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Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

krainian women

1.Appearance.Polish look slightly better they are taller and have bigger breasts.However more Ukrainian girls are on the slim side.(there is a relatively bigger invasion of fast food to Poland).
2.Easiness to approach:The same.Polish are definetely easier to approach in clubs and Ukrainian girls on street
3.One night stands:The same.Same frequency.Especially in Kiev it is very likely to get one night stands.

4.Expenses needed:You need to spend more in Ukraine.Prices for same quality goods are higher and girls uncomprom ised(want dinner in expensive restaurant,expensive cocktails in cafe etc)
5.Bisexual girls:More in Ukraine.Both polish and ukrainian will present you their girlfriends who will be also interested.However ukrainian put out much more quickly.

6.Behaviour:polish generally is better.Ukrainian simply lack class(even in Kiev).Although many polish girls come from villages and lack grace by western standards Ukrainian women totally lack even some basic social skills in some cases they can appear rather weird and mental.

Of course neither polish nor Ukrainian reach the high standards of behaviour and class shown by Russian women(they really know how to please a man and can stand perfectly they give out their best self)

7.Cheating:Both cheat their boyfriends and husbands however polish are more likely to cheat(in reality girls in Ukraine who have not married till 25 years of age especially in province have some character or appearance defect).

8.Foreigner status:Higher in Ukraine although it is still quite good in Poland.

9.DancingTongueolish women dance better than ukrainian.However in Ukraine you may see 30 girls dancing in disco with no men at all around sth which is almost never seen in Poland

10.Sponsoring:More widespread in Ukraine although polish girls also get sponsored in mass especially abroad.Both polish and ukrainian get money from different guys(we talk here about gold diggers not the whole population).

11.Sexual performance.Polish girls are definitely better.The polish BJ is top in Europe.Ukrainian women also try to please but lack the talent of polish.

12.IntelligenceTongueolish women are definetly more intelligent than ukrainian(average IQ in Poland 105 in Ukraine 96) however ukrainian women tend to display higher street intelligence(survival instinct).

13.Marriage perspectiveTongueolish want definitely to marry.They will joke to you about that.Ukrainian also in some cases but they do not express it so quickly in general.

14.Virginity.A small percentage of polish girls(10-20%) remain virgin till marriage due to catholic tradition(vaginal virginity only).This is not the case in Ukraine where over 19 years old there are practically no virgins.

15.Men:Both polish and Ukrainian men are quite hideous.They are the worst looking men in Europe and have terrible style.However in comparison between the two polish look slightly better(at least they have money to enter the disco while Ukrainian men do not).Both tend to excessive alcohol consumption,beat their women often and have no style or whatever.Polish can be quite funny in some cases Ukrainian are more of the mob type.Generally an Ukrainian or Russian man treats a woman like some kind of cat or dog who listens his orders however they can be quite smooth in some cases because they are used to women.In my opinion one of the reasons they both resort to alcohol is apart from the cold climate in both countries(Ukraine is colder) the mental behavior of their women the often cheating. whoich can be endured only by alcohol

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Other differences:

1.AffectionismTongueolish do better in this regard.They will kiss you for hours wrap their legs around yours(classic polish girls position with her legs on yours in sofa),they will be insatibale for sex.Ukrainian show extreme fluctuations of mood and you have to be prepared for the worst.I remember a girl who left me 4 times in the hotel so heavy are the mental games they like to play.

2.Dressing.Ukrainian tend to dress super feminine and sexy with mini skirts etc.Polish tend to show lots of breast and wear very tight clothes to tone their curves and show their bellies quite often as well.The polish appearance is more directly appealing to sex but Ukrainian can wear things that will blow you totally out(like fishnet blouses with no bra,coming to club with bra only on,or coming to club dressed only in shirt and string and no skirt at all.

3.Anal:80% of polish girls do anal.In Ukraine it is more close to 30%.

4.Swallowing.Very common in Ukraine not so common in Poland.Ukrainian girls ask more often for condoms(HIV carriers rate in Ukraine is 1% the highest in Europe however this mainly regards Odessa due to its international port nature).

