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Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Can any of you with a science/medical background tell me if this guy in the interview is talking any sense or is it unproven /bullshit.

Some of the things he's going on about are scary i.e. the corporate drug/medical industry wants high cancer rates and his accent makes it scarier!


Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

I can't speak for the cancer but it seems plausible. The brand of amino collagens I take has 833% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. I see a big difference coupled with it, and ACV.

This winter a bunch of guys I work with got real sick. The average downtime was 3 days. I got sick for 1, and got over it. I contribute it to the "C", ACV, and a good diet.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?


[quoteLast year, when UCS surveyed nearly 1,000 FDA scientists, one in five reported that they had been asked by their supervisors to provide the public, the news media, and government officials "incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information."[/quote]

Also, Magnesium chloride and vitamin B-complex 100 are routinely added to intravenous C to make the “Myers Cocktail" are now banned.

If you're not familiar with the "Myer Cocktail" it treats asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and a large range of other conditions. Fuck the FDA

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Take a look at this site.

It is associated with Arthur Robinson, a PhD biochemist and former colleague of Linus Pauling. Robinson and Pauling had a professional falling out over the efficacy of Vitamin C therapy.

I met Robinson at a conference twenty years ago. He is the most intelligent human being I know. That doesn't mean he is correct, but I'd look carefully at what he has to say.

YMMV one hell of a lot.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Steve Jobs tried alternate treatments for a year, and he ended up dead. If he couldn't figure it out, I'd stick with conventional.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-14-2012 08:43 AM)Pilgrim37 Wrote:  

Can any of you with a science/medical background tell me if this guy in the interview is talking any sense or is it unproven /bullshit.

Some of the things he's going on about are scary i.e. the corporate drug/medical industry wants high cancer rates and his accent makes it scarier!

Thoughts off the top of my head as I watched this video:

- The rise in cancer rates is generally attributed the fall of death by other means. In 1900 there was no penicillin or anti-tb drugs. Syphilis was an incurable disease which would slowly drive you insane then kill you. Tuberculosis was another deadly disease mostly afflicting the western world, where the cold wet climate as well as urbanisation facilitated its spread. Caesarian sections and peri-labour care meant many babies died. There was no effective treatment for hypertension and diabetes. People were dying of other things before dying of cancer. Cigarette smoking, which strongly correlates with cancer risk, was not yet established as a pasttime of the working and middle classes. Again, it's really hard to die of cancer if you've died of something else.

- In 1700 there were no chemicals. You had TB, you had it for life. You had syphilis, you had it for life. You had gonorrhoea, you had it for life. You had diabetes, the doctor would taste your sweet sugary urine, look at you with compassionate eyes, and tell you that you only had months to live. There were no vaccines, so people died of polio.

- People that are vaccinated tend not to die of the diseases that they are vaccinated against. Hence they may have a higher risk of dying of cancer, simply because so many other options have been removed. This may be a case of confusing correlation with causation.

- To say that anything causes anything is unscientific. Medicine is now evidence-based, not expert based, and thus relies on probabilities rather than certainties. Modern medicine is kind of like quantum physics, eg. we cannot say smoking causes cancer, but we do say that the probability of cancer in a smoker is higher. Any expert yelling about 'causes' is preying on the lay publics non-understanding of scientific medicine. As a doctor I'm not interested in the statement that 'vaccines cause cancer,' I would rather know the probability risks involved. If a vaccine, when checking for confounding, raises you cancer risk by 0.01%, but reduces your risk of dying of polio or measles by 99.95%, which odds would you rather play with? I'm more scared of polio than I am of cancer.

- Vaccines are strongly correlated to a reduced risk of the disease you're being vaccinated against. I admit that vaccines don't always work. But against, if I vaccinate you, I'm not saying your risk for a disease is down 100%, I'm saying you are now in a low-probability group for getting the disease.

- Vaccines don't work? Then why is polio so rare in countries with polio vaccination programs? While it's impossible to prove causation, such a strong correlation does imply that vaccination works.

- Mental and emotional stress may lead to immune suppression, and since one of your immune system jobs is to destroy cancer cells, yes stress may increase your risk of cancer. (Most people seem to believe cancer is an either/or thing, that you either have it or you don't. The truth is that you generate cancer cells all the time, but that your immune system quietly destroys them before they have a chance to establish themselves. In all likelihood you have cancer cells in you while you are reading this. Having cancer cells doesn't necessarily mean you will develop cancer, but having a weak immune system may prevent your cancer destroyers from working optimally). That said, to say it is the only cause is stretching the theory a bit far.

