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Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Hey fellas,

Have just arrived home after a month off in Europe. By far the highlight of my trip was heading to Cluj - west Romania - near the border of Hungary. (As an aside it's interesting that many locals claim to be Hungarian over Romanian). After spending a couple weeks in Budapest last year I was aware how stunning the women were in the region, and Cluj IMO was even better.

As other threads have mentioned it's not the most picturesque city, but we didn't join this forum to discuss the best Orthodox Churches or contemporary art museums. Give me a city of beautiful, feminine women in a shitbox town ANY day of the week.

Romania was the only country I managed to get a local flag. (The degree of satisfaction I got from my Dutch/English backpacker flags were nothing compared).

Where to Stay: Rented a whole apartment using AirBnb near Old Town and the universities (absolutely CRUCIAL IMO) I stayed near Piața Unirii. Because Cluj is so dispersed you won't stand a chance if you're on the fringes.

Length of Stay: I only stayed for 5 days - would have easily spent another 2 weeks if I had to revise my itinerary.

Flags: 1 - a local university student who was easily a 7. Very thin and piercing grey/blue eyes. I knew her friend from couchsurfing - who introduced us the previous night before (as well as her 4 other girlfriends). I invited the group around to the penthouse for pre-drinks. I then had to endure hours of horrible post-rock at the Gambrinus Pub - but after what sounded like feedback for 5 hours- managed to transition to an afterparty at my penthouse. Got 2 girls to come back, and my couchsurfing friend passed out [Image: angel.gif]. The rest is history - there was a far bit of LMR (more than what I'm used to) - but the constant 'we're not going to have sex' paid off eventually.

Ratio: Perhaps the most impressive aspect of this city was the ratio - every night I was out, it seemed the later it got the better the ratio became. It's not an exaggeration to say that on several nights the ratio would be 6 girls to 1 guy. It's amazing how little effort you have to put in when you have this much power.

Pipelining: Just as crucial as the logistics IMO. If you don't know girls beforehand you are fighting an uphill battle, as there is a bit of a cafe culture in Cluj - sitting down in groups etc - which can make it difficult to penetrate [Image: cool.gif]. I used couchsurfing and would then transition to facebook and get their number before I left. I literally had all my afternoons and nights booked and had to knock a couple women back because I did not have any time. When I next visit FSU I'll be using this tactic again. Even if the girl is not particurly attractive, it's still worth befriending them (in a place like Cluj, they will always have hot friends).

Day game - Absolutely AWESOME. I would just stroll up and down Bulevardul Eroilor (in old town) for a couple hours. Managed to land 5 numbers in the 2 days I spent, but what was most striking - the girls would go out of their way to help you. I had a couple girls physically walk me to bookstores/monuments.

My line was ' vorbiti engleza' (do you speak english) - they ALL do - then I would ask them if they knew the nearest tourist info centre. It's perfect because in Cluj, there was no clear centre - so the girls couldn't give you a direct answer. I managed to get an insta-date with an 8 and invited her out the following night. (Nothing eventuated as I shot myself in the foot with the 5 day time limit).

Personalities - Very laid back and receptive. Not sure how this compares to Bucharest however. Also the girls I hung around were quite progressive, and not too entrenched in religion etc. As with anywhere, it's important you screen for ones which are DTF. I don't care if a girl is a 9, if she's super religious or consersative, I'm going home with the 7. (Obviously if you were to live over there - the conservative 9 would be a no-brainer).

Also they all love Fussball. They play this stupid game even in Clubs until 3am. Even the girls take it incredibly serious - I got my ass handed to a number of times (embarrassing, as I dropped the 'Oh I'm Italian, I used to play this all the time as a kid).

My favourite were as follows:
Gambrinus Pub - I spent a lot of time here. They play most genres of music depending on the night, and you get an awesome uni crowd.
Booha Bar - high-rollers area of Cluj. Won't hurt your chances to pop on a suit here - the whole street this bar is situated on is very upmarket and you can tell the (relative) wealth of the crowd.
Belevediere Hotel - great spot for a date - overlooking the city
Boiler Room - one of the better clubs I went to - only go on Fri/Sat nights- electronic music predominately.

Conclusion Spending all your time in the Anglosphere makes you tolerable to shitty women. Not only were these women attractive, but they were just nice human-beings, who were genuinely appreciative of your gestures (e.g. buying a round of drinks) - instead of the sense of entitlement we're so used to. There was no facade. Stay there a few weeks, live in Old Town, Pipeline, and you will not be dissapointed. Because of my experience in Cluj I will definitely be hitting up the FSU for longer periods (?maybe even live there for a few months).

