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Date Lab: just look at the picture

Date Lab: just look at the picture

[Image: date0317a.jpg]

The rejection was swift and surgical. For a second it didn't seem like they were describing the same date.


Stephen: I would say we were both laughing quite a bit. I don’t think I know enough about her to say we have the exact same sense of humor.

Becky: I like people who are kind of crass and sarcastic and, like, really over-the-top. I didn’t really think he had the same sense of humor as I did.

Beta male drop..


Becky: Throughout the course of the date, he was just really easy to talk to and nice, and he seemed pretty humble. It seemed like he had a really strong sense of family, which I thought was really cool.

Really cool = really unattractive


Becky: I had to go home and do some studying.

Translation: I had to send nudie pics to an alpha to get his attention.


I don’t think I noticed his height until we got up to leave ... but
I think he was probably, like, 6 feet at most. Which actually is a deal-breaker for me. I’d rather be with someone taller.

[Image: lol.gif]


Becky: I don’t think there was much chemistry. I would probably give it a 3.5 [out of 5.] I think it was just a friend kind of thing. But he was really cute and nice and seems like a genuine person.

Stephen: I would rate it at a solid 4. She was very easy to talk to, a very nice person; the restaurant was pretty great. But the 4 is mainly for her, not the restaurant.

I'm in suspense to know if there was a second date...


UPDATE: Stephen suggested getting together to play tennis or for a trivia night, but their conflicting schedules got in the way.

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Date Lab: just look at the picture

Just a typical nice guy. Hilarious how a 29 year old(!) student bartender equates being 6ft and having a strong sense of family as negatives. This is why you can't take criticisms from women at face value.

If you're not growing, you're dying.

Date Lab: just look at the picture

Meanwhile in New York City, 2/3 guys dumps the girl:

Date Lab: just look at the picture

Stephen: Want to get to get together for a trivia night?

Becky: I can't, I'm studying [Image: blastoiiiise-crazy-kid-o.gif]

Date Lab: just look at the picture

Thankfully she's getting universal disapproval in the comments.

Date Lab: just look at the picture

My favorite Saturday Morning Tradition. Confirm my red pill beliefs while my family tells me NAWALT.

Date Lab: just look at the picture

She could have just gone with the generic "there was no chemistry" instead of saying he wasn't tall enough. He's 6' tall, which is taller than average, but she claims to need a giant? This bitch needs to play groupie at NBA games then. I wonder how many bar patrons have run through her...

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Date Lab: just look at the picture

Haha, the picture really does say it all. His smug, delusional beta chode expression ("This date is going so well! I bet I'll even kiss her at the end!") and her look of amused disinterest ("Why am I here? Ugh. Oh look, a camera!").

Guy is way too boring for her. I'd put a thousand on the fact that she's currently riding at least two or three bad boy alpha cocks she met at her bartending gig. Mr. Seinfeld watching, nice to his family, team-sport playing guy can't compete.

It's not even that there's anything wrong with him. All her excuses are just a cover for the fact that he didn't give her any 'gina tingles like the guys from the bar do. But of course she isn't going to admit that in the paper.

Also, I'd put money on the fact that one of the dudes currently nailing her is under 6' tall. [Image: lol.gif]

This chick is 29 but behaving like she's 19. It's gonna be really ugly when reality smacks her in the face in about 5 years and she's totally unprepared.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Date Lab: just look at the picture

His closed off posture is something he's not even aware of. He's "hugging himself" to comfort himself as he's nervous.

He's like a babe in the 29 years old.

Man, the U.S. sucks.

Date Lab: just look at the picture

Her hands are in her lap, probably on her iphone texting "Rod" the badboy.

Date Lab: just look at the picture

Quote: (03-16-2013 06:05 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

His closed off posture is something he's not even aware of. He's "hugging himself" to comfort himself as he's nervous.

He's like a babe in the 29 years old.

Man, the U.S. sucks.

Yeah, why is he touching himself like that?
He looks like he is afraid that something will jump out of nowhere and scare the shit out of him.

boredom is evil

Date Lab: just look at the picture

She's blond and relatively thin. For a climber chick like that, if a guy is not YoungTallCool you might as well be from Mars in the USA. But the Wall is a sneaky, brutal equalizer. I'd rather be him in 10 years than her as long as he isn't paying a whale child support.

Twenty-nine and what's she achieved in life? A BARTENDER?

Man, you can't stumble along putting one foot in front of the other without getting a BA in SOMETHING by that age.

"Against stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain."

Date Lab: just look at the picture


Becky: I don’t watch a ton of television, but I hate when people are like, “I don’t even own a television.” We talked a ton about TV, which was nice. We talked about “The Wire,” because I’m currently watching it and he said it
was one of his favorites. [But] I don’t think we watch the same type of things. He was like, “I like ‘Seinfeld’ a lot,” and I was like, “I like ‘The Walking Dead’ a lot.”


