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Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

CARTAGENA, Colombia — A dozen Secret Service agents sent to Colombia to provide security for President Barack Obama at an international summit have been relieved of duty because of allegations of misconduct.

A caller who said he had knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press the misconduct involved prostitutes in Cartagena, site of the Summit of the Americas. A Secret Service spokesman did not dispute that.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

I KNEW that shit was going to happen. There is way too much high quality pussy for sale in Cartagena, and even more was probably bused in for the summit. I bet that ho's from all over Colombia and Panama are converging on Cartagena for this event.

People would be shocked to know how many cops and federal agents spend their vacations banging hookers in Latin America.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

"One of the agents did not pay one of the prostitutes, and she complained to the police,"

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Quote: (04-14-2012 03:47 AM)JayMillz Wrote:  

A caller who said he had knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press the misconduct involved prostitutes in Cartagena, site of the Summit of the Americas. A Secret Service spokesman did not dispute that.

Sounds like a snitch. Probably someone who wanted to move up on the career ladder.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

This story cracks me up cuz I was in Cartagena on Monday and Tuesday, I was walking back to my hotel and stopped to get my shoes shined. There were a few hookers standing close by and I overheard them talking about the summit, one of them says "I wanna fuck Obama, I'd even do it for free"!

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

I'm watching the beginning of the summit on Colombian TV. You can see the love our President is getting from the Latin American community, although Chavez is not there and neither is Nicaragua. Shakira just performed the Colombian national anthem.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

While countries consider legalizing drugs they should do the same for hoes

What a non-story...but now these secret service guys are f'd

And because of this their wives will know.

Victimless crime as far as I'm concerned

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Well they have surveillance video of the agents in question:

[Image: attachment.jpg5749]   

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

I find this event is significant for a few reasons. This may be not be news to some who've spent more time in Colombia than me.:

1. The way that Colombians, either consciously or unconsciously, will view this.
If Colombian woman, particularly the ones that most guys are drawn there to bang, thought that all gringos are sad pay4play losers, this only reinforces that idea. What must it look like when the supposedly "best-of the-best" get caught doing this kind of stuff? Now, one may say that hookers are part of the landscape in Latin America, and it's obviously not just visitors that support them, but getting caught is a big no-no in the culture.

2. Perhaps a more troubling point is that if these are supposed to be the cream of the crop of uber-men in the US, what the fuck are they doing with hookers in Colombia when there's tons of ass available there for the taking with a little effort. I don't fault anyone for wanting to fuck some of those hookers, but I'm not a bad-ass ex-SEAL/Delta Force death machine. When dudes like this are hard-up enough to pay4play, it means something is very rotten...see:

3.What this all means is that unless you've put the time in to develop your style, game, bankroll and language skills...Latin America will not be the paradise hoped. Particularly the big cities.

Women in the US have the men so strung out for sex they look like "pervs" all the way to the top. I put quotations around pervs because there is nothing wrong with wanting to smash fine pussy, but unfortunately the Lib/Fem media will spin it like these guys were a bunch of losers. If there was more pussy like that in the US shit like this wouldn't happen.

In my analysis the main mistake they made was getting caught.

end rant

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

That thought had crossed my mind too at first, what were guys with as much DHV as secret service agents doing p4p? After all, these guys are just one step down from James Bond.

But then again most of them have wives and families and probably felt risk would be minimized by paying for it. Less time investment, don't have to worry about being caught at some bar. They can be discretely sent to your room.

Now that I think about it more, many very powerful men pay for it. Businessmen with high price escorts for example. Berlusconi used hookers and he's as alpha as it gets. I think for many of these guys its just a time issue. They don't have the time to be out hunting.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Quote: (04-15-2012 12:15 AM)Viralata Wrote:  

I find this event is significant for a few reasons. This may be not be news to some who've spent more time in Colombia than me.:

1. The way that Colombians, either consciously or unconsciously, will view this.
If Colombian woman, particularly the ones that most guys are drawn there to bang, thought that all gringos are sad pay4play losers, this only reinforces that idea. What must it look like when the supposedly "best-of the-best" get caught doing this kind of stuff? Now, one may say that hookers are part of the landscape in Latin America, and it's obviously not just visitors that support them, but getting caught is a big no-no in the culture.

