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being good looking

being good looking

You just have to exceed a relatively low threshold of attractiveness. As long as you're presentable and not a beast, looks are insignificant in comparison to other factors.

To really benefit from good looks to the point where you can rely on it as a crutch, you'd have to be in the top .5% percentile of men. Male model, Orlando Bloom type shit. The downside here is that tons of women disqualify themselves from entering a LTR with you out of insecurity, fear of being cheated on, and whatnot. But they do have a very easy time with flings -- plenty of girls want to be sexually validated by having a "gorgeous" guy sleep with them. Attractiveness beneath that level is only a slight advantage.

being good looking

Visual stimulus is powerful for all of us. To say that looks mean everything is incorrect. To say that looks mean nothing is incorrect. A person's visual appearance is as important as all other factors that help us determine attraction. Western society continues to draw double standards here.

-If you're a Jew and aren't attracted to a Catholic, it's ok.
-If you want kids and aren't attracted to someone who doesn't, that's ok.
-If you enjoy eating meat and aren't attracted to a vegetarian, that's ok.

-If you aren't overweight and aren't attracted to someone who is, you're shallow.
-If you aren't unattractive and aren't attracted to someone who is, you're shallow.
-If you are someone who takes pride in their appearance and aren't attracted to someone who doesn't, you're shallow.

In a society where appearance standards are not improving, we're being told it's not ok to base any part of attraction upon looks. It's more than ok; it's natural, normal, and healthy.

being good looking

Quote: (11-02-2010 03:31 AM)Quasi Wrote:  

Dont be stupid offcourse it makes a major difference :-) but what women like is very versatile and broad compared to guys I think, so there is still room for everyone... Women are basicly freaks, who knows what they want except the obviously moviestar looks, some like skinny, some like surfer types, some like artsy type... some like huge bodybuilding, some like innocent boys..

Besides make an impression and all the sudden they think your good looking.. or bla bla, same deal with being good looking and boring, probably land you some bangs, but women will ditch you.

Where is this "Stop banging fat chicks" membership?

being good looking

I dig Roosh's writings on this topic...It doesn't matter if you're a female stripper or a male model. Eventually, life will steal those looks away from you, and if you haven't developed your character (or game), you're fucked.

At least a few good looking men in America still develop some character. Much fewer hot women in America develop any character at all. They don't need to. Westernized men spend so much time kissing their asses that they never have the need to.

These women are so sought after that they've learned that all they need to do is eat food, breathe air, and make poop to get what they desire.

It isn't easy, but I try to follow Roosh's approach (which I trult believe in on this matter), and treat overly beautiful women no differently than anyone else. 99% of the time, they dismiss me because they know there's a long line of stupid jerkoffs waiting to kiss their ass. But I feel good knowing 2 things; (1) The other 1% will like me more for treating them this way. (2) I've done my part to help the overall cause by not supporting the other 99%.

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