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Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

so i fucked this blonde german girl in berlin. she was absolutely beautiful. i wrote about it on my blog.

but the point isn't bragging, even though i am very proud, the point is learning. results without process is just luck. learning and sharing. so, the question is not "how did i get laid", but *why* did i get laid. meaning, why did this hot girl pick me over other guys. i've been thinking about it, and thanks to roosh's thinking and research, i am also generating my own theories. well, nothing incredibly new but here it is:

the theory of "opposites attract".

let me explain. i am peruvian-japanese american. i am trying to think of who i look like, what actor or whatever. i like to say keanu reeves, but that's just a joke. i mean, in a way i do, because he is also mixed race, but he is also about 10x better looking than me. let's just say that people think i am from the phillipines or japan or mexico or peru or even a couple of times i have gotten italian. i have "asian hair", longish, straight, black, but not asian skin tone, and my eyes aren't fully asian, just a touch. anyway, my point is, i am "ethnic". not black, not brown, not yellow, but a mix.

and i am finally learning to play it up.

see, in america, i am a second class male. being peruvian means being second rate, from a poor country. nothing cool about it, no cache. i mean, a few SWPL hippie white girls will like it, but it's rare. the hot girls are into either the all american white man, or the huge black dudes with swagger. i am not a catch. you know what i mean. and this is not an excuse for why i don't want to be in america. well, i think all of us on this forum know the issues with american chicks, so i will move on.

asian girls do like me, but i am not really into asian girls, so next topic. as for latin america, interestingly, when i go to peru, or meet girls from peru or colombia or south america in general, they are simply not impressed. again, peru means nothing to them. it is low on the cache scale. and even in spain, peru is blah. it's okay, but no big deal. so i speak spanish? big deal. they speak it better. in paris, somewhat better. i could see it in the eyes of some french girls. hmm. where are you from?, they would ask.

but in berlin? i am fascinating. i am a hit. in berlin, girls are basically fascinated that i am peruvian, that i have japanese blood, that i am from new york, that i am a photographer, that i now live in spain, i am just a fascinating man, especially in comparison to those boring, engineering type german dudes, so dull and unspontaneous. i heard it a lot in my eight days here. obviously, not all girls like me, but a lot do. i have met a bunch of girls in person and also online via OKC, and let's just say that the interest has been much higher here than in france, spain, or america.

in berlin, i am different, mysterious. girls are curious. it's the free market in action. specialize or die.

as a somewhat of a side note, being so appreciated in berlin made me remember why i hate visiting peru. in lima, i am a traitor. peruvians are jealous that i am american, they tease me for my american accent, blah blah. i don't fit in. i am better and worse than them. and in america, same thing. america is my home, but it's not. i am second rate. and again, no excuses. america loves success above all. tons of ethnic men are fucking big shots who get tons of pussy. no excuses. i'm just talking about finding ways to be most appreciated, of putting myself in the best situation possible, the situation where i am most likely to succeed. and that's why i can see how black dudes do great in scandinavia. makes sense. less competition.

in america, many hispanics are wetbacks, bar backs, blah blah, and so i get thrown in by association. here in berlin, i am an exotic, fascinating, passionate man. exotic because of my mixed race. passionate because i am latin. and strong and successful because i am american and i make good money and speak perfect english and i am a creative professional. great combination.

so this girl. this german girl i fucked. she was stunning. a solid 9. seriously. 23, tall, thin, great tits, very pretty face, blonde hair, blue eyes. if this girl had been born in america, and raised in LA or whatever, and indoctrinated into american culture, forget about it, she would have never looked at me, never considered me. she would be "way out of my league", which i put in quotes because there are no limits in life, as we know.

and of course we can't forget that in germany too she's stunning. just imagine how many german guys want to fuck this girl. they all do. life is about competition.

so why did she pick me?


this girl complained about german men being boring, working too hard at boring technical jobs. and with so many tall, blonde girls in germany, she didn't feel particularly special. but who *is* special? me. i am special. again, she saw me as exotic and cool and exciting. yeah, EXCITING. a 23 year old girl wants EXCITEMENT AND FUN. and that's what she saw in me. an artist from new york who was also cool, cocky, with a bit of swagger but also "real" and genuine and generous and funny.