- I agree that the practice of medicine has been hijacked by pharamceutical companies, gradually turning doctors into the pillpushers they are today.

- I'm not aware of good scientific trials regarding vitamin therapy with cancer. Since most trials are paid for pharmaceutical companies pursuing a patent, and since vitamins by their nature are non-patentable, in all likelihood there will be not trials as such. Some small trials have been done which either show no benefit or a worsening of cancer. Vitamin E, for example, increases your risk of prostate cancer. The hypothesis is that by taking vitamins, you actually feed your cancer, making yourself unhealthier. Cancer cells that go on to make tumours are by their very nature super-absorbent of nutrients, and will get first to the table if you take vitamins and will eat them up and grow.

- There is nothing natural about pumping 1g of Vitamin C IVI into your arm.

- I would not rule out that high dose vitamin therapy may help treat cancer. One hypothesis is that only by giving megadoses will you allow your body to be supplemented, since the tumour will eat away your vitamins preferentially. But who will pay for such studies? A drug trial costs millions, and vitamin C cannot be patented, so the cost cannot be recovered. You'd need the government to run such a trial, but if the trial fails then everyone will argue that the government is wasting tax money.

- If something has no side-effects then it probably has no effects to speak of. At the very least, an active compound may bring the risk of an allergic reaction.

- Vaccination has not been correlated well with death. It's true that people with vaccinations eventually die. People without vaccinations also eventually die. He needs to point out what kind of death he is referring to and what is the risk increase in that death with a vaccine. If you risk of dying of cancer because you are NOT dying of measles,mumps, or rubella because of a vaccine, that may be an even trade-off.

- I agree that healthcare is distorted by money interests. Doctors need to take back their profession.

- Refined, processed food does seem to correlate with cancer risk, especially with gastrointestinal tumours. It seems dose dependent. The more junk you eat, the higher your risk. That's not to say you will get cancer, remember that in medicine we deal with probabilities, not absolutes.

- Cures are achieved in some cancers by chemo and radiation therapy. However, a lot of oncologists insist on chemo and radiation even when the prognosis is hopeless. So a lot of people may be getting it needlessly, when they should be allowed to die in peace. An oncologist makes a lot of money pumping drugs into even when the mortality improvement may only be 5% or so. There's a conflict of interest, so yes it may sometimes seem like murder, but some people do get cured.

- I agree that a lot of diseases are due to people disrespecting their bodies. Many people treat themselves like shit and then are surprised they get ill.

- The word 'cancer' covers a wide diversity of diseases of malregulation of cell growth. The man talks about a single cure. I find it difficult to believe that the entire spectrum of cancers can be cured with a single treatment plan. That's ignoring the enormous range of cancerous disease.

- He manages to pull of a pink tie and shirt really well. Thumbs up for suits.

- Again, there is nothing natural about vitamin therapy. If it was natural, you could pick IV lines and pills off the vitamin trees. Any guy spouting natural is someone to be wary of.

- This guy has his own agenda, as much as he rails against the system. His promises are too good to be true.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Thanks for the detailed reply.
He definitely sounded like he had an agenda,and it makes sense what you said that if other diseases that have been beaten through vaccination and other medicines kept people alive a lot longer than in years past,thats the main reason that cancer has got to them later in life,when in times past they'd already be dead!

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Thomas the Rhymer is spot on.

There is a 100% death rate at the moment - anything that reduces the chances of dying from X increases your chances of dying from Y or Z.

Less dying young = more dying old. Does reducing cot death rates cause cancer in 70 year olds?

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Reckless Charlatan
Wow, you really need to be wary of people like this. They weave a tale that contains truths and non truths to persuade you. The worst thing is that I am confident that they are giving horrible advice for a disease such as cancer. There are potentially serious consequences for those individuals who take his advice. Most of us have not spent much time studying biochemistry, nutrition, physiology, pathophysiology, or neoplasia (cancer ). So, we are not able to easily judge the quality of information that we read or hear.

