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6 Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
Apologies if this has been posted before as it's a bit dated. Any experienced guy should know all these by now so it might be more appropriate for a newbie forum. I would agree with them for the most part with a couple of exceptions like #1 for instance.

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Talking to Her

So you're in a club and--thanks to those eight shots of Jager, each of which you swear is making you exponentially sexier than you were before you downed them--you finally decide to approach the hot chick you've been leering creepily at all night. You've got your game face on and an arsenal of pick-up lines that would slay a Victoria's Secret catwalk.

With a perfect storm of raw sex appeal like this brewing all around you, it comes as no surprise to you that the object of your carnal desires is flirting back.

But then, just as you're preparing to land your plane at Bonesville International Airport, she starts backing off. Somehow, the more you talk to her, the less smooth you become. When she awkwardly ends the conversation five minutes later you're literally babbling like a moron. A moron with a now totally useless boner.

What the Hell Happened?!

If you feel like you sound stupid when you talk to women, don't worry, you do. In a recent study, men chatted with attractive women and then were subjected to basic tests. They failed miserably. And when we say "basic tests" we don't mean fourth grade math, either. We're talking not being able to remember your own address (unless you were asked to take a woman there, right, killer?)

"Sorry, it appears I have punctured my copy of the test with my boner."

Unsurprisingly, the more attractive you find a woman, the worse this effect is and the stupider you will sound when talking to her. The scientists didn't go so far as to say what everyone was thinking (that the effect is caused by blood flowing away from your brain and directly to your junk), but women suffered no such memory lapses at all when tested after chatting with handsome studs like you.

However, one of the scientists did say the difference could be down to the fact that women are interested in things other than looks while men are "reproductively focused," which is a much more tactful, scientific way of saying, "Dudes get easily distracted by the thought of boning."

Acting Interested

OK, maybe you were putting yourself out there too much. After all, in this day and age, for better or for worse, women sometimes like to make the first move right?

So, instead of going up to a lady and moronically chatting away, you instead decide to just lean coolly on the bar and smile at the ladies. That way, in their own time, one of them can come over to you and the flirting can commence. Except that none of the ladies you are so very obviously acting interested in ever approach you. What could you be doing wrong now?

It's definitely not the hat.

What the Hell Happened?!

We really enjoy mocking the "Pick-up Artist" community, where guys like this...

...hold seminars on how to reel in women by acting like you don't like them. And dressing like a douchebag.

But research shows there is a least a little bit of a factual basis behind their bullshit. In his book The Game, journalist Neil Strauss entered the world of the pick-up artist and learned one important thing: Women like men who ignore them. According to his experience, your best bet at getting a girl is walking up to her group and completely ignoring her, while chatting away to her less attractive friends.

Even if those friends are men.

We would write that off under our normal rule of "don't believe anything that is also believed by a man in a furry tophat" (and it's saved our lives more than once), but another study came up with hard numbers.

The dating site actually went through their database of pictures men had submitted, and tracked how many contacts each yielded. They studied 7,000 photos and determined that men who didn't look directly at the camera in their profile pictures received more messages on average than men who did. About 50 percent more, in fact, if said picture combined the looking away with an expression of disinterest (smiling drove down the effect some, but still not as much as eye contact).

See? No eye contact.

No word on how many of those messages were from cam show robots, but still. Now, obviously you can't take this to its logical extreme ("I'll get tons of women if I just never get within 10 miles of one! That's the ultimate expression of disinterest!") because clearly the men in the study were also expressing the fact that they were looking for a mate (or else they wouldn't be on OKCupid). So it's not about total disinterest. The data suggests it's about somehow showing that you're interested, but not in her.


So you've tried it the pick-up artist way, but quickly found that sitting in the corner acting like you don't like women failed to score you any tail. (And you peacocked it out with that feather boa and everything!) But you have a trick up your sleeve: Your sextastic dance moves. After all, dudes have been getting girls this way for thousands of years!

Come on, Rightie... just a few inches lower.

