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To those who have cheated on their GFs...

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Personally, I RECOMMEND that men cheat. Either because the bitch has it coming because she's not acting right, or simply because it's just plain natural to tap other available ass when it's offered up. Granted, if a chick is acting right I don't encourage a dude to cheat on her, but if he does I don't judge him for it. Just don't be careless with it, because you don't want to bring additional drama into your life and complicate things. If you know your girl won't find out, and you use condoms, don't let a side bitch know where you live, keep her out of your phone, etc., I say go for it. If possible, try to only do one-nighters, because if she becomes a regular, she'll cause you problems and it's hard to keep her at a distance.[/i]

Lothario, I've never really looked at infidelity from a moral perspective. I've always viewed it more from a human perspective. Monogamy is obviously possible, but is it truly realistic for most men? Even men that are faithful are often tempted I'm sure, and a sense of guilt or just plain fear stops them. If you're always fighting it, it's hard to say monogamy is truly natural. And so many women are attracted to a man when they know he's already taken, that it's REALLY hard to turn it down.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Quote: (07-17-2012 07:30 PM)Lothario Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2012 01:36 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

My question to the group is...WHY did you cheat? I don't ask because I'm judging any of you - I'm just curious. Some of you have already answered, in that you just do it habitually, but what about the rest of you? Did you do it purely out of opportunity? Was it because you were unhappy with your girlfriend for some reason?

Timoteo my friend, Nonpareil summed it up but let me give you my perspective which is a little different.

I am very very happy with my LTR, I could not have asked for a better companion but still there is DESIRE for other women and Every chance I get I get it wet.

I seriously belive monogamy is not possible for Humans and also all of us are different, I know a cousin of mine had only sex with his wife and has no desire ..... WTF.....Some of us just can not keep it in the pants, may be because of genes, high testosterone level etc etc....

Honestly I don't know how to anwer you on a morality Issue but goes back to another thread where it's a prerequisite of a player to be morally indifferent.

@ Sebastian: Get it out of your head that a Pussy Belongs to you, Believe me given the opportunity and under the right circumstances even your most faithful GF will cheat on you, Your Game has to be better then the next player to keep your GF loyal to you.

Cheaters are the real MEN in todays modern age, Old school G's did it and their LTR's knew about it and didn't bring it to the open, they had tighter leash on their women. Come a full circle FEMINISM ruined it for us, still in non westernised parts of the world Men have tighter leash on women and are allowed Polygamy like in Saudi Men have Harems and live together with all their wives, women are OK with it because it is the norm of the society, there mom was sharing bed a with another women and so is their sister, so women are ok with it.

Successful Men in non westerised parts of the world are expected to have few side flings on the side and their LTR's turn there heads the other way, they know there men wouldn't stop...

How do you deal with the Issue it's right for men and not women to slut around is entirely upon a player , IMO Men have the burden of propagating their seed and are just responding to the biological call, No shame in this GAME...

Apologize for the rant guys....... Happy Hunting y'll and towards becoming real MEN.....

Very true. In some cultures, women were resigned to the fact that their husband would have a side piece, and as long as he followed certain rules, she accepted it. Rule 1 was to be discreet, and not to embarrass her with it. If it got back to her, and other bitches were whispering about it, you fucked up. Rule 2 was that the side piece would never see the inside of their house. Rule 3 was that he always saw to his family's needs - his family must NEVER do without because he was spending it on another woman. As long as dudes kept it respectable, there were no waves at home. When wives got older and weren't interested in sex anymore, they hoped another chick would take care of his needs!

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Quote: (07-17-2012 07:37 PM)portofmanteau Wrote:  

I do this as well. I don't like cheating, it's tough to be in a relationship, but if something happens, better I confront my girl straight up about it. Can happen a few times in the course of a relationship. IMO it's key to keep your head straight and use condoms, or stick with oral. If I'm the one making the decision to cheat I think it's key to limit my girl's risk.

For whose benefit are you coming clean and 'confronting' your girl with it? I have had more than one girl tell me it would be selfish of me to tell her if I cheated. Again: they don't want to know! They will hate you for the position you put them in by telling them that you cheated.

Better to do it the old-school way: make sure she never finds out and don't cause her the embarrassment or the anguish of having to react to finding out.

If you raw-dog you introduce another set of dilemmas, so if you're going to be cheating strap up the jimmie hats.

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

There are a couple of schools of thought on whether or not someone should confess infidelity. Most relationship counselors lean towards the whole honesty thing and recommend telling the truth, then giving the power in the relationship to the person that was cheated on. They recommend you calling regularly with your whereabouts, etc. etc. to "rebuild" trust. I call bullshit on that. You really can't rebuild that no matter what you do. It's always going to be in the back of the person's mind what happened. You can't erase it. Then you build resentment by forcing one partner to report to the other - you can't give someone that kind of power.

