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Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Most people I know have lost a closed family member to cancer and that includes doctors and scientists who spend countless hours researching cures. If there was something close to a cure out there besides chemo and surgery we would have heard about it. There is no amount of effort any agency FDA, FBI, CIA, Illuminari (LOL) could stop from that information to getting out to the public.
However, if the government or some agency is out there covering this stuff up, they might as well tell us about the alien tecnology they've been experimenting with lately :-)

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-22-2012 07:46 PM)Jarocho2003 Wrote:  

Most people I know have lost a closed family member to cancer and that includes doctors and scientists who spend countless hours researching cures. If there was something close to a cure out there besides chemo and surgery we would have heard about it. There is no amount of effort any agency FDA, FBI, CIA, Illuminari (LOL) could stop from that information to getting out to the public.
However, if the government or some agency is out there covering this stuff up, they might as well tell us about the alien tecnology they've been experimenting with lately :-)

Sounds like you've never heard the story of Royal Rife.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-22-2012 09:47 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2012 07:46 PM)Jarocho2003 Wrote:  

Most people I know have lost a closed family member to cancer and that includes doctors and scientists who spend countless hours researching cures. If there was something close to a cure out there besides chemo and surgery we would have heard about it. There is no amount of effort any agency FDA, FBI, CIA, Illuminari (LOL) could stop from that information to getting out to the public.
However, if the government or some agency is out there covering this stuff up, they might as well tell us about the alien tecnology they've been experimenting with lately :-)
Sounds like you've never heard the story of Royal Rife.

"Rife's claims could not be independently replicated, [5] and were ultimately discredited by the medical profession in the 1950s. Rife blamed the scientific rejection of his claims on a conspiracy involving the American Medical Association (AMA), the Department of Public Health, and other elements of "organized medicine", which had "brainwashed" potential supporters of his devices." Source:

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-23-2012 11:32 AM)Jarocho2003 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2012 09:47 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2012 07:46 PM)Jarocho2003 Wrote:  

Most people I know have lost a closed family member to cancer and that includes doctors and scientists who spend countless hours researching cures. If there was something close to a cure out there besides chemo and surgery we would have heard about it. There is no amount of effort any agency FDA, FBI, CIA, Illuminari (LOL) could stop from that information to getting out to the public.
However, if the government or some agency is out there covering this stuff up, they might as well tell us about the alien tecnology they've been experimenting with lately :-)
Sounds like you've never heard the story of Royal Rife.

"Rife's claims could not be independently replicated, [5] and were ultimately discredited by the medical profession in the 1950s. Rife blamed the scientific rejection of his claims on a conspiracy involving the American Medical Association (AMA), the Department of Public Health, and other elements of "organized medicine", which had "brainwashed" potential supporters of his devices." Source:

I wouldn't use Wikipedia as a source, it is essentially consensus based.

"The ten-month investigation by the Warren Commission, 1963–1964, concluded that the President was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone and that Jack Ruby acted alone when he killed Oswald before he could stand trial. These conclusions were initially supported by the American public; however, polls conducted from 1966 to 2004 found that as many as 80 percent of Americans have suspected that there was a plot or cover-up." Wikipedia source.

"The September 11 attacks (also referred to as September 11, September 11th or 9/11)[nb 1] were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks upon the United States in New York City and the Washington, D.C. areas on September 11, 2001. On that Tuesday morning, 19 terrorists from the Islamist militant group Al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger jets. The hijackers intentionally crashed two planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City; both towers collapsed within two hours. Hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth jet, United Airlines Flight 93, crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to take control before it could reach the hijackers' intended target in Washington, D.C. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attacks." Wikipedia source.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-22-2012 03:10 PM)Thomas the Rhymer Wrote:  


Listen do the research like I did. I can post links when I get on a PC.

If you can post the links that would be great, I wouldn't mind having a look. I'm busy with my own research and things so rather than duplicate your research, rather share your own with us.


Go talk to any Aboriginal Elder. I have been lucky to grow up around a bunch they hunt freely and never once have they come across a kill which had tumors in it.