When you finally get drunk enough to hit the dance floor, in your mind, you're Fred Astaire-ing the shit out of the place. Unfortunately, what you're actually doing is some bizarre alt-new wave version of the robot that has every girl in the room pointing and staring open-mouthed. And not in a good way. But it's OK, because deep in your heart you know one day a girl, hopefully one who looks kind of like Zooey Deschanel, will realize your dancing just means you're a quirky free spirit and she'll have quirky, free spirited sex with you.

Fifty years later, you die alone.

What the Hell Happened?!

Dancing is a high-risk venture. Yes, there's a reason why dance clubs are usually just an orgy waiting to happen. But if you dance badly, you'd have been better off staying far away.

Scientists say if you suck at dancing, it signals to women that you're a bad mating partner. It's a subconscious sign that your testosterone levels are lower than average, which means you're not up to a lady's baby-making standards. And your awkward moves on the dance floor may have evolved as a neon flashing sign to warn women to steer clear of you and your inferior DNA.

Not evolutionarily fit.

This effect only increases as you get older. The awkward "dad dancing" you've seen at every wedding you've ever been to and during that season that Taylor Hicks won American Idol? Those guys were probably John Travolta clones in the 70s and moonwalking in the 80s. But now that they're past their prime sexually, they can't even do the electric slide without it turning into a raucous display of awkwardness and sprained ankles.

Seriously, it's not a risk worth taking. Before you bust out the moves this weekend, get yourself to a fertility clinic. If your sperm count is below 60 million/ml then skip the dancing and just chill at the bar.

Complimenting Her Looks

You've got it this time. After a night of chatting up ladies, acting disinterested and dancing like a seizure victim, a gorgeous woman for some reason comes up to talk to you. Amazingly, you're holding it together and all signs are pointing to the two of you bumping uglies at the end of the night. In an effort to seal the deal, you compliment her on how attractive she is.

Moments later, she's scurrying off with the drink you bought her to rejoin her friends and make jokes at the expense of you and your Ed Hardy T-shirt.

The Cracked office dress code.

What the Hell Happened?!

Shockingly, women really do want you to care about more than their great tits. In a study by one of the leading dating sites on the Web, they found that telling a woman she was attractive actually made her more likely to reject you. Also making her more likely to reject you: that collection of Pokemon cards you refuse to dispose of because "they'll make you rich someday." But we digress.

Words like "sexy," "beautiful" and "hot" made a woman much less likely than average to respond to your initial overtures. Meanwhile attempting to show interest in her by mentioning some of her pastimes, favorite things, etc. resulted in a much higher than average response.

Keep that in mind if you ever get the chance to chat up Megan Fox. Don't tell her she's gorgeous. Talk about all the other things you know she's into like bad acting, terrible tattoos and not wearing a lot of clothes. She'll be yours in no time.

Don't forget, "being shinier than a G.I. Joe."

Being Nice

What more can women want from you? You feign interest in attending their Real Housewives of Orange County viewing parties, listen to their drama with their asshole ex-boyfriend, help get them home free of the risk of date rape when they're really drunk--you even stop by with painkillers to help with their hangover the next morning.

There is literally nothing you could do to be nicer to them and yet you're still just a friend, a "great guy," and therefore completely rejected.

What the Hell Happened?!

We really hate to say it but women are scientifically proven to like "bad boys." Apparently there is something called the "dark triad" (dibs on the band name) of personality traits that still exist and even flourish in humans despite the fact that, evolutionarily, they are bad for the continuation of the species.

They include exploitation, thrill-seeking/callous behavior and self-obsession. Since people like this are assholes, science dictates that they should have been bred out of the gene pool a long time ago. Of course, they weren't. And it's because the ladies love bad boys. Scientists found that the higher a man scored on the "dark triad" (seriously, that name is the shit) scale the more sex partners he had had and the more likely he was to be looking for short flings.

Assholes have all the fun.

Basically, while they won't make great long term partners, for thousands of years women have been engaging in one night stands with "bad boys," getting knocked up and prolonging not only the suffering of man but also the use of Axe Body Spray.

You hear that ladies? The self-centered, destructive jerks of the world are all your fault. Try using some self control once in a while. Or, at the very least, a condom.

