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The G Manifesto Responds

The G Manifesto Responds

Wow. I went for a beach swim at sunset last night, and a huge outpouring of emotion takes place.

I feel I should address a few things for all the cool cats on here.

First off, thank you for all the support. You guys know who you are and I am glad you have benefited from what I write.

I have always tried to help people on here, no matter their experience or skill level. Which in turn helps me. I appreciate all the young cats on here trying to better their lives. I truly do.

Roosh contacted me in Private back in the summer when I posted some funny threads that people took the wrong way. I understand now that not everyone has thick skin, and the levels of sensitivity that some have on here is higher than others. I decided to take a break then, and was working on some projects.

Since I have returned, I have made an effort to not slap people around. There have been at least 10 instances in the last week or so where I have chosen not to respond to people who have made negative comments towards me. There is a group of five or so members that it seems have gotten pretty tight with Roosh that do 90% of the hating and seem to have free reign to do so. I have a pretty good idea of why each of them do it and I could detail it, but I am above that now.

I get it. Some people are very serious. Some people don't like joking around. Some people are very sensitive. Sometimes the written word doesn't come across the right way.

So I have to say that this was a little bit of a surprise, to see this now since A) I haven’t been responding to haters B) There have been no recent private conversations.

However, I know where Roosh is coming from. This is the way he makes his living. He doesn’t want to jeopardize that. I can respect that.

It is better for him to have a docile group of people on the forum that won’t rock the boat. It’s good business. If anyone can understand that, it’s me. He has too much too lose at this point. Hell, now Roosh wears suits, sips champagne and stays in nice apartments in the city center. (Joke Roosh).

Understand this, when I come off as “mean” or “abrasive”, I am joking 99% of the time. Maybe some of you grew up in different environments than I, but how I grew up is you made fun of each other.

It’s humor. It’s funny. It’s harmless.

I actually think it makes people stronger as a result.

You will also notice, that anytime I am "mean" or "abrasive" I am responding to people in kind. I never go around attacking people unprovoked. If defending myself is a crime, then I am guilty. Sure, I get pushed, and come back with a baseball bat, but that is neither here nor there.

Am I "cocky" sometimes? Sure. I have also found that being cocky and brash has served me well in life. Don't nice guys finish last? Isn't that a big part of what this forum is all about?

If you think I am “being too tough” then I truly wish you luck in the real world. Trust me, the real world, it is a lot “meaner” than an Internet forum.

A few other things:

On me not meeting up with other Members:

Honestly, I never knew this was a “social networking” or match making site. Maybe that was announced when I was gone.

To me, this has always been a place to share information.

That being said, I have tried on two occasions to meet up with members when we were in the same place. Both meetings (Miami Beach and Latvia) did not take place because of them. Not because of me.

I was also in Montreal during the “First Annual Rooshvforum Meetup”. No one else was there.

So we can kill that topic once and for all.

That also being said, there are members that I would still meet up with, and probably will at some point in the future. Those include, Mike CF, Internationalswagger, Mixx, Quest, Roosh, Kona, Fisto, Merenguero, Rationalize, Fujiwara, Samseau, Nomad77 all the Miami Guys, The LA guys and many others. Don't feel slighted if I didn't mention you.

I have no problem with that. Hell, I meet 30 people every night I go out anyways.

Hell, honestly, I don't even mind all the Republicans on here. I actually think some of them are kind of cool. Sure when they diss, I will diss them back, but I always felt it was just a manly conversation.

I don't hate anyone on here.

Anyone that wants to find me, can find me anytime they want. I write about which places I hang out at, which Boxing gyms I box at, which nightclubs I hang out at , which restaurants I hang out at, and where I spend my summer.

I try to write about places in a manner that should be obvious to anyone that has been there, that I have too. Which is why people that have been to places I have been, never question me.

If you were that interested, you could have gone to the Del Mar Racetrack every summer. I am a pretty easy guy to find actually.

There are of course members on here that I would never meet, but that goes beyond saying. I am sure everyone on here feels the same way.

On me being “fake”:

This is a laughable claim that anyone who has lived life and traveled to the places I have been can attest too.

