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LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

As I closed my locker door I happened to glance to my right. She was getting some stuff out of her locker about two doors down. She looked over at me and smiled – she was hot, an 8+. It took me awhile to understand Mary’s interest in me but soon enough she was over at my house sitting on my bed waiting for me to make my move. I reached over and started caressing her leg and soon we were naked in my bed. Mary was a virgin and wanted me to teach her everything I knew. Given the fact I was just 18 wasn’t much but at that age I had a lot more experience than most guys my age and she somehow knew this. She had such a gorgeous body, in its prime at 17, that my favorite thing by far was just having her walk around the room naked while I played with myself. In the coming months I would teach Mary everything I knew. She would do whatever I told her and her only concern was whether it felt good to me. She would suck my cock following my precise instructions and look up at me wanting to make sure she was delivering maximum pleasure. I couldn’t fault Mary’s dedication as a student but there was something off about her. She didn’t seem to enjoy any of it really. All of the sex stuff was just something she had heard about and wanted to know what the big fuss was about. She knew men wanted it and so she wanted to make sure she had an understand of what they wanted. (Since everyone in the school knew I dated older women they also assumed I had more experience and they were right.) I didn’t understand what was wrong with Mary back then but I knew she wasn’t “normal.” It would take me years to understand her but Mary was my first LSD girl and I would wish many times over that she had been my last.

I have been meaning to write about these girls for years but now that I am faced with yet another one the sheer frustration of it has provided the motivation to finally do so. Looking back on the women in my life I would have to say that LSD girls have been the single greatest cause of pain and suffering for me and I suspect for many men too. So let’s define what exactly is an LSD girl. An LSD girl is a girl with a Low Sex Drive. She is like the girl standing off of the dancing floor watching people dance and don’t quite understand what they are so happy about. She can’t feel the music. She can hear it and understand the words but it doesn’t move her emotionally. It’s the same with sex for her. She understands what it is and that a lot of people think it’s a big deal but she can’t feel the same emotions. It’s not that she hates sex, it just doesn’t do much for her. You can bang her using all the moves in the Kama Sutra and suck her pussy all night long and while it may be a pleasant experience it won’t be the mind blowing experience you think you have just delivered , for her. So why exactly are these girls so dangerous? There are dangerous because they cannot give you what you are looking for. What you view as LMR is just indifference. What you think of as a doorway to pent up desire is just a doorway to nothing. You spend a night working to get a LSD girl to have sex with you only to find that the next time you have to do it all over again. And the fact that she’s not emotionally responsive just drive you more and more crazy. You end getting emotionally involved and before you know it you are in the LSD girl’s vortex. While you get more and more emotional caught up in the situation she’s just there the same all along. She can love you, be a great friend, companion etc. but she just can’t fulfill your sexual desires unless having sex with a lifelike doll does it for you. Having sex with an LSD girl is like dancing with a girl that doesn’t want to dance but is only doing it to please you. She may move around on the dance floor but that’s all it is. She can’t really feel the music.

Carol was Brasilian. Given Brasil reputation I would have thought it was the very last place that I would find an LSD girl but as you will see there are everywhere. My guess is that they compromise a significant percentage of the female population (30% of women in the US has LSD) and it’s a segment that cuts across age, sex, race, culture, geography, everything. I have found LSD girls everywhere and Brasil was no exception. Carol was smart, very smart, well read, highly educated and came from an upper middle class family and she was good looking - exotic. The first time we had sex she was actually pretty good a bit mechanical but good or maybe I just wanted to think of her that way. She loved to talk and was a great conversationalist, she was affectionate and had the personality Brasilian girls are famous for except one thing: she didn’t like having sex. After that first time, getting her to have sex was torture. She did anything to avoid it. I didn’t understand what was going on but Carol was an LSD girl. It would take me a long time to extract myself from my relationship with her. Even though I ended up seeing other girls Carol was always there. We had a great chemistry together just not in the bedroom. I kept hoping that Carol would somehow magically changed but she never did because she couldn’t.

Had I known then what I know now I would never have gotten involved with Mary or Carol in the first place. Spotting an LSD girl is not easy. They are very much aware that they are different and seek to hide it. They understand the importance of sex to men and the need to create a “sexy” image. An LSD girl may actually look and act more sexy than a normal girl because she is over compensating for something she doesn’t have: a normal sex drive. But there are ways to detect them. You just have to be willing to walk away when you do. An LSD girl may be able to alter her appearance but it’s very difficult for her to fake passion and true emotions. When you touch her or kiss her response will be mechanical, somewhat cold or childish. You won’t get that sexual vibe when you dance dirty with her. For some reason your dick won’t be as hard as you think it should be around her judging from her looks. Because on a subconscious level your brain isn’t getting the sex signals it is looking for. Your conscious brain looks at her and she will fool you but your subconscious will tell you something isn’t right. Most guys will ignore this and instead chose to believe she just have to get used to them or she’s just uncomfortable. But one month later they will still be wondering how come things haven’t changed but by then they are already too emotionally involved to easily get out.