Having the Wrong Name

So far, nothing has worked, and that girl you've been putting the moves on up and started dating someone who can only be described as "Jersey Shore-like." Desperate, you attend a singles mixer. One of those things where everyone has to wear a geeky little name tag and guys try to look successful but laid back by wearing both a tie and jeans.

Good luck, shit-eyes.

Everyone here is looking for a date. There is no way you can strike out. Yet every woman you approach smiles, then glances at your name tag and suddenly turns away. You haven't even said anything yet! What could you POSSIBLY have done to turn her off this time?!

What the Hell Happened?!

You can blame your parents for this one. Apparently, your first name can drastically influence how successful you are and, yes, even how attractive people consider you. According to a study of 6,000 people, men named Michael, James and David are the clear winners, with all three placing in the top ten for Most Successful, Luckiest, and yes, Most Attractive names. George and Paul on the other hand? Well, just resign yourselves to a life of minimum wage jobs, accidents and loneliness (unless you're a Beatle, apparently).

Your best bet is to go for women named Anne, who suffer from the same horrible affliction as you: uglynameitis.

These scientists are totally serious. One even wrote a book that includes a section helping you change your name as an adult in order to reverse all the misfortune your parents unknowingly saddled you with. So to all the Georges out there, simply start answering to Ryan and the ladies will come flocking.

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Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
I just read this, and yeah this is standard game 101.

HOWEVER, there is something cool here gentlemen. The point the author makes about OKC's study on eye contact and how responses to no eye contact photos went up higher then gentlemen who give direct eye contact to the camera.

I never fucking thought of this and just gave it a go on Instagram.

I tagged a few basic things so it would show up in peoples searches, but, I've received in the, passed twenty minutes or so, eight likes now on my photo, mostly from somewhat attractive females.

There's something to be learned there for online dating gentlemen

A humble gentleman's blog about pussy, cigars, and game.

The Problem With Nightclubs

Also check out my blog for cigar discussion and reviews.
Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
Quote: (04-25-2013 04:14 PM)RouteBackwards Wrote:  

I just read this, and yeah this is standard game 101.

HOWEVER, there is something cool here gentlemen. The point the author makes about OKC's study on eye contact and how responses to no eye contact photos went up higher then gentlemen who give direct eye contact to the camera.

I never fucking thought of this and just gave it a go on Instagram.

I tagged a few basic things so it would show up in peoples searches, but, I've received in the, passed twenty minutes or so, eight likes now on my photo, mostly from somewhat attractive females.

There's something to be learned there for online dating gentlemen

We have to be careful here, while not making eye-contact on a dating profile may communicate mysterious qualities which will pique a woman's interest, this doesn't carry over into the real world. Evading eye-contact in person is a sign of insecurity.
Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
I hate this article for assuming that the reader sucks at dancing. I am insulted and offended and will sue ... [Image: biggrin.gif]

Dancing is the best thing to get girls if I you know how to dance, which is not that hard to learn at all. But well that's probably the best thing about dancing... most men have this huge irrational fear from dancing and learning how to dance, which makes us dancers even more special.

But generally gamers already knew all what this article says.
Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
#3 and #6 are garbage

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.
Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
Quote: (04-25-2013 03:48 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  


So you've tried it the pick-up artist way, but quickly found that sitting in the corner acting like you don't like women failed to score you any tail. (And you peacocked it out with that feather boa and everything!) But you have a trick up your sleeve: Your sextastic dance moves. After all, dudes have been getting girls this way for thousands of years!

Come on, Rightie... just a few inches lower.

When you finally get drunk enough to hit the dance floor, in your mind, you're Fred Astaire-ing the shit out of the place. Unfortunately, what you're actually doing is some bizarre alt-new wave version of the robot that has every girl in the room pointing and staring open-mouthed. And not in a good way. But it's OK, because deep in your heart you know one day a girl, hopefully one who looks kind of like Zooey Deschanel, will realize your dancing just means you're a quirky free spirit and she'll have quirky, free spirited sex with you.

