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Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

So, I met Swiss/Turkish chick a couple weeks back. She was only visiting 2 weeks. We fucked like animals the whole time she was out here. I spent the night at her hotel the whole time. She's a freak! Now this chick is telling me to come stay with her in Switzerland, and she is dead serious. The chick is mad into me, she says she's "addicted" to me. She said she would put me up in her house as long as I want and feed me (Not only feed me, but cook for me...) She has $ and she's mad cool. I honestly enjoy spending time with her, possible LTR material (Not that that's what I was looking for but you never know). She's also sexy as hell and the sex is good, she's a nympho. She masterbates for me on skype, it's awesome! She's a solid 8.5. She's mad feminine too. Definitely not like most Swiss girls I've met. I think she picked up a lot of Turkish traditions from her family. Her values definitely seem more turkish than western european. She says that both Turkish and German are her frist languages. She's also mad nuturing. She would bring me food at work. She always talks about how she likes cooking and would cook for me every night. She's basically what you would expect a good woman to be. I'm seriously giving it consideration. It's a pretty nice opprotunity. Many people would kill to live in Switzerland for free. Switzerland isn't personally close to the top of my list of places to visit, but at the same time I would definitely like to hit up all of europe. I was planning on saving europe til when I was older, since I feel places like south america and asia are much better for young men without a lot of money. But given the circumstances, why not bust it out now that I have an opprotunity like this? I already told her if I go out there I'm traveling all around. She was cool with it and didn't ask to come along. You better believe I'll be hitting up Poland and a couple other eastern eruopean spots. But I also wanna do the Euro-tourist thing to and see all the dope sites in places like Itally, France, Greece, England, and Spain. It would be more of a bounce spot to spot fast trip. Since in those places, the women (At least what I know from them) aren't super appealing to me. So I don't feel like I really need to set up shop for quit as long. I'm more there just to check out the place than as if I was in Brazil or Colombia looking to have lots of fun with the local tallent. The chick also wants to take me to Turkey, which is actually a place I would really like to visit. Another plus too is I can snowboard in the alps. They couldn't be too far away. At the same time though I'm sure lift tickets are ridiculously expensive so I probably wouldn't be doing as much riding as I'd like.

On the other hand though... If I'm staying with her, I'm pretty much locked down until I travel. If anything goes south with her it could be bad. I'd have to cut my trip short. I do however have a close friend who lives a couple hours away in Lugano, so if I'm in a tough spot, I know she'll help me out. Honestly, South America was gonna be my next trip, but I want to go for a good 6 months-1 year, and I know that's gonna cost me a shit load of money, especially since I'm not open to staying in hostels. It's a big decision to make. I've been working mad hard to go on a long trip, but haven't been saving as much as I would have liked to. I know to get the money I want for a year in South America, it's gonna take me a lot longer to save, at least 6 months-a year. And I'm already getting sick of working hard like this. In the last two weeks I've worked 160 hours with one day off, last week 5 doubles in a row. That's rare but typcially I'm working 64-72 hours a week, but always have Friday and Saturday off. I'm thinking I need a trip by the end of the year, I'm way past due. It's been almost 2 1/2 years since my last Brazil trip. My second job is by far the most stressful and least favorite job I've ever had in my life, hands down. I can't stand it! But the money is good and I know I just have to stick it out another couple months. The problem with finding another job is this job works with my other jobs schedule.

So, what would you guys do? There are a lot of pluses and negatives here. It's a free place without having to work for a good 6 months-a year assuming everything goes alright. The chick understands that I won't be able to work there easily (Pretty sure Switzerlands is one of the hardest places around for a foreigner to work. My friend has lived there 4 or 5 years now and has not been able to get a real job, she's just been doing under the table stuff like baby-sitting.) and when I offered to help her out she refused to let me. BUT.... If things go south with the girl I'm some-what fucked. I mean it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, I'd just have to cut the trip short. Another minus is I'm pretty much locked down if I do this. The chick is mad cool though and would definitely be the type of girl I would date if I was looking for a girlfriend. She's easy to get along with too. I told my mom about it and asked her what she thought. At first I thought my mom would maybe be a little against it because she comes from a Muslim family. Not that my mom is close minded, but her family is some-what conservative christians, though my mom isn't too religious. You know how the conservative-Christian media vilanizes Muslims. My mom usually isn't super excited about me dating Brazilian and Argi girls and when I date American girls she is happy. Suprisingly though, my mom said to jump on the opprotunity. She didn't even mention anything about the girl being Muslim. She thinks its a great opprotunity and she loves Switzerland and Austria. She used to live in Austria (Oh and BTW this girl grew up in Austria but has been living in Switzerland a while now). My father on the other hand I haven't even asked. He's gonna be mad dissapointed I'm messing around with a girl from a Muslim family. My dad is SUPER Christian. Like go to church 4 days a week born-again crazy bible thumping Christian. He litterally goes to downtown las vegas and tries to "introduce people to the lord." As far as he's concerned the middle east and every muslim in it should be burned to the growned. And he's said that to me before too. I'm personally gonna get a kick out of telling him because I hate that kind of bigotry. He'll be salty for a couple days but he'll get over it.