As I have mentioned many times, The G Manifesto, is not a “business” for me, it is an artistic release. The amount of money I make from it is minimal and there is no financial benefit for me to lie.

Nor is there any financial benefit for me to post on Rooshvforum or “drive traffic” to my site. Which again is a ridiculous claim since if that was my aim, there are plenty of bigger forums that would be better to “drive traffic” from.

The only reason I post on Rooshvforum is to help people and to learn something every now and then. I have said on many occasions that this is the best forum and I think Roosh is head of the class as far as writing on the subject matter he does.

Obviously, I am not in it for the money. I have been writing for 7 or so years, and I have never released a product, or even sold an E-book of my own.

Not that I have any problem with someone making money from a blog. Hell, Roosh does. But it is easy to see that my motives are pure and not for financial gain.

Again, I have written for 7 years and no one has found any inconsistencies with what I write.

As someone mentioned, Roosh can pull all the IP addresses I have been posting from. Where I have been is documented on my site. He can compare the two and post his findings. I have no problem with this and I think it will make the few doubters out there more comfortable.

I am sure Roosh has checked every now and then in the past as well.

It would be an easy way to kill this once and for all. As they say, curiosity kills the cat.

It is easy to keep your story straight when you are telling the truth.

On the information I write being “fake”:

This is a brand new charge, but anyone can see that there is enough support for what I write on even this thread to know that is a lie.

And of course, anyone making that claim never has any specific examples they can cite. Because they can’t.

I am sure, Roosh leaned on my Latvia information before he went. He has said before that what I write about is consistent to what he experiences.

All in all, this was a great thread, it definitely shows that there is a lot more support for me than hate.

I am a guy that has worked damn hard to get where I am. I am still not where I want to be, but I pretty much live the life I want too. I am pretty damn happy. I can truly say that.

In fact, this last year might be the happiest of my life. I really think I have finally found myself, and all my "life's accounts" are in good standing.

I think a guy like this is of value to a forum like this. Maybe some people disagree, and that is fine.


The G Manifesto Responds

"Wow. I went for a beach swim at sunset last night, and a huge outpouring of emotion takes place." gmanifesto should know better than to swim at either dusk or dawn. That's when many shark attacks occur. Come on're better than that! HA HA!

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

The G Manifesto Responds

Ladies and Gentlemen, the People's Champ.

He said he'll meet people now. That's real man talk. Is anyone still going to dispute the G?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The G Manifesto Responds

[Image: animated_gif_food_018.gif]

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

The G Manifesto Responds


The haters just got told.

The G Manifesto Responds

I'd like to meet the G
[Image: sad.gif]

The G Manifesto Responds

Quote: (11-08-2012 03:14 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

"Wow. I went for a beach swim at sunset last night, and a huge outpouring of emotion takes place." gmanifesto should know better than to swim at either dusk or dawn. That's when many shark attacks occur. Come on're better than that! HA HA!

You're implying that he wasn't using the sharks as training tools.

10/14/15: The day I learned that convicted terrorists are treated with more human dignity than veterans.

The G Manifesto Responds


The G Manifesto Responds

You've definitely helped me along especially where style is concerned. Thank you for that.

I do have a question for you. In reading your blog and posts here I notice you will mention guys like Peter Schiff and Kyle Bass, yet on the forum you seemingly support Obama who is the polar opposite of those guys when it comes to the economy. I don't blame you for not supporting Romney(I didn't vote for him), but how can you support that asshole in office and still believe what Schiff, Bass and the like stand for?

Also, you forgot to mention my man Daniel Zaragoza when mentioning fellow fighters who smoke(d).

The G Manifesto Responds

Haters gonna hate. On another note. Was this Beta?

The G Manifesto Responds

I don't think very many people have really even tried to meet with G. Doing so would require 1) some effort, 2) some money. But not really a lot of either. I'm surprised people can't get beyond his style of writing. BTW, according to Twitter, Del Mar 2013 Opening Day is July 17th. That is one day of the year you can be sure of his whereabouts. Who's going to go?