Fifty years later, you die alone.

What the Hell Happened?!

Dancing is a high-risk venture. Yes, there's a reason why dance clubs are usually just an orgy waiting to happen. But if you dance badly, you'd have been better off staying far away.

Scientists say if you suck at dancing, it signals to women that you're a bad mating partner. It's a subconscious sign that your testosterone levels are lower than average, which means you're not up to a lady's baby-making standards. And your awkward moves on the dance floor may have evolved as a neon flashing sign to warn women to steer clear of you and your inferior DNA.

Not evolutionarily fit.

This effect only increases as you get older. The awkward "dad dancing" you've seen at every wedding you've ever been to and during that season that Taylor Hicks won American Idol? Those guys were probably John Travolta clones in the 70s and moonwalking in the 80s. But now that they're past their prime sexually, they can't even do the electric slide without it turning into a raucous display of awkwardness and sprained ankles.

Seriously, it's not a risk worth taking. Before you bust out the moves this weekend, get yourself to a fertility clinic. If your sperm count is below 60 million/ml then skip the dancing and just chill at the bar.

Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off

...hold seminars on how to reel in women by acting like you don't like them.
But research shows there is a least a little bit of a factual basis behind their bullshit.

So these guys acknowledge the truth, then say it's bullshit. Isn't having factual basis or not something that determines the level of bullshit in the first place? For example, a vast majority of feminist claims about rape culture, wage gap and single motherhood are bullshit - because they are not based on reality.

[Image: womanhamster.gif]

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Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
Hencredible, I completely agree with what you say about dancing. I have a friend who kills when he dances in a club, and he is not even a professional dancer... More important than making the right moves, you need to dance like a man, which involves some basic things such as: not spin your body, not bend your body, don't make much complex movements, dance for the crowd and not in an introspective way (eg the techno dancer thing...), etc. If one is not familiarized with this and is not 100% sure of what he's doing, it is really better not to try it and develop game in other ways. When I was still at Uni, i tried too much dance-game at clubs, to no avail... Now I realized it's better not to. It's like trying to become a basketball player when you're not tall enough![Image: smile.gif] Yet, there are unfortunately some moments when you are almost forced to dance, such as for example when you go out with mixed groups who are really into that, or you meet a girl who is completely into dancing in that evening (and often this does not necessarily mean she is not into you - for example, the kind of girl who pushes you from the bar to the dance floor...). So it comes handy when you learn some basic moves in order to be able to survive in those moments... Actually this is something I still am looking forward to improve.
Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
Quote: (04-26-2013 05:34 AM)Frank Mackey Wrote:  

Hencredible, I completely agree with what you say about dancing. I have a friend who kills when he dances in a club, and he is not even a professional dancer... More important than making the right moves, you need to dance like a man, which involves some basic things such as: not spin your body, not bend your body, don't make much complex movements, dance for the crowd and not in an introspective way (eg the techno dancer thing...), etc. If one is not familiarized with this and is not 100% sure of what he's doing, it is really better not to try it and develop game in other ways. When I was still at Uni, i tried too much dance-game at clubs, to no avail... Now I realized it's better not to. It's like trying to become a basketball player when you're not tall enough![Image: smile.gif] Yet, there are unfortunately some moments when you are almost forced to dance, such as for example when you go out with mixed groups who are really into that, or you meet a girl who is completely into dancing in that evening (and often this does not necessarily mean she is not into you - for example, the kind of girl who pushes you from the bar to the dance floor...). So it comes handy when you learn some basic moves in order to be able to survive in those moments... Actually this is something I still am looking forward to improve.

[Image: wtf.jpg]
Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
I was talking to a girl just last week and the subject of dancing came up and she asked me if I knew why girls like guys who can dance.

I said no. she said, 'It's because a girl thinks that if a guy can dance well, he can fuck well"

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron
Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
Some of you guys keep thinking that you can't pick up any girls dancing and I'll look forward to learning how to dance better so I can lead girls right away from you.

Dude who posted in here saying that a guy shouldn't bend or spin doesn't know what he's talking about. When you can lay it down on a girl, lead properly, she's not analyzing whether you spun or bent your body. That's nonsense.

