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Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers [Image: banana.gif]

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Well im good, im already out of the country an my visa doesnt expire for 10 years [Image: smile.gif] plus i dont owe more then $50,000

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Comment on the article that sticks out to me...


But if you’re an illegal you can come and go as you please. And don’t worry about reporting any income or paying taxes. And help yourself to free government programs.

US citizens have no such luck.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Quote: (04-05-2012 11:18 PM)MSW2007 Wrote:  

Comment on the article that sticks out to me...


But if you’re an illegal you can come and go as you please. And don’t worry about reporting any income or paying taxes. And help yourself to free government programs.

US citizens have no such luck.

What do they mean "come and go as you please?" Coming back in the US if you're an illegal is difficult if not dangerous every time.

16 Countries in Under 2 Years and Counting - How I Fund My Travels:

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Quote: (04-05-2012 11:18 PM)MSW2007 Wrote:  

But if you’re an illegal you can come and go as you please. And don’t worry about reporting any income or paying taxes. And help yourself to free government programs.
US citizens have no such luck.

Why did he say US citizens have no such luck? Does the desert somehow magically swallow anyone with the US passport while letting the illegals pass?

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Expats and citizens who live in foreign lands need to pay at least a basic tax to fund the consular/embassy services that they may need. That stuff ain't free.

I remember that evacuation in Lebanon a few summers back, i can guarantee you that many don't even live in the states. I know so many here in the ME who are citizens of Canada or the USA, just due to being born or studying a few years and get the passport for ease of travel for example. I don't care how they got it, just fork over a small fee to help pay for the "services " that you may use in case shit goes down.

Suspend passport privileges for anybody who doesnt even pay a minimum fee to subsidize government services. Simple.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

I dont know if I agree with you tomtud. No body except me is going to decide if and when I can travel. I used to ask my parents permission to spend the night at my friends house, not about to start that with the gov.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Simple solution (besides paying your taxes). Do a water crossing to the bahamas, then take your flights from there. As long as you physically have your passport and it isn't expired you should be straight.

If they talk about taking your passport, leave the country and don't come back until the law changes, or you are ready to pay your taxes.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

They take away rights every time they get a chance. This is just one more little chunk of freedom we wont have. The government is getting more control over its citizens with every new bill.

Don't give them what they expect, and you'll get from them what you never expected.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Get your guns. I've been saying the USA Govt is on a big power trip right now. They are about to drop the shoe on its people.

The Govt has the power to:

-Arrest, detain, or kill you with no warrant or just cause.

-Can seize all of your property and personal resources during what ever they deem as an "emergency"

-Arrest you and charge you with a felony for protesting whiten a certain radius of where the President is (DNC Convention, A march on Washington... nope Obama isn't cool with that)

-Can remove your ability to travel if your are behind on your taxes

-Tracks and seize any type of foreign investments you make outside of America

-Can Strip search you for any violation. (You plates/issuance is up, Speeding, Jaywalking, get into a bar fight.. yes)

-Is * Attempting* (again) to take control of the Internet and basically sensor it

All that left is your guns and your money - they are going for those next. Stay sharp and on top of things my American bredren. If you sleep you will get stomped.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Barbara Boxer, the sponsor of this is the biggest bitch in the US Senate.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Owing more than 50k in back taxes is A LOT. That doesn't happen by accident. People as always are blowing stuff like this out of proportion.

And it's funny how conservatives nowadays are all up in arms at anything the government does but when Bush was literally arresting US citizens on US soil and sending them to Gitmo to be indefinitely ass-raped it was no bid deal to conservatives, but the end of humanity as we know it to liberals.

This is all political BS.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Quote: (04-08-2012 10:13 AM)Zee Wrote:  

They take away rights every time they get a chance. This is just one more little chunk of freedom we wont have.

A freedom not to pay tax? I never heard of it.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

One organization I don't fuck with is the IRS.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Some of the government hate here is ridiculous.

If you owe them money, why should they let you walk out of the country? Do you guys think that criminals with warrants or out on bail should be able to leave the country at will? Same idea.

If someone is in my house and owes me money, I'm sure as hell not going to let him leave without at least making arrangements to pay.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

It has nothing to do with govt hate. It has everything to do with rights vs. privileges. Personally, I feel the right to travel (physical freedom) is a right, not a privilege. It isn't morally right to "revoke" physical freedom, unless, as you mentioned, its an actual criminal. Folks that owe taxes and criminals are not the same thing.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Quote: (04-08-2012 10:13 AM)Zee Wrote:  

They take away rights every time they get a chance. This is just one more little chunk of freedom we wont have. The government is getting more control over its citizens with every new bill.