Truths do not make non truths true
So, obviously in the US we have a lot of institutional and cultural problems that are becoming progressively worse.
+ Medicine and Pharmaceuticals is a big business
+ Chronic exposure to harmful chemicals ( mutagenic )
+ Poor diet, lack of exercise, too much stress
+ Healthcare not considered a basic need. Moral hazard argument
+ Lack of health education
+ Institutions with deep pockets want to preserve the status quo and thus their livelihood.
Though, none of these truths makes any of his heinous non truths valid. He weaves truths and non truths into his basket case story.

Some actual benefits of vitamin C
I am aware of three benefits of consuming vitamin c from foods such as fruit. There are others.
1. This is how the disease scurvy occurred in sailors who did not have a source of vitamin c for long periods of time. Basically the protein collagen needs to be remodeled a bit in order to work. Collagen provides the tensile strength ( tensile - able to resist being pulled apart ) in bones. Collagen is found all over our body. Such as our skin, nails, cartalige, etc. ( nerd alert / optional ) Vitamin C and Iron are cofactors for the enzymes hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine which are used in the first step of hydroxylation of certian proline and lysine amino acids of the protein procollagen.
2. Vitamin C and meat proteins will increase the absorption of nonheme iron. More important for menstruating women, or pregnant women
3. Reduction of free radicals ( particles that are not neutrally charged and more likely to bind with other substances such as DNA )

Cancer / Neoplasia
Cancerous cells that have lost their normal ability to regulate cell division and growth during mitosis. They interfere with normal physiologic functions such as blood flowing through veins or compressing other brain tissue. Cells will potentially commit cell suicide ( apoptosis ) if they receive information that too much DNA damage has occurred. P53 is one of the signals that will help a cell determine if it can fix its DNA or whether it should go through apoptosis ( cell suicide ).

Look for graphs that show the number of mortalities from diseases such as Small Pox, Diptheria, Rubella and Polio. Infectious diseases that once killed many people no longer kill. Modern vaccines work by exposing your bodies immune system to a piece of the virus that is not able to cause disease ( non pathogenic ). So, if you received a flu vaccine you would develop antibodies and memory cells after about two weeks of time. Your body would then be able to quickly mount an immune response to an actual pathogenic flu virus that has that piece. You would not experience as much disease or symptoms. ( The flu vaccine part must match the actual flu that ends up spreading in order to be effective ) The flu actually attacks your throat tissue. It causes the ciliary mucosal elevator to be damaged and makes you more likely to experience another type of lower respiratory infection. There is no such thing as stomach flu [Image: wink.gif] Also, smoking damages the throat cilia as well. It also causes metaplasia [Image: wink.gif]

I really would like to spend more time responding to this because of how reckless this guys claims are, but I am currently moving. Hopefully I will spend some time on this once I settle at my new location.

Most people who learn about these subjects learn to be careful and cautious because of how important this information is. They are humbled by learning how much they do not know. They usually do not make confident statements with "always" or "never" and they usually do not try and sell you supplements or books. Again, I would really like to put some good information here as this guy is really a reckless prick.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Deco Happy @ The article by Arthur Robinson about his mice research and starving / feeding cancer was really interesting. Want to search for further studies when I have time.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-17-2012 04:03 AM)moso Wrote:  

Deco Happy @ The article by Arthur Robinson about his mice research and starving / feeding cancer was really interesting. Want to search for further studies when I have time.

Thanks for the detailed response.Are you involved in the medical/biology field?

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?


I'm not sure if your question is for me or for Moso.

I am not in the medical or biological field. I am a systems analyst. I have a few years of college-level physics and chemistry, but no biology beyond high school.

I met Robinson at an unrelated conference and was so impressed with his reasoning and practical knowledge that I followed up on some of his professional work.

Many biochemical processes exhibit a J-curve pattern: add ingredient X and the organism gets healthier. Keep adding X and health continues to increase, then flatten, then decrease. Potassium is an example. Potassium deficiency in humans can result in irregular heartbeats. Too much potassium can cause cardiac arrest.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Typical pseudoscientific bulshit talker and hardcore scammer, just look at his website and you'll know what his agenda is...amazing !

It has never been proven that taking vitamin supplements has any positive effects. To the contrary, it is becoming clearer today that vitamin supplements can even be harmful and raise cancer rates in certain individuals.

