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Online Marketing and Passive Income Thread

Online Marketing and Passive Income Thread

A question about making a site that gathers info from other sites.

I know it is uncool to post entire articles, but doing a couple of paragraphs and then making it link to original site is cool correct?

With videos is it ok to embed? Or best to make a description and link to the original? Sometimes, I have noticed on RVF a youtube video will be embedded but when you click on it something like, "the author has made this onluy viewable on his site" or something to that effect. Anyway to embed in such a way when it is clicked it goes to source site?

I plan on gathering info about certain subject matters, a one stop shop so to say. But leveraging off existing articles, etc. If there is enough traffic, I could make ad revenue from the traffic correct?

I am striving for something like vivlamanospher but not about the manosphere.


Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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