Firstly, is an Aboriginal Elder qualified to diagnose cancer in wild animals? I've seen patients with advanced cancerous tumours pointing to them and asking me, 'Doc, do you think it's serious?' If a patient cannot recognise a tumour on his own leg, why would non-veterinarian be assumed to be able to recognise a tumour in animal he killed?

Secondly, if they are killing the wild animals, how are those wild animals going to develop a cancer? They're not living long enough to develop it.


Cancer only appears in animals when they are domesticated by man. This is why many Zoo animals and pets succumb to cancer while there wild bredren do not.

I understood that this was because zoo animals enter ripe old age because of the veterinary care they receive. Wild animals have much shorter lifespans, and don't get a chance to reach cancer-prone old age.


Animals naturally seek out certain foods when they are sick. An example is if you have a Dog and it is not feeling well it will obsessively and aggressively seek and eat grass when it is outdoors. Why? Because like I noted above certain grass species ate rich in B-17 and the dog is actively trying to replenish its self. Gorillas in captivity also if given a peach will via instincts will crack and eat the pit (rich in B-17) before the sweet fruit.

The animal arguments are not really relevant. Animal models do not always translate well into humans. Certain medications work in some animals but are useless in humans.

Even in humans, there are a lot inter-personal differences in the way people react to medications. What helps one will hinder another. And kids are always a headache, because I have to constantly double-check medications to make sure their kiddy metabolisms can handle it. So even between your childhood and adult physiology there are substantial differences even though the one grows into the other.

So if research points to success in animal models you still need to show its helpful to humans.

Links to the research please. You've read all the research, so share it and break it down for us. You feel passionate about it, so let's see what you're basing your passion on.

Which vitamin B17 supplement would you recommend, or what dose of vitamin B17 rich food would you recommend per day?

You bring up valid questions especially about age about older cells being more prone to cancer.

But this does not correlate with data that shoes Cancer in children and young adults exploding at rates near 1000% in America. My personal view is that we look in the wrong areas. It makes sense to view people whom are older to be more prone to cancer as they have less healthy cells but Cancer cells are present in all and rates have been exploding all across the board young and old.

In regards to animal cells vs our yes I agree that they are different this is the reason we may infact have the issues present in cancer rates today. From recent work I have come across and what I noted previously is that back in the day fixes for such things such as polio were cooked up on aggressively mutated chimpanzee cells. The dirty rumor is that they goofed things up and spiked the chimp cells with cancer mutations which eventually made their way into polio vaccines which thus carried down into these generations causing the cancer issues you see today. Again this is why from my own views Cancer until recently was largely a white non-immigrant disease. In those days America was nearly 90% white and the polio vaccination was distrusted to almost all young Americans at that time. They were the first to get hit with Cancer very badly in America.. Now all Americas for the most part if they are 3rd generation born are in the same boat.

I will post up the stuff I was reading. Just be patient I will do that up this weekend.

Vitamin B-17 can be found in all ancient grains, casava, bitter almonds, apricot pits, peach pits, apple seeds. Etc. The 'mainstream' knock on B-17 is that it has cyanide in it. You probably remember being young and told apple seeds are poison. This is half true. Yes Cyanide is present withen the molecular bond of B-17 but it is locked in place and never gets unlocked.... Except in one situation. If a cancer is present then yes it does get unlocked and that cyanide branch attacks and kills the cancer cell. Nature pre programming its self!

The Gov't freaks about B-17 in the states you are able to purchase for example ground apricot seeds with no issues. Here in Canada it is banned. Also bitter raw almonds are hard to come by also. Organic grass fed beef also has B-17 present as would other grass fed game. Bison would be a good bet also.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-22-2012 07:46 PM)Jarocho2003 Wrote:  

Most people I know have lost a closed family member to cancer and that includes doctors and scientists who spend countless hours researching cures. If there was something close to a cure out there besides chemo and surgery we would have heard about it. There is no amount of effort any agency FDA, FBI, CIA, Illuminari (LOL) could stop from that information to getting out to the public.
However, if the government or some agency is out there covering this stuff up, they might as well tell us about the alien tecnology they've been experimenting with lately :-)