The whole supplement industry earns billions per year with "therapies" that have never been proven to have any benefit. It's a gigantic rip off.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Don't smoke, don't drink, don't get fat, eat fruits and vegetables, be physically active...that's about all you can do....and guess what, a lot of people who have done everything right still die of cancer. Heck, even animals get cancer... that's how biology works, life is not fair.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

^ Even doing all that won't guarantee shit. Cancer rates are now practically 1-4 with America leading the charge globally. Cancer rates have been shooting up 1000 percentile - it has become an clear epidemic. Conventional shills and The FDA make you believe that western living and diet 'cause' cancer but this isn't the case. These factors do not 'cause' cancer they simply pin-point where cancer will occur. Some simple facts:

Cancer is nonexistent in natural settings. Wild animals do not get cancer if they are kept to there natural settings

Many cultures and tribes have nonexistent to extremely low instances of cancer due to them keeping with there traditional diets

Cancer rates in the west have exponentially risen against the decrease in specific nutrients which were heavy in our diets

This key nutrient is vitamin B-17 which is prevalent in evrey cultures staple diet in some form. In old America nobody ate wheat, it was a useless crop with little nutritional value. Millet was the staple grain in America for centuries and it is high in B-17.

The meat we ate also used to have resins of B-17 as cows naturally fed on grasses rich with this nutrient. Now that cows are fed crap like wheat, soy and corn our beef is void of B-17 also.

The Cancer "Industry" is a mega-billion dollar racket. There is no money to be made of cures. Research and drugs is where the money is. We will be on the hamster wheel until the end of modern western time.

There is a proven thesis that was discovered of this in the 50's called the 'thermoblast (sp?) Thesis'. Where he proved that we all have cancer cells present from birth but stockpiles of B-17 from our mothers and from nutrition kill them all off since B-17 is toxic to cancer cells and only cancer cells (the highest concentration of B-17 is found in a mothers imbecile cord! Imagine the opportunities via Stem Cells!!).

His thesis was labled "quackery" by the FDA for political reasons (not on any basis of science, they couldn't disprove his work!) But once its gets labeled as such a doctor can loose his licence or be arrested for using his treatments.

Cancer is the biggest scam in modern western history. Corporations clean up cash while the Govt kills off any people it can't turn into docile homosexuals. Current rates are 1-5 I am Gay or 1-4 I get cancer.. Shoot me now. Lol.

One thing that I just learned but need to investigate further is that the Govt fucked up with the Polio vaccines. They rushed them and it had nasty mutations in the mix which basically gave tens of millions of Americans pre-cursor Cancer cells. If this was intentional I do not know but the Govt knew of the fuck up and kept it quiet.

Steve Jobs did experiment with unorthodox treatments but he was to far gone. Then I believe he reverted back to traditional at the end. What people don't realize is that Steve Jobs lived preety much 10yrs plus then he was supposed to. Many people point and say "LOOK ALT MEDACINE DOES NOT WORK" but people don't get it. I believe Steve had Pancreatic Cancer which has like a 5% survival rate and kills you off almost immediately. Steve was able to prolong his life and still work in a high stress environment for most of it... I don't call that a failure at all.

Traditional medicine is a complete joke. I have family in medicine I show them the mans work and his research they immediately get defensive and worried since its not what they learned (all we're women by the way lol) I tell them modern treatments are flawed and make no sense (2-3% rate of survival... Destroying a body down when its under attack?... Would you go to war then take away your brigades guns? And ammo?). Especially when there is no incentive for a cure, how can one expect to find it?

In regards to the video I have heard about vitamin therapy. It does make SOME sense as you are building the body up while it is under attack but it does not hit the cancel cells itself it just gives your body the strength to fight it of on its own. This seems more practically and logical then traditional treatments.


Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-20-2012 05:11 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Steve Jobs did experiment with unorthodox treatments but he was to far gone. Then I believe he reverted back to traditional at the end. What people don't realize is that Steve Jobs lived preety much 10yrs plus then he was supposed to. Many people point and say "LOOK ALT MEDACINE DOES NOT WORK" but people don't get it. I believe Steve had Pancreatic Cancer which has like a 5% survival rate and kills you off almost immediately. Steve was able to prolong his life and still work in a high stress environment for most of it... I don't call that a failure at all.

Almost completely backwards. He did 9 months of hippie remedies after diagnosis and then 11 years of actual medicine. Sounds to me like he got another decade of useful life out of it.

So all the benefits should be attributed to real doctors, unless the alternative stuff was so powerful that 9 months worth made it impossible for EVIL BIG PHARMA to poison him to death for over 10 years.

