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Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?


I recently went to a professional matchmaker in New York City who set me up with a man who'd had a facelift and stared approvingly at himself in the mirror behind the bar the entire evening. When he wasn't self-admiring or sniffling or licking his lips wildly, he was in the loo. Maybe he just had a bad cold and was poorly self-medicated.

I was also introduced to a 51-year-old Michael Bolton clone with a mild, but noticeable, speech impediment who lives in another city where he writes scientific textbooks for a living.

Call it female intuition, but somehow I knew I wasn't going to be walking down the aisle with either of these men.

When I reported back to the agency to see if there was perhaps a more suitable match, the male owner -- a self-professed metrosexual -- informed me that my age (34) is a "hard sell" because most of his clients -- primarily men over 35 -- pay a chunk of change to meet smart, successful, attractive and -- drumroll -- younger women.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Last sentence of the first response: Oh well, I guess you can always buy a cat. Who needs dirty, icky men anyway?

Comedy Gold

10/14/15: The day I learned that convicted terrorists are treated with more human dignity than veterans.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Western women who want to get married don't seem to understand that when they're busy earning degrees in Human Resources or Women's Studies, they should be using their short window of physical attractiveness to land a decent man.

Ah well. Send my Purina stocks ever higher!

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Roosh linked to this on his twitter feed. My problem with her is she admitted to be very lazy about doing her own legwork - opening and OKC account, getting over 200 messages, but not bothering to answer. She left it up to someone else to pick for her, then is critical of the choices. She's on that typical "why should I settle" mindset, yet doesn't look in the mirror and ask herself why such a dream man should want HER. She admits to wanting to get married, but can't admit she wants a baby (most women marry with the intent of having kids if they don't already have them). I just think it's telling that women expect whatever it is they want delivered to them with minimal effort. Of course, the reader comments below are always good for entertainment. More female delusion can usually be found there.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

She gives off one of the "red flags" I've talked about on here:

"Hopeless romantic"

Hopeless romantics tend to be stalkers. They've idealized what a relationship is supposed to be and when reality shows them otherwise, they don't want to let go.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Let's not get carried away here, a 34 year old woman may not be at her prime, but she isn't exactly out of the market either. If you read the ratio factor blog(a VERY interesting blog, btw), you'll see that single men in their 30s in America STILL outnumber single women.

If you're a single American man, the demographics are not on your side.

1) Single men outnumber single women in the 20-30s.
2) Women have been graduating from college at a higher rate than men(status mismatch)
3) The recession is hitting men harder than women
4) Economic liberation for women means men are options for them, not a necessity, thus:
a)they are delaying marriage to later and later ages
b)they are less willing to compromise and be reasonable with their expectations
5) Single women over 30 go out less while single men over 30 go out as much as they did in their 20s meaning cockfests are the norm, and tacofests are almost unheard of. Balance only happens if there's control at the door.
6) A 34 year old woman can post a dating profile and still be flooded with responses.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Darwinism, thy name is western woman!

No, seriously-the teachings of Darwin are alive and well. The only difference now is that instead of being pushed forward by nature's environmental factors, natural selection is being marshaled on by women themselves. They truly are their own worst enemy.

Think about what it takes for an attractive woman to remain single into her mid-30's. At 35, Ms. Jane Doe has spent almost two decades playing around.

Sure, she could have had a man by now. Hell, she could have had a dozen or so. Back when she was the hot 18 year old freshman, men drooled over her. She just needed to set foot in a frat basement or a mall in order to solicit the attention of high value men. She required no game, or other such efforts-her mere presence was enough. The same was true at 20, 21, and 24. Hell, even during her late 20's she was still attractive. Good men were available. Good men were willing to take her, and make her their queen. They wanted to give her a family, love, and all of the other trappings that (now at age 35) she says she wants.

But she didn't want any of that. Why? Oh, there were many reasons. Firstly, she couldn't let a man steal her golden years. She needed to finish her sociology degree over at Wellesley, do study abroad a few times, go to grad school, and sample a number of attractive men. How could she do that if she let just one in, and gave herself to him? He would lock her down for good. No, that wouldn't do. If she did settle, he'd need to be perfect.

Attractive as she was, she found a couple of Mr. Perfects during her prime. Tall, affluent, and handsome, they constituted the bulk of the few relationships she actually maintained during this period. They gave her validation and plenty of good dick-it seemed each time that she'd won the game after all. If she was going to give herself at all, it would be to them.