So, give me some input, what do you think I should do?

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Actually edit what I said before. Go for it but have an auxilliary plan just in case. Lizards can change their mind like babies change their nappies.
Have a backup in case she switches on you. Apart from that, go for it and enjoy.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Let me just correct you on this ''I was planning on saving europe til when I was older, since I feel places like south america and asia are much better for young men without a lot of money''

Wrong, Europe is good for guys without much money. European women are totally different from american women, they dont care if you have a car, they dont care if you have lots of money, they just care if you look good and you can fuck them good, period. Actually South America and Asia are better places for older people because in those places women care more about your money while in Europe is for the young good looking cats.

If i was in your position, i would go to see her for one month, i would never stay with a new woman for 6 months unless it was me inviting her to my place. In this case, she will be in control, you will need to live by her orders and take her bullshit for months. I doubt it will be all good for 6 months, be prepared for when the arguments come along. Stay with her for one month and the other months travel around europe if you have some money saved, it shouldnt cost you that much.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Do you have the feeling in your guts that it's gonna work out? Sometimes it's useless to rationalize these things and you just gotta do what you're feeling.

Personally, I cannot imagine myself going 10.000km just for a girl.

If I understood you correctly, you say you want to get to know Europe anyways. How about travelling for maybe 2 or 3 weeks and then going to meet her for 2 or 3 weeks? You'll get a taste of Europe and a taste of staying with her. By the end of the third week with her, you'll know what to expect if you stay. If you don't like what you see, gtfo and keep travelling. Switzerland is one bus ride away from many western touristic cities and only a few hours from pussy goldmines on the east.

Have a good time with her, just please have a backup plan. You don't wanna be stuck in Switzerland with no plan B.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

The way some guys talk on here you'd think you should be banging new pussy every night.

I agree you always have to keep your game sharp and not get too familiar, however if you're into the girl and you like her then I don't see the issue.
It will be an awesome experience, having a hot, sweet feminine woman wait on you hand and foot cook for you etc, all on her dime! Are you kidding me? You'd be mad to turn it down.

Not exactly gonna kill your game, as you're not going to marry the chick there and then.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Quote: (06-24-2012 04:57 AM)dk902 Wrote:  

The way some guys talk on here you'd think you should be banging new pussy every night.

I agree you always have to keep your game sharp and not get too familiar, however if you're into the girl and you like her then I don't see the issue.
It will be an awesome experience, having a hot, sweet feminine woman wait on you hand and foot cook for you etc, all on her dime! Are you kidding me? You'd be mad to turn it down.

Not exactly gonna kill your game, as you're not going to marry the chick there and then.

You'd have to be mad to believe it will stay like this.

IP, you only spent two weeks with her, so be sure to keep that in mind. You are still in the honeymoon phase. It *sounds* awesome to go to Sweeden and live an eat for free while she cooks and cleans for you. However, she might turn into a controlling bitch in two weeks. Hell, she might give you the boot after a month. You never know bro.

I'm not saying don't go, but don't go with the intention of staying for a long while. There is a very real possibility it will turn sour quickly. Personally, I wouldn't go. That said, there's also the possibility that you go and have a fuckin blast. I think it's a high risk, high reward situation. Go with your gut.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Yeah I don't think it would be a good idea long term, but a short stay, absolutely.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Have you ever even been to Switzerland?