so yeah. this is the kind of thinking i am doing. it's not a coincidence that four of the five girls i have hooked up with in europe have been blonde. i am now targeting blondes specifically, even though i actually prefer brunettes. the theory of contrast. the theory that opposites attract.

so what is the lesson? what is the big takeway?

the lesson is this: put yourself in a situation where you are different and exciting, special and exotic. maybe you don't like the word "exotic", i kinda don't, it makes me feel like i am a trophy or something, but i think it's a great word to describe the situaiton that i should seek out. why do blond men kill it in latin america. because being blonde is exotic in latin america. why do black men kill it in sweden. same reason.

so i am looking for the places where i am exotic. germany seems to be a great place. btw, i hear and read a lot of negativity about german girls, especially from german men, but they may not be the best people to talk to. i would recommend that white, fair skinned german men go to peru, or rather not peru haha, the talent is not so great -- but the food is delicious! -- rather, go to colombia, venezuela, brazil, you know the drill. roosh has written about this tons. german men will get tons of love in latin america. latinas absolutely love tall, white men, who cares if they are "boring", they are not boring in south america. in south america, they are exotic. and latinas i am sure know very well that good *and* the bad of latin men. lots of charm, lots of bullshit. i am sure most latinas would be happy to meet a tall white men with an actual job, haha.

as for me, i get love in germany.

see how it works?

so if you are an "ethnic" man, i would recommend you try the whiter countries of europe. germany, poland, etc. oh yeah, also, i am looking for places where they speak good english. i am good looking enough, but no knock out, my face and body are not my greatest strength, it's my brain, my thoughts, my jokes, my theories, my words, what i say, how i communicate verbally. words are my greatest weapon. i had this problem in paris. i got great vibes from girls that were into "exotic artists", but then we just couldn't talk or flirt. a lot of girls in paris don't speak very good english, i was surprised to find out, and they just didn't get me jokes or my banter.

in contrast, most german girls speak excellent english. the girl i banged, for a second i forgot that english was not her first language. her english was excellent. oh yeah, that reminds me, i like smart girls. girls with brains. sassy girls that can make me laugh, that i can tease and find that they are teasing me back almost as good. the german girl i fucked, she made me laugh. i swear she did. i would tease her, neg her, push pull her, and she would hit me back. with some good shit too. how she was taller than me with heels, how i was a "gay hairdresser" -- inside joke -- she got some great jabs in. she was cool, she was funny. it was a verbal sparring match. which of course girls love. the conquest. the tension plotline, as lovedrop would say.

if you are more of a hulk, or more good looking, maybe you don't need to talk. maybe body language is enough. lord knows that the really muscular and handsome dudes get hit on by girls at bars all the time. if that's you, then you probably don't need to talk as much. but then again, if that's you, maybe you don't need to read this post at all.

however, if you find that girls fall for you via more in depth conversation, jokes, teasing, verbal sparring, and that you are witty and funny, and that talking really brings out your "winning personality" haha, then look for countries where they speak great english. that's what i am doing.

final point, i have been working on my photography for many years now, and it is finally paying off, in the sense of being able to impress girls with my work. this other kind of specialization is also really important. what are you good at? what are your ambitions? what tribe do you belong to? it's roissy's 3rd commandment, after all. i didn't just bang this german blonde because of game, or because i was exotic, i fucked her because i am a talented, accomplished photographer with game and with exotic looks.

those are my thoughts right now, my takeaways from berlin. i am leaving tomorrow, and already thinking about my next trip and where i'm going to go. i am thinking maybe prague or amsterdam. the few dutch girls i talked to seemed pretty open to talking to me.

so anyway, i am happy i came to berlin -- really, really happy -- it was an excellent decision. thanks to everyone for all their help, insight, advice, and research. life is beautiful. it's a new year. lets all go out there and become better men, capitalize on our strengths, develop our masculinity, and fuck lots and lots of sexy girls all over the world.