Janika was a real model. Tall, thin, good looking and smart as hell. She knew how to dress and she had this bad girl image down pat. She smoked and drink and had a bad attitude. I was salivating at the opportunity to bang her, I couldn’t wait. I can still remember that look she gave me in the club as she walked behind her boyfriend, it hit me like a round house punch to the heart. I worked on Janika like a slave but every time I got her to meet me the fantasy would disintegrate. When we hugged, when I touched her, kissed her, I felt nothing. I didn’t understand it, if she didn’t like me why was she here. We had such great conversations, there was this great connection, but sexually she was dead. It wasn’t even about overcoming LMR, I just couldn’t get excited about her in person. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong but I was sure the problem was me. After all, looking at her photos, and also in real life this girl just oozed sexuality. Men were drooling over her everywhere she went and she always looked so damn sexy. It would take years and I never knew exactly why but one night Janika told me a secret after a long conversation. Out of the blue she said: I am asexual. I said what? I had never even heard of this word. I scrambled to look it up… I never thought there could something worse than an LSD girl but, of course, there was: Janika was a ZSD girl (Zero Sex Drive)! Janika like Mary understood the importance of sex to men and had learned to fake it. She knew the image men wanted and perfected it. Both Mary and Janika would get a lot of men in their lives. There was never any shortage of applicants for their charms. Men would see me with them and envy me. I would see the look of envy in their eyes and feel proud of myself but I knew deep inside it was just a façade. I was not only scamming my fellow man I was scamming myself.

There is a saying, “know if the juice is worth the squeeze.” An LSD girl has never been worth the squeeze (work) for me. I suppose if you are just looking for a notch or flag or social status they may be but I was looking for good sex and real sexual intimacy and underneath all of the glamour they couldn’t provide that because they didn’t know what it was and never will. Armed with this knowledge I was able to determine that Fumiko was LSD within a matter of days. Once I did I moved her into the LJBF (Let’s Just Be Friends) zone and was able to sleep peacefully with her right beside me. Both my uncle and mother wants to know why I don’t marry her. She such a nice girl they say. And I nod my head agreeing with them with a smile. She’s packing for us to leave, she looks up and smiles at me as I type this: a beautiful, innocence LSD smile.


There are secondary characteristics of LSD girls. A single characteristic does not mean a girl is LSD but when you start seeing more than one then the probability begins to go up:

She treats a pet like a lover or kid. Sleeps with it, dressed it up, etc. (Of course she doesn’t have to fuck the pet so it’s a perfect situation.)

She is very intellectual and prides herself on it. Loves to have deep conversations about deep subjects.

She loves and encourages male attention. Acts and dresses a bit slutty but not too much.

She loves food and loves to eat. You can hear her moaning and groaning about good food like if her mouth was her pussy being pounded.

She is not the jealous type. (She is actually relieved if you can find someone else to satisfy your sexual needs.)


After my lessons Mary went after the math teacher. Knowing that I hung out with her he pulled me aside one day to warn me about her. He had no idea I had helped to create the monster she would become.

Carol went on to marry a really nice guy and finally got fat from her love of food. After I started busting on fat women on facebook she Unfriended me.

Janika found yet another rich guy and continues to travel around the world doing exactly what she was always doing. Now I just look at him and feel pity instead of envy. I am no longer under her LSD spell and doubt I will ever be again.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Holy wall of text, Batman

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Ye, I know it's long but I suppose I was writing it more for myself than anyone else. To get it out of my system...

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Quote: (10-04-2012 11:33 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

Ye, I know it's long but I suppose I was writing it more for myself than anyone else. To get it out of my system...

Yeah, I went out with one that was literally a homecoming queen. First time in the sack-- starfish city.

No sexual chick will starfish you-- if she isn't into it she'll protest.

It doesn't take that long to find out.

She made a telling comment: her and her ex used to have sex once a week. She was 22 when she told me this

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Great post.

I have some experience with LSD girls. Ya, it can be very frustrating. I looked into medical remedies. Apparently an exact and very low dose of oxytocin can be snorted to get girls horny. I was going to market it in a vaporizer, but never got around to it. Testosterone cream also helps, but will make her hirsute.

