good reason to talk to her and you'll actually recognize that and understand it and react emotionally to the situation and context.
Three, the conversation may have been very good, and that's okay. Reclaiming the power to pass up chances is important. It's about doing the right thing, not hypothetical outcomes.

Translation: "Yeah , you know that pesky noise in your head, nagging you for those little things like self respect, ambition, and a desire to express your masculinity and virility? It's so much better when you betas just learn to give up hope! and accept you're pathetic role in this world! Teehee"


You did good. If only others were like you

Translation: If only all betas knew their place.


You did. To me, the key thing is that you consciously decided what the best course of action would be, and you took it. That's some great self-awareness.

Translation: stay aware to the fact you'll always be a pathetic loser. It really makes things easier on us girls!


talks about how he should platonically tell her he knows a lot about what shes reading

The important part for you is to walk away with no expectations. You are literally, 100% just being friendly and helpful. That's it. Nothing else.

Then some guy pops in to basically say he should talk to her and is met with this reaction:


Or... you could learn from all the women here agreeing with OP that he did the right thing.
Honestly, the way you described your intrusion, I'd be livid.
Maybe you don't understand how often this happens. Guys I know, assume that I need their help with my work. I have more experience with my studies, then they do. Most of these blokes are 'self taught'. They once read an abridged version and therefore their grasp is much better than mine. A full time student with access to actual experts and teachers.
It boils my blood. I think your behaviour is intrusive, demeaning and patronising. And I'm trying to tell you something. Are you listening?

As if this needs more translating from hamstereese to english...

Edit: I forgot about this exchange. So a guy comments saying he should have 'handed her a note' rather than verbally talk to her. So someone with their head screwed on halfway right replied saying "wouldn't that be even more awkward"? And the female commenter replied with:


Depends on the woman but I'd personally prefer it to him talking to me. He can leave his number and I cam easily just chunk it if I want.

Lol! Women would prefer ANYTHING other than have a beta male approach them.

Also, the very nature of that thread and the OP's position of "I'm getting better...i'm learning to accept that I'm pathetic and don't deserve shit in life! Please praise me!" is the very definition of the Cuck Mindset. That you are inadequate, and should be recognized as such, and offered a little rabbit pellet for knowing your pathetic place as a pathetic excuse for a male.

[Image: puke.gif]

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (05-01-2017 03:11 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  


Perfect example of why this board is great.

If Creepy McBeta approaches her, all of the advice offered by these ladies applies. It is intrusive, it is interrupting, and a written note with a smiley face won't make them feel like they're about to be raped - furthermore they can happily throw it out later after bragging to their friends about the Nice Guy who found them attractive.

Everything changes when Brad Pitt/Tony Danza/Handsome McAlpha approaches and says, "I couldn't help noticing you reading Sartre - I wrote my thesis on Nietzsche, but never had the chance to delve as deep into Sartre as I would have liked. Do you mind if I ask what sort of paper you're writing?"

The interesting thing to note is that none of these women are consciously lying to him. Ask a woman - any woman - about being approached by a stranger (a strange guy) and she immediately leaps to a mental image of all the unwanted attention she receives on a daily basis. When a Beta (or worse) approaches in such an aggressive manner it creeps her out.

But when a good-looking, self-confident guy approaches, she's eager to speak to him... but that's not what she thinks of when you ask her for advice. If you're asking a woman, after all, she's already relegated you to the Non Sexual Zone - whether it be friend zone, the "Loser on Reddit" zone, the "He's my blood relative and I'm not a Democrat" zone, or whatever.

And let's be honest: if you're performing an activity in public, you're generally asking to be interrupted. Heck, I'll go to the coffee shop or bar to get some work done at times, and I'll be jotting down notes while reading something godawful like Leviathan. I'm out of the house because I'm feeling the need for human company, and generally speaking I'm open to anybody interrupting me for conversation.

The sad thing is that people are so socially autistic that they no longer know how to talk to strangers. Sad!

