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To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

So much of the "new game" can just be summed up by: "treat her like a fattie."

Text her when you want to see her. Text her "come over." "Bring the movies." Make out and then push her head toward your cock. Don't call her for days. Or text, I guess. No one calls anymore. Don't text her for days. And when you do, it's short notice. "Come over." Don't take her out in public. Don't shower before she comes over. Don't buy presents and flowers and blah blah blah... don't make a big deal out of flattering her; when you meet her, be very direct. Like the fat chick in a bar. "Come home with me." "Come out back with me." Laugh if she says something funny and don't laugh if she doesn't say something funny. Listen if she says something interesting and brush her off if she doesn't. She wants to go somewhere, she drives. You drink. When your friends ask about her-- who is this girl you're spending all this time with, be like... eh, it's nothing. A girl who comes over.

The way you deal with fat chicks is basically the way you deal with people when you're honest. Terse. Mercenary. Matter of fact. "Come out back with me" means "come suck my dick next to a dumpster." You say this to a fat chick because you know she knows exactly what you mean, and she might say yes, and if she's offended, who gives a fuck. But this should be your attitude toward all women. She knows what you mean, she might say yes, and if she doesn't, who gives a fuck. Too much of game is planning a heist like you're stealing the Hope Diamond: neg's and IOI's and A1 and C3 and blah blah blah, spraying dust on the laser beams so you can tumble around them and then crack the safe with a stethoscope. The way you treat fat chicks is like you don't give a fuck, which is as "alpha" as you can possibly be.

The point is, you already have a model of behavior for how you should be treating all women, but you are only using it on unattractive women. You are ironically being more honest and open and real with women you supposedly hold in contempt than ones you supposedly value. And the reality is, they are all "fat chicks." They are fat chicks physically after you've fucked them ten times and get bored. They are fat chicks mentally who couldn't make a room full of people laugh if they had to save their family from getting set on fire. If you had to marry these hot chicks you would kill yourself unless you're just that into validation from your friends and having dudes hit on your girl. There is something wrong with all of them. Deeply wrong. The hottest chick in the world will slowly earn contempt far worse than a fat chick gets right away. Treat them like they honestly are to you, and admit that that's what they are. Fat chicks, broken chicks, unfunny chicks, boring chicks. Dishonest chicks. Game playing chicks. Attention whores. Whatever. Fat of the soul is far worse than fat of the gunt.

Take this model as far as you can go. When you walk in a room, don't notice them. Or brush your eyes over them like a dude who hasn't beat off in five days and is looking at the fattie like a coyote looks at a trash can-- easy meat. Don't be mean, don't be cruel-- when are you actually cruel to fat chicks? If you are, you're an asshole. You don't even *notice* fat chicks. Until they get in your face, they are invisible to you. Until you need them for something. And then you ask them for it directly. And then when you are engaged with them you are maddeningly aloof and distant because you just don't give that much of a fuck, and they text you every god damn day with "dinner 2nite?" Doubtless at some hideous buffet out of Heironymous Bosch. But the way you are with fat chicks is alpha. Not fake alpha, real alpha. The person with something the other person needs, and power over the situation.

Easier said than done, I know. You see a really cute girl and your adrenal gland fires off and gives you the same reaction you have when you've just been in a car accident. But learn to see women the way they really are. They are nothing special. There is only one woman, different faces. And that one woman, sadly, is an insecure, cruel and broken bore. A fat chick in her heart. You will not be happy living with this realization. But you will tear up more ass than a mule tannery. And that's what matters. Right?

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

Delicious Tacos, everyone.

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

I like your user name [Image: lol.gif] [Image: thumb.gif]

Team Nachos

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

This is true, I do this often to my girl on the side. Even though she is 5'2 and skinnier than a stick, i constantly call her fat and tell her to have sex with me. It was the same when I met her and the same when I went on a "date" with her.

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

Quote: (10-15-2012 10:59 AM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

I like your user name [Image: lol.gif] [Image: thumb.gif]

Me too and now I have a craving for Mexican.... some nice Mexican food and a buena chica.