I'm super jetlagged - so this may be a bit disjointed. I'll add more to this later.

If you're not growing, you're dying.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience


It's not an exaggeration to say that on several nights the ratio would be 6 girls to 1 guy.

Strange, I found the complete opposite. I stayed there a week. I do agree that day game there is a winner. Night game was a drag, and I went to a ton of places.

If you like Cluj, you'll think Iasi is [Image: tard.gif]
No comparison. I thought Bucharest was better than Cluj as well, which had too many hipsters/rockers/foreigners/Spaniards/Hungarians for my taste.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Quote: (04-24-2013 06:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


It's not an exaggeration to say that on several nights the ratio would be 6 girls to 1 guy.

Strange, I found the complete opposite. I stayed there a week. I do agree that day game there is a winner. Night game was a drag, and I went to a ton of places.

If you like Cluj, you'll think Iasi is [Image: tard.gif]
No comparison. I thought Bucharest was better than Cluj as well, which had too many hipsters/rockers/foreigners/Spaniards/Hungarians for my taste.

I went to dodgy uni pubs, cafes, upper-end bars, clubs and it was consistently between 4-6:1 girls to guys ratio. Did you happen to be there for the Easter holidays?

If you're not growing, you're dying.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Easter holiday is this weekend in Romania. You mean USA Easter? I was there about 3 weeks before.

Right now I can't imagine a 6:1 ratio in Cluj, at any point, anywhere, and I went out from Tuesday-Sunday. Only Polish ladies night and Ukraine clubs had that type of ratio.

I saw 1:1 ratios at best, but after 2am there were more dudes. Here is where I went:

Janis bars (2 of them)
Flying Circus
Club The One
After Eight

Coming from Anglo anywhere to Cluj is a giant step up, but for me Cluj was below average overall.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

But for some reason uni students all had an Easter Holiday around the USA time I believe.

I went to Janis Bar which was horrible, apart from that I didn't go to any of the other venues you went to. I can only speak from my (5 day) experience there, and it was consistently high - especially at the cafes/bars on Piezisa St and around Museum Square. [Image: undecided.gif]

If you're not growing, you're dying.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Roughly 1/4 of Cluj population is ethnic Hungarian. That should explain the two Easters thing.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Quote: (04-24-2013 06:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


It's not an exaggeration to say that on several nights the ratio would be 6 girls to 1 guy.

Strange, I found the complete opposite. I stayed there a week. I do agree that day game there is a winner. Night game was a drag, and I went to a ton of places.

If you like Cluj, you'll think Iasi is [Image: tard.gif]
No comparison. I thought Bucharest was better than Cluj as well, which had too many hipsters/rockers/foreigners/Spaniards/Hungarians for my taste.

Haven't been to Cluj but for me Bucharest was much better than Iasi.
Roosh I would be happy to hear your experience in Iasi as other than a make out I could not even get close to a bang with many students tends to their own and in the posh places too much competition.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

I looked through my Cluj notes and I have to disagree with you strongly on the ratios in that it's a normal thing. I also felt Cluj was much tougher going in the cold approach sense, and you did mention you got laid from Couchsurfing. Also Cluj was a place where guys were dating down and the guys were generally better looking than the girls. I'd be curious to see your thoughts on Bucharest and if it would change your impression on Cluj (I suspect it would).


Roosh I would be happy to hear your experience in Iasi as other than a make out I could not even get close to a bang with many students tends to their own and in the posh places too much competition.

Yes, Iasi is harder but girls are prettier and ratios are better. I find day game to be pretty easy, but I'm not getting fast bangs. Bucharest is probably best for that.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Quote: (04-25-2013 07:22 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I looked through my Cluj notes and I have to disagree with you strongly on the ratios. I also felt Cluj was much tougher going in the cold approach sense, and you did mention you got laid from Couchsurfing. Also Cluj was a place where guys were dating down and the guys were generally better looking than the girls. I'd be curious to see your thoughts on Bucharest and if it would change your impression on Cluj.

Sounds like we went to two different cities huh?

My experience was what I reported. ?I may have lucked out - I was there between April 9th-14th. Honestly it was insane - and I've been to Krakow/Warsaw/Budapest/Czech - it was the best ratio I've experienced. Cold approaches were difficult at night, and all my night game revolved around friends of friends from Couchsurfing. The cafe culture does make it difficult (as people often sit down in tables in bars) - which is why if you don't pipeline - you're severely handicapping yourself. But the high ratio never seemed to waiver...

I'll be going back to the area within the year - 5 days was not enough! It would be good to get insight from forum members who either live or have stayed longer than a month in Cluj.

