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Roosh: Why Workout?

Roosh: Why Workout?

Hey Roosh (and forum peeps!)

I notice you recommend working out in many of your posts. I'm curious what impact it's had on your life?

Personally, I've never really worked out. I'm a naturally skinny guy, tiny bit of a belly. I pull semi-regularly and have decent game. I don't see my body as a huge contributing or detracting factor in game; I more or less see it as a complete non-issue.

It seems you have a really different take and I'm curious what your experiences are, specifically how working out has impacted your game.

Cheers =)

16 Countries in Under 2 Years and Counting - How I Fund My Travels:

Roosh: Why Workout?

From Roosh's blog two days ago... May 9, 2012


Start a workout routine. Working out will surely improve your appearance, but there are two other reasons that are more important: (1) to increase your testosterone levels, and (2) to increase your confidence. Both are absolutely vital for successful pickup. If there’s a gym near you, I recommend Starting Strength, which I’ve personally seen strong results from. If you can’t afford a gym, buy Convict Conditioning, a bodyweight and calisthenic program. Within only one month you will see noticeable gains.

Emphasis my own.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Roosh: Why Workout?

Shut up and squat. You feel better in all areas of life once you get over the initial soreness (1 week) I didn't work out for a month due to finals. I got lazy, ate like shit, had no confidence.

Every time I lift I want to go out and destroy the world. That is why you should lift. Stop being a pussy.

Roosh: Why Workout?

So you've never worked out but have firmly concluded that it can't possibly help you?

Your troll would be more interesting if you said your game went down after gaining 30 pounds of pure muscle.

Roosh: Why Workout?

You shouldn't ask "Why workout?" you should ask "Why not work out?". If you can find valid reasons to not working out, then ok, but if not, you should grab the iron and lift it heavy.

Roosh: Why Workout?


So you've never worked out but have firmly concluded that it can't possibly help you?

Nope. If I had firmly concluded it couldn't help me, I wouldn't be asking. The point of asking was to clarify how and whether it could, aside from game. (Or, help game in ways in addition to looks.)


You shouldn't ask "Why workout?" you should ask "Why not work out?". If you can find valid reasons to not working out, then ok, but if not, you should grab the iron and lift it heavy.

I think that's a pretty bad line of reasoning. Why not read poetry daily? Why not learn to cook? Why not learn to build your own computer?

There are only a certain number of things you can do in life. The idea is to do the things that matter, the things that will make a real impact. That means having a reason to do things, rather than doing anything that you don't have a reason not to do.

16 Countries in Under 2 Years and Counting - How I Fund My Travels:

Roosh: Why Workout?

I think if you want to see results from lifting weights you really got to stick with it (unless you won the genetic lottery and are naturally built). For me, I know working out once a week or every 10 days, half-assing it, or taking extended breaks isn't going to do a damn thing. You want to legit put on 20 pounds of muscle and actually get noticed by women, you got to be religious about that shit. So yeah, if you're going to half ass it, I almost agree with the OP, you might as well not even bother. Go 3 days a week, 1.5-2 hours a session, every week for a year, then come back and see what's up.

Roosh: Why Workout?

After a few months of lifting very heavy and eating truckloads, you sort of feel an awakening in your lizard brain. You aren't a man until you understand this.

Roosh: Why Workout?

Sure, you'll look better, but to me the main benefit is the hormonal changes that make you feel great. Increase in test, growth hormone, etc...if you feel better , you'll be more confident, more fun to be around..

Roosh: Why Workout?

Why workout? Are you serious? Really?

How can you ask that question with a straight face?

You have a thousand reasons to work out. If you're so curious just try it. It will convince you more than any forum post ever will. Give a shot and you'll start another thread in 2 months titled "WHY THE FUCK DID NOBODY TELL ME ABOUT THE GYM!!!"

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

Roosh: Why Workout?

this is ridiculous.