[Image: potd.gif]

You nailed it.

This is just preparation for a future collapse and they don't want the citizenry to leave. Travel controls. Next, capital controls.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Exactly it has nothing to do with taxes. Its just slow incremental policy that step by step gets worse. How I referenced the fact that now FEMA + Homeland Security can now seize any of your resources or property under anything they deem as. "Emergency" was born out of an Executive Order signed under Bill Clinton.. Which was expanded via Bush and then put together in full with Obama signing a new Order which took both Bush and Clintons and consolidated it with more expansive powers.

In a nation where 40+ Million are on food stamps. 40%+ of people are underemployed. 15-20% are unemployed. And people know full well the Govt is dicking them around back taxes will all be to common. The govt doesn't care about the money, they don't need it lol. Its simple a means or more control. The IRS can already seize assets and wages why this extra step?

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

You guys should check out Alex Jones infowars he is very passionate about these sorts of issues. 80% of what he says is spot on but he tends to add a bit of extra stuff to make it over dramatic.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Quote: (04-10-2012 03:14 PM)kosko Wrote:  

How I referenced the fact that now FEMA + Homeland Security can now seize any of your resources or property under anything they deem as.

What you wrote was not reference, it was speculation. Could you point out to the actual credible reference, like the actual law (no conspiracy blogs please)?


In a nation where 40+ Million are on food stamps. 40%+ of people are underemployed. 15-20% are unemployed.

At least your unemployment numbers seem to be wrong, and all it took to verify it was a quick google search. Could you explain this please?


The IRS can already seize assets and wages why this extra step?

Because someone who's living outside the US might have the assets and receive wages outside the US as well, and the IRS cannot seize those.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Quote: (04-11-2012 04:29 AM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-10-2012 03:14 PM)kosko Wrote:  

How I referenced the fact that now FEMA + Homeland Security can now seize any of your resources or property under anything they deem as.

What you wrote was not reference, it was speculation. Could you point out to the actual credible reference, like the actual law (no conspiracy blogs please)?


In a nation where 40+ Million are on food stamps. 40%+ of people are underemployed. 15-20% are unemployed.

At least your unemployment numbers seem to be wrong, and all it took to verify it was a quick google search. Could you explain this please?


The IRS can already seize assets and wages why this extra step?

Because someone who's living outside the US might have the assets and receive wages outside the US as well, and the IRS cannot seize those.

Look first off if your going to address me on my points. Don't come at me with weak strawman junk and try to link what I say to "conspiracy theories". I am not talking about aliens here. Your response is classic to someone whom believes your Govt does no wrong.

Read the Exec. Order your self. Its you have any law or policy backround you will be able to fish through the fluff and language.

There is a link to the White House release of the Executive Order on the top of that blogs post.

In regards to unemployment. Really? I deal with this junk for school. All western nations cook up their stats. The USA Gov in particular and BLS fix unemployment numbers nut not including people whom are not actively searching for work. After 6 months and hundreds if not thousands of resumes put out if one simply just stops looking they are no longer counted towards unemployment. Also if you reach a certain old age you drop of out of the cohort also. This suppresses the rate of unemployment and gives a more favorable number to release to the press. True estimates done by outside independent sources give estimates from 15-27% which would be at Great Depression levels. This mirrors what I see on the ground in America when I travel there. Either you work a shitty job or you have no job. Seeing graduates work at Waffle House or people just no job at all after searching evreyware they could. This is the exact same for inflation as the CPI was adjusted in Clintons term to supress the true rate. In the classic measure it is at 10-15% annul vs the 4-7% reported by the Govt.

Why does the Govt do this? To fool people like you into believing things are normal when they clearly aren't.

In regards to taxs+wages I admit this was a GUESS by me. In Canada the tax agency can take money out of your wages or raid your pension if your behind on taxes greatly. I assumed it would be the same in the USA.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Quote: (04-11-2012 10:44 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Look first off if your going to address me on my points. Don't come at me with weak strawman junk and try to link what I say to "conspiracy theories". I am not talking about aliens here. Your response is classic to someone whom believes your Govt does no wrong.

I only believe that a order says something when I read it myself. Unfortunately the American "journalism" on that matter is probably the worst one in the world, trying to make sensations out of very ordinary issues or pushing their own agenda.