the world is our oyster. there are no limits.

let's fucking do this.

ps. this thread is a follow up to these two threads:

Going to Berlin in December

I am in Berlin right now

thanks again to everyone who helped me decide to come to berlin. and special thanks to roosh for creating this forum and for being a fucking visionary.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 08:09 AM)rivelino Wrote:  

in berlin, girls are basically fascinated that i am peruvian, that i have japanese blood, that i am from new york, that i am a photographer, that i now live in spain, i am just a fascinating man, especially in comparison to those boring, engineering type german dudes, so dull and unspontaneous.

This is the crux of it. What's not to like in this list? MIMITW

Well done. Now post a photo [Image: banana.gif]

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

This was a very honest and insightful post. One of the biggest things about being Charismatic is the ability and willingness to stand out from the crowd. A confident man has no problem looking or acting differently than the men around him. Riv did it with his ethnicity. Other guys can do it with their fashion or general demeanor. Mystery calls it "peacocking". I call it confidence.

Gentlemen, stand out from the crowd... have better fashion, posture, voice, wit, social skills.. WHATEVER!... just don't be the ordinary Joe.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

I can feel the excitement in your post. Yes, the world is a big place. Go out and find your niche.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 08:09 AM)rivelino Wrote:  

final point, i have been working on my photography for many years now, and it is finally paying off, in the sense of being able to impress girls with my work. [b]this other kind of specialization is also really important.

This is a great take away from your experience. Are you at a professional level now, i.e. getting paid for your work? How did you get her to model for you? Do you have an online portfolio etc.?

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 08:09 AM)rivelino Wrote:  

see, in america, i am a second class male. being peruvian means being second rate, from a poor country. nothing cool about it, no cache. i mean, a few SWPL hippie white girls will like it, but it's rare. the hot girls are into either the all american white man, or the huge black dudes with swagger. i am not a catch. you know what i mean. and this is not an excuse for why i don't want to be in america. well, i think all of us on this forum know the issues with american chicks, so i will move on.

I am glad you are happy and doing well.

But we have to stop with these racial inferiority complexes.

It is not good for your soul.

For the record, I am not "either the all american white man, or the huge black dudes with swagger", and I do great in America.

So your thinking falls flat.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 10:39 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2013 08:09 AM)rivelino Wrote:  

see, in america, i am a second class male. being peruvian means being second rate, from a poor country. nothing cool about it, no cache. i mean, a few SWPL hippie white girls will like it, but it's rare. the hot girls are into either the all american white man, or the huge black dudes with swagger. i am not a catch. you know what i mean. and this is not an excuse for why i don't want to be in america. well, i think all of us on this forum know the issues with american chicks, so i will move on.

I am glad you are happy and doing well.

But we have to stop with these racial inferiority complexes.

It is not good for your soul.

For the record, I am not "either the all american white man, or the huge black dudes with swagger", and I do great in America.

So your thinking falls flat.

You're also not a Peruvian Japanese guy so you can't really deny the reality of his experiences with women in Europe vs the U.S.

I agree that dwelling on this stuff is largely unproductive.

On the other hand, you can't deny empirical evidence. For example, how many "average to below average looking" Peruvian or Japanese guys have you seen swooping "hot blondes" on a regular basis in LA?

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 10:53 AM)temujin Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2013 10:39 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2013 08:09 AM)rivelino Wrote:  

see, in america, i am a second class male. being peruvian means being second rate, from a poor country. nothing cool about it, no cache. i mean, a few SWPL hippie white girls will like it, but it's rare. the hot girls are into either the all american white man, or the huge black dudes with swagger. i am not a catch. you know what i mean. and this is not an excuse for why i don't want to be in america. well, i think all of us on this forum know the issues with american chicks, so i will move on.

I am glad you are happy and doing well.

But we have to stop with these racial inferiority complexes.

It is not good for your soul.

For the record, I am not "either the all american white man, or the huge black dudes with swagger", and I do great in America.

So your thinking falls flat.

