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Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

I was studying late in the library two weeks ago… there, my eyes were captivated by a black beauty, with glazing eyes and natural body, she is about 180 cm, almost as tall as me… I had already talked to the chick sitting next to me, to no avail though, she seemed to have her period, or maybe was sucking another cock… I asked the chick next to me to watch over my laptop, and went to the lobby where the black chick was working with her laptop. I went and sat next to her on a sofa. After 5 mins with a perplexed look on my face I asked:
Cnt: Excuse me, is it a good laptop?
Her: Yes, that’s pretty nice. I like it.
Cnt: did you recently buy it?
Her: Yes my mom gave it to me as a present before coming here.
Cnt: wow, that’s great, where are you from?
Her: Ethiopia, but I have been all over the world.
Cnt: When I was traveling in India, everybody asked me to wait to come to Canada to buy my laptop. Apples are much cheaper here!
Her: why did you go to india?
Cnt: I sat in a cave for 3 months, I reached the highest state of happiness.

Cnt: I never get angry, because I am in full control of my mind.
Her: so if I smack you, you don’t do anything
Cnt: no, I don’t judge you.. I would turn my other cheek.
Cnt to himself: bitch you’re gonna see what I have planned for you! Smack me?!

We had a 15 mins conversation, and she was very interested… I threw in an amazing bait when she was talking about her pet:
Cnt: wow, I really miss my dog.
Her: Where is he?
Cnt: It’s with my ex. She called me a few days ago, and I have never been that happy talking to girl, because I knew that I would be asking her about my beautiful bebe Jacob (my dog).

Our Campus, looks like a post-apocalyptic hell, and I made a comment on that. I continued:

Cnt: when she called me, I was so excited that I forgot I am going through one of the places under construction, by the time that the conversation was over, I was already inside the shit-hole, therefore, I had to go back for 10 mins to go from the right path, however, I was too lazy to do that… since I am engineer, I took my wrench and started opening the bolts and made my way through all the barriers…

That was a nice story that actually happened, and she seemed very interested to hear it. Then I said, I should get back to my project… I saw that she was worried in her face that I haven’t asked for her number. I turned away, and just before leaving, I asked for her number… she said, you should call me so that I have yours as well, and that I did. I parted. After one hour, she sent a text that it was great meeting me… I didn’t reply. I waited for the next day at 4:00 pm and texted her:
Cnt: Hey, I’m done with my project, do you wanna hang out?
Her: sure, when?
Cnt: at 4:30.
Her: sure!
Cnt: see you at …
I met her in a garden on Campus. I talked to her for 10 mins. I was throwing my very good game on her. All of a sudden I asked her:
Cnt: what’s the craziest thing you’ve done?
Her: I went to a frat party and hooked up with four guys.
Cnt, thinking to himself: fuck, she is a whore. I should stop throwing my invaluable game at her.
After 5 more mins
Cnt: let’s go to my place, I have some cool pictures to show you
her: I’m not sure, I have to be home early
Cnt: me too, I am very busy, it won’t take long though.
Without waiting for her response, I took her hand and headed to my place (on Campus). I didn’t expect it to happen this fast, and I had other plans with my body, to work on some transistors.
Cnt texting his buddy: dude, I’m not gonna make it, I’m doing some penetrative work on a black transistor…

We got to my place. The quintessential pube infested dormitory room. Since I wasn’t expecting to bring her home, my dirty socks were hanging on the lights, and socks and shorts all over the place. I asked her to wait in the living room while I tell my friends that I have company… I went upstairs and threw all I could see inside a closet in less than 15 secs. I brought her in, and while she was looking at the one of my posters, I saw that I have toilet paper on the bookshelf and also used condoms in my garbage bin. While I was explaining this to her, I took the toilet paper, snipped a piece and put in inside the garbage bin in a way to cover the used condoms. I asked her to play some lame music on youtube, and made her sit on my bed. I started reading her palm, and telling her about the sensations in her body. I kissed her after 10 mins. Then escalated to her boobs. And then her pussy. She was resisting and was very uncomfortable.