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-20-2012 05:11 AM)kosko Wrote:  


Research on cancer is being done throughout the entire world, you can't blame the FDA for everything.

If simple therapies such as "vitamins" worked, scientists would have found out about it a long time ago already. The truth is that no one in the medical field gives a hoot about vitamin supplements, heck it's not even proven that vitamine C supplementation can reduce the occurence of colds.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-20-2012 05:11 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Cancer is nonexistent in natural settings. Wild animals do not get cancer if they are kept to there natural settings

This is a very broad, and bold, statement. What evidence do you have to back this up?

It's very difficult to die of cancer in the wild when something is eating you. Since the risk of cell deregulation that leads to cancer increases with age, and since I doubt most animals in the wild live to old age, I find it difficult to believe that a low rate in cancer in wild animals is due to some sort of healthy lifestyle.

Also, who is looking for cancer in wild animals? It's not like wild animals seek out their local vet to treat the funny looking tumour on their face that arose after a vicious bite fight with another animal, as discussed in this article:
Of course recorded rates of cancer in wild animals will be low if no one is going out there to record it.

While I would not rule out that nutrient deficiency can cause cancer, you start your post with a very objectionable premise.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-21-2012 08:48 AM)Thomas the Rhymer Wrote:  

Quote: (03-20-2012 05:11 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Cancer is nonexistent in natural settings. Wild animals do not get cancer if they are kept to there natural settings

This is a very broad, and bold, statement. What evidence do you have to back this up?

It's very difficult to die of cancer in the wild when something is eating you. Since the risk of cell deregulation that leads to cancer increases with age, and since I doubt most animals in the wild live to old age, I find it difficult to believe that a low rate in cancer in wild animals is due to some sort of healthy lifestyle.

Also, who is looking for cancer in wild animals? It's not like wild animals seek out their local vet to treat the funny looking tumour on their face that arose after a vicious bite fight with another animal, as discussed in this article:
Of course recorded rates of cancer in wild animals will be low if no one is going out there to record it.

While I would not rule out that nutrient deficiency can cause cancer, you start your post with a very objectionable premise.

Listen do the research like I did. I can post links when I get on a PC. Go talk to any Aboriginal Elder. I have been lucky to grow up around a bunch they hunt freely and never once have they come across a kill which had tumors in it. Cancer only appears in animals when they are domesticated by man. This is why many Zoo animals and pets succumb to cancer while there wild bredren do not.

Animals naturally seek out certain foods when they are sick. An example is if you have a Dog and it is not feeling well it will obsessively and aggressively seek and eat grass when it is outdoors. Why? Because like I noted above certain grass species ate rich in B-17 and the dog is actively trying to replenish its self. Gorillas in captivity also if given a peach will via instincts will crack and eat the pit (rich in B-17) before the sweet fruit.

Cancer is a product of human ignorance, we are blessed being the smartest animals on earth but also the most foolish. It's no surprise when ignorance is more rampant Cancer Rates are highest. Lol.

I give examples but the theory which I base my examples of off is sound. It is unsettling to think something that hurts so many can be fixed so easily but this is how our society functions sadly. There is more incentive to destroy then to build. There is no money in natural treatments and one can't openly test proven theories as they have been blacklisted. Pharmaceuticals fund research and their publications. There is no reason for a cure to exist in their business model so millions will continue to did and suffer unessararly.

A quick stat. Since 2001 cancer has killed 19 million Americans contrast this to the 3000 whom unfortunately perished on 9/11. You would think Govt would focus resources ( the trillions wasted on war and 'security') more so in cancer because it is literally killing us like flies. Nope.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-21-2012 07:45 AM)sheesh Wrote:  

Quote: (03-20-2012 05:11 AM)kosko Wrote:  


Research on cancer is being done throughout the entire world, you can't blame the FDA for everything.

If simple therapies such as "vitamins" worked, scientists would have found out about it a long time ago already. The truth is that no one in the medical field gives a hoot about vitamin supplements, heck it's not even proven that vitamine C supplementation can reduce the occurence of colds.

You can't Patent natural remedies. There is no profit to be made. Also the govt. has made vitamin therapy illegal.

So : Companies can't profit and medical practitioners get thrown in jail if the openly practice or research these methods. there have been instances where Govt authorities have raided labs where researches we're looking into natural remedies. People think this is a joke! There is extreme money to be made off this. Don't get it twisted.

