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being good looking

being good looking

it's not easy being ridiculously good-looking

Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"

being good looking

Quote: (10-25-2010 04:07 AM)zanetti Wrote:  

it's not easy being ridiculously good-looking

They may hate you but they want good-looking kids.

Think, "Child support."

being good looking

Good looks make it easier to get your foot in the door. Without game, you wont close.
A good looking guy can have terrible inner game like everyone else too by the way

being good looking

Dont be stupid offcourse it makes a major difference :-) but what women like is very versatile and broad compared to guys I think, so there is still room for everyone... Women are basicly freaks, who knows what they want except the obviously moviestar looks, some like skinny, some like surfer types, some like artsy type... some like huge bodybuilding, some like innocent boys..

Besides make an impression and all the sudden they think your good looking.. or bla bla, same deal with being good looking and boring, probably land you some bangs, but women will ditch you.

being good looking

Quote: (11-02-2010 03:31 AM)Quasi Wrote:  

being good looking and boring, probably land you some bangs, but women will ditch you.

Very true. I was hanging out with a guy and his smoking hot (carmen electra look-alike) girl last week, and I notice that he was in great shape, six-pack abs, and athletic physique, but he had the personality of a door knob.

Needless to say, 2 hours into hanging out, she was having more fun with me, than him - but I don't go there, I had plenty of women to choose from. Which probably increased my value in her eyes more than him.


being good looking

every guy has the potential to be better looking and should always strive to look his best!

hit the gym
take care of your diet
take care of your skin (cleanser, exfoliat, moisturise)
take care of your teeth
groom yourself (hair, chest, beard, back)
take care of your nails and toenails.
wear clothes that make you look at your best.

being good looking

She will make it happen MM... that is so highstatus male behaivour she was thinking about you that evening while he was fucking her...

being good looking

OK, here's the truth. If you are very good looking, you really don't have to game. The women will come to you, or all you need to do is show some initial interest. This can make very good looking guys very lazy and have a lack of developed game or overly developed personality. This results in getting girls that are easier--- work, school, friends, your tennis class, church group, etc, no need to approach large numbers of random women on the street or in clubs. However, over time, good inner game results simply from having dealt with so many interested women. All you have to do is show initial interest in a few women and if you are very good looking, a certain percentage will show interest back. And of course a few will become obsessed.

However, even if you are good looking, you still have to MEET the actual women that you are interested in. Therefore, meeting 6's, 7's and maybe even 8's, is pretty easy. Finding SOMEONE is pretty easy. But finding great women can still be a bit difficult.

Hardly ever had problems with negging personally, I don't find that women do that, personally. Although some women won't approach or show interest if you are very good looking. I guess that it comes more with the territory if you are a real arrogrant, cocky type of guy.

being good looking

If you aren't good looking, then it helps to have a monster penis.

At least that's what I've heard.

being good looking

In all seriousness, looks mean less if you are good in bed. The trick is laying her in the first place. But if you can, and rock her world, then expect to keep her for as long as you would like. Learning game, to a certain point, increases your bedroom abilities as your demeanor and behavior will be more congruent the a dominant male who is good at what he does.

And I'd much rather be good with game than good looking, as looks fade for almost everyone, and its much tougher to learn game as an older man (if you have been an AFC up until then). Being less good looking creates the need to better your game.

My brother is much better looking than I am, and as of now, he gets some hot women (he lives in NYC and generally dates models or model quality). He operates WELL under his potential though, and doesn't quite know how to handle the women once he has them. Its fun for me to see him try and figure it out. He's learning. However, with his looks, he could have a harem with some better game.

being good looking

The way I see it is there are things that will actively increase your success (game, status, popularity) and things that will passively increase your success (looks, money). Active will guarantee success, passive does not, but almost every guy who is good with women has both the active and the passive things in his arsenal.

Good looks, they definitely don't hurt, but like money and other passive things, if you don't know how to properly use them, they won't really help either.

You still need game, but if you're good looking the amount of game you need is not as much. A 5'6 troll-looking guy will need his game operating at like 95% capacity to get consistently laid, while a 6'2 dark-haired ripped guy may only need his game to be around 40%.