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Poland it is then!!!

80% of Polish girl do anal? That seems pretty high. I grew up catholic, and Colombia is an extreme Catholic country, but Colombian girls do not do anal there in those type of numbers just for being Catholic


Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Of course they will not do anal from first time but with time they will put it out.Ukrainian are more likely to swallow from first time.For other perversions polish are more open.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:45 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Of course they will not do anal from first time but with time they will put it out.

Ummm...that can be said about any woman from any religion or country.

So, with an undefined amount of time, 70% of Ukraine women will NOT do anal, but 80% of Polish women will? I know you are pulling these numbers out of your ass, but that does not make sense.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

What about Belarussian Girls?

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:47 PM)DrainTree Wrote:  

What about Belarussian Girls?

The way he puts it, Belorussian girls will do anal too, given "enough time" to decide to do any other girl from <insert country here>


Polish vs Ukrainian girls

I have written about Belarussian girls in Belarus datasheet.What I mean is that 80% of polish girls have tried anal while only 30% of Ukrainian have tried it or to put it differently your chance for anal with polish girl is 80% if you are in relationship.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Greek kamaki, which cities in Ukraine are you talking about? Are they East or West Ukraine? They're very different; East Ukraine is more similar to Russia, while West Ukraine is more similar to Poland.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:38 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

3.Anal:80% of polish girls do anal.In Ukraine it is more close to 30%.

4.Swallowing.Very common in Ukraine not so common in Poland.Ukrainian girls ask more often for condoms(HIV carriers rate in Ukraine is 1% the highest in Europe however this mainly regards Odessa due to its international port nature).

Good info.

This 16yr old I have been seeing asked for it in the ass the first time I fucked her, which is unheard of. Then again she has had previous foreigner boyfriends up to 43 years old.

Finished with her yesterday, she's really into me but I can't string her along any more, it's not fair.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-25-2012 08:47 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Greek kamaki, which cities in Ukraine are you talking about? Are they East or West Ukraine? They're very different; East Ukraine is more similar to Russia, while West Ukraine is more similar to Poland.

I agree, we have to stop talking about Ukraine as a whole. The West and East are almost different countries(and were not so long ago)

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

I have already refered to the differences between eastern and western Ukraine and Kiev.

I could say the same for example USA is not the same everywhere I am sure there are differences between wesetrn and eastern coast.Aslo Germany is not the same there are strong differences between the North the South and the East.However Germany as a whole is quite different than Poland and Ukraine is closer to Poland than Germany is toi Poland but there are differences between Ukraine as a whole and Poland as a whole(and polish girls in eastern Poland or Northern Poland are different than girls in western Poland this does not mean you cannot talk about Poland as whole.I agree however that the difference between eastern and western Poland is smaller than the difference between eastern and western Ukraine).

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:41 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Poland it is then!!!

80% of Polish girl do anal? That seems pretty high. I grew up catholic, and Colombia is an extreme Catholic country, but Colombian girls do not do anal there in those type of numbers just for being Catholic


The Philippines is very Catholic country but i banged 4 out of 15 girls there up the bum. Some of those 15 were one night stands but im pretty sure i could bang them up the bum too given a bit more time with them.

@Greek kamaki, How do you come up with all your percentages, do you have any links to sources or is it all personal experience ? If its personal experience, how many Polish,Russian,Ukranian,Belarussian girls have you personally had sex with ?? Numbers please !

Where do you get all your knowledge from ? work ? study ? wishful thinking ?

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Personal experience.I currently have 4 polish girlfriends in Athens two of them I bang together.

In Ukraine I have travelled about 12 times and stayed there 60 days on the whole(some travels were 2 days only).During these 60 days I banged about 25 Ukrainian women.

In Poland I have travelled 5 times and stayed there 20 days.I have banged 15 polish girls but some of them on vaccation here.

To Belarus I travelled one time for a week and banged two girls.

I have banged 4 Russian girls and been in Russia one time.