But invariably, they left. She failed to realize that such men have many options beyond her own flawed self. She could hold the attention of these elite males for a short while, but she could not fend off the rest of womanhood (to which such a man has easy, abundant access) for long. Attractive as she was, she would lose the battle to other similar women (each easily as beautiful as she), and again end up single.

Burned by the failure to snag the alpha male time and time again, one would assume that Ms. Doe would learn to perhaps adjust her standards accordingly. Even during the tail end of her prime (after several of these alpha males had passed), she still had good men waiting around. They wanted her. Sure, they weren't as tall, buff or rich as Mr. Perfect, but some of them were cute, and they wanted her.

But she did not want them. They were too short, too boring, and far from affluent enough to provide the lifestyle she demanded.

And so, back to the casual sex train she goes, her friends (some of whom have already found happy companionship and wish to continue lording that difference over her) leading her along the way to an eternally barren, cat-filled future. "You're so beautiful, hold out for THE ONE!" They say. "Never settle, you're too good for that!" they say. "You're a STRONG WOMAN! You hold out for what you want!"

And so she does. The big 3-0 comes and goes. Biology calls-she needs to reproduce. Time is running out. Suddenly, she is 35. She has spent the better part of two decades playing around, her prime having long been poured down the drain in the name of attracting the eyes of random horny strangers (whom she loved to tease in the clubs/frats as a young girl for validation) or the eyes of a few elite men who saw her as nothing more than a vessel for their excess ejaculate.

Her value on the dating market has declined now that she is 35. The decent men her age that she had eating out of her hand at 18-25 have moved along, themselves either playing the field or locked onto a younger woman by now. She cannot even command the attention of the elite male she so loved before. He is 35-40 and has absolutely no problem snagging twenty-somethings. He'll not give all that up for her now.

A few good folks endeavour to tell her the truth: if she wants a long term mate, she should perhaps consider an older (45-50+) male. At her age, they are her best option, as they will want her.

She bristles. How can she settle for them at their age? Her friends bristle alongside her. "Remain strong!", they say. "Never settle!"

And so she doesn't. Her very last chance at using her fertility passes as she remains stubborn, her last eggs going to waste as she enters her 40's and laments her lack of offspring alone.

Darwinism has used her own arrogance (too good for every guy) and ignorance (thought she had forever to settle down) against her. No need for environmental changes to physically wipe out certain organisms in this case. She did it all by herself. There was no patriarchy to stand against her-it was her own entitlement that wiped out her genetic future.

She faced each opportunity to establish something meaningful and destroyed it (the hundreds of good guys she blew off for superficial reasons, refusing to date older men even while past her prime, wasting time on distant alphas, etc).

She defeated herself, all by herself (admittedly with some goading by like-minded peers). She was her own worst enemy. Not nature, and not men-just herself.

In our society, the selfish and entitled simply destroy themselves. Through their own acts (and those of their peers), they destroy their own genetic future.

Bottomline: Yes, natural selection is alive and well. No, it cannot be stopped, and no, its victims cannot be reasoned with.
Just sit back and enjoy the show-that is all that can be done.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Quote: (03-30-2012 11:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

6) A 34 year old woman can post a dating profile and still be flooded with responses.

From hordes of men she'd never consider procreating with.

I read ratio factor, it is a great blog.

The reality of the matter, however, is that women still will not get what they want from current developments. In fact, they will get less.

Sure, they will become more and more independent as their own economic status rises (more degrees, more jobs, etc) and those of men fall. But that will, in turn, shrink the pool of eligible bachelors available to them. Female hypergamy mandates it-she wants men she can look up to, and there are going to be fewer and fewer of these in the coming decades.

So yes, she and women like her will have more options in coming years, but their quality will be so low as to render them just as invisible as the already abundant options she has now. When they hit 34-35 and push comes to shove, she'll just be looking to draw from an increasingly tiny pool of attractive, masculine men with status. The other hordes of desperate men will be there, but they will never satisfy her, and she will largely fail to procreate with them.

These low fertility rates in the west where this female economic rise and worsening of gender ratios is going on are not coincidental. Women have plenty more men to pick from now than they did before-they just do not want them, and they never will. These hordes of extra men are invisible enough that, as far as she is concerned, she may as well be out of the market.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

You know another thing that factors into this? Male incomes are falling relative to inflation over the last several decades. So what's happening is men are actually losing ground economically. An average man cannot earn as much as he did in the 1960s(adj for inflation) and have the same purchasing power that would allow a woman to stay home and raise the family.