Her: hey, I’m very uncomfortable… I never do this… I hate that night in my life and I don’t want to be a slut. You are very confident and I like you, but I’m not gonna have sex with you
Cnt: Sure, I don’t do this either… we have just connected at a very deep level. Let’s just hold each other.

I was rubbing her pussy and making her touch my dick, she would grab it for 30 seconds or so and then feel guilty.
I bombarded her with all the shit that I know from yoga.
Cnt: You should be present. You should stop all the judgment. If you don’t, you will be a miserable person. You will never be happy and always at the mercy of the impressions that you make on other people’s minds.

Her: but, but … 

Cnt: no but, stop your tongue, and talk to me with your heart. You tongue’s language stems from your ego, which is the source of your suffering. But your heart talks the same language as God.

After 7-8 attemps, I take off her panties, and we fuck…. She got angry when she saw that I had concealed condoms under my bed.

Her: how many girls do you fuck?
Cnt: stop the judgment baby, be present, it’s important that I have my entire attention on you now.

I must admit she had a lot of experience for a 19 year old. After 10 mins of fucking, I awakened the monster inside her, and she was fuckin’ like a pornstar… using dirty words. I had bad experience with dirty words before (I might write this story later), but since I show a very spiritual side to girls, it’s very hypocrite to all of a sudden talk dirty to them… So I was very moderate this time.

After fucking, she wanted to cuddle and shit, and I said I have to rush back to help my friend in the lab. She left.

After 3 hours, she sent me a text:
Her: Hey, thanks, I really enjoyed my time with you. I was just thinking about the things that you say. I already miss you…
Cnt, no reply.
I texted her in the morning:
Cnt: hey, that’s nice, but I’m not the kind of guy that you want to fall for. I’m not looking for anything serious.
Her: It’s good to know. I want someone serious, but in the meanwhile, I like to keep in touch with you.
Cnt: let’s hang out today at 4:00 pm at blahblah (it’s a coffee shop in front of my house)
Her: ok

She came at the coffee shop, I didn’t even take her there, and I just grabbed her hands and took her home. We fucked for an hour and I again came up with an excuse to make her leave.

After 2 days, I was busy pickin’ up and fuckin’ other chicks, she texted me:
Her: hey how are you?
Me: do you wanna hang out?
Her: By hang out you mean do you wanna fuck?
Me: We share our energies, you can be a pervert and call it like this
Her: Sure, see you.

She appeared at my door with Ethiopian cuisine. I would fuck her 4-5 times a week. She was very sexy, and very caring… would do anything to make me happy. On the other hand, I was seeing another girl that I like a lot, and I was on the merge of getting my first bang with her on the second date. I realized that the Ethiopian girl is starting to become emotional. Though I had explicitly told her that I see her nothing but a fuck buddy, she was seeing herself in her distant memories as my future girlfriend.

Therefore, I decided that it’s time to get rid of her, and help her go on with her life. She came over to my place, I could see that each time that I ask her to take off her clothes, her eyes would be filled with resentment towards herself. And I could not take that anymore. After a nice fuck session, when we were together, holding, I told her (she uses foul language and by this time, it was ok for me too):

Cnt: we should stop fucking, you deserve a nice beta romantic loser
Her: fuck off! I hate those kind of guys, they are boring
Cnt: stop being a whore. And stop watching chick mother fucking flicks. They pollute your mind, they turn you into a whore… those beta guys are providers. Why do you like to be treated like shit?

Her: ok, calm down.

Cnt: I’m gonna give you some advice. This is the same advice that I would have given my daughter if I had any (I am 25).

Her: You pervert!

Cnt: shut the fuck up and listen to me.

Her: You know what. My friends tell me I am a whore… and they tell me you are full of shit.. Why did you ask me about my laptop? You could have checked it online.