Most guys have SUCH bad dancing (especially at bars/clubs) that my "half decent" dancing will intrigue girls. I wouldn't recommend that you try to pick up girls on the dance floor, though. Dancing is usually something that is an escalation, not the introduction.

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Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
Quote: (04-26-2013 03:13 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

Some of you guys keep thinking that you can't pick up any girls dancing and I'll look forward to learning how to dance better so I can lead girls right away from you.

Dude who posted in here saying that a guy shouldn't bend or spin doesn't know what he's talking about. When you can lay it down on a girl, lead properly, she's not analyzing whether you spun or bent your body. That's nonsense.

Most guys have SUCH bad dancing (especially at bars/clubs) that my "half decent" dancing will intrigue girls. I wouldn't recommend that you try to pick up girls on the dance floor, though. Dancing is usually something that is an escalation, not the introduction.

Lol I can only laugh when I see this kind of blunt statements of "this guy doesn't know anything", etc. The less you know, the more you say arrogant stuff like this...

Anyway, I really don't know very well what you're talking about in this post... Perhaps I did not make myself clear: when I talk about spinning and bending I'm referring to when you are dancing alone in the dance floor before approaching, in a random club with house or hip hop music. That's just ridiculous, specially spinning. Not when you're dancing with a girl, then it of course depends - if you're in to tango for sure you'll spin and bend the girl a lot. If you're dancing hip hop and decide to grab the girls hand and spin her around the club, it may well work if you're both drunk and she's into you, but it will look a bit ridiculous.

I just don't understand in what you actually disagree with me. Yes, many guys dance bad. Yes, if you dance well that's a great asset. As I told you, I know guys whose biggest weapon is dancing. So, what's new in your post?

I agree that dancing should mostly be an escalation. And that's true, you don't need to be a great dancer to impress. It's more about conveying self confidence in the dance floor than anything else: which leads us, for example, to this video. A good example of bad dancing, i.e. a guy who spins, who makes complex and ridiculous moves, who does not show confidence, who tries too hard:
Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
Quote: (04-26-2013 02:53 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

I was talking to a girl just last week and the subject of dancing came up and she asked me if I knew why girls like guys who can dance.

I said no. she said, 'It's because a girl thinks that if a guy can dance well, he can fuck well"

We must have been talking to the same girl two months removed. I did a pretty solid approach on a latina in a bar overseas and she said the same thing, and even elaborated on this Caribbean dance style that's basically half a step removed from fucking.
We ended up taking it the dance floor and I could tell she lost attraction almost instantly. It's not an easy save when I'm a pasty white guy competing against imaginary latin dance floor slayers in her head, and ended up going home alone. That's motivation enough to take lessons and learn it properly, methinks.
Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
Here's the flip side of being a good dancer, guys.

Last night I had a cute 18 year old French girl in my room. As I started to kiss her, she said, "I'm only here because you're a good dancer."

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.
Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turns Women Off
Quote: (04-25-2013 04:14 PM)RouteBackwards Wrote:  

I just read this, and yeah this is standard game 101.

HOWEVER, there is something cool here gentlemen. The point the author makes about OKC's study on eye contact and how responses to no eye contact photos went up higher then gentlemen who give direct eye contact to the camera.

I never fucking thought of this and just gave it a go on Instagram.

I tagged a few basic things so it would show up in peoples searches, but, I've received in the, passed twenty minutes or so, eight likes now on my photo, mostly from somewhat attractive females.

There's something to be learned there for online dating gentlemen

Just updating this, re-opened my POF account, and did generic "Hey, how are you?" openers with a couple selected images with me not looking directly at the camera.

No matter how good of a photo of me the images were, I've never gotten any responses back on generic "hey, how are you?" messages.

Now, to be fair, coupled with better POF openers, my results have went up for sure, but interesting to note that generic openers as well have yielded results.

Definitely merit to be found here.

A humble gentleman's blog about pussy, cigars, and game.

The Problem With Nightclubs

Also check out my blog for cigar discussion and reviews.

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