2. Perhaps a more troubling point is that if these are supposed to be the cream of the crop of uber-men in the US, what the fuck are they doing with hookers in Colombia when there's tons of ass available there for the taking with a little effort. I don't fault anyone for wanting to fuck some of those hookers, but I'm not a bad-ass ex-SEAL/Delta Force death machine. When dudes like this are hard-up enough to pay4play, it means something is very rotten...see:

3.What this all means is that unless you've put the time in to develop your style, game, bankroll and language skills...Latin America will not be the paradise hoped. Particularly the big cities.

Women in the US have the men so strung out for sex they look like "pervs" all the way to the top. I put quotations around pervs because there is nothing wrong with wanting to smash fine pussy, but unfortunately the Lib/Fem media will spin it like these guys were a bunch of losers. If there was more pussy like that in the US shit like this wouldn't happen.

In my analysis the main mistake they made was getting caught.

end rant

1. I think it is highly unlikely that this "event" is having any practical effect right now on Colombian women, let alone weeks or months from now.

2. You don't pay them for sex, you pay them to shut the fuck up and leave after you bang. Also, if you are a SS agent, you can be more discrete by ordering a hooker than bar hopping and running game.

3. Completely false. Latin America is a vast region with hundreds of millions of people and many lifetimes worth of adventures available to any man curious about what's out there. Make your own luck.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

The guy that got in trouble was found out because his confrontation with the hooker involved the police, which automatically generated some kind of report to the US embassy. I never thought about this, but I wonder how much information goes to the embassy, in general.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

When it comes to high powered men, people really underestimate the power of connivence, certainty, and control when dealing with hookers.

A high powered guy can go to a club, spend 4 or 5 hours gaming some chicks, and have a REALLY HIGH CHANCE of getting some quality poon.


That same high powered guy can go to a website or pick up the phone and have a drop dead gorgeous woman come by IMMEDIATELY and DO WHAT EVER HE WANTS for a few grand in the case of the highest end escorts in the US all the way down to less than $100 in the case of a smoking hot hooker in Latin America.
He NEVER has to concern himself with whether she likes him.
He NEVER has to concern himself with whether he is going to score.
He NEVER has to concern himself with pleasing her in bed (although many do).
He NEVER has to concern himself with her thinking that they are in a relationship after fucking her.

HE DECIDES when she comes and when she goes.
HE DECIDES who he is going to fuck. If he has a taste for petite Asians this week, thats what he gets. If he has a taste for tall, big titty, Scandinavian blonde next week, thats what he gets.
HE DECIDES what type of sex gets. If he wants to fuck a girl in the ass, he simply orders a chick from the agency that is down with that. If he wants a threesome with full on lesbian action, he orders that.
HE DECIDES how much talking they do. If he wants her to just come over, strip naked, and start sucking his dick, that is what she will do, or he can find another girl who will. Maybe he wants a girlfriend fantasy and takes her on a romantic dinner. She will sit there, laugh at his jokes, and not throw up a single shit test. He has a great time because this "date" ends with the ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY of sex.

The best part is that, for real ballers, the amount of money they give these girls is nothing. It is bullshit to them. Yeah, a few thousand dollars, or even a few hundred dollars, for pussy is a lot for a regular guy. But for a guy pulling in 7 figures a year it is nothing. Until you have had the experience of meeting a gorgeous woman willing to do ANYTHING for an amount of money you consider chump change, you have no idea how intoxicating/addicting that kind of power is.

I remember my first trip down to Latin America. I had no intention of fucking ho's, and I didn't... at first. However, when a chick that was hotter than EVERY girl in my high school and at least as hot as any girl at my university offered to fuck my brains out for less than the cost of a video game I went for it and don't feel the least bit guilty about it.