It's like saying, "I never shower but I still get laid, why should I shower?!"

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Roosh: Why Workout?

Sample size of one. I have a friend who kills it, in DC no less.

He's in his 30s and I asked him how long he's been slaying the bitches. He said it picked up exponentially when he got buff.

I'm waiting to shred the rest of my bodyfat, because it's something you can do relatively quick (if you're not a fatass) and see results faster. I cannot wait until I can start Starting Strength again and cram the chicken.

Roosh: Why Workout?

Are you serious ?

"The Iron never lies to you... The iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the real
deal. The iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing
perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I
have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on
me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds
is always two hundred pounds."

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Roosh: Why Workout?

There are only a certain number of things you can do in life. The idea is to do the things that matter, the things that will make a real impact. That means having a reason to do things, rather than doing anything that you don't have a reason not to do.

By limiting you physical fitness you end up limiting what you can do in life. A healthy lifestyle adds quality years to your life. Thus building up more things you can ramble about as an old man.

Roosh: Why Workout?

I notice you recommend approaching in many of your posts. I'm curious what impact it's had on your life?

Personally, I've never really approached. I'm a natural beta, tiny bit of omega. I pull 5s semi-regularly from church. I don't see approaching as a huge contributing or detracting factor in game; I more or less see it as a complete non-issue.

It seems you have a really different take and I'm curious what your experiences are, specifically how approaching has impacted your game.

Roosh: Why Workout?

I notice you recommend travel in many of your posts. I'm curious what impact it's had on your life?

Personally, I've never really traveled. I'm a natural homebody, tiny bit socially anxious. I pull semi-regularly from the internet. I don't see travel as a huge contributing or detracting factor in game; I more or less see it as a complete non-issue.

It seems you have a really different take and I'm curious what your experiences are, specifically how travel has impacted your game.

Roosh: Why Workout?

I notice you recommend baking soda in many of your posts. I'm curious what impact it's had on your life?

Personally, I've never used baking soda. I'm a Right Guard guy, tiny bit of Old Spice. I pull semi-regularly using regular deodorant. I don't see baking soda as a huge contributing or detracting factor in game; I more or less see it as a complete non-issue.

It seems you have a really different take and I'm curious what your experiences are, specifically how baking soda has impacted your game.

Roosh: Why Workout?

Cant tell if srs... we seem to be getting alot of posts where people conclude "insert piece of common rvf wisdom" wont help them get laid even though theyre not willing to try it.

Roosh: Why Workout?

This is the modern man's way of thinking. "Why should I work out if I don't need to for work or to get girls?". Um maybe because it makes you feel good about yourself, your body is healthier, you'll have strength for a fight. You would think a skinny guy would be even more encouraged to work out at least a little bit to get some muscles.

Roosh: Why Workout?

I exercise to look healthier, but more importantly, it's about feeling better.

Also, for better body language, It's important to stretch. Some yoga/sports stretches will help loosen you and up.

Roosh: Why Workout?

OP raises some good defensive points. However, its very simple for me:

I'm a very intelectual person, I learn something new every day. Just as I believe one should feed, tone and strengthen the mind, one should as well do so with the body.

Roosh: Why Workout?

Hey, if you don't want to work out and you can still pull girls......then don't! No one is forcing you either way.

I get paid to travel the world. Wanna do the same? Work on a cruise ship!

Roosh: Why Workout?

Quote: (05-11-2012 08:02 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I notice you recommend approaching in many of your posts. I'm curious what impact it's had on your life?

Personally, I've never really approached. I'm a natural beta, tiny bit of omega. I pull 5s semi-regularly from church. I don't see approaching as a huge contributing or detracting factor in game; I more or less see it as a complete non-issue.

It seems you have a really different take and I'm curious what your experiences are, specifically how approaching has impacted your game.

Quote: (05-11-2012 08:03 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I notice you recommend travel in many of your posts. I'm curious what impact it's had on your life?