Its the dullest country on earth (as well as one of the most expensive)

You will be bored within 4 or 5 days unless you are really into eating fondue

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

You're an InternationalPlayboy who has to ask his mum for permission to go to Europe and date a Muslim girl? [Image: biggrin.gif]

Do it if you want to mate but personally I'm not sure I would. You'll be totally at the mercy of her especially if you've not got enough money to live out there yourself for the whole time. You might find she turns crazy when you are there and staying with her and after 2 weeks how well do you really know her. In Sao Paulo, Brazil I spent around 6 weeks with this super cool and really beautiful girl. She was so much fun to be around that when she told me she wanted to come visit Europe to visit me I was really happy for her to come stay with me. When she arrived she was a totally different person, bitchy, complained all the time, no fun, didn't want to do anything, compared everything to Brazil and just generally irritated me. After a few days I couldn't wait for her to go home but I couldn't ditch her as we were touring round the country and a lot of stuff was already booked or organised. After about a week and a half when we were back in my city I managed to get rid of her and haven't spoke to her since. If I went back to Brazil I wouldn't even bother to meet her. Be warned!

If you want to go to Europe anyway then go and spend a few days with her but don't commit to anything more. That way if things are good you can stay, if not you go travel Europe.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

You were planning on going to SA. It is hard work to save. Now you are being offered easy pussy on a platter and your ego has been boosted. Ask yourself: what would Roosh do? Would he take the easy way of single pussy, or the hard way of a continent full of it? What will make you grow as a man? As others have pointed out, woman X at time Y can be very different from woman X at time Z. Such is the nature of woman. That is fine, as long as it's on YOUR terms.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Quote: (06-24-2012 05:55 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Have you ever even been to Switzerland?

Its the dullest country on earth (as well as one of the most expensive)

You will be bored within 4 or 5 days unless you are really into eating fondue

LOL, they actually eat that shyt?? So Rene Goscinny was totally on point...



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Zurich is expensive as all hell, so keep that in mind. I would go for like 10 days to check out the place and on your way home do a stop-over in a place of your choice. (Poland etc)

I have seen pics of the moutain verbevier (sp) and it looks breathtaking to say the least. Great for snowboarding I hear!

There is only one Roosh, so do what you feel comfortable with. Most guys I know would be scared to go and find some excuse not to go, me I would go and enjoy myself. But beware, after that she will get clingy!

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Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......


You were planning on going to SA. It is hard work to save. Now you are being offered easy pussy on a platter and your ego has been boosted. Ask yourself: what would Roosh do? Would he take the easy way of single pussy, or the hard way of a continent full of it? What will make you grow as a man? As others have pointed out, woman X at time Y can be very different from woman X at time Z. Such is the nature of woman. That is fine, as long as it's on YOUR terms.

What does it matter what Roosh would do, he's not Roosh. Sometimes easy pussy is just what you need and want, no need to struggle. He's supposed to be going on holiday and enjoying himself not suffering.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

When would you actually go to Switzerland to see this chick? You said she's a nympho, well if she truly is then she's going to be wanting cock all the time, so not that you care, but she's probably getting dicked down as I type this shit. She might have been crazy into you for those two weeks, but two weeks from now she might be totally infatuated with some other dude. She might keep talking to you and what not, you could go out there, only to find she's got two fuck buddies that she slips off to fuck while you're visiting her.

Or like the other guys said, you could get out there, things could be going great for a few weeks then she could turn into a massive bitch. I'd say that unless you're planning on going sometime soon like in the next couple months, then forget it, she'll surely lose interest and find a new guy.

Also, sounds like you're working yourself to death 64-72 hour work weeks, I'm surprised you're not working in a Chinese sweatshop making iphones. I know that unless you're balling and own your own business, you got to work ridiculous amounts to save money in the U.S., but shit working that many hours will shed years off your life.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

I would go visit this girl, especially since it's a place you want to see. However, I wouldn't spend 6 months with her. Shit can't possibly stay golden for such a long period of time. Make your stay a month or less. It isn't a good idea to be totally dependent on a woman for too long. It's a dream to have a foreign woman invite you to stay with her, as lodging can be very expensive, as can food if you really like to eat. Take advantage of the offer, but keep it short, and have a Plan B, and C lined up also. Make it another stop on an extended tour of Europe.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Make it another stop on an extended trip to Europe.

Never fly across the world for a chick unless she is the mother of your child, has agreed to marry you, and you have an engagement ring. Imagine that shit. The exception of course is she pays for your airfare for a week or two fuck-fest (no strings attached). I would only pay for my own airfare if I could smell the pussy dripping wet through Skype, I really liked the girl, and I knew I had a guarantee of sex. Basically, she'd have to be begging me to come out. Even then only for a short trip, so I could keep my job.