Remember the pharmaceutical industry is the second highest profiting industry after banking. Via Govt patents and money companies have pure monopolies on taking advantage off your health.

Vitamin C does help colds you need natural stuff tho as pills (absorbic acid) is to acidic to take in high doses. Vitamins don't start doing good till you take grams. When I have a cold I'll down about 9000%!! Worth of natural vitamin C... Take a nap and wake up fine or at 90%.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-21-2012 02:22 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (03-21-2012 07:45 AM)sheesh Wrote:  

Quote: (03-20-2012 05:11 AM)kosko Wrote:  


Research on cancer is being done throughout the entire world, you can't blame the FDA for everything.

If simple therapies such as "vitamins" worked, scientists would have found out about it a long time ago already. The truth is that no one in the medical field gives a hoot about vitamin supplements, heck it's not even proven that vitamine C supplementation can reduce the occurence of colds.

You can't Patent natural remedies. There is no profit to be made. Also the govt. has made vitamin therapy illegal.

So : Companies can't profit and medical practitioners get thrown in jail if the openly practice or research these methods. there have been instances where Govt authorities have raided labs where researches we're looking into natural remedies. People think this is a joke! There is extreme money to be made off this. Don't get it twisted.

Remember the pharmaceutical industry is the second highest profiting industry after banking. Via Govt patents and money companies have pure monopolies on taking advantage off your health.

Vitamin C does help colds you need natural stuff tho as pills (absorbic acid) is to acidic to take in high doses. Vitamins don't start doing good till you take grams. When I have a cold I'll down about 9000%!! Worth of natural vitamin C... Take a nap and wake up fine or at 90%.

Well thats because when you take vitamins in pill form, your body only absorbs a minute percentage of it.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-21-2012 02:22 PM)kosko Wrote:  

You can't Patent natural remedies. There is no profit to be made.

Aspirin. Willow bark extract. US Patent 644,077 issued February 27, 1900. Wrote:

aspirin's profitability led to fierce competition and the proliferation of aspirin brands and products

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

apparently kiwi fruits have like 1 and a half times the recommended daily vitamin C dose.

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?


Listen do the research like I did. I can post links when I get on a PC.

If you can post the links that would be great, I wouldn't mind having a look. I'm busy with my own research and things so rather than duplicate your research, rather share your own with us.


Go talk to any Aboriginal Elder. I have been lucky to grow up around a bunch they hunt freely and never once have they come across a kill which had tumors in it.

Firstly, is an Aboriginal Elder qualified to diagnose cancer in wild animals? I've seen patients with advanced cancerous tumours pointing to them and asking me, 'Doc, do you think it's serious?' If a patient cannot recognise a tumour on his own leg, why would non-veterinarian be assumed to be able to recognise a tumour in animal he killed?

Secondly, if they are killing the wild animals, how are those wild animals going to develop a cancer? They're not living long enough to develop it.


Cancer only appears in animals when they are domesticated by man. This is why many Zoo animals and pets succumb to cancer while there wild bredren do not.

I understood that this was because zoo animals enter ripe old age because of the veterinary care they receive. Wild animals have much shorter lifespans, and don't get a chance to reach cancer-prone old age.


Animals naturally seek out certain foods when they are sick. An example is if you have a Dog and it is not feeling well it will obsessively and aggressively seek and eat grass when it is outdoors. Why? Because like I noted above certain grass species ate rich in B-17 and the dog is actively trying to replenish its self. Gorillas in captivity also if given a peach will via instincts will crack and eat the pit (rich in B-17) before the sweet fruit.

The animal arguments are not really relevant. Animal models do not always translate well into humans. Certain medications work in some animals but are useless in humans.

Even in humans, there are a lot inter-personal differences in the way people react to medications. What helps one will hinder another. And kids are always a headache, because I have to constantly double-check medications to make sure their kiddy metabolisms can handle it. So even between your childhood and adult physiology there are substantial differences even though the one grows into the other.

So if research points to success in animal models you still need to show its helpful to humans.

Links to the research please. You've read all the research, so share it and break it down for us. You feel passionate about it, so let's see what you're basing your passion on.

Which vitamin B17 supplement would you recommend, or what dose of vitamin B17 rich food would you recommend per day?

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Here's a video of Bill Gates talking about using vaccines to reduce human population at TED:

To think this asshole is being praised for helping people and his intention is to get rid of people. He even jokes about it in the video.

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