The other school of thought is to never confess - confessing only leads to more questions, especially among women. They'll want to know how many times you fucked this other bitch. They'll want to know if you love her. They'll want to know where you fucked, or even if you did freaky shit to her. It will only make it worse, because you'll give her a clearer picture with details that she'll never get out of her head. You'll end up breaking up anyway, and if she decides to stay with you your relationship won't be the same anyway. You'll probably end up breaking it off yourself.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Quote: (07-14-2012 07:24 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

This is a question to those who have either cheated on their GFs in the past or are still doing so...

How many times were you caught cheating?

If you've cheated and have never been caught, how did you avoid getting caught?

I've never been caught, and I've cheated on all my girlfriends over the past 3 years. Not getting caught is simple, be paranoid and clean up. I've had girls who no doubt thought that I was (this is healthy, and in your favor), but I tossed aside all accusations as ridiculous. They didn't bring it up again aside from the occasional joke.

Like one of the others, I'm very content in my current LTR... but I still stray. She doesn't need to know and won't. Luckily for me, this one doesn't pry too much.

I keep all my technology on lockdown and think before I speak. I cover my tracks whenever necessary (i.e. wash sheets, vacuum the floor, scan my place for foreign objects like earrings, hairs, tampons in the trash, etc.). I keep condoms at my place but bury them in the bottom of the kitchen trash instead of my room.

As long as you aren't stupid or extremely unlucky, there is no reason for you to ever get caught cheating. Don't be the guy taking women to the same spots or parts of town. Know where your girl and her friends hang out (or may hang out) and avoid them. Know your girls schedules and plan for deviations. Have your main girl at your place, only bang your side dishes at theirs.

Pretend you're a secret agent in the CIA. Easy.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Yep what Gmac said. The best criminals never get arrested. The best players never get caught.

Save girls name as your co-workers last names in your phone.
Bang them on their turf.
Memorize your girls schedule and always have a back-up work emergency planned.
Have a change of clothes at work if possible, if not have one and a shower at the gym.
Tell your squeezes about your days off, not your main girl.
Hotels will email you a receipt with 12-24 hours of checkout, either dont provide email or exepect that shit.
Have a fetish of keeping clean, this way she wont question a shower within minutes of coming home.
Dont live with her.
Phone calls are your friends, text messages (even under different names) leave traces.
Have a co-worker that adores you that you can not stand, it can explain the scent of perfume when you havent been able to clean up.
Sleep with girls with boyfriends/fiance/married, they have just as much to lose and are less likely to get clingy.
Fuck your girlfriend the same day you see your side piece (after you wash up of course).
No dates. No dates. No fucking dates! The only date you need is a hotel room key and a bottle of bubbly.
Your girlfriend is your MAIN squeeze, treat her as such.
Never admit anything, to anyone. You are a virgin, and will be until you die.
Call all your females (including your girl) the same nickname, babe or whatnot, so you dont slip.
If you do something with a side piece (movie, park, etc) do the same with your girl so you dont slip and talk about something your girlfriend wasnt there for.
Wear rubbers from time to time with your girlfriend. Buy the ribbed ones (for her pleasure or whatever) and say its to see if they feel better for her. Wear the same ones with your side pieces.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Hmm, well this thread seems to certainly have dampened my faith in humanity.

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Ha ha, this thread cracks me up. While some posters definitely have good points this topic really does display the lack of nuance this forum experiences at times.

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

What do you consider the best way to go about cheating in a relatively small area of 150 k inhabitants?

Is there any way to gather prospects in the same area, or would you recommend making day trips to neighbouring cities?

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Quote: (07-25-2012 08:40 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

What do you consider the best way to go about cheating in a relatively small area of 150 k inhabitants?

Is there any way to gather prospects in the same area, or would you recommend making day trips to neighbouring cities?

Limit how much these girls know about you, and don't take them out in public unless it's extremely isolated. With 150,000 people you have to expect to eventually run out of luck though.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Quote: (07-25-2012 08:40 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

What do you consider the best way to go about cheating in a relatively small area of 150 k inhabitants?

Is there any way to gather prospects in the same area, or would you recommend making day trips to neighbouring cities?

My city is about that size- and that is exactly what i have done- had other girl friends in nearby cities.

I like to go out on the town- but if you do that with multiple girls in the same small city you will get caught pretty quickly

I never offer exclusivity to a girl first and will agree to it only if she keeps applying the pressure and I like her very much and don't want to lose her. Of course i always cheat before too long

BUT-while I don't feel any moral obligation to not cheat I do feel a moral obligation to not let her find out about it.

If a girl has treated you well she deserves your respect and to not be humiliated by you.