I had also some Russian and Belarussian girlfriends in Germany where I stayed for 6 months.

I went 12 times to Czech Republic have stayed there about 90 days on the whole and have banged 15 Czech girls.I bring some of them to Greece in summer.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Another one of these bullshit generalised posts. You cannot psychologically profile an entire nation of people like this all the time.

Stats on anal sex now? Really? 25 Ukrainian women in 60 days? Unless you are fucking middle aged beasts, there is no way in hell you can legitimately clock those numbers as a bloody tourist. The more I read your posts though, the more it reads as if you are banging out hookers. And no big deal if you are dude, I dont care nor do I judge you, but the game is different if you are directly paying for it and the results are different, which makes a lot of the advice you are passing off irrelevant to guys who wont be paying for or directly sponsoring women.

Im willing to bet when you are not paying for it, you are positioning yourself as a potential sponsor for these girls upfront.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

We have discussed the issue of sponsoring in another thread.As I have written before few girls in western Ukraine ask for money but it is almost granted that you give some kind of gift or small present in cities like Dnepropetrovsk,Donetsk etc.Also in Kiev a good meal with clubbing in high end club drinks etc with girls can easily come up to 200 euro.

Anyway if you noticed I travelled there 15 times so I had prearranged contacts in many of these cases who had agreed to stay in apartment.For example now I have a bisexual couple waiting for me in Kiev.If I come there for a weekend they will spend one night in my apartment and the next day I will meet some internet contacts and go for clubbing.Even if internet contacts fail to put out in first date I still have the chance of one night stand in clubbing.(Where I approach in mass).

Even if that fails I still will have banged two girls in a two day period.So if I do this 15 times I get 30 girls in 30 days.So my number 25 girls in 60 days(maybe 70 now when I think about duration of travels) is not so high as it seems.In fact it is normal and it has come down by choice to not stay in Kiev for long to cut out expenses that is given the choice to bang two girls in Kiev in a weekend and spend the same which you would spend in province for one week also banging two girls sometimes I prefered the province to enjoy more time.

In any of these travels anything less than 1 girl/3 days is less than ideal.If you do not hit this target you have to change destination because there are better ones.If you get 1 girl every two days in one city and two girls every three days in another you may think about it.

1 girl every 7 days I can easily get on vaccations close here which will cost me 400 euro on the whole so why mind spending on travelling to Ukraine where you have to spend at least 1000 euro on the trip(to province) for one week if all you can bang is one girl per week?

Quality of girls I bang is in the high 10% of Ukrainian standards I have never reached top 5% or top 1% probably because of time limitation.I am sure if I stayed there for one month I would get some girls in the top 5%.If I stayed for one month I would bang about 10-15 girls(one per 3 days at least) and spend about 3500 euro.(1000 euro per week with the air tickets included).(dating expenses,apartments,hotel rooms to bang,some presents,tickets to other cities etc).

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-27-2012 03:36 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

We have discussed the issue of sponsoring in another thread.As I have written before few girls in western Ukraine ask for money but it is almost granted that you give some kind of gift or small present in cities like Dnepropetrovsk,Donetsk etc.Also in Kiev a good meal with clubbing in high end club drinks etc with girls can easily come up to 200 euro.

Anyway if you noticed I travelled there 15 times so I had prearranged contacts in many of these cases who had agreed to stay in apartment.For example now I have a bisexual couple waiting for me in Kiev.If I come there for a weekend they will spend one night in my apartment and the next day I will meet some internet contacts and go for clubbing.Even if internet contacts fail to put out in first date I still have the chance of one night stand in clubbing.(Where I approach in mass).

Even if that fails I still will have banged two girls in a two day period.So if I do this 15 times I get 30 girls in 30 days.So my number 25 girls in 60 days(maybe 70 now when I think about duration of travels) is not so high as it seems.In fact it is normal and it has come down by choice to not stay in Kiev for long to cut out expenses that is given the choice to bang two girls in Kiev in a weekend and spend the same which you would spend in province for one week also banging two girls sometimes I prefered the province to enjoy more time.