Cnt:[touching her boobs] because your boobs gave me a hard on the first time I saw you… hahaha

Her: how many girls are you fucking right now? Tell me!

I came up with a fun plan:
Cnt: ok, now I am gonna tell you the truth. I am a pick up artist. I teach guys how to seduce and fuck women. You are my first black girl, that’s why I even bothered to pick you up. I charge guys for $ 1000/hour. I have my secret blog and many guys follow it [I pretended that I am an imaginary pua, I had roosh in my mind!]
Her: what?! It now makes sense. My friends all tell me you are a fucking player

Cnt:I’m gonna teach you a few things, and I repeat them only once. This helps you get a meaning from your life and stop being a whore. You’ll gain confidence and attract guys who respect you and don’t treat you like shit
Her: You are the only one who treats me like shit
Cnt: pipe down and lister.: 1. Don’t ever tell guys that you hooked up with 4 guys in one night. This fucking culture feels proud to be a whore, but it’s not right.
Her: let me write it down!

She started taking notes!
Cnt: not let guys fuck you before the 6th date. Before fucking you, you are the queen and after fucking you have no power and turn into their bitch.
I rubbed her pussy and she moaned, then I said:
Cnt:This pussy is your secret weapon, use it wisely… don’t let anyone touch it, unless he has worked really hard for it… this way he wouldn’t leave you right away.
3.Being a cum bucket reduced your self worth, and you start being a miserable person. Don’t fuck guys unless they prove to be worthy of you. And for that you have to become worthy. You are 19 years old, stop fucking your time on facebook, go and read some books… learn to dance… stop hanging out with whores and sluts, because they turn you into one. Besides, try to teach these to your sisters, and your friends.
4. Don’t play games on guys, because that’s disgusting… but don’t reply to their text in 5 seconds either. Make them chase you a bit…

I feel great teaching these to this girl. She really believed in them, and who knows, maybe these instructions will change her life for better. I plan on doing this on my young notches, before leaving them, I teach them to become more feminine and stop being sluts. I think every great movement has a start, and who knows, maybe their number increases exponentially…

P.S. I smacked her ass multiple times for even trying to think if she can smack my face!

Training chicks for a better tomorrow


She started taking notes!
Cnt: not let guys fuck you before the 6th date. Before fucking you, you are the queen and after fucking you have no power and turn into their bitch.
I rubbed her pussy and she moaned, then I said:
Cnt:This pussy is your secret weapon, use it wisely… don’t let anyone touch it, unless he has worked really hard for it… this way he wouldn’t leave you right away.
3.Being a cum bucket reduced your self worth, and you start being a miserable person. Don’t fuck guys unless they prove to be worthy of you. And for that you have to become worthy. You are 19 years old, stop fucking your time on facebook, go and read some books… learn to dance… stop hanging out with whores and sluts, because they turn you into one. Besides, try to teach these to your sisters, and your friends.
4. Don’t play games on guys, because that’s disgusting… but don’t reply to their text in 5 seconds either. Make them chase you a bit…

Sounds like you're making these girls more difficult for future men. Not cool. You aren't making them better, you're making them worse.

Whose team are you on bro?

By the way, I don't think girls should make guys wait. I think if the girl wants a man to stick with him she should give him everything he wants, and then let him decide if he wants to keep her. It's painful for the girl but if the man sees the value in a girl who submits to him, he'll keep her.

You corrupted her as soon as you decided to treat her like shit after she put out for you on the first night. I guess I'm not like most men. When a girl puts out early for me, I reward her by being loving and affectionate.

I'm not dumb enough to believe that just because she made me wait for sex, she's a good girl.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Yeah, not sure what you're going for here. They'll end up with a beta who they will ultimately develop a disgust for and will feel discontent both with themselves and the beta. A girl putting out on the first or second date isn't a bad thing...I don't hang around much longer than date 2-3 for any girl, so all of the 6+ date girls you're brainwashing are automatically off my list. And I'm with Samseau, when girls put out early and eagerly, I reward that.