The way our economy is structured is pretty much making it a necessity for women to work because few men will earn enough to be able to provide a sole-breadwinner middle class lifestyle as was the norm in the past. Of course there are some males who are earning ridiculous amounts of money as the wealth gap is growing, but most men are losing ground and finding a job market that is less secure than ever.

You really start looking at the big picture and seeing shit for what it is. You start realizing there's a REASON nature designed men and women to be different and have different roles. Feminism is dismantling that brick by brick and making a more difficult situation in the long run for both men AND women.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

"Let's not get carried away here, a 34 year old woman may not be at her prime, but she isn't exactly out of the market either. If you read the ratio factor blog(a VERY interesting blog, btw), you'll see that single men in their 30s in America STILL outnumber single women."

No, 34 isn't so old that she can't get dates or banged out. Any attractive woman of that age will get responses from a wide range of men, from in their 20s to nearly 50. But as stated in other posts, she'll find most of the men lacking. I think deep down this is why she hasn't bothered tackling that OKC inbox. She'll find a reason to eliminate an overwhelming majority of them.

The honest truth is that if she wants to have a kid or two, she HAS to do it immediately. Unless she finds a man that meets all of her requirements AND is also willing to dive right in and try to start a family, she's fucked. I personally know a two couples that married early to mid-30s, but in their cases they all wanted kids immediately, and got started right away. With one of the couples, they already knew she couldn't conceive naturally, so they had to go through several rounds of in-vitro to get their first child, then a few more to get twins. They both worked like dogs to put money in the bank to afford the treatments. I recommend that couples wait at least a couple of years after marriage to add kids to the mix - you need to know your relationship is strong before you do it. The other couple...they had a boy and a girl back to back. He loves his kids, but I know he's sorry he had them with her. But because he was 34 and she was 35, they didn't have time to waste, and he really wanted kids. She's a crazy, insecure bitch that's horrible with the kids. There were red flags in terms of her personality before they married, but he went through with it anyway. That's the risk of marrying a chick in her mid-30s.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?


I recently went to a professional matchmaker in New York City who set me up with a man who'd had a facelift and stared approvingly at himself in the mirror behind the bar the entire evening.

Wait wait wait I'm not supposed to do this?

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

She quotes paty stranger from that show millionaire matchmaker how there are no men in NYC. Well u cunt, there are men all over the place. You are too busy doing girls nights in or working to the wee hours to even find us.

It's her fault she is not picked. Nobody else to blame. She did not take responsiblity for that fact. Typical woman behavior how they are the victims. Much like that clip of Kate gosselin Being interviewed where she can't meet men etc. we all saw on tv how you crucified Jon plus you have 8 kids. Guys will run away.

Now 34 is not young nor is it old. IMHO, had she been worth it she would have been married by now. she's too busy to read messages online!?!?!?! I don't feel pity for her. She is not the only woman in that position. Many are just like her. They don't want to go to bars, online etc. where can a man meet them if they don't make themselves available to be approached they must ask themselves. But the writing is on the wall. Women who use their looks to get things will be in for a rude awakening sooner than later.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Quote: (03-30-2012 11:40 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Darwinism, thy name is western woman!


Bottomline: Yes, natural selection is alive and well. No, it cannot be stopped, and no, its victims cannot be reasoned with.
Just sit back and enjoy the show-that is all that can be done.

Great summary of the dating dilemma in the age of feminism. I need to get some of my female acquaintances in lala land to read this.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

I'll throw my 2 centavos in.

Women that are worth their weight in salt start looking for a serious relationship around their late 20's. They have completed a useful degree, started a career they like, financed a moderate home and car, ect. They have completed the basic hurdles in life, and are looking for someone to share it with. They have time to choose, and usually do it wisely.

Now fast forward to the bachelorettes in their 30's. I've put them into 2 categories.

1. High Hopes Ho- No man will ever be good enough for her. She's a complete cunt, and after 3 minutes of the convo, a seasoned player will run like hell. At some point she will freak the fuck out when her bio clock strokes midnight, and marry whoever to get pregnant. Shortly after she'll be the psycho single mom bitching about how her baby daddy is a fucking retard and how life isn't fair. These run rampant in the South.