In any of these travels anything less than 1 girl/3 days is less than ideal.If you do not hit this target you have to change destination because there are better ones.If you get 1 girl every two days in one city and two girls every three days in another you may think about it.

1 girl every 7 days I can easily get on vaccations close here which will cost me 400 euro on the whole so why mind spending on travelling to Ukraine where you have to spend at least 1000 euro on the trip(to province) for one week if all you can bang is one girl per week?

Quality of girls I bang is in the high 10% of Ukrainian standards I have never reached top 5% or top 1% probably because of time limitation.I am sure if I stayed there for one month I would get some girls in the top 5%.If I stayed for one month I would bang about 10-15 girls(one per 3 days at least) and spend about 3500 euro.(1000 euro per week with the air tickets included).(dating expenses,apartments,hotel rooms to bang,some presents,tickets to other cities etc).

There are 3 possibilities here :

1) Greek kamaki has top 1% model looks combined with a Michelangelo statue shaped body, throws lots of money around and has tremendous game.

2) Greek Kamaki is the Eastern European equivalent of Mixx. A well trained,fanatical and ruthless gamer capable of speaking multiple languages and blessed with good looks.

3) Greek kamaki is a troll who likes to brag online about how he fucks a russian/ukrainian 7 -8 every two days including organizing orgys (wild story thread) and threesomes all the time.

I think option 1 and 2 are ruled out by the simple fact that i still have to read his first gaming advice or tips and tricks which me and many other here don't regard as bullshit.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

I did not reach this level in one night.I have Eastern Block experience from 1999.Things changed dramatically in Czech Republic,Slovakia,Hungary after then and in Ukraine,Russia after 2003.(they had been hit by the crisis in 1999).

I do not get what you mean by game.In these countries the conversations with women are very simple so you do not need any particular game.What matters more is choice of the best city and season,logistics,right amount of money,quality of clothes and shoes,desire for adventure,initiative,flexibility,working out the internet before,being able to endure sleepless nights and continuous bangings,psychological coolness so you can alternate between totally different situations(from hell to heaven and back I may describe some) and of course knowledge of local languages.

After being exercised with girls and spent an amount of time studying alone I can speak czech,polish and Russian in conversational level which is more than enough.I try to improve my knowledge by chatting with girls etc.

About money spent I have refered analytically to that issue.There are guys who spend more and some who spend less.To each with his own taste.

My looks are good in all these countries I am taken as a foreigner Slav.In Ukraine and Belarus they think I am Pole and in Poland they often take me for Ukrainian or Czech.In Russia everyone supposes I am Russian.So I do not have any problems with locals they mostly are friendly invite me for drinks etc the only case of bad experience was when I was taken as Ukrainian by the railway stuff in Poland the level of abuse was unbelievable.

My looks in general are a good asset when dealing with girls I had success with German,Swedish,English girls on vacations mainly because of looks).

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:41 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Poland it is then!!!

80% of Polish girl do anal? That seems pretty high. I grew up catholic, and Colombia is an extreme Catholic country, but Colombian girls do not do anal there in those type of numbers just for being Catholic


Are you guys forgetting that Brazil is a catholic country(the largest catholic pop. on earth)? Don't know if there is something to do with religion but there are small-town conservative chicks here who think that giving the ass is "ok" while the pussy is a sacred hole to be locked until marriage.

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-27-2012 07:32 AM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

there are small-town conservative chicks here who think that giving the ass is "ok" while the pussy is a sacred hole to be locked until marriage.

OMG!!! Bust out a data sheet of these small towns. player!! [Image: lol.gif]

You been holding out on us, and now, you're busted!!! Cough it up!!!

BTW, is socorro one of these small towns with girls who love anal sex?


Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-27-2012 04:40 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Quote: (02-27-2012 03:36 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

We have discussed the issue of sponsoring in another thread.As I have written before few girls in western Ukraine ask for money but it is almost granted that you give some kind of gift or small present in cities like Dnepropetrovsk,Donetsk etc.Also in Kiev a good meal with clubbing in high end club drinks etc with girls can easily come up to 200 euro.