Read the Exec. Order your self. Its you have any law or policy backround you will be able to fish through the fluff and language.

I just did, and I did not find any reference to what you claimed. Note that you made a very specific claim that "FEMA + Homeland Security can now seize any of your resources or property under anything they deem as". Please quote a specific part of the order which supports your claim.


In regards to unemployment. Really? I deal with this junk for school. All western nations cook up their stats.

Any evidence? You're putting up pretty important claims, and you expect us just to believe your words? This is ridiculous.


The USA Gov in particular and BLS fix unemployment numbers nut not including people whom are not actively searching for work.

People are either searching for work or they do not. A stay-at-home-mom who is not even going to work should not be considered in the unemployment statistics just because she does not work.

And what about unemployment benefits?


True estimates done by outside independent sources give estimates from 15-27% which would be at Great Depression levels.

Oh really? Could you please provide the link to the "outside independent sources"? I'd like to see how independent (and from whom) those sources really are. This is something extremely rare here in US - vast majority of "outside independent sources" seem to be just storefronts whose only purpose is to push a specific agenda to their readers.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Just one more reason to get yourself a 2nd passport

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Quote: (04-12-2012 06:13 AM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2012 10:44 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Look first off if your going to address me on my points. Don't come at me with weak strawman junk and try to link what I say to "conspiracy theories". I am not talking about aliens here. Your response is classic to someone whom believes your Govt does no wrong.

I only believe that a order says something when I read it myself. Unfortunately the American "journalism" on that matter is probably the worst one in the world, trying to make sensations out of very ordinary issues or pushing their own agenda.


Read the Exec. Order your self. Its you have any law or policy backround you will be able to fish through the fluff and language.

I just did, and I did not find any reference to what you claimed. Note that you made a very specific claim that "FEMA + Homeland Security can now seize any of your resources or property under anything they deem as". Please quote a specific part of the order which supports your claim.


In regards to unemployment. Really? I deal with this junk for school. All western nations cook up their stats.

Any evidence? You're putting up pretty important claims, and you expect us just to believe your words? This is ridiculous.


The USA Gov in particular and BLS fix unemployment numbers nut not including people whom are not actively searching for work.

People are either searching for work or they do not. A stay-at-home-mom who is not even going to work should not be considered in the unemployment statistics just because she does not work.

And what about unemployment benefits?


True estimates done by outside independent sources give estimates from 15-27% which would be at Great Depression levels.

Oh really? Could you please provide the link to the "outside independent sources"? I'd like to see how independent (and from whom) those sources really are. This is something extremely rare here in US - vast majority of "outside independent sources" seem to be just storefronts whose only purpose is to push a specific agenda to their readers.

Christ, you aren't naive enough to think that ANY government tells you anything except what they deem to be in their own interests, are you?

The purpose of any government is to hold on to its own power.

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Quote: (04-12-2012 06:13 AM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2012 10:44 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Look first off if your going to address me on my points. Don't come at me with weak strawman junk and try to link what I say to "conspiracy theories". I am not talking about aliens here. Your response is classic to someone whom believes your Govt does no wrong.

I only believe that a order says something when I read it myself. Unfortunately the American "journalism" on that matter is probably the worst one in the world, trying to make sensations out of very ordinary issues or pushing their own agenda.


Read the Exec. Order your self. Its you have any law or policy backround you will be able to fish through the fluff and language.

I just did, and I did not find any reference to what you claimed. Note that you made a very specific claim that "FEMA + Homeland Security can now seize any of your resources or property under anything they deem as". Please quote a specific part of the order which supports your claim.


In regards to unemployment. Really? I deal with this junk for school. All western nations cook up their stats.

Any evidence? You're putting up pretty important claims, and you expect us just to believe your words? This is ridiculous.


The USA Gov in particular and BLS fix unemployment numbers nut not including people whom are not actively searching for work.

People are either searching for work or they do not. A stay-at-home-mom who is not even going to work should not be considered in the unemployment statistics just because she does not work.

And what about unemployment benefits?


True estimates done by outside independent sources give estimates from 15-27% which would be at Great Depression levels.

Oh really? Could you please provide the link to the "outside independent sources"? I'd like to see how independent (and from whom) those sources really are. This is something extremely rare here in US - vast majority of "outside independent sources" seem to be just storefronts whose only purpose is to push a specific agenda to their readers.

Christ, you aren't naive enough to think that ANY government tells you anything except what they deem to be in their own interests, are you?

The purpose of any government is to hold on to its own power.

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