The G Manifesto Responds

Quote: (11-08-2012 03:06 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Understand this, when I come off as “mean” or “abrasive”, I am joking 99% of the time. Maybe some of you grew up in different environments than I, but how I grew up is you made fun of each other.


Anyone ever play on a football team? Basketball team? Any team?

Anyone worked a labor job with only male co-workers?

That's just how it goes.

Enough of the weesh, let's get back to dropping data and the

exchange of intel and ideas.

The G Manifesto Responds

Quote: (11-08-2012 03:39 PM)Menace Wrote:  

I don't think very many people have really even tried to meet with G. Doing so would require 1) some effort, 2) some money. But not really a lot of either. I'm surprised people can't get beyond his style of writing. BTW, according to Twitter, Del Mar 2013 Opening Day is July 17th. That is one day of the year you can be sure of his whereabouts. Who's going to go?

I have a buddy who is a Rooshv member from Del Mar and he couldn't believe how accurate G's data sheet on it was. I'll be there.

The G Manifesto Responds

+1 to G Manifesto....unbelievable amount of sissiness and complaining going on, to hear from Roosh that people are PMng him about getting their feelings hurt....

big ups to G! the bigbootyluvr beatdown was one of my all-time favorite smackdowns on the internet...of all time!!!!

to all the sissies complaining and whining to roosh...cmon now. grow up.

and as a side-note, LOL at all the haters dripping on MikeCF. i have a feeling if MikeCF took a 2-month break from the forum, little bitches would come out left and right talking about what a joke he was and how he's a faker, and that juicing gives you a small pecker, etc...unbelievable the amount of petty backstabbing lame shit that goes on in a forum that is supposedly built and maintained by "alpha males" who are trying to better themselves.

The G Manifesto Responds

Well now that that's settled can we just go back to fucking bitches and getting money?

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

The G Manifesto Responds

Quote: (11-08-2012 03:06 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

In fact, this last year might be the happiest of my life. I really think I have finally found myself, and all my "life's accounts" are in good standing.

I think a guy like this is of value to a forum like this. Maybe some people disagree, and that is fine.


I think that is what it boils down. If you're happy, you wouldn't be worried if some guy is real or not.

The G Manifesto Responds

I for one enjoy your writing style, humor and 90s sayings. I hope that you don't digress from the forum or your writings. I wouldn't even care if you were some fucking cubicle dork pushing this shit out ( I doubt you are) but man you make us laugh and keep us entertained. Continue the good work.

It's not the face you fuck. It's the fuck you are facing.

The G Manifesto Responds

Good stuff, haters goin to hate. Thought we would be down to 4 people I even read.

If you want to be average put G on ignore, I feel bad for them.

The G Manifesto Responds

Keep it coming man

The G Manifesto Responds

I think some smackdowns were where smackdowns were due. When some guy says he had an awesome time somewhere but says 'I don't wanna share it' or some other shit, then I and I know many other members take issue with this.

Why be on this forum if you don't wanna share the wealth or break it down for other guys? That's what it's all about. Some dudes are plain leeches.

The G Manifesto Responds

Quote: (11-08-2012 03:06 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

The G Manifesto, is not a “business” for me, it is an artistic release.

So where do you get all the pictures of women on your blog?

The G Manifesto Responds

Quote: (11-08-2012 03:06 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Honestly, I never knew this was a “social networking” or match making site. Maybe that was announced when I was gone.

Classic G smack down.

The G Manifesto Responds

This was a very well-measured, clear and powerful response.

If only you would write in paragraphs though...

The G Manifesto Responds

Expose the guys who wrote Roosh to complain. Then we can all rip on those suckas. G 4 LIFE!

The G Manifesto Responds

Quote: (11-08-2012 04:34 PM)sucio44 Wrote:  

Expose the guys who wrote Roosh to complain. Then we can all rip on those suckas. G 4 LIFE!

I wonder how many of those same guys post about being "alpha males."

Man, a look at Roosh's mod log would make for some great laughs.

Biggest tough guys on the board complaining to Roosh about having their feelings hurt.

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