Anyway if you noticed I travelled there 15 times so I had prearranged contacts in many of these cases who had agreed to stay in apartment.For example now I have a bisexual couple waiting for me in Kiev.If I come there for a weekend they will spend one night in my apartment and the next day I will meet some internet contacts and go for clubbing.Even if internet contacts fail to put out in first date I still have the chance of one night stand in clubbing.(Where I approach in mass).

Even if that fails I still will have banged two girls in a two day period.So if I do this 15 times I get 30 girls in 30 days.So my number 25 girls in 60 days(maybe 70 now when I think about duration of travels) is not so high as it seems.In fact it is normal and it has come down by choice to not stay in Kiev for long to cut out expenses that is given the choice to bang two girls in Kiev in a weekend and spend the same which you would spend in province for one week also banging two girls sometimes I prefered the province to enjoy more time.

In any of these travels anything less than 1 girl/3 days is less than ideal.If you do not hit this target you have to change destination because there are better ones.If you get 1 girl every two days in one city and two girls every three days in another you may think about it.

1 girl every 7 days I can easily get on vaccations close here which will cost me 400 euro on the whole so why mind spending on travelling to Ukraine where you have to spend at least 1000 euro on the trip(to province) for one week if all you can bang is one girl per week?

Quality of girls I bang is in the high 10% of Ukrainian standards I have never reached top 5% or top 1% probably because of time limitation.I am sure if I stayed there for one month I would get some girls in the top 5%.If I stayed for one month I would bang about 10-15 girls(one per 3 days at least) and spend about 3500 euro.(1000 euro per week with the air tickets included).(dating expenses,apartments,hotel rooms to bang,some presents,tickets to other cities etc).

There are 3 possibilities here :

1) Greek kamaki has top 1% model looks combined with a Michelangelo statue shaped body, throws lots of money around and has tremendous game.

2) Greek Kamaki is the Eastern European equivalent of Mixx. A well trained,fanatical and ruthless gamer capable of speaking multiple languages and blessed with good looks.

3) Greek kamaki is a troll who likes to brag online about how he fucks a russian/ukrainian 7 -8 every two days including organizing orgys (wild story thread) and threesomes all the time.

I think option 1 and 2 are ruled out by the simple fact that i still have to read his first gaming advice or tips and tricks which me and many other here don't regard as bullshit.

Yes Neil, I agree that option number 3 seems the most likely. But though Greek Kamaki is not the most eloquent and persuasive poster on this forum and often borders on charlatanism and silly arguments, I get the feeling he is genuine. Id bet 1000 dollars that, at a minimum, 80 percent of what he says, about his experiences, is true.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

I simply dare to write what the others do not.So some may say shit I cannot believe I am reading that.It is the shock value.

Anyway if the others dare we may post photos of the girls we banged(maybe just naked body without face showing) so we will see who tells the truth and who not.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-27-2012 12:28 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I simply dare to write what the others do not.So some may say shit I cannot believe I am reading that.It is the shock value.

Anyway if the others dare we may post photos of the girls we banged(maybe just naked body without face showing) so we will see who tells the truth and who not.

Well, i have my own website with hundreds of pictures and have posted a few naked girls on this forum too. I blurred out the faces on the pictures on my website since i was getting lawsuits and people trying to take my site down. I also got death threats. My face is still plastered all over the net.

I'm waiting for the many naked pictures you must have after banging tons of Eastern European girls and doing threesomes and orgies. Post a picture of yourself too while you're at it. I still have my doubts about you. Sometimes you write good believable posts and sometimes its utter bullshit. Your grammar is different also is multiple posts, sometimes you use difficult words and type hard to read texts, sometimes not and lots of spelling/grammar errors. Its like i'm reading posts from two different posters.

When you started posting here i thought that you might be a ripped and handsome surfer dude or local exotic Casanova banging lots of EE girls who are on holiday in Greece. Maybe one every week or two weeks That's what i understand from your early posts.