But... there is some good news. My current girl was an asexual freak when I met her. Slowwwwwwwwwly, over time, her drive and intimacy abilities have increased. She'll initiate sex and come readily. There is still something about her, at times, that is not 100% satisfying, however she was able to grow sexually.

I had another girl who I told was a lost cause. She refused to hear it, and demanded to be my student. So I spent a few weeks teaching her everything I could. Man, that girl got good! Sometimes I'd just lay there and let her do her thing - she'd have me shaking with ecstatic pleasure.

So even the cases that seem hopeless are not always.

But I agree that the savants are best. For me sex is not just masturbating in someone else's hole. It's like jazz - you can't have enjoyable jazz with a sexual retard.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

A lot of its diet, not enough essential minerals or vitamins. The American diet often being so poor in quality produce and high in crap and GMO ingrediants is to blame for a lot of things...

Thing is, all mass produced food, organic or not, is lacking in minerals, especially trace minerals, so go look into supplements for this!

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

@xsplat You should be congratulated for at least trying to help these girls. Yes, I they can improve but I was never able to get them to improve by much and much of their improve appeared to be acting to please me and to appear normal.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Quote: (10-05-2012 05:56 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

@xsplat You should be congratulated for at least trying to help these girls. Yes, I they can improve but I was never able to get them to improve by much and much of their improve appeared to be acting to please me and to appear normal.

There are men who highly value purity for LTRs who don't believe that you can leave a woman better than you found her.

I disagree. Training a woman is bettering a woman. There are girls who still thank me many years after we broke up for "waking up" their sex drive. I've done it many times. The women can surprise even themselves. Older, younger, what have you.

The problem is that most guys can't fuck. And most girls can't fuck. But if at least one of the two can fuck, there will be some improvement. Often dramatic.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Nomad77: Thank you for bringing attention to this important issue, which a lot of the guys on this forum seem to barely be aware of, especially when they're firing off the usual "All women are sluts" and "All women are whores" comments. I tried to get a discussion going about this issue last year (posts #15 and #17 of the thread, but my comments were mostly ignored, except by Roosh, who accused me of being "[e]ither [. . .] a female troll or a really old guy". (But I forgive him.)

We need to always keep in mind that there's a limited pool of sexually enthusiastic women for us sexually enthusiastic guys to share, and that inevitably a lot of the betas of the world (and a few alphas) are going to end up getting stuck with low-sex-drive women, with potentially serious consequences for their mental health and for the stability of society as a whole. I think that PUA's, and men in general, would be a lot more appreciative of the so-called "sluts" and "whores" they're always complaining about if they gave serious thought to the fact that, for the most part, it's these hideous low-sex-drive women who are the alternative.

Ideally, nobody should be marrying these women or breeding with them, since that'll just help bring on a new crop of low-sex-drive women, which in my humble opinion is one of the last things society needs.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

xsplat, care to write a brief tutorial/synopsis about your training techniques? I think I could use them.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

It seemed only Janika drank. It seems obvious but you never mentioned you drank alcohol with Mary or Carol. Alcohol clearly raises sex drive in both sexes.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)


Like you said, "LSD" girls are in the minority. Big time.
Better to assume every chick is a freak, no?

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Very good point. You should write a post about this.

Quote: (10-05-2012 07:08 AM)xsplat Wrote:  

Quote: (10-05-2012 05:56 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

@xsplat You should be congratulated for at least trying to help these girls. Yes, I they can improve but I was never able to get them to improve by much and much of their improve appeared to be acting to please me and to appear normal.

There are men who highly value purity for LTRs who don't believe that you can leave a woman better than you found her.

I disagree. Training a woman is bettering a woman. There are girls who still thank me many years after we broke up for "waking up" their sex drive. I've done it many times. The women can surprise even themselves. Older, younger, what have you.

The problem is that most guys can't fuck. And most girls can't fuck. But if at least one of the two can fuck, there will be some improvement. Often dramatic.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

For some reason I have encountered more of them I ever wanted to and as the article said, they are 30% and rising. As women get fatter they self-image drops and with it their sexual drive.

Quote: (10-05-2012 09:33 AM)IQVX Wrote:  


Like you said, "LSD" girls are in the minority. Big time.
Better to assume every chick is a freak, no?

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Quote: (10-05-2012 09:15 AM)RougeNoir Wrote:  

It seemed only Janika drank. It seems obvious but you never mentioned you drank alcohol with Mary or Carol. Alcohol clearly raises sex drive in both sexes.