You're also not a Peruvian Japanese guy so you can't really deny the reality of his experiences with women in Europe vs the U.S.

I agree that dwelling on this stuff is largely unproductive.

On the other hand, you can't deny empirical evidence. For example, how many "average to below average looking" Peruvian or Japanese guys have you seen swooping "hot blondes" on a regular basis in LA?

This guy does pretty well:

[Image: steveaoki.jpg]

My point is that saying something like this:

Quote: (01-01-2013 08:09 AM)rivelino Wrote:  

see, in america, i am a second class male. being peruvian means being second rate, from a poor country. nothing cool about it, no cache. .

Is not good for your well being.

Hell, if I was half Peruvian and half Japanese, I would believe I was a descendant of Incan Kings and Japanese Bushido.

Those are dope cultures.

Be proud of who you are, have confidence in yourself, and maybe you won't have to travel across the globe to swoop hot girls. You might be able to do it right here in LA.

See my point?

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 12:18 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2013 10:53 AM)temujin Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2013 10:39 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2013 08:09 AM)rivelino Wrote:  

see, in america, i am a second class male. being peruvian means being second rate, from a poor country. nothing cool about it, no cache. i mean, a few SWPL hippie white girls will like it, but it's rare. the hot girls are into either the all american white man, or the huge black dudes with swagger. i am not a catch. you know what i mean. and this is not an excuse for why i don't want to be in america. well, i think all of us on this forum know the issues with american chicks, so i will move on.

I am glad you are happy and doing well.

But we have to stop with these racial inferiority complexes.

It is not good for your soul.

For the record, I am not "either the all american white man, or the huge black dudes with swagger", and I do great in America.

So your thinking falls flat.

You're also not a Peruvian Japanese guy so you can't really deny the reality of his experiences with women in Europe vs the U.S.

I agree that dwelling on this stuff is largely unproductive.

On the other hand, you can't deny empirical evidence. For example, how many "average to below average looking" Peruvian or Japanese guys have you seen swooping "hot blondes" on a regular basis in LA?

This guy does pretty well:

[Image: steveaoki.jpg]

My point is that saying something like this:

Quote: (01-01-2013 08:09 AM)rivelino Wrote:  

see, in america, i am a second class male. being peruvian means being second rate, from a poor country. nothing cool about it, no cache. .

Is not good for your well being.

Hell, if I was half Peruvian and half Japanese, I would believe I was a descendant of Incan Kings and Japanese Bushido.

Those are dope cultures.

Be proud of who you are, have confidence in yourself, and maybe you won't have to travel across the globe to swoop hot girls. You might be able to do it right here in LA.

See my point?

thumbs up!

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Steve Aoki? Seriously? He's the son of the founder of Benihana and world-famous, superstar DJ. Worth about $20 million.

As far as I know, the OP is not a world-famous photographer worth $20 million.

My point is -- why should he bother busting his ass in LA when he can swoop hotter blondes in Europe who have better taste, greater appreciation for WHO HE IS RIGHT NOW, and most important of all, for far less effort?

Would you suggest Roosh move back to DC -- since he can swoop hot feminine women right back in the USA -- by getting over his Persian immigrant complex and embracing the greatness of America?

There comes a point where one would be blind not to see what corporations have realized long ago -- sell where your product is in demand.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 12:34 PM)temujin Wrote:  

Steve Aoki? Seriously? He's the son of the founder of Benihana and world-famous, superstar DJ. Worth about $20 million.

As far as I know, the OP is not a world-famous photographer worth $20 million.

My point is -- why should he bother busting his ass in LA when he can swoop hotter blondes in Europe who have better taste, greater appreciation for WHO HE IS RIGHT NOW, and most important of all, for far less effort?

Would you suggest Roosh move back to DC -- since he can swoop hot feminine women right back in the USA -- by getting over his Persian immigrant complex and embracing the greatness of America?

There comes a point where one would be blind not to see what corporations have realized long ago -- sell where your product is in demand.

Settle down.

I am talking about confidence.

And traveling and living life from a position of strength.