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (05-01-2017 04:13 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (05-01-2017 03:11 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  


The sad thing is that people are so socially autistic that they no longer know how to talk to strangers. Sad!

And its only going to get worse.
Genderless schools, smartphones and games replacing physical meetings, high estrogen food, 10000 pronouns etc.
I would not be surprised if most of communication would be done via some autistic VR type chatting instead of f2f talking in 10 years.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (03-10-2017 12:16 PM)SirTimothy Wrote:  

Doesn't get much worse than this!

Woman stars in over 100 porn films
Has three bastard children
Gets wifed up by a pastor 7 years younger than her
She becomes a "co-pastor" as well

[Image: tard.gif]

Here's a pic of the couple:
[Image: 3E10F76600000578-4292820-image-m-66_1488968640433.jpg]

See her eyes? that is the thousands cocks stare.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Thirst on a new level. Could setup a fake profile tho, any legalities on this?

[Image: 54c.png]

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (06-06-2017 03:28 PM)JayD Wrote:  

Thirst on a new level. Could setup a fake profile tho, any legalities on this?

[Image: 54c.png]

Damn!, I'm bitching about Bogotá levels of thirst and I come across with this, man, this is too far out.

Beta and White Knight Thread

I don't know if this is supposed to be joke or not, but either way I had to laugh [Image: lol.gif]

[Image: attachment.jpg36993]   

Beta and White Knight Thread

I first I thought that Tinder girl was a scam but she actually exists. Some pro slutwhore "you go girl" website did an article on her.

"Meet 20-year-old genius Maggie Archer, a student at Missouri Western State University."

I won't link to them.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Beta and White Knight Thread

[Image: facepalm.png]

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

Beta and White Knight Thread

YoungBlade's HEMA Datasheet
Tabletop Role-playing Games
Barefoot walking (earthing) datasheet
Occult/Wicca/Pagan Girls Datasheet

Havamal 77

Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
I know only one thing
that never dies:
the reputation of the one who's died.

Beta and White Knight Thread

FB always good for top level cuckery

[Image: OG_zpsmixhiqym.png]


[Image: betacuck2_zpsdaehxjdv.png]

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Beta and White Knight Thread

YoungBlade's HEMA Datasheet
Tabletop Role-playing Games
Barefoot walking (earthing) datasheet
Occult/Wicca/Pagan Girls Datasheet

Havamal 77

Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
I know only one thing
that never dies:
the reputation of the one who's died.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-02-2017 06:18 AM)YoungBlade Wrote:  

That might be the saddest thing I've ever seen related to the friend zone.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (02-15-2017 01:38 PM)davyjose Wrote:


Hello from the other side! Boyfriends of Instagram page shares photos of men 'forced' to shoot the PERFECT social media snap of their girlfriends

-'Boyfriends of Instagram' shares hilarious photos of men going the extra mile
-Partners are snapped taking social media pictures for their other halves
-Men are pictured going to extra mile to get the perfect Instagram picture

It takes a lot of work to nail the perfect Instagram photo.

But these men know it better than some, going the extra mile to get the money shot for their other halves.

The 'Boyfriends of Instagram' page shares hilarious images of partners crouching, climbing and even laying on the ground in a bid to bag the perfect snap.

[Image: 3D2E910D00000578-4221856-image-a-61_1487043625445.jpg]

Sickening level of simping here. I don't really have much words for this bullshit, but it seems there isn't any depth the modern chump isn't prepared to plumb in order to keep feeding the beast that is the attention whoring capacity of the Average Western Female.

The 4th one down (also above) is pathetic beyond words - instead of being in the hot tub Dan Bilzarian style he's teetering on the edge like some $15 dollar an hour gobshite hired hand.

Is this some sort of new thing from simps? or a new trend among some men? I have notice when looking at pictures of some celebrities this same thing.

Guys taking their wives and girlfriends to some party, all the girls are in the pool or Jacuzzi while the guys just sit around and watch.