Personally, I've never really traveled. I'm a natural homebody, tiny bit socially anxious. I pull semi-regularly from the internet. I don't see travel as a huge contributing or detracting factor in game; I more or less see it as a complete non-issue.

It seems you have a really different take and I'm curious what your experiences are, specifically how travel has impacted your game.

Quote: (05-11-2012 08:05 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I notice you recommend baking soda in many of your posts. I'm curious what impact it's had on your life?

Personally, I've never used baking soda. I'm a Right Guard guy, tiny bit of Old Spice. I pull semi-regularly using regular deodorant. I don't see baking soda as a huge contributing or detracting factor in game; I more or less see it as a complete non-issue.

It seems you have a really different take and I'm curious what your experiences are, specifically how baking soda has impacted your game.

Seems like you were a little hard on the guy, Roosh...

Maybe his question was naive. Maybe he was just trying to find a way to connect with you on your forum because he looks up to you or something. Hell, maybe he's genuinely trying to analyze this - you did say yourself at one point that getting bigger showed no substantial improvement on your results.

In any event, I don't get the impression that he was purposely trolling, I'm not saying I agree with the guy and don't see the silliness in his question, but I'm not sure that ridiculing a new person taking part in your forum was really necessary or accomplishes anything.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Roosh: Why Workout?

Quote: (05-11-2012 11:06 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Seems like you were a little hard on the guy, Roosh...

Maybe his question was naive. Maybe he was just trying to find a way to connect with you on your forum because he looks up to you or something. Hell, maybe he's genuinely trying to analyze this - you did say yourself at one point that getting bigger showed no substantial improvement on your results.

In any event, I don't get the impression that he was purposely trolling, I'm not saying I agree with the guy and don't see the silliness in his question, but I'm not sure that ridiculing a new person taking part in your forum was really necessary or accomplishes anything.

Yeah ... I'm a little taken aback by the aggression. Writing those 3 posts must have taken a good 15 minutes, so quite a lot of effort went into it.

Maybe using his name in the post was viewed as an attack, when I really was just asking a genuine question.

Silly or not, we're all here to learn. Working out is something I've never taken seriously, so I wanted to get a sense for what kind of benefit it could have.

Roosh: For the record, my post wasn't meant as an attack. In my personal life, I sometimes do challenge my teachers, and in a way I do see you as a teacher. Re-reading my first post, I understand how it could be read as aggressive, but it really wasn't meant that way. I saw something that you (and other people) recommended and wanted to make sure it would make a difference, before investing a substantial amount of effort into it.


You have a thousand reasons to work out. If you're so curious just try it. It will convince you more than any forum post ever will. Give a shot and you'll start another thread in 2 months titled "WHY THE FUCK DID NOBODY TELL ME ABOUT THE GYM!!!"


Every time I lift I want to go out and destroy the world.

I found these two quite inspiring.

I'm gonna give it a shot. 3 months, then re-evaluate. I just downloaded Convict Conditioning and will be using that as my base. (Gyms aren't really practical for me at the moment, as I'm traveling, so I'll take a pass on Starting Strength.)

Heh - Didn't expect such a strong reaction. Seems working out makes a difference for a lot of people, so much so that not working out seems ridiculous. Very different mindset than San Francisco, where everyone's into Yoga. Anyway, I'm in. At least long enough to see if it makes a difference.

16 Countries in Under 2 Years and Counting - How I Fund My Travels:

Roosh: Why Workout?

Quote: (05-12-2012 03:10 AM)DareP Wrote:  

I just downloaded Convict Conditioning and will be using that as my base.

Good choice. I highly recommend it. No gym fees and able to workout wherever, whenever.

Also, you said in your first post:


I don't see my body as a huge contributing or detracting factor in game

Get in shape and stay healthy. Even if body were a complete game non-issue, it's the only one you've got. Take care of it so you can continue to run game, longer than those who didn't take care of themselves.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

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