Stephen: We started talking about our social beliefs. We have very similar ideas when it comes to religion, same-sex marriage, things of that nature.

When people realise that attraction is not based on compatibility in terms of your views on the world and what you like, then idiots like this blert will be able to pull girls. No one will ever be told though because it's easy in mainstream "dating advice" columns as a go-to to say you should find someone with the same interests as you.

If a guy goes on a date, what does he really want to know? Honestly? Why would you give a fuck who the girl votes for, what she thinks about two dudes getting married and her political views?

I tell you, if I go on a date then I want to know 3 things: what her favourite position is, where the craziest place she's had sex is and who she lives with. They're pretty much the only things I'm interested in and will ask her on a first date. I'm sick of seeing people thinking a successful match is based on sharing everything in common.

Date Lab: just look at the picture

Quote: (03-16-2013 06:04 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

This chick is 29 but behaving like she's 19. It's gonna be really ugly when reality smacks her in the face in about 5 years and she's totally unprepared.

Yeah, she is acting like she's 19, this quote says it all

Becky: I like people who are kind of crass and sarcastic

Date Lab: just look at the picture

For DC she's upper tier. She's too hot for him, not to mention she's a massive slut who is used to every kind of alpha cock imaginable.

Student at 29... hahahaha.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Date Lab: just look at the picture

She reminds me of a friend I had at work who was also 5'11" and blonde. And also average looking, but with high standards.

So she dated these guys who were like 6'7" but all seemed to have extra "Y" chromosomes, and wanted to fight with everyone when she'd bring them to work parties. One called me out because I mentioned I liked disco music. I somehow avoided getting my ass kicked for that major sin.

When she was 30, Lisa married some super-giant who was part of her city's "tall club." He led her to believe he had a good job when he didn't and then got a credit card in their name and ran it up so high they had to declare bankruptcy. She divorced him.

By 40, she was telling me she was "through with men." The highlight of her life is her annual two-week gal pal vacation from her government job. I mentioned that while she might be "through with men," it was she who chose the men in her life to begin with so she bears some responsibility for what happened to her.

Never heard from her again after I made that comment.

Date Lab: just look at the picture

$20 that this chick (especially) loves rough sex and being called a "nasty slut" in bed.

This guy didn't seem man enough to be able to deliver on her dirty appetites.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Date Lab: just look at the picture

Hes still alpha because.of his height.

Date Lab: just look at the picture

Go to the article and up-vote fellas!

[Image: attachment.jpg10531]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Date Lab: just look at the picture

Ha I say the same thing Tuth. Guys on here seem to love tall girls though. Beautiful and tall is always in the same sentence.

Date Lab: just look at the picture

Quote: (03-16-2013 07:36 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Go to the article and up-vote fellas!

Did they moderate you Moderator? Don't see your comment, typical.

"I have refused to wear a condom all of my life, for a simple reason – if I’m going to masturbate into a balloon why would I need a woman?"

Date Lab: just look at the picture

Quote: (03-16-2013 07:48 PM)Kingsley Davis Wrote:  

Did they moderate you Moderator? Don't see your comment, typical.

You have to click on "view all comments" and sort by newest to see it. I thought the same thing and then found it again.

[Image: attachment.jpg10533]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Date Lab: just look at the picture

"Guys on here seem to love tall girls though. Beautiful and tall is always in the same sentence."

Could that be because the media pushes this? If you go back to the 1970s, the sex symbols like Farah Fawcett were not particularly tall. It seemed like in the 1990s, starting with Julia Roberts, the media started hyping a certain type of masculine, tall woman as sex symbol.

Quote: (03-16-2013 07:41 PM)houston Wrote:  

Ha I say the same thing Tuth. Guys on here seem to love tall girls though. Beautiful and tall is always in the same sentence.

Date Lab: just look at the picture

It will be interesting to see the hater comments, if any, that Tuthmosis' comment generates. I have a feeling a few people will post comments agreeing with Tuthmosis.

I don't understand why these guys keep rating the dates a four or five out of five when it's quite clear that these guys come up short in their performance on the dates and the girls are substandard in both looks and personality. I guess they are either oblivious to what a disaster Date Lab is or they don't want to deal with the negative consequences of letting their true feelings known. Because the participants' pictures, full names, and ages are published and because many people in the community know me, if I were to do Date Lab I could only imagine the repercussions of me saying something like, "I rate the date a zero. That girl is horrible looking and a complete bitch. Anyone who doesn't want a guy who is an even six feet should be immediately committed. If I were her I'd kill myself."

Date Lab: just look at the picture

I like somewhat tall girls, but not model type, and not over 6' as I'm 6'. I don't like real skinny girls. I like girls with the hour glass body that are around 5'8"-5'10" ideally. But I don't find most models attractive. Too skinny for my taste.

Regarding the date, this guy looks like a true boner.

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