Its very easy to stop actually. You have to understand how research bodys work. As I said no researcher can LEGALLY or OPENLY follow up on past experiments that have been proven to work if they have been blacklisted by the AMA or other research bodies with clout. Also if you have an emerging breakthrough that as you said does not follow traditional methods such as chemo (which was pumped by the nuclear industry in the 60's by the way) or surgery then how do you expect to get published in leading journals which are funded by the same monopoly which only uses chemical or radiation treatments? As I said the current system does no reward anybody finding cures. Finding a cure would mean career suicide. You keep that wheel spinning and they your able to make moves. This does not mean evrey doctor or researcher is a diabolical tool whom wishes death on all. They are all good people with good intentions its just that field of research and public health is soo fragmented and silo'd that your in the small bubble thinking your doing great things. Its the people at the top of the silos, boards, research panels, medical bureaucracy, and policy makers whom are the scum.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

"The phrase "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" was popularized by Carl Sagan (1934 - 1996), a well-known astronomer and author who hosted a TV series called "Cosmos," published hundreds of scientific articles, and was professor of astronomy at Cornell University in New York. The statement is self explanatory; if someone makes an extraordinary claim, there better be extraordinary evidence to back it up. If, for example, someone made the claim that an alien race has made contact with earth, we would need sufficient evidence to verify the claim, such as an alien space craft, or an actual alien. The extraordinary claim would need extraordinary evidence."


Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

proof that mega dose vitamin c can cure cancer.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Cancer is not a single disease, but rather many different kinds of disease. That is one reason it is so difficult to treat and cure. I guess if Vitamin C (or chloroacetate, or whatever other simple and easily available compound) cures all cancers, then tomorrow everyone will go to CVS and stock up on vitamin C and cure themselves. But we all know that will not happen.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Cancer basically is a fault in the hereditary information of a cell. I don't think Vitamin C can prevent this. There were even studies that too much Vitamin C causes the cancer. They make good profit by selling you this stuff, though.

Anything in a doses bigger than needed by the body is venom to it. Same thing with Vitamin C. These people just want to get some cash by selling you the dream that a simple pill can prevent that disease.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

I recall reading about one cure for cancer which was pure garlic and one of the hot peppers daily. If I come across it again I will link it.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Came in not expecting any peer reviewed literature in this thread, left with expectations fulfilled.

I wish I had the energy to help you guys, but its just a mountain of work to even figure out where to begin here. This is like when an ESL learner asks you to edit their essay and you just have to re-write everything.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (08-24-2012 03:21 PM)Roark Wrote:  

Came in not expecting any peer reviewed literature in this thread, left with expectations fulfilled.

I wish I had the energy to help you guys, but its just a mountain of work to even figure out where to begin here. This is like when an ESL learner asks you to edit their essay and you just have to re-write everything.

Yeah, Kosko never did post up links to his 'research' as he promised.

And even peer reviewed articles sometimes are bullshit, like with that MMR vaccine-autism scandal that occurred when rigged results were published in Lancet.

Personally, I'm more excited about the future role of baking soda in cancer treatment. In mice baking soda is an effective anti-cancer drug. Solid tumours tend to have an acidic core, and acid neutralises the immune system and shuts off blood supply (thus prevent chemotherapy from penetrating). Give baking soda and the acid is neutralised and the immune system can kick in and the drugs can finally flow in.

Some interesting links:
The guy at Arizona university doing the research:
The actual mice research article:

Is there anything baking soda cannot do?

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Can anyone summarize the facts in here? I try to occasionally drink Orange Juice and eat oranges when I can.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (08-30-2012 09:03 PM)houston Wrote:  

Can anyone summarize the facts in here? I try to occasionally drink Orange Juice and eat oranges when I can.

In summary:
- Crazy ass conartists take advantage of cancer patients by telling them Vitamin C will cure them and that vaccines are bad

- Vaccines save you from all sorts of horrible diseases, but then you end up dying anyway. Life has a 100% mortality rate.

- Vitamin B17 allegedly cures cancer, but according to Kosko there's a huge government coverup preventing people knowing this. He still hasn't put up his research links.