As a pretty good-looking guy myself (6'3, toned, dark hair, grey-green eyes and nice teeth), I can sort of offer insight. Looks may get more girls checking you out, and it may also give you a slightly larger window in the conversation, but you need to rock some substance behind it, game, intelligence, humor etc. Without that you're just going to be fucking skanks and average girls, and if you're good looking that's just sad.

being good looking

Even active doesn't guarantee success.

To improve game you really have to take the time to reflect on what you are learning, internalize everything and make it not just part of your repetoire, but part of yourself. You can't even think it, you have to breathe it. That's the really hard part.

Learning game for me has been like learning to do a role in a play. I memorize lines, learn some acting tricks, but the real success comes when you really BECOME the person you are acting. That person you are trying to become would hopefully be some stylized version of yourself, except less wussy and beta and more alpha and charming.

You can act and be active all you want, and approach a 1000 women and still learn zilch. If you are perceptive, you will learn more from a single approach than a social retard could from 10 approaches. I am more of the last category, so it's an uphill struggle for me. Just means I have to work harder.

being good looking

Quote: (11-09-2010 11:28 PM)whosyourdaddy Wrote:  

OK, here's the truth. If you are very good looking, you really don't have to game. The women will come to you, or all you need to do is show some initial interest. This can make very good looking guys very lazy and have a lack of developed game or overly developed personality. This results in getting girls that are easier--- work, school, friends, your tennis class, church group, etc, no need to approach large numbers of random women on the street or in clubs. However, over time, good inner game results simply from having dealt with so many interested women. All you have to do is show initial interest in a few women and if you are very good looking, a certain percentage will show interest back. And of course a few will become obsessed.

Everything you said above is spot on as this has been my experience. I have wonderful memories of high school & college as I was swimming in girls back then. Three of the girls in my high school clique were cheerleaders. In college I was in a fraternity and a sports team. Again, girls everywhere - with a good number of them creating opportunities to hook up. Graduated college and it hasn't been the same - mostly downhill except for several upticks here & there. So, based on this, a good looking guy in a socially proofed setting is golden but one who is daygaming the streets or nightgaming a big dance club will still need tight game, as women will most probably not be throwing themselves at him - although this has happened to me a couple of times while clubbing - once in Vegas and the other time down in Argentina.

Quote: (11-09-2010 11:28 PM)whosyourdaddy Wrote:  

.. some women won't approach or show interest if you are very good looking. I guess that it comes more with the territory if you are a real arrogrant, cocky type of guy.

The shy & insecure ones usually won't but the party girls & sluts will step up & play.

being good looking

You always have to remember that women do not think/work/react in the same way we do. Guys are like atleast 3/4 about looks. I mean if a girl is sexy looking we can bang her no matter how dry her personality is or how dumb she is. We might not call her back, but a sexy girl is a sexy girl bottom line. After a few beers you can numb the pain of her boring bull shit long enough to bang her.

On the flip side, if a girl is a 5'0 - 200lb troll, no matter how cool, rich, funny, or smart she is, most men will never ever find her sexy and never ever even fantasize about her much less actually have sex with her. This rule is not the same for women. On occasion a guy can be actually fairly ugly, but if he is rich, or a super talented artist, super alpha (insert any other desirable characteristic) then his looks start to rise in other ways with the girls.

Of course it's natural a woman can first be called to attention by a handsome man however they soon will be turned off if he is dry, boring, dumb etc. This is why you can go anywhere and see not so handsome guys with girls several points above them on the dating scale.

being good looking

Quote: (11-09-2010 11:28 PM)whosyourdaddy Wrote:  

OK, here's the truth. If you are very good looking, you really don't have to game. The women will come to you, or all you need to do is show some initial interest. This can make very good looking guys very lazy and have a lack of developed game or overly developed personality.

I agree with you and it sometimes is depressing to go out with a guy who is SUPER good looking. One of my best friend is Italian and I have to say I never saw such a thing with anyone else.
Girls are generally starting to get wet when they see a good looking italian guy and my friend would easily look like a model for Dolce And Gabana.
He has a lot of success thanks to his looks and everytime we would go out he would hang out with the hired guns. I see some damn pretty bartenders gaming him.
At the end of the day, he had to do nothing, just come and wait. You can be sure that everytime we went out together at least 1 girl would come over, and not 5,6 or 7s but I saw some 9s coming and gaming him...