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Quote: (10-02-2012 08:07 PM)Samseau Wrote:  


She started taking notes!
Cnt: not let guys fuck you before the 6th date. Before fucking you, you are the queen and after fucking you have no power and turn into their bitch.
I rubbed her pussy and she moaned, then I said:
Cnt:This pussy is your secret weapon, use it wisely… don’t let anyone touch it, unless he has worked really hard for it… this way he wouldn’t leave you right away.
3.Being a cum bucket reduced your self worth, and you start being a miserable person. Don’t fuck guys unless they prove to be worthy of you. And for that you have to become worthy. You are 19 years old, stop fucking your time on facebook, go and read some books… learn to dance… stop hanging out with whores and sluts, because they turn you into one. Besides, try to teach these to your sisters, and your friends.
4. Don’t play games on guys, because that’s disgusting… but don’t reply to their text in 5 seconds either. Make them chase you a bit…

Sounds like you're making these girls more difficult for future men. Not cool. You aren't making them better, you're making them worse.

Whose team are you on bro?

By the way, I don't think girls should make guys wait. I think if the girl wants a man to stick with him she should give him everything he wants, and then let him decide if he wants to keep her. It's painful for the girl but if the man sees the value in a girl who submits to him, he'll keep her.

You corrupted her as soon as you decided to treat her like shit after she put out for you on the first night. I guess I'm not like most men. When a girl puts out early for me, I reward her by being loving and affectionate.

I'm not dumb enough to believe that just because she made me wait for sex, she's a good girl.

I exactly agree with what you are saying bro. I mentioned to her that she should never play games on guys. but she shouldn't return the text of the guy that she met in less than 5 seconds. Even if you are a very caring guy, your sub-conscious mind will think less of her, if she is available to you right away.
I agree that I made her become more difficult to fuck for future guys, but I made her more feminine, because the girls who fuck a lot of guys, are like guys with boobs, it's not the female nature to fuck a lot... I see your point though

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

In fact I am willing to put out more effort, but to fuck a more feminine and agreeable girl

Training chicks for a better tomorrow


Even if you are a very caring guy, your sub-conscious mind will think less of her, if she is available to you right away.

Horseshit. The best relationship I've ever had was with a woman who responded to me as soon as she got the text, as soon as she got the call, who texted me all the time asking if I wanted to spend time with her.

Men aren't like women. Whereas women punish loyalty, men reward loyalty. If you can't reward loyalty in a woman, you're a broken man.


I agree that I made her become more difficult to fuck for future guys, but I made her more feminine,

You didn't make her more feminine, you made her masculine. She's now going to be cold and calculating with her future lovers, just like a man should be.

The advice I give to women is to be picky when choosing a man, but never to play games with him. A good woman stays out of sexual situations in 99% of times, but if she thinks a man she's with has potential she should throw caution to the wind and do her best to please her man.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

The things you tried to "teach" her...she would most likely already do as a woman with making guys earn it and whatever. You should have just left it alone and let her learn from the example with you (which obviously went well) that being open and just letting things happen as they may without artificial filters or time constraints is much more natural and preferable.

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Quote: (10-02-2012 08:17 PM)Samseau Wrote:  


Even if you are a very caring guy, your sub-conscious mind will think less of her, if she is available to you right away.

Horseshit. The best relationship I've ever had was with a woman who responded to me as soon as she got the text, as soon as she got the call, who texted me all the time asking if I wanted to spend time with her.

Men aren't like women. Whereas women punish loyalty, men reward loyalty. If you can't reward loyalty in a woman, you're a broken man.


I agree that I made her become more difficult to fuck for future guys, but I made her more feminine,

You didn't make her more feminine, you made her masculine. She's now going to be cold and calculating with her future lovers, just like a man should be.

The advice I give to women is to be picky when choosing a man, but never to play games with him. A good woman stays out of sexual situations in 99% of times, but if she thinks a man she's with has potential she should throw caution to the wind and do her best to please her man.