Not a position of weakness.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 12:48 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2013 12:34 PM)temujin Wrote:  

Steve Aoki? Seriously? He's the son of the founder of Benihana and world-famous, superstar DJ. Worth about $20 million.

As far as I know, the OP is not a world-famous photographer worth $20 million.

My point is -- why should he bother busting his ass in LA when he can swoop hotter blondes in Europe who have better taste, greater appreciation for WHO HE IS RIGHT NOW, and most important of all, for far less effort?

Would you suggest Roosh move back to DC -- since he can swoop hot feminine women right back in the USA -- by getting over his Persian immigrant complex and embracing the greatness of America?

There comes a point where one would be blind not to see what corporations have realized long ago -- sell where your product is in demand.

Settle down.

I am talking about confidence.

And traveling and living life from a position of strength.

Not a position of weakness.


But position of strength shouldn't mean delusional American pom-pom waving about American women, or whether they're even worth gaming for guys looking for great looking, feminine women.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

I'm mixed also (8 nationalities/ethnicities) and had similar experiences to you being in Europe. I did well in many countries in Europe but was resigned to pulling leftovers in the West. Basically, I had similar issues and did well in Europe for the exact same reasons and I felt just as good about Europe when I was there as you do right now.

I noticed, after reading this forum and my own experiences and observations of various mixed guys in Europe, that Depending on the particular mix, mixed guys almost always tend to do best in various euro countries from France, Scandinavia, all the way to Russia.

For Anglosphere big-cities, i've found a niche strategy that works for me. basically, you need to adapt and use the fact that your mixed to your advantage. play up/frame the fact that your mixed and put yourself into the category of 'interesting man of the world', who rank highly, rather than "ambiguous race american".

The first thing I do is that I absolutely play up being mixed right away, rather than hiding it or leaving it ambiguous (i.e., I bring it up). The worst thing is to stay an "Ambiguous mixed guy" in their minds unframed. I make light of the fact that I look ambiguous (i could be anything) but that i'm actually X, Y,Z, Y mix. I then play up the fact that people often come up to me speaking in all sorts of languages when I travel all over the world. I then transition this into languages I actually know (even if barely know them), and the 30+ countries I've traveled to. I then talk about the advantages of being mixed when you travel (you can fit in better, get better non-gringo prices in markets, etc...) and how great it is to be mixed. I relay all these points using interesting stories. Whne they ash what my favorite place is, i always mention western girl friendly places like "Rome is the best, I lived there" or Paris.

see how I just flipped being mixed (which if not mentioned can be perceived negative) into an extreme positive, from someone with ambiguous identity to someone wordly and multiple identities who fits in everywhere.

you also want your career to match the theme of "worldly man", so for your case your goal couldl be along the lines of "international fashion photogrpaher, base in Paris".

I find accepting and framing the fact that your mixed positively helps build comfort I find, because otherwise they don't really know how to classify you and it becomes a negative. You are just a random non-nondescript minority (think early Fez on that 70s show), till you frame it.

Also - you could say that you are 1/4 or 1/8th whatever they are to build comfort (even if its BS). (You could for example your 1/4 armenian, but that unfortunately your grandmother never taught you much.... but she fed you XYZ (foods you ate on a trip there and that she is from the town you visited) and you know a few words.) This works even better if you travelled to their home countries or the country of their ancestors, because you can then mention your grandmother grew up in City x, which of course you went to visit to rediscover your ancestry, etc.... imho, this is probably the biggest plus of being mixed race for game purposes. Being the "worldly internatioanl career man who I share a common ancestry/culture with" is a DHV. I only do this for countries my ancesters were actually from though.

Summary for Mixed Guys:
-dont' hide the fact that your mixed, play it up.
-BRAND yourself as a wordly man. (Roosh is actually a great model for this)
-specifically target (1) specific cultures of girls in your city with whom you share common ancestry/language/culture (or, alternately pretend you do to build comfort), (2) liberal girls who have or dream of travelling the world.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 09:15 AM)Krauser Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2013 08:09 AM)rivelino Wrote:  

in berlin, girls are basically fascinated that i am peruvian, that i have japanese blood, that i am from new york, that i am a photographer, that i now live in spain, i am just a fascinating man, especially in comparison to those boring, engineering type german dudes, so dull and unspontaneous.

