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Drunk Lounge

Drunk Lounge

[Image: fng2dc.jpg]

Some girl made this pic for me because I got banned. Pokemon are cool man.


Drunk Lounge

Quote: (02-10-2013 01:51 PM)MSW2007 Wrote:  

^ Nice picture there, thedude3737. I love Alex Grey's work. I have a poster similar to that image that I found years ago in a back issue of Cannabis Culture magazine. I took it out, framed it, and it's been on my wall ever since.

Same here. However I don't think Alex Grey's work connects well with drugs like Extasy and Cocaine, just the way I see it.

What do you think?

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (02-17-2013 02:17 AM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Quote: (02-10-2013 01:51 PM)MSW2007 Wrote:  

^ Nice picture there, thedude3737. I love Alex Grey's work. I have a poster similar to that image that I found years ago in a back issue of Cannabis Culture magazine. I took it out, framed it, and it's been on my wall ever since.

Same here. However I don't think Alex Grey's work connects well with drugs like Extasy and Cocaine, just the way I see it.

What do you think?

I don't use what many would consider to be "harder drugs" such as blow, because I was born with a slight heart defect. I figure caffeine and nicotine everyday is enough as is. So I'm unsure of the vibes being on blow and looking at Grey's work might induce.


Anyways, I've changed my signature in honor of the drunk lounge. "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" is actually a Benjamin Franklin misquote. Below is what the man on the $100.00 bill actually wrote:

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Drunk Lounge

Always forget to post here when I'm drunk!

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (02-18-2013 12:24 AM)kickboxer Wrote:  

Always forget to post here when I'm drunk!

Apparently you've been drunk enough then. [Image: lol.gif]

Somebody once said that if you can type a coherent sentence in the drunk lounge, then you're not drunk enough.

Note to self, then - must drink more.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (02-18-2013 12:24 AM)kickboxer Wrote:  

Always forget to post here when I'm drunk!

Same here, I'm usually too drunk to post in the drunk thread.

Drunk Lounge

Who else has been drinking

And what are you drinking

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (02-18-2013 11:57 PM)GBG Wrote:  

Who else has been drinking

And what are you drinking

24 oz. tallboys of Labatt Ice. Canadian pisswater but it's the cheapest can of brew besides Magnum at the local convenience store.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Drunk Lounge

Never had Canadian piss water is it better than American piss water?

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (02-17-2013 02:17 AM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Quote: (02-10-2013 01:51 PM)MSW2007 Wrote:  

^ Nice picture there, thedude3737. I love Alex Grey's work. I have a poster similar to that image that I found years ago in a back issue of Cannabis Culture magazine. I took it out, framed it, and it's been on my wall ever since.

Same here. However I don't think Alex Grey's work connects well with drugs like Extasy and Cocaine, just the way I see it.

What do you think?

I would say no to coke, but that molly I took gave me some very mild hallucinations. Had some kaleidoscope patterns emerging in my field of vision.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Drunk Lounge

Quote: (02-19-2013 12:01 AM)GBG Wrote:  

Never had Canadian piss water is it better than American piss water?

Probably not but locally it's cheaper than most other 'ice' beers.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Drunk Lounge

Bout to work out while highly inebriated in the name of science.

I'll write a data sheet on this.

Drunk Lounge

A solid cheap beer is Budweiser Black Crown. I usually can't tolerate crappy beer but it's decent to the palate, cheap, and of moderately high alcohol content (6%).

Drunk Lounge

Just crushed a bunch of Mirror Pond pale ales. Delicious Oregon brew.

There's a dude on here with bassplayer or something bass-related as a handle, and he needs to check this shit out...

Would you give up the game for this chick!?? She fucking crushes it on the 5-string.

Drunk Lounge

Addendum: Followed up the Mirror Ponds with a 12-pack of Goose Island 312s. I destroyed the whole thing. Who does this?

Drunk Lounge

But tomorrow I shall be sober...

Drunk Lounge

Im beyond fyck. Drunk. Some cougs wanted the d but for some reason I exuded in the only fat/ugly table in the place. Chicka was dancin with me. Went frmor. Makeout and she had. Boyfriend. I thoroughly made fun of him and some drinks fuck I didn't know drove me go MacDonalds then home. I passed outdone the kitchen floor then my cats woke me Up THUG LIFE.

Drunk Lounge

well since im still drunk... fuck autocorrect.