A few times the following has happened: I start open a set, I lock the target, everytime is fine, he then comes over to say Hi or just to talk with me for a second, my target sees him ...and it's over... She starts talking to him and I rapidly feel like I have to go...

Being super good looking with the good mentality is gold

being good looking

Well that is they key bro...he "talks" to them..he has some kind of game. And the Italian (I'm assuming not Jersey Shore accent) is a big plus too.

I knew a guy like that from England. Dressed real well, but similar look to me in the face and structure. Most importantly he made his foreign thing work for him. He knew what to say and how to make them smile. Also the fact that he was foreign gave him extra leeway with his game. With American chics he could reach out and touch the chin, hug, kiss on cheek way quicker than I could because the girls thought it was "European" of him to do so.

being good looking

lots of talk here about being good looking vs being average looking and blah blah blah..

The way i see it, its a simple as this...

The better looking you are the more girls are gonna like you...Girls like things that look cute, hot, sexy, furry, fuzzy, shiny, glittery, sparkely, etc.

So the moral is this, work on your looks, !!!

Take care of your body, skin, teeth, hair, etc.

Work on your fashion game and find a look that is attractive to girls. Too many guys dress like they don't care or dress to fit in with their buddies.

Have your female freinds help you to optimize your look.

Better looking guys have it much easier, we all know that.

and yes, I know, conversational skills are important too, WORK ON BOTH!

being good looking

Quote: (02-10-2011 02:28 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

lots of talk here about being good looking vs being average looking and blah blah blah..

The way i see it, its a simple as this...

The better looking you are the more girls are gonna like you...Girls like things that look cute, hot, sexy, furry, fuzzy, shiny, glittery, sparkely, etc.

goodlooking = eye contacts (or being approached if the girl is drunk)

thats it

i look like a model and without game I didnt get laid AT ALL in high school

being good looking

^^ same. Me not getting laid was due to being incredibly shy.

being good looking

I agree as well, I consider myself good looking and girls rarely approach. I've learned that even if girls are attracted to you physically they will rarely approach, not even indirectly.

being good looking

This girl indirectly approached me at work yesterday.

I was putting makeup back on the shelf that people didnt buy from the day before when i saw a girl (looked like a senior in highschool) walk towards me. She briefly came by me while i put stuff up and looked around for a second and left. A few minuets later she came back and i asked her if she wanted anything out of my cart. I didnt realize that what i held in my hand and asked if she wanted it was actually a yogurt treat bone... pretty much ended the conversation. BUT! atleast i said something eh

being good looking

Quote: (02-10-2011 02:28 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

The better looking you are the more girls are gonna like you...Girls like things that look cute, hot, sexy, furry, fuzzy, shiny, glittery, sparkely, etc.

Different girls like different things. Being good-looking will increase your pool the same way as having status does; it will also increase your value. However this is not enough, most of those girls still would not approach you and offer to suck your dick - you still have to do some work. This also has very temporary effect - if you manage to talk to a girl for over an hour, looks typically do not matter anymore at that point.

Also looks is not something I'd waste my time working on, besides correcting major flaws like being obese, or wearing clean clothes. Better put your efforts to make more money.

being good looking

Quote: (02-10-2011 06:10 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

This girl indirectly approached me at work yesterday.

I was putting makeup back on the shelf that people didnt buy from the day before when i saw a girl (looked like a senior in highschool) walk towards me. She briefly came by me while i put stuff up and looked around for a second and left. A few minuets later she came back and i asked her if she wanted anything out of my cart. I didnt realize that what i held in my hand and asked if she wanted it was actually a yogurt treat bone... pretty much ended the conversation. BUT! atleast i said something eh

LMAO... Scooby Snacks

being good looking

Smiling and peacocking often help to enhance your looks. Just try not to use your good looks as a crutch. I tend to generally blow chicks away with charm and intellect more than I rely on my looks.

being good looking

Quote: (03-10-2011 09:35 PM)D. Goodnuts Wrote:  

Smiling and peacocking often help to enhance your looks. Just try not to use your good looks as a crutch. I tend to generally blow chicks away with charm and intellect more than I rely on my looks.

Agreed. Peacocking and good looks should be used for initial attraction and approaching.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

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