There are hotels that unofficially have ho's on staff. Imagine being in your room, calling the front desk and telling them "send Maria up to my room", then a smoking hot Latina knocks on your door in 5 minutes like room service and fucks you every way you want it for and only asks for $70 afterwards. You throw her a $10 tip and she is ecstatic and wants to know if she can bring her 19 year old cousin next time. If you are making $100K+ a year, what the fuck does $80 mean to you? Now, how do you think it feels to know that you can control this beautiful woman's body for a few dollars?

And this is the WORST PART about messing with hookers. This is the true downside. The sex and the power is so addicting. It is like smoking crack. For me, I have to always game regular girls every day I am in Latin America to avoid falling into the trap of being a fulltime whoremonger. It is way too easy to find yourself falling into the trap of giving up on regular girls.

Think about it. You are in some club, listening to some dumbass but hot chick's vapid commentary on her utterly unimportant life, maneuvering past her stream of shit tests, trying to strategize how you are going to get this chick in bed, and who you will move on to if, after 2 hours of dancing and bullshit conversation, she shuts you down or you get cock-blocked.

While all of this is happening, you KNOW that you could pick up your cell phone, call an escort who is twice as hot as the chick you are talking to, and be balls deep inside her in less than 2 hours. Maybe if you are a high powered guy, you start calculating what your billable hourly rate is, and you start adding up how much money your are potentially LOSING trying to game this chick. You know that the smoking hot escort will charge you the same amount you make in 40 minutes, but you have already spent 3 hours with this other "free" chick. In the end, the numbers don't add up.

The conclusion I came to was that I do not game women SOLELY for the pussy. If I did, it would be a bad deal. I game them in part for the THRILL OF THE HUNT. I LIKE getting women to like me and want me. It is like a fisherman. He could go to his local fish store and buy some trout or flounder for less money than his fishing trip costs, but it is the CHALLENGE of getting it himself that makes him go out early in the morning and spend hours sitting in a boat, hopping that a fish takes the bait.

Sometimes fishing for women is more fun that buying them at the store.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?


3. Completely false. Latin America is a vast region with hundreds of millions of people and many lifetimes worth of adventures available to any man curious about what's out there. Make your own


Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

these guys probably didnt have a lot of free time down there - i'm sure they're pretty busy trying to keep the prez safe. its not like they could go clubbing, salsa dancing, day gaming, or whatever to get laid. but a couple of hours of downtime make it easy to dial a ho, and probably pretty damn cheap also. whats crazy to me is that if you are in the Secret Service, on a business trip, and banging hookers you are doing something risky - why they F would you try and stiff the girl, risk her going apeshit and ratting you out, for like $100? that was just idiotic.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Quote: (04-15-2012 10:16 PM)Brian Wrote:  

these guys probably didnt have a lot of free time down there - i'm sure they're pretty busy trying to keep the prez safe. its not like they could go clubbing, salsa dancing, day gaming, or whatever to get laid. but a couple of hours of downtime make it easy to dial a ho, and probably pretty damn cheap also. whats crazy to me is that if you are in the Secret Service, on a business trip, and banging hookers you are doing something risky - why they F would you try and stiff the girl, risk her going apeshit and ratting you out, for like $100? that was just idiotic.

I don't think the SS agent was stupid enough to stiff the girl over $100 bucks. He probably wanted to do some extra kinky shit he can't get at home like pulling an R.Kelly and giving her a golden shower. There was probably some misunderstanding about what he wanted, the guy might not have spoke spanish or whatever. In the heat of the moment the girl refused something and still wanted to be paid for her time and thats when the argument came.

Even though I'm sure this story got blown up because this is an election year, I'm still embarrassed that this is considered news in our country. The US is ludicrously puritan and hipocritical in sexual matters, it reminds me of the monica lewinsky scandal. I could give a fuck about consensual sex between adults. Honestly, who cares?

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Quote: (04-16-2012 01:52 AM)azulsombra Wrote:  

...I don't think the SS agent was stupid enough to stiff the girl over $100 bucks....

I suspect that is exactly what happened. Guys try to refuse to pay ho's all of the time. He probably didn't think she would go to the police about it because she is a prostitute.

Think about the repercussions of this. One asshole refuses to pay. As a result he and 11 of his buddies got caught, with their careers probably ruined. Now they have extended their hunt and have caught some U.S. military personnel too.

