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Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

Planning on spending 2 good months in NYC (July-August). What should I expect? The city will be full of tourists (foreign and American), NYC natives, visitors, etc.. My goal is to bang 20+ different girls in this time span.

Do you find this to be realistic? My current bang count is at 16 at 20 years old. Will be of legal age in the summer so I will have access to bars and what not.

I think if I use various sources such as bars, streets, and online such as OKC/POF, couchsurfing, I think my target is reachable.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

July and August = 62 days

60/20 = 3

1 new notch every third night. Totally doable if you've got solid game but you're probably going to be gaming day-in, day-out.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

My weekdays are busy until 7pm or so. Id plan on just going to the bars

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

It's certainly achievable, but this kind of goal might be better left for SE Asia or the Philippines. Trying to bang a new girl every three days is going to take a whole lot of time and effort that you could be spending enjoying other aspects of New York.

Plus you'd probably be better off maximizing quantity over quality in a place like New York. What if you meet an absolute dime and she blows your mind in bed? Are you going to kick her to the curb so you can chase down another notch?

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

I'm going to be there from April to May... Would be happy with 10 and I am def more for quality than quantity. Biggest thing is logistics in NYC from everything I have read so make sure you have that taken care of.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

New York is the place where you seek out the hottest pieces imaginable not the place to go for just adding notches (like Vegas or Cancun). Also, what are your logistics like? Renting short term in Manhattan is very expensive.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?


Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

You are 20 years old dude. Get more realistic goals. No chance a 20 year old who probably isn't rich is going to bang 20 girls in such a short span.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

Quote: (02-01-2013 02:19 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

If you're staying near meatpacking district and you've got coin, and you're not expecting to be running through Ford/Elite models, then totally doable.

If you're a broke grad student sleeping on someone's floor in Bushwick, it'll be hard as fuck.


I'm looking to me in the Midtown area. Maybe around Gramercy in midtown east. I def think its possible based on sheer volume of women. I could run a tally of more than 20 in two months just from pof/okc alone but that's Not as exciting as being on the physical hunt. Looking forward to this.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

Where does the difference lie in being able to bang a new girl every 3 days vs every 1 or 2 days? Skill? Volume? Luck?...

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

prob a bit of everything... Also, your own effort. I know after I bang a girl I somewhat enter into a passive state, where I stop hunting for a bit. Looking to have a little fun this summer and see my true potential

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

Summer in NYC has been terrible for me.

I advise not coming here in summer because all the girls are on summer break and probably back with their parents or are out of town on vacation beating the city heat.

Seriously, the population seems drop a lot in the summer and the girls to guys ratio is really bad.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

Possible with Logistics, Game and Stamina to stay out late every night you game........ Two months will definitely cost you $$$ in NYC.

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

If you have money (High amount given time constraint) this is doable... You won't be getting high quality all the time to hit that number unless you are either very good looking with average game or good looking with very good game at that age band.

(Note this is from someone who doesn't do online game)

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

I dont see how much money affects this. Sure, I have to spend money going out for drinks and what not, but other than that, money isnt the key factor here.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

Quote: (02-01-2013 04:35 PM)HSolo Wrote:  

I dont see how much money affects this. Sure, I have to spend money going out for drinks and what not, but other than that, money isnt the key factor here.

You're a new poster, so we don't know much about you or your life experience, but that's a bit naïve to say about living in Manhattan.

It seems like you want to be out all the time. Cabs, drinks, food, rent etc. Good luck.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?


Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

Competition is high in NYC. Lots of beautiful women but not the easiest place. In order to kill it you need money, very good looks, and solid game as well as great logistics. Your goal is highly unlikely but have fun. It is a great place to learn game. So many options with night game and day game.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

Quote: (02-01-2013 06:11 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (02-01-2013 04:35 PM)HSolo Wrote:  

I dont see how much money affects this. Sure, I have to spend money going out for drinks and what not, but other than that, money isnt the key factor here.

Of course you don't see it.
You're 20 and you've never lived in NYC.

Bottle of Bud Light - 7 bucks
Mixed Drink - 12 bucks
Dinner @ "cheap" ethnic eatery - ~40 (2 plates and 2 non-alcoholic drinks)
Cab ride - 5-20 bucks
Cover - 20 bucks

But you might be a non-drinking cheap ass bastard, only looking for hot chicks @ cheap bars who want a one night stand.

Let's say you meet your little Lithuanian chick from Coney Island outside of one those cheap east village bars, run some game, she's a little tipsy thanks to the afc's buying her drinks, but she's rubbing the inside of your leg.

Time to go fuck.

Where do you go?
Where is your bed?

How long do you have until she's out of the mood? 20 minutes? 45 minutes?

If you live close, you're paying high ass rent.
If you live far, you're paying for a cab.

DC doesn't have talent.
T-Dot has too many dorks.
SoBe is full of traditional women who expect the men to pay, and plenty of rich dorks who will gladly pay

NYC's issue is logistics.

Unless you have some awesome logistics in place (which cost someone a lot of money), then it will take money to bang 20 women.


I'm ready.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

Quote: (02-01-2013 04:35 PM)HSolo Wrote:  

I dont see how much money affects this. Sure, I have to spend money going out for drinks and what not, but other than that, money isnt the key factor here.

You are walking into one of the highest cost areas in the world and yet claim money makes no difference here.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

At your age, the best place is the Lower East Side. It's a bit cheaper and full of girls who are sexy, but not as pretentious as a NYC girl you'll find in MPD.

Personally, I find the quality lower in the summer, but the bangs easier.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

Quote: (02-01-2013 06:11 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (02-01-2013 04:35 PM)HSolo Wrote:  

I dont see how much money affects this. Sure, I have to spend money going out for drinks and what not, but other than that, money isnt the key factor here.

Of course you don't see it.
You're 20 and you've never lived in NYC.

Bottle of Bud Light - 7 bucks
Mixed Drink - 12 bucks
Dinner @ "cheap" ethnic eatery - ~40 (2 plates and 2 non-alcoholic drinks)
Cab ride - 5-20 bucks
Cover - 20 bucks

But you might be a non-drinking cheap ass bastard, only looking for hot chicks @ cheap bars who want a one night stand.

Let's say you meet your little Lithuanian chick from Coney Island outside of one those cheap east village bars, run some game, she's a little tipsy thanks to the afc's buying her drinks, but she's rubbing the inside of your leg.

Time to go fuck.

Where do you go?
Where is your bed?

How long do you have until she's out of the mood? 20 minutes? 45 minutes?

If you live close, you're paying high ass rent.
If you live far, you're paying for a cab.

DC doesn't have talent.
T-Dot has too many dorks.
SoBe is full of traditional women who expect the men to pay, and plenty of rich dorks who will gladly pay

NYC's issue is logistics.

Unless you have some awesome logistics in place (which cost someone a lot of money), then it will take money to bang 20 women.

Don't forget that he is 20 years old so he won't even be able to enter bars which kills a ton of his potential opportunities.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

I will be 21 in the summer

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

Go for it. It's a tall task, but it's certainly doable if you're good with women.

In my opinion, the two keys will be to: 1) set up a system with back-ups for girls that flake and 2) have regular pre-parties (meaning at a minimum of once per-week) at your apartment before heading out.

If you end up having a place that kind of becomes known as a social center of operations, things can pick up quite fast.

Summer in NYC? Bang more than 20 women?

Just realized you're the IBD internship guy... If you pull this off and also get an offer in the process that is some serious skill.

Be ready to operate hung over and not show the office you are hung over while triple checking all your work to make sure the psycho VP in the office doesn't catch you sluffing off.

Good luck brotha

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