Both Mary and Carol drank. It helped to make them more relax but it did not increase their sex drive. You can only "release" what is there to begin with. These girls don't have it to release.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Whatever guys think of this post. Just remember, it is to ALL of us benefit to have women with healthy sex drive around. I would rather have a "slut" or "whore" or whatever you want to call her any day than an LSD/ZSD woman.

Banging is just like dancing. If your partner can't dance or don't like to dance. It won't be that much fun.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Quote: (08-06-2012 02:13 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

I've banged hotties who sucked in bed. Girls who were young and had pussies loose enough to fool me into thinking they were 40 years old.

I've banged regular girls who fuck for hours on end and always stay wet.

Experience has taught me that the quality of sex is waaaaaay more important than how hot she is.

1. If the sex sucks, you're not going to last long in bed. You'll blow a load and be done. The girl isn't going to be particularly enthused with banging you again.

2. If the sex is amazing, you'll feel like a champ and have the upper hand should you decide to keep fucking her. She'll be addicted to your cock and you'll be able to sleep around with less repercussions because even if she does find out she'll be hesitant to give up on the sex.

Obviously the best situation is to bang a hottie with amazing sex, but damn it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Good point and yes, when you are young your only concern is getting some sex - any kind of sex. Quality only becomes a concern after you have had some sex and realize it wasn't as great as you thought it would be. Here is another post I wrote about this:

Quote: (10-05-2012 07:28 AM)gds555 Wrote:  

Nomad77: Thank you for bringing attention to this important issue, which a lot of the guys on this forum seem to barely be aware of, especially when they're firing off the usual "All women are sluts" and "All women are whores" comments. I tried to get a discussion going about this issue last year (posts #15 and #17 of the thread, but my comments were mostly ignored, except by Roosh, who accused me of being "[e]ither [. . .] a female troll or a really old guy". (But I forgive him.)

We need to always keep in mind that there's a limited pool of sexually enthusiastic women for us sexually enthusiastic guys to share, and that inevitably a lot of the betas of the world (and a few alphas) are going to end up getting stuck with low-sex-drive women, with potentially serious consequences for their mental health and for the stability of society as a whole. I think that PUA's, and men in general, would be a lot more appreciative of the so-called "sluts" and "whores" they're always complaining about if they gave serious thought to the fact that, for the most part, it's these hideous low-sex-drive women who are the alternative.

Ideally, nobody should be marrying these women or breeding with them, since that'll just help bring on a new crop of low-sex-drive women, which in my humble opinion is one of the last things society needs.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

The problem is that there's no way to screen for LSD girls. I tried to explain this to you in the other thread, but you didn't believe me. Do you believe me now?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

I think you can. I just did with this current girl. It just takes a few days and you have to be looking for it. My good friend is in the same situation and when I explained to him he was like shit, definitely sounds like her. Now, he has to decided what to do as he has been seeing this girl for months and they are practically living together.

Quote: (10-05-2012 11:36 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The problem is that there's no way to screen for LSD girls. I tried to explain this to you in the other thread, but you didn't believe me. Do you believe me now?

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Quote: (10-05-2012 01:07 AM)xsplat Wrote:  

For me sex is not just masturbating in someone else's hole.

This is a great quote.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

I'll try to make a few comments about training a girl up.

Over this last decade I've expanded upon my paternal attitude to the women I date, and try to train them to be devoted love slaves who act as personal attendants. So when I train a girl, I'm training her in wifely duties and a doting attitude.

But as for training up her sexuality, I think that comes first from my intimate enjoyment of her, and from that her enjoyment, and from there I build on it until she is constantly horny and addicted.

Things tend to go well on the first date, sexually, and I think a lot of it has to do with an attitude I doubt will be appealing to many. I only date girls that I'm into, and when I'm into them, I can be really into them. Right from the get go. Here is an example of what I do that really hooks a girl and makes her gush. Just as she is about to come I'll lean in and whisper in the most intimate and passionate voice: "Daddy loves you. Daddy loves you. Daddy loves you."

Or I'll tell her "Say I love you Daddy", or "Say I'm Daddy's little bitch. Say it! Say it again! Say it again!" while she is coming and coming.

I meld my own paternal instinct with sexuality, and meld her own paternal love with sexuality, and the fusion is nuclear. Booomb! And then I keep up that warmth and sexuality throughout the day, and reinforce it over and over in all actions. If she's cooking I'll spank her on the ass and grab her tits. If I'm in good health there will be several hours of sex, and sex often throughout the day, every day, with some days off work to just fuck all day. If my health isn't up to it, I still dip into the mood from time to time to re-enforce a sexual state. Relationship=sexuality, and relationship is fun, is the message.

