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Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

[Image: 51-o1A3VJQL._SS350_.jpg]

I just started taking this stuff recently and my energy levels are through the roof. I've even given up coffee entirely and that's saying a lot. I used to be a two cups a day minimum drinker.

Unlike coffee, you don't get that crash that comes after the caffeine wears off. Your energy levels are sustained throughout the day.

What this product gives you:

Raw energy
Immune system health
Healthy detoxification
Healthy digestion and elimination
Healthy blood sugar levels

I put a scoop of this stuff in my smoothie mix every morning.

Here's my daily morning smoothie recipe that I throw in the blender:

Coconut Milk (unsweetened)

Ice cubes

Scoop of Natural Whey Protein Powder

One sliced banana

Handful of blueberries

3 oz. of Acai

1 oz. of Aloe Vera Juice

A tablespoon of either peanut/almond/sunflower seed butter

One heaping scoop of Raw Organic Green Super Food

You can't lose with this stuff. From sunrise to sundown, you will feel like you're on top.

You also get all of your veggie requirements and then some!

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Looks like a winner to me, thanks for sharing

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Nice rec. I put this stuff in my shakes.

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

How many servings in the 240/285 grams jug?

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

How else can you take this if your not making smoothies

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Quote: (09-09-2012 12:20 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

How many servings in the 240/285 grams jug?

Seconded. You say 1 heaping scoop a day, so can't be that many. Let's say 25g/scoop, so only 10 days worth of product? $25 for 285g, about 11 servings. Round to 10. 365/10 ~ 37, 37*25 ~ $900 per year.

I'll might buy one and try in a few weeks (travel), always looking for an edge - but this seems like a rather expensive supplement...

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

[Image: 51bFFn3AsWL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

I've been taking this stuff since I saw a post on one of the manosphere blogs (I think danger and play?). I've been taking it about a week now and feel great. Each container has 30 servings. I think I'll try the Garden of Life stuff next to see how they compare.

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Thats some smoothie mix. Whats the rest of your daily meals like? Do you do any fasting etc.

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

I'm on the same thing as the OP. I'm about halfway through my second container.

Energy levels are way up, falling asleep and waking up is easier, and I can get hella drunk, pound a RAW drink before I go to sleep, and wake up feeling fresh as a daisy.

In fact, I haven't been able to stop telling my IRL friends about it.

just get this stuff.

oh. plus I can tell it's getting rid of all the garbage in my body. I'm a skinny dude, but I've shed some body-fat (my 6-pack is showing up) and am getting cut up. Helps that I also greatly decreased the amount of dairy I consume.

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Just ordered some. Will follow-up with results.

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Does it have spirulina in it? I think that stuff gives me allergies.

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Ordered from the OPs link

Any other suggestions on how to take it with out making smoothies?

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Quote: (09-10-2012 06:49 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Ordered from the OPs link

Any other suggestions on how to take it with out making smoothies?

I make a bulking protein shake.

8-12 oz almond milk
1/2 cup of mixed frozen fruit
2 scoops of whey protein powder
scoop of this stuff
Peanut butter

You have to play with the ingredients a bit to get the flavor and texture you want. The fruit will offset any bitterness. If you use too much peanut butter that will dominate the flavor. Also you can play with different types of protein powder as well. I usually go with vanilla.

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Quote: (09-10-2012 12:28 AM)Norset Wrote:  

Quote: (09-09-2012 12:20 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

How many servings in the 240/285 grams jug?

Seconded. You say 1 heaping scoop a day, so can't be that many. Let's say 25g/scoop, so only 10 days worth of product? $25 for 285g, about 11 servings. Round to 10. 365/10 ~ 37, 37*25 ~ $900 per year.

I'll might buy one and try in a few weeks (travel), always looking for an edge - but this seems like a rather expensive supplement...

It's not cheap but the scoop cup is pretty small (thankfully). You'll find a lot of these veggie powder products are pricey. In fact, I chose Garden of Life because it seemed the most reasonably priced of the ones on the shelf, plus points for being raw and organic. I paid $21 for the one in the link from my local Vitamin Shoppe store.

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

The scoop is smaller than your usual protein powder scoop. The label says there are 30 servings per container. I make a RAW juice drink for myself twice during the day, and once before I sleep if I've been drinking that night.

I really think this stuff is great for you, it's at the point where I even pre-package servings of this stuff wrapped up in saran-wrap like heroin and keep 'em in my daypack for when I'm out of the house all day.

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Well this shit is disgusting. Having my first water mix with the powder. I'll never do that again, this has to go in some juice or shake or something.

EDIT: Added some naked juice, a bit better.

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Quote: (09-14-2012 01:37 PM)slubu Wrote:  

Well this shit is disgusting. Having my first water mix with the powder. I'll never do that again, this has to go in some juice or shake or something.

EDIT: Added some naked juice, a bit better.

Same man.
Water with this tastes horrible.

Next time I'll take it with some juice or something.

Will update with results in a few days.

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Does this have spirulina in it or what?

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

mine came in today... smells terrible ha

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Quote: (09-14-2012 02:12 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Does this have spirulina in it or what?

I don't see it in here...

[Image: PerfectFoodRAWPowder_Aug2010.jpg]

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Awesome, I'm ordering some. Thanks Slubu

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

I'm also interested, though I don't think I will try quitting coffee again right now.
What's the verdict on the taste?

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

Ok so ~300 a year if you take a scoop every day. Will get some later. Or should just start juicing veggies... but if I can get 30% of that benefit for a dollar a day.. sign me up.

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

The taste is not palatable in my view with water alone. Probably best in shakes. After I took this I fell asleep for a two hour nap of all things haha.

Health: Raw Organic Green Super Food

I got it too. Mix it in a shake and it's fine.

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