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

Quote: (10-14-2012 10:56 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  

There is only one woman, different faces.

this line is golden.

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

What about the guy that's so beta and desperate he treats fat chicks like hot chicks? [Image: lol.gif]

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

This is why I constantly say some guys here take women far too seriously. Some guys like to post lists in their blogs about the girls they've banged, how many and what they did to them...why? Validation?

Pussy isn't something to brag about, nor is it some achievement, it is ment to be the norm. Nor should we give a fuck when a "feminazi" does anything to get attention in the media, and whine about it.

Personally, I never react to women...regardless of what they do. If a girl attempts to attack me verbally or physically I laugh in her face and/or put her in her place. If a girl calls me to come over, I'll tell her I'm busy...I always do things on MY terms and my frame is always stronger than hers.

Don't treat attractive women like fatties...they are not fatties...I don't bang fatties. But I know what OP means...treat them like what they are...WOMEN i.e. not too seriously.

The EASIEST way to go about this is to be moving in the right directions with your life. We should ALL being doing what we want to do with our lives AWAY from women. I honestly believe once people take control of their lives and don't allow others to dictate any aspects of it (especially how we should think) then we start to see thinks how they really are. If you find a girl attractive but she has nothing else going for her, go for the bang...if you want. But that's just that, she's just one of the rest.

Fat bitches, skinny bitches, slim bitches are what they are...bitches.

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

The only difference between a fat chick's heart and a skinny chick's heart is one will die at 40. Good post.

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

This mentality has become common in the manosphere. But I've got to be honest. As much as I understand what you're saying with this post and how the mindset works in your favor, having multiple lovers brings me a lot more satisfaction when I take it upon myself to appreciate women as well. When I make love to a woman rather than just screw her, even just a fuck buddy, my orgasms are more explosive. When I put my entire being into an interaction with someone, even just a fuck buddy, I feel more alive. I'm more content. Not to mention that women eat up the passion and become completely addicted to me as a result.

It's better for her. It's better for me. I act like an asshole a lot, probably far more than I should, but I also make the minutes count, and it really pays off in how I'm treated in return - as well as how I feel at the end of the day.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

Excellent newb guide.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

great post

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

Quote: (10-20-2012 04:39 PM)plague Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2012 10:56 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  

There is only one woman, different faces.

this line is golden.

Can't take credit for that one. It's paraphrased from Nikos Kazantzakis' The Last Temptation of Christ:

”There is only one woman in the world. One woman, with many faces.”

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

I gave you a rep point for that line haha.

Good job paraphrasing.

Quote: (10-21-2012 02:56 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  

Quote: (10-20-2012 04:39 PM)plague Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2012 10:56 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  

There is only one woman, different faces.

this line is golden.

Can't take credit for that one. It's paraphrased from Nikos Kazantzakis' The Last Temptation of Christ:

”There is only one woman in the world. One woman, with many faces.”

Feel the fear..then do it anyway.

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

I get what you're saying but if I actually treated every girl like a fatty people would think I'm gay with all the avoiding of and walking away from girls I'd be doing.

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

So what you're saying to newbs is to abuse a few fatties first then get disgusted with themselves and go chase good-looking women with the devil-may-care attitude they employ with the chubs?

That's actually how I learned game. I slummed it so much. I was slum dog millionaire. The Slum Lord. Then I tightened up my game a bit and decided to bang girls that didn't make me hate myself. Life is better now.

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

Nice ideas, but this is the exact problem in the West. Guys have to learn concepts and theories instead of just "exist."

The reason you must "treat them like fatties" is because American woman ARE FATTIES!

Has anyone been to Paris, Bangkok, Dakar, or any place other than the United States? American women are the biggest land whales on earth.

I agree with 3agle eyes. Everyone here, including myself, needs to get back in touch with reality. Our true nature.

Oh yea, and travel abroad at least 1 time per year to keep your prospective on the world fresh and up to date.

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

Along these lines, here's a good post for newbies and other players to read- there are several other insta-game power-up points that he makes that I didn't post.