This is the crux of it. What's not to like in this list? MIMITW

Well done. Now post a photo [Image: banana.gif]

thanks krauser. check your email for pics of the girl.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 09:33 AM)Private Man Wrote:  

This was a very honest and insightful post. One of the biggest things about being Charismatic is the ability and willingness to stand out from the crowd. A confident man has no problem looking or acting differently than the men around him. Riv did it with his ethnicity. Other guys can do it with their fashion or general demeanor. Mystery calls it "peacocking". I call it confidence.

Gentlemen, stand out from the crowd... have better fashion, posture, voice, wit, social skills.. WHATEVER!... just don't be the ordinary Joe.

thanks private man. you are absolutely right. i get the impression that most german men are ordinary joes, which is why german girls are so interested in meeting men from other countries.

"One of the biggest things about being Charismatic is the ability and willingness to stand out from the crowd." i like this definition.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 10:30 AM)ManAbout Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2013 08:09 AM)rivelino Wrote:  

final point, i have been working on my photography for many years now, and it is finally paying off, in the sense of being able to impress girls with my work. [b]this other kind of specialization is also really important.

This is a great take away from your experience. Are you at a professional level now, i.e. getting paid for your work? How did you get her to model for you? Do you have an online portfolio etc.?

hey manabout, i am not at the professional level yet, well i have done a few paid jobs, but i am still learning. well, no, that's not true, i could be getting paid more but i need to get my shit together and be more brave about showing people my work and getting it out there. i finally got my photography website up several months ago -- after working on my photography pretty seriously for about three years -- but at the same time, i am a graphic designer and art director and am very busy with work, so i am getting there.

the best website is model mayhem. if you want more info, you can email me at [email protected]. i did a few posts a while back on this forum about that, also giving advice.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 09:42 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

I can feel the excitement in your post. Yes, the world is a big place. Go out and find your niche.


Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Dude, you can be the next Mario Testino!

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

You are forgetting the "having a connection to someone in NYC" factor. That probably played more in your favor than anything else you did. Take away to promise to of a visit to a big US city and you may have been grabbing the Vaseline that night. Believe me, I know the Germans.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

gmanifesto and temujin,

thanks for reading my post and thanks for the comments. you both make good points of course. re-reading what i wrote, i think i overdid this part a little bit:

"being peruvian means being second rate, from a poor country. nothing cool about it, no cache."

and at the same time, no i didn't. gmanifesto, i don't know much about your biography, but i have tons of respect for you, your lifestyle, and your writing, i do wonder what you look like though, because i don't think you look asian.

let me explain. what is interesting is that in america, some girls do find me pretty good looking, but they are mostly foreign girls or asian american girls, and some girls completely look right past me, as if i were a ghost, and they are the white american chicks who are looking past me to check out the white all american guy with the european features, or the puerto rican dude who just got out of jail. and this is because, in america, the asian -- or asian looking -- male is undervalued. white american chicks for the most part simply don't want to fuck or marry an asian american male. ask an asian american man and he will tell you this. there is a huge stereotype to overcome -- small cock, unmanly, dorky, etc etc. no other race really knows this situation. in many ways, black men have it easier.

"But we have to stop with these racial inferiority complexes. It is not good for your soul."
"Be proud of who you are, have confidence in yourself"
"I am talking about confidence. And traveling and living life from a position of strength. Not a position of weakness."

yes, of course. it took me many years to get over my insecurities, in fact, i still have them and am still working on letting them go. but yeah, it's all in my head -- and at the same time, it helps to have external reinforcement of my beliefs. german girls help me believe in myself, it's as simple as that. american girls are much less interested in peruvian culture. many or most of them don't even know where peru is, or what language they speak. seriously.

"Hell, if I was half Peruvian and half Japanese, I would believe I was a descendant of Incan Kings and Japanese Bushido. Those are dope cultures."

ha, well said. thanks man. i agree.