2. High School Sweetheart Ho- Married early, finally divorced later on, and now is living out the time she missed out on. She'll blame the ex for her getting married, but she was at that party too. It's amazing how no one in society wants to take any personal responsibility, with women leading the pack. At any rate, she'll have no desire to really settle down again, and spends her days drinking, socializing, and fucking random dudes in the bar. Players, look for these. They are easy targets.

For a guy in the U.S. in his 30's, it can be slim pickings until the big 40 hits. I've rationalized if I wanted to get married, that would be the age to start looking. By then, some of these women have gotten over themselves, or most of their self-initiated drama is over, ie. ex's are long gone, kid outta the house, ect.

I mean, a guy with a strong frame can marry a girl in her 20's, but the age difference and maturity levels may lead to disaster.

Anyway, these are just my opinions and observations, sitting in the bar countless hours studying the opposite sex. Take from it what you want.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?


Darwinism, thy name is western woman!

Athlone, that was one of the best posts I have ever read on any website ever. Straight up Roissy-halcyon-era quality. Brilliant.


Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Quote: (03-30-2012 11:40 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Darwinism, thy name is western woman!

No, seriously-the teachings of Darwin are alive and well. The only difference now is that instead of being pushed forward by nature's environmental factors, natural selection is being marshaled on by women themselves. They truly are their own worst enemy...


Not gonna quote the whole post here due to length, but that was one hell of an evisceration, Athlone. Great post!

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

There is some serious insight on th is thread.

@ Ali thanks for your 2 categories; while not definite, I recognized many women that fit into both (some older than 30s some younger than 30s). I will use that information to my advantage in the future.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Nice break downs Athlone and Ali, I have a bit of experience with these types of women. I used to target women in the 28-32 range, usually divorced, maybe a kid or two for FWB type situations when I'm working away and only in the city for a few days at a time. Most of them are just looking to get laid too, but listening them bitch about their lives and failed relationships is quite depressing, but as you guys say, they only really have themselves to blame in most cases.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

I went to a networking event that turned out to be a +30's singles event yesterday (idiot girl told me it was networking). And man, that shit was priceless. It was full of DESPERATE women. When I opened up some semi-decent looking sales women, they were pushing each other of the way to talk to me. It is so hilarious what happens to women after 35. Massive ego boost going there even though I had no intention of going out with any of them. I wonder if this is what girls feel like in clubs.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

I posted this post in the lounge a few days ago and made a comment that one of the newest comments addressed;


Stay independent and always question your leaders.
191 Fans
16 hours ago ( 8:06 PM)

Suddenly, you research a little more and realize many of the women over 40 with their infants swaddled in hip saris, spent about $20k- $60k to conceive for each birth.

These 30-something women, working jobs that pay well, but not great, are looking up to their Gods; celebrities.

'Oh, hacky actress had a baby when she was 47, so I can wait that long too!'

Honey, first of all, assuming it was one of her eggs and not a donor egg (and donor eggs aren't welfare or alimony checks; a woman can't just point at it and say 'I want that, give me that!', pony up), 47 year old hacky actress' baby probably has some kind of birth defect (incidence of Down Syndrome is something like 1 in 25 for children born to women over's 1 in 1400 for women between 20 and 24, link), and second, after the inVitro and fertility treatments, a specialized diet, the classes and probably an exercise and detox regimen, 47 year old hacky actress' baby could have easily run her over 100k, which 47 year old hacky actress can afford because 47 year old hacky actress makes 4 mil per make 50 grand a year as a mid-level editor at a low-level fashion cannot afford it without taking on a pretty big slice of debt.

Try to explain this to a 35 year old woman, chances are she'll call you a misogynist (the reason 'misandrist' isn't as much a part of the mainstream lexicon as 'misogynist'? It doesn't have that 'ring' to it that misogynist has) and do it anyways, or your man-logic will fly right over her head.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Quote: (03-31-2012 05:35 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I'll throw my 2 centavos in.

Women that are worth their weight in salt start looking for a serious relationship around their late 20's. They have completed a useful degree, started a career they like, financed a moderate home and car, ect. They have completed the basic hurdles in life, and are looking for someone to share it with. They have time to choose, and usually do it wisely.

Now fast forward to the bachelorettes in their 30's. I've put them into 2 categories.