I have seen this shit go wrong twice with a friend. First to Australia. Then to Europe. Blue balled. Nothing is quite as needy as a guy quitting his job, booking a flight, and committing to long term travel just to see a chick half way across the world. Then can smell that neediness continents away and it dries their pussies up faster than you can imagine. Even if they were in love with you just months earlier. Maybe especially then. Scary stuff indeed.

I am not saying that's you, but just my two cents. Probably worthless. Besides, she sounds like a rich chick nymphomaniac, not exactly the most stable breed if you know what I mean.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Quite the pickle you have yourself in there, I'd stay with her for a week or two for the free board and guaranteed pussy, but wouldn't commit to anything longer than that, enjoy your travel.

Working 70+ hours per week sure does suck, but every week you bust your ass at work will be at least a week or two over there, even more if you end up going to south America.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Quote: (06-24-2012 01:33 AM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

On the other hand though... If I'm staying with her, I'm pretty much locked down until I travel. If anything goes south with her it could be bad. I'd have to cut my trip short. I do however have a close friend who lives a couple hours away in Lugano, so if I'm in a tough spot, I know she'll help me out.
So, give me some input, what do you think I should do?

Hey whats up my man?

Im currently doing the same thing that you want to do, but im in a Former Soviet Union Country. I dated the chick in college then came back to visit with her this summer.

I got the same deal, free room, board, food and a personal guide to real life in that city, which is a great deal, but it all depends on what kind of guy you are.

Me? Its hard for me to constantly yield, and thats what your gonna have to do if your staying in HER HOUSE GETTING HER HELP. Thats the hardest part for me. Whenever there is a confrontation, where normally I would stay dominate, hold my frame, and tell her to walk if she didnt like it, I have to swallow the blue pill and keep my mouth shut.

You gotta be prepared to go into a Buddhist like trance when she bitches or gets emotional because she knows that you know your getting her help, so I assume she may get a little big for her britches atleast a couple times during the trip.

For me, its only happened once during my trip so far, and it was very hard to sit there with my mouth shut as she was trying to lay down the law. But eventually enough was enough, and the negatives outweighed the positives and I started packing to leave (she knew I had enough money and connections to finish out the trip on my own, I would never go fully dependent on a girl). This put her 'power game' in check and she quieted down and started to be nice and helpful and sweet, but its a greedy game that you have to be willing to play to keep the frame and respect in HER TERRITORY.

Also, the other hard part is not being able to holler at all the girls wanting to talk to you as the foreign guy from america. But dont get me wrong, it is a great opportunity to live for real cheap in another country and to have a social circle to appreciate the city with.

PM me if you want any specifics.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

I live in Switzerland.

Three simple questions:

1) What is your income source? This is the 2nd most expensive country on earth.

2) What type of a person are you? If you are extroverted and dig interacting with people and doing new shit, Switzerland will drive you crazy. It's boring as fcuk here for 9 months in a year. The locals are probably one of the most insular people in the world.

3) Can you put up with dull, depressing, rainy weather for a majority of the year? If not, again Switzerland will drive you crazy. It's not as bad as the UK, but trust me, you will feel the same way.

Positives to Switzerland:
1) Safety: This is the safest country on earth. Period. But something tells me that's not exactly your top priority.

2) Unbelievable nature: If you are an outdoors type who loves getting away to the mountains every weekend, this is the best place to be in. Although transport is pretty expensive.

3) Centre of Europe: Every place in Europe is just an hour away by flight. But that's if you are ok with Swiss flight prices. We routinely pay 40% more for flight tickets booked from and departing in Switzerland, even though it's the same destination.

Above all, do NOT make the mistake of assuming that you can cut corners and still get by on small money. You can do that in the UK, not here.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......


If you are young, tall and good looking (and dont have the personality of a house fly), you will slay in Western Europe.[/i]

Swiss chicks are batshit crazy. I wouldn't give my job, life, social circle and move half way around the world for any chick, let alone a Swiss one.