This one dude has probably screwed over 20 guys.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

They got caught because some stupid motherfucker didn't want to pay a hooker!


Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

From what I heard some of them didn't know they were prostitutes, which is common in SA. The guys thought they landed these hot chicks that came home with them, then in the morning they wouldn't leave until they paid up. They're trained and briefed on this kind of thing everytime the SS leaves the USA, so it was really their own damn fault.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Quote: (04-16-2012 02:56 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

From what I heard some of them didn't know they were prostitutes, which is common in SA. The guys thought they landed these hot chicks that came home with them, then in the morning they wouldn't leave until they paid up. They're trained and briefed on this kind of thing everytime the SS leaves the USA, so it was really their own damn fault.

That I can believe. Many a guy has fallen for that one.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Quote: (04-16-2012 02:56 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

From what I heard some of them didn't know they were prostitutes, which is common in SA. The guys thought they landed these hot chicks that came home with them, then in the morning they wouldn't leave until they paid up. They're trained and briefed on this kind of thing everytime the SS leaves the USA, so it was really their own damn fault.

Similar thing happened to me in Medellin, met this girl outside a bar (which was conveniently located about 10M from my hotel), within about 20 minutes we were back in my room getting it on. After the deed was done and we were both dressed she asks me for 100K, I told her that I don't do p4p and if she wanted money, she should have mentioned that beforehand. she bitched and complained and finally settled on 10K for a taxi home.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

It honestly doesn't surprise me they would use P4P. Picking up a girl in Colombia without paying isn't THAT easy. For one, you need Spanish. You also need to get your logistics straight, you need to know which venues to go to, you need to know how to set up a date.. And you also need to have a good helping of game.

Alot of people who don't travel think getting women outside the US is easy, but those of us who have know it can be quite complicated. So it doesn't surprise me at all that they would resort to p4p.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Check out the comments:

Apparently, people think Colombia is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, and that the Secret Service Agents put the Presidents life at risk.

How stupid of a country are we now!?

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Quote: (04-17-2012 12:08 AM)Celtic Wrote:  

Check out the comments:

Apparently, people think Colombia is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, and that the Secret Service Agents put the Presidents life at risk.

How stupid of a country are we now!?

This is good. It keeps a lot of knuckleheads in the USA and the "safe" destinations abroad.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

CARTAGENA, Colombia - ABC News has learned exclusively that the Secret Service officials accused of misconduct in Colombia revealed their identities by boasting at a Cartagena brothel that they worked for President Obama.

Partying at the "Pley Club" Wednesday night, eleven members of the president's advance team allegedly bragged "we work for Obama" and "we're here to protect him."

The officials spent the night throwing back expensive whiskey and enlisting the services of the club's prostitutes, according to a bouncer at the club and a police source.

Sources tell ABC News several of the men agreed to pay for, and received, services from the "highest category" prostitutes available at the club, who charge upwards of $200.

The men paid for the sexual services in advance but when it came time to settle the bill, there was a dispute over the charges.

The group became belligerent and the police were called. The argument between the officials and the bouncers from the club escalated and ultimately spilled onto the street, according to several eye witness accounts.

The police have since been directed by U.S. authorities not to comment on that night or the scandal surrounding the Secret Service, according to a senior police official in Cartagena.

Prostitution is legal in Colombia and the women who work at the Pley Club live on the premises.

The club, located on a dusty street in the industrial Bosque neighborhood, just blocks from the port, has a rough exterior but boasts plush "pley rooms" inside.

The Pley Club is a well-known brothel in this historic city. Some taxi drivers in the resort-town are paid a commission for recommending the club and its prostitutes to tourists.

The officials were in Cartagena on assignment ahead of the president's visit for the Summit of the Americas last weekend.

The controversy surrounding the officials' misconduct, however, overshadowed the summit last week and local residents are questioning why the city put so many resources into the international event only to be left with a tarnished reputation.

"Cartagena didn't benefit one cent from President Obama's visit. All people remember are that the Secret Service agents slept with our prostitutes," said a man who works in the neighborhood.

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