I see all your points and they make sense. However, I had no affections from the start for her. I only thought that she is sexy and I should fuck her asap. She made this very easy for me. It's not unusual for me to get bangs on the first dates, but this one, I took her home after 15 mins of talking to her... So based on the definition of Samseue she should be trained to filter guys like me who just want to fuck her.
I believe that would be the same advice that you would give to your daughter. This is what Roosh teaches her sister. It should mentioned that I don't ask her to play games... but to give it enough time to filter guys like me!

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

I don't see why Sam or Pres care honestly. Let this guy have his fun the way he wants. He's not making it more difficult for any of us. That girl and all future girls go back to their default settings within minutes of being given advice. Especially around guys like us that know what we're doing.

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Great article by Roosh:

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Quote: (10-02-2012 08:54 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

I don't see why Sam or Pres care honestly. Let this guy have his fun the way he wants. He's not making it more difficult for any of us. That girl and all future girls go back to their default settings within minutes of being given advice. Especially around guys like us that know what we're doing.

Yeah, probably. In one ear and out the other.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

You're definitely not paying the pussy forward, "bro"

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Something doesn't seem right about this story, but maybe it's just me.

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Quote: (10-03-2012 11:09 AM)Menace Wrote:  

Something doesn't seem right about this story, but maybe it's just me.

What do you mean Menace?!

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

When I was traveling in India
I sat in a cave for 3 months, I reached the highest state of happiness.
The quintessential pube infested dormitory room.
I started reading her palm, and telling her about the sensations in her body
Sure, I don’t do this either… we have just connected at a very deep level. Let’s just hold each other,
I bombarded her with all the shit that I know from yoga.
Cnt: You should be present. You should stop all the judgment.
But your heart talks the same language as God.

Tuth, isn't this Sub-Saharan Troll reincarnated? These statements seem eerily similar to the post where he allegedly "lured" girls to his "pube infested dorm room"(my exact words when i called him out before he was banned) under the same guise of this indian meditation sensation body bullshit?

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Quote: (10-03-2012 02:42 PM)rationalize_this Wrote:  

Tuth, isn't this Sub-Saharan Troll reincarnated? These statements seem eerily similar to the post where he allegedly "lured" girls to his "pube infested dorm room"(my exact words when i called him out before he was banned) under the same guise of this indian meditation sensation body bullshit?

I'm pretty sure this is timalover, who already got banned this week for this thread:

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Quote: (10-03-2012 02:42 PM)rationalize_this Wrote:  

When I was traveling in India
I sat in a cave for 3 months, I reached the highest state of happiness.
The quintessential pube infested dormitory room.
I started reading her palm, and telling her about the sensations in her body
Sure, I don’t do this either… we have just connected at a very deep level. Let’s just hold each other,
I bombarded her with all the shit that I know from yoga.
Cnt: You should be present. You should stop all the judgment.
But your heart talks the same language as God.

Tuth, isn't this Sub-Saharan Troll reincarnated? These statements seem eerily similar to the post where he allegedly "lured" girls to his "pube infested dorm room"(my exact words when i called him out before he was banned) under the same guise of this indian meditation sensation body bullshit?

I haven`t sat in a cave dude, but I know so much about meditation that I can bullshit my way by saying 3 years in a cave.
I don`t understand what makes you furious? It's not that strange to be able to polish your game to match your character the most... and I have found the perfect combination for me...
I also love sharing my stories and writing, and I thought who would have been a better audience that Roosh's blogger- since I owe him big time... and I don't think that I am offending anyone... So stop the judgment and be present dude, only this time, I mean it for real!