Guys regularly complain that American women aren’t feminine. Yet if you want a feminine woman should you not first be masculine?

Proving that wisdom is often found in unusually sources, Planned Parenthood provides some decent guidelines for masculinity. PP claims these trains are “socially constructed,” which is silly. Masculinity is a biological construct.

Nevertheless the list is quite good. A quick review of this list shows that most American men are not prepared to handle feminine women.


1. Independent. Are you always crying about politics, saying that life will be good for everyone is “your man” is elected? Do you complain that the government has not done enough to boost the economy? Then you are dependent upon the government for your economic success. You are also a latent homosexual, since you are spending way too much time mentally jacking off over Romney/Obama.

2. Non-emotional. Do you cry when people say things that hurt your feelings? Have you ever reported an online message board post to a moderator because it was “mean”? When your boss is being an ass do you become a sad little panda.

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

Bumping this thread of pure gold.

A daily reminder to treat them all like fatties.

"Once you've gotten the lay you have won."- Mufasa

"You Miss 100% of the shots you don't take"- Wayne Gretzky

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

I've got to be honest here. This is serious male hamstering.

It would be nice if we could just act alpha to get pussy. But this shit only works after the girl has been hooked, and that's precisely where game happens. Unless you look great, but then you don't need game anyway.

OP is basically saying game is unnecessary. What a relief, right? But the reality is this: game her like a fattie, and you will only bang fatties. This post won't get as many likes as OPs, but it's the truth.

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

Quote: (08-23-2017 10:48 AM)churros Wrote:  

I've got to be honest here. This is serious male hamstering.

It would be nice if we could just act alpha to get pussy. But this shit only works after the girl has been hooked, and that's precisely where game happens. Unless you look great, but then you don't need game anyway.

OP is basically saying game is unnecessary. What a relief, right? But the reality is this: game her like a fattie, and you will only bang fatties. This post won't get as many likes as OPs, but it's the truth.

Youre right but there is still some metaphorical truth to the concept. Its situational-dependent.

Put another way and to be more precise Id say that in the case of your metaphor the aloofness OP describes is more useful in "setting the hook" than creating it. If an extremely attractive chick is intrigued / attracted and you demonstrate that you know how to fuck her, (social proof) want to (IOI) but truly dont give a shit if you dont...thats a better formula for today

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

Quote: (10-14-2012 10:56 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  

Text her when you want to see her. Text her "come over."

Why would I want a fattie to come over?

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

I tend to treat them like kids, but that is just trying to split a hair.

Make them small and not vital in your mind, as long as it works for you.

A whale. A child. A cat. A slug. Just not an equal to you.

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To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

Quote: (08-23-2017 04:37 PM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2012 10:56 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  

Text her when you want to see her. Text her "come over."

Why would I want a fattie to come over?

Everybody's got their own threshold when it comes to where the line is when deciding if a "drive by" blowjob from a chubster is worth it or just rubbing one out is better. Back in the day as long as I didnt have to kiss them or even touch anything but the back of their head Ive gone as low as a chubby 5.5 for a quick blow and go.

At the time I just identified as a guy needing to be sucked off. Im not proud of it but I refuse to be blown by a fatty shamed either goddammit!!!!

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

To the Newbs: Treat Her Like a Fattie

This approach is great for maintaining the interest of a girl who's already attracted to you, but will 100% backfire if you try to use it to create that initial spark (which is the harder part in my opinion).

I've always found that, on first dates, I counter-intuitively have an easier time attracting the hotter girls. When I could get a 7 or 8 out on a date, I would typically at least get a makeout or a 2nd date, if not more. When the girl turns out to be chubby or plain or whatever, I rarely sense any interest on her end either. Never has such a girl chased after me or become attached.

Clearly my lustful energy when meeting a hot girl works to my benefit, while my indifference with the others makes the interaction flat for both of us.

The bottom line is that until you've already got her hooked, that lust brought on by a hottie is a crucial asset. Don't play the indifference game until she's invested enough to give a shit that you don't give a shit.

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