- Baking soda is awesome

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Thomas the Rhymer, would it be a good idea for us to start adding, say, 1/4 of a teaspoon of baking soda to our protein shakes and vegetable juices?

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

look up gerson therapy

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (08-31-2012 06:24 AM)Thomas the Rhymer Wrote:  

Quote: (08-30-2012 09:03 PM)houston Wrote:  

Can anyone summarize the facts in here? I try to occasionally drink Orange Juice and eat oranges when I can.

In summary:
- Crazy ass conartists take advantage of cancer patients by telling them Vitamin C will cure them and that vaccines are bad

- Vaccines save you from all sorts of horrible diseases, but then you end up dying anyway. Life has a 100% mortality rate.

- Vitamin B17 allegedly cures cancer, but according to Kosko there's a huge government coverup preventing people knowing this. He still hasn't put up his research links.

- Baking soda is awesome

Be patient

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (08-31-2012 07:38 AM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Thomas the Rhymer, would it be a good idea for us to start adding, say, 1/4 of a teaspoon of baking soda to our protein shakes and vegetable juices?

Look, I'm proud to be a practitioner of Western Medicine. I honestly think Western Medicine practiced correctly kicks ass. I've seen Western Medicine work wonders. But Western Medicine requires data - I don't know if there is any data to support baking soda use in healthy people. That said, healthy people tolerate baking soda well except for a mild decline in potassium levels and slightly higher bonding strength between oxygen and haemoglobin, meaning you absorb oxygen more easily but will have less oxygen release into your tissues.

If you are sick, backing soda will neutralise acid in your blood. In medicine that is useful for:
- crush syndrome (when someone has beaten the hell out of you and myoglobin, a weak acid, leaks into your blood stream)
- dehydration
- aspirin poisoning (aspirin is a weak acid)
- kidney failure
- potentially, tumours with an acidic core
- etc etc
- oh, and it neutralises acid in your stomach too, if you have reflux

If you believe that you are suffering from an acid generating disease process, baking soda may help. That said, pretty much any sickness can derange your acid balance in the blood. Acid products (carbonic acid from co2, lactic acid) are constantly being produced by your body and your body has to constantly neutralise them; I'd imagine that since disease process are often linked to higher metabolic rates (eg Fever is generated by forcing your cells to burn energy faster), some baking soda may be helpful to give your body a break.

But in terms of everyday supplementation, if you're not sick, I don't know if its beneficial. In general, I've noticed that health is more about what you don't eat. If you avoid eating junk, it's harder to be unhealthy.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-20-2012 05:11 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Cancer is nonexistent in natural settings. Wild animals do not get cancer if they are kept to there natural settings

Absolute nonsense! Cancer is found throughout the natural world in plants, fish, mammals and even insects. Not cool to spout wild, unsubstantiated (not to mention ridiculous) theories as fact; you're misleading people and adding to the overall ignorance of the world.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (09-01-2012 01:06 PM)Thomas the Rhymer Wrote:  


Legit; thanks!

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

An interesting article on cancer in wildlife:

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

If you want the definitive answer about health read a book called Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman

To sum it up

-stop eating sugar. it supresses the immune system.
-stop eating meat
-stop eating refined grains
-start eating veggies
-start eating fruits

But theres so much more than than. Its worth a few dollars and a the 1.5 hours of your reading time.

I know some people can never give up meat 100%, (i'm one of them), but a vegan diet has major health benefits.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (09-04-2012 12:56 PM)EasyMoney Wrote:  

I know some people can never give up meat 100%, (i'm one of them), but a vegan diet has major health benefits.

Here's a phrase that real people never say: "You just look so much better since going vegan"

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

I'm busy reading an interesting book called 'Bad Science' by Ben Goldacre, which looks at how nutritionists are bullshitting their way into profits. There's a free chapter available at which looks at one of the more notorious vitamin-pill-pushers, Matthias Rath.

The modus operandi of these nutrition industry gurus seems to be:
- Identify a fearful disease
- Claim that vitamins/superfoods will alleviate that disease
- Make a profit selling vitamins/superfoods
- Attack anyone who dares mention the lack of basis to your claims, if necessary resorting to lawsuits

Anyway, I recommend the book and the online free chapter.

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