Believe me, they don't really want to know and many times if she suspects you are cheating this just heightens her desire for you

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

bumped this thread since I'm considering visiting other cities to creep.

Does anyone have advice on how to maintain a harem of girls who live in multiple cities?

How do you minimize costs such as travel expenses?

What excuses do you use for making frequent daytrips without her? Example: let's say a friend of my girl sees me at the trainstation alone and tells her about it. She had no idea that I was going off and asks curiously about it.

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Quote: (08-16-2012 04:46 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Does anyone have advice on how to maintain a harem of girls who live in multiple cities?

Do you have a harem of girls who live in multiple cities???

Or, are you just asking to prepare yourself for the day when you do have a harem of girls in multiple cities???

Quote: (08-16-2012 04:46 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

How do you minimize costs such as travel expenses?

Well, if money is an issue, maybe you should focus on building a harem within one city..Why keep your harem in different cities if you can't afford it?

Another ideas: Have the girls pay for your trave. Get a job with the airlines so you fly for free. Make more money!

Quote: (08-16-2012 04:46 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

What excuses do you use for making frequent daytrips without her?

"I have business to take care of" or "I'm working"

Did I just get trolled?

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Man if you're worrying so much you shouldn't be fucking around. I've learned that the hard way. I passed up on a flag I'll probably never have a chance to get again, a notch with a cute 18 year old, and all around got stressed out when I had chicks over because my girl lived in the same building. So what if she sees you with another girl. Hell introduce them on the off chance you run into her. As long as she doesn't catch you nutting all over the other girls face its only going to make her jealous. Jealousy will lead to her trying harder for your attention. Also if her friend sees you at a bar with another girl or something and rats think about what that says. the girls friend probably wants you so shes trying to force a breakup.

That being said don't be stupid when you cheat. Follow anti-traces advice.

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Quote: (08-16-2012 04:46 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

bumped this thread since I'm considering visiting other cities to creep.

Does anyone have advice on how to maintain a harem of girls who live in multiple cities?

How do you minimize costs such as travel expenses?

What excuses do you use for making frequent daytrips without her? Example: let's say a friend of my girl sees me at the trainstation alone and tells her about it. She had no idea that I was going off and asks curiously about it.


Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Yeah I've cheated on all my gfs, but this is my cardinal rule:

I don't pass up a bang because I have a gf. I cheat knowing full well she could or is even likely to find out, even if I'm happy with the girl.

Basically, an LTR to me, is to see how much I can get away with it and for how long. It's only a matter of time before my selfish behavior drives her off. There have certainly been girls I care about, and I don't like hurting girls, but then I just remember they are far more ruthless than I.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Never cheated, but my best friend used to cheat get caught quite a bit.
I remember him telling me that whenever he get's caught now he just goes "You knew I cheated on my past girlfriends. Once a cheater always a cheater."
Apparently his not-giving-a-fuck-attitude causes their hamsters to meltdown and he got away clean almost every time.

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

I don't understand how guys get caught unless they're stupid or slip up because they got lazy. But hey I guess there's a first for everything, just not for me. Keep your shit locked down.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Quote: (08-18-2012 07:55 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

I don't understand how guys get caught unless they're stupid or slip up because they got lazy. But hey I guess there's a first for everything, just not for me. Keep your shit locked down.

I remember my current GF told me about an ex of her friend who would make a habbit of cheating with mutual associates of their's, or at least only going after girls from the exact same social circle, honestly expecting not to get caught in the process. If you're this stupid deserves to get caught.

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Quote: (07-14-2012 07:40 AM)pitt Wrote:  

The only time i had a serious girlfriend, everytime i cheated on her, i used to tell her that i cheated, i couldnt keep it to myself.

One of the reasons why i cant be in a relationship. I like being loyal to people, if i cant be loyal to my girlfriend then i don't want to be in a relationship.

Why don't you just have unfenced relationships instead?

If you don't know what I mean by that, there's an explanation here

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Quote:Caligula Wrote:

Most girls deep down don't want to know that you're cheating. Despite themselves they'll snoop around for evidence but in reality they dont want to know. That's why flat out denial works so well: they want to believe it.

that's the most KEY thing to keep in mind at all times.

deep down girls know how guys are but they want to believe in fairy tale so much. they can buy so much bullshit it's ridiculous. sometimes i feel there is no limit. even if a chick confronts you, all it takes is to add more DRAMA to the mix and push it further

my girl sees other girl's text in my phone, my response: yeah of course she texts me i gave her my number instead of my friend's who has his mobile in service. did you really think it was for me? shit, you don't trust me, how can you sleep with me if you don't trust me, it's disgusting.. i'm never opening up again for you, NEVER, shit another personal failure..