"Be proud of who you are, have confidence in yourself, and maybe you won't have to travel across the globe to swoop hot girls. You might be able to do it right here in LA."

this is the one phrase where i think you went to far. i don't know why you would write that in the travel section of a forum started by a blogger who is famous exactly for the mindset and strategy of traveling around the world and meeting feminine women who are not bitchy, masculine, entitled american chicks.

and that is where temujin, i agree with you:

"Would you suggest Roosh move back to DC -- since he can swoop hot feminine women right back in the USA -- by getting over his Persian immigrant complex and embracing the greatness of America?"

and here too you bring up a great point:

"position of strength shouldn't mean delusional American pom-pom waving about American women, or whether they're even worth gaming for guys looking for great looking, feminine women."

and ultimately, that's the issue. my goal and my dream and my action plan is to become a famous photographer. my dream is to have my work in the moma. that's my dream. now, at a certain point, once i get really good, i am sure i will be able to fuck really hot american girls, just like the benihana guy -- but the question is, would i want to?

and the truth that we all know is that most american chicks are simply not worth it. our american culture has failed us american men. our culture has been overtaken by american feminists, and that is our fault, and it is frustrating and disgraceful and i wonder if there is anything we can do about it -- but for now, it is what it is, and what it is is bullshit.

right now, the best thing for me -- and for many other american men, white, black, hispanic, asian, all of us -- the best thing for us to do is to consider foreign women, and visit other countries if possible, and as much as possible. and anything is possible.

gmanifesto, it sounds like you are doing awesome in LA so congratulations. if i could be a big shot in any city in the world, i could see myself picking LA or NY because all the hot girls from around the world want to go there. at the same time, i don't think you can deny that it's a good strategy to go where you are wanted, to HAVE FUN and enjoy life without having to fight upstream against a system and a culture that has really created a defective product -- that being, the american woman.

happy new year to everyone. all the best.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 05:09 PM)rivelino Wrote:  

gmanifesto and temujin,

thanks for reading my post and thanks for the comments. you both make good points of course. re-reading what i wrote, i think i overdid this part a little bit:

"being peruvian means being second rate, from a poor country. nothing cool about it, no cache."

and at the same time, no i didn't. gmanifesto, i don't know much about your biography, but i have tons of respect for you, your lifestyle, and your writing, i do wonder what you look like though, because i don't think you look asian.

let me explain. what is interesting is that in america, some girls do find me pretty good looking, but they are mostly foreign girls or asian american girls, and some girls completely look right past me, as if i were a ghost, and they are the white american chicks who are looking past me to check out the white all american guy with the european features, or the puerto rican dude who just got out of jail. and this is because, in america, the asian -- or asian looking -- male is undervalued. white american chicks for the most part simply don't want to fuck or marry an asian american male. ask an asian american man and he will tell you this. there is a huge stereotype to overcome -- small cock, unmanly, dorky, etc etc. no other race really knows this situation. in many ways, black men have it easier.

"But we have to stop with these racial inferiority complexes. It is not good for your soul."
"Be proud of who you are, have confidence in yourself"
"I am talking about confidence. And traveling and living life from a position of strength. Not a position of weakness."

yes, of course. it took me many years to get over my insecurities, in fact, i still have them and am still working on letting them go. but yeah, it's all in my head -- and at the same time, it helps to have external reinforcement of my beliefs. german girls help me believe in myself, it's as simple as that. american girls are much less interested in peruvian culture. many or most of them don't even know where peru is, or what language they speak. seriously.

"Hell, if I was half Peruvian and half Japanese, I would believe I was a descendant of Incan Kings and Japanese Bushido. Those are dope cultures."

ha, well said. thanks man. i agree.