Now all you are posting about is going on holidays in the EE countries yourself and banging a new girl every 2 or 3 days and about arriving and banging the first night.
Many others on this forum seem to have problems getting Same Night Lays from EE girls.

And you are posting about buying presents for the girls and taking them on 200 euro dinner dates. That's not gaming in my opinion but paying a girl in other ways than money. That's up to you but its not gaming/picking up.

All we read from you is generalizations about whole nations and even how short girls cant do anal because their ass is closer to the brain. ( yes really) or some other hilarious stuff about differences between short and tall girls. I hit my face on my desk in belief after reading that post.

EE girls are a very wanted species here on this forum. Its seems that your are the expert on this. Please bust out detailed data sheets on EXACTLY how to pick up EE girls. Routines,techniques,inner game, body language, the works. I'm curious after traveling for 2 and half months in Russia and Kazakhstan all by train and having had 3 Russian girls, two were girlsfriends.
My gaming strong point is my palette of conversational topics, what do you talk about with girls ? All you say is that EE girls are kinda dumb and don't have much to talk about.

What is your line of work ?, your age? Which dating sites do you use ?

Well, you have enough to write about. I'm waiting for your highly detailed data sheets and many pictures of you with girls and /or naked chicks.

Yes, i'm calling you out. Answer the questions and i will be man enough to apologize to you if not... I have one more trick up my sleeve and will ignore contact with you.

I will have a look on the forum tomorrow since i already wasted 45 minutes of book writing time on this rant/post.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Maybe it is because of my English but you seem to have misinterpreted much of what I wrote.The difference in quality of posts is due to becoming tired when I become tired I do not control the gramar so good.

I wrote that short girls have smaller nerve fibers so the stimulus reaches the brain faster.That is why they have more sensitivity and their body makes them more flexible during sex.It does not have to do with the random observation that taller girls are more prone to anal than shorter girls.

I also wrote that if you get into a Kiev club with women you are likely to spend over 200 euro if you stay there all night.I did not talk about dinner but about club expenses and everyone who has been there will agree with me.

I did not write that slavic girls are dumb just that conversation with them is simple due to the fact that most of them speak elementary English and most of us speak basic conversational Russian so you cannot really tell sth really complicated it is due to language restrains.However simple lines still work(often due to mutual misinterpretation the girl supposes that you say another thing than you actually say and you suppose she is different than she actually is judgeing by what she says in the simple mode).

I do not want to reveal myself by posting photos of myself because all these can have repercursions.As you say one may get lawsuits.

About the places I pick up the girls yes I pick up them both in resorts and in travels.One does not exclude the others.I cannot pick them up in resorts during winter because resorts are empty.I do not get in July August to pick up them in their home countries because by then they are in resorts.The one does not exclude the other.

One girl every three days is not a big deal at all.If you spend 1000-1500 euro per travel for one week to bang 2 girls it is not a high success rate.High success is to bang one or two girls every single day.

I have already analyzed expenses needed in Kiev and in other cities.If you do not spend you have to stay with one girl at her house one week and this means you will see no other girls.

I do not understand this hatred when I give detailed information and very focused I mean who has written this stuff before.You will see that many will use my quotes and observations as theirs.They will be the same who now condemn me.It happens all the time.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Routines:Simple conversation.Opener:Are you from Poland,Ukraine,Russia?

Techniques:Quick calibration.It is very easy.I will write analytically how you understand that Ukrainian girls are in.They get horny preorgasmic expression just when you start talking to them and they like you.It is unbelievable.

Inner game:My inner game is:I am Balkan,dominant,unstoppable.I will make my presence felt here noone can stop me.Try if you can.I usually remember some ancient heroes of ours like Leonidas etc and how they were never scared of the enemy.I attack with no hesitation.

Body language:I have explained about polish girls.They come closer from 20 cm from your face if they like you and start breathing so that you feel their breath in your face.I will describe the body language of Ukrainian,Russian and Czech girls if there is interest about that.

I did not know that there was so much interest about slavic girls.They are considered the easiest here.I resorted to them when I became older.

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