I'm out of town so I go to a bar I've never been to before with a friend and I'm hammered by the time we get there. Its all old people (like40) sitting in huge groups. Except these 2 girls sitting a few tables away. I was telling my friend about game stuff because he just needs a push in the right direction and he'd kill it. While we were still sober we rolled up beside these 2 chicks in a car at a red light. I look over and give one of them the most seductive stare. She breaks eye contact and looks again, the other one starts looking and I smirk. My friend notices and is like DUUUUUUUUUDEE1!!!@!! I start rolling down the window and he drives off [Image: dodgy.gif]

anyways, this busted cougar who dressed like she was 16, but had a bangin body was eying me up. I go piss and walk past her on my way back. Shes blocking the way and I say excuse me and lightly push her. She goes maayyyybe and backs her ass up into me and gyrates it. She was with a huge group of ed hardy bros, old enough to be her sons ahaha. So I bolted off.

my friend goes out for a smoke and I go with him, cougar comes up again asking for a light.

I go back inside and the young girls are sitting at me and my friends' table. I go and accuse them of stealing my drinks and tease them about picking our table out of all of them to sit. We chat. and this slightly chubby busted faced one is super into me. basically rubbing my back whenever we'd talk, shes asking me every question and when she leans in to talk in my ear she has her face on mine. Girls always seem to want to rub my back. I guess all those deadlifts are paying off haha.

I drag her to the dancefloor we dance. Shes gripping onto my hands like theres no tomorrow, they're super soft I can tell shed have a nice pussy even though she wasn't facially attractive. Her friend and my friend are looking at us. Lights come on (1am close what the fuck). I go in for a kiss and shes all 'i have a boyfriend" I think I said "i dont see him" and she looks back at her friend. I made fun of the boyfriend etc. Then I said "if we were all alone you'd be all over me" she nodded and I walked off.

We both knew that I was too attractive for her. Its funny, when youre talking to a chick way below you in attractiveness everyone gets the sense of "this isn't natural"

Drunk Lounge

Last night was epic. Tried Emechs drink with kookaid. Forgot that it wasn't sweetened. Nasty. Then I didn't eat, which perpetuated intoxication, and then tried to post on about a dozen threads. Luckily I didn't, or not only would've Roosh banned me, but buried me in a concrete casket, in the deepest part of the ocean, and then killed my family and sewed salt in the earth as a reminder. LOL.

Tonight I ate before drinking. [Image: tard.gif]

Drunk Lounge

Jameson did me dirty once again.

Drunk Lounge

Had some Maple Crown Royal tonight. Tasted just like waffles! And I love waffles.

Drunk Lounge

Drunk on Smirnoff Raspberry vodka.
About to climb in bed with my college slam.

This was pointless but I want to game other girls.

Drunk Lounge

The powers at be just don;t want me to get fuckin laid. So I'm at this house party with a 10:1 dude to chick ratio. This chick from halloween is drunk as shit and is all like whats up, thanks for walking me to the bus stoip that night I was drunk as fuck I would have done something stupid had it not been for you (thanks for shitting on me for being a decent person and not fucking you while you hace a boyfriend and are blackout). Some weesh dudes keep hitting on her and her friend. I'm drunk off my ass. I say "lets go smoke drugs" and take them to the bathroom. I budge the entire bathroom line with 2 fine ass chicks (one reminiscinet of kate upton, but a 7). I puss out but keep chill. We talk. As soon as I start making my fuckin move. THE FUCKING EMTS SHOW UP. SOME DUMB FUCK GOT SO DRUNK THEY HAD TO CALL 911. IM ABOUT TO MAKEOUT WITH 2 CHICKS IN A BATHROOM AT A HOUSEPARTY AND THE FUCKING PARAMEDICS SHOW UP. WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS. I leave, theres a bunch of beta fucks, and the shitty mck from before waiting outside. chick one leaves, they look chick 2 leaves they stare, I leave, jaws hit the floor and I do up a button on my shirt.

N o bang cuzsome dumbn fuck fucked everything up FUCK.

one chick sent me a pic and i couldnt view it


Drunk Lounge


Still workin on it

Conceived to beat all odds like Las Vegas

Drunk Lounge

some asshole next to me through a lot of shit about me in a bar, not to me, but to a 3. guy.

I just want to beat the shit out of him, but i can't, security everywhere with guns.

I'm fucking pissed.

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