my girl's friend is told by her friend that i was gaming chicks, my response: i knew these girls from high school, what the hell i was suppose to do? we know each other, beside we're just talking, you girl friend is just jealous that you date me and she wants to sabotage us, i hate that, girls always get jealous and conspire, you believe your jealous friend more than me? fuck you, this is not going to work, now you set off alarm big time girl, i wouldn't say shit if i saw you with a couple of your guy friends, i'm better than this..

my girls sees this exact post and thinks i does the exact same thing on her, my response: what? can't you see it's just forum for guys measuring their own dicks? we just brag and that's all to feed the ego what, would you prefer that i be like when i'm with you?! i'd say anything here to be the tough guy, it's internet, how can you compare yourself to some random anonymous people from internet? where's your self esteem? i felt you're so special i thought i can be real with you but now i don't know..

etc etc..

basically.. playing with vulnerabilities, adding more drama, more contrasting emotions, more overwhelming shit, flipping the script, push/pull, etc. it's same with fuckbuddies and LTR

PS. it reminds me of that tv show Allo Allo where the bar owner gets caught up groping with waitresses and always flips the script on his wife saying "you stupid woman.. can't you see that blablabalba.." hahahahaha


To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Quote: (07-14-2012 07:42 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  

Of course, the easiest thing to do is to be just be honest: admit you're not monogamous, but are not interested in polyamorous women.

You are quite right the easiest thing is to be honest but the choice is not between monogamy and polygamy.

It's between agreed mutual enforcement of exclusivity (fenced) and no agreed exclusivity (unfenced).

There is no need for deception or cheating.

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Quote: (08-19-2012 08:54 AM)JJ Roberts Wrote:  

Quote: (07-14-2012 07:42 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  

Of course, the easiest thing to do is to be just be honest: admit you're not monogamous, but are not interested in polyamorous women.

You are quite right the easiest thing is to be honest but the choice is not between monogamy and polygamy.

It's between agreed mutual enforcement of exclusivity (fenced) and no agreed exclusivity (unfenced).

There is no need for deception or cheating.

Agreed. And if you can find a girl / persuade the existing one that unfenced is the way to go, all power to you.

However I find these elusive creatures to be a tiny minority, given that women are programmed by evolution to try to keep their man for themselves, and therefore a man who's interested what's on the other side of the fence has to jump over it unnoticed and come back ready to sell a good story.

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

Quote: (08-19-2012 09:11 AM)Teekay Wrote:  

Agreed. And if you can find a girl / persuade the existing one that unfenced is the way to go, all power to you.

However I find these elusive creatures to be a tiny minority, given that women are programmed by evolution to try to keep their man for themselves, and therefore a man who's interested what's on the other side of the fence has to jump over it unnoticed and come back ready to sell a good story.

Teekay in the last 10 years, the number of women that I have been with that have not been ok with me being unfenced is a grand total of zero.

I do not set out to "find" women that are ok with it nor do I ever make the terrible mistake of trying to "persuade" any them.

I don't give them a choice not to be ok with it because I make it clear from the beginning that I have no interest whatsoever in fenced relationships and I only offer unfenced.

There is a way of telling women your belief system when it comes to relationships and making it very clear that it is to her benefit that you are unfenced.

I am very, very well practiced at it. It works 100% of the time and has done for me for more than 10 years now.

Telling yourself that these women are elusive or a "tiny minority" is a self-limiting belief and one which is not even remotely true.

As for your statement that women are "women are programmed by evolution to try to keep their man for themselves" this is only partly true.

Women have two genetic imperatives whereas men only have one (to have sex with lots of fertile women). Women's two genetic imperatives are :

1. The need for the alpha male
2. The need for the provider male

Women's need to "keep their man for themselves" primarily applies if she sees you as a provider male as provisions are by nature subtractive.

A woman with a sole provider male has access to 100% of his resources which then quickly become halved and quartered if he gets other women.

It does not work like that if what you are giving a woman is dick. You probably find, as I have found, that when you are giving a woman some dick, you get it back very quickly when you have finished [Image: wink.gif]

As long as you are only fulfilling the first imperative and are quite clear that you are not her provider male (in other words never take her out on a date in the conventional sense of the word) then it's really not an issue.

I currently have many partners all of whom know that we are unfenced.

I don't lie, I don't cheat, I don't have to delete text messages, hide condoms or invent stories as to where I was.

I have tried doing it that way in the past. This way is better.

To those who have cheated on their GFs...

as for drama in LTR/dating. sadly, it's the ultimate seduction.

extreme example: Rihanna Says That She And Chris Brown "Love Each Other And We Probably Always Will"

translation: "i'm hot famous chick who can have any man in the world however i'm emotionally hooked (like a drug) on the guy who beat the shit out of me in public and made me lose my mind and turned my life into one big fucking chaos but i can't stop therefore we fuck on the regular and the sex is awesome"

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