1. High Hopes Ho- No man will ever be good enough for her. She's a complete cunt, and after 3 minutes of the convo, a seasoned player will run like hell. At some point she will freak the fuck out when her bio clock strokes midnight, and marry whoever to get pregnant. Shortly after she'll be the psycho single mom bitching about how her baby daddy is a fucking retard and how life isn't fair. These run rampant in the South.

2. High School Sweetheart Ho- Married early, finally divorced later on, and now is living out the time she missed out on. She'll blame the ex for her getting married, but she was at that party too. It's amazing how no one in society wants to take any personal responsibility, with women leading the pack. At any rate, she'll have no desire to really settle down again, and spends her days drinking, socializing, and fucking random dudes in the bar. Players, look for these. They are easy targets.

For a guy in the U.S. in his 30's, it can be slim pickings until the big 40 hits. I've rationalized if I wanted to get married, that would be the age to start looking. By then, some of these women have gotten over themselves, or most of their self-initiated drama is over, ie. ex's are long gone, kid outta the house, ect.

I mean, a guy with a strong frame can marry a girl in her 20's, but the age difference and maturity levels may lead to disaster.

Anyway, these are just my opinions and observations, sitting in the bar countless hours studying the opposite sex. Take from it what you want.

#2 is pretty close to my mom.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Quote: (03-31-2012 11:36 AM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

I posted this post in the lounge a few days ago and made a comment that one of the newest comments addressed;


Stay independent and always question your leaders.
191 Fans
16 hours ago ( 8:06 PM)

Suddenly, you research a little more and realize many of the women over 40 with their infants swaddled in hip saris, spent about $20k- $60k to conceive for each birth.

These 30-something women, working jobs that pay well, but not great, are looking up to their Gods; celebrities.

'Oh, hacky actress had a baby when she was 47, so I can wait that long too!'

Honey, first of all, assuming it was one of her eggs and not a donor egg (and donor eggs aren't welfare or alimony checks; a woman can't just point at it and say 'I want that, give me that!', pony up), 47 year old hacky actress' baby probably has some kind of birth defect (incidence of Down Syndrome is something like 1 in 25 for children born to women over's 1 in 1400 for women between 20 and 24, link), and second, after the inVitro and fertility treatments, a specialized diet, the classes and probably an exercise and detox regimen, 47 year old hacky actress' baby could have easily run her over 100k, which 47 year old hacky actress can afford because 47 year old hacky actress makes 4 mil per make 50 grand a year as a mid-level editor at a low-level fashion cannot afford it without taking on a pretty big slice of debt.

Try to explain this to a 35 year old woman, chances are she'll call you a misogynist (the reason 'misandrist' isn't as much a part of the mainstream lexicon as 'misogynist'? It doesn't have that 'ring' to it that misogynist has) and do it anyways, or your man-logic will fly right over her head.

All very true, but attempting to explain it to women is just useless. The older ones will simply rationalize to the death and attack you, and the younger ones will either push it out of their mind (they have forever, remember?) or label you a misogynist for trying to "put female sexuality into a box" and steal her "best years".

This is natural selection, guys. Women who are fooling themselves like this by idolizing celebrities as lifestyle models and overplaying their hand on the dating market are their own worst enemy. This is just a Darwinian dynamic coming from a new source: women themselves.

As I said before, this natural selection process cannot be stopped, and its victims cannot be reasoned with. They will never listen to you. Rather, they will continue down their present path and destroy their own genetic future, ensuring that their contribution to the next generation is small (maybe one child conceived via "oops" pregnancy) to non-existant (zero kids, waited too long, not rich enough to afford fertility treatment).

This is the great irony of it all. The irrational women we complain about do not reproduce-they do not pass their teachings on to the next generation. They wipe themselves out.

The women who nursed more sane expectations/dating practices, on the other hand, are a bit of a minority in our society now, but will account for 80-90% of the children produced for the next generation. They'll be the only ones having children in numbers (3+), since their counterparts will be at 0-1 (2 offspring only occurring in much rarer cases).

Nature will win every time, no matter what Cosmo and Hollywood Entertainment Tonight tries to tell them. The future belongs to those who reproduce-this is a reality many hate, but it will NEVER disappear.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Quote: (03-30-2012 11:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Let's not get carried away here, a 34 year old woman may not be at her prime, but she isn't exactly out of the market either. If you read the ratio factor blog(a VERY interesting blog, btw), you'll see that single men in their 30s in America STILL outnumber single women.