Oh, also, lots of public sex. Make the girl dress a bit too hot in public. Hot enough to piss off the matrons. A dog collar and a mini skirt fit nicely together. Or at least get her slightly uncomfortable. I often enforce a no panty rule.

You want her to become sex. Not just get horny sometimes, but be horny.

Women often confuse the mans excitement for their own. I'm a screamer. This helps.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Sounds like a lot of stimulus training (i.e., Pavlov's dog). Same end result, but with a two-legged animal. I've wondered about applying all that Psych 101 stuff for years. Seems it might work in the right situation.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Well, this is definitely taking things to a different level. Would need to give this some thought...

Quote: (10-05-2012 02:19 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

I'll try to make a few comments about training a girl up.

Over this last decade I've expanded upon my paternal attitude to the women I date, and try to train them to be devoted love slaves who act as personal attendants. So when I train a girl, I'm training her in wifely duties and a doting attitude.

But as for training up her sexuality, I think that comes first from my intimate enjoyment of her, and from that her enjoyment, and from there I build on it until she is constantly horny and addicted.

Things tend to go well on the first date, sexually, and I think a lot of it has to do with an attitude I doubt will be appealing to many. I only date girls that I'm into, and when I'm into them, I can be really into them. Right from the get go. Here is an example of what I do that really hooks a girl and makes her gush. Just as she is about to come I'll lean in and whisper in the most intimate and passionate voice: "Daddy loves you. Daddy loves you. Daddy loves you."

Or I'll tell her "Say I love you Daddy", or "Say I'm Daddy's little bitch. Say it! Say it again! Say it again!" while she is coming and coming.

I meld my own paternal instinct with sexuality, and meld her own paternal love with sexuality, and the fusion is nuclear. Booomb! And then I keep up that warmth and sexuality throughout the day, and reinforce it over and over in all actions. If she's cooking I'll spank her on the ass and grab her tits. If I'm in good health there will be several hours of sex, and sex often throughout the day, every day, with some days off work to just fuck all day. If my health isn't up to it, I still dip into the mood from time to time to re-enforce a sexual state. Relationship=sexuality, and relationship is fun, is the message.

Oh, also, lots of public sex. Make the girl dress a bit too hot in public. Hot enough to piss off the matrons. A dog collar and a mini skirt fit nicely together. Or at least get her slightly uncomfortable. I often enforce a no panty rule.

You want her to become sex. Not just get horny sometimes, but be horny.

Women often confuse the mans excitement for their own. I'm a screamer. This helps.

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Quote: (10-05-2012 02:19 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

I'll try to make a few comments about training a girl up.

Over this last decade I've expanded upon my paternal attitude to the women I date, and try to train them to be devoted love slaves who act as personal attendants. So when I train a girl, I'm training her in wifely duties and a doting attitude.

But as for training up her sexuality, I think that comes first from my intimate enjoyment of her, and from that her enjoyment, and from there I build on it until she is constantly horny and addicted.

Things tend to go well on the first date, sexually, and I think a lot of it has to do with an attitude I doubt will be appealing to many. I only date girls that I'm into, and when I'm into them, I can be really into them. Right from the get go. Here is an example of what I do that really hooks a girl and makes her gush. Just as she is about to come I'll lean in and whisper in the most intimate and passionate voice: "Daddy loves you. Daddy loves you. Daddy loves you."

Or I'll tell her "Say I love you Daddy", or "Say I'm Daddy's little bitch. Say it! Say it again! Say it again!" while she is coming and coming.

I meld my own paternal instinct with sexuality, and meld her own paternal love with sexuality, and the fusion is nuclear. Booomb! And then I keep up that warmth and sexuality throughout the day, and reinforce it over and over in all actions. If she's cooking I'll spank her on the ass and grab her tits. If I'm in good health there will be several hours of sex, and sex often throughout the day, every day, with some days off work to just fuck all day. If my health isn't up to it, I still dip into the mood from time to time to re-enforce a sexual state. Relationship=sexuality, and relationship is fun, is the message.

Oh, also, lots of public sex. Make the girl dress a bit too hot in public. Hot enough to piss off the matrons. A dog collar and a mini skirt fit nicely together. Or at least get her slightly uncomfortable. I often enforce a no panty rule.

You want her to become sex. Not just get horny sometimes, but be horny.

Women often confuse the mans excitement for their own. I'm a screamer. This helps.

This is how you do it, but there has to be some sexual substrate to build on. I've found it works best with the bad girl pretending to be good or the wench who wants to release her inner slut but needs comfort to realize it. It's all about building that comfort.

In the meantime, don't fall in love and it's easier to cut them loose if they turn out to be untrainable.

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