Maybe those guys have some sort of fetish by watching their girlfriend in the pool with other girls, fantasizing about some sort of lesbian orgy.

Just a different version of cuckold guys that like to watch their girlfriends and wives flirting with other men.

Some guys are ok with their girls doing whatever as long is with just women, is like some swingers parties where married men take their wives and let them have lesbian orgies while the men watch.

I have see some of this at some level, guys that like to watch their girlfriends and wives dancing in the club with other women.

Beta and White Knight Thread

It's as sad as this:

IG full of miserable guys idling while their wife goes on shopping spree...

[Image: wCev8S8.png]

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-02-2017 10:17 AM)blck Wrote:  

It's as sad as this:

IG full of miserable guys idling while their wife goes on shopping spree...

[Image: wCev8S8.png]

Business opportunity? locate the center of a shopping area full of women stores, put a small bar right in the center with free WIFI and phone chargers, some TV with sport on.


Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-02-2017 09:53 AM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Quote: (02-10-2017 02:06 PM)Mufasa Wrote:  

Quote: (02-15-2017 01:38 PM)davyjose Wrote:


Hello from the other side! Boyfriends of Instagram page shares photos of men 'forced' to shoot the PERFECT social media snap of their girlfriends

-'Boyfriends of Instagram' shares hilarious photos of men going the extra mile
-Partners are snapped taking social media pictures for their other halves
-Men are pictured going to extra mile to get the perfect Instagram picture

It takes a lot of work to nail the perfect Instagram photo.

But these men know it better than some, going the extra mile to get the money shot for their other halves.

The 'Boyfriends of Instagram' page shares hilarious images of partners crouching, climbing and even laying on the ground in a bid to bag the perfect snap.

[Image: 3D2E910D00000578-4221856-image-a-61_1487043625445.jpg]

Sickening level of simping here. I don't really have much words for this bullshit, but it seems there isn't any depth the modern chump isn't prepared to plumb in order to keep feeding the beast that is the attention whoring capacity of the Average Western Female.

The 4th one down (also above) is pathetic beyond words - instead of being in the hot tub Dan Bilzarian style he's teetering on the edge like some $15 dollar an hour gobshite hired hand.

Is this some sort of new thing from simps? or a new trend among some men? I have notice when looking at pictures of some celebrities this same thing.

Guys taking their wives and girlfriends to some party, all the girls are in the pool or Jacuzzi while the guys just sit around and watch.

Maybe those guys have some sort of fetish by watching their girlfriend in the pool with other girls, fantasizing about some sort of lesbian orgy.

Just a different version of cuckold guys that like to watch their girlfriends and wives flirting with other men.

Some guys are ok with their girls doing whatever as long is with just women, is like some swingers parties where married men take their wives and let them have lesbian orgies while the men watch.

I have see some of this at some level, guys that like to watch their girlfriends and wives dancing in the club with other women.
He should strip naked and jump in or just get in and then take off his clothes.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Beta Dad:


A DAD is being applauded online for his twist on the traditional “rules for raising my daughter” fatherly thing.

J. Warren Welch, who says he “ain’t raisin’ no princesses”, posted his rules on social media, reports the NZ Herald.

“You’ll have to ask them what their rules are,” he says.

“I’m not raising my little girls to be the kind of women who need their daddy to act like a creepy possessive badass in order for them to be treated with respect.

“You will respect them, and if you don’t, I promise they won’t need my help
putting you back in your place. Good luck pumpkin.”

Welch, who is raising five daughters with his wife Natasha, told Today he understands “the urge to protect your daughters”.

“I get that. But the kind of posturing by fathers of daughters I was specifically responding to had nothing to do with that ‘protective instinct’ and everything to do with asserting their dominance over women and reinforcing a belief that women need men to take care of them.”

Welch and his wife Samantha are raising their girls together, and all daughters are from their respective previous relationships.

[Image: 001.jpg]

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

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