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Data sheet on all of Russia

Data sheet on all of Russia

almost 1/4 of the way done! Over 50 cities ..

Data sheet on all of Russia

So many of the best nightclubs and restaurants don't even have websites or phone numbers. got to love russia

Data sheet on all of Russia

I'm also pipelining for you guys I have interested girls in everycity pretty much to get you off on the right foot.

Data sheet on all of Russia

Quote: (11-12-2012 10:24 AM)BrownBear Wrote:  

I'm also pipelining for you guys I have interested girls in everycity pretty much to get you off on the right foot.

Curious how did that convo go? I imagine it'd be kinda awkward, thanks for the pre-help though!

Data sheet on all of Russia

I say that me and my foreign friends want to visit russia and most of them reply with "call me when you get here". And these girls aren't "average" i'm talking about 7's-9's.

Data sheet on all of Russia

fml..[Image: attachment.jpg8691]    So much left to do and no those aren't just empty folders... [Image: mindblown.gif]

Data sheet on all of Russia

glad to see Samara is on that list [Image: smile.gif] ! Just missing Kaluga now [Image: wink.gif]

Data sheet on all of Russia

kaluga is at the bottom of the picture, cut it off by accident

Data sheet on all of Russia

Hi brown bear,
Is it true that a few Affrican are studying in Russia.
I hear that all the time from people from ukraine ore even my Parents my mum jost toled me her brother in law studied in Moscow.

On the other side the media tells me it's racist people black people get killed and bullshit like that.

I will see for myself but I would like to now what the deal is whith dark skinned people in rushia, which places are good which should I avoid.

What is the scenne in Real Life and the lickley hood of me getting killed walking down the street's [Image: smile.gif] ( I don't really believe that, but that's what the media trys to tell me so I want to now for real how it is.)

By the way the Russians I met here in Germany are all cool, and no one actualy attempted to kill me so maybe I am missing something

Data sheet on all of Russia

Need some people to give me their opinions on the site, message me if you want the password.

Data sheet on all of Russia

I only had time for a quick look but I liked the look of club 'Iceberg' in Abakan. That kind of awful club full of men with greasy mullets and girls who can't afford a JD and coke is my kind of place.

From a quick glance I'm noticing a real difference between the standard of clientele in more prosperous city clubs and smaller provincial ones. You can see that Abakan clubbers dress shoddier and generally look worse then chicks in the Yaroslavl club pics you posted the other day for example. I think your efforts are going to help us decide on a location.

Good job BB.

Data sheet on all of Russia

Thank you, my goal is just to get basic information for every city for about 5-10 nightclubs in each one and then I'll add the hotels that I recommend(I've stayed in a lot of bad/good ones in russia and let me tell you...definitely go for GOOD hotels it's not worth saving an extra 20-30$ a day) and then everything else that you guys want me to add. I'm also in talks with a friend of mine who develops apps, so if theres a demand for information in English on Russia then I'll have one developed..

Data sheet on all of Russia

Do people still want this?

Data sheet on all of Russia

Quote: (11-16-2012 08:01 AM)BrownBear Wrote:  

Do people still want this?

I'm pretty sure me and Vorkuta atleast would still appreciate it. Thanks for your dedication.

Data sheet on all of Russia

yes please, especially on Kaluga, Togliatti and Samara [Image: biggrin.gif] [Image: wink.gif]

Data sheet on all of Russia

Quote: (11-16-2012 08:01 AM)BrownBear Wrote:  

Do people still want this?

I am still waiting on the Ekaterinburg info. I'm like a 9 year old at midnight Christmas Eve waiting up for Santa to arrive.

Data sheet on all of Russia

I second Ekaterinburg, love those club pics. Talent for days!

Our New Blog:

Data sheet on all of Russia

I'll get back to work on it, I was just burned out

Data sheet on all of Russia

@ Brownbear...stop being such a selfish tw*t and stop nailing 9's in Russia and get our datasheets finished first! [Image: wink.gif]

Data sheet on all of Russia

It has been a shitty past few days I'll force myself to start again tomorrow. I promise that I'll spend all day on it tomorrow.

If you send me 1000$)))

Data sheet on all of Russia

Quote: (11-17-2012 02:56 PM)BrownBear Wrote:  

It has been a shitty past few days I'll force myself to start again tomorrow. I promise that I'll spend all day on it tomorrow.

If you send me 1000$)))

If you find us the right city, act as a bodyguard, teacher, wing and translator you will make that amount every week with us.

Data sheet on all of Russia

@ Brownbear...if you can get me laid with a Russian lady who looks like Anna Kournikova in her prime and has a passion for dressing up in a spray on tight 1970's CCCP Russian gymnasts can have the 1000 [Image: wink.gif] !

Data sheet on all of Russia

I was just joking! I wouldn't even pretend to be a bodyguard they're extremely well trained and it's very dangerous!

Data sheet on all of Russia

BrownBear you mentioned you are in Belgorod. Belgorod is very close to Kharkiv in Ukraine, a city I recently visited. I know some people in Belgorod go to Kharkiv to party as Kharkiv is larger. What do you think of Kharkiv? Is Kharkiv similar to a 2nd tier Russian city?

Data sheet on all of Russia

I'm not in Belgorod, I only showed some pictures from there. I have never been to Ukraine. I could ask around if you want..

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