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

That's one hard-working perma-troll. Longer than any of my posts thus far. [Image: lol.gif]

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Quote: (10-03-2012 03:18 PM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

That's one hard-working perma-troll. Longer than any of my posts thus far. [Image: lol.gif]

Dudes, I don't see all the fuckin' fuss here. I got several emails from guys saying that my posts are cool but are afraid to put comments there. It reminds me of an Orwellian society... however, I am not different from any of you, I just like to pick up girls and write about it... Bear in mind that no one is born a troll, I just gave all graphic details in this story so that you don't jump to conclusions right away... If I get banned, it was a great honor writing for you guys! If not, I have at least 10 more stories to write, and what I learned from them... who knows, maybe I learn something from your comments as well... btw, the date with the dancer with great (we banged), and now we are seeing each other for the 5th time today. I would love to describe how I penetrated her... cheers guys!

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Quote: (10-03-2012 03:18 PM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

That's one hard-working perma-troll. Longer than any of my posts thus far. [Image: lol.gif]

Longer than all of mine combined...

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Quote: (10-03-2012 03:38 PM)cnt Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2012 03:18 PM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

That's one hard-working perma-troll. Longer than any of my posts thus far. [Image: lol.gif]

Dudes, I don't see all the fuckin' fuss here. I got several emails from guys saying that my posts are cool but are afraid to put comments there. It reminds me of an Orwellian society... however, I am not different from any of you, I just like to pick up girls and write about it... Bear in mind that no one is born a troll, I just gave all graphic details in this story so that you don't jump to conclusions right away... If I get banned, it was a great honor writing for you guys! If not, I have at least 10 more stories to write, and what I learned from them... who knows, maybe I learn something from your comments as well... btw, the date with the dancer with great (we banged), and now we are seeing each other for the 5th time today. I would love to describe how I penetrated her... cheers guys!

He just admitted to being timalover! Even to the detail about the white girl blonde dancer he worships! Countdown until Tuth brings down his mighty scepter?

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Quote: (10-03-2012 05:08 PM)rationalize_this Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2012 03:38 PM)cnt Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2012 03:18 PM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

That's one hard-working perma-troll. Longer than any of my posts thus far. [Image: lol.gif]

Dudes, I don't see all the fuckin' fuss here. I got several emails from guys saying that my posts are cool but are afraid to put comments there. It reminds me of an Orwellian society... however, I am not different from any of you, I just like to pick up girls and write about it... Bear in mind that no one is born a troll, I just gave all graphic details in this story so that you don't jump to conclusions right away... If I get banned, it was a great honor writing for you guys! If not, I have at least 10 more stories to write, and what I learned from them... who knows, maybe I learn something from your comments as well... btw, the date with the dancer with great (we banged), and now we are seeing each other for the 5th time today. I would love to describe how I penetrated her... cheers guys!

He just admitted to being timalover! Even to the detail about the white girl blonde dancer he worships! Countdown until Tuth brings down his mighty scepter?

Do you feel satisfaction to see a young stud like me be exiled to the abyss of forgetfulness? You are the worst of murderers for the best way to kill an artist is not to demolish his body but to take away his pen...hope you get the satisfaction your seeking in this miserable existence... One day, the characters messaging me in private will stand up against this dystopian unfairness and bring down the roots of misery of the big brother... One day my voice shall be heard and the sensation methods of plowing bitches will be exploited ubiquitously... until that day my friends... I will be the Socrates and drink the helmock voluntarily...

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

[Image: ETVqZ.gif]

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Training chicks for a better tomorrow

Quote: (10-02-2012 08:07 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

I'm not dumb enough to believe that just because she made me wait for sex, she's a good girl.

I agree in general that just because she makes you wait it doesn't mean that she is a good girl, but I do believe it's critical to be able to discern whether the girl is not putting out fast because she is:

1. a good girl that really controls herself and doesn't have much experience (rare but possible),
2. a slut who wants to be "reformed" after riding the cock carousel (fairly common),
3. a slut who is simply not attracted to you enough to put out as quickly as she did for previous alphas (the most common)

In general, I'd treat a good girl well, but not because she made me wait, and I'd treat a slut badly, although not as badly if she let me hit it fast (I'm with Samseau on that one).

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