"Be proud of who you are, have confidence in yourself, and maybe you won't have to travel across the globe to swoop hot girls. You might be able to do it right here in LA."

this is the one phrase where i think you went to far. i don't know why you would write that in the travel section of a forum started by a blogger who is famous exactly for the mindset and strategy of traveling around the world and meeting feminine women who are not bitchy, masculine, entitled american chicks.

and that is where temujin, i agree with you:

"Would you suggest Roosh move back to DC -- since he can swoop hot feminine women right back in the USA -- by getting over his Persian immigrant complex and embracing the greatness of America?"

and here too you bring up a great point:

"position of strength shouldn't mean delusional American pom-pom waving about American women, or whether they're even worth gaming for guys looking for great looking, feminine women."

and ultimately, that's the issue. my goal and my dream and my action plan is to become a famous photographer. my dream is to have my work in the moma. that's my dream. now, at a certain point, once i get really good, i am sure i will be able to fuck really hot american girls, just like the benihana guy -- but the question is, would i want to?

and the truth that we all know is that most american chicks are simply not worth it. our american culture has failed us american men. our culture has been overtaken by american feminists, and that is our fault, and it is frustrating and disgraceful and i wonder if there is anything we can do about it -- but for now, it is what it is, and what it is is bullshit.

right now, the best thing for me -- and for many other american men, white, black, hispanic, asian, all of us -- the best thing for us to do is to consider foreign women, and visit other countries if possible, and as much as possible. and anything is possible.

gmanifesto, it sounds like you are doing awesome in LA so congratulations. if i could be a big shot in any city in the world, i could see myself picking LA or NY because all the hot girls from around the world want to go there. at the same time, i don't think you can deny that it's a good strategy to go where you are wanted, to HAVE FUN and enjoy life without having to fight upstream against a system and a culture that has really created a defective product -- that being, the american woman.

happy new year to everyone. all the best.

hey rivelino share the picture of the babe with me too! [Image: smile.gif]

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

good thread.

the op is setting a good example of communicating about ethnic issues in a well-balanced, experienced, and insightful way, without trolling at all.

Ethnicity is an extremely factor given your niche. It's all about relativity and "market forces" as you say. You do see this in more homogenous (white) big cities in america too. Asian guys and ethnic guys tend to do better there, than say, LA or New York. Mexicans as well.

Roosh was also pretty open about the ethnic angle in his success in poland, where he said he was considered one of the hottest guys in the club just for his mediterranean looks. Why do you think he's back in poland?

Being a desired ethnicity within a certain niche just feels good. You feel different ("other" in a good sense. Heck, people pay big money to be different like this by buying expenses cars and wearing designer brands). It's like being VIP wherever you go , for free.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 05:09 PM)rivelino Wrote:  

yes, of course. it took me many years to get over my insecurities, in fact, i still have them and am still working on letting them go. but yeah, it's all in my head --


As long as we agree it's all in your head.

I am trying to help. Like I said, it is important to come from a position of strength.

It depresses me when people aren't proud of their heritage.

(For the record, my best friend is half Asian, and does extremely well with girls and in life.)

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Quote: (01-01-2013 06:14 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2013 05:09 PM)rivelino Wrote:  

yes, of course. it took me many years to get over my insecurities, in fact, i still have them and am still working on letting them go. but yeah, it's all in my head --


As long as we agree it's all in your head.

I am trying to help. Like I said, it is important to come from a position of strength.

It depresses me when people aren't proud of their heritage.

(For the record, my best friend is half Asian, and does extremely well with girls and in life.)

@ gmanifesto, I see where you're coming from. Guys should feel good about their ethnicity and game with confidence. That's all good.

At the same time, ethnic issues DO matter. That's not an excuse to develop an inferiority complex, etc. But the fact is, given the same amount of effort, you will notice differences in success with women depending on how your ethnic makeup relates to your niche. It's not all in your head. And yes, to be honest, much of the time external factors (such as skin tone and facial features) absolutely trump all internal matters such as self esteem and swag. Sometimes (not all the time) if you have the right look you win.

Riv fucks a beautiful blonde in Berlin

Another race thread to start the new year....

Roosh should have never commented on race dating and the totem pole...people don't realize roosh does not see all, its just his personal opinion. And he is not always correct. Its just his observation. That is all. One mans opinion.

Instead it started a race war for dating white women.

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