If you're not growing, you're dying.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience



The ratios there weren't good either, especially Warsaw.

Well if you can duplicate this experience, then I may have to re-visit on my way out.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Prophylaxis, it is a shame you didnt like metegol (fussball). It is a good way to gaming girls on a social circle in countryies were futbol is big.

"What is important is to try to develop insights and wisdom rather than mere knowledge, respect someone's character rather than his learning, and nurture men of character rather than mere talents." - Inazo Nitobe

When i´m feeling blue, when i just need something to shock me up, i look at this thread and everything get better!

Letters from the battlefront: Argentina

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

WTF is Fussball? sounds geeky!

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

When is last call in these towns?

Can you still smoke in bars?

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Seriously Roosh. You´re over exaggerating with the Quality in Iasi. They are ok, but not more than ok. Girls in Bucharest beats Iasi any day of the week. Plus, if you ask any Bucherstian, they all claim that Moldova should be a region of itself. So you Americans can snatch them back home.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Quote: (04-25-2013 09:46 AM)Mekorig Wrote:  

Prophylaxis, it is a shame you didnt like metegol (fussball). It is a good way to gaming girls on a social circle in countryies were futbol is big.

It was more hilarious how entranced everybody was over the game, some of the girls didn't even blink while they were playing.

G, you can most definitely smoke in bars - I never stayed til close but most nights I was leaving at around 2am. Piezisa St would be your cup of tea.

If you're not growing, you're dying.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Quote: (04-25-2013 04:10 PM)Reggie Wrote:  

Seriously Roosh. You´re over exaggerating with the Quality in Iasi. They are ok, but not more than ok. Girls in Bucharest beats Iasi any day of the week. Plus, if you ask any Bucherstian, they all claim that Moldova should be a region of itself. So you Americans can snatch them back home.

You got me. I'm ignoring what I see on the ground and taking money under the table from Iasi tourism board. I decide to stay in a city with uglier women for the money.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Roosh, when is last call?

I am guessing that Constanta would be super late, right?

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Quote: (04-25-2013 07:09 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Roosh, when is last call?

I am guessing that Constanta would be super late, right?

Arround 12-2 AM depending on what day of the week it is and how many people they have inside.

Constanta is the same. But during the summer it's super late.

I would suggest checking Mamaia out G , if you plan to come to Romania.
It's more your cup of tea I think.

Check this link for more info on the nightlife

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

RobyH -

Yeah, girls that I have met from Romainia have all recommended that place to me.

Also, Bamboo, I think. That is in Constanta too right?


Arround 12-2 AM depending on what day of the week it is and how many people they have inside.

Damn. Really, no later than 2am?


Constanta is the same. But during the summer it's super late.


Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

G ,


Also, Bamboo, I think. That is in Constanta too right?

Been a while since I've been there. In 2011 I saw on the news that they were demolishing the club in Mamaia because the owners did not have a construction permit. Only in Romania...

So Bamboo is in Bucharest and Brasov. Check the site , seems they have one in Miami too . You can check the prices too ( 1 USD = 3.3334 RON ).


Damn. Really, no later than 2am?

Depends alot on the city. In Bucharest some are open untill 5-6 AM.


Constanta is the same. But during the summer it's super late.

In Constanta they are open almost non-stop during the summer. They are trying to make as much money as they can untill the season ends.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

Quote: (04-25-2013 01:08 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

WTF is Fussball? sounds geeky!

Table Football

Its fun enough to play with friends while you drink a cold beer.

"What is important is to try to develop insights and wisdom rather than mere knowledge, respect someone's character rather than his learning, and nurture men of character rather than mere talents." - Inazo Nitobe

When i´m feeling blue, when i just need something to shock me up, i look at this thread and everything get better!

Letters from the battlefront: Argentina

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

In Bucharest the nightlife sometimes feels like a pointless exercise for average quality women. THere are tons of 8+ but entirely inaccessible. From now on if I can't find a comfortable way to approach a good looking girl I won't bother. It not a bad place to have a good time I am just far too cynical to enjoy going out anymore, but that's another story. Pretty bad ratios, tight social groups, dancing dancing dancing, and loud loud loud - it's a young mans game. No amount of horniness can get me past 3am anymore.
Having said that I absolute love Bucharest - the girls are awesome and there are plenty of them. I have had mucho success in the day so if you are patient Romania in general is a great place.

Prophylaxis' Cluj-Romania Experience

G: Technically there is no last call, but crowds during the week will dim by 3am. On the weekend, 4am, though I've been in clubs up until 6am.

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