Quote: (06-24-2012 04:20 AM)pitt Wrote:  

Let me just correct you on this ''I was planning on saving europe til when I was older, since I feel places like south america and asia are much better for young men without a lot of money''

Wrong, Europe is good for guys without much money. European women are totally different from american women, they dont care if you have a car, they dont care if you have lots of money, they just care if you look good and you can fuck them good, period. [i]
Actually South America and Asia are better places for older people because in those places women care more about your money while in Europe is for the young good looking cats.

If i was in your position, i would go to see her for one month, i would never stay with a new woman for 6 months unless it was me inviting her to my place. In this case, she will be in control, you will need to live by her orders and take her bullshit for months. I doubt it will be all good for 6 months, be prepared for when the arguments come along. Stay with her for one month and the other months travel around europe if you have some money saved, it shouldnt cost you that much.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Rule of thumb: Do not give people permission to take advantage of you. Because, they will.


Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Quote: (06-28-2012 07:27 AM)Sirob Wrote:  

I live in Switzerland.

Three simple questions:

1) What is your income source? This is the 2nd most expensive country on earth.

2) What type of a person are you? If you are extroverted and dig interacting with people and doing new shit, Switzerland will drive you crazy. It's boring as fcuk here for 9 months in a year. The locals are probably one of the most insular people in the world.

3) Can you put up with dull, depressing, rainy weather for a majority of the year? If not, again Switzerland will drive you crazy. It's not as bad as the UK, but trust me, you will feel the same way.

Positives to Switzerland:
1) Safety: This is the safest country on earth. Period. But something tells me that's not exactly your top priority.

2) Unbelievable nature: If you are an outdoors type who loves getting away to the mountains every weekend, this is the best place to be in. Although transport is pretty expensive.

3) Centre of Europe: Every place in Europe is just an hour away by flight. But that's if you are ok with Swiss flight prices. We routinely pay 40% more for flight tickets booked from and departing in Switzerland, even though it's the same destination.

Above all, do NOT make the mistake of assuming that you can cut corners and still get by on small money. You can do that in the UK, not here.

Sirob is right. I've lived in Switzerland and I can tell you, the country, even Zurich, is dead after 8pm on a weekday. Unemployment barely exists, EVERYONE WORKS a 9-5 because there's only a couple 24/7 jobs in the country. It's quite common to be stopped by cops simply for being out at 3-4 am and having them question you wtf you're doing up. Also, if you go from mid july to mid august, a lot of clubs and bars are closed... everyone is on vacation.

It's a great place to get work done. There are no distractions, the girls are shitty, it's fucking expensive to party or go out, infrastructure is great.

I'm currently doing the thing you mentioned above with a northern European girl. First couple of days went well, then the honeymoon phase went off and the arguments started. What was supposed to be a 4 week stay just got cut down to 2 weeks since I can't handle her anymore. And trust me, I had an insanely great feeling about this before.

My advice: Use her place during a month as a base. Check out some places in Europe.. go to Poland for a week, to Scandinavia for a couple days, maybe to a greek island for a bit. DO NOT attach yourself to her. Even though you're there and banging her right, she will still start feeling bad about leaving you alone to go see her friends (that I'm sure you don't have a huge interest in getting to know either) and do her routine

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Quote: (06-28-2012 07:40 AM)Sirob Wrote:  


If you are young, tall and good looking (and dont have the personality of a house fly), you will slay in Western Europe.[/i]

Swiss chicks are batshit crazy. I wouldn't give my job, life, social circle and move half way around the world for any chick, let alone a Swiss one.

I nailed a Swiss chick once in Golden Sands, bulgaria. She was completely open about having a boyfriend at home and here dozen strong crew of girls egged me on to do her. They litterally said "go fuck her". I guess you have to catch them on vacation, as with many otherwise tight lipped (hurr hurr) european girls.

Free room, board, and food in Europe, BUT......

Yeah fuck swizz chicks for real. I can never forget a date that i had with this swizz chick. She was a total Sandra Bullock look alike, actually i thought she was her sister when i first saw her and at the time i was crazy about Sandra Bullock. Anyway, so i get her number and we set up a date in a coffee shop. She had this idea about saving the world and give equality to everybody. I told her that i respect her perspective in life but im more the get rich type..she told me she hates people who likes money..after 15 mins she was asking how could she could get a job in London/..i was like wtf...

But anyway months after i met this other white swizz chick that had a phat ass..damn she gave me a different swizz experience..i wonder if phat asses in swizterland is a popular thing. White chicks with phat booties really turn me on.

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