If you're a single American man, the demographics are not on your side.

1) Single men outnumber single women in the 20-30s.
2) Women have been graduating from college at a higher rate than men(status mismatch)
3) The recession is hitting men harder than women
4) Economic liberation for women means men are options for them, not a necessity, thus:
a)they are delaying marriage to later and later ages
b)they are less willing to compromise and be reasonable with their expectations
5) Single women over 30 go out less while single men over 30 go out as much as they did in their 20s meaning cockfests are the norm, and tacofests are almost unheard of. Balance only happens if there's control at the door.
6) A 34 year old woman can post a dating profile and still be flooded with responses.
These are good points, and Athlone and others made good points in response.

Another factor not being discussed here is how extreme things are in NYC. I lived there most of my life. For a man in his 30s and 40s, NYC is a pussy mecca. While technically, men outnumber the women in these age groups, there are a few factors that put things in our favor:
1. a lot of guys have zero game and don't even try to approach a woman that they don't already know through social circles. I think this is partially due to bitch shields being so strong in NYC, which itself is due to the minority of guys who are very aggressive.
2. a lot of guys in NYC are GAY. So the ratio needs to be adjusted for this. Sit with an attractive woman in any park on a nice day, and point out all the guys she should consider. She will point out the subtle clues that indicate a lot of the guys are gay. My gaydar has become much better after repeating this exercise with multiple women.
3. the paradox of choice. In NYC, the choices of mates is overwhelming, and you have constant exposure to new potential mates. Women take forever to decide which pair of jeans to wear out, so how can they decide on a man, when they are exposed to dozens of them each day?
4. Sex and the City effect. A lot of women bought into Carrie's story. The reality is that Mr. Big has no interest in a 40+ y/o woman, but bitches be dreamers. In the meantime, they need to get laid, and a guy with game who is not offering a relationship has a big edge over the needy beta. I'm not a great catch, and I have banged many women who would have zero interest in marrying me just b/c I'm a semi-smooth talker offering cock.
5. new pussy. New, young pussy arrives in NYC by train, plane and automobile daily. Women in their late 20s and 30s are intensely aware that they are surrounded by hotter pussy, so there is plenty of banging for self-validation.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Quote: (03-31-2012 01:15 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

The irrational women we complain about do not reproduce-they do not pass their teachings on to the next generation. They wipe themselves out.

Women who do not reproduce aren't necessarily precluded from passing on their teachings. Consider the number of (probably) childless Women's Studies professors, passing on their vile spew, possibly without ever reproducing. And that will effect a lot more people than she could by simple reproduction alone.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Woman: At 34, Am I Hard Sell?

Quote: (03-30-2012 11:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Let's not get carried away here, a 34 year old woman may not be at her prime, but she isn't exactly out of the market either. If you read the ratio factor blog(a VERY interesting blog, btw), you'll see that single men in their 30s in America STILL outnumber single women.

Remember this is about matchmaking service. This is very different from your regular game, because she selects the guys to meet logically by looking at the list of qualities. There are no emotions, fast-pace or flirting in the selection phase, only the calculated decision. And the problem a lot of chicks like her experience is that she wants to select men using her criteria, but at the same time she does not want them to select her using their criteria. Sure there are successful and valuable 36yo guys there looking for a relationship, but being successful and valuable I'm damn sure they're not looking for an ordinary 34yo woman as they can easily get one ten years younger.

It is amazing to see how she rationales it: "But I look 25! But someone with decent eyesight once said I look like Angelina Jolie's lovechild! - sure she may even look 25 (most don't though), but a girl who is 24 will look 20. And it doesn't matter what someone said about her looks, a third-party endorsement on beauty has no value.

Personally I think this was exactly what the matchmaking dude would tell her if this story was true - that the reason he is not matching her with those handsome, successful and rich guys in mid-thirties she requested in her preferences is because those guys also have their own preferences, and she doesn't match them.

So instead of getting a reality check she goes to the ego-soothing route:


6) A 34 year old woman can post a dating profile and still be flooded with responses.

Yes, she would, but most if not all of them would come from the guys who didn't even read her profile and are only interested in fucking her. After she gets some experience she won't even get the value boosts - how much value carries the fact that the dude clicked on her profile, spent five seconds looking the pics, clicked on "send message" and typed in "hi" or